The Leader Newspaper 3 July 2023 – Edition 978

Page 17


On 28 June, New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village, brutally dragging customers and staff out of the venue. The date is now recognised as Pride Day around the world, and the month of June is known as Pride Month, where the community, now correctly referred to as LGBTIQA+, can come together and be proud of who they are.

However, despite the passage of over half a century of time, many feel that the progress achieved for the community has started a dangerous reversal, led in Spain by the far-right VOX group, who are against gay relationships, to the extent that they want to revoke the same-sex marriage laws, and as we have already seen with their new collaborations with the PP, even want to banish the symbolism of the community, namely the rainbow flag.

Vox leader, Santiago Abascal, pledged to curtail gay pride parades, heaped ridicule on diversity lessons, and has even drawn parallels between homosexuality and bestiality, and this week claimed the rainbow flag is a symbol of paedophiles.

One of the first PP and VOX agreements was in the Valencia town of Náquera, and one of their first acts to affirm the collaboration was an immediate ban on displaying rainbow flags, introduced during Pride Month.

Although, with a PSOE led campaign, residents adorned as many buildings as possible with the rainbow flag, and even a hefty protests through the streets, so although the intention may have backfired, the notion still stands, because the PP there has facilitated such hatred.


No 978 Monday 3rd- Sunday 9th July 2023 637
Now in our 20th year of keeping people safe and informed - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper P P R R II DE DE ... ... In In the the F F ace ace of of A A dv dv ersity ersity
227 385


Locally, Orihuela held a Gay Pride march on Thursday, despite the fears and concern that the coalition between PP and Vox has aroused, and even though, as a result of their welcoming of Vox, the Department of Equality-LGTBI will disappear, not forgetting they have put an anti-immigration representative in charge of the International Residents department.

It was however evident that the rainbow flags on the town hall were somewhat diminished, as the usual display was replaced by a very small, token flag on the door, rather than using the flagpoles or balconies of previous years, which was even the case under the PP.

In Torrevieja, there is a similar story, but with a darker history. The PSOE councillor, Domingo Pérez, organised Pride events in the town previously, but the celebrations of the gay community were not only suppressed by the PP, they were abusive. The former mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, now a convicted criminal, insulted a Spanish singer, Miguel Bose, with homophobic slurs, resulting in the very popular performer cancelling his concert, and Torrevieja being branded as homophobic. The direct result being the majority of gay-centric businesses in the town closed and moved else-

where, taking many of the residents with them, and of course taking the so-called pink pound away from Torrevieja.

Despite never speaking out to condemn the homophobia of his mentor, nor has he been seen to be supportive of the community during his time in office, the current mayor, Eduardo Dolón, did make an election promise this time to the Torrevieja Diversa LGTBIQ+ group, and, so far, has allowed the resurrection of the PSOE initiative, the celebration of Torrevieja Pride, and as a senior PP politician, perhaps facing off against his party, both nationally and regionally, in doing so.

Torrevieja Pride 2023 began on Wednesday, Pride Day, with the institutional celebration in the Plaza de la Constitución where Dolón was present, along with Pablo Samper from Sueña Torrevieja, although a stronger and more supportive image would have been to have included the entire Government team.

With smaller events through the week, the main attractions are on Thursday 6 July in La Mata, with performances, then, the main event, is on Saturday 8 July, the Great Torrevieja Pride Party 2023, which will be held on Paseo Vista Alegre.

For a full analysis, visit


Oh, the music was plucking my heartstrings, Each note a blown kiss to my soul, Those beautiful lyrics of whimsy, As the rhapsodies over me stole.

To haunt and beguile all my senses, And weave their fine web with their spell, But I knew as he danced and he held me, He was thinking and dreaming as well.

Of a love that was past the horizon, Beyond but before every dawn. He dwells on the day and the darkness, When sickness had brought him to mourn.

The music that tore at my heartstrings, With its raptures that set me to flame, But I knew as we danced he was with her, And I heard as he whispered her name.

'Candida, Candida, I love you', So whispered my Lord of the Dance, For his heart was a Partner to Dreaming, He glided as though in a trance.

'My soul, it is yours, it is with you, In heaven beyond earthly care, And the beautiful music we dance to, Is the music that lifts me up there.'

To see your poem published send to:


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637 227 385



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“THE LORD OF THE DANCE” Michael Walsh Poetry
Eduardo Dolón with Pablo Samper from Sueña Torrevieja


It is reported that the new Orihuela coalition government, comprising of PP and Vox, intend to annul the bidding processes for perhaps the two most important Orihuela Costa contracts, those for the Chiringuito beach bars and the maintenance and conservation contract for green areas and parks. They state that as the written specifications are not viable, starting from scratch in both cases could mean that the process will not be completed until the end of the year.

The chiringuito contract expired in January, and while the previous government completed the specifications, they did not make the award. The result is that there have been no beach bars, nor any of their associated services, sunbeds, umbrellas, pedal boats, warning buoys or other requirements.

They say that their aim is that the current specifications will be replaced by plans whereby the beach bars are tendered by groups of beaches (lots), instead of as one single contract, as a result of which the complexity of preparing the new specifications will cause the closure of the beach bars throughout 2023. The urgent matter now is that the water sports and beaconing service be provided through a smaller contract, which is currently in preparation.

However, at least the toilets should be opened next week as the contract to provide the facility, plus cleaning and maintenance has been completed, so everything should be ready for the start of the service during the coming days.

Meanwhile, although the chiringuito contract is all proving rather too difficult, the new councillor for the coast, Manuel Mestre, has said that he is studying the possibility of putting a beverage service and food trucks on the beaches, providing it can be authorised by Costas.

As for the contract for the maintenance of parks and gardens, with a budget of 1.9 million euros for five non-renewable years, in total almost 10 million euros, despite the preparatory work done by the previous government, it is considered that it will again be necessary to start from scratch.

The contracting committee, given the complexity, has again requested that an external, independent and specialized body, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, prepares a technical report to assess the proposals submitted by the bidders (the UTE Doalco-Agricultores de la Vega de Valencia, STV Gestión-

Evocivil Gestión y Actua Servicios y Ambiente).

Another controversial contract, the maintenance of roads on the Coast, is also no further forward because the successful bidder has not received supplies from the City Council for many months as, despite a brand new contract for materials being put out to tender, there were no bidders.

On Thursday the Cabo Roig and Lomas Neighborhood Association met with General Mestre, to present their own urgent shock plan, something that the new mayor of the municipality, Pepe Vegara, promised in his campaign, along with the creation of a specific department for the coast. Although his manifesto promise has not been met, that the coastal department would be led by a resident of the Coast, the neighborhood association has said that it is willing to work with Mestre, who has also agreed to meet up with members on Monday, when he will be taken on a tour of the Orihuela Costa, to look at some of the most critical points where action must be taken.

Undoubtedly, one of the central issues, essential to undertake any plan, is financing, so they have proposed that it be done through the council’s treasury surplus – the amount that has not been spent.

However, Mestre has said that this could not be done in time, given the administrative processing it requires, so the necessary funds will have to be obtained through credit transfers from other available budget areas.

In turn, the councillor has said that the government plans to approve this year's finances in September and it is already working on those for 2024. Both will have specific budgets for Orihuela Costa.

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General Mestre, left, with members of AVCRL. IMAGECOURTESYAVCRL


This weekend, Spain took over the Presidency of the European Union, relieving Sweden of the duty, and will now focus on the key objectives in driving the member states for the next six months.

Spain has identified four priorities for the work under its presidency of the Council, which are to reindustrialise the EU, advance in the green transition, promote social and economic justice, and strengthen European unity.

In case you want to think a little further ahead than this week, next in line in the six-month cycle is Belgium, then Hungary, and Poland. Closer to home, Ireland takes over in July 2026. Meanwhile, back to today, as we are not only starting a new week but also a new month, the data for June from the manufacturing PMI for Spain, Italy, France, Germany, the euro area as a whole, the United Kingdom, the US, Japan and China will be the main reference for a day in which Wall Street will open only half a session due to Independence Day celebrations.

At the business level, Endesa, Redeia and Inmobiliaria del Sur pay dividends today. We will also find out about tourism, as the INE publishes the occupancy survey in tourist accommodation and prices for May.

In the UK, on Tuesday, Rishi Sunak makes his third appearance before the Liaison Committee. Home Affairs Committee chair Diana Johnson is up first, with Ukraine and security matters top of the agenda, but expected to return to the subject of “small boats”, and the ruling that the Rwanda deportation policy is unlawful. The deadline to appeal that ruling is later this week, Thursday to be precise.

