The Leader Newspaper 6 October 2024 – Edition 1044

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Atotal of 13 agenda items were on the table at the Extraordinary Plenary Session held by the Orihuela Council on Thursday, all of which related to actions outstanding in Orihuela Costa.

The meeting was called by the Orihuela Government following a motion tabled by the opposition parties two weeks earlier. The short notice of just 3 days, however, and the 8am start in Orihuela City, were thought by many to be an extremely cynical way by the mayor of discouraging coastal residents from attending, as was his refusal, contrary to their legal right, to allow questions to be put by the coast’s largest resident’s association, AVCRL.

In summing up the three-hour meeting, which finished just after 11 am, the Cambiemos Councillor, Enrique Montero, said that every response provided by the government was exactly the same. “I can't take it anymore,” he added, as he reviewed the session, with so many questions being left in the air.




“Of the answers that we did get they were all the same, the Orihuela Costa is currently a work in progress.”

Leticia Pertegal, also of Cambiemos, said that it will be necessary to convene more plenary sessions of this type just as soon as everything starts moving forward.

There were answers given, but little information about specifics or dates. However, on the matter of the ongoing school crisis, which is crippling education on the coast, the Councillor for Urban Planning, Matias Ruiz, (photo right) said that the prefabricated classrooms in Calle Nispero, the site for the new temporary school, will begin to be assembled on the 14th, a task that will last two months. The school will then be ready to accept students in January.

The councillor also added that 12,000 square metres of land in La Cuerda urbanisation is to be ceded to the Regional Ministry for the construction of the new, long awaited, and permanent ‘brick built’ educational centre.

With Ruiz still the centre of attention, matters then turned to the construction of a second health centre. The councillor stated that the Council will hold a meeting with the conselleria on the 11th October to study the formula. Among the options being considered is that the Generalitat will meet the cost while the local government will manage the work.

The sea front walkway between Aguamarina and La Caleta, was the next item raised with Ruiz reporting that the municipal surveyors have already made an appraisal that will be sent to the Provincial Jury of Expropriation. A budget of 600,000 euros has been set aside for this purpose which it is hoped will be completed by Easter.

Another pending issue, the footbridge over the AP-7, the scene of last week’s dramatic car accident, where Ruiz explained that there have already been meetings with the State Highways Agency. The drafting of the project, and its connection with calle Cabo de Creus, said Ruiz, will soon be put out to tender for 86,344 euros (VAT included) with a completion period of 22 weeks.

The execution of the works, he stated, is included in the 2024 budget

Next to speak was Councillor Rocio Ortuño, who said that her department has removed 112 tons of debris on the coast, in an emergency action, following a report by the Local Police, warning of risks, while the tender is now completed for the cleaning of uncontrolled dumping throughout the municipality.

On the subject of a fixed ecopark, the Council “will cede the land in the coming days,” said the councillor, to the Consortium of the Vega Baja.

W W O O W W !! W W H H A A T T A A S S U U R R P P R R II S S E E

Diana Wiltshire was enjoying her 80th birthday party at The Pavilion in Torre de la Horadada on Saturday, with nearly 40 guests and music from Andy Smith. As she said, more friends than she had in her twenties! Close guests included her partner, Patrice Satur (who had his own 90th party at the same venue last year) and her younger son Stewart and his wife Jane.

Suddenly, everything went quiet, Diana looked round, and there was her elder son Simon, with his wife Tessa! Hardly local guests, they had just “dropped in” from their home in America!!

This was a secret which they had kept to themselves to make it a surprise,and Diana was completely lost for words! No one, not even Patrice or Stewart had had any idea that this was going to happen!

Apparently Simon had worked out from some clues where and when the party would be, had arranged a flight to Geneva, then to Alicante and booked a B and B nearby. So an amazing birthday which will never be forgotten!

Special thanks to the staff at The Pavilion and Emma, the chef, whose wonderful buffet was enjoyed by all. A beautiful cake was also made by Val of Cake Magic.

Indeed, since the meeting on Thursday a plot of 5,479m2 located on calle Otelo in PAU 8 has been earmarked. Once the land is officially handed over, construction will take about 6 months at a cost of euro 400,000, which will be met entirely by the Vega Baja Consortium.

Another of the issues discussed was the breakdown of the lifts leading to Punta Prima beach and Barranco Rubio beach in Campoamor. In this case, the councillor for the Coast, Manuel Mestre, pointed out that the repairs to the Punta Prima elevator have been carried out on a couple of occasions, but the breakdown has reoccurred once again.

Regarding Barranco Rubio, he said that these lifts, located in the Miraver building, are not municipal property and that he is trying to reach an agreement with the community of residents that owns them, to transfer their ownership.

Repairing the lifts on Campoamor beaches will cost 18,000 euros

Although the residents association, AVCRL, was refused permission to ask questions of the government, their voice was taken up by Councillor Luisa Bone, who read out the question they could not ask: “Do you think, Mr. Mayor, that the coast, the economic engine of our municipality and the largest contributor to the municipal budget, deserves to be governed with neglect, as your government is doing, without providing the Department of Orihuela Costa the powers or the budget, officials, and the means necessary, to move out of the serious situation we are in?

The final point on the agenda was a vote of no confidence in the councillor for the coast, Manuel Mestre (Vox), although, already having closed the meeting the mayor had to be reminded that the matter was still outstanding.

Despite recriminations from the opposition a vote was subsequently taken, and, going along party lines, the motion was defeated.


Until last year, the palm tree sculptures were located outside the museum house of the poet Miguel Hernandez.

The investigation into the illegal sale by Orihuela Council employees of scrap metal, which is being investigated by the Orihuela courts, throws up a scene with grotesque overtones, the sale of five very rare iron and copper sculptures of palm trees by the prestigious architectural company, Muher Art, that were, until last year, located outside the museum house of Orihuela’s favourite son, the poet Miguel Hernandez.

They were made on behalf of the former CAM, which donated them in 2008 to the Council on the anniversary of the poet’s death.

Valued at 50,000 euros each, a total of 250,000 euro, on their removal, they were placed in a council warehouse for ‘safekeeping’.

However, on March 17, 2023, around 1:00 p.m., a vehicle, owned by the council, transported them from the municipal warehouse to an iron and metal recycling company in the Puente Alto industrial estate, where they were sold, by weight, for scrap.

In total, there was almost 4 tons of iron and copper which brought 940.8 euros, in cash, money that was never entered into the municipal accounts.

The sale was formalised by city officials who, according to their statements, were doing so following instructions from the person in charge of the warehouse, who the court has summoned to appear in person on 18 December for an alleged crime of embezzlement.

This manager was said to oversee the municipal warehouse within the Infrastructure Department while it was in the hands of Ciudadanos, which has completely disassociated itself from the actions that are alleged to have been carried out.

In his statement, the manager denied that material was being recycled and that he had never given any order in this regard, stating that if this were the case he would have informed the appropriate municipal technician. However, he did acknowledge that three days before the palm trees were taken to the scrap yard, on March 14, Guardia Civil Seprona issued fine for

the uncontrolled open-air storage of organic waste, prunings, metals, rubble, rubber floors, wood, computers, in the warehouse.

For this reason, he said, he ordered his staff, according to instructions received from the municipal technician, to clean the area, indicating that an assessment should be made of what was useful and what was not, with the workers making the final decision. At the same time he indicated that he was not at the site when the palm trees were loaded and taken to the scrap metal yard.

The manager did, however, admit that the payment for the sale was made in cash which was handed over to him, with which he then paid for air conditioners and televisions to be installed in the buildings of the construction and gardening gangs. The police concluded that it was also used to pay for lunches for the warehouse employees.

It is said that this illegal practice had been taking place since at least 2019.

Other witnesses indicated that every time Christmas approached, they received orders to sell metal. The company in the industrial estate stated that it received material from City Hall officials every six months.

In turn, the PP, which filed the complaint that led to the police investigation, revealed that other items, also from warehouses on the coast, followed a similar route to scrap yards, but to other commercial establishments on the Alicante-Murcia highway, Almoradi and Los Montesinos.


