The Vista January 13, 1983

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PinELIE ■iiriSlrAXL. January 13, 1983

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Vol. 81, No. 27

Oklahoma tuition lower regionally by Mark Spears Staff Writer The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education surveyed ten mid-western states to determine how Oklahoma's public colleges and universities compared with similiar institutions with respect to tuition, fees and other service charges. The data collected was based on the amount paid by full-time undergraduate students enrolled in 30 semester hours for two consecutive semesters during the 1981-82 academic term. Oklahoma ranked ninth in the ten-state survey with an average cost of $641 per year. Colorado had the highest costs with an average of $1,152 per student. Texas had the lowest at $429. Surveys at senior colleges, the category that includes CSU, found Oklahoma ranked seventh with an average of $450; Colorado was the highest at $783 and Texas was eighth at $392. Arizona and Iowa colleges did not report. Non-resident student costs are $1,129 in Oklahoma, $2,961 in Colorado and $1,086 in Missouri. Tuition and fee charges for residents at CSU are $445 per year ranking CSU 37th. Mesa College of Colorado was at the top of the

list at $925 per year. Charges for tuition for all nonresidents at CSU are $1,124 ranking CSU 41st compared to Adams State College in Colorado with an annual fee of $1,404. The highest tuition and fee charges paid by undergraduate non-resident students for one year were $4,039 at Colorado universities, compared to $1,709 at Oklahoma universities and $1,509 at Texas universities. Resident graduate students costs range from $1,179 at Colorado universities to $634 and $386 at Oklahoma and Texas universities, respectively. Charges for non-resident graduate students vary from $4,174 at Colorado universities compared to $1,738 at Oklahoma universities and $1,243 at Texas universities. Thirty-nine universities, 48 senior colleges and 64 public twoyear colleges in the states of Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas participated in the survey. Institutions from Oklahoma that were surveyed included 26 colleges and universities and six constituent agencies.

Vista photo by Glenda Jackson

Rising costs of a college education have created long lines outside the financial aids office. Steven Joe is one of many students seeking financial aid. Assisting him is Helen Thompson, financial aids counselor.

Regents request fee hikes by Mark Spears Staff Writer Just before the winter break, the Oklahoma State Board of Regents discussed a proposal to be sent to the legislature to revise the tuition and fee law allowing the regents to set fees on a percentage of cost basis. If the proposal passes it will mean gradual increases in tuition and fees until they reach a point where the student will be paying 25 percent of his education and the state will be paying 75 percent of the students costs, according to the newsletter published by the Regents. As of now a student pays 18 percent of the instructional costs compared to 28 percent in 1974-75. According to the regents plan,

fees will rise no more than 10 percent and tuition will rise no more than 15 percent in one year. The objective is to attain 25-75 percent ratio. When this ratio is reached, the Regents would adjust fees and tuition up or down based on the previous year's educational and general operating budget of the state system institutions. The legal definition for "fees" is any fee required to be paid as a condition of enrollment by a student in any institution of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education. The term "tuition" means payment required of an individual who is a non-resident. Tuition is payment in addition to fees. Therefore, residents of this state attending a college or univer-

In this issue... Applications due for Miss CSU . Pictorial essay on fashion show . Honor roll students named . Howard named Headliner of Year . Gridders win NAIA Championship .

. . . . .

page 3 page 4 page 6 page 7 page 8

sity do not pay tuition but only pay a combination of fees. J.A. Leone, Chancellor of The Oklahoma State Board of Regents, opened the hearing, held Dec. 14, by endorsing the concept that the Regents should be allowed to increase tuition and fee charges. Leone also said there will be no increase in fees in any one year of more than 10 percent and no increase in tuition of more than 15 percent. Greg Kubiak, student body president at the University of Oklahoma, agreed with the proposal and requested an increase in student activity fees, health fees and cutbacks. Kubiak asked that the increase be spread over various activities and be no more than 10 percent over one year. David Mitchell, from the University of Oklahoma Health and Science Center, noted that the increase in costs would hurt some students because of the decrease in financial aid. Joe F. Gary, secretary of the Board of Regents, noted that anyone in Oklahoma who wanted to go to school is able to borrow the money for school. He also stated that Oklahoma and Texas have the lowest tuition and fee rates in this area. Gary said he beleived the increase will not affect enrollment. Taxpayers will do all they can and that the students

should carry their own load, he said. Jim Miller, representing Eastern Oklahoma State College, said their was a need for increases to cover building repairs and also stated that the student body approved of the increases in a campus wide meeting. The major opposition to the proposal was voiced by Mike O'Neil of Tinker Air Force Base, which has extension courses at Central State. O'Neil said students in this program are already paying more those at CSU and asked that they not be affected by the increases. Regents Vice-Chairman Eugene Swearingen claimed the higher rate was justified because of the time the instructors spend driving to TAFB from the campus. Bill Stanhope, a student at OU, cited several problems with education, including a freeze on hiring at OU. He said he realizes that tuition at Oklahoma colleges is low compared to other states but, the average student must also pay housing costs. With the increases in housing costs coupled with the rising tuition costs and the deepening recession, Stanhope said he was concerned that middle to lower class students will soon be unable to afford to attend college. Similar proposals have been made by the Regents over the past

three years and the legislature has failed to take action. Any increases will have to approved by the legislature and a public notice of 120 days must be given before the increases can take affect.

Scholarships aid students The State Board of Regents awarded $1,739,771.05 in fee waiver scholarships to 9,528 state college students for the 1982-83 school year. CSU received approximately $180,000 in scholarships which have been awarded to 730 students. "We are required to give 50 percent of the scholarships to students according to need. Approximately 60 percent were given out on this basis," said Sherri Hancock, director of financial aid. Scholarships were given to 200 freshman, 70 sophomores, 55 juniors and 45 seniors. All students received a $193 fee waiver, according to Hancock. The number of students receiving scholarships increased by 2,508 from the fall term of 1981.

Page 2 § The Vista § January 13, 1983

Opinion Page Student says grievance committee meaningless Letter to the editor: I wrote a news story which appeared on the front page of the August 31 issue of the Vista. That story concerned a memorandum issued by Patrick Cassens, vicepresident of academic affairs, revising the student grievance procedure. The headline for that story read "Harassment, grade disputes — Students can air grievances through board." I explained the steps involved in filing a grievance against a professor. I have discovered upon further investigation that while the procedure may be fine for simple grade disputes, it is not satisfactory in resolving grievances of a more serious nature.

Letters Letters to the editor are not only welcomed but encouraged. All letters must be signed, although names will be withheld upon request. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters must also include the author's address and phone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit in order to fit space limitations and to comply with libel laws. Every effort will be made to preserve the integrity of the letter. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, Okla. 73034 or deliver in person to the editor, Communications Building, room 107.

The Vista (USPS 661-700) Tonia Sykes Editor Assistant Editor Twyla Cowan Assistant Editor Todd Felker Sports Editor Mike Sherman Advertising Manager ...Koni Overturf Paste Up Artist— Circulation ManagerBeth Shumaker Staff Writer Mark Spears Photo Editor Glenda Jackson Administrative Publisher Dr. Ray Tassin Director— Executive Editor ....Hank Mooney Published as a teaching instrument for journalism students under the Department of Journalism on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the school term, except during examinations and holidays, at 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034. One-year stuscription rate $7. Second-class postage paid at Edmond, Okla. "POSTMASTER": Send address change to The Vista, 100 North University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034.

The internal policies of the University Appeal Committee are not filed with the Board of Libraries nor do they conform with the guidelines of the Oklahoma Administration Act and, in effect, are not legally binding. The meetings of the appeal committee are not confidential which could leave the student filing the grievance open for a libel suit. This type of grievance procedure is meaningless as a tool to the student body. A complete investigation as to why these procedures are so grossly unjust and a new procedure that can truly be called a Student Grievance Procedure should be made at once. Any student considering filing a grievance of a more serious nature should keep good records, tape record all pertinent conversations and obtain legal advice as early as possible. All students are protected by federal and state laws. The university is responsible for the actions of its professors in many cases because CSU is a federally and state funded university. Candi Richerson Burditt

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Enrollment experience like Dark Ages Letter to the editor: It was in these days of yore that a young man of slight means did leave his home to attend college. "Where do I enroll?" asked he. "How should I know!" exclaimed the ghost of organization, long dead at this school. "Is this where I enroll?" the young man did emplore of the specters of the Great Glass Wall. "Bubble, bubble. Toil and trouble. Look how big I can blow bubbles. Fersure." And they did slide back to their valley leaving behind a book. Alas! The book was blank, and the young man had to fill it before he could enter the Great Waiting Chamber. Through diligence and patience, the young man did complete the book and he did enter the Great Waiting Chamber where his tablet of scheduling was to be signed by the Wizards of Wonder. "I'm sorry," said the beautiful harp of the chamber gate, "but all the wizards are out to feast upon lunch. You will have to wait." It was here that the young man did take a wife, and she begat him two sons who refused to sit down. "Look mommy!" "No, son, put the freshmen down." And so, the young man was allowed to pass from the Great Waiting Chamber to the Point of Penance. It was here the young man did lose two limbs in a battle with a great red Fee, having only his savings to do battle with.