Torrevieja increases councillor salaries

The Official Gazette of the Alicante Province has published details of the new salaries for the new mandate of the Torrevieja council, for secretaries and the 25 positions of trust, which are still to be designated: the chief of staff of the Mayor's Office, the press chief and the technical director of the council, with a remuneration each of 43,700 euros gross per year; protocol and institutional relations (30,000); Municipal Institute of Culture, Advisors of Works and Tourism (28,000); advisors of Social Welfare, press, municipal school of theatre, international residents, institutional image, Security and Youth (27,000), Culture, Social Goods and Festivals (23,700). They were published in a plenary session which has also approved, the salaries of the

25 councillors (six of them have renounced a municipal salary to maintain their professional activity), with a rise of 3%.

Councillors who perform their functions with exclusive dedication - may not have another activity with salary - will charge 3,800 euros per month for the position of deputy mayor, 3,600 euros if a councillor with a specific office and 2,900 if a councillor without delegation. The amounts in the previous mandate were E3,712, E3,495 and E2,838 respectively.

The PSOE spokeswoman, Barbara Soler, will receive a salary of 2,900 euros per month while neither Salvador Ruso, number one of Vox, nor Pablo Samper, of Sueña, will receive a salary, although both voted in favour of the increase.

Spain will preside over Europe until the end of the year

The cost of living and inflation are also expected to be raised, especially as the UK Government is still blaming all of the things that affect other countries with much lower inflation, and isn´t able to address either the elephant in every room (Brexit), nor the fact that financial experts say it is company profiteering raising inflation in the UK, not wages, contrary to the Government’s mantra. Whilst some of the country is in ashes, Emmanuel Macron pays a state visit to Germany on Monday and Tuesday, as the two countries continue to mend relations following

disagreements last year, notably over energy and defence issues, that led to a delay in their annual joint cabinet meeting.

For sports fans, Wimbledon begins on Monday, and the third Ashes test on Thursday, as well as the UK athletics championship at the weekend.

You might also be interested to note that Friday marks a year since Boris Johnson resigned as Conservate party leader. This week is also alcohol awareness week. We are in no way suggesting those two facts are linked.

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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

With many unable to attend, and with others prevented from attending, approximately 30 members from the former Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion were present at last Thursday evening’s meeting, called by the District committee, to decide on their future.

Flown in from Antwerp was the Overseas Member, Bob Chambers, and from London, the MEO Overseas, Fiona Hedges. Members made the point that that their attendance, at a substantial cost to the RBL, was completely unnecessary.

Although the decision on the branch future was taken by a vote of members, the meeting was directed by the Overseas Member and the District Chairman, the two very people responsible for it’s current situation, after they had removed the branch chairman for allowing a 79 year old Standard Bearer to parade, on a hot Autumn day, in shirt sleeve order.

Branch members actually requested that no decision be made until outstanding complaints affecting the

District Chairman had been resolved by the Legion Complaints Committee, however this was not acceptable to either the District Committee or to Chambers. Further options included the reinstatement of the former committee, although the Overseas member said that was not going to happen. Being, therefore, unable to form a committee, the third option, that was agreed, was for the branch to become a District Supported Branch, with the appointment of two points of contact. These were nominated as Michael Phillips and Neil Reardon.

The branch will continue, therefore, although in not much more than name only, while an appeal into it’s closure, as well as the removal of it’s committee, and complaints about the Conduct of the District Chairman, continue to be considered by the Legion Complaints Committee in London.

Membership of the Orihuela has dropped by over 20% since the branch was put into administration 9 months ago and despite the unusual call by District for an administrative and financial audit of the branch, the only aim of which would have been to discredit the former committee, and which quite clearly had ‘tongues wagging’, the RBL Auditor in London found all procedures and funds to be absolutely correct.

Company appeal against rejection of Torrevieja solar plant

The Corporación Energética has appealed against the decision of the Generalitat rejecting its project to build a solar plant in the municipality of Torrevieja,in the adjacent to the natural park of Las Lagunas de Torrevieja,La Mata and Los Montesinos.

The plant would be the first significant solar energy generation facility in the municipality with 12,000 photovoltaic modules planned on 8 hectares,on a site located on the border of Torrevieja with Los Montesinos,close to the protected wetlands.

The appeal is based on three aspects.In the first instance,they point out that the General Directorate of the Natural Environment and Environmental Assessment of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition has no competence to reject their solar plant project. The company points out that it has a favourable report from the City Council whose urban regulations,it says,are at the same hierarchical level as those that protect the Natural Park

Finally,they emphasize that the Natural Resources Management Plan (PORN) of the Lagunas de Torrevieja Natural Park,at no time prohibits these installations in the impact buffer zone.

The company points out that it is an "absurdly rigorous" interpretation of the regulations,since in its conclusion the report states that the activity is prohibited for the mere fact of not being expressly intended in that area of the park's impact buffer zone."Since it is not explicitly listed as allowed,it is considered as not allowed, explains the promoter,with the sole purpose of avoiding the implementation of an activity that is perfectly compatible".

The company points out that it has a favourable report regarding use,issued by the Torrevieja City Council itself.This report is that of urban compatibility,in which it is indicated if the chosen plot is compatible with the proposed activity.

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The proposed site is close to the protected wetlands.


MSC Cruises announced that Alicante has become such an important part of their network, they intend to increase the number of cruises sailing from the city between now and 2025, with the hope of increasing foreign passenger numbers.

The commitment to the capital of the Costa Blanca that materialised for the first time in July 2022, has not been replicated in the company's attempts to open up markets in

other Spanish ports.

Of course, the objective of the shipping company, of Italian-Swiss origin, is to take advantage of all the facilities that the destination still offers. Its good rail structuring with Madrid and with countries like the United Kingdom and Germany through the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport, means the port of Alicante is perfectly suited to domestic and international passengers.

MSC announced that they intend to increase the number of cruises sailing from Alicante as well as introducing 2 and 3 night mini cruises.

They are particularly keen to attract foreigners, as they currently account for a small percentage of passengers who start their journey in the city. This was confirmed by the general director of the company in Spain, Fernando Pacheco, detailing that 90% of the cruise passengers that set sail from Alicante are from the Alicante Province

Hence, the company plans to maintain the response of local tourists and, at the same time, attract another type of public from the centre or north of the country, as well as British visitors in particular.

One of the major plans will see the introduction of shorter tours, lasting seven nights, "which is the type of cruise most in demand by tourists in the whole of the European Union", Pacheco remarked.

"We are working on them in Alicante but everything will depend on whether itineraries can be arranged that fit with the arrivals of air flights from other international airports that are key for MSC Cruises, such as Milan, due to Italian and central European tourists.

"We believe that in Alicante it is possible that we can offer those seven-night cruises, something that would not be feasible in other ports such as Malaga," he said.

“Another possible option”, he said, “in order to increase the passengers that board in Alicante would be the introduction of mini-cruises, of between two and three nights.

They are usually in high demand, especially between Thursday and Sunday, as they are an affordable option for a getaway.”

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It started with an Onion!

As I stride tentatively towards my 77th birthday, it's beginning to look like I will live forever, which makes me wish I had stopped paying those crippling life insurance policy payments years ago.

The only sign of ageing that affects me so far is what used to be called Writer's Cramp but I suppose must be referred to nowadays as Keyboard Fatigue or possibly QWERTY Arthritis. Which is why I have been trying my hand recently at an even shorter form of writing than these erratic jottings you are kind enough to decipher each week.

It started with a kiss -- no, wait, that’s a Hot Chocolate 1982 classic written by lead singer Errol Brown, now regrettably late as well as great.

My own much more recent songwriting career started when I was peeling onions, which perhaps explains why the first lyric I ever composed began with the words “Men don’t like to talk about emotions, they run a mile when they see a tear in a woman’s eye.” Little touch of self-delusion there, because of course the tears were in my own eyes.

At almost four score years, I was coming to the slightly predictable end of long- (or even short-) form humorous journalism in newspapers ranging from my home town’s Dundee Courier in Scotland to Qatar’s Weekly Gulf Times and my retirement country’s Cyprus Weekly.

With the odd foray into the Gisborne Herald in New Zealand, The Munich Eye in Germany and the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, where I experienced the prelude to Covid known as SARS. Not a fun experience.

Recent years as a weekly columnist with The Leader have been much more leisure-

Jade Plantbringing good fortune and prosperity!

ly, and musical fun was added when I got in touch with Rychey Music (UK) and its multi-talented owner Rich, a musician, singer, composer and producer. Being almost tone-deaf I am fortunate that he can use his musical inventiveness to turn my prose lyrics into something immeasurably easier on the ears. Onions mostly without tears.