Not so long ago the city of Orihuela spent well over 130,000 euros on two months of events for young people living in the city.

The May Gala de la Juventud splashed out the staggering sum of 52,998 euros on hiring the popular singer David Bustamante to close this cultural event.

The young people of Orihuela city are consistently being treated to hundreds of cultural events throughout the year in a regular programme of entertainment that is the envy of the young residents living on Orihuela Costa.

The large concert that had featured Bustamante would have been a great attraction to Costa teenagers who enjoy Spanish pop music. However, as usual, there was no transport provided to enable coastal youths to travel to Orihuela, and no attempt was made to ensure that all members of the municipality could enjoy this free extravaganza. Young people of Orihuela Costa not only have had to put up with substandard schools (which is still the case today), where many students had to spend their entire school years in portacabins or in schools without the full range of facilities one would normally expect in


a modern society, but also there was, and still is, a total lack of any provision of youth services. This is in stark contrast to the range of facilities offered to the youth of Orihuela city, where youngsters can visit the Concejalía de Juventud and receive a full range of services. If just a small proportion of the extravagant fee that was paid to David Bustaman had been diverted to the coast it could have paid for at least two full time youth workers, with change left over. However, as most Orihuela Costa residents are well aware there is no youth centre or even one proposed for this area, A purpose-built cultural centre with youth facilities on the coast is a priority, The excuses that the centre needs council employees to open would be invalid if the youth workers were employed by the council. There could be youth workshops, drama, music, mechanical, are just a few examples, and businesses could be invited to talk about graduateships, universities about degrees, and apprenticeships, but everything is geared up to benefit the youth of Orihuela and discriminate against the youth of Orihuela Costa. Even applying for a job one needs to go to

Orihuela, when in fact we should have an office here.

Most small towns and villages making up the Orihuela municipality have youth clubs and services for their young people, but the coast, with a population of exceeding 33,000, has again been totally neglected by these nefarious people living 34 kilometres away in Orihuela City.

Until Orihuela Costa has a sufficient number of elected representatives from this area, the needs of all sections of the coastal community will continue to be ignored by politicians regardless of whether they are from Orihuela, Valencia or Madrid.

All residents of Orihuela Costa need to ensure that they are registered to vote in local elections and make sure they also cast their votes at election time.

The residents of the Costa can make a difference to local politics and ensure that this fantastic region, which is continually being overlooked, gains the same services that are enjoyed by residents living in other parts of the municipality.

Torrevieja’s new Immaculada School formally opens

The newly opened CEIP Immaculada in Torrevieja is a modern, energy-efficient school that has been built in record time. The school, which cost €7.3 million to construct, offers a range of educational facilities, including kindergarten units, primary education classrooms, a dining room, a gym, and a library. The school is designed to be environmentally friendly and incorporates solar panels, natural lighting, and an efficient air conditioning system. The mayor of Torrevieja expressed his satisfaction with the project as he thanked the Department of Education and the construction company for their work.

Last Monday 433 students were being taught in the new school


The Civil Guard in Crevillente arrested a truck driver for driving under the influence of alcohol with a level seven times the legal limit for professional drivers. The driver was stopped on the A-7 motorway after multiple reports of dangerous driving.

The driver, a 59-year-old Spanish man, showed signs of alcohol consumption and had a previous record for driving under the influence. He faces up to six months in prison and a four-year driving ban.


A woman in Alicante, received a 15-year sentence for murdering an 80-year-old British woman in Elche on May 4th, 2022.

The former real estate agent initially withheld information but confessed at the trial. The motive remains unclear, though it likely involved a property deal.

Prosecutors sought 25 years, reduced to 15 for her confession and lack of a prior record. Defense requested a further reduction to

12.5 years. The judge agreed with the prosecution's 15-year sentence due to the crime's severity.

The victim's son, also a suspect, died in a car accident in Campoamor, before his hearing.

Prosecutors believe the murder was premeditated due to the defendant's actions on the day of the crime. She received an additional 3-month sentence for a car fire, reduced due to her confession and compensation paid.


The Generalitat conducted a load test on the CV-95 bridge in San Miguel de Salinas last week,to ensure its structural integrity after reconstruction.The bridge was subjected to a total load of 228 tonnes,equivalent to 38 trucks,as it was monitored for distortions or signs of distress.

The new bridge,built at a cost of euro 2.6 million,replaces the previous structure that was deemed unsafe due to deterioration.

The old bridge had suffered from subsidence of the road surface,undermining of pillars,and deterioration of the main structure,posing a significant safety risk.

The Generalitat was forced to urgently process the work after receiving a complaint from the San Miguel Arcangel Residents' Association.During the visual inspections carried out by surveyors,the regional administration detected the alarming state of the bridge.

The CV-95 inks Orihuela,Bigastro, Jacarilla,San Miguel de Salinas,and Torrevieja.It also crosses the Los Balcones de Torrevieja development and connects at its southern end with the N-332 road.

Woman in court wearing a black hood


Teachers' offices have been converted into classrooms, children are being crammed in wherever there is a space and there are still 80 students that have not started school because there is no room. This is the dramatic situation in Orihuela Costa public schools, especially the CEIP Playas de Orihuela.

The educational community has grown considerably, saturating this educational centre to the extreme, and yet again, Teachers and parents are taking to the streets to protest and demand that the Ministry of Education take urgent measures.

The Orihuela Playa area has seen its population increase in recent years. It is estimated, based on water consumption, that 45,000

people live there on a regular basis, far more than number in Orihuela city.

There are more inhabitants and, therefore, more children enrolled in the public school in the coastal area but for two years, the construction of a new educational centre has been promised, but with no progress.

Since May 2023, many of these new students have been enrolled “in a ficticious school", the one that is still waiting to be built, according to the CEIP Playas de Orihuela School Board in an official letter to the Minister of Education, Jose Rovira. However, as a "fix" 109 more children are being accommodated at the CEIP Playas de Orihuela and another 79 at the CEIP Los Dolses, as a consequence of this "failed

promise" of opening a new school.

And 80 students are still on the waiting list, that is, 80 students who at this stage of the school year still don’t have a school to go to and are not receiving compulsory education. And the coastal schools are warning that more registrations are expected, which, although the school year is underway, is normal.

Currently, not only do the classes exceed the ratio of students per classroom established by law, but in addition many spaces have been enabled using teachers' offices, staff rooms, multipurpose rooms, libraries , etc.

There should be 20 children in each class, taking into account that it is a centre of Special Singularity with 25% of the students having special needs.

But in the CEIP Playas de Orihuela at this moment there are classrooms of 40 students, double what the law establishes.

The saturation is such that there is no longer a single empty room, all the corners of the building "that are not optimal" have been converted into improvised classrooms and there is not a single free place where the teachers re able to meet and prepare the subjects that are to be taught.

The School Board is demanding "exceptional measures for exceptional situations." Not only are they demanding the promised third school that "will not solve the problems," but also a "third, a fourth and even a fifth school."

Meanwhile, our political leaders continue to ‘sit on their hands’.


Amongst the guests from Orihuela Costa were Pedro Mancebo, a friend Esther and Ray Kearney

The Orihuela Chamber of Commerce recognised local businesses for their achievements at its annual awards ceremony on Friday night.The event celebrated Orihuela's cultural heritage and the potential for economic growth.The Chamber highlighted innovation,sustainability,and politics as key themes for the future of business in the municipality.

The winners of the Municipal Trade and Industry Awards were: Conservas Hello for Internationalisation,Agriauto for Business Career,Colinas Golf for Sustainable Tourism,Joyeria Adolfo Valero for Proximity Commerce,Santamar de la Vega for Family Enterprise, and Metro Dance Club for Musical Culture.The Honorary Juan Cerdan Prize was awarded to Mariano Moreno,founder of Mercaluz. The awards ceremony was attended by local and regional dignitaries. The event was a celebration of Orihuela's business community and its potential for future success.



Staff from Clequali, the company that provides services to the Sports Department of the Orihuela Council, continues to denounce their alarming situation of non-payments. For more than two months, employees have not received their salaries, which has generated a climate of indignation and concern.