After fleeing from great bouncing Checks, he did pass into the Halls of Learning where he learned his opinion was worth only a bag of beans. Here in the Halls of Learning he chanced upon an idea, but it was declared obsolete and crushed. He did also chance upon a young beautiful nymphette who he did dislike greatly, for the nymphette did narry a thing and seemingly learned more. "Don't be such a square," she said. "After all, I am dating your son."

It was at this point a bouncing Check snuck up behind him and attacked. The man was forced from here on to take herbs to cure his failing heart. Finally he did pass into the world of the real with only a sheep skin scroll to give him weight and warmth. He ate half and burned the other. So remember, when the going gets tough, your hair dresser is always open on Saturdays. Todd Felker

Bronchos deserve recognition for their championship efforts Dear Editor, seats by the athletic department in Central State University is shedding favor of alumni and others; but, when its reputation as "Broncho High" and the victory appeared to be in hand, a the process was helped along by the celebration began that included football team about a month ago. everyone and did nothing to hurt For those who may have trouble morale around here. thinking back before all that Christmas Understand this: A winning football and New Year's hoopla, the mighty team — or any prosperous athletic Bronchos captured their first gridiron squad — does not make the university. title in 20 years by downing Mesa, However, the Bronchos have given all Colo. in the NAIA finals, 14-11. This of us something to be proud of and a was a team that some so-called "ex- little pride can go along way. It's fun to perts" all but counted out after two back a winner sometimes and Coach disappointing losses early in the Gary Howard and his gridders are cer-. season. tainly winners. Thanks, guys. With the victory came a chance for a By the way, a banquet — open to unity among students, faculty and everyone interested — would seem to alumni which had been missing before. be in order for the Champs. The students were understandably mif- Mike Sherman fed after being moved out of the their Sports Editor

January 13, 1983 § The Vista § page 3

Scholarships offered to defer rising tuition, student fees

Local, State, World News Nigh asks for sharing, caring

As students return to the classroom this semester, more attention is being focused on the continual increase in college costs. Richard C. McGee from the U.S. Office of Education held a survey of 2,115 colleges and universities. A total of $130,851,256 in scholarships were given to 320,085 students last year. Service grants-in-aid of $32,181,113 were awarded to 67,934 students. Some scholarships for classes this coming summer are available for students. Applications are now available for the 1983 Sir Alexander Fleming Scholarship Program. The summer program now in its 28th year is designed to give students an opportunity to explore careers in the basic clinical medical sciences. The scholarship program is open to young men and women residing in Oklahoma who will have completed their junior year in high school through their junior year of college by June. Early in April, a panel of Oklahome Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) scientists will interview approximately 20 scholarship finalists to select up to nine Fleming Scholars. During the eight week program, each scholar will conduct research under the direct supervision of a Foundation scientist. Research projects are selected from the fields of cancer, arthritisimmunology, heart and blood vessel diseases and complimentary basic sciences. Each scholar selected will receive a stipend for the eight weeks worked at OMRF this summer. An additional housing allowance will be provided for those students who must live away from home during the scholarship period.

Governor George Nigh made history Monday at his gubernatorial inauguration. Nigh is the first Oklahoma governor to succeed himself in office. Former U.S. Speaker of the House, Carl Albert, who is from Nigh's hometown of McAlester introduced Nigh. Nigh pointed out in his speech that times are not always going to be great and that every year can't be a "crowning point". However, he did stress that Oklahomans should incorporate more caring and sharing for their neighbors in these economic hard times.

Court to hear Kerr-McGee case The Supreme Court Justices announced Monday that they would review the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision to overturn a $10 million judgment won and lost by the family of former Kerr/McGee lab technician Karen Silkwood. Silkwood was contaminated by highly radioactive plutonium eight years ago. The case will possibly be heard in April. The Supreme Court did leave an option to decide after hearing the case whether they have jurisdiction over the case. If not, the U.S. Circuit Court's decision will prevail.

NCAA asks for higher standards A committee of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) delegates ruled Tuesday to toughen academic standards for incoming college athletes in order to help eliminate the deterioration of American higher education. The proposal states that athletes must complete a "core curriculum" of math, English, social and physical science. Also, the students must score at least 700 on their SAT college entrance exam or 15 on the ACT test. Black educators were opposed to the all-white cornmitte's decision and claimed that it would be racially and regionally discriminatory.


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lilhen a wedding demands the ,finest in quality and that extra personal touch."

Applications are available through the Corporate Secretary's Office, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, 825 N.E. 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK., 73104. Students may also call 271/7220. Also, senior students in advertising, marketing, journalism, communications and other related fields may apply to a five-day direct marketing Collegiate Institute in Chicago, Illinois to be held April 4-9. Successful applicants will get a practical introduction to basic direct marketing and direct mail techniques under the guidance of a dozen top practitioners in the fast-growing $125-billion direct marketing industry. The principles of direct mail success, creativity, mailing lists,

testing and other subjects will be covered at the Institute. The cur-

riculum also goes beyond direct mail covering such topics as telephone marketing, cable TV, QUBE, space and broadcast advertising. A panel of direct marketing executives selects Institute scholarship recipients based on faculty recommendations, the student's academic standing, interest in advertising and marketing and record of extra-curricular schoolrelated activities and employment. Scholarships cover all tutition fees, room and board. Students are required to pay the first $100 of transportation costs within the continental U.S. Scholarship applications are available from professors or the Foundation, 6 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017. Applications must be revived together with a professor's recommendation by February 23.

Applications available for Miss CSU Pageant by Susan Lane Applications for the 1983 Miss CSU pageant will be accepted until 5 p.m. January 14 in room 104 C of the Communications Building. The pageant will be held at 8 p.m. March 3 in Mitchell Hall. Contestants must be enrolled as a full time undergraduate or graduate student, be 18/25 years of age, female and single. A preliminary competition will be at 7 p.m. Janurary 18 in the Music Building choir room. The Preliminary will be judged on talent and swimsuit competitions.

The winner of the pageant will receive a one year tuition fee waiver scholarship at CSU and a $500 wardrobe allowance. The winner will also paticipate in the Miss Oklahoma Scholarship Pageant May 31/June 4 in Tulsa where she can win additional scholarship money. Finalists will participate in personal interview, talent, swimsuit and evening gown competitions. They will be judged on personality, poise,talent and appearance.

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Page 4 § The Vista § January 13, 1983

Education in action

Designers show fashions By Tonia Sykes

Fashions by Who's Who Designers were presented in a fashion show Jan.5 at the Oklahoma City Homebuilders Association building. The original clothing designs were created by Oklahoma City metroplex residents who want to pursue a career in fashion design in Oklahoma. The twelve women who compose Who's Who Designers (WWD) are Connie Barnes, Joetta Bryan, Sandy Cunningham, Kathy Curran, Colleen Dewald, Bobbie Finley, Barbara Griffith, Suzette Hatfield, Sherryl Hofener, Candy McCown, Marsha Montgomery and Flora Thompson. The basic concept of WWD was

developed in Advanced Clothing and Design, a seminar conducted by Dr. Kay Lipp at CSU in the fall of 1982. As the semester progressed, the designing dozen decided to produce a fashion show which would serve a dual purpose. Not only would the show allow them to display their designs, but also it would represent their contribution to Oklahoma in the fashion design field. According to Lipp, the broad age range and the diversity of the creative interests of the designers made this concept possible. She also said these factors would benefit the clients. Garments displayed at the show were created for and modeled by the designers, members of their

"A Fashion Story" — from top left clockwise: Dr. Kay Lipp looks on as her design students show their fashions. Designer Candy McCown is an ante-bellum bride in her wedding dress with lace hat and parasol. Kathleen Hatfield models a dress with lace overlay designed by her mother, Suzette Hatfield. Comfort of T-shirt dressing with an elegant look is shown by designer Bobbie Finley. Guests check detail of designers'products

families and friends. Fabrics for the garments were chosen for their compatibility with the design of the garment. Designer Joetta Bryan created several fashions from fabrics woven on her home loom. The selection of designs presented included clothing for day wear, the professional, evening wear, wedding gowns, preschool and elementary children, family loungewear and fashions for the stout figure. A special tribute was made to Lipp during the fashion show by designer Marsha Montgomery, spokeswoman for WWD. She said Lipp's capabilities as an educator were a major contribution to the development of the designers' creativity.

after the show. Colleen Hatfield and Amy Griffith admire their fashions before they go on. Designs created by Suzette Hatfield and Barbara Griffith. Designer Marsha Montgomery displays an evening gown of silk charmuese with a dramatic rich cinnamon jacket. High fashion design by Marsha Montgomery is this cornflower blue suit worn by Marilyn Green. Cool summer dress with a 'Doris Day look" is shown by designer Suzette Hatfield.