Always a drifter, I seem to have drifted somehow into Country and Western lyrics with titles like ‘Saddle Sore’ -- the cowboy equivalent of Writer's Cramp -- ‘Wagon Train’ (‘Elopin’ and Hopin’) and ‘Long Dreamer’ – how could I resist setting that in Dundee, Alabama? Sung by a real cowboy, Donny Sawyer!

More conventional songs, such as “Men

Don’t Like to Talk about Emotions” and “The Ballad of Gare Saint-Lazare” (“Me and the girl with the Fender guitar, we were born at the Gare Saint-Lazare…”) now include a new release, 'Old Amsterdam Dreams' -- “There’s nothing to match it, I defy any man, not to glory in Old Amsterdam.” I can never wait to hear the music, even if I am tone-deaf. These songs can be found, plus videos, on YouTube or Bandcamp under Rychey Music, all a long way from listening to records in booths in music shops in 1957 before spending most of my ten shilling (50p) pocket money on a Bakelite disc of Elvis singing "All Shook Up" with a B-side rendition of "That's When Your Heartaches Begin." Which is more or less where we came in, isn't it?

THE Jade plant - Crassula ovata or Crassula argentea - is a succulent sub-shrub, slow growing, eventually reaching 2m in height. Given the right care, they can last for many years.

It looks rather like a Bonsai tree, with jade green, fleshy leaves and thick stems that become woody with age.

It's a popular house plant that is also a good air purifier. It grows quite happily outside here on the Costa Blanca.

It's also known as the 'money plant' or 'friendship plant', as it's said to bring good fortune and prosperity!

The leaves of some cultivars develop a red tinge when exposed to sunlight. In time, it may bear small, star shaped pink or white flowers, often in the winter months.

Grow your jade plant in a bright, sunny spot in well draining soil, add a handful of grit for extra drainage. They thrive, if watered regularly in spring and summer, but it can cope with drought conditions.

It is best to underwater than over water, as it stores water in its leaves. Water only when the top few centimetres of compost are dry.



Stanis is 7.5 years old and small crossbreed who loves the gentle life.

For more info contact 966710047 (leave a message) or or WhatsApp 688 792 515

Feed with a half strength liquid feed, once: in spring, summer and autumn.

There are two main ways to propagate a jade plant, stem or leaf cutting, but the easiest way is to take stem cuttings.

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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The Rockshore advertisements are truly virtuoso in advertising entertainment. I particularly like the one which includes the guy in the pub telling his mates that his ex-wife is getting married today. “He’s a pilot - lovely fellow …great head of hair!” Yer man, sitting on the stool, relishing his pint, is as bald as an egg! Now, we need to be careful here. I can’t afford to lose any of my last few friends by offending anyone, and I have a couple of hairless buddies. It is rightfully said that if we live long enough we bury all our friends - and that’s bad enough, but also, the older we get, the less likely we are to replace those we lost. You see why I don’t wish to fall out with anybody over whether or not they use a comb; so stick with me for the qualification to follow, Lads.

Let’s rewind and start this column where it should have been started, by stating that baldness suits some men. I have a couple of friends and many acquaintances that I couldn’t picture as being anything other than bald. There are also a few professional and businessmen that I couldn’t see myself taking as seriously if they weren’t bald. Like I said, baldness definitely suits some men!

BUT …! I recently met a lady I last saw when I gave her a dance in the ‘Lakeland Ballroom’ – not today nor yesterday. ‘You still have a great head of hair’, she said. I left there wondering if I should read anything into the fact that the guy she married hadn’t a rib left by the time he was 40.

I was too nervous to run this past the Lads, for fear of the previously mentioned offence risk, as half of them don’t need teeth in their comb.


Men treat the brewing baldness in different ways. Some guys keep rearranging the last straggling few strands like moving the deckchairs on the Titanic, whilst others, like my brother Sean, get their retaliation in first by shaving the crown when it becomes obvious that the hair affray is lost.

I know a couple of men who wear wigs and strangely enough, raising the subject of a wig is taboo. You can joke about a man’s baldness and he’ll tell you; ‘grass never grows on a busy street’, or ‘God only made so many perfect heads and then he covered the rest with hair’: You can do like that old flame of mine and say ‘you still have a great head of hair’; but take it from me, folks, you cannot – I mean cannot, ever mention a man’s wig! Strangely enough, they tell us that the baldness gene is inherited from the mother. From time to time you may read that scientists have identified the baldy gene – and for as long as I can remember, every so often, you will be told of a breakthrough in curing baldness. Don’t believe it … currently there is no cure for baldness. Mind you, I don’t know how the growth is going on top of Wayne Rooney’s head these days, but I seem to remember him having a much publicised hair transplant. By all accounts those of us with ‘a great head of hair’ can avail of a vibrant market out there for human hair.

Almost a third of men have lost their thatch by the age of 45 and this is doubled by the age of 60.

Research indicates that 14 per cent of men have the bald gene and 70 per cent of those will join the bald brigade early. A diet rich in lean protein, whole grains, healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables is said to be best for

healthy hair – but don’t hold your breath on that one either!

One suggestion I do believe is that stress can bring on greying of hair and ultimately the shedding of hair and baldness.

Finally, a word of consolation for those of you who ‘haven’t got a great head of hair’. I wasn’t going to include this – as I wouldn’t please the Lads - only for I need this last paragraph to fill my word count.

The fact is that a survey among hundreds of women of different ages, nationalities and habits, threw up some interesting conclusions.

The ceist was; ’Do women like bald men.’ An overwhelming majority, 87.5 per cent … would you believe, find bald men attractive. Albert Reynolds was right; ‘that’s women for you …!’



Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents; it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors – we borrow it from our children. (Native American proverb.)

British fugitive arrested in Malaga

A British man, FMR aged 29, was arrested in Malaga last week after a stabbing during which he stole a Richard Mille brand watch valued at 60,000 pounds. The fugitive cut his hand during the attack, allowing his later identification by the Merseyside Police. The same man is also being investigated for a 2022 kidnapping in Mijas where a Rolex brand watch was also stolen.

34 dogs taken into care from apartment home

Granada police have moved 34 dogs to the Animal Protection Service, which they found in an apartment in the casa del Zaidín.

According to the police, the Environment Unit took action, together with members of the City Council's veterinary services, after complaints had been received.


Trials are being carried out with a 9H Palma Twin Otter seaplane, belonging to the airline Isla Air Express, into the feasibility of providing an ‘island hopper’ that will connect the

islands of the Balearics by seaplane. The company aims to operate direct flights between the different islands of the Balearic archipelago, beginning the operation with a PalmaIbiza route, and also with the Peninsula, with a route between Palma and Barcelona.

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Surgical Waiting Lists Drop to 79 Day Average Surgical Waiting Lists Drop to 79 Day Average

The waiting time for a scheduled operation in a public hospital in the Valencian Community has fallen in the month of May to an average of 79 days, 5 less than in May and 10 days less than last year. There are currently 1,590 active applications on the waiting list less than last month.

The surgical waiting list does not affect urgent, oncological and non-delayable operations, which receive priority treatment.

The waiting time to go through the operating theatre has shortened in all health departments. Specifically, 16 health departments have a waiting time equal to, or less, than the general average (79 days): Vinaròs (71 days on average), Castellón (79), Sagunto (68), Clínico (72), Arnau-Llíria (71), Requena (75), Peset (42), La Ribera (61), Gandia (50), Xàtiva-Ontinyent (74), Vila Joiosa (62), Alicante-San Juan (79), Orihuela (58), Torrevieja (67), Manises (53) and ElxCrevillent (55).

The times to enter the operating room for arthroscopy (-9%), cataract (-2%), cholelithiasis

(-6%), phimosis (-2%), hallux valgus (-10%), inguinal hernia (-11%), benign prostatic hypertrophy (-4%), hip replacement (-22%), knee replacement (16%), carpal tunnel (-5%), and varicose veins (-6%).

The number of pending operations also decreases in practically all pathologies. In May there were 314 fewer pending cataract operations than in April; 217 fewer inguinal or femoral hernias or 128 fewer pending interventions for cholelithiasis (calculi).

Compared to the previous month, the reduction in the number of pending interventions can be seen in practically all health departments and is especially significant in the València-Dr. Peset (432 less pending operations); Arnau-Llíria (-396 active applications); Sagunto (-242) and La Plana (-183).

