The Vista Jan. 12, 2006

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The Student Voice Since 1903


Wildfires in Choctaw claim home of student's family


Wildfires sweep Edmond

by Christina Purdom Staff Writer

From the Ashes A hollowed out tree was one of the few things left behind in a yard blackened with ashes. "Me and my cousin Sarah would carve things out of the tree, like our names," said Holly Franks, UCO photojournalism junior. "When the fire came, it burned the tree from the inside out," Franks said. Her parents' Choctaw home was destroyed Dec. 27 by a grass fire. Debbie Franks, Holly's mom, said the grass fire destroyed a total of eight homes in its twomile rampage across Choctaw. "The fire got so hot, it melted my mom's engine block," Holly said. In a photo Holly took, molten metal rests under a gutted white car, like a puddle of mercury. Holly's brother, Wesley Franks, lost a greenhouse of exotic plants and more than 200

Please see FIRE, page 6

Charges dropped for 'Video Vigilante' by Trisha Evans Copy Editor

UCO journalism senior Brian Bates was scheduled to go to trial Jan. 9, but a judge dismissed his case on a technicality. Bates, known as the 'Video Vigilante' for videotaping prostitutes in Oklahoma City, faced five counts of pandering when District Judge Ray Elliott dismissed his case Jan. 5. Debra Forshee, spokeswoman for Oklahoma County District Attorney Wes Lane, said the prosecution failed to respond in writing to a motion made by Bates' attorney, Scott Adams. The motion was to quash evi-

Please see BATES, page 5

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Luther resident Bill Logue uses his front-end loader to battle a grass fire east of Cross Timbers Elementary School in north Edmond Jan. 7.

Parking Services offers free parking for car poolers by Ashley Romano Staff Writer

Beginning this semester, commuting students will be able to use a parking lot designated for car-pooling. The High Occupancy Vehicle, or H.O.V. lot, connected to the visitor pay lot east of the Nigh University Center, is open only to UCO students who have a valid commuter parking permit. "It's designed to address the high commuter population (and) to reduce traffic and congestion [on campus]," said Karen Ocker, director of UCO Transportation and Parking Services. She said 87 percent of UCO students are commuters. "It's not out of character for a suburban college," Ocker said. As an incentive to those who use the lot, Ocker said the university will reimburse car-poolers $80, the cost of an annual parking permit, if they follow the parking lot guidelines.

To be allowed into the lot, Ocker said a vehicle must contain at least two people and show a valid commuter parking permit. She said students should enter the lot from the visitor pay lot side and ask the parking attendant for an H.O.V. ticket. Richard McCallum, a university parking attendant, said the main problem he has seen since the opening of the lot on Jan. 9 was "getting [the students] to realize they have to stop to get the ticket." Ocker said students need to fill out the back of the ticket and show it to the attendant to exit the lot. She said students can collect as many tickets as they want throughout the day, but only one will count toward reimbursement. Ocker said the tickets are coded and cannot be re-used. She said if a student has collected at least 50 tickets by May 8, he can request the $80 reimbursement by filling out a refund form and returning it with the valid tickets to Transportation and Parking


Services on the third floor of the Nigh University Center. The money will be automatically posted to the student's bursar's account. Ocker said if a large conference is held on campus during regular school hours, the university could decide to shut down the lot, which holds a minimum of 100 vehicles. She said if more space is needed for H.O.V. parking, the visitor pay lot will be opened to students. Steve Kreidler, executive vice president for administration, said he heard about university H.O.V. lanes when he attended a conference last summer. He said that the idea of designating an existing campus lot for car-pooling would be a better idea then building a new parking lot because students would have to provide the funds through fees. "People don't like to pay for more parking," Kreidler said. He said UCO students pay half the average of what other universities charge for parking. Ocker said 70 percent of the $80 that pays for an annual parking permit goes to bond

Slate of activities postponed until MLK III visits next month by Ariel Grant

Puzzles Have you caught Sudoku fever? The puzzle craze sweeping the nation hits the Vista. See Puzzles Pg. 14

Staff Writer

Police Briefs pg. 5 INDEX Opinion Entertaiment Sports Classifieds




A tic ING LOT debt on existing campus parking lots. The other 30 percent UCOParkingStats pays for lot improvements. Spring 2006 If the university gets a positive response from the use of the H.O.V. lot, then it will begin to target other conges14,189 students enrolled tion-prone areas on campus, Ocker said. 6,252 total parking spaces For more information on the H.O.V. lot, parking permits and 276 spaces designated for regulations call 974-2780 or handicapped, maintenance, visit http ://adm istration.ucok. reserved, metered, administraedu/parking/index.htm. tion, day-care and motorcycle Ashley Romano can be reached at .

5,976 student spaces available

Students, faculty encouraged to volunteer, make day off a 'day on' to honor MLK

Campus Safety Vista Managing Editor Courtney Bryce offers tips on how to stay safe, avoid crime on campus. Pg. 3 Entertainment The Vista's Nathan Winfrey reviews a full slate of new movies. See Entertainiment Pg. 9


2 9 16 14

Campus activities to celebrate Martin Luther King Day are postponed to February because Martin Luther King III will be on campus as a part of Black History Month. Liz Cook, multicultural student services coordinator, said students, faculty and staff have participated in the symbolic march for more than ten years. The march and other related events will be held Feb. 2. While MLK Day will be a day off for most, it will be a "day on" for some UCO students who will attend service projects in Oklahoma

City, said Liz Kiser, volunteer coordinator. At 1 p.m., students can visit patients at Preferred Hospice at 1015 N. Shartel. Pizza will be provided for those who attend. An annual silent march, held by the Martin Luther King Coalition, will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Ralph Ellison Library, 2000 NE 23rd St. "To give back— that above all else is what Martin Luther King would have wanted," Kiser said. Chelsey Stiggers, corporate communications senior, said it was an honor to participate in the march last year and it is important for UCO to continue to commemorate MLK day by doing service projects. "That's what he stood for; he served the people, and what better way to celebrate than by being of service to others," Stiggers said. Kiser said MLK Day is a chance to embrace diversity. She also

offers a message to international students who may not know much about King. "Dr. Martin Luther King is a representative for what America is and what we stand for," Kiser said. "There is no better representative of what we are." "They should read the 'I Have a Dream Speech'," Stiggers said. "It tells who he is and what he stood for." For more information on the Martin Luther King service projects, contact Liz Kiser at 974-2621, or go by the Nigh University Center, Rm. 414.

Ariel Grant can be reached at



January 12, 2006

To avoid a filibuster, the Senate turns to little known Rule 589-4 the "DANCE OFF PROVISION" to settle the Judge A lito Confirmation Hearings.

THEVISTA Editorial


Matt Cauthron, Editor in Chief Courtney Bryce, Managing Editor Trisha Evans, Copy Editor Kristen Limam, Sports Editor Brett Deering, Photo Editor

Midori Sasaki, Staff Photographer Travis Marak, Staff Photographer

Advertising Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

News Cartoons/Illustrations

Nathan Winfrey, Staff Writer Ashley Romano, Staff Writer Christina Purdom, Staff Writer Ariel Grant, Staff Writer

Cary Stringfield

Secretary Nancy Brown

Sports Teddy Burch, Sports Writer

Adviser Mark Zimmerman

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 9745549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Editorial cartoons do not necessarily represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editor@

Cartoon by Cary Stringfield

For those students who don't know—and by the looks of it, there are many—UCO Parking Services has designated the parking lot connected to the visitor pay lot east of the Nigh University Center the H.O.V., or high occupancy vehicle, parking lot. Students who car pool to school are being offered a refund for their parking pass. (For the full story, see Staff Writer Ashley Romano's story on page one.) We at the Vista applaud the idea. Energy conservation is a very real concern, and although it sounds trite, every little bit helps. Any effort to encourage car-pooling is commendable. It's responsible and it's worthwhile, but the system in place certainly isn't perfect. As an idea - encouraging carpooling by offering free parking - it's top-notch. The problem is with the logistics.


by Vista photographer Brett Deering

The new HOV, or high occupancy vehicle, parking lot will be reserved for vehicles with more than one passenger.

The whole process just seems like a hassle. You have to buy a parking pass, then car-pool to school 50 times, each time

My Turn Hell00000 UC0000!!! Welcome back to another exciting semester in Broncho Country!! As I hope each one of you have experienced all that UCO has to offer, the spring semester is once again loaded with endless opportunities. From Phantom Planet to constant renovation projects, UCO is geared towards creating a superior collegiate atmosphere. I realize that a glazed donut is no consolation for a thirty-five minute wait for Financial Aide, but please do not let your frustration get the best of you! Take the time to check out Sam Belt and the mighty UCO Broncho Basketball Teams. Not a basketball fan? Our UCO Men's Wrestling team is a perennial powerhouse and once again is in contention for the National Championship!

collecting a ticket. Only after you've collected enough tickets will the price of your parking pass be refunded. It's sad to

say, but many would rather pay $80 a semester than endure this rigamarole. But when you think about it,

with Student Body President Nathan Woolard and Student Body Vice President Michael Goodman

Our International Student Council is always putting on multicultural programs, and the UCO Debate Team may be the best in the nation in any class, any school, including ivy league! Have I not impressed you with UCO facts yet? Our nationally-known Forensic Science program welcomes the construction of a new Multi-Million Dollar OSBI Lab south of campus just across Second Street. Valery Kuleshov, UCO Artist-in-Resident, is world renowned and is considered by many as the best piano player in the world! Our Wind Symphony is absolutely phenomenal, and guess what guys? Miss UCO pageant is coming soon! Come check out a few of the gorgeous UCO women we have walking around campus! Did you miss the chance to go Greek in the fall? Spring Rush is corning soon! Come see what all the excitement is about, Go Greek 06'!