January 13, 1983 § The Vista § page 5

President releases honor student rolls Central State University President Bill Lillard has announced the names of those students to achieve the university's honor rolls for the fall semester. Students named to the President's Honor Roll, an honor achieved by students who recorded a straight A or 4.0 grade point average, totaled 321. Students receiving a 3.25 or better grade point average totaled 1135 for the semester to qualify for the Dean's Honor Roll. Honor students by hometown are: (Asterisk indicates President's Honor Roll) Ada Toni R. Frizell.

Agra Jana J. Shelton.

Altus Lee Elgin Davis, Jana Lyn Fager, Lisa S. Lankford.

Alva Jacquelynn Sue Eckels, William C. Isbell.

Arcadia Pamela R. Anderson, Deborah L. Kolar.

Ardmore Richard A. Langland, Perry Dwayne (Rocky) Northcutt II.

Balko Kimberlee F. Kramer.

Bartlesville James Griffin, Theresa R. Guillory*, Susan L. Munro.

Beaver Rodney Wayne Buss.

Bethany Randall L. Anderson, Carvn Marie Angros*, Laura J. Beck, Mark Lloyd Bright, Linda D. Brintnall, Gina Kaye Brown, Samuel J. Burris, David W. Canavesio, Judy H. Coffman, Lisa S. Cowan, Barbara Fiegener, Bryant Wayne Gassett, Michael W. Harvey, Mary K. Hollingsworth, Bobbie M. Hoock. Howell D. Horn; Narrah V. Howard, Deborah Ann Hull, Kimberly K. Humphreys, Frank 0. Kelley, Donna Faye McAlister, Denice D. McElbaney, Linda M. Nziramasanga, Gerald Oliver, Scott L. Pacheco*, Janice F. Parker, Kristi Powell, Krista Lynn Sampson, Darrell Scot Searcy, Diana Gordon Smith, Karen L. Smith, Tammy L. Stevens, Stella Louise Thomas, Carlos Enrique Vergara, Shelly Renee Wagner.

Blackwell LaDonna K. Meador, Stephanie Patton*, Jan E. Smith.

Blanchard Diana C. Bridges, Rachel Lynn Stanfield.

Braman Connie S. Means.

Bristow Ronald Eugene Looney.

Broken Arrow Michael D. Powell.

Burlington Robi L. Schurter.

Canton Glenn G. Jones.

Cashion Deborah Ann Anderson, Terry S. Brown*, Carol A. Kerner

Chandler Philip W. Beloncik, Dan Alan Erwin, Cynthia K. Foster, Todd Allen Gregg, David Earl Hart, Sandra Kaye Hill, Susan J. Melson, Garry Don Smith*, Tamila Irene Wagner.

Chelsea Mark S. Wooley*.

Cherokee Mickey D. McGowan.

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Chickasha Carmon M. Talley.

Choctaw Merla J. Allen*, Philip D. Allen, Lorraine A. Caddy*, Glenn J. Chilcoat, Carolan Corrigan, Bonnie Lee Cress, Linda C. Eaton, Donna Nadine Ellis*, Pamela Faye, Lois Irene Lum*, Rex Weir Mayberry, Frank E. Newport*, Patricia 0. Richardson*, John Martin Skebe*, Cameron D. Smith, Tracie Taylor.

Claremore Tracy E. Cooper, Susan M. Morrison, Melissa S. Vierheller.

Clarita Laura Jean Stutte.

Comanche Nancy L. Murphy.

Covington Rebecca L. Easterly, Tommie L. Houston, Dana L. Rink.

Crescent Donald K. Blake, Lena Mae Collier, Raina M. Glenn-Allen*, Detra Ann Gregory, Richard J. Heflin, Nita Sue Henson*, Randy A. Jones, Mary J. Lowe, Ann Sarah Owens, Celia L. Patmon, Karen E. Wilson.

Cushing Shannon L. Casey, Jon Gayleland Wolff.

Davis Kevin Ray Davenport.

Del City Joyce A. Bell, Gregory D. Cary, Sue Ann Cellier, Christine D. Collins, Steven D. Corley, Carol Daugherty, Roberta Louise Dean, Martin A. Douglas, Richard B. Frankfother, Leda S. Higgins, Danny Max Hurst*, Joy Huska*, Rhonda J. Hymel, Mary R. Lawrence, Nina K. Loney, Mirka Tamara Markham, Adrian Van Martin, Kathren M. Martin, Robert Roy Nixon, Vanesse Normore, Katherine D. Raupe, Linda D. Rippetoe, Carole J. Sabin, Timothy D. Schmitt*, Kelly Jean Scholz*, Robert Gene Stepp*, Jeff D. Suttle, Marla R. Westermeyer*, Sharon K. Williams.

Dewar Norma J. Barnett*.

Duncan Roy G. Cordell, Carol Ann Elliott, Krystal L. French, Lynn Allen Houston, Fara F. Mitchell, Donna C. Pate, William Neil Reynolds, Jay B. Watkins.

Durant John Michael Massey.

Edmond Maha Hamed Abo-Ahmed, Roger D. Adair, Sandra Corina Aguero, Jennifer Jill Amundson*, Ramona Sue Anderson, Wayne Russell Arbuthnot, Rodney W. Armstrong, Deborah P. Arnold, Edward G. Auth III, Carolyn M. Baker, Michael T. Barton, Scott G. Batary, Liana Bates, Traci L. Baucom*, Nancy E. Bauman*, Sharon T. Baze, Tim F. Baze, Patricia A. Beavers, Dawnda G. Beck. Allison A Begley, Leah C. Bell, Chuck D. Bennett, Catherine A. Bethke, Mary M. Bethke, Rosemary Black*, Robert Duane Blair, Morris T. Blake, Paula Lyn Bolding*, Lisa Gail Bonner, Bryan P. Bourns, Deborah J. Bowles, Monte Ray Boyce, Erin L. Bratt, Mary K. Brewer*, Carol J. Brimm, Elizabeth A. Brook*, Karen L. Brown, Sue D. Brown*, Denise G. Brummett*. Cynthia A. Burks, Linda J. Butler, Donna L. Byington, Gayl June Canfield, Amarie Caudill, Pamela M. Chapman, Janet Chartney, Brenda Jean Childers, Greg D. Christophel, LaDawn W. Clark, Marla J. Coffelt*, Melissa J. Coker, Dana E. Copeland*, Margaret M. Corbett, Karen K. Cornell*, Janet L. Cunningham, Judith L. Cunningham*, Cheryl Deeann Custer*, Sharon Daggs*. Jalal Daneshfar, Rodney A. Davis*, Todd Edward Dilbeck, Nancy J. Dodd, M. Lynn Dodson, Mary A. Dorton, Paul L. Dyer*, Susan Jean Eby, Lisa Anne Edwards, Andrea Lynn Eischeid, Bonnie Lynne Ellis, Shirlie J. Ellis*, Patricia A. Ervin*, Todd G. Ervin, Dava Beth Ewing, Joy D. Eyer, Patricia M. Farrington*. Lisa Marie Farris*, John T. Finney, Mary Louise Fischer*, William S. Foreman, Susan Kay Foster, Jennifer A. Francis, Donna Marie Franz*, John Robert Freeman*, James Marcus Freiberger, Teresa Jane Freiberger*, Pacita Villaluz Garcia, Betty Jean Garner, Mary L. Gehringer, Lydia Louise Gore*, Elizabeth Ann Gramowski, Sandra Lee Gramowski*. Joan E. Gregory, Dawn Sylvia Griffey, Rosalie D. Hack, Robert Gail Hamilton*, Gina E. Hankey, Linda K. Hanna, Vicky L. Hanna*, Donna Louise Harrington, Cynthia K. Harris, Debbie K. Hassen, Terri Lynn Haws, William David Hayden, Mark W. Hayes, Harry S. Heget*, Alan Roy Helm, Ginger Hickey*, Teresa G. Higdon*, Judd T. Hill,