In a protest, the workers hung a sign in front of the municipal sports facilities that read: "We want solutions now, we still haven't been paid. Enough of the lies!" This message reflects the desperation of those affected, who see their labour rights ignored while the silence of the Orihuela council continues. Those affected complain that, despite the seriousness of

On the N-334,at La Regia and Cabo Roig, many of you will know the roundabout with the central showpiece of a pyramid,but did you know it’s curious history.

Well,the monument is dedicated to the walking labourers as they were called,los peones camineros,a body of state employees,established in the 18th century,who had the mission of keeping all local roads in good condition.They carried out their work on foot,so hence their name.

Each walker was responsible for a stretch of road where he had his work utensils and the building he lived.In April 1988,the building at this point on the N-332 road,where the roundabout is now,was demolished,and with the material that was salvaged from its demolition the pyramid was built as a tribute to the people who did a great job of maintaining the roads since the 18th century.

the situation, Orihuela City Council has not offered any clear response or taken any measures to resolve the problem. A lack of action that is being harshly criticised by employees, who demand justice and transparency.

Hankering back to happy, hitherto, halloweens

Isn’t it funny how some little insignificant thing can lodge in your mind for no reason? I remember being highly amused by a sketch cartoon I came across in a magazine a long time ago.

A gardener was digging in the soil and had just unearthed a large worm, sticking its head above the clay. From the headland a robin was lining up the worm; oblivious to the big tom cat crouched and waiting to spring on the bird. Meanwhile the mean looking bulldog was getting ready to time his run at the cat! There were two neighbours, elbows resting on the wooden fence watching the drama develop, and one remarked to the other: ‘this one is going to be interesting!’

The above scenario was little different to the home homologue at Halloween-time during my childhood. I refer to watching the ring and who would get it in the Halloween barmbrack.

Halloween wasn’t as big a deal in those days as it is today; but nonetheless, the pagan feast of Samhain, was marked by ancient customs, storytelling and a range of games, (mostly devilment) taking liberties with the neighbours and their property.

But back to the brack: The Halloween brack from Briody’s Shop was the Halloween highlight in Casa Comaskey. Being the lucky eater to land the ring assumed an importance of unimaginable status. Hence the parallel with the sketch cartoon.

Our mother would slice the brack, all the time coming under greater scrutiny than referee James McGrath might in a hurling final. The brack was buttered, a slice at a time and dished out in no particular order. Nobody wanted the first slice and this convention backfired spectacularly one year when the 3

year old nearly chocked trying to eat a heel with a ring in it. Still, I suspect that our mammy knew which slice contained the ring and who was most entitled to it. We all remembered who was lucky the previous year and no child ever managed to bring off back-to-back wins!

My English cousin, Sean Jefferies, brought new games and tricks to our neighbourhood. The ‘Beano’ and the ‘Dandy’ were a rich source of foreign antics for us living in the bog. The creative making of masks, dressing up, witch hunting and the candle in the hewn out turnip were all Sean’s teachings. There were no ‘trick or treats’ in those days but I remember the endless fun the Reilly’s and ourselves got from trying to bite the suspended apple on a string from our kitchen ceiling. I perfected a method where I headbutted the apple and opened my mouth wide for the rebound. This way, sharp teeth got to bite a piece of apple.

This evening of boystrous fun would conclude with my father (if he was in the mood) repeating his yarn about the cardplay in a house on Halloween night. A stranger came in and asked if he could play a hand. Sometime during the game a player dropped a card on the floor and stooped to pick it up. It was then he saw that the feet of the stranger were cloven … the devil had called!

But how could I have almost forgotten about the nuts; probably the most pleasurable part of Halloween and certainly the greatest value. Hazel nuts, monkey nuts, walnuts were incredible value for money in Briody’s and we feasted to our hearts content for more than one day.

Mrs Briody or Jane Forde were very generous near the scales of a bag of nuts coming into a


From Tuesday 8th to Sunday 13th of October, why not visit Torreviejaís famous street food market where more than 10 vintage style food trucks will be pulling up at the Park of Nations where they will be offering a wide variety of gastronomic delights.

This free event is great fun for all the family with childrenís entertainment, a craft market, and live tribute bands including The Beatles, Queen and the Rolling Stones. In addition, there will be DJ's to liven up the event when the performances are taking a break.

To accompany the variety of fresh food on offer, drink bars will be installed with beer, soft drinks and mojitos. You can find the complete entertainment schedule and opening hours on our website

house like ours!

Some customs of the time bordered on soft vandalism. Bigger lads might climb onto the roof of a house and throw a wet sack over the chimney, thus filling the house with smoke.

The lifting of gates was another troublesome high jinks – although in fairness, I never heard of a gate being lifted where livestock could escape. Taking the wheels from a cart and hanging same from the branch of a tree was not unheard of either. And before an old neighbor thinks they have just solved a cold case … I nor my brothers did not do any of those things!

The ritual of religious duty was an integral part of those days. It may seem strange to highlight the importance of two religious feast days which ran side by side with the ancient pagan celebration. November 1st was All

Hallows, or All Saints Day; and 2nd November was All Souls Day. Anyway, what this meant was that on one day we prayed for the saints who weren’t known and on the other we prayed for the souls in Purgatory who were in need of our prayers.

As we regularly say here in this column, times have changed - and this includes Halloween activities. All sorts of pre-packed goodies can be sourced in the supermarket. Kids call door to door and come away rewarded for just a knock on the door. But are there the same thrills, spills and excitement that we were able to manufacture for ourselves in the long ago?

I don’t think so …


If you love life, life will love you back.

Hatchlings journey to Adulthood

The successful hatching of 51 baby turtles from the second nest laid by 'Pura Vida' on La Mata beach in Torrevieja marked a significant milestone for conservation efforts in the region. This joyous event followed the disappointment of the previous nest's failure, inspiring renewed hope among volunteers.

Of the 51 hatchlings, 18 were carefully released into the sea on Thursday, a moment of awe and celebration as these tiny creatures embarked on their perilous journey towards adulthood. The remaining turtles were transferred to the Oceanografic in Valencia, where they will receive specialised care.

The successful hatching of this second nest was a testament to the dedication of the volunteers who tirelessly worked to protect and nurture these endangered species. Their efforts played a crucial role in ensuring the survival of these precious creatures.

Rojales Pantomime Group Presents Dick Whittington

Get ready to laugh until your sides hurt with Rojales Pantomime Group´s upcoming production of Dick Whittington.This classic pantomime tale is filled with humour,heart,and plenty of surprises along the way.

Audiences can expect to be thoroughly entertained by the misadventures of Dick Whittington and his loyal feline friend Puss,as they face off against the dastardly King Rat.With a talented cast of local actors and dancers,this production promises to be a night of fun for the whole family.

Don't miss your chance to see this uproarious show,filled with song,dance,and plenty of laughs.

The pantomime will be showing at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio on Thursday 5th,Friday 6th and Saturday 7th of December.Please note that the Saturday performance will be an afternoon matinee.You won't want to miss it!

Tickets are now on sale at the following outlets: The Post Box, Doña Pepa; The Card Place,Benimar; The Post Room,Benijofar; Cards and More,La Marina; Carpet Heaven,Los Montesinos; Treasure Chest,Quesada,The Card Place; Punta Prima and The Post Shop,Villamartin.You can also email

Spangles is abuzz with excitement!

At the beginning of November, they will be joining other choirs/choruses for the “Musica Orbis Gloria Festival” in Prague.

Preparations are well under way, but everyone knows temperatures will be low in November, proving very cold for those from warmer climes! However, Spangles have covered that by equipping themselves with new capes to keep them all warm for the trip.

We say “equipping themselves” but they wouldn’t have been able to do that without some great help from their supporters. Spangles is so very grateful to the local businesses who have sponsored the capes to help them on their way. This includes Mayz Dental Practice, the Gurkha Durbar Nepali Restaurant and The Salon, as well as two partners of chorus members, Herman

and David, who have also donated.

Donations which will keep them snug and warm dur-

ing their first time visiting this beautiful city as a group. Spangles really look forward to singing in some

You can keep up-to-date with their journey on their Facebook page:


Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday, from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares and visitors are always welcome. If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: or email

including the famous St Vitus Cathedral, joined by choirs from around the world.