I realize that this address may sound like more of a combination of marketing slogans, but with a campus this exciting it is hard to fit everything in! I encourage anyone who has not had the chance to get involved to soon make the time. UCO has everything you as a student could ever want in a University. Come experience why I believe UCO has more potential than any school in the state. Want to know more? Come to the UCOSA (UCO Student Association) office on the north end of the first floor of the University Center. I will be the guy behind the glass watching you stand in line! Good luck on the new semester! And, know how lucky you are to be a Broncho! In Bronze and Blue, Nathan Woolard Student Body President

how else would you go about organizing a serious initiative to encourage car-pooling? Imagine you're sitting in the meeting when this idea is presented. Someone proposes that a system be created to promote car pooling. Everyone agrees it's a responsible endeavor on a campus where most students commute. Can you think of a better idea, or a better way to execute it? We can't. So let it be clear, our aim is not to disparage the way Parking Services has gone about implementing this plan. Encouraging students to car-pool is a good idea, and we should do what we can to help make the idea work. We want to inform people who are in a position'to take advantage of the H.O.V. lot. There must be plenty of UCO students who would jump at the opportunity to save $80, and hopefully there are some who just want to

First off, I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas Break and a memorable New Year. When we cross over to another year, it usually means one thing: New Year's resolutions. I urge all of you to hold strong to the goals you made over the break...but if you didn't make any, make some! Allow this to be the start of something new...Six Goals for 2006! Several of my friends and I sat down and looked for six realistic goals that we want to accomplish this year, from working out to increasing our academics. After we set our goals, we figured out ways that we can accomplish them. We have an amazing campus where students can work out as early as 6am; use the Wellness Center... it is here for us, and we pay student fees to use it. Allow one of your goals to be money or time management. Meet with a friend and ask

join a good old-fashioned grassroots campaign, a small-scale way to pitch in our share in a large-scale struggle. So read the story on Page One. Then at least you'll know how the H.O.V. lot works. You might decide you'd rather pay the $80 than have to collect tickets. You might find yourself unable to coordinate your daily schedule with a friend. Or maybe you just don't have anyone to ride with. But at a school of nearly 15,000 students, there must be enough people in the right kind of situation to fill up a car pool parking lot. We'll bet the pairs of roommates alone would fill it up. But however it gets done, we should do all we can to make sure it does. Let's fill up the H.O.V. lot.

them to hold you is easier to accomplish something when you have someone right there pushing you. Use UCOSA. If you have questions, comments, complaints, suggestions...please come to our office. Get to know your student body officers. We were elected by you and are here for you. Join the crusade to make the University of Central Oklahoma a better place. There are so many opportunities at your fingertips...take advantage of them. Here's to UCO, Michael A. Goodman Student Body Vice President If you're a member of a campus organization, if you're a faculty member or if you simply have something to say to the UCO community The Vista wants to hear from you. If you have an idea for a "My Tim," piece for the editorial page. e-mail it to editorial@thevistaonline. corn with your e-mail address and telephone number:

CAMPUS QUOTES: Compiled and photographed by Brett Deering and Midori Sasaki.

Do you like the new UCONNECT Web site? "I like it. I like that you can see your e-mail when it opens, and your financial records. But it's kind of confusing too."

Nicole Calvert Undecided, freshman

"Yes. It was unfamiliar at first, but now I like how everything is laid out."

"It's OK. They made a huge deal, and I thought it would be way new and improved. They told me my time card was on there, but it's nt yet."

"No. I understand it, but I think it's more difficult with more tabs and links. But it is pretty."

Russell Eustace

Jeff Johnson

Thuhong Nguyen

Political Science, junior

Vocal Performance, graduate student

Business, freshman

NEWS January 12, 2006

Most campus crime can be prevented by keeping an eye out by Courtney Bryce Managing Editor With the anticipation of spring classes and a full social calendar ahead, students often forget to take simple precautions to protect themselves and their property. Jeff Harp, director of UCO Department of Public Safety, said the university has a lower crime rate than expected of 16,000 students, faculty and staff "This campus benefits greatly from being in Edmond," Harp said. "Edmond has a low crime rate." But Harp said UCO is not immune from crime. Christopher Wooldridge, DPS assistant chief of police, said the most common reported crime last semester was larceny. Harp also said larceny is the most preventable crime on campus. "It's the most common crime because we tend to do what's most convenient and that's just human nature," Harp said. "If you live in an apartment or house, it's convenient to leave it unlocked. If you keep it locked up, problems diminish." Harp said students should also lock up vehicles parked on campus. According to the annual security report, three thefts from cars on campus property were reported in 2004. In fall of 2005, a couple of reports were made of gas siphoning. Harp said having a locking gas cap prevents students from being victims. Harp said the probability of retrieving stolen property increases if students record serial numbers on items like computers. "In some cases, depending

"Every time someone props a rug under the exterior door it hinders us from protecting property," Overocker said. Overocker said thefts also happen when students leave their doors unlocked to walk down the hall to visit with friends. They often leave thinking they'll be gone for 10 minutes and end up leaving their rooms unlocked for more than an hour. Another crime college students face is sexual harassment. A student was raped Dec. 3, 2005 after a stranger broke into her apartment at 900 E. Wayne, west of campus. Harp said if a student is home when a break-in occurs, escaping is the first Graphic by Photo Editor Brett Deering priority and getting help is the second. on the value of an item, we "The best bet is to go to can put it in the FBI database," another room with a phone or Harp said. window," Harp said. "Put a Harp said he worked as a door, preferably a lockable door, lieutenant at the University between you and the attacker. of Oklahoma where property You are going to do whatever stolen from OU was found in you are capable of" Florida. Harp said students should "Without that information, call 911 before calling DPS or chances of getting it back are another emergency number. low," Harp said. "We would much rather you He also suggests students call 911 and it not be an emerwrite a number on the same gency than trying to find an page in all their textbooks that emergency number if you don't only they can identify. know exactly what the situation Harp said DPS loans out is," Harp said. engravers so students can put Jan Chapel, coordinator of their name on their property. He the Student Counseling Center, said all they have to do is leave said other types of rape, includa student I.D. card for insur- ing acquaintance rapes, can be ance, which they can pick up prevented. Acquaintance rape after returning the engraver. is when a person is raped by Josh Overocker, director of someone they know or have the Housing Depai tment, said just met. students can help protect propChapel said students are erty in campus housing by clos- most susceptible to rape their ing exterior doors. , first semester of college.

"They need to stay ypith friends," Chapel said. "Ion't stay with a guy alone. Don't invite a guy over alone." Chapel said it would be best to get to know someone over a period of time before staying the night. "Don't get in a sexual situation if you've been drinking," Chapel said. She said statistics show more than 50 percent of acquaintance rapes involve alcohol. Chapel said if a rape does occur, the victim should immediately go to a hospital before showering or changing clothes to have a rape kit done. "The hospital will call an advocate from the YWCA to stay with them through the procedure," Chapel said. Chapel said rape victims

should talk to a counselor or a friend about what happened. "They need to feel empowered," Chapel said. "It's best to be with somebody." Harp said students should be cautious crossing any street that surrounds campus: On Sept. 19, 2005, a student pedestrian was hit by a car crossing Second Street on her way to a class in Central Plaza after another student failed to look before making a right-hand turn from Bauman Street. "You can't assume they're going to stop," Harp said. "I go to Milanos, and when I cross I make sure they can see me and make eye contact with them." Harp also said any student crossing the street without using a crosswalk is jaywalking and in violation of the law. He said

DPS does have the authority to make arrests. "When you are on this campus we are your police department," Harp said. DPS also offers Operation Safewalk. Students can call at any time by cell phone or by using the emergency phones inside of each academic building to have an officer escort them home or to their car. "It's a win-win for everybody for you to use that service," Harp said. "We need to look out for ourselves and for others."

Courtney Bryce can be reached at .

International Student Council holds first Spring semester meeting

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

International Student Council President Josephine Mangoli, left, listens as Juliana Marin, ISC vice president, proposes raising money for the ISC's Red Cross fire relief fund. The fundraiser will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 11-18 in front of the Nigh University Center food court.

The Student Health Center is our UCO Campus Family Doctor's Office -- your source for convenient, affordable health care. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER vvww.ucok.eduistudent health center ti

t t ti I



Our services include: Immunizations, Allergy Injections, TB testing, Women's Health, Routine Physicals, Minor Injuries, Sudden Illnesses, Pharmaceuticals, Nutritional Counseling, Health Education & Counseling, and Laboratory Testing. Call for appointment (405) 974-2317

The Student Health Center Now Accepts Health Insurance. Bring your card!

January 12, 2006

TRANSFER INFO Express Bus to and from Downtown OKC (37)


UCO Students, Faculty & Staff with valid ID: FREE!