Continued to page 6

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American Passage 500 3rd Ave. W., Seattle, WA 98119 (206) 282-8111

Page 6 § The Vista § January 13, 1983

Honor roll Continued from page 5 Jill D. Hoisted, Carol S. Hopcus*, Edward C. Hou. Tonda L. Howard, Joyce M. Howie*, Richard V. Howie, Yuhjuing Huang, Kimberly D. Hulsey*, Mary E. Hunt*, Stuart Alan Hunt, Boface 0. Ifemembi, Tamara L. James*, David Kevin Jayne, Michael Kent Jennings, William C. Johnson, Julia R. Kapraun, Donna G. Keeble, Gary Lee Kelley, Charles R. Kersgieter, Jeff Kent Kidwell, Frederick Kirkwood*, Dorothy May Kleemeier. Sally R. Knight, Tracy A. Knutson, Kathleen A. Kolb, Carla E. Krauss*, Sheryl Lynn Kudy, ZongHuei Lai, George E. Lamb, Patricia A. Landrum, June A. Lantz, Diana C. Laughlin*, Donna Lynette Lawless, Rhonda Lawson, Kendra C. Lay, David M. Legrand, Gary Donald Lemaster*, David P. Lencho*,. Robert M. Lewis*, Juanita S. Liles*. Brita Diane Long, Donina S. Lorance*. Marsha L. Lowrance*, Candace Magness, Paula G. Maupins, Carol M. May, Jana L. McClain, Vance Edmond McCollom, Brenda F. McCord*, Dena M. McDaniel, George B. McElroy, Darryl G. McLaughlin, Joseph McLaughlin, Diederic V. Meintsma, Susan Meister, Janis R. Meyer, Jayne Marie Miller*, Jerri Monroe*, David Lee Moore*, Debra G. Morehead*, Deborah A. Morris*, Deanna L. Mote. Charles W. Mount Jr., Deborah A. Murray*, Krista L. Myers*, Ernestine C. Naifeh*, Donald C. Narcomey, Brian K. Neighbors, Ky T. Nguyen, Janet L. Nibel*, Perry Dwayne (Rocky) Northcutt II, Marva J. Oard*, Meredee K. O'Connor, Paschal C. Ogbejesi, Samuel Nonyerem Okeke, Folashade Okeowo, Felix Chucks Okonta, Sampson Omeke*, Billy C. Orvis Jr., Lana C. Osburn*. Molly V. Outhier, Martha K. Overstreet, Theodore W. Owen, Diana B. Owens, Dana Marie Parsons, Diane F. Pasquarelli*, Timothy Liborio Pasquarelli*, Constance E. Patmon, Limeuel J. Peacock, Michael E. Peebus, Greg S. Peterson*, Jeffrey Marlin Phillips, Dana K. Pierce, Kristen E. Pipes, Timothy B. Pistocco, Carol J. Plumb*, Phyllis M. Price, Thomas S. Price Jr.. Elodee S. Ramer, Richard Randall, Timothy Ray, Louise S. Reagan*, Barbara G. Reddick, Leslie Ribera*, Stacey D. Richmond, James B. Rider, Patricia Riley, James W. Roberts, Marcia J. Roberts, Rebecca R. Robison, Lisa Fern Rogers, Cynthia C. Rye, Terri L. Sadler, Lynna G. Sago, Scott D. Salmon, David H. Scates, Jennifer Lynn Schaben, Shawn C. Schlinke. Richard Schneider, Dale E. Schweinsberg, Jamie Sears, Dana Ruth Seaton, Duane H. Shriver, Carrie Dulinda Simnacher, Billie A. Simpson*, Ursula Sizemore, Cathy R. Skaggs, Brett Alan Sloan, Karl L. Smith, Mary K. Smith, Valarie J. Smith, Sharon K. Snoddy, Terry Lynn Spurgeon, Rosemary Stafford, Tammy Rene Staggs, Mona G. Stanfill, Deborah D. Stearman*, Christian L. Steele. David M. Stegmann, Sheila Kay Stephenson, John Edward Stiltner, Julie Anne Stilwell, Marvin Dean Stoll, James Stroup, Richard H. Strum, Maria Stylianou, Chris A Suenram, Chian-Chew Sun, Karen Diane Swart, Ann C. Taupmann*, Michelle M. Taylor, Carrie L. Templeton, Debbie Thomas, Rita Gail Thomas*, Kimberlee A. Thompson, Stephen Craig Thompson. La Von R. Thorne, Linda Kaye Throckmorton, Anna Trammell, Sherma Tyler, Patricia R. Uselton, Kathy Ann Vague*, Joyce M. Vaughan, Karen Kay Venable, Gina Marie Vieth, Linda K. Wahl, Wendy G. Walker, Danny Duke Walters, Chin Shui Wang, Kathryn L. Ward, Regina A. Waters, Kelly Joan Watford, Robert E. Watford, Melissa L. Watson, Jeannette Lynn Webster, Jeff R. Wedel. Todd L. Wedel*, Thomas L. Weedn, Julie Margo Weeks.; Elizabeth A. Wehling, Carole Lynn West, Robert Michael Wheeler, Cheryl L. White, Lyndah Kae White, Rori Lynn White*, Steve E. Wiley, Sue E. Willett*, Deborah A. Williams*, Marilyn A. Williams*, Carole L. Willis, Katherine S. Wilmeth, Gail L. Wilson, Marla S. Wilson*, Frankie K. Wood, Antoinette M. Woodard,, J. Woodside, Elizabeth R. Wright*, liam "il Alvis Wright*, Lance Micahel Young, Steven A. Young, Donna- A. Zanowiak*.

El Reno Julie A. Carey*, Vicki J. Dotson, Terry D. Johnson, Terri R. Lynch.

Enid Mary H. Callas, Melanie D. Dennett, Annette Marie Descher, Richelle Jean Homey, Donna Lou Lavicky, Linda Danielle Long, James Brent Sharkey, Brian D. Wilcox.

Fairfax Carrie Lynne Tucker.

Kingfisher Shirley J. Hatch, Carmen Celeste Hogue, Terri A. Martinez, Lucille F. Mooers, Paula S. Snow, Michael Edward Stolz, Debra Anne Townsend.

Kremlin Nancy Elizabeth Rahm.

Langston Freda Ladon Grayson.

Lawton Gary William Cardinal, Karie Sue Foster, Tonia R. Lee, Tracy Cornelius Talley, Patricia Lynne Thompson*.

Lindsay Gwendolyn Sue Johnson, Wilton Glenn Robertson Jr., Jan R. Yoder.

Luther Sharri Bass, June Garrett, Natalie S. Vaught.

Madill B. Kent Anderson.

Maysville Justin W. Selman.

McAlester Kim L. Gossett, Richard G. Uselton.

McLoud Judith Calvert, Gregory Alan Dowell. Robin D. Ledbetter, Gisele Y. Seaton.

Meeker Shelly Burge, Jo Ann Burnett, Sheila A. Gatln.

Miami Timoth L. Bacon, Clinton W. Cosby..

Midwest City Robert L. Ammerman Jr., Sherrie L. Bare*, Sylvia Jean Bayless, Steven H. Beeney, Steven Wayne Begley, John T. Bolerjack, Rose M. Bradshaw, Dolores M. Breslin*, Eric S. Broach% ay, Danna J. Brown, Janice L. Brown, Clytee E. Campbell, David L. Curtis, Faith K. Dahlstedt, Patricia S. Davies, Marcia J. Davis, Robert Louis Evans, Dorothy J. Fields, Lynda D. Garcia*. Marjorie Ann Gardner, Ann Marie Gerah, Robert D. Gilbert*, Barbara J. Greenwood*, Ellen K. Greenwood, Ray Lamar Harris, Kristy L. Harwell, Philip A. Hestand*, Cathy Hilbert, William L. Huber, William F. Hunter III, Janna L. Jahansouz*, Valerie L. Jamerson, Terri Sue Jernigan, Brenda King, Kayna Kohler, Georganne Lamoreaux, Linda Gail Lane. Janice A. Lueb. Meredith A. Martin, Carmen T. Nlaxfield, Scott G. McBride, Michael A. Monroe, Laura Moore, Phoebe G. Muckelrath, Laurie L. Navarro, Stanley C. Olive, Pamela Gail Parker, Bertha Paull., Margaret E. Pedersen*, Alice S. Phillips, Karen Ann Powers, Jennifer L. Quigley*, Terri D. Reed, Pamela J. Roulston, William J. Shivers, Leigh A. Smith, Patricia B. Smith. Joe Daniel Starzenski, Robin R. Steward, Cindy Joyce Stramp, Sheila Ann Strawn*, Mary C. Suellentrop, Jamie Elaine Talley, Wendi Lynne Thompson, Hung Thanh Vo, Teresa Rene Ward, Kelly Jean Welton, Brenda Kay Wheeler, Deborah Anne Wiedeman, Teresa C. Wilson, Bruce M. Wright, Paul W. Young, Carolyn L. Zieeenhorn.

