The Vista Jan. 19, 2006

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The Student Voice Since 1903 University of Central Oklahoma

Thursday, January 19, 2006

UCO to auction surplus goods

UCO's Rao honored by state regents by Ariel Grant Staff Writer

by Ariel Grant Staff Writer UCO is selling surplus furniture and equipment from various departments on eBay as a way of funneling money back to UCO. “State statutes prohibit us from selling UCO property directly to individuals or organizations, but we can dispose of it through a public forum, like eBay,” said John McClure, Inventory and Receiving manager. Everyone has an equal opportunity to bid on property in an online public auction, McClure said. Dr. Robert Epstein, vice president of Finance, said the eBay

Please see EBAY, page 3

ROTC obstacle course gone with wind by Christina Purdom Staff Writer

The ROTC had to take down an inflatable obstacle course for safety reasons three hours before it was scheduled to close on Jan 17. The obstacle course was to be held from 1-4 p.m., but was taken down because of strong winds soon after it was erected north of Thatcher Hall, Capt. Justin Covey said. “It blew into the parking lot,” Covey said. The free obstacle course was originally designed for cadets. But Covey said he made the decision to open it to the student body to raise campus awareness of