Regular Fare: $2.25 Special Patron*: $1.10 UCO Students, Faculty and Staff with valid ID: FREE Edmond Students with valid ID: FREE

Downtown OKC 606am


7:04am 8:10am

6:34am 7:00am


1100pm 2,00pm 3:15pm 423pm 4:30pm 51 Opm

*Special Patron: Ages 60+, Disabled (valid METRO Transit ID required), Mediare Cardholders or children ages 6-17 years.

Detailed schedule at

7:31 am 12:45pm 2:40pm

Please use exact fare.The driver does not carry change. Fully wheelchair accesible with a passive wheelchair steplift, the trolleys meet all ADA requirements.

3:50pm 5,08pm 511pm 5:51 pm

Determine the direction you are headO ing and find the timepoint closest to your destination. Read down the list of times under the O first timepoint to find the time you want to leave. Read across the list to under the timeO point closest to where you want to go. The time listed in the column tells you what time you will arrive at your destination.

Eddy Trolleys - Gold Line & Maroon Line Catch the trolleys at Ayers & University at the following times.

MAROON (33):

tReNtxe pus

On the map, find the timepoint closest O to where you will catch the bus (the timepoint is the large number in a circle that corresponds with a column of times in the schedule)

All Edmond Students with valid ID: FREE Regular Fare: $0.50 Special Patron*: $0.25

The bus will pick up and drop off at the following times and locations.

erf ell 111111

' How to Ride the Broncho Bus

Weekdays Saturday :00 & :30 :00 :00 & :30 :30

HOURS BRONCHO BUS (34) EVERY 30 MINUTES M-F 7:15 am - 2:10 pm


GREEN LINE (32) EVERY 30 MINUTES M-F 2:10 pm - 7:10 pm SAT 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Or, if you need to get somewhere at a O specific time, such as school or an appointmentqust do the opposite. Look for the time you'd like to arrive under the timepoint closest to where you're going.Then read back to under the timepoint where you are leaving from to find out when you should catch the bus. Timepoints are estimated times the bus will

arrive. Be sure to arrive at the bus stop sign, shelter or at the far side of any intersection (40 feet past intersection) at least five minutes early. Watches and clocks seldom agree and a minute or two could mean a missed bus. Once you are on the bus, press the bell strip one block before your desired stop.

brochure or visit for detailed map & schedule

Not all destinations are listed as timepoints. Use the published timepoints as a gauge as to when the bus will arrive at your destination. Need Help? Call 235-RIDE (7433) for personal trip planning. Bus operators and customer service representatives are happy to answer any questions you may have.

For questions or concerns, please call 235-RIDE








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235-RIDE •


INFORMATIONAL 10:17 a.m., Jan. 6, 2006

DPS investigated a two-car auto collision in the High Occupancy Vehicle parking lot east of the Nigh University Center.

DPS took a report from a professor whose office in the Liberal Arts Building was ransacked during the winter break.

FIRE 6:25 a.m., Jan. 8, 2006

LOST PROPERTY 9:30 pm., Dec. 28, 2005

DPS officers noticed some trash on fire in the back of a truck parked east of the University Commons.

FOUND PROPERTY 2:30 p.m., Dec. 21, 2005 A backpack found near Broncho Lake was turned into DPS.

A swipecard was reported lost from West Hall.

MEDICAL CALL 2:39 p.m., Jan. 4, 2006 DPS assisted a student who fainted in the Nigh University Center.

by Christina Purdom Staff Writer

TRAFFIC 9:45a.m. Dec. 28, 2005 DPS issued a citation to the driver of a car on 100 N. University Dr. for driving with a suspended license.

1:15 p.m., Jan. 2, 2006 DPS issued a citation to the driver of a car at 700 Chowning Ave. for driving with a suspended license.

Police briefs are gathered from the UCO Department of Public Safety's police blotter.

OBSCENE PHONE CALL 10..32 a.m., Jan. 6, 2006 DPS took a report of sexual harassment.

BATES from page 1 dence introduced in the preliminary hearing June 14. Forshee said responses are usually filed verbally to a motion docket unless the case is a very serious case like a murder trial. "The DA's office failed to follow the law when it came to replying to our motion," Bates said. "Because of that, the case and all five charges were dismissed." If convicted, Bates said he could have faced up to 100 years in prison. "From day one the DA has offered me a misdemeanor deferred sentence in exchange for a plea. If I was not confident of my innocence and the judicial system I would not have fought so hard and risked so much over the past year," Bates said. Forshee said the prosecution filed a motion for Elliott to reconsider his decision to dismiss the case. The motion will be heard Jan. 20. "If the case truly is over I am thankful," Bates said. "If not, then I anxiously await my fate to be taken out of the hands of the DA and given to a jury of my peers."

Trisha Evans can be reached at .

Snow greets students on their way to early morning classes Jan. 10. Temperatures in the 70's are predicted for today. The National Weather Service has reported that despite the snowfall, the potential for wildfires in Oklahoma continues to increase. Photo by Brett Deering


UCONNECT shuts down, returns with new look

P LICE BRIEFS ACCIDENT 11:07 a.m., Jan. 6, 2006

January 12, 2006

After a 10-day shutdown, UCONNECT, UCO's Internet portal, reopened Jan. 2 with a new look and added features. The changes allow students to access multiple services from one location. Students can find information such as bursar balances and class schedules without having to log on to another page. "It's a lot easier to use," said Kelli Shelburne, nursing freshman. "You don't have to go looking around for stuff because it's all right there." "Each student can customize their own portal," said Sandra Thomas, assistant vice president of Information Technology. She said users can now add tabs and channels and change their layout in accordance with their individual needs. "[UCONNECT] has over 300 non-UCO channels such as Facebook, news channels and blogs," said Cynthia Rolfe, vice president of Information Technology. Individual departments also have the option of customizing their portion of UCONNECT. "We have different channels for different departments," said Darren Denham, Web Content Consultant. "They can be targeted to students, staff or faculty, so news can be specific." Joe Carder, portal administrator, said training classes have been scheduled and each department has been given the "tools" to customize and manage it themselves. A tutorial tab was also added to help users navigate and customize the portal. The new "Group Tools" icon offers a way for campus groups and organizations to stay connected. Carder said registered group members can send docu-

ments, post on message boards or send announcements to their entire group. "We're just scratching the surface of what we will eventually be able to do with UCONNECT," Carder said. The "My Courses" tab pro , ' vides a direct link to online assignments, syllabuses and professor's e-mail addresses. "It's a way of greatly improving communications between students and faculty," Denham said. Rolfe said plans for the upgrade began in January 2005. Sandra Thomas, Drew Duke, and Mark Moore were the project managers. "We selected a team of faculty and staff that made decisions like channels, look and feel," Thomas said. Thomas said about 30 people. volunteered for the team. They held weekly meetings, received: technical training and built tern-' plates and a model system to prepare for the transition. Carder said the site was reopened one day ahead of sched- , ule and 30 people were logged on in less than a minute. Rolfe said UCO incurred minimal out-of-pocket expenses because staff and volunteers installed the program upgrade. She said that during the winter break, five people worked more than 60 hours each to upgrade the program. "We're fortunate at UCO because the community is engaged and willing to help," Rolfe said. Rolfe said about $2,000 was spent on marketing, such as advertisements and posters to make students aware of the changes and the temporary shutdown. Christina Purdom can be reached at .


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January 12, 2006


Oklahoma Fire Statistics

from page 1 salt and freshwater fish, including more than $2,000 worth of coral. The family lost several chickens, and four of their five cats are still missing. Among the surviving animals are a cat named Stevie and a chicken dubbed "Hardy Luck". Stevie was found shortly after the fire. Holly said she took Stevie to the vet where she stayed for a week and was treated for second degree burns. "Her whiskers were burned to her face," Holly said. Holly said the oldest of the chickens was partially blind and could no longer walk. By remaining in a corner of the pen, it outlived the thick smoke and sweltering flames. "The flames just went around her. Her feathers were burned but she survived," Wesley said. "I finally gave her a name. Her name is Hardy Luck." Few things were recovered from the rubble of the Frank's one-story Choctaw home. A small cross Holly had given her mother, a piece of clay art Wesley had made in school, and her class ring were some of the small treasures found in the ashes, Debbie said. The Franks had lived in their home on 15th street since Holly's parents, Debbie and Kenneth, were married 23 years ago.

A Brave Escape Wesley, biology major at Rose State, was the only one home when the fire occurred. "I smelled a little smoke and thought maybe the neighbor is burning a brush pile," Wesley wrote in an e-mail to a friend. "Because I live in the country everybody does that from time to time, so I ignored it." Debbie said the area was evacuated but Wesley, being partially deaf, may have been unaware of the danger. As the fire spread, he said he became leery of the thickening smoke and went outside to investigate. Wesley continued to describe the situation in his letter, "I saw a small wall of fire coming into our yard... [I] ran through the house into the backyard to open the chicken house, hoping that

• Gov. Brad Henry issued a statewide burn ban Nov. 15 • Under the burn ban, charcoal and wood fire cooking outdoors is prohibited. Natural gaspowered grills are exempt from the ban • As of Nov. 1, more than 380,000 acres of land have burned statewide. • The fires have damaged more than 220 homes and businesses. • So far, two fatalities have been reported in the state.