Firefighters were called out lastThursday to a traffic accident caused by a head-on collision between a truck and a car on the CV-930 near Orihuela. The officers, who received the call at 12:34, had to free the driver of the vehicle. She was trapped in her car in a very serious condition, while the driver of the truck was unharmed. Unfortunately the driver, a 20-year-old woman, died at the scene as a result of her injuries. The causes of the accident are still being investigated. The road remained partially closed with the Civil Guard regulating traffic until the rescue and clean-up work had been completed.


The Torrevieja U3A (University of the Third Age) is looking for group leaders for new activities like camera club, wine tasting, and ukulele. These groups are flexible and can meet according to the leader's schedule.

If you're interested in leading or joining a group, contact Michelle at: or visit their website for more information and to learn how to become a member.


The councillor of Youth of the City of Torrevieja, Domingo Paredes, announced that on Saturday, October 12, on Avenida de las Urracas, in the Torreta III, the Second National Graffiti Contest will be held, serving as a tribute to the local graffiti artist “House TLY”.

During the day there will be different murals by artists from all over Spain, with the main prizes of 3,000, 2,500 and 700€, and also a prize for best local artist of 700€

In addition, all participants will receive a runner-up prize of €100.

The day will be enlivened with music, break dance, children's entertainment and free workshops.


The trial for the 74 deaths in a nursing home in Alcoy during the Covid-19 health pandemic in March 2020, is set to begin this Monday.

The Alcoy Court number 3 is conducting the trial, following the lawsuit filed by 46 relatives of 18 deceased people.

The hearing is expected to last until next Thursday, the


Rojales council has put a brake on electric scooters with it’s approval of an ordinance regulating the use of personal mobility vehicles in public spaces.

In the lack of formal regulation the council is introducing new rules which establish fines defined as minor (80 euros), serious (200) and very serious (500).

day on which the conclusions have been set to be made public.

The hearing was delayed last February after both Quavitae, the company responsible for the Domus Vi nursing home, and the Ministries of Equality and Inclusive Policies failed to submit documentation.

Torrevieja Brain Workshop

More than 200 people visited the Torrevieja Natural History Museum for the brain workshops, organised by the Cultural Association Ars Creatio and the University Miguel Hern?ndez (UMH), on the occasion of the European Night of Researchers.

This represents an increase compared to the previous edition, which reached 185 people.

The exhibition “DEMETRIO, ART AND THE SEA” by the artist, Demetrio Sanchez, has opened at the Casa de Cultura in Pilar de la Horadada.

Sanchez is exhibiting about thirty drawings and paintings in pen, brush, acrylic and watercolours of various formats representing figures and landscapes of various cities and countries. The exhibition will be open until the end of October.


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Though the product costs more than a professional paint job the little extra is well worth the investment bearing in mind that in some cases houses have to be repainted every 2 or 3 years. If you would like a no obligation survey and quote, or to ask about our special offers, please feel free to call on +34 690 382 433 or email

Remember it’s all in the name No Need To Paint



The publisher Kalandraka has disassociated itself from the International City of Orihuela Prize for Poetry for Girls and Children as a result of the decision of the Orihuela government of PP and Vox to reject the request of Miguel Hern?ndez's family to grant a full pardon to the poet 85 years after he was sentenced to death. The company considered that "the conditions are not given to continue its collaboration with this City Council from absolute respect for the figure of the distinguished poet and his human, intellectual and moral legacy," it said in a statement.

Three Dead in Iberdrola Inspection Helicopter Crash

Three people were killed on Sunday after a helicopter collided with high voltage power lines in Pu?ol (Valencia).

The helicopter had been hired by the company Iberdrola to inspect the power lines.

The initial hypothesis is that the sunís glare was at the same height as the cables at the time of the collision, which could have prevented the pilot from noticing he was too close.


An Alicante startup has developed a project that collects the remains of posidonia oceanica on Almadraba beach in Alicante and transforms it into high-quality ingredients for the cosmetics and nutraceutical industry.

“Our priority is to turn what has until now been waste into a resource. We know that posidonia plays a key role in the environment, and in this way we are able to generate added value to improve human health,” says Silvia Anton, co-founder and marine biologist.

The accumulation of posidonia oceanica is a natural phenomenon that plays a fundamental role in the protection of the Mediterranean coastline. However, excessive accumulation causes discomfort to beach users.

“With this collection, Mediterranean Algae Technologies is positioning itself as an agent of change by providing a solution that balances environmental protection with the need for responsible and sustainable use of the coastline,” said its CEO, Yago Sierras.


This is the seventh death recorded by drowning on the Guardamar coastline this year

A 72-year-old British man of has died on Thursday while bathing on Guardamar beach. Emergency services attended the scene at 3.30pm in the afternoon, according to municipal sources. Health personnel mobilized by the Emergency Coordination Centre of the Generalitat and Local Guardamar Police moved to the drowning site. The bather

died in the area of the residential Benamor, south of the centre of Guardamar.

Unfortunately at this time of the year the beaches are no longer supported by a lifeguard service.

Initially suggestions are that drowning would have occurred due to the indisposition of the bather and not by the state of the sea, which on Thursday was absolutely calm. Well-placed sources said they believed the unnamed Brit at the centre of the latest tragedy could have suffered a health problem prior to his drowning.


Life is short but there is much we can do to improve the quality of our lifestyle. Most of us appreciate that healthy food, clean air and water are big factors in the quality of life.

Often, we fail to recognise the value of gentle or EASY Exercise. Muscles waste away when they are not used, regardless of our age.

Exercise is as essential as breathing, drinking or eating. However, we don’t need to exhaust yourself with hard exercise, there is an EASY option.

The basic principle behind EASY Exercise is

that muscles don’t care how they are moved but they do need to be moved.

At the Sophia Wellness Centre in La Regia (Cabo Roig) we have 3 different motorized exercise circuits that move us, we don’t have to move them.

They are scientifically designed to improve our quality of life. The best way to get to know this for yourself is to try it for FREE. EASY Exercise offer you a free trial so you can decide for yourself, call663 771 345 for an appointment.

You will not regret it.

Main Benefits of EASY Exercise Include:

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EASY Exercise is open Monday to Friday, you can improve your flexibility and mobility by gently working your whole body in a friendly and fun environment.

FREE trials are available 10am – 12. Call663 771 345 for an appointment.



1.Chance (11)

9.Spinning-top game (7)

10.Nobleman (5)

11.Fight (3-2)

12.Exact (7)

13.Idea (6)

15.Accident (6)

18.Ugly thing (7)

20.Light anchor (5)

22.Rummage (5)

23.Opening (7)

24.Property seller (6,5)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on


2.Braid (5)

3.Sherry (7)

4.Company of actors (6)

5.Dignified (5)

6.Stain (7)

7.Miscellaneous items (4,3,4)

8.Translator (11)

14.Latticework structure (7)

16.Slight suggestion (7)

17.Far-off (6)

19.Musical drama (5)

21.Condescend (5)

ANSWERS Week 1043



1 Research; 5 Spur; 9 Comb; 10 Unctuous; 11 Diary; 12 Clement; 13 Unforgettable; 18 Ultimate; 19 Bind; 20 Proviso; 21 State; 22 Dust; 23 Asterisk. DOWN: DOWN: 2 Emotion; 3 Embargo; 4 Conscientious; 6 Proverb; 7 Rosette; 8 Street; 13 Usurped; 14 Fatuous; 15 Remain; 16 Arbiter; 17 Linctus.


ACROSS: 1 Stocking; 5 Ammo; 9 Frau; 10 Stranded; 11 Guile; 12 Ragtime; 13 White elephant; 18 Regional; 19 Olga; 20 Tenders; 21 Sleet; 22 Deer; 23 Estimate.

DOWN: DOWN: 2 Through; 3 Couplet; 4 Natural causes; 6 Madeira; 7 Oddment; 8 Hang-up; 13 Worsted; 14 Ingenue; 15 Erodes; 16 Hoodlum; 17 Neglect.