Moore Tammy Marie Brown*, Ruth E. Carroll, Craig A. Chaney, Walter Scott Conway*, Nancy L. Cottrell, Helen Louise Ellis, Theresa Ann Gabrish, Kelley Rhea Gordon, Barbara E. Gravitt, Michael James Jackson, Janettia A. Lisenbee*, Jacqueline S. McBride, Nancy G. Miller, Dorothy A. Mussatto, Darlene M. Neal, Grace Sherene Schrader, Randall Lynn Stephenson*, Carol L. Thompson, Vicki Jolinda Wall, David K. Williams.

Mulhall Tammi E. Walton.

Muskogee Lisa J. Kincade.

Mustang Sheryl D. Boord, Catherine L. Canfield, Mark A. Fischer*, Karen Kay Fore*, Katherine E. Fried*, Beverly Ruth Graham, Della Lee Henson, Joni L. Hurst, Ramona L. King, Lorrie E. Metheny, Janice G. Murdock, David Nelms, Kim Olson*.

Frederick James Kyle Kirkpatrick, Barilynn Taylor.

Guthrie Linda J. Bertwell, Teresa K. Bertwell, Jon Castle, William Paul Davidson, Jane A. Frame*, Penny V. Furlong, Annette Marie Gabel, Cheryl Lee Gawer, Teresa E. Harbin, Wayne L. Jackson, Bob Ervin Long, Barbara K. Mahan, Beverly M. Quick*, Sondra Deann Ritter*, Melani R. Roewe, Doreen F. Smith, Nathan L. Thomas, Nancy Jolene Waggoner, Peter B. Wells.

Newalla Crystal Lynn Carpenter, Lori A. Casey, Selina Rae Green.

Newcastle Lisa Renee Due*, Lisa R. Petty, Schelina M. Randleman.

Newkirk Douglas A. Reed.

Noble Lori Sue Jones, Christopher D. Kelsey.

Guymon Steven Charles Birdsill.

Harrah Tracy Lynn Harris, Terry K. Hill*, Shelle D. Hodges, Tina Jo Hutchins, Linda D. Moore, Jamey S. Morrel, Lisa D. Moulin, Elizabeth G. Noblett, Connie S. Odell, Paula K. Pittman, Karen J. Taylor.


Norman Adetunji Ayankoya, Russell J. Barfield, Thomas A. Canfield, Vinit Dhadasih, Thomas Heard*, Joel Paul Ivy, Katharine M. Jenkins, Jody P. McElhaney*, Debra J. Musser, Patricia Prather, Rhana L. Robison*, Norma Jewell Sandowski*, Wendy L. Steele, Carol Jean Walsh, Gareld L. Wiley

Okeene Roy David Weber, Lora Lee White


Anthony W. Lemaster, Sandra Faye Lemaster*.


Leigh Ann Harp.


Dawn R. Rottger*.


Kimberly Ann Glass.

Jones Frank Bellis Branson, Glenda P. Choate*, Cecilia E. Esch*, Guy Kent Hardaker, Karyl Kay Knopps, Timothy Bruce Knopps, Brian Keith Salyer, Tamara Jo Tate, Rebecca A. York*.

Sherry A. Early

Oklahoma City Susan R. Abernathy, Katherine Rose Adam*, Susan A. Aldredge, Harold R. All Jr., Dorothy Jean Allen*, John P. Allen, Chalon M. Anderson, Iran Ansari, Joelda Aragon, Brenda Colleen Arndt*, Kelly Beth Ashabraner, Angela Dee Asher, Helen R. August*, Belinda G. Avey', Wendy Rhea Backstrom, Cynthia Jean Baehl', Oliver J. Bailey*, Steven Clark Bailey, Thomas L. Baker. Sheila Joh Baretta, Kimberly D. Barnes, Lenora F. Bates, Martha Anne Beling', Jefferey S. Bell, Leslie A. Bell, Stephen Ray Bello, Constance L. Berlin, Mary E. Berney, Elaine Bernhardt, Glenda