AP photo by Mark Zimmerman

UCO photography student Holly Franks, left, and her brother Wesley check over one of their chickens Dec. 28 after it survived a grass fire in Choctaw, Okla.

the geese, duck, and chickens would escape if it got there." Wesley said he tried to contain the fire with a spray gun, but the wind was too strong. He said he went inside and tried to seal off the house from the smoke with wet towels. "I saw that behind the buffet in the kitchen by the wall, smoke was just pluming into the room," he said. Wesley went outside to check on the fire. "Fire was falling on my mom's white car and flames were coming out from under my truck, and I realized I was trapped," he said. Wesley said he tried to use the phone to call for help. "Even though I can't hear, I can talk. I was going to call for help but at the same time I got the phone the electricity crackled and went off." Wesley said he quickly grabbed what he could carry and, after saying prayers for protection of himself and the animals, he ran to his truck. The fire had damaged the truck, but it started and he drove to the safety of his relative's home.

Community to the Rescue While the fire has left the Franks' homeless, thanks to their family, friends and community, they are certainly not helpless. Organizations and individuals from all over the country have offered financial, emotional, and even spiritual aid to the Franks and other families that have been displaced by the grassfires. "A lady in Minnesota read the story and sent my parents a Bible and some money because it touched her so much," Holly said. The Franks' said that several churches have donated money, clothes and gift certificates to replace some of their lost possessions. "People have come by to see how we were and to give us clothes," Holly said. Some people have given them clothes and her church even collected a special offering for the family. Wesley and Holly's high school raised money for relief, Debbie said. She said Holly's boss at Home Depot held a bake sale that raised about $200 and

gave the family a generous gift card.

Rebuilding a Home Holly said her family will begin rebuilding as soon as possible and the construction has been estimated to take three or four months. They now live in a trailer owned by a relative. While the house can be rebuilt, many irreplaceable possessions were lost in the blaze. "People have asked if your house was burning and you had to get one thing what would it be? I wish I had gotten my

senior book," Wesley said. "It had lots of special pictures and souvenirs like my prom invitation." Holly said the family lost many photos and heirlooms, like her mother's wedding ring and a flag folder for her grandfather. Through the family's grief, Holly is still able to remember what is important in her life. "Most of my memories have to do with people more than things anyway," she said.

• Does not include rural areas —Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forest))) For more information call 522-6158 or visit www.oda.

Christina Purdom can be reached at,




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January 12, 2006

Despite snow, fire alert remains AP -- Clear skies, strong winds and warm days with cool nights are returning to Oklahoma and again increasing the fire danger across the state. The National Weather Service said Wednesday night would be mostly clear with lows mostly in the 30s, though temperatures will range from the mid 20s in the Panhandle to the mid 40s in far southeastern Oklahoma. Thursday is to be mostly sunny and windy with highs varying from the lower 50s in the western Panhandle to the mid 70s in eastern and southern sections. Most of the state will see highs in the 60s. Partly cloudy skies are expected on Friday with highs ranging from the lower 40s in the Panhandle to the mid 60s in the southeast.

Above: Volunteers fight a grass fire north of the Belmont Farms neighborhood Jan. 7 in north Edmond.

THURSDAY 1/12 —,....... EXTREME


Right: Oklahoma City firefighters use a brush-pumper to put out hot spots in the aftermath of a grass fire near the southeast corner of Hefner and Western Jan. 3.






Photos by Vista photographer Brett Deering




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January 12, 2006


'Munich' smart enough to justify graphic violence The Vista's Nathan Winfrey offers a guide to the holiday movies you may have missed like "The French Connection" and "The Day of the Jackal." However, the meandering plot and slow pace might be too much to hold the attention of some, and is probably the only legitimate complaint one could have against "Munich" from the filmmaking perspective. More of a concern is the validity of what Jonas and screenwriters Tony Kushner and Eric Roth pass off as fact. What truly happened in those years after the attack is under heavy debate since Jonas's book was published and since this movie went into production. Critics have lambasted Spielberg for taking on such a controversial topic, especially with his own Jewish heritage, as any attempt to portray the questionable vigilantes as anything more than criminals could draw attack from historians, and to portray them as anything but heroes could spur accusations of antiSemitism. Spielberg boldly shows them as both. The five-man hit squad certainly has the support of the audience throughout, even when their actions become suspicious, but the binding message that In this photo provided by Universal Studios, after the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, Avner (Eric Bana) ana violence begets violence will Ephraim (Geoffrey Rush), are assigned to track down and kill the 11 Palestinians suspected to have planned the attack in "Munich." likely click with the audience, date is rustling his/her popcorn worth a look. No doubt if you the Rings" veteran Andy Serkis, Knoxville comedy about a desif nothing else does. bag, please ask them to leave haven't seen "King Kong," you who provided the motion cap- perate man who pretends to The final shot of the movie, because every line of dialogue have at least heard how long ture and voice of the split per- be mentally handicapped to fix not to give anything away, ties is important and it is easy to it is. I highly recommend this sonality trickster Gollum in the Special Olympics to win the struggle of Avner against miss what's going on. This is three-and-a-half hour movie, "Rings" gets supersized as the money. His schemes go awry, himself and his enemies to what a movie for people with long though its running time equals titular Kong, as well as a sailor however, when he realizes the America faces today with the attention spans. Ifthat's not you, a trip to Dallas and there are a named Lumpy who must be a games aren't the cakewalk he War on Terrorism, and whether I'm sure "Bloodrayne" won't be few corny moments that could very close relative of Popeye. expected them to be. you agree with what Spielberg sold out, and I'm sure you could have been sacrificed for a more Don't let "Kong" leave the big Packed with solid laughs is trying to say, it is a powerful join that movie halfway through palatable length. screen before you see it, just be without the insensitivity and image. and not miss a beat. Director Peter Jackson con- sure to pack a lunch. exploitation one would expect It is not a good idea to talk There were other movies tinues to prove he's the man for December 23 at last from Knoxville, et al, "The or space out during this movie. released over the break that you big budget, computer effectssaw the release of "The Ringer," If your baby is crying or your may have missed but may be heavy epics. Fellow "Lord of a much-delayed Johnny Please see MOVIES, page 10

by Nathan Winfrey

Staff Writer

Steven Spielberg takes a break from directing hit-andmiss science fiction and Tom Hanks feel-good flicks for a triumphant return to form in "Munich," the controversial adaptation of George Jonas's book "Vengeance," about the murder of 11 Israeli athletes by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany. Unflinchingly violent and hauntingly gruesome, Spielberg's version of the Israeli retaliation plays like a smart spy caper with more than enough brains and true emotion to justify the bullets, bombs and blood that fill the movie's nearly three-hour running time. Eric Bana ("Troy") plays Avner, a family man and Israeli Mossad operative assigned by the sketchy Ephraim (Geoffrey Rush, "Pirates ofthe Caribbean") to lead a hit squad across Europe to root out and eliminate a list of Black September officials thought to have participated in the planning of the Munich attack. Unlike other movies of its kind, with the rising body count comes compounding guilt for Avner and the rest of his team, which includes future James Bond, Daniel Craig. At times "Munich" almost feels like a James Bond movie, with the gadgets, espionage, sneaking around and Vito Corleone-esque informants, plus the time period is certainly right. The early '70s are faithfully captured, right down to the style and cinematography that hearkens back to genre classics



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0 January 12, 2006

'Warriors' just another 'Grand Theft Auto'


from page 9

Ringer" is an unexpected feel-good flick with endearing characters and respect for its subject matter, lampooning the greed and stupidity of the "normal people" instead of the Special Olympians who would have been a much easier target. The Special Olympics had a hand in the production of this movie from start to finish, which features about 200 Special Olympians, and gave it their full support. The result is a much more politically correct film that most would assume, though it didn't have to be, and it is not overly so. "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" not only takes nearly an entire breath to say, but is the painstakingly faithful adaptation of the first of seven of C.S. Lewis's beloved children's books. With the voice of Liam Neeson as the benevolent, and perfectly animated lion, Asian and Tilda Swinton ("Constantine") as the wicked White Witch, this charming tale of four children misplaced by World War II who find a magical gateway into the world of Narnia in the back of their uncle's wardrobe might not fill the void left by the end of the "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy but certainly comes closer than anything else at the multiplex. The PG violence may be too weak for those of us old enough to see over the ticket counter, but this family-friendly film has solid general appeal. Dry eyes in the audience are few and far between in some scenes, and the poisonous, slithering performance of Swinton is well worth the price of admission alone. I think she deserves a nod for Best Supporting Actress. Random surprise cameos and epic battles between good and evil make this a solid foundation for what will hopefully become an exceptional series. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