1.Where those who aestivate are accommodated? (6-5)

9.Cut into various indices (7)

10.Leaves a deposit when the lists are revised (5)

11.Caterpillar right inside the mountain ash? (5)

12.Being more spiteful could result in tears (7)

13.Gold transaction becomes a testing experience (6)

15.Fungoid alga from N. Chile (6)

18.Two seamen get the last of the mayonnaise dressing (7)

20.Where males were implicated in a witch-hunt (5)

22.One working automatically produces nonsense about outside broadcast (5)

23.He tampers with a fruit tree we hear (7)

24.Minute-men (11)


2.The physical effects of this could be cruel (5)

3.Cosmetic mother used to cover a blemish (7)

4.Equestrianism I had seen in the arena (6)

5.Is so mixed up about a lonely fertile spot (5)

6.It?s not altruistic to market sea-food, one hears (7)

7.They stick an advertisement among the accounts (11)

8.No more stars would certainly disturb them (11)

14.It could be a bad rule but it?s lasting (7)

16.Could he be a convict who?s admitted to the clique? (7)

17.Timber put in favourite window fitting (6)

19.Bustling atmosphere around the street (5)

21.In April Iíll explore French textile centre (5)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 19)

1. Which short catchphrase from the television series The Simpsons is now included in the Merriam-Webster dictionary?

2. Which band with a sticky sweet name had a 1964 number 1 UK hit (number 5 in the US) with their debut song "Have I The Right"?

3. Which South American football club with a Greek name has won the FIFAClub World Cup title twice since its inception in 2000?

4. What is the "Snellen chart" used for?

5. Which author formulated the "Three laws of robotics"?

6. Which 2001 film starring Anthony Hopkins is based on a Stephen King novel?

7. In ancient Rome, what was a quadriga?

8. The river Han runs through which capital city?

9. Where in the human body are the extraocular muscles located?

10. With 15-25 centimetres in diameter and weighing up to two kilograms, what is the largest citrus fruit? ( it is sometimes named after a 17th century English sea captain)

11. In Tolkien's "Return of the King", on which fields outside of Minas Tirith did the decisive battle between good and evil take place?

12. Ranked number 57 in Rolling Stone magazine's list of "the 500 greatest albums of all time"; which 1968 album depicts a

dirty, graffiti covered public toilet on the album cover?

13. Which famous 17th century French novelist and swashbuckler wrote about a voyage to the moon 24 years before H. G. Wells published his "The First Men in the Moon"?

14. Aslice of which one of the following is used to garnish the 'Porn Star' martini? a. banana, b. cucumber, c. passion fruit, d. avocado

15. The following was the movie poster tag line for which popular 1967 film? "This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future."

16. India shares land borders with how many countries?

17. In his will, which bed did William Shakespeare bequeath his wife?

18. Which was the last country in the Western Hemisphere (North and South America) to abolish slavery in 1888?

19. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word "Face" somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song?

a. I thought the sun rose in your eyes and the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave. b. Life can be fine if we both 69. c. Had it been another day I might have looked the other way. d. They've got no human grace

20. The capitol of which British Overseas Territory lies in an exclusion zone and has been uninhabited since 1995 due to volcanic activity?

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja -Evangelical Church. Sunday Service 11 a.m.; - Contact 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. Evangelical non-denominational church.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is an attractive 2019 Ford Ecosport at just 21,900e Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page 5. We can assure you of the biggest and best choice of new and used cars in the area for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN


Have you lost somebody close to you? Are you finding life difficult after a bereavement? Come along and chat to other people in the same situation. Starting on October 10th, then every Tuesday from 2-4pm at the Age Concern Centre, Calle Paganini, La Siesta, Torrevieja. 96 678 6887. Everyone is welcome. Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) Open to residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. Located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 2 times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, various Spanish lessons including Games & Quiz on Mondays. Art sessions and Easy Conversation on Wednesdays. Information and advice regards living in Spain. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities can pop along between 12pm Mondays and Wednesdays for more info from Eva or Norah in the Cafe area. Email: m Social Activities: Spaces available now. Mondays.

Level 2. Spanish Games & Quiz. Wednesday. Easy Spanish Conversation. Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help with well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre in La Siesta , ring 966 786 887 or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576

117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Assn. Contact is via the RAFA website


Established for over 10 years. Sold with 26 vehicles, a large database of past and current clients, and around 25.000 EURO of forward bookings.



Costa Blanca Scooterists were away on tour again last week, returning to one of their favourite places, Mojacar, a lovely little town down in Andalucia on The Costa Del Sol.

Twelve members on ten scooters set off on the first day of four to travel down from Torrevieja, although the journey was not without incidents –first an accident and then a breakdown. Hey but CBS are a hardy and resourceful bunch so?

With A Little Help From Our Friends? everyone arrived in Mojacar safely - and things soon improved… After a good nights rest at the excellent hotel facing the sea, CBS breakfasted well and heading south enjoyed a scooterists dream: riding up and down impressive hills combined with huge sweeping bends, all with amazing views of the beautiful coast.

A nice lunch was enjoyed before returning back the same impressive way. Later back in the Mojacar Playa some members went to enjoy a Ska band, in the process meeting up with some old friends from their sister group, the Mojacar Soul and Scooter

club (MSS): a great evening, excellent entertainment.

Day two started off brilliantly as CBS met others from MSS at a new about-to-open 60s Mod-themed bar called ‘Jimmy’s’. This is named after scooterists hero of the 80s film ?Quadrophenia?.

If somehow you don’t know what that is, it is the dramatic story of a young Mod called Jimmy growing up in London during those halcyon days of the Swinging Sixties *.

Scooters, clothes, hairstyles and attitudes of the day (and Sting) all feature in the film. The nearly-finished bar was fantastic, decorated with large murals of Jimmy and the cast –and naturally CBS jumped at the photo-opportunity to identify with the Quadrophenia theme.

Could the day get better? Well actually yes, it did, because after coffee and refreshments at Jimmy’s the MSS lads and lasses led their counterpart CBS members on a fantastic ride inland to a town called Bedar, way up in the Andalusian hills. There the two groups mingled together for a great chat to share scooter and other suitable stories.

Parting from their MSS friends the afternoon took those who wanted to to go back up to the real whitewashed Mojacar town, perched high on the hill with its panoramic views. Some CBS newbies hadn’t previously experienced the quaint town with its little avenues, alleyways and shops – they have now. Before finally heading back to the hotel a very necessary stop was made to the wellstocked Vespa clothes shop in the Mojacar Playa.

This trip was revealing to those who went - and only they know why ??

Sadly all good things come to an end and on Friday the long scenic trip home began, with welcome food and fuel stops at Aguilas and Mazarron. Everyone eventually arrived safely home with many stories to tellanother very successful CBS tour (that’s four now to Mojacar) - always full of fun.

*The writer of this piece is himself an old Sixties Mod with the necessary (true) stories from those great days to tell/embellish/bore (delete where applicable) anyone, Martini style – any place, any time, anywhere.

October is Tyre Safety Month

As the winter is fast approaching, October has traditionally become the month when motorists are encouraged to prepare for the seasonal change, and pay particular attention to one of the most crucial elements of a car, one which is so easy to check, and yet one which is so often neglected, as we join in with recognising that October is TYRE SAFETY MONTH.

Checking your own tyres is not as difficult as you might think, and should be performed on a regular basis anyway, at least once per month, and before a long journey, but the more frequent the checks, the better. You should check each tyre (including the spare if your vehicle has one) for signs of damage. Pay close attention to indentations, fragments that may be lodged in the tyre, and even small cuts.

You should check the side walls of each tyre, including the inner side of the wheel, which might mean getting your hands dirty, but it is worth it.

When you check the contact surface of the tyre you should also look for wear. Firstly, make sure that the tyre has enough tread. In between the main cavernous areas, you should find what are called principle grooves, where there is an indicator as to the tread depth.

Pay close attention that the tread is wearing

in an equal manner across the width of the tyre. If not, it could indicate that the tyre isn?t properly inflated. Continue checking for damage at the same time.