In addition, active requests decreased or remained stable in percentage terms in all specialties, including Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Ophthalmology, and General Surgery, which are the most frequent.


The Party for the Independence of Orihuela Costa (PIOC), has denounced the temporary closure of the Las Ramblas Golf Electoral College in the Elections held on 28 May.

Several people have confirmed that the Las Ramblas Golf Polling Station, in Orihuela Costa, was closed at around 2:00 p.m., therefore, it was not possible to access to vote at that time. The President of PIOC, Román Jiménez, telephoned the JEZ of Orihuela, around 3:00 p.m. to be told that they did not know anything, but they would investi-

Maria Wilson praises AACC at U3A meeting

Despite the uncomfortable temperatures we are enduring at the moment, quite a good number of Torrevieja u3a members turned out for their last monthly prior to the summer break.

The meeting kicked off with the president outlining changes that it is hoped will be put into place when the meetings resume in September.It is hoped

gate it, and get back to him. However, no response was received.

Some days after the municipal and regional elections, on 1 June, Jiménez sent an email to the JEZ of Orihuela, repeating the same complaint, but, once again he received no response.

On 8 June he sent another email, insisting that the complaint be dealt with.

The next day, the JEZ replied, accepting the Complaint but adding that no closure had been found.

On 16 June 16, an email was sent again to the JEZ of Orihuela, this time attach-

Local Police Officer Under Investigation for Forcing Singer to Cover her Breasts

ing two statements in English and Spanish, signed and providing identification of the witnesses of the closure that occurred around 2:00 p.m.

On 24 June, another statement arrived, which in turn, the Party sent to the Orihuela JEZ, thus increasing the number of witnesses to the Complaint. PIOC has said that it will try to obtain further statement, if possible, and if it does not receive a response from the JEZ of Orihuela or it is unacceptable, the Complaint will be put before the Prosecutor's Office.

to simplify certain procedures to make life simpler for all concerned in the normal events of the assocition.

Following a short musical interlude the speaker took to the stage.

This months talk was presented by the well known Marie Wilson,who has for many years championed the cause of encouraging people to take advantage of the various forms of early Cancer detection that are available via the AACC and the Pink Ladies and Pink Panther groups that she heads.

Murcia Prosecutor's Office will open proceedings against a Local Police officer who forced the singer RocÌo Saiz to cover her breasts on Saturday during a musical performance.

The Prosecutor wants to find out if the police officer, who stopped the concert, could have committed a crime, the abuse of power, coercion or crimes against fundamental rights.

The singer took to Twitter to explain, "In the 'Pride' of Murcia, in this song I have taken off my top for 10 years, the police have stopped the concert". "They wouldn't let me continue if I didn't get dressed. Either I put on my blouse or I was handcuffed. I got dressed, we finished the concert out of respect for the public."

Aspokesman at the Murcia Local Police Headquarters said, ìwe are going to determine the responsibility of the officer, if any; the action was not correct and that is why a file is openedî.

The same Police sources confirms that ìit was not intended to disturb the rights of the artistî. The internal report drafted by the agent in question alludes to article 37 of the Gag Law, which states as a minor offence "the performance or incitement to perform acts that violate sexual freedom and indemnity, or perform acts of obscene exhibition.î

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


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3. Online booking system that saves you time and guarantees that your parking spot will be reserved in advance.

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The choice of using the VIP airport parking service may depend on your needs and preferences. The service typically offers many additional amenities including valet parking, covered parking, direct access to the terminal, extra security, baggage transportation, and other personalised services.

If you value convenience, speed, and security, then VIP parking service may be a good option for you.

In addition, VIP ‘parking lots’ are often located closer to the terminal offering quicker access to airport facilities. This means that you can save time on the transfer to and from your car, especially if you are loading or unloading luggage.

However, VIP parking lots are typically more expensive than regular parking lots, so cost may also be an important factor. If you have a limited budget, you may want to consider a regular parking lot as a more affordable option.

In summary, choosing a VIP parking service may be beneficial if you value convenience, security, and speed and are willing to pay a higher price for these additional services. But if cost is a significant factor, a regular parking lot may be a more suitable option.


1. Maximum comfort and safety during your travels with our parking service. Our parking lot offers video surveillance, security guards, and more.


7. Full range of services related to parking, including car washing, fuel filling, and repair services.

8. Monthly support for children in need, through our partnership with UNICEF.

9. Individual approach to each customer, with a team of professionals ready to provide you with all necessary information and assistance.

10. Peace of mind knowing that your car is secure and well taken care of while you’re away on your travels.

And to guarantee you peace of mind, we offer you the possibility of insuring your vehicle for only 4.90 Euros from the moment you entrust the keys to us, until your return.

How does it work? – It’s very simple and easy!

Call us 20 min before arrival at +34 635 51 52 53 at the Airport or Train station and we will meet you at the Airport in the Departure area in front of Starbucks or at the Train station in the departure area on the side. Our drivers, who all wear green jackets with the VIP parking logo, will meet you, conduct a quick check of your car, take pictures and then move your car to one of our super secure car parks.

And when you return all you need to do is call us when you ready to pick up your car on +34 635 51 52 53 and our driver will bring your clean car, exactly as you left it.


PAGE 12 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
parking is just one of
many extras

Torrevieja hospital installs new state-of-the-art magnetic resonance equipment

The Torrevieja University Hospital is currently installing new state-of-theart magnetic resonance equipment provided by the Ministry of Universal Health through the Investment Plan in High Technology Equipment (INVEAT).

The new equipment, costing more than 790,000 euros, is already at the Torrevieja hospital, and its installation and assembly will begin throughout the week. It is scheduled to receive its first patients in mid-July. The Torrevieja Hospital becomes one of

the first public hospitals in the Valencian Community to receive and implement the new resonance of the INVEATplan.

The conditioning works for the room that will house the new equipment will have an approximate cost of 150,000 euros, which includes the preparation and conditioning of the room.

The equipment replaces the current equipment, obsolete after more than ten years of use. It also has a system for improving


I just hope there were no security incidents on the Orihuela Costa on Tuesday morning as police and emergency staff vacated the streets and beaches to put on a show of strength on Playa Flamenca Promenade that, despite the mayor’s statement about the safety of residents and visitors, frankly, left no one really impressed.

The expense and disruption to local services achieved absolutely nothing, other than perhaps presenting a window to local villains, during which they had the opportunity to fill their ‘bags of swag’ on the costa with some impunity.

Nevertheless, the security services, over 50 policemen and women, the Chief of Police, lifeguards, the mayor and his

efficiency and patient experience, advanced clinical applications by optimizing workflow and access to information.

The acquisition of the new resonance is also part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan -financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU.

The radiology service works from Monday to Sunday, including holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and performs magnetic resonance imaging.

councillors, were all on parade, along with their motorcycles, patrol cars, jet skis and drones, all "at the service of the public".

The new councillor for the coast, Manuel Mestre, said that the security unit is "an important use of human and material resources, some of them very sophisticated, which will ensure security during the summer months". He said that he wanted

Torrevieja Civil Guard finds elderly woman unconscious at home

It started with a call from the daughter living in the Basque Country, as, with no contact for three days, she was worried about her mother. The call was made on 21 May, and when a patrol from the Torrevieja Civil Guard went to the home of the woman, they met with neighbours, who confirmed the daughter's story. What the agents saw a portable oxygen concentrator through a window, that would commonly be used by patients to help with their breathing.

They decided to force entry finding the woman unconscious and dehydrated, with bruises, having fallen out of her bed. The agents helped her to regain consciousness through stimuli and she was transferred to the Torrevieja University Hospital.

Two days later, the Civil Guard received a pleasant surprise when the daughter went to the barracks to thank the policemen who had made the intervention and to inform them


The Mercado Marinero will take place from July 17 to 19, 2023, on Avenida Cervantes. This market is a prominent event in the town of Guardamar del Segura and attracts tourists and locals alike. With a wide variety of craft stalls, food, entertainment and shows, the Mercado Marinero offers something for all tastes.

Art and craft lovers will be delighted to

that her mother had recovered. In similar situations, especially where older people are involved, the Civil Guard recommends installing the Alertcops application on mobile phones, which, through the Guardian function, allows a family member or close friend to know the location of the older person at all times, in order to inform the Forces and State Security Corps in any case of need.

browse the stalls filled with unique and handmade products. From ocean-inspired jewellery to marine art, you'll find treasures here to take home to remember this special experience.

Lovers of good food will also find paradise in the Mercado Marinero. The food stalls offer a variety of delicious and fresh products, from freshly caught seafood to traditional dishes with unique flavours. Do not miss the opportunity to try the culinary delights that this market offers!