And for most garners, that's exactly what the doctor ordered by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer Rockstar Games, the production company behind the popular "Grand Theft Auto" series, hits another home run on the Playstation 2 and Xbox with "The Warriors," a smart and original brawler based on the classic film of the same name that immerses the player in the gangland underworld of Coney Island and surrounding areas circa the late 1970s. The game begins months before the movie, as the gangs of New York City vie for dominance and respect in the streets, tagging walls with spray paint, taxing local businesses for protection and bopping anyone who stands against them. Part "The Outsiders" and part "West Side Story," the plot and characters really are the focus of "The Warriors," with most of the original cast from the 1979 movie returning to lend their voices. The strong story takes situations and characters from the movie further by showing how they got involved in the violence and what the Warriors had to face to gain the respect of the other squabbling hoodlums and an invitation from the mysterious visionary Cyrus, who seeks to unite the city's gangs, whose members outnumber the police 3 to 1, and take the city for their own. The meeting is disrupted by a rival gang and the negotiations go south, leading the Warriors into a desperate race back to their home turf while every gang in the city comes down on them for vengeance. Fast-paced and innovative, "The Warriors" allows you to interact with your highly

destructible surroundings and non-playable characters like few games ever have. Unlike other action games, "The Warriors" cannot be beat by simply mashing buttons until your thumbs bleed. It takes skill, strategy and full awareness of the abilities of your character, your allies and especially your enemies, which come in the form of cops and street hoods armed with everything from sledgehammers to garbage cans. Two-player cooperative mode allows you and a friend to tackle any mission together or roam the streets around Coney Island to look for invading gangs or people that need your help, perhaps demolishing a jewelry store while your partner searches the back alleys for enemy tags or approaching policemen. One very useful feature allows you to issue basic commands to your fellow gang members, who you can recruit when you find them on the streets with the press of a button, and knowing which command to give at the right time can decide your success or failure in the harder missions. Rockstar's flagship, the "Grand Theft Auto" series, literally reinvented the way videogames are made and played when the wildly successful "Grand Theft Auto 3" hit store shelves in 2001, and the even more popular "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" set the bar so high in 2004 that it appeared no one else could even appear as a blip on the radar, not even the company that spawned the Mafioso juggernaut. Their violent and deliciously vulgar games continue to make headlines and infuriate mothers and people like Hillary Clinton,

Though 'The Warriors' borrows heavily from 'Grand Theft Auto' in many aspects, Rockstar's latest game takes their own recycled ideas and tweaks them in a way no one could have foreseen. who waged a war on the gangland masterpiece when a secret "Hot Coffee" sex minigame was discovered hidden in the code of "San Andreas" by an obsessed fan in 2005. It's true that "The Warriors," released by Rockstar's Toronto branch, lacks the scope and unprecedented interactivity of "San Andreas," but there are considerable reasons why "The Warriors" is worthy of a fat slice of your paycheck. Though "The Warriors" borrows heavily from "Grand Theft Auto" in many aspects, Rockstar's latest game takes their own recycled ideas and tweaks them in ways no one could have foreseen. For instance, when tagging walls in "San Andreas," you merely walk up to enemy graffiti and press a button to paint over it, but in "The Warriors" you must direct a cursor across simple designs to mark your territory. Similar interfaces facilitate lock picking and car stereo stealing, where you must remove individual screws using a circular motion on a control stick. No doubt these features will find their way into future

installments of the "Grand Theft Auto" series, as Rockstar games tend to share ideas quite incestuously. With seemingly endless unlockables and nearly a dozen solid multiplayer modes, there's enough available to those serious about completing the game to keep them busy for weeks, not to mention the countless hours you can spend playing alongside or against your friends. The most entertaining thing I found was the multiplayer mode "Battle Royale," in which eighteen hoodlums fight atop tall buildings and the only way to win is to throw all of your opponents off. After hours of slamming my friends through brick chimneys and tossing them to their deaths, accompanied by slow-motion falls and comical screams, it never gets old. No matter how long we played, it was hard to tear away from that brutal yet hilarious minigame. The setting is painstakingly accurate, down to the clothing, music--much of which is recognizable, actual 1970s billboard advertisements, authentic slang and foul language, cars and everything else that would ring true about the era. With trademark Rockstar tongue-in-cheek humor, though noticeably toned down from the "Grand Theft Auto" series, and enough style and flair to carry the game on its own, the addictive quality of "The Warriors" will lead you playing well into the night. The innovative "collective hero" approach, where no member of the gang is the clear-cut protagonist, is a bit frustrating. Since the game does not follow a specific Warrior, instead forcC31



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Oklahoma Conference on College Student Character February 4, 2006 Registra.tio aiiabi Pick up your registration packet in Campus Life, Nigh University Center Room 424 or visit http://lAnNwiutok.eduicampus_lifefOCCSC/index.iiirni For more information contact Campus Life at 974-2636

ing you to change characters after nearly every mission, there is no need to save money or stock up on supplies. Weapons break after only a few hits and there are no guns available, only nasty melee weapons and anything you can find that's not bolted to the floor. Also, only a small portion of New York City is accessible while not on missions, though all previous missions are accessible from your hideout. This is quite restrictive for those used to cruising the streets of Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas in stolen cars. The inability to steal cars, and complete lack of moving cars, except for a few instances where the Warriors must flee on foot, also feels restrictive. One must keep reminding themselves that while similar, this is not "Grand Theft Auto." Graphically, "The Warriors" is possibly ahead of anything Rockstar has done to date, though it falls short when compared to its near photorealistic contemporaries. This is not a problem, however, as Rockstar has always valued gameplay over graphics, and substance over style, though "The Warriors" is certainly not lacking in either. A rich gaming experience, perfect for the casual gamer or hardcore nerd alike, and well worth the retail price, if only to tide ourselves over until the currently Playstation Portable-exclusive "Liberty City Stories," the latest in the "Grand Theft Auto" series, finds a port on the Playstation 2 sometime in the second quarter of 2006. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

January 12, 2006

WHO SAID THERE IS NO FREE PARKING? *See Transportation & Parking Services (TPS) website for H.O.V. details http:Iladministration.ucok.edulparkinglindex.htm


Here's a bright idea...

Add a passenger to your car instead of driving alone. Passengers stimulate conversation, leading to a better understanding of each other, and eventually we might achieve world peace. Now that's something to talk about.




January 12, 2006

UCO's newest political science professor is family man first by Nathan Winfrey

Staff Writer Seated in his rolling chair, the thin, red-haired man waited for his Chick-fil-A sandwich to cool, taking careful bites every few minutes. The cluttered office Dr. Kenneth Kickham shares with another professor in the Liberal Arts Building is clearly divided between his space and hers. Telltale boxes and bare walls show that he is still settling in, while the photographs and decorations make it look as if his roommate has been there for years. Kickham is a new political science professor to UCO, after simultaneously working for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services and teaching at the University of Oklahoma where he received a master's in public administration and a Ph.D. in political science. "I was hired in state government before I got my Ph.D.," Kickham said. "With my background...I was more likely to end up with an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. job in a government position rather than a teaching position." Kickham saw a posting for a job opening at UCO around Christmas time in 2004. He said that allowed a lot of time for the excitement to build between the notification that he got the job and the time when he actually began. He said he loves teaching here, especially upper level classes, but, "In most disciplines, these general education courses are not as fun to teach," because everyone has to take those and there are not as many political science majors. "The more political science majors, the more fun it is to teach," Kickham said. Growing up, Kickham's greatest influence was his father, who sold mortgages and

stressed the importance o f Kickham served for eight years, education. from 1986 until 1992. "Both parents stressed it, He received a degree from but my dad, the importance of Oklahoma State University education oozed from every before moving to OU. His pore," Kickham said. mentor, Dr. David Morgan, His father got a job at a changed the direction of his hospital in Tulsa and his famiresearch. They published six ly moved there from St. Louis articles together, and Kickham after his eighth grade year said Morgan led him to become of Catholic school. His stayinterested in the field he is in at-home mother delegated now. responsibilities among the 12 While he was teachchildren, of whom Kickham ing adjunct at OU at night, was the eleventh. His older he got a job at the Oklahoma sister, Peggy, assumed a Department of Human Services maternal role when he was through an economist friend. very young, and she remains "DHS does two things: the sibling he keeps in closest assistance and taking your contact with. kids away--child protection," Kickham said there were Kickham said. While he too many people in their worked at DHS, he evaluated house for comfort, and when welfare programs and pubthey got out they didn't have lished reports, which "involves much of a desire to keep up writing papers, going to conwith each other. But now that ferences, and trying to get the he has children of his own, papers published in journals," ages nine, seven, and two, Kickham said. He did not have they come see him more. anything to do with the child "When you have a famremoval aspect. ily that large, it breaks down "The most controversial into different families," he thing we ever did in Oklahoma said. The older seven and the was to lead the nation to use younger five formed their own welfare money to promote cliques. marriage," Kickham said. The "Mom was a great sports Oklahoma Marriage Initiative fan. Dad was not," Kickham was designed to target single said. He would go to baseball mothers and fathers at their by Vista photographer Brett Deering games with his siblings, but "magic moment," which is his parents would never go. Dr. Kenneth Kickham and son James, 2. when the baby is being born. His childhood heroes were "It is the best opportunity to baseball players: Cardinals get the man involved," he said. research. out. He found a temp agency that left-fielder Lou Brock, who "The child of a single parent "Welfare is basically a left- placed him in what he calls "an set the single-season stolen wing idea; the left-wing inter- endless string of meaningless is going to come out lower on base record in 1974, and Hank pretation of welfare is that it's jobs," which included working indicators than the child of two Aaron. structural. It's about economic in the circulation depai Intent for parents." He also loved hockey and He said his job was to meacycles, capitalism, and it's not a newspaper, the Broken Arrow religion, and wanted to one day sure if a program worked. the fault of the person on wel- Ledger, being a UPS package find a way to be both a hockey "There's a whole industry fare," he said. "The right-wing loader and flipping burgers at goalie and pope. out there of Ph.D.s researching view is that the only reason a restaurant which was, "eas"As soon as I moved out of welfare programs. People spend you're on welfare is that you're ily the most stressful job I ever the house, I moved into a trailtheir whole career doing it. It's promiscuous and lazy and your had," he said. er with my brother and that's a big time industry that few dead beat sex partner didn't Because he always dressed when [his religiosity] ended," people know about," Kickham marry you." well, the agency generally Kickham said. After moving out of the placed him in white-collar posi- said. Kickham credits Catholicism Kickham said he would love house, Kickham started at Tulsa tions, one of which was a traffic for his left-wing political views to work for either a Washington, Junior College and then dropped ticket filer. There, he met Gil and embracement of welfare D.C. think tank or have a Federal Nadeau, a highway patrolman job at the U.S. Department of who ran for police commissionAgriculture, doing the same er. Kickham became devoted to kind of research he does now, Learn Guitar Now! his campaign. Though Nadeau except in the U.S. capital and Free Lessons!* lost, he directed Kickham to for a national organization. (wist6callers, big discount everyone else.) the U.S. Army Reserves, where He said he hoped to see a