You also need to check the tyre pressure, even if you think they look okay, and a calibrated machine is the best way of ding this. Modern cars have a plate affixed to the frame of the driver?s door which indicates the correct pressure. Make sure you check this and vary the pressure depending on the load you will be carrying.

Tyres should always be checked when they are cold, before setting off on a journey. If you have any doubts or concerns, then it is always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to tyres and get them checked by a professional.

However, tyre checks should be part of your regular routine, and you may also want to consider changing for a more seasonally appropriate set, depending on where you live and the sort of roads you will be driving on.

Finally, although not directly related to tyres, it is also a timely reminder that during the winter, in some places in Spain, snow chains become mandatory at times, and so whilst checking the tyres now, it is worthwhile checking your show chains if you have them, or considering purchasing them if you live in an area likely to see snow.

There are special conditions when it comes to changing vehicle ownership.


Previously known as Casa Ventura, the complex was taken over by Helen & Gareth approx 3 years ago as an adventure, with plans to make this resort something special. For those of you that knew Casa Ventura you will appreciate the task of turning this whole project into something to be proud of. We still have some way to go, however many of those who have visited us have complimented us on all the changes we have made.

The pool has been renovated to a high standard and is being enjoyed by local residents and holiday makers alike. The circular outdoor bar has, and is being enjoyed, by everybody, creating a great atmosphere, providing excellent food, drinks and cocktails etc.

The seating area around the bar area is fitted with a large television screen allowing coverage of all major sporting events, including football, rugby, formula 1, boxing and various others.

There is a brand-new games room with pool table, dart board, and a new football table game. The room also has a large Television showing live sports.

The Banqueting / Function room is readily available to host Business functions, private parties and any other occasions. We also have the provision

for live shows and entertainment.

The Restaurant can accommodate approximately 60 people. The room has pleasant and modern decor with a bar area.

We have recently installed 6 new Petanca courts with competitive league matches taking place. All are welcome to come along and play for a very modest 3ˇ per person.

The Oasis Resort is also the home of San Luis Bowls Club, renowned for being a very friendly club with a good membership.

While competitive in local bowling leagues they are a very friendly group. The club welcomes all new members and new bowlers especially, who will be provided

every assistance should they wish to take up or improve in the sport.

When not bowling the members are very sociable, relaxing time after their games, having drinks and chatting around the bar terrace.

The Oasis also has a good following of local residents and is also the meeting venue for the Torrevieja branch of The Royal British Legion.

As well as Helen & Myself, all the staff are friendly and welcoming and look forward to seeing many more ‘Leaders readers’ at the Oasis as we move forward with anticipation in continuing to make many more improvements over the coming months.

SUDUK O SOLUTION O SOLUTION QUIZ FROM P 14: 1."d'oh".2.Honeycombs.3.Corinthians (Sport Club Corinthians Paulista).4.To test the eyes.5.Issac Asimov.6.Hearts in Atlantis.7.Four-horsed chariot.8. Seoul.9.Around the eyes.10.Pomelo, pommello, Shaddock.11.Pelennor Fields.12.Beggars Banquet (Rolling Stones).13.Cyrano de Bergerac.14.Answer c. passion fruit.15.The Graduate.16.Six (Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma)).17.His "second-best bed".18.Brazil.19. Four answers.a.The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Roberta Flack).b.Sit On My Face (Monty Python).c. I've Just Seen A Face (Beatles).d.Eyes Without A Face (Billy Idol).20.Montserrat (Plymouth is the capital, although Brades is now the de facto capital)

Helen & Gareth took over the complex three years ago


Hardly a day goes by in the UK that we don’t hear some shocking story about someone being stabbed, injured or killed and an increasing number of people are frightened to go out, especially at night.

Latest horrific story was that of two 12 year old boys who carried out a machette attack on a 19-year-old youth in Wolverhampton. They have each been jailed for eight and a half years. They attacked the youth after he asked them to move from a park bench.

Bullying among teenagers is nothing new. I suffered badly from it from the age of eight when I moved from a mixed infants school to an all boys school and was the youngest and smallest in the class.

In those days, after WW2 and the bombings in London, large numbers of Eastenders were moved to new council estates on the South Coast and these far more streetwise kids quickly formed gangs.

I was regularly beaten up and I was terrified of these bullies from London. I went out for walks or hid behind trees at lunch times to get away from them. It all came to an end when much older prefects saw what was happening and set upon the bullies and gave them a huge beating.

Teachers got to hear of it and gave the bullies the cane at assembly. They didn’t touch me, or anyone else, again.

When youngsters today are caught carrying knives and are asked why they are doing so, often they reply they are scared not to carry them because someone could attack them with a knife.

Thank goodness, way back in the 1950s, kids didn’t carry knives and what I was attacked with was fists and boots.

But back then there was corporal punishment and it worked. Those Eastenders quickly learned what would happen if they bullied again. And there was nothing like the trouble that there is today.

OK, back then we didn’t have drugs in schools, we didn’t have video games filled with violence, or ghastly stuff you could read or view on iphones.

Kids today are bombarded by negative stuff and discipline has gone out of the window in direct proportion to the way punishments have become meaningless. What is the point of sending a teenager to prison, where he or she will meet even more unruly kids and learn more evil ways. And suspended prison sentences are laughable.

I am strongly in favour of corporal punishment carried out in public - both to humiliate the offender (girls as well as boys,

Tony Mayes Rant

women as well as men) and also to inflict pain. The worse the crime, the worse the pain.

It’s my guess that if corporal punishment was the norm we would have far less crime. Take, for example, a woman who repeatedly goes shoplifting in London and was interviewed recently on TV. She admitted she has made a career of theft and knows that if her haul is under 200 pounds police won’t even bother to attend the store to arrest her.

A damn good public birching would very quickly put an end to her activities.

We’re spending a fortune on prisons and even more in future because the prison population is ever rising. There are many better ways to spend that money, and birching provides a very simple solution.

As for those 12 year old murderers, I think that parents should be held equally responsible. Clearly they had little or any control of their offspring and are not fit to be parents. If parents knew they risked a public birching if their offspring got caught with a knife or did anything serious, they would be far more watchful of what their children were up to –or better still, not have them in the first place!


It’s dreadful to listen to all the crazy hypocrisy over the freebies accepted by prime minister Sir Keir – posh frocks for his wife, etc etc.

TV interviewers have had a field day attacking Labour and, of course, so have the rightwing newspapers, when I know, and every journalist knows, that freebies happen everywhere, especially in newspaper and TV newsrooms.

Companies have, and always will, fall over themselves to give something away if they are promoting something and want some free publicity. Rich political donors will lavish money and gifts on politicians if they think it will promote their cause. Some will say it makes the world go round.

I am not defending it, and people in government should be far more careful what they accept – accepting money for fashion clothing does not look good, especially when at the same time they are telling the country people will have to pull their belts in and accept a winter without fuel benefits for the elderly.

My first experience of a freebie was in Jo Lyons tea shop when I was aged 14, where I worked at weekends and school holidays. I was given an out of date huge apricot pie to take home. My mother’s eyes popped out when she saw it and thought her birthday had come early! I learned at Jo Lyons how to become expert at clearing and cleaning tables. A skill never forgotten!

As a newspaper editor I had unsolicited stuff arriving through the post from companies hoping to get some publicity from it. One parcel came from a leading sportswear company. Staff were delighted and so was the charity shop. And no, the company did not get any benefit.

Later in my career I learned that a free editorial in my newspaper was what every restaurant would love, so my advertising department told them that if they advertised with us for six weeks they would get a free editorial from me as editor. My wife and I were entertained by restaurants - and because many restaurants wanted to get on board, the number of wine and dine pages rocketed from one page to five pages a week – in my free newspaper delivered to 80,000 homes every week.

We had an amazing following – people would go to the restaurant after reading my review and order the same dishes as we had eaten so owners had to make sure they were well stocked!

The paid-for paper used to have the five wine and dine pages– but dropped to one, and for us, well it was what I was employed to do, and the paid-for editors hated it, especially because I was running rings around them showing all of them who came from universities with degrees, while I was trained as an apprentice!