S. Berry, Raymond L. Bigby, Dresden D. Bivens, Darla J. Blackard, Edith A. Blackwell, Jimmy Lee Boen', Carla Y. Bogan, Joseph J. Bointy, Gina M. Bonner, Mary K. Borland. William J. Bowen, Laura Jean Bracklein, Robert Grant Brannum*, Kathi D. Bray, Melissa Brett, Burneele J. Bridges, Pamela J. Brown, R. Stephen Brown, Kenneth A. Brownd, Robert L. Brumley Jr., Sheryl J. Buchanan, Steven D. Buchanan*, Dennis R. Burns, Cathy A. Cameron*, Jill Carolyn Campbell*, Sharon K. Canfield, Sam P. Caporal*, Deborah Jane Capps. Anthony Patrick Caudill*, Maurene Cavnar*, David L. Chambers. Jon R. Chance, Fonda Sue Chipman, James E. Clevenger, Lisa A. Coats, Diane M. Coleman', Donald Regis Coleman*. Eric J. Conrady, Angelina Contreras, Sherri L. Cook, Cathy L. Cooke', Carol Lynne Cooper. Lou Anne Cooper, R.K. Cooper*, Patricia C. Copeland*, Patrick L. Courtney, Ilene E. Coventry*, Ann Cox*. Joseph M. Cox*, Susan Jane Cox*, Karen Sue Crawford*, Gary L. Creason, Thomas Ray Crow*. Rebecca H. Crutchfield*, Scott A. Cumbie', Tamala Earlene Daniels, Nuttily. Thi Dao*, Thu Nguyen Dao, Patricia Davenport*,Dianna Gale Davis, Gary Brent Davis, Lynda S. Davis, Lien K. Dinh, Cheryl F. Dockum, Hester Ann Doke, Thomas N. Dubois. Darla J. Dunlap. Chris Ann Eagleston*, Steve Eckhoff, James K. Effinger, Lori A. Effinger, Tantera Eggebrecht', Jane Lee Ellenwood, Alma Dale Engelmann, Marlys Lee Ercanbrack*, Cynthia NI. Falk*, Gayle L. Farley, Tracy Jo Farris, Thomas David Fatkin Jr., Donna Jean Felts, Brenda Lee Fink, Lori Lynne Fisher, Mary J. Fitzgibbon, Kimberly Lynn Fitzmorris*, Cynthia Sue Fleming*, Linda Kay Fletcher. Willia Patrick Ford*, Philip Lynn Fraker, Melissa Ann Frank, Beverly K. Frantz, Karen Denise Frazier, Dennis Lee Frisby, Patrick Jay Frisby, Greg J. Fuchs, Raye L. Fullbrieht, Alta D. Fuller, Cecil Clyde Furr, Keith A. Frnell, Linda Marie Gagnath, Kay L. Gales, Dale A. Gallegly, Frances Jane Galway*, Robin E. Gandy*, Lane Evertett Gardner*, Lawn Baren Gardner. Colleen Garside*, Mark Athony Garvey, Candice Leigh Gatens*, Charles P. Gaylor, Kerry D. Genzer, Kelli Geopfert, Phillip John Giachino, Susie J. Gilbert, Sheryl A. Gilbertson*, Christine Lynn Gilbreath, Kelley Ann Gill, Ginger J. Gin, Kim M. Giordano, Lance Girouard, Janet Kay Gist, Cheryl A. Glenn, Randyke Lee Glenn, Sue Yvonne Gnagy, Judith A. Grahan. Wanda J. Grass*, Janet Marie Gray, Deborah L. Graybill, Kelly Marie Gregg, Barbara Ann Griffith, Jay Charles Grooms, Laura Sue Grooms*, Deborah L. Gust, Jeffrey Cole Haggard', John Kevin Hall*, Marlene R. Hall, Sharon Brunner Hallberg', Penny Marlin Haneman, Delana Dawn Hardestry', Alicia Ellen Hardin, Stacey M. Hardin, Kimberly L. Harper*, Cheryl A. Harrison. Nancy Elizabeth Harrison, Margaret E. Hart*, Zoe E. Haskins*, Phillip B. Hazelriee, Douglas M. Heaney, Sandra L. Helm*, Rodger Ray Helt, Cheri Elaine Henderson, George Douglas Henderson, Lori Michele Henderson, Russell Cole Hennigh, Kevin R. Hess, Leigh Hickox*, Beverly Jean Hicks, Theresa E. Hill, Vickie Hune Hinkle, James S. Hinma, William R. Hinton, Gloria J. Hoard. Mary K. Holman, June E. Homesley, Rhonda A. Hook, Chris William Howard, Lisa D. Howard, Roy R. Huckleberry*, Scott W. Huczko, Kathy L. Huddleston*, Robert G. Huddleston*, Jerry L. Hudson, Bradley Scott Ingham, Barbara J. James, Arthur G. Johnson*, Brian P. Johnson, Clarice R. Johnson, Kristie L. Johnson, Deanna Ruth Johnson, Debra L. Jones, Michael D. Jones. Reynold M. Jones*, Tammica L. Jones, Connie Rae Karczewski*, Nancy L. Karr, Janet A. Kates, Buster Wayne Keasler*, Vanessa R. Keesee, Mary K. Kelly, Wayne Dervon Kever*, Paul Wayne Kimmel, Mary Ann King, Sharon R. Kline, Linda A. Kobosky, Kimberly A. Kolensky, Martha K. Kymes*, Jeffrey Scott Laha, Gregory A. Lamb*, Pamela June Lamb, Janis D. Lambert*. Virginia L. Langley, Alene W. Langsdorf*, Beverly A. Lantz, William E. Larson II, Maria M. Laverde, Robin M. Lawrence*, John Brian Leaf, Lynda L. Leavitt*, Diana Lee, Angela K. Lesher, Melissa Lee Letts, Lacy Duncan Leverett, David Lewellen*, Gladys Louise Lewis*, David M. Liner), Sharon K. Lippert, Charles S. Lively, D. Gale Lofton, Vicki L. Lohrey, Shannon G. Lowell. Cherri L. Lowther, Jeff D. Maddox, Laurie Blythe Maddy*, Wes Alan Magerus, Alireza Mahmoudieh, Ronald Mahn*, Janet R. Maier, Connie S. Mallory, Brian Gene Martin, Terri Lynn Martin, Tony L. Mastin*, Stephen L. Matheny*, Corona Lou Matheron, Randall Wade Matthews, Ron L. Maxwell, Kathy L. May*, Brenda G. Mayer*, Carol Felicia Mayes, Kevin Dale McAfee. Allen E. McAlister, Mary T. McAnulty', Suzanne McCans, Jerry R. McCool, Robert M. McCorkle, Joseph M. McCourry*, Candy M. McCown, Joyce A. McFarland, Randy Lynn McGee, John Neil McGinley Jr., Harold A. McGuffey, Marjorie Ellen McHann*, Ruth Ellen McNeely, Helen L. McNulty, Joan K. McQuaid, Mitchell S. Meier*, Tracey Mesa, Randy K. Miller, Edwina H. Ming, Julia Rene Misley', Shelley C. Moody, Eric Moore, Lewis A. Morris, James R. Mosley, Michelle K. Moulton. Janell L. Muir, Don L. Munday, Carolyn Renee Munholland*, Ginny N. Murphy*, Lisa Ann Myers*, Ladnna L. Nelson, Rhonda L. Nelson*, Elaine Prentice Nesmith*, Raymond Newman, Domni Brooks Newton, An Trong Nguyen, Co H. Nguyen*, Hoa Nguyen, Khoa T. Nguyen, My Thi Nguyen, Ngoc Nguyen, Terry Nix*, Violet A. Noe, Bonnie M. North*, Sherri L. Norton. Collette Obichere, Debra Ocker, Elizabeth Anne Oliver, Polly Ann Oliver, Florence N. Omondi, Catherine Sue Ondak, Alex C. Orten, Carol Lynn Osborn*, Koni B. Overturf, Judy A. Palmer, Kristin E. Palmer, Vicki L. Paque*, James P. Parker, Vickie Parker, Clifford W. Parrett', Kathleen Patton, Donna V. Payne, I. Lynette Peck, Patricia K. Penhall*. Lisa K. Penner, Lynn Penney*, Lavayne Lynn Pepper*, Clarence Perkins III, Caroline C. Persechino, Hal Wallace Persun, Chi Kim Pham, Mary B. Pickney, Christopher A. Pinkston*, Brenda Joyce Pitre, Suzanne C. Pius*, Lori V. Plowman, Gregory Porter, Kathleen W. Potter, Rebecca Potts, Richard G. Pountain, Valda A. Presley*, Karla J. Price*, John C. Privette. Joseph L. Proskovec, Joy D. Quinn, Cathy A. Rahill, Gerald W. Ralston, Sharon K. Ratliff, Sally Ray*, David A. Reynolds, Paula K. Reynolds, Robert L. Reynolds Jr., Janet B. Rickey, Phillip H. Ridgway, Clay Riggs, Lisa G. Riley, Julia K. Robinson, Roger Dale Rock, Sarah E. Roe, Carolyn K. Rogalsky, Michael E. Rogers, Tracy Rogers, Linda E. Rohrer, Bernadine L. Rose. James W. Ross, Samuel Ross Jr., Susan A. Rowley*, Dathan Dean Rush*, Michael P. Ryan, Cheryl Ann Saulsbury, Susan J. Schmieding, Rhonda Jo Schmitt, Wanda Sue Schmukler*, Stacey L. Schubele*, Marilyn Schwarz, Dona Anne Scott*, Joseph A. Scott, Kathy Ann Seale, Timothy J. Seibel, Linda L. Sewell, Trayla Kim Shadoan, Brent Eugene Shame, Harlene L. Sheueckuk, Donajo Gail Shipley.

Larry Dean Shropshire, Hollic L. Shulcr, Tonya R. Sims, Lorraine Marie Slater*, Gaye Lynne Sloan*, Bradley J. Smith, Cindy Lou Smith, Deborah Ann Smith, Frank K. Smith, Kelly Dawn Smith, Monte W. Smith, Robert J. Smith*, Lois Jean Smithey, Jolts Daniel Smythe, Margaret B. Snyder, Barbara Ann Sparks, Julia Suzanne Spencer. Mary Ann Spielberger, Stacy Ann Spradlin*, Becky Yvonne Staggs, Rose A. Stanford, Virginia R. Steele, Denise Rene Stephenson, Marcy Lee Stewart*, Margaret Lucile Stewart, Phyllis Ann Stewart*, Robin L. Stinchcomb. Mary Elizabeth Stinnett, Brenda G. Stockhzun, Donna S. Stone. Stephanie K. Stone, Terri Denise Sluice, John Bloch Swabb, Tonia A. Sykes*, Barbara Ann Tacheny, Dany Buck Tate, James Brent Teema, Phetthavonc Pat Thavisackd, Jeanie G. Thomas, Shirley A. Thomas*, Anne B. Thompson, Kathy L. Thompson, Lu Ann Thrower, Kenneth Jack Tiller, Russell Louis Tinsley, Kristine Kay Tomasevic, Dennis Andrew Tomlinson*. Jeana M. Tremblett*, Michael A. Trenam, Deanna L. Troyer*, Shelly Lynn Tucker, Robert Eugene Tussey, Mark A. Tygret, Janna Kay Valentour, Vicki Dean Van Stavern*, Donald Eugene Vanpool II, Cheryl A. Vaughn, Harley E. Venters*, Shelly L. Venters, Kenneth V. Violette Jr.*, Michael Egon Von Merveldt, Robin L. Wade, Melinda Wahl, David W. Walker, Diana L. Walker, Zoe Robin Walker. Kathy Lynn Wallain*, Cynthia Diane Walters, Philip Bernard Walton, Ted A. Waless*, Annette Ward*, Rex P. Warshell*, Sherri E. Washam*, Keith E. Watson, Eddie D. Weeden, Christine Ann Weimer, Cynthia Anne West*, Tamy Lee Whaley, Tamara A. Whisler*, Debra K. Whiteshouse, Julie Dawn Whitson, Tina A. Wiggins, Frances Jean Wilkinson, Janet Y. Williams. Karen D. Williams*, Toni D. Williams, Melinda D. Williamson, Henry R. Wilson, Kerri Wilson, Kimberly A. Wilson, Kimberly K. Wilson*, Carol D. Wingo*, Doris J. Wise, James B. Witmer, Susan C. Wood, Michael Earl Woodson, Kelly D. Wright*, Linda J. Wright, Margo L. Wright, Marcia J. Ybarra, Nancy G. Young, David L. Yount, Cathy L. Zamadics.