new kind of world economic system in the future, "one that is not so directed at the endless accumulation of capital." Kickham said he treasures his children more than anything, but does not consider them to be what he is most proud of. "I think of pride as one of the seven deadly sins," Kickham said. Instead, he attributes that word to his academic and career successes, though nothing is as important to him as his family.

Nathan Winfrey can be reached at nwinfrey@thevistaonlinacom.

CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS ■ The UCO Fencing Club will meet each Tuesday and Thursday from 7:40 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the second floor of the Health and P.E. building. The club is under the direction of Dr. John Bowen of the Department of Chemistry, and is open to all UCO students. Those interested in joining the fencing club are encouraged to attend an introductory meeting tonight, Jan. 12 at the Health and P.E. Building. .

■ The Edmond Baha'i community will celebrate World Religion Day Jan. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Baha'i Center, 321 E. Campbell in Edmond. This year's program, "Celebrating Oneness," will include representatives from a variety of faiths who will offer prayers or readings from their holy scriptures. Musical group "The Light Combo" will provide music throughout the program. ■ The Army National Guard and ROTC Broncho Battallion will hold a free obstacle course from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 17. The course is designed to raise campus awareness of the ROTC program and is open to all students. ■ The International Student Council is conducting a fundraiser for wildfire relief efforts throughout the week at the Nigh University Center. Donations will be sent to the American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma.


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QUALITY individual needed to train for residential window cleaning. Must have resume, proof of enrollment, documented GPA of 3. or above, your own transportation, preferably a truck for hauling ladder. Potential earnings of $8 10/hr based on percentage plus mileage. Please call immediately: 340 3914.

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sales help needed at Good Earth Health Foods. Please apply at 1415 S Boulevard, Edmond.

PART TIME nursery help needed at Acts II United Methodist Church. Call 359 2286 for more info.

BACK IN SCHOOL?? NEED $$$? Original Varsity Sports Grill needs waitstaff, servers and hosts. Cash every day with flexible hours. Apply in person 2 5pm at 1120 NW 63rd, Suite 100.

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EDMOND CPA firm is seeking accounting student for PT receptionist/ clerk. Send resume to 3509 French Park Drive, Suite A, Edmond, OK 73034. 348 5200 or fax 348 5295.

LOOKING for violinist to play at February 11 Chinese themed wedding. Prefer female child. Call Sonya at 354 7776.

MAY ALSO CALL 405 844 8084. NEED A JOB?

We offer a friendly environment with small classes of 4 10 students. Here you can prepare for university study, the TOEFL, and a successful career.

15.IIDZSTREET Hourly Child Care is now hiring teachers and assistant teachers. Some experience preferred. If you are energetic, self motivated and enjoy being around kids, call Lisa at 405 413 1911.

NURSERY WORKERS needed at St. Mary s Episcopal Church for the following days and times: *Sun morns 8:30am 12:30pm; *Tues morns 9:45 11:30am; *Wed eves 6:15 8:15pm If you are qualified and available to work any or all of these days, please contact Rev. Rita Henault at St. Mary s, 325 E First St (1st & University), Edmond 341 3855

FRONTIER CITY is now hiring for Spring/Summer Paid Internships & Positions. *Human Resources "Marketing *Sales *Retail/Merchandising *Afternoon Receptionist Thousands in college scholarships awarded each year. Must be available to work some weekends and evenings. Contact Adam Harper at 405 478 2140 or email your resume to

SLEEP INNS & SUITES in Edmond is looking for flexible PT desk clerk/night auditor. Apply at 3608 S Broadway, 844 3000.

INTEGRIS Health Fun N Fit is currently hiring reliable and enthusiastic staff to work with before and after school care. A Teacher and two Site Director positions are available. Working hours will be 7 8:45am and 3:30 6pm. Group experience with children is required. Students planning on working with children and families can gain valuable experience in this environment. If you are interested in a rewarding position that allows you to make a difference in a young person s life, line up your job now for this semester and summer and call 949 6888 and ask for Crista.

PT CUSTOMER Service help needed, 5 9am Mon Fri, occasional weekends. Apply in person, Edmond YMCA, 1220 S Rankin. PEARL S LAKESIDE

has positions for FT and PT servers. Apply at 9201 E. Lake Hefner, 748 6113.

WE PAY up to $75 per online survey.


Health Sciences Center research team needs participants ages 18 30, who have a parent with or without a history of an alcohol or drug problem. Qualified participants will be compensated for their time. To see if you qualify or to learn more about the study, please call 405 552 4303. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

INTAKE ASSESSMENT and after care chemical dependency counselor, responsible for completing SASSI, Burns Depression & Anxiety ASI and Biopsychosocial assessments for women and children in long term residential treatment; assist with initial contact interviews; provide individual and group after care counseling; complete follow up assessments; facilitate and/or assist in facilitation of education lectures; complete required documentation. Educational requirements include: Bachelor s degree in sociology w/chemical dependency emphasis or a related field with CADC; prefer one year counseling experience in residential treatment; must be 21 years old; must have gender and cultural sensitivity. E.O.E. Respond with cover letter and resume to Attn: H.R., ERI, 601 NE 63rd St, OKC, OK 73105, fax 840 5086 or via email to

PT JOBS SENIOR Services of Oklahoma is looking for students to fill PT positions. Several 9am-1pm shifts and 1:30 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon Fri. We pay $10/hr for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is preferred; we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St in Edmond. Call 879 1888 to set up interview. Ask for Courtney Smith.

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receptionist needed. PT receptionist position available immediately for a very busy real estate office. Requirements: Dependable, great phone voice and an outgoing personality. Multi line phone experience preferred. Work hours are from 1 6pm Mon Fri. If you possess those qualities and are willing and eager to learn, please fax your resume to 405 359 8729.

405 341 7987 COME HOME to your newly remodeled duplex! New carpet, new full size washer/dryer, attached garage, separate study. Come home to Persimmon Ridge, 471 6145.

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needs someone to work Saturday afternoons, 12 5pm, doing general cleaning, filing, customer service, etc. Apply at 356 S Kelly, Edmond.

bath, kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer hookups, ceiling fans, lots of closet space. NO PETS! New building, 1 blk from UCO, 453 N Blackwelder, $650/ mo, $500 dep. TENANT RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES, 1 year lease, 341 9651.


APT FOR RENT block off campus.

BLUE RIBBON Pet Boutique

needs PT sales help 15 25 hrs/wk. Salary plus commissions. Call Beth at 751 1745 or apply at Quail Springs Mall.



KENNEDY PLACE APTS 1,2&3 Bedrooms Across from UCO 341 7911 or visit our website


Shopping Ctr needs PT help for construction, clean up and maintenance. Can be full time for summer. Call 330 2555.

1, 2&3 Bedrooms 20 S Bryant, Edmond 341 2161

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Provider to work in CARF Accredited program. Bilingual with Bachelor or Masters in Social Services field. Send resume to LCDA, Attn: Compliance Office, 420 SW 10th St, OKC, OK 73109.

ONE BEDROOM APT Gas and water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO. 1217 N Roosevelt, $340/mo plus deposit, 341 9651.

TWO BED, 1 bath four plex. Quiet, worker for non-profit agency. Bilingual with experience in human services or related field. Send resume to LCDA, Attn: Compliance Officer, 420 SW 10th St, OKC, OK 73109

Now leasing for January, 2006. Two & three bed duplexes, attached garages, atriums (separate study room), huge closets & two full baths, new full size washer & dryer in each unit, walking distance to UCO (east of UCO stadium).

LOOKING for part time nanny Mondays and Wednesdays. Early childhood training or childcare experience preferred. Must love children and provide own transportation. Call Vicki at 752 4460 for more info.




clean area, block to UCO, Refrig, stove, dishwasher, w/d included, 1 car garage. $550/mo plus $550/ dep. Call 824 8954, 348 9405.

PT POSITION at Elks Alley Antiques, 1201 S Broadway. Must be able to . lift 100 lbs. Hours and salary are negotiable. Call 340 2400.


Female student, all bills paid (except phone & cable). Call Glen at 787 6880, C 590 1086 or Linda at 340 7623, C 590 1087.