One day a holiday coach company called on me asking me if I would publicise European coach holidays. Mine was the first newspaper they had asked in the UK. They offered a commission for every coach filled – the cash not coming to me but the newspaper, I hasten to add. Within months the commission almost paid my salary and our newspaper became one of the most successful in the UK – we were in the top ten free newspapers in the country, in terms of readership and revenue. Within months we were sending coaches everywhere and other coach companies wanted to get in on the act. As thanks we went on some lovely coach holidays – yes freebies. Acting as hosts on the coach. We also ran a lonely hearts club in the newspaper, people looking for partners. After my

marriage failed, I saw an advert in the column, answered it and the rest is history. It’s my guess that there are very few people employed in the country who do not get a freebie of one kind or another from their employer – so please let’s stop the hypocrisy – but perhaps politicians should be more careful what they accept, because an equally guilty opposition party will try, whenever possible, to decry it, knowing full well they are also being hypocrites.

And finally on this, let’s put an end to useless uni degrees. When I was interviewing for new staff I would see some university graduates wouldn’t know a news story if it hit them on the nose. I would value more a well educated person from a secondary school - graduated from the university of life. How many graduates leave universities thinking a degree is the ultimate passport to a good job? Well, it’s not.


What a country America is. A crackpot puts on social media that immigrants in a town are killing and eating pet dogs and cats to survive and lo and behold a would be presidential hopeful is proclaiming it at as fact, and thousands rush to believe him.

And if that is not enough, the town’s mayor then starts receiving bomb threats. And this did not stop Trump repeating the discredited reports. What on earth possesses any American to think that Trump should again be the president, after what he did five years ago? And it doesn’t need the Pope to try to intervene to criticise both presidential candidates – Trump for inhumanity in dealing with would-be immigrants in Mexico, and Harris for her stance in abortion, attacking her for being anti-life. She has wrongly been accused of wanting abortion for full-term babies. Can’t we stop this obsession in lapping up and believing fake news?


Thursday 3rd October saw Carp-r-Us fish the 'Mercadona' stretch of the Canal del Progres immediately east of the N332. This was a change of venue as the Rio Segura remains too low between Rojales and Guardamar to consider using it for matches. With vertical and muddy sides it is just to dangerous. And, so, The SummerAutumn match 8 was moved. The Canal always has water which, on the day, was pushing through as fast as we had ever experienced it.

Nine anglers were due to fish but Steve Higgins dropped out due to poor health


With Elwyn Morris

(or was it too much Guinness?). The favoured peg on this venue is No. 1 which was drawn by Trevor Morrey. Though losing some good carp in the vegetation, using pole and maggot he did catch carp, bass and a mullet of over a kilo for a weight of 4-32 kgs. This was enough to win the match. The next highest weight in his section was just 0-84 kgs by Jeremy Fardoe who twice had to walk round to the far bank to release tackle caught in the bankside bushes.

Tony Flett drew the downstream end peg which, coincidentally, he had pleasure

The Winter League started with the Emperors travelling to San Luis from where they came away with a fine 7-3 Aggregate 83-68. EI winners were - N Davis, M Ellis, S Marks, R Marks 25-11, J Holmyard, N Prior, A M Gerrard, C Lindgren 21-17, T Riley, R White, B Kavanagh, M Harley drew 18-18 all

The Berleen League game also took place with the ISLE winning well. A Pridmore P Riley, J Taylor, M Odell 27-20 Friday brought the New Milton Bowling club to the Emerald Isle and a great game was played in fine weather with home advantage paying off in the end with Emerald Isle winning the game. A Great team hopefully they will return

SAPS as usual on Saturday at 13.15 where you can enjoy 2 Hours of bowling with coaching if needed. Bowls Shoes supplied plus a bar, all for just 5 Euros


1st Oct. Founders Format Week 1

Tipsy Tigers3 - 6Gap Girlz

Wacky Chicas4 - 5CK1 Ladybirds

Primadonnas5 - 4Dolly Mixtures

Friendly TempsBye


Gap Girlz16

CK1 Ladybirds15


Dolly Mixtures14

Wacky Chicas14

Tipsy Tigers13

Friendly Temps00

hot darts Week 1 - Tuesday 1st October

Linda Curdy (WC) 138, Lisa Alsop (PD)128, Susan Hodgeson (TT) 127, 112, Bliss Wright (GG) 125, 100 x 2, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 123, 121, 100 x 2, Dons Ralph (LB) 121, 100 x 6, Sandra David (LB) 121, Nina McGuinness (TT) 119, Maya Cooper (PD) 105, Chris Greenwood (WC) 111, Eileen Askew (TT) 101, Diane Burns (DM) 101, Rhianna Marshall (GG) 100. Bull Finish - Maya Cooper (PD)

fished earlier in the week. He caught forty small carp trotting maggot on the stick float. A great achievement but they only weighed 1-92 kgs in total. Willy Moons on peg 9 using feeder with maggot caught occasional fish to weigh in 3-18 Kgs for section win. Tony Felstead on peg 13 was second in section with 2-24 kgs again using maggot. Corn and bread usually come out tops on this venue but on the day all top weights were on maggot.

The Club's next match will be its annual Memorial Cup on 17th October at El Bosquet, pegs 1a-16.

San Miguel Bowls Club

Wednesday saw the return of the Winter Bowls Season. San Miguel were away to El Rancho in the LLB Winter League where they came home with all the points 10 - 0, 110 shots to 37. The best winning rink were Janet Parr, Allan Patterson, Eddie Cowan and Mike Douglas 35 shots to 8.

A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - ˇ5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow.

Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm, by appointment ONLY. To book, please call Dave or Lynn Greenland on +34 667 207 508.

We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique clubwe only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.

For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118


Aaron Ramsdale was visibly emotional following the warm welcome he received from Arsenal supporters on his return to the Emirates Stadium with Southampton on Saturday.

Ramsdale, who transferred to the south coast club for £25 million from the Gunners at the end of the summer window, was met with an emotional reception from the home fans as he prepared for kick-off.

The early-arriving Gunners fans gave him a rousing ovation, leading to an emotional reaction from the former Arsenal man.

Chants of his name echoed around the stadium during the closing minutes of the match, and many stayed behind to applaud him after Arsenal's 3-1 victory.


Speculation has been mounting that Gary Lineker would be walking away from the BBC and Match of the Day after Saturday night's show - and he met it head on immediately after the opening credits.

The former striker couldn’t resist a pop at suggestions that Saturday night’s Match of the Day would be his last.

The £1.3million-a-year presenter’s future at the BBC is currently in question, with the 63-year-old into the final year of his BBC contract.

Straight from the off after the opening credits, Lineker opened the programme saying: “Seven games on the way and it’s my final show…. Before the international break.”

Lineker had previously refused to comment on that specific allegation when questioned this week. The BBC themselves have moved to dismiss those reports underlining the fact that Lineker remains under contract.

LOFOTEN, NORWAY. For a brief period each year the midnight sun transforms Lofoten Links, situated inside the Arctic Circle. In summer visitors stay in lodges and play 24h golf in a spectacular setting, and from August to October they get the Northern Lights thrown in.

In June eight amateur golfers arrived to play on the Links for 24 hours straight. Their target? To raise money towards purchasing Paragolfers - a specialist vehicle that enables people with impaired mobility to stand up to play golf.

Unfortunately for the lads the weather wasn't friendly. It rained for 22 of the 24 hours with a freezing wind. However, they each clocked up a minimum of 50,000 steps, playing from midday to midday despite feeling as though hypothermia was setting in, sustained by “bucket loads of sandwiches and toasties.”

Their praiseworthy efforts raised enough to buy two Paragolfers, and they staggered off the course “for a few beers and a nap” before heading back to the airport. I think I”d have needed something a bit stronger than beer.

LUCKY PRO GOLFERS get to play the world’s best courses, but at the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship you get them with knobs on.

St. Andrews Old Course, Kingsbarns and Carnoustie await, with celebrity amateurs

providing added entertainment, the only possible downside being the weather. The Alfred Dunhill Links Championship (Oct 3-6th) incorporates two separate competitions – a DP World Tour individual tournament for 168 of the world's leading golfers, and a Team Championship ProAm.