Okmulgee Bebe Lynn Booher, Steen R. Lewis, Delbert Keith Mayberry.

Orlando Darren R. Huff.

Owasso Scott E. Carmichael*.

Paden Karen D. Smith, Donna M. Wiginton.

Perry Linda S. Bigbee, Teri Lea Daylor, Bradley S. McDaniel, Lori Ann Shipley, Larry D. Stringer.

Piedmont Stephanie Diane Corcoran, Patricia Marie Driesbach, Carol 0. Moffat.

Ponca City Barbara Marie Catron*, Beth A. Clegg, Clinton Dale Donnelly, Janice F. Fleenor, Sheila K. Gregory, Amy L. Hite*, Cathy L. Hoelting*, Kerry C. Keith, Charles David Powell, Bryan Scott Rogers, Dolores J. Schiltz, Shari L. Smith, Toni Lynn Thomas, Mark Lee Weimer, Katherine D. Wright.

Pond Creek Caroline D. Bradford.

Poteau Joe E. White Jr.

Prague Bradly Scott Moore, Anna M. Novotny.

Pryor Sara S. Dickson, Jatha S. McFarlin, Sharon D. Poole.

Purcell Richard P. Tupper.

Quinton Kenneth W. King.

Sand Springs Jesse Lee Haff.

Sapulpa Donna Aileen Frost*, Eva Christine Galipeau, Jim R. Hill*, David R. Widdoes.

Shawnee Cynthia A. Hunter, Darrell Markwell, Mary S. Martin, Linda L. Mills*.

Sparks Loretta Ann Carpenter, Myrna L. Patterson*, Kelly D. Savage.

Spencer Lucinda L. Anderson*, Patricia G. Babcock*, Diana Lynn Case, Forest Scott Lane, Susan C. Lane, Rebecca J. Platt*, Tina Kathryn Young

Stillwater Laurie Proctor, Cynthia Sloggett*, Linda Lorene Turvey*.

Stilwell Narcie Ann Farrell.

Stratford Kelly J. icier.

Stroud Coral Roundtree.

Talihina Constance Moody.

Texhoma Nanine Huddleston.

Tinker Air Force Base Susan R. Donahey, Michael Vince Lowe.

Tipton Melvin C. Ervin.

Tulsa Charles R. Allison*, James D. Bryant*, Carmen L. Christianson, Melinda Lee Crockett, Ann K. Downey, Randall Keith Gotschall, Jana Kay Hill, David Chia Hsin Jui, Mona K. Low, Mark A. Mars, Rick E. McLain, Brian Keith Morrow, Patricia A. Pickerill*.

Tuttle Tara L. Jeaguneat'.

Verden Rebecca A. Parish.

Wagoner Kenny D. Barnett, Rhonda R. Cherry.

Wanette Ramona C. Burchett.

Wann Alice Jean Owens.

Warr Acres Paula D. Mathews.


Cynthia Rose Roberts.


Susan Markes.


Weatherford Janet S. Hawkins.

Webbers Falls Brenda F. Finney.

Wellston Tamara Black, Glen P. Brunette, Shelby W. Jones.

Wetumka Donnie Blacksire, Wayne L. Jaggars.

Wewoka Eddie L. Carr.

Woodward Lynda Loy Cearfoss, Judy Lynn Sunderland.

Yukon Annette L. Bieber, Lori Annette Bradford, Bruce A. Brooke, Judy F. Brown*, John David Buttry, Jean Ann Carr*, Catherine R. Coble, Anna Sue Culley, Mark W. Davenport, Harriett M. Davey, Nancy E. Emerson, Stella A. Foltz, Deana Blythe Frank, Connie Sue Fruits*, Lawrence W. Giordano. Ann Jacob, Kevin L. Layton, Mary Carol Legan*, Roy Mathew, Lisa Y. Moore, Wanda Lee C. Morgan, Pamela L. Murry, Kenneth D. Ott, Matt Sawyer, Rochelle J. Sawyer, Debra A. Shepherd, Dedra G. Shofner, Lisa G. Sills, Kathleen J. Slutter, Jeffrey D. Unruh, Shelley Jo Webb.

Out-of-state and out-of-country Alaska, Anchorage - Sherry L. Erickson; Arabi, Jeddah - Patricia J. Boyd. Arkansas, Bentonville Gary K. Hudson; Rogers - Douglas Don May.. Bangkok, Dacca 5 - Zahid Reza; Dacca-1 - Kazi Reza Ahmed; Dacca-9 - Rezaur Rahman. Bolivia, La Paz - Jose A. Villarreal. California, Milpitas David Yueh-Ping Lai.; Mission Viejo - Jacquelyn L. Carter. Colorado, Akron - Cheryl Kay Shook; Canon City - Steven Lee Fieth; Trinidad - Patsy L. Rutherford.. Denmark, Rodovre - Morten Vigilius*. Florida, Brandon - Cathy Corinne Stowers; Orange - Raymond S. Bearden. Hongkong, Hung Hom Kowloo - Shek Ming Lee. Idaho, Viola - Linda J. Morris.. India, Kuwait - Mathew Abraham, Gurdev Singh Bassan, Oommen George, Sajan George; Tail Nadu - Srikanth Subramaniam; Tamilnadu Aurobindo Kesavalu Muthur Shri; lndonisa, North Sumatera - Rudi Remadja; Iran, Sanandeij Bahaeddin Jassemnejad; Tehran - Khooshahnassar Jalali. Jordan - Baseer A. Al-Zubi; Salt - Ziad Salem Al-Fandi; Kansas, Wichita - David F. Gleason Jr..; Kenya, Narobi - Arifali Awarai Datoo*, Khalid Mehmood Kha*; Korea, Chunbuk-Do - Young-Do Jung; Seoul - Kyoung Chan Ahn*, Sea-Hawon Choi., Ung Ha Jeung, Byoung Yun Kim, Seung Hoon Kim., Hun Joo Park, Mal-Sook Park., Woong Jae Shin*, Keum-Yeul Song. Kuwai, Safat - Kalidas Chandra Mukherjee; Lebanon, Saidu - Adel Michel El-Dabaghi; Malay, Johor - Live Soon Chen; Kuching, Sarawak - Teck Jong Tan; Sarawak - Chin Chee Esthe Ho; Singapore - Seyn Kee Teo; Maryland, St. Mary City - Jenise Mackillica; Missouri, Kansas City Dawn A. Burke; St. Louis - Karen R. Faust. New Jersey, East Hanover - Susan Elaine Pace; New Mexico, Alamogordo - Jimmy L. Brackeen; Roswell - Kenneth E. Chamness; New York, Apo Teresa Lynn Hemphill, Michael James Lampe, Frank Donald Sears Holbrook - Tao Cheng Huang.; Nebraska, Lincoln - Denise G. Allrich. Nigeria, Aba - I feanyi Elias Okoro; Anambra State - Joy Chizobam Aninwene, Alfred I feanyi Nwabuzor; Benin City - Anthony Kanayo Ndika; Cross River - Augustine E. Essien, Oscar Moses Okpo; Enugu - Wilberforce Obi-Agu, Chimezie Daian Ugochukwu, Paul Ndubisi Umenyi; Enugu, Anambra - Emmauel Uchem Anyawu; Jacob Atilade Ogundijo. Ibadan, Oyo - Eunice F. Fauagun; Ihiala - Emmanuel A. Nwabuba; Ikom - Nchor B. Okorn'; Imo - John Ndasi Doh*, Imo State - Nnanna Nwachuku Egbu, Samuel Ejike Ekpo; Kaduna Nwankwo Tennyso Nkemka; Lagos - Christian lheji Emukah, Ugochukwu Ephraim; Lagos State Emmauel Adekun Olawole. Pauline N. Njoku; Ogboko Pa Imo - lheanyi Nnanna Okwara; Ondo Stale - Raphael Omololu Omoboye; Opobo - Peter U. Uto.; Oyo State Adeolu Kolawol Abioye, Adetoyese Akint Taiwo; Port Harcourt - Josephine Ogo Okocha; Port Harcrt. R/R - Richard Prince Anuonyeh; Rivers Slate Saturday Gabrie lkoro. Pakistain, Jaranwala - Aftab Aslam, Karachi Zafar Qureshi, ljaz Hussain Rizvi'; Phillipines, Quezon City - Teresa Dacudao Roque; South Dakota, Spearfish - William P. Coughlin; Singapore, Marine Terrace - Cheng Hec Tan; Somol, Hargesit - Mohamed Egal Musa; Abudllah Ibrahi Tubes; Saudi Arabia - Ahmed Farah Mohamed. Sudan, Omdurman - Nasir Omer Salam; Taiwan, Chang-Hua - Chaoming Liu; Changhwa Mei Lin Shieh; Chia-Yi - Hua Mai; Chiayi - ChungChi Chang; Pi-Jane Chen; Kaohsiung - ChingKuan Pame Chen, Pearl Mei-Chi Yao; Kaosiung Jui-Shan Huang; Keelung - Ming Zen Liu'; Panchiao City - Yei Chen. Pingtung County - Peijee Philip Chen.; Sinchu Wei-Hong Lee.; Song-Sam, Taipei - Ching-Kuo Tarn; Paiepi 100 - Lien Lindsey Shang.; Tainan Ying-Tsai Yang; Taiepi - Fwy-Song Chang., Chang-Lu Austin Chen, Chi-May Marian Chen, Wei-Jye, Hseu, Juney Chunying Lin, Su-Mei Lin, Shiu-Ling Pei; Taipei Hsien - Shwu Yuann Kuo. Taitung 931 - Cherng-Long Lin; Yung Ho - KehWai Chang, Chang-Sheng Hsiung; Tanzania, Dares-Salaam - Satish Pattegar*; Texas, Alvin David L. Williams; Arlington - Jan Wilson; Celina - Timothy Moore; Houston - Sui Ha Wong (Chan); Thailand, Bangkok - Somchai Cherdchaithamro, • Chavalit Rojjanaprapayo. Pattani - Wipa Suriyamatwadee; U.K., Lacashire - Pamela Margaret Stevens.; Surrey England - James Bendor Cunningham; Venezuela, Valencia - Elbamarina Aguado; Wisconsin, Sheboygan - Douglas Arthur Merkel.; Wyoming, Casper - Traci D. Tuttle*.

January 13, 198/ § The Vista § page 7


Howard named "headliner" by state writers, announcers Head football coach Gary Howard, who guided the Bronchos to their first NAIA championship in 20 years, has been voted the Headliner Special Award by a panel of 13 sportswriters and sportscasters from around the state.

Thanks Gary

Vista photo by Daniel Smith

President Bill Lillard congradulates Coac(Gary Howard after the Bronchos' victory in the NAIA finals. Sportswriters and sportscasters voted Howard the winner of the Headliner Special Award awarding his success and rise to national prominence this week.

Howard, who was one of seven sports figures nominated, captured the award for the second time. In 1979, Howard was honored after leading the Bronchos to the NAIA finals before losing to Texas A & I. Thi_ season, Howard's squad capped off the season with a 14-11 victory over Mesa, Colo. to give CSU its second football title.

coach at CSU; John Cooper, Tulsa University football coach; Billy Tubbs, University of Oklahoma basketball coach; Dale McNamara, TU women's golf coach; Brian Harvey, coach of the Oklahoma City Slickers soccer team; Nolan Richardson, TU basketball coach, and Gary Ward, Oklahoma State baseball coach. Coach Howard will be honored at the 15th Annual Sports Headliner Awards banquet Feb. 17, at the Skirvin Plaza Hotel.

Howard, who is attending the National Coaches Clinic in California, was unavailable for comment on the award. The Headliner Special Award is given to a state coach or administrator who has earned national recognition. Members of the media also vote on the Headliner of the Year Award, given to an athlete. Also nominated for the Headliner Special Award were: Eddie Griffin, former wrestling

Injured Coleman shines in Broncho mat victory two point near fall but Bourassa countered with a reversal. Aduddell also used a reversal and another two point near fall late in the period before coasting to the win, which put CSU on top 8-0. At 134, freshman Ricky Bollenbach decisioned Andy Martin 13-6 to up the Broncho lead to 11-0. Bollenbach used a third period escape and takedown to put the match away. Two-time National Champion Ronnie James whipped Todd Onnen 16-6 in a game of 'cat and mouse' at 142. James had seven takedowns and almost four minutes of riding time. However, the Broncho winning skein was stopped at 150 pounds as Dale Crozier major decisioned junior Phillip Hinton 15-6. Junior Mark Allen was upset at 158 by Bob Glasgow by an 8-2 count as the Bearcats quickly closed the CSU lead to 15-7. Ricky Langland outlasted Tony Burgmeier 3-2 at 167 to put the Bronchos back in control. The Ardmore sophomore used a second period takedown and a third period escape for the winning points. Following Coleman's pin at 177, sophomore Kevin Fields and NWM's Jeff Bradley deadlocked at 5-5 in the 190 lbs. division. David Patton's home debut at heavyweight was less than impressive as he dropped a 3-1 decision to Todd Ensminger to close out the dual. Patton, a transfer from Northern Junior College, sat out the first semester.

By Robert Slankard

Broncho grapplers withstood a brief Bearcat rally as Benny Coleman's pin at 177 lbs. propelled CSU to a 26-12 victory over Northwest Missouri State here Monday night. Coach David James had hoped to keep Coleman out of the match to prevent further injury; but, with CSU leading 18-7, James sent in the Choctaw junior who responded with a pin 3:37 into the match. The

The Bronchos led the entire match as sophomore Billy Reid major decisioned Scott Cooper 11-0 at 118. Reid had a first period takedown and three point near fall in the second then used another takedown and near fall in the final period for the win. Freshman David Aduddell did most of his damage in the first period during a 9-3 victory over Dave Bourassa at 126. Aduddell struck first with a takedown and


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Page 8 § The Vista § January 13, 1983

Christmas, finals exams fail to overshadow title By Mike Sherman Sports Editor Remember back when everyone was packing their bags with visions of sugar plumbs and Christmas presents dancing in their heads? Twas the season to be jolly; finals were through and students were heading home for the holidays. But the trip home had to be delayed for football fans because the CSU gridders were hosting the National Championship with a chance to do something it hadn't done in 20 years — win it all. If you were so depressed after bombing your Buisness Management final, or so relieved that the whole mess was over that you headed for exile a little early on that third Saturday in December, you might have missed it. You see, Santa Claus came a little early to CSU and the same team that made it into the NAIA playoffs after only playing a nine game schedule came through, downing Mesa, Colo. 14-11 to capture the NAIA National Championship. The victory set off a celebration which ended up with a mob scene on the field severely bent goalpost. (President Bill Lillard was so caught up in the excitement that he didn't bat an eye. Suppose he passed off as college fun?) Actually, the game itself was no masterpiece. The Bronchos explosive passing game was somewhat stiffled by a ferocious Mesa pass rush. The offensive line — bless their masochistic souls — had protected record-setting passer Randy Page all year, but couldn't fight off eight defenders blitzing from all directions. Sticky-fingered receiver Willie Henderson finally dropped a pass causing alarm in the stands. "Could this have been the day the


Bronchos were stripped of their Superman suits?" Absolutely not. Henderson, Page and Daric Zeno — the other receiver who was voted Offensive Player of the Game — got "Air CSU" in gear. Zeno hauled in a 28 yard touchdown pass from Page for the first score of the game and Henderson finished the game with six catches for 125 yards. Good statistics for most, but fans have come to expect more from an offense that has produced over 300 yards passing several times before. When it was clear that "Air CSU" wouldn't be quite up to par, CSU's defensive unit put the clamps on Mesa's offense. Mike Tasby, Ed Desherow, Ron Mackey and friends were lenient at times, allowing Mesa fullback to pick-up 109 hard-earned yards on 30 carries. But with the game on the line, it was the defense that came up with the play of the game, or possibly of the year. With CSU trailing 11-7, defensive back Randy Preston intercepted a Mesa pass and rambled 41 yards to set-up Randy Jones' 1 yard plunge to seal the victory. There were heroes — too many to mention here — big plays, outstanding performances and loads of memories that came with the '82 Bronchos. Everything turned out so rosy that the disasters at Southwestern and Northeastern — the only two blemishes on CSU's record — are overshadowed. But there was a turning point of this memorable season. When it appeared that CSU's traditional run-oriented attack wouldn't carry the team far, Coach Gary Howard unveiled a passing attack which NAIA opponents would learn to fear....Smart man, that Gary Howard.

ADS Help Wanted

Child Care Wanted: My home for two children, ages 7 and 10. Hours: 3-6pm M-F, except Thurs. 3-10pm. Applicant must have car and excellent references. S50 per week 751-5743 evenings. Help Wanted. Young man to work part time in North OKC custom picture frame shop. Will train person who likes to work with their hands. 751-8466 for interview. Vista photo by Daniel Smith

Defensive back Randy Preston steps in front of Mesa tight end Keith Howard to pick off a pass as brother John watches. Preston's interception set up the winning score to give CSU the NAIA crown.


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