2 BED, 2 BATH duplex, 2 car garage. 701 NW 137th, avail able immediately. Call 265 1103.


Website! Low prices guaranteed. Free Meals & Free Drinks. Book 11 people, get 12th trip free! Group discounts for 6+. or www. Le i su reTo u rs . co m or 800 838 8202.

NEED a place to live? I have a 4 bed, 2 bath nice brick home in Edmond, large kitchen and fireplace, in a great neighbor hood. I am looking for a roommate(s) that can help with only occasional babysitting and share light cleaning. One roommate rent is $375/mo plus of utility bills. Single parent with one small child, or two females who can share one bed room and both help with 3 yr old. Rent is $450/mo plus utility bills. Please call Jerry Sanger at (405)627 7517.

2 Bedroom, 1 Bath BLOWOUT!!! $450.00/MONTH 1 bed, 1 bath $395 1st Full Month Rent $99

405 341 7987




The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing. For the rookies, we'll start off with some easy puzzles. But after ncxt week, look for the easy puzzle Tuesday and the hard puzzle Thursday.


5 7 1 8 6 2 7 3 5 9 1 7 2 8 3 6 1 2 8 3 7 4 1 5 3 9 2 3 6 7 8 Puzzle by



1. Influenzas.

1. Movable piece of tissue

5. Ruddy.

partly connected to the body.

8. Engage in.

2. Den.

12. Prescribed course for ships.

3. Cause the ruin of.

13. Chef _ Batali.

4. Village in Ohio.

15. Egg-shaped figure.

5. Past tense of "ring."

16. Variant of "Ayda."

6. Unincorporated community

17. Something that reveals.

in Utah.

18. Small areas of a room set back into a wall.

7. Legislative assembly in

19. Announces officially.


22. Mauna _, volcano in Hawaii.

8. Rabble.

23. Tropical American bird with black plumage

9. Sudden, great or irresistible

and a long tail.

influxes of anything.

24. Young Men's Christian Association.

10. Knock unconscious.

26. Heart of _, 1916 film starring Myrtle

11. _ Benitez, model.


13. Civilians trained as soldiers

29. Past participle of "learn."

but not part of the regular army.

31. TV show starring Billy Ray Cyrus.

14. Oval or round dormer

32. Love of fine objects of art.


34. Corn salad.

20. Short for university.

36. Place in a criminal court where a prisoner

21. Acronym for Sevizio

stands during the trial.

Meteorogico Dell'aeronautical

38. Tall, tropical palms of southeastern Asia that


have egg-shaped nuts.

25. Stomach of a lower animal.

40. English political party.

26. People of little refinement.

41. Positions something to make it balanced.

27. Act of possessing a place.

43. Imbecilic.

28. Tapestry covering a wall.

45. Electrocardiogram.

29. Presenting a clear view.

46. Small branches of a plant with leaves in them. 48. Having a woven pattern. 50. Initial contribution a player makes to the pot in poker. 51. Tear apart. 52. Acronym for Over the Top. 54. Not at all suited to the circumstances. 63. Break or tear apart. 64. _ Laine, British singer. 65. Representation of the cross on which Jesus died.

Solution will accompany next week's puzzle.

66. Made pain or sorrow easier to bear. 67. _Turing, British mathematician and computer scientist. 68. Make synchronous and adjust in time. 69. Japanese monetary unit. 70. Scandinavian form of "Laurence."

71. Relatively dense in consistency. 72. Acronym for Direct Drive Turntable. 33. Acronym for Total Efficiency Network. 35. Encourage to act. 37. John W. _, Democratic VP candidate on William Jennings Bryan's third run for the presidency. 39. Aroused to vigilance. 42. In the original place. 44. _ Nolde, German Expressionist painter. 47. General term describing the standard category and overall character of a work. 49. At the summit. 52. Implements used to steer a boat. 53.

Bayliss, superbike racer.

55. Salty waters. 56. Lessen the intensity of. 57. Free from irregularities. 58. _ Blame Duo, based in Milwaukee, WI. 59. Scorch. 60. Large amounts. 62. Federal health agency in Atlanta.

SPORTS January 12, 2006


Pistons rally past Hornets 96-86


uI by Murray Evans New Orleans closed within Associated Press Writer 80-79 with 6:20 left, but a 120 Detroit run, capped by 3pointers by Billups and Rasheed OKLAHOMA CITY (A13)( Wallace, extended the Pistons' Richard Hamilton scored 30 margin to 13 points by the 3:40 points, including 20 in the:secmark. The Hornets came no ond half, and the Detroit Pistons closer than 11 points the rest of rallied to beat the New Orleans the way. Hornets 96-86 on Tuesday Hamilton, the Pistons' leadnight. ing scorer, has scored 30 or Chauncey Billups added more points five times this sea18 points for the Pistons, who son. Before Tuesday, he hadn't improved their NBA-best record done so since Dec. 14 against to 27-5. The Hornets lost their second Sacramento. Paul tore the ligament on the straight game despite the unexinside of his right thumb Friday pected return of rookie point during a win over Portland and guard Chris Paul, who started missed the Hornets' next game, despite a torn ligament in his a 101-93 loss at Atlanta on right hand. Saturday. The team expected The Hornets led 53-48 after a basket by Desmond Mason with Paul to miss two weeks. But Paul participated in the 9:48 left in the third quarter, Hornets' shootaround at the but Detroit scored the next nine Ford Center on Tuesday mornpoints to take the lead for good. ing and Hornets coach Byron Detroit scored the final eight Scott made the decision to play points of the quarter, includPaul afterward. Scott said docing consecutive 3-pointers by Tayshaun Prince and Carlos tors told him that Paul couldn't damage the thumb any further Arroyo, to go ahead 74-64. by playing

from page 16 to be honest with ourselves, this month is extremely important and we have a group of guys that must step it up." Assistant coach Kevin Freeman shares in the excitement. "We have high expectations, we always have, still we are right at the time of the season when we are learning how far we can go," Freeman said. "We will learn a lot about ourselves this month." The coaching staff has good reason for the optimism. UCO has enjoyed long-term success at the Lone Star Duals. James is in his 24th year as head coach and has accumulated a record of 266-93-4 and winning 11 national titles. The Bronchos will travel to Cedar Falls, Iowa for the NWCA Division II National Duals on Jan. 14. Teddy Burch can be reached at . AP

The Hornets' Chris Paul, right, returned from injury but his team could not stop the Pistons Jan. 10.

One Guy's Opinion

from page 16

by Matt Cauthron

Happy Hour 4 — 6pm Every Day Featuring Sushi & Drink Specials

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A&M, 64-76. Editor in Chief "We just have to build on the things we did right Saturday night," Wilson said. As a sports fan, there are certain days of the UCO begins its three-game year, or certain entire weekends, that just seem road trip Jan. 12 at Tarleton too good to be true. Thanksgiving Day is a good State. example. Two NFL games on your day off, when all there is to do is eat turkey and lay around? Are you kidding me? The first two days of the NCAA basketball tournament is another good example, although after we're out of college and without spring break, we'll never be able to enjoy Kristen Limam can be reached at it again. . But no matter how many blissful years in a row you sit watching these events for hours on end, the fact they actually happethe fact that such a great day of sports watchiag is possible— still manages to surprise you every year. Sat. & Sun., Jan. 14 15 And if you ask me, last weekend tops them Wrestling all. Last weekend was the Yearly Sports Surprise NWCA D II National Duals equivalent of Christmas Day: round one of the Cedar Falls, Iowa, all day NFL Playoffs. What could be better? There were two games Mon., Jan. 16 Saturday and two Sunday, featuring the best Basketball teams in the best league playing the best sport at Northeastern State in the world. And of the four, only the Patriots/ Jaguars game was a snoozer. The rest were clas6 p.m. (W) & 8 p.m. (M)


E 2nd St. Edmond, Ok 73034 102.1


io:3oam to io:oopm Sun-Thurs lo:pam to io:3opm Fn-Sat

salad Art OIR

Hornets' Next Game Friday, Jan. 13 vs. Sacramento Kings at Lloyd Noble Center (Norman)

One weekend, four games nothing beats the NFL playoffs

HOOPS Howerton, sophomore guard, sank four free throws in the final 35 seconds of the game. "Now we know we can win," Williams said. "We have to try to win on the road now." During winter break, the Bronchos lost Dec. 20 to Emporia State, 68-82, and lost the next day to St. Mary's, 64-75, both in Las Vegas, Nev. The Bronchos also lost at home Jan. 5 to West Texas

"He's just a very competitive young man who wants to play," Scott said before the game. The Hornets' first-round draft pick, Paul entered the game averaging 16.3 points, 7.4 assists and 2.2 steals per game, all tops among NBA rookies, and 5.8 rebounds. He had 13 points and five assists in 34 minutes against Detroit. David West scored 14 of his 20 points in the first half as the Hornets took a 45-42 halftime lead. The lead swapped hands nine times in the first half and neither team led by more than six points, that when the Hornets went up 34-28 on consecutive dunks by Chris Anderson early in the second quarter.