On land jutting into the estuary of the river Eden, St. Andrews Old Course is Dr. Jekyll when the wind isn't blowing and Mr.

Hyde when it is. The Road Hole 17th with its infamous bunker, the 18th green guarded by the Valley of Sin, and celebrated features like the Swilcan Burn, Hell Bunker and Coffins have been copied around the world.

Following the 1999 Open Championship the American press labelled Carnoustie ‘Car-Nasty’ after America lost. Long, brutally testing, with the Barry Burn snaking around the final two holes, it provides a

formidable challenge. Especially if you take the dangerous but direct line between out of bounds and bunkers at the par five 6th hole, still known as (Ben) Hogan’s Alley.

Kingsbarns is a firm favourite with players and spectators alike. Gently rolling topography provides great vantage points for viewing the action and a comfortable walk to accompany your favourite players. Three great courses, it makes for a great week of golf.

SHANE LOWRY celebrated his successful season on tour and his young daughter's birthday in style at Eastlake Golf Club in Miami, with a McDonalds washed down by Chateau Lafitte Rothschild at $1800 a bottle (It is rumoured that Rothschild's vintner shot himself)

THE ODYSSEY Ai-ONE Milled putter is designed, as it's name implies, using artificial intelligence. Odyssey's latest family of meticulously engineered putters consists of 7 different head shapes, all made with 100% milled stainless steel and crafted with flawless precision to deliver that unique 'feel.'

Featuring a lightweight steel shaft with 20-30 grams of counterbalance weight in the butt end of the club, and designed with an interchangeable front split weighting system which allows golfers to dial in the putter head to their exact preference.

With a stunning blue PVD finish and Odyssey's famous attention to detail, this putter is, as the man said, a thing of beauty and a joy forever. And at 46 9.00 it had better be.

IN SINGAPORE, IN 1965, the American aircraft carrier Yorktown steamed into harbour with a huge banner along the length of her side proclaiming “USS Yorktown, Second to None.” Within an hour, a small British minesweeper had sailed out of the harbour with a bedsheet hung over her side on which was painted the word ”None”.

Muhammed Ali - “I'm the best, I just haven't played yet.”

Roy Castle – “My game is improving, last week I got through the windmill.”

Until next time: Happy Golfing.

Contact Mick for your regripping


Before we start, we had our first ever Smiling Jack's Golf hole in one, Martin Vowels on the 17th hole at Altaona. Fantastic mate.

A big welcome to the Stoke guys for joining us at Smiling Jack's Golf, what a wonderful day was had at the beautiful Altaona golf resort.

I would like to thank all the staff at Altaona for making us so welcome, they couldn't do enough to help, from initial booking right up to the day. The course was in excellent condition and probably the best conditioned course we've played this year.

A big thank you also to Ger and Emma for looking after us today as well as to our Julie for taking a day off to prepare our lovely food.

Now for the scores: Nearest the pin on 3 Les Christie, Nearest the pin in two on 5 Martin Vowels and on hole 17 with his hole in one, it was Martin again.

In second place with 34 points, but no cigar, was one of our stoke guests, Steve Wood. Our champion though was our hole in one sensation, Martin vowels.

The winner of the famous Blue Johnny was Paul Simpson

The winner of the raffle, which is a free golf day at Smiling Jack's courtesy of the Ger, was Jimmy.

Our next event will be announced soon. Once again thank you for supporting smiling Jack's Golf Society El Presidente

Loften links under the Northern Lights
Martin holes in one on the 17th
Martin was also our Altaona champ
Paul Simpson from Stoke, winner of the Blue Johnny
NTP on 3 was Les Christie

The new season is now underway after a 3-month Summer break, but not without complications. New dartboards for season 2024/25 ordered for delivery during the break were delayed, due to an industrial dispute and were subsequently unavailable for the first Cup matches.

The situation was however, comfortably resolved by all teams involved in the 1st round matches. Delivery of new boards to all venues, is anticipated this week. A personal thank you to those concerned in retrieving a difficult situation.

Cup matches this season are being played on a home and away basis for the 1st time, a rule change at the AGM. However teams are reminded that each leg counts to an overall 2 match score and each discipline is one leg only. ie each leg of the 24 available in a 2 way tie Must be played. Also necessary is a reminder that for the K.O. Cup matches, each leg is one leg only. With the imminent sale of The New Tavern, San Miguel and a change of business direction for the new owners, the Freakie Taverners are looking for an alternative venue.

Plus the committee will be looking for appropriate places in which to conduct our popular Christmas mixed pairs and the Mens singles competitions, both requiring sites to accommodate adequate playing facilities and space for 70 plus persons.




CK1 Chuggers8-4Milo's Mind the Gap8-4Hub Hyenas


Hub Hellraisers6-6Tipsy Toad Tiaras Illy's Idols1-11Freakie Taverners

180's: Sam Salt - Mind the Gap, Andres Liamazares - Mind the Gap

High Finish': Steve Monk-Dalton 93 - CK1 Chuggers, Javier de Gea 95 - Milo's

Division 1 - K.O.Cup 1st Round


Chuggers v Milos

A 5-1 Chuggers lead at the break proved pivotal for the hosts as Milos came strongly back to share the singles, keeping their 1st round tie hopes alive. Steve Monk Dalton continued where he left off last season, scoring a hatful of tons and a 93 out, not good enough however to earn a POTM, that accolade going to Paul Tollafield. Milos started off slowly, Cain Garcia taking their only 1st half leg on D16, but they livened up after the break De Gea, Mervyn Borwick (POTM) and Fabian Alcaraz winning their singles to share the last 6. The latter overcoming Chuggers record Summer signing of Dons Ralph, formerly a CK Ladybird.

Mind the Gap v Hub Hyenas

As expected some decent arrows from both sides in this 1st round encounter, the scoreline could have been a little tighter, but Gap take no prisoners. Twenty six tons or ton plusses, 13 apiece, Maxis from Andres Liamazares and Sam Salt, decent "outs" from Bliss Wright 76, Darren Sanderson 78 and Dave Rowlinson 78. Salt's POTM performance included an amazing pairs with James Brown, Salt recording 135,123,180,D4 for a scoring average of 146, Brown even having time to repoint his darts.

New boy for Hyenas Jason Blackburn, figured well for the visitors recording 7 three figure scores and a POTM accolade, just nudging out Che Liam in the singles. At 3 apiece at the break Hyenas were well into the game, but a strong individuals effort from the hosts got them well over the finishing line. Don't rule out a deciding 25th leg decider, subject to a score reversal from the Hub.

Division 2 - K.O.Cup 1st Round

Hub Hellraisers v Tipsy Toad Tiaras

Raisers took full advantage of missing Tiara playing personnel to share the weeks spoils, and set up an intriguing tie this Thursday. Raisers held the advantage after the triples

through Joy Gorman and Sue Spiers, Wendy Haywood replying for Tiaras. Spiers increased the hosts advantage with skipper Cheryl McGlynn in the opening pairs, only for Pat Schofield and Lisa Ivill, then Wendy Haywood and Lesley Eagles D16, to level the match.

Haywood and Ivill made the score 3-5 in the opening singles, Ann Taylor and POTM Spiers making it all square at 5-5. Eagles found D2 for 5-6 meriting a POTM, leaving Skip McGlynn to nail the final double of the night for 6-6 and a Thursday night "nail biter".

Idols started the match with a Henni Oortwijn D3, but it was to be the only leg of the evening for the hosts. Missing a number of key players, Idols found it tough going as Mitch Halliday, then Sharon Frain made it 1-2, the latter outing on 70.

Annette Dobson and Jem Gledhill, followed by Ernie Willis and John Boden made it 1-4 for Freakies, Halliday and Steve Hawkins D2 closed the half with a significant advantage. Bryan Livsey earned a POTM in the 7th leaving Frain to whack in a 140 and double for the tie. Maria Ross, Oldies POTM.

Illies Idols v Freakie Taverners
Hellraisers Linda 105
Sanderson 78 finish
Danny’s now at Tipsy Cow
POTM- Blackburn &Salt
POTM - Spiers &Eagles

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