Entertainment and shows complete the experience. Live music, traditional dances and entertainment for the whole family.

The equipment will be in use by mid July

"everyone to have a pleasant summer and that we do not have security problems", although he pointed out that "if we do, I hope that everything is resolved quickly and with the best results".

Perhaps, Snr Mestre, taking the security forces away from their duties for a meaningless photo opportunity is not the way to do it.

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385






Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 22

1.Fighting (10)

2.Permit (5)

3.Snatch (4)

4.Plan (6)

5.Determined (8)

6.Disclose (7)

11.Elasticity (10)

13.Infancy (8)

14.As (7)

16.Exaggerate (6)

17.Trivial (5) 20.Rip (4)


ACROSS: ACROSS: Salacious; 8 Ill; 9 Impecunious; 11 Current; 12 Sabre; 13 Manure; 15 Bridge; 17 Arras; 18 Augment; 20 Half-hearted; 22 Obi; 23 Erroneous.

DOWN: DOWN: 2 Aim; 3 Cycle; 4 Ornate; 5 Sponsor; 6 Disobedient; 7 Placement; 10 Partnership; 11 Companion; 14 Resolve; 16 Lather; 19 Grain; 21 Emu.


ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Disgusted; 8 Ole; 9 Sailing boat; 11 Bayonet; 12 Erect; 13 Abused; 15 Temple; 17 Holst; 18 Canvass; 20 Air Minister; 22 Ass; 23 Lipreader.

DOWN: DOWN: 2 Ida; 3 Union; 4 Tights; 5 Diocese; 6 Potted plant; 7 Temptress; 10 If you please; 11 Beachwear; 14 Enthral; 16 Scrimp; 19 Naive; 21 Eve.

7.Solo rendered by egghead is lacking in control (5)

8.Watch prospect (4-3)

9.Admirable feature in the field? (4,3)

10.Requirements of necessity (5)

12.Temporary fashion to show every bit of violent anger (3,3,4)

15.Apparently having fun quite early (2,4,4)

18.Afitting comparison to hand? (5)

19.Not an egg-layer, but a crow producer (7)

21.Roars to make the fire roar? (7)

22.Ring for a sandwich (5)


1.Animosity resulting from malaise, perhaps (3-7)

2.Injury closely wrapped (5)

3.Inventor one could ring? (4)

4.Trivial insult (6)

5.Ray of light with doctor on right track (8)

6.He is in charge right among the enemy (7)

11.Giles hired for Santa's journey (6-4)

13.Stray carton to put a horse in? (5-3)

14.Glib one becomes despicable (7)

16.Songster halves that hurry-scurry (6)

17.Clearly not a drink for slimmers (5)

20.Go back again to evil giant (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 22)

1. Which world-famous rock band took its name from a label found on a sewing machine?

2. Which four cities that end with the letter "s" have hosted the Summer Olympic games?

3. In which Hollywood blockbuster does the crew of the spaceship Messiah attempt to save the planet Earth?

4. What is the name of the semi-arid desert located in southern Israel?

5. In which city did 'the gunfight at the O.K. Corral' take place?

6. What is the most successful football club in Argentina? a. Racing Club, b. Santos, c. River Plate, d. Boca Juniors

7. What were the two best selling brands of mobile phone worldwide between 1996 and 2006?

8. If you fail the Ishihara test what is your ailment?

9. What is the name of the famous luxury train that runs between Pretoria and Cape Town?

10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word

"High" somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song? a. It's not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad. b. When I was a little girl I had a rag doll, only doll I ever owned. c. He was born in the summer of his 27th year.

11. Measured in metric tonnes per year, what are the two biggest wine producing countries in South America? One point for each correct answer.

12. Which 1985 Hollywood thriller, nominated for eight Academy Awards, ends with the words "You be careful John Book, out among them English."?

13. What do each of the following persons love? a. campanophile. b. umbraphile. c. logophile. d. arenaphile

14. Which Hollywood superstar's last name is Mapother IV?

15. Galleon, Sickle and Knut are currencies in which series of books?

16. With a height of 182 m, the world's tallest statue is found in which country? a. Russia, b. North Korea, c. USA, d. India

17. The movie poster tag line for which 1959 film was "It's a deadly game of 'tag' and Cary Grant is it."?

18. Maranjab, Thal, Lop, Kara Kum, Thar and Patagonian are all examples of what?

19. In which country are red flowers and red clothes banned and removed from the shops on Saint Valentine's Day? a. Saudi Arabia b. China c. Israel d. Vatican City State

20. Which of the seven ancient wonders of the world was found at Halicarnassus?

PAGE 14 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
ACROSS ACROSS 7.Drone (5) 8.Purify (7) 9.Bother (7) 10.Smell (5)
(5) 19.Uncompromising (7)
(5) DOWN

Taking off at Elche’s Summer Aeronautical Camp

Summer schools are currently taking off, with a range of activities like sports, crafts, arts, and more, but hidden away close to Elche is a little-known gem of a summer school which offers an alternative to the norm for little explorers.

The Campamento Aeronáutico La Loma, (C.A.L.L), is an aeronautical camp for children between the ages of 8 and 18. This camp's main objective is to promote aviation in young kids. Almost 150 "cadets" have already enjoyed the experience, with some already undergoing training for their Private Pilot (PPL) and Commercial Pilot (ATPL) licences. The next airborne top gun could be your little cherub, as there are still a few places available for this summer.

The summer camp runs for 8 or 14 day sessions, with the final summer course dates from July 16 to 30.

Many Cadets repeat each year and are taught a more

advanced level or even prepare to obtain the Ultralight licence. Other Cadets are new to the camp and even to the world of aeronautics, so they start with the basics. The so-called


"Sparrows" is the patrol of boys and girls under 12 years of age. This patrol does not carry as much study load and focuses more on activities (that have to do with aeronautics) and fun. During their stay, the cadets attend multi-adventure activities, kayaking and canoeing, drone flight, aeronautics classes, flight simulator practices, water games, visits to the Albacete Air Base and the General Air Academy in San Javier, as well as the European Flyers school at the Muchamiel aerodrome. Accommodation is internal and full board. Theoretical and simulator classes are held at the Granja Escuela La Loma, in Elche.

The place is located in a natural environment with clean air, away from the bustle of the city and the cadets stay in rustic wooden cabins equipped with air conditioning.

For more information, you can contact Alberto Díaz de la Quintana (CALL director) at the telephone number 609 648 062 and on the web

THE FINAL LANDINGof a training legend as the E-26 Tamiz joins the list of retirees from the training wing of the Air and Space Force in San Javier. After 36 years of service the E-26 was met with an arch of water, a traditional gesture of thanks for her years of service.

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
School with a difference

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja -Evangelical Church. Sunday Service 11

a.m.; - Contact 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. Evangelical non-denominational church.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2021 Ford Focus ST-Line X Petrol Automatic which is priced at just 25,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) is an Association that caters for residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. It facilitates the provision of fair and adequate social facilities for everyone. It is located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities, learn Spanish, to paint, watercolours or acrylics can pop along where you will be welcomed by volunteers. We are open between 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email:

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people

to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association.

Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

Samsung Galaxy mobile phone for sale. Cost EUR 275. Selling for EUR 150. Only 3 weeks old. Tel. 966 715 809 or 711 077 628.


Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

Call - 637 227 385

If you have items that are WANTED or FOR SALE, ANNOUNCEMENTS, NOTICES and suchlike, advertise them, to a maximum of 35 words, FREE OF CHARGE, on this page.


PAGE 16 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Aformer television classic returns to LA1 and local tv screens this summer, “"Grand Prix del Verano"”, which is largely modelled on the UK tv favourite of years gone by, “It’s a Knockout”, largely hosted by Eddie Waring and Stuart Hall.

The programme ran successfully in Spain for over ten years during which time it marked the summer period for many thousands of families.

The family format, produced by RTVE in collaboration with EuroTV Producciones, returns 18 years after its last broadcast.

It premiered in 1995 and was broadcast uninterruptedly on the public channel until 2005 with a total of 11 seasons on the air.

This year it will return to the screen with an updated format, with historical tests, spectacular new challenges, and with many other surprises.

Eight towns will compete in the challenges inclu-

ding Los Montesinos, which will represent the Valencian Community.

Los Montesinos has been selected along with Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia), Alfacar (Granada), Brión (La Coruña), Cervello (Barcelona), Colmenarejo (Madrid), Tineo (Asturias) and Yepes (Toledo). One local town that applied but failed to gain selection was, San Miguel de Salinas. Every town in Spain of between 5,000 and 10,000 inhabitants was invited to apply for “Summer Grand Prix". To be selected they had to send information about the town, a video and explain why they wanted to participate. Of all the towns that answered, eight were been selected with the selection made by lottery before a notary.

Two towns will face each other in each programme with the winner progressing to the next stage. The two finalists will meet in late summer.

Risk of forest fires delays Elche Space Launch

If you are still waiting with anticipation for the Elche-born rocket MIURA 1 to take to the skies and join the space race, you will have to wait a little longer, until after the summer, as the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) and PLD Space have agreed to delay the launch window until September, mainly due to security reasons.

Although the weather postponed the inaugural flight, something which never poses a problem in the futuristic films you might have seen, this latest postponement is motivated by the obligatory fulfilment of the prevention of forest fires, and so, through consultation with such bodies as the Guardia Civil, it has been agreed that the risk of the rocket setting fire to the surroundings as it heads for the stars is too great.

After having postponed the launch on May 31 due to the strong high-altitude winds registered in Huelva, PLD Space

The launch has now been delayed until September

had to abort the launch of MIURA 1 on June 17 due to one of the umbilical cables that connect the rocket with the avionics bay being released 0.25 seconds late, resulting in the next umbilical not being released in time, causing an auto-abort sequence that shut down the engines and halted launch. Both mother and baby, or the rocket and launch pad to put it another way, are in perfect condition.

Raúl Torres, CEO and co-founder of PLD Space, highlights: “Launching a rocket designed from scratch is a major challenge and we successfully complete 99.9% of all pre-launch procedures, reaching the countdown.

The entire pre-launch phase was a resounding success and we are very close to successfully launching Europe's first reusable rocket, which has recovery and reusability requirements that only 3 companies in space history have achieved."

Here´s to September and fulfilling that 0.1% that let the side down.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023
Current holders, from 2009, are Renedo de Esgueva


The causes of why millions of people in Britain are far less well off now than they were a few years ago are well documented. Brexit, the Ukraine war, soaring oil prices, food price hikes Covid and the latest - ever rising interest rates - are never far from the headlines. But there is one other massive problem which has hit Britain far harder than most other countries and, sadly, is seldom talked about and that is the soaring price of housing in Britain. A modest family home costing anything between a quarter and half a million pounds is just plain bonkers.

There is nothing more important than securing a permanent roof over your head. Without it it’s a life on the streets, with all the hardship that brings.

There are many ex-pats reading this now who know only too well the sad fact that the value of your home in Spain has not kept up with rocketing prices of bricks and mortar back in Britain.

My wife and I sold a small bungalow on the south coast 15 years ago, lured into a comfortable and relaxing retirement in the Costa Blanca. We bought a quad on an urbanisation and it was great – people of the same age and circumstances quickly became friends. But over the years some have returned to the UK, some have died, and with Brexit complications on top, life is nothing like as interesting and fun as it was.

Luckily we were prudent enough not to put all our eggs in one basket and bought a park home on a holiday site, which we can return to each year to escape the summer Spanish heat. But we are restricted in its use and would have to vacate for some weeks in winter, and anyway, living in it through the winter would not be my idea of fun.

Each year, when we have a look at UK estate agents’ windows for likely properties we are increasingly disheartened. There is absolutely no way we could afford to buy a property where we used to live with the cash we would get from selling our Spanish home, and the value of our park home has depreciated to next to nothing. Inflation may have increased the value of our Spanish home by some 50,000 pounds if we’re lucky, and we would have to pay capital gains on that, while in the UK house prices have all but doubled. Cross the Channel to Normandy and you can buy a lovely property at half the price.

And what has caused this misery in Britain?

A total lack of control of the property market and absolute greed.

The rot started with Maggie Thatcher. She

introduced the right for tenants of council houses to buy the property they were living in at big discounts. No problem with that, it put many thousands of people on the first rungs of the property-owning ladder. But what she didn’t do was to ensure that every penny in the sale of those council houses was ploughed back into the coffers of councils with legislation requiring them to build new council housing.

The result was that far fewer council houses were built and an ever-increasing number of people who couldn’t afford a mortgage were forced into renting in the private sector and it was then that pure greed took over.

How many of you watch the TV programme Homes Under the Hammer? Time and time again modest houses are put up for auction to be snapped up, not by first time buyers, but by buy-to-let landlords increasing their property portfolios at an ever increasing rate. You would see one landlord bidding against another, pushing the price far above that which could be afforded by the first-time buyer.

And what did the government do about it? Absolutely nothing. In fact Tories were delighted it was happening because it meant that those people who were a few rungs up the property ladder were seeing the value of their homes going up and up. And who are these lucky people with an ever-growing nest egg? Tories of course.

And if that was not bad enough, we have another typically British phenomenon at work – in the shape of Nimbys (the not in my backyarders). Nimbies may tolerate a new large four or five bedroom quality house or bungalow in their picturesque village, but starter homes or council homes? Oh dear me no, they would fight tooth and nail to block planning permission for those.

So, we have an ever-growing housing shortage, a government shedding crocodile tears while watching richer people in their own homes getting richer, immigration into Britain making the situation even worse, rich people buying second homes in lovely holi-

day villages to use just a few weeks a year, happy in the knowledge that the value of those homes will go ever upwards. But today the smelly matter has really hit the fan because mortgage interest rates have gone through the roof. Those people who are only a few years into their mortgage are facing increases running into thousands on top of all the other price rises they are facing.

People trying to get their first home are simply priced out and those greedy buy-to-letters are being squeezed between rising buy-to-let mortgage rate rises and an increasing number of renters simply unable to afford rising rents. The only people sitting pretty are those who have paid off their mortgage and are living without that millstone around their neck. And now they are being targeted by annoying equity release companies offering cash so the home owner can continue a lavish lifestyle. The only snags to that are that compound interest is paid on the loan and there is less money to pass onto the next generation. There is an even more serious problem over this housing crisis. It is causing an everincreasing divide between the haves and have nots and unless something is done to rectify the situation quickly, growing discontent could bubble up into real trouble.

What is needed urgently is a price correction, so that house prices take a tumble. Yes, that would put some people into negative equity but mortgage lenders should be required to ensure such people still had a roof over their heads.

Perhaps companies and individuals with multiple buy-to-let properties and owners of bricks and mortar holiday homes should face a higher tax burden, encouraging them to sell up, and, if it was reasonable for Maggie Thatcher to introduce the right to buy at big discounts for council tenants, why not for privately owned rented properties too?

There are still houses which have been left empty for years. Councils should have the legislative power to take over those properties without compensation and put tenants in them regardless of what the owners think.

After all, those anti-social property owners could and should put those properties on the market.

Greed has dictated the UK housing market for far too long and is now causing misery for far too many people. We desperately need a government which will rectify it.


Twenty police officers are taking part in the 20-hour course organised by the City Council and the Police, which will run until Friday 30 June

Officers from San Fulgencio Local Police are taking part in a training course on illegal squatting. The aim of this initiative is to "inform the officers of the new protocols and provide them with appropriate tools to prevent this situation in the municipality", explained the chief commissioner, Cristóbal Rodríguez.

The commissioner also pointed out that "over the course of the coming days, we will have the a number of experts in the field who will share their experiences and knowledge". The course, which also includes officers from other municipalities, has been organised by the San Fulgencio Town Council and the Local Police. It will last 20 hours and will be held until 30 June at the local police headquarters in the town centre. The Mayor of San Fulgencio, José María Ballester, welcomed the officers taking part in the first session, indicating that "it is very important that the people who make up our Security Forces have the most appropriate and up-to-date training for day-to-day situations, so that they can be prepared to deal with this type of situation should a case arise".

PAGE 18 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


WARNING TRIANGLES have been mandatory in Spain since 1999, and are now being replaced by flashing warning lights which can be used in the event of an emergency, which will become the norm from 1 January 2026. During this transition period, you may use either.

However, the DGT has published an update whereas from July 1 2023, the use of warning triangles on motorways is exempted in the event of immobilisation of the vehicle due to an incident or breakdown. Its use is still mandatory when these circumstances occur on conventional roads.

The DGT has published an instruction in which this exception is included, mainly motivated by the following issues:

The high number of deaths on high-capacity roads (autopistas and autovías) in recent years. The average number of pedestrians killed after being run over after getting out of the vehicle in the last five years has been 22 people.

Due to the traffic conditions that occur on motorways where there is a high intensity of traffic and high speed.

Because the data on incidents on this type of road where there has been a run-over and where there was an immobilised vehicle show that driving along the shoulder, staying on it, trying to repair a breakdown or even placing and subsequent removal of the danger warning triangles significantly increase the risk of being run over.

In view of all these reasons and taking into account that the placement of warning triangles of danger is not feasible on motorways and due to seriously compromising the safety of people, having to travel on foot on the road, their placement is exempted.

The instruction published today will be without effect on January 1, 2026, the date on which it will be mandatory for all drivers to carry the V16 signal in the vehicle, which is the one that will put the definitive end to the warning triangles of danger.

It is a good idea to purchase a warning light now, and use that instead, although exercise caution as only the connected versions will be permitted after the definitive change in the law, so buying a cheaper version now could prove a false economy.

The changes relate to breakdowns on motorways

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th July 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The final round of the Carp-R-Us Spring Series was fished at El Bosquet on a very warm but, in the main, overcast day. Fishing is a sport that can be a bit unpredictable but when Willie Moons drew peg 17, the peg Marlene Hutchinson excelled on at the previous Saturdays Terry Screen Memorial Match (more later) fishing the same style as Willie, many thought they knew who would win. And boy, Willie didn¥t disappoint, running out a clear winner with 44.00kg on feeder and pellet.

Willie was well clear of Vinnie Smith on peg 20 managed 17.75kg caught on pole and maggot, tactics which were also used by third place Steve Fell who had 12.20kg from peg 1A and Nick Bastock on peg 6 who had 11.22kg. It was sad to see a number of dead, very large mullet in the 1Ato 7 stretch. This means the series was won by Tony Flett with 206 points with Jeremy Fardoe runner up with 195 points.

On Saturday 24th June 41 local and not so local anglers turned out for a memorial match for Terry Screen at El Bosquet. The match was organised by Terrys great friend Ian Brown, and it was somehow fitting that it was Ian who won the match. Well done to all those that took part. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-RUs Fishing

Quesada’s Emilio wins Gold in National Kickboxing Championships

San Luis Bowls Club

Valencian Championship League by Sheila Cammack

North v South Final Play Off: On Wednesday 28th the Southern VCL winners, SL FALCONS travelled away to play at Bonalba against Northern winners; Javea Green.

It was a real head on battle, just as it should be for the two top teams. Falcons took the first 2 points in the men’s singles with Dave Webb winning 21-8. Javea won the next 4 points with the ladies’ singles and the rinks but Falcons had a good result in the pairs; June & Keith Jones winning 27-6, to make the points 4-4.

So it came down to the clash of the triples teams. Javea had a strong team, lead by Captain Chris Slater, and gradually pulled ahead but Scott and his team, of Neil & Sandra Burrows, just kept fighting and would not give in, pulling back excellent shot by shot so on the last end they were holding 2 for a win. This went down to Falcons hold-

ing 1 shot for a draw (and potential one end play off) and we were holding our breath. Chris had last shot of the 18th end and just when it looked like it was going to stay as a draw his bowl tapped their wood in for shot and a win 17-15 for Javea!

Obviously mixed emotions as everyone breathed again –elation for Javea and deflation for the Falcons.

Well done to ALL of our team members who worked so hard together throughout the season to win the league, which was a great achievement and now we must look forward to next season and the year ahead.

The final result was: Falcons 4 points & 82 shots – Javea Green 6 points & 76 shots.

As Chris Slater said after the match, about Javea; for some people it was the last time this winning team would be playing together as Javea Green. Hopefully, by next year they will have a new site for their club – we all wish them well for the future.

Emilio Jesus Garcia from Quesada Fitness Gym won gold in the Junior National Kickboxing Championships, in GuadalajaraMadrid, in his first National event.

In the final against an opponent from the Canary Islands, Emillio's wide vision gave him an undisputed win, winning by another 3 rounds to nil, leaving no doubt of his superiority and maturity.

"We must congratulate Emilio for all the hard work to achieve these results, following the guidance of coach Santiago Lopez and continual support of Emillio's parents at all the events," said Vivienne Shepherd from QFG.

"In 2013, when we first opened the gym we had a slogan on our wall: 'Quesada Fitness Gym, where Champions are made'.

"Ten years later we continue to go from strength to strength, in producing both adult and junior champions, gaining respect and admiration from all kickboxing teams throughout Spain!," added Vivienne.

Coach Santi said: "Emilio has been selected for the European and World championships, something that I'm super proud of."

Brian Taylor Memorial Trophy

The Isle had the Brian Taylor Memorial Trophy Game on Wednesday in memory of Brian who was a very popular member of the club and who recently passed away.

The event was held as a fundraiser for The Stroke Association Spain and Alan was there on their behalf of the charity to receive 500 Euros, which was raised through donations and the raffle. As he was presented with the money, he gave a massive thanks to everyone involved. Well done all of bowlers who took part and filled all 8 rinks

It was followed by over 60 Fish and Chips meals and a few beers to remember the gentleman he was.

The Club presentation Day also took place with the following awards handed out by Seamus Moran Pairs: Martin Oakley & Mick Ellis

Ladies 2 Woods: Jill Holmyard, Men’s 2 Woods: Martin Oakley, Luke Burke, Norman Prior, Mixed Rinks: D Jones, M Veale, Noel Davis, Mary Dyer, Mixed Trips: A M Gerrard, Drew Gerrard, Colin Lindgren, Mixed Pairs: S Marks, R Marks, Ladies Pairs: S Marks & M Dyer, Men’s Pairs: J Pering & R Marks, Ladies 4 Woods: M Dyer, Men's 4 Woods: D Gerrard, Champion of Champion: S Marks & M Dyer

SAPS is on Sat at 9.15 (ELWYN MORRIS)

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Photo above shows Emilio Jesus Garcia: Gold in Junior National Kickboxing Championships. Costa Blanca


It's official. Following their 9th place finish in Preferente Division last season, CD Thader have been promoted to the newly formed Lliga Comunitat (Community League). This division is 1 step away from 3rd RFEF, and a step up from Preferente Div football.

Club president and captain, Lloyd Dummett, told me that everyone involved is over the moon, at the challenge of playing football at a higher-level next season. So, what will the composition of this new 16 team div be, you may well ask?

Well, it is basically made up of the top 9 teams from last season's Preferente Div group 4 (Thader's group), 6 from group 3, plus Hercules CF 'B', who were relegated from 3rd RFEF. There will be more longer journeys for the men in blue and white stripes, as only Callosa and Redovan remain from the Vega Baja region.

This week was the 2nd round of the Summer Cup for the members of the La Marina Golf Society.

The venue for todayís game was the El Plantio golf course, whilst a few of the fairways were still under repair the greens were in excellent condition.

The Spanish sunshine was in full swing which made for a very hot day and those cold pints back at the La Marina Sports Complex were a welcome sight.

In third place for todayís game with 39 pts was Club

Captain Iain Lyall in second place on countback with 40 pts was Colin Taylor and todayís winner also with 40 pts was Sue Saunders. Our Captain Iain Lyall was also on hand to present the winners with their prizes. The nearest the pin winners were Iain Lyall for hole 7, for hole 9 was Charlotte Tranberg, for hole 14 was Hans Mikaelsson and hole 18 was Gerry McCabe. The 2ís pot was shared between Iain and Charlotte. Well done to the dayís winners


At Villamartin Golf on 28th. June 27 members and 2 guests 'teed it up' to compete for the Society's Committee Trophy. The sun shone throughout the day and the heat made concentration difficult at times. Nevertheless, some decent scores were made.

The course was in very good shape, but the greens were not as fast, as might have been expected. As customary we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where we were supplied with Tapas and the Day's prizes distributed.

Gold Division: 1st Place - Steve Price 34 pts off 21 and Winner of The Committee Trophy. 2nd Place - Ian Stuart 33 pts off 15 3rd Place - Sarah Potter 30 pts off 4

Silver Division: 1st Place - Keith Rennison 33 pts off 29, 2nd Place - Ray Pownall 31 pts off 29, 3rd Place - Andrew Mattey 30 pts off 31

N.T.P. on Par 3s: Hole 6 - Andy Quinn, Hole 9 - Steve King, Hole 13 - Ian Stuart, Hole 17 - Mike Ellson

As there were no 2s on the day the 'Pot' will roll over until our next game, an Individual Stableford at Roda on 12th. July.

Finally the Free Game Draw was won by Ray Moles. Steve Harrington.( Membership and Handicap Secretary)

For the die hard Thader anoraks, there are a host of new grounds to visit. Starting with Alicante based Hercules 'B', there will also be Olimpic Xativa, Tavernes, Denia, Javea, Calpe & L'Olleria. Also promoted from group 4 are Eldense 'B', Benidorm, CFI Alicante, Santa Pola, Crevillente & La Nucia 'B'. Age has caught up with some of last season's players, forcing them to hang up their boots. Miguel & Ruben have fallen into this category, although Ruben remains as director of football. Also leaving the club is manager Adrian Pastor, who has handed over the reins to Noe Gracia Martinez. Noe previously spent 5 seasons as a player at Thader, and arrives having taken club Costa City to the play off with the u19 team.

Both Noe & Ruben have been working hard towards signing new, and renewals of existing players, of which goalkeeper Chema is the first to sign on the dotted line. They have also recruited 27-year-old Alberto Sagarzazu from Catral. Alberto is a versatile player, who can play on either wing in both midfield and defence, whom fans may recognise, as he also played for the club before.


PINATAR ARENA will provide their facilities to fourteen British clubs that have all confirmed Pinatarense sports centre for the preseason.

There will be five Championship clubs (Swansea,Millwall, Birmingham City,Sheffield Wednesday and Rotherham United),three from League One (Port Vale,Lincoln City and Oxford United),three from League Two (Bradford City,Salford City and Stockport County),as well as one from Gibraltar (Bruno's Magpies).

Premier league Arsenal will us the facility for it’s two academies,Arsenal's under 21 and under 18 teams,all of which will will prepare for the new season at Pinatar Arena in July.

Two further English clubs will use the main Pinatar Stadium to play their pre-season friendly matches,Preston North End and Derby County.

The expectation is that these clubs will bring more than 5,000 spectators with them,most of them British,who are expected to attend the matches,details of which will be officially announced soon.

With the confirmation of these teams in Pinatar Arena,the Costa Cálida once again reaffirms itself as one of the main international reference football destinations.

In the coming days Pinatar Arena will announce even more teams that will be scheduled to visit San Pedro del Pinatar during the months of July and August.

CHAMPIONSHIP: Swansea City AFC,Millwall FC, Rotherham United,Birmingham City,Sheffield Wednesday.

LEAGUE ONE: Lincoln City,Oxford United,Port Vale, LEAGUE TWO: Bradford City,Stockport County, Salford City.

ACADEMIES: Arsenal U21, Arsenal U18 GIBRALTAR: Bruno's Magpies

Wednesday 5 July 18:00


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Bradford City manager Mark Hughes


Last Saturday,the second phase of the 2023 Iberdrola rhythmic gymnastics league was held in Santander,where Torrevieja gymnasts obtained magnificent results.

There was a great performance from Lucía Leshan Cañas Mendo,Anastasia Salkova and

Aimara Fajardo as well as the gymnast from Germany

Anastasia Simakova,who achieved a creditable sixth position overall. Our young gymnasts had a very good competition and gave impressive performances despite the very high level of competi-

The Angling Scene

Saturday the 24th of June saw 42 anglers lining the banks of the popular El Bosquet Fishery complex at San Felipe

De Neri, some 4km from Catral, the first time the complex has had all 42 pegs booked and with another 2 or 3 names on the waiting list.

The reason for this sell out was to show our love, appreciation, and respect for a lifelong friend and a member of Abbey Angling and their sister club, Rod & Reels, who, sadly, passed away on 5th of MayÖ. Terry ìMr Fixitî ScreenÖ.for his inaugural Memorial Match.

tion,amongst gymnasts from the national and international teams.

The Jennifer Colino Club gymnast Valeria García currently on loan to the Riba-roja club,came in second place overall.


I suppose it was apt that the Memorial Winner on the day was his close friend and event organizer, who drew Peg 9 and the very prolific 8-16 section. Those with knowledge of El Bosquet knew that the winner would come from this area, and they were correct, for Ian Brown made no mistake and took 44 carp and a couple of Mullet for a run-away winning net of 40kg 080grms.

When Marlene Hutchinson, the sole lady angler, drew Peg 17, many knew she would do well as peg 17 is a ëmethod feeder pegíand has a residential shoal of carp, but they are so difficult to get away from the reeds, but Marlenís prowess with the feeder proved too much for them and she came a very credible Runner-up with 25kg 100 grammes.


There was much delight and quite some, errmmm ìurine extractionî for her husband, Dave Hutchinson, who could only manage just over 9kg from Peg 19. Marlene was quite content with kicking her hubbyís butt AGAIN.

Neil McBirnie, the venue expert, came close, but sadly, no cigar for his 23kg 060 grammes was way off the mark but good enough for 3rd place, just beating Mick Hill on Peg 2 who weighed in 22kg 300 grammes.

In 5th place was Nick ëEnd peg againí Bastock who, in drawing peg 40, was greeted with moans and expletives! Nick weighed in 19kg 700 grammes to win his section and take home a ëwhite envelopeí. After the event, many went for a welcoming shandy ñ not to mention chip butties (which are always donated by Angie of CafÈ Uno) ñ at CafÈ UNO in Catral.

Two of the SAMM Groups, Balaton and Shoestring, enjoyed a fun sail-meal-sail on June 23rd, organised by Balaton Group leader Julian Pering as part of the SAMM Social calender.

Two Shoestring boats Uno and Cuatro and three Balaton boats started from their base at CAR, Los Narejos on the Mar Menor at 10:30 with the SAMM support boat, crewed by Martin and Norman, following along; all heading for the La Playa restaurant at Los Urrutias. Some wives and other members were to meet them there.

Two of the Balaton Groups Russian members we're sailing Sirocco with new Swedish member Nils. Vision was crewed by their German member Jurgen with Jez and guest Shelley, Ginetta by Julian with Colum and Laura.

The five boats sailed through the gap between Pediguera and Baron islands on a south easterly breeze then turned West towards Los Urrutias. Well most did! For some reason Jez was convinced that Los Urrutias was further down the coast and instead of following the other four boats decided to sail on South. Once they realised the mistake they put away their sails and motored in order to catch up.

The Shoestring dinghies put into the beach adjacent to one of the new jetties while the Balaton boats

anchored offshore due to the shallow water.

Everybody had an excellent menu del dia At La Playa restaurant with 22 people from SAMM attending. After lunch Julian accepted the “Parrot” (a prize for a Balaton member who messes up) from Sergey for the mistake of not putting Visions keel down at the start of the last race day. However, he was pleased to immediately pass this to Jurgen and Jez for heading in the wrong direction this morning. Over lunch Colum and Laura asked if they could join the Balaton Group and have since done so. The dinghies were able to get quickly away once the lunch was over and the Whaly gave the crews a taxi ride out to the Balaton boats. As requested by Martin, Julian helped push the Whaly off the jetty and, as a reward, was soaked to the skin by the prop wash when Martin deliberately revved the engine. Unfortunately no video of this ambush.

On the way back the boats had a lovely beam reach sail in a decent breeze. Sirocco decided to take a route to far to the east the crew not knowing they should steer for the blue building which shows where to head to get back to CAR. Jules phoned to get them back on track and they were not far behind, coming in fast on the good breeze.

The Torrevieja tennis player, 15-yearold Charo Esquiva, has been crowned champion in both the individual and doubles categories in the 2023 Mapfre Cadet National Tennis Championship. The individual final pitted Charo Esquiva against Eugenia Menéndez from Asturias in a match that went to three sets. In a closely contested match, Charo had to raise her game in the third set to take the title with a final score of 6-1, 4-6, 6-2. Later she was also crowned champion in the doubles competition. Pairing up with Marta Picó from Alicante, they


1.AC/DC, 2.Athens, Los Angeles, Paris and St Louis.3.Deep Impact, 4.Negev, 5.Thombstone, 6.Boca Juniors, 7.Nokia and Motorola, 8. Colour blindness, 9.The Blue train, 10.a.The Tide Is High (Blondie), b. River Deep Mountain High (Tina Turner), c.Rocky Mountain High (John Denver), 11.Argentina and Chile, 12.Witness, 13.a.the sound of ringing bells (or ringing bells), b. shade, c.words, d.sand.14.Tom Cruise.15.Harry Potter.16.India (Statue of Unity), 17.North by Northwest, 18.Deserts, 19.Saudi Arabia.20.The mausoleum

defeated Ascanio and Azurza from the Canary Islands in two straight sets, 6-4, 6-1 in the final.

With these two titles, Charo Esquiva has now achieved her seventh Spanish championship in less than two years of her fledgling sports career.


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Marlene with the Runnersup trophy
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