sic playoff battles, just like every year. No league rivals the NFL for dramatic playoff battles. And just like every year, it only gets better from here. Like the New Year's Eve to round one's Christmas Day, round two is only one week later and twice the fun. The teams are even better, and the pressure is even greater. And talk about classic games. Remember the Tuck Rule Game, when the Patriots outlasted the Raiders in the driving snow on a spectacular last-minute kick and the help of an obscure rule nobody had ever heard of? It was probably the most enjoyable football watching experience of my life that didn't involve teams I cared about. And yes, it was a round-two playoff game. Sure, the Conference Championship games and the Super Bowl are always great. But those are only one-a-day games ... nothing to write home about. Rounds one and two have two games! For two days in a row! It's a football watcher's paradise. Throw in some fried food and a few friendly wagers with your friends and you've got the absolute perfect weekend of sports. So if you're an NFL fan and you missed any of the games last weekend, do yourself a favor. Clear your schedule. Turn off your phone and shut your curtains. Get some fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Stake out your favorite spot on the couch and settle in. Because a weekend like this happens but a few times a year. Enjoy it while you can. Matt Cauthron can be reached at mcauthron@

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THURSDAY, January 12, 2006

UCO wrestlers flatten opponents at Duals by Teddy Burch Sports Writer

The fifth-ranked UCO wrestling team improves to 6-1 for the year after dominating four opponents Jan. 7 at the Lone Star Duals in Grand Prairie, Texas. UCO opened the event with a 29-10 win over Division I South Dakota State, then thumped Newport News Apprentice School 50-0 and Labette Junior College 52-0 before finishing with a 35-6 rout of Division I Utah Valley State. Shea Timothy, ranked seventh nationally in Division II at 149 pounds, had a first-period pin. Shane Caruthers (125 lbs.) and Jared Hess (174 lbs.) added major decisions against South Dakota State, who managed the only three wins in UCO's first three duals. "Rankings are good and all but I don't pay much attention to that right now, I just want to be in the best position I can for the

nationals in March," Timothy said. The Bronchos got first-period falls from Jerod Goodwin (157 lbs.), Kenny Meredith (184 lbs.), Travis Johnson (197 lbs.) and heavyweight Chris Finn in rolling over Newport News, with Adam Ingram (165 lbs.) adding a 23-5 technical fall.

UCO shut out Labette Junior College, with Caruthers, Timothy, Jared Henning (133 lbs.), Jason Leavitt (157 lbs.) and heavyweight Josh LeadingFox scoring pins. Kyle Evans, ranked second in Division II at 141 pounds, added an 18-3 technical fall. "I was glad to get the win

Photo Services

Jason Leavitt stalls his opponent Jan. 7 at the Lone Sar Duals.

however I am just trying to score as many points and get as much mat time as possible," Evans said. "I think as a team we have a great chance to win a championship and I believe that as a team we will all work hard at achieving that goal." The Bronchos lost the first two matches in their final dual against Utah Valley State to fall behind 0-6, but got a first-period pin from Finn and a technical fall from Evans in the comeback win. The dual was the first for UCO since their 43-6 victory over Bacone Dec. 10. Head coach David James is optimistic about the future of his squad. "What you like to see as a coach is some of the guys corning off the holiday break and compete with high intensity," said James. "However we have

Please see LONE STAR, page 15

Bronchos leave Greyhounds in the dust UCO men's basketball maintain spotless record at home

Jennifer Bullis searches for an open teammate during the Bronchos' victory at home Jan. 7.

Women shake off string of losses

by Kristen Limam Sports Editor

The men's basketball team remains unbeaten at home after an 88-69 victory over the Eastern New Mexico University Greyhounds Jan. 7 at Hamilton Field House. The win brings the Bronchos to 7-6 on the season and 5-0 at home. "I'm pleased with the win, pleased with our guys," said head coach Terry Evans. Five Bronchos scored in the double digits, led by Anthony Brown, junior forward, with 21 points, eight rebounds and three assists. Jason Greene, senior guard, added 17 points and three assists. UCO posted 13 turnovers to ENMU's 26. "We played together and played good defense," said Mike Currin, senior guard. "If we play defense, we'll be good for the rest of the season." Aundrae Grayson, senior guard, sank a three-pointer at the tipoff and UCO never surrendered the lead. Brown and Kentrell Gaddis, senior guard, led a 9-1 run with 3:38 left in the first, giving the Bronchos a 16-point lead with two minutes remaining. UCO led 40-26 at the half. The Bronchos shot 8-of13 from the three-point line in the second half, and led by a

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

by Kristen Limam Sports Editor


The UCO women's basketball team snapped a six-game losing streak with an 84-69 victory over Eastern New Mexico University Jan. 7 at Hamilton Field House. After being in the hole early on, the Bronchos came back to lead by one point at halftime. In the second half, UCO scored 14 more points than its opponents. "We really did a good job on defense at the end of the first half and all of the second half," said UCO head coach Shawn Williams. The keys to getting the by Vista photographer Brett Deering much-needed win were limJason Greene defends against West Texas A&M Jan. 5 on the way to breaking a four-game losing iting turnovers and shooting streak. The Bronchos went on to win against Eastern New Mexico Jan. 7 at least 40 percent, Williams said before the game. UCO had eight turnovers to ENMU's 13, "They were losing a little con- The Bronchos play the first of and shot 41 percent to ENMU's game-high 24 points with 11:53 fidence," Evans said. "Getting three away games Jan. 12, against 31.9 percent. remaining. The win brings UCO to 3Mikal Monette, junior for- two games at home changes the Tarleton State. 10 and ENMU drops to 6-7. ward from ENMU, scored a outlook of the season." Over winter break, the The Bronchos' previous victory game-high 24 points and nine came on Dec. 3 at home against rebounds. ENMU drops to 4-9, Bronchos lost three games on the Texas A&M-Kingsville. extending its losing streak to road. In Las Vegas, Southwest Baptist won 80-61 Dec. 17 and "It relieves a lot of pressure," five games. said Meghan Craig, junior forUCO has now won two in a Missouri Western won 76-72 the Kristen Limam can be reached at ward. row after snapping a four-game next day. Drury defeated UCO . 85-70 Jan. 3. Craig led UCO with 20 losing streak Jan. 5 at home. points, seven rebounds and five

assists. Lindsey Wilson, senior forward, contributed 18 points, nine rebounds and three assists. Amber Robertson, junior forward, posted a career-high 10 rebounds. The Bronchos found them-

selves down 8-19 midway through the first half when the ENMU Zias scored four consecutive three-pointers and two free throws. UCO began chipping away at ENMU's largest lead of 14 points by going on a 14-3 run during which six different Bronchos scored. A three-pointer by Wilson brought UCO within two, 35-37. Two successful free throws by sophomore guard Cassidy Pillow then tied the game, and one more by Pillow gave UCO the 38-37 lead at halftime. During the second half, UCO limited ENMU's shooting to 27 percent, 10 points lower than the first half. Meanwhile, UCO shot 46.5 percent in the second half, 10 points higher than its first half mark. The Bronchos held on to the lead for most of the second half, with Wilson scoring 10 points in the final 10 minutes of the game. Karlie

Please see HOOPS, page 15

Men's Basketball Box Scores, Jan. 7

Women's Basketball Box Scores, Jan. 7




Player POS FGM A 3PM A FTM A REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP OF DE TOT G 14 03 LARGENT 58 1 5 6 2 0 0 7 CARR G 27 02 11 1121105 WILSON G 47 01 I2 2 5 7 0 2 0 9 F 01 14 CROSS 00 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 F MONETTE 67 3 6 9 0 0 0 24 00 99 MONTOYA G 24 24 00 0 0 0 2 2 0 6 JACKSON G 13 01 12 0 1 1 6 0 0 3 24 HOLLADAY F 510 01 1 4 5 1 0 1 12 YOUNG F 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DONNELL F 12 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Team 1 1 2 25 47 4 15 15 25 11 23 34 12 5 1 69 Totals


UCO (7 6)

UCO (3 10)




59 58 14 10 14 3 10 06 48 03 35 00

47 46 14 00 38 05 12 01 00 00

00 34 35 1 I 22 00 46 00 01 00

31 67

13 33

13 19


1 0 0 3 1 2 2 0 4 0

1 0 2 5 6 0 1 0 1 1

2 0 2 8 7 2 3 0 5 1

5 3 4 3 3 1 2 0 0 2

1 2 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0

0 14 0 17 0 6 2 21 0 11 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 6 0 0

13 17 30 23


2 88


by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Aundrae Grayson contributes during a victorious Broncho game.



25 822 312 3 10 23 01 24 00 01 211

24 24 25 27 00 00 12 00 00 02

22 69

9 24

34 2 2 4 1 2 0 9 34 4 5 9 2 0 3 21 44 0 4 4 2 2 1 12 22 2 6 8 2 0 0 10 03 1 1 2 1 0 0 4 00 3 2 5 1 0 0 0 22 3 1 4 1 0 0 7 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 23 4 2 6 0 0 0 6 1 1 16 22 19 25 44 10 4 4 69

POS FGM A 3PM A FTM A REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP OF DE TOT F 613 38 34 1 8 9 3 2 0 18 G F


36 2 4 17 7 16 22 39 00 00 14

24 00 00 3 12 00 16 00 00 00

25 61

9 30

I 1 0 3 00 1 1 78 1 2 33 2 5 13 4 6 46 0 1

3 4 1 0 9

2 1 0 0 4

3 0 2 2 9 0 20 10 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 11 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 2 0 2 0 0 8 3 1 4 25 31 14 27 41 15 6 2 84

7 5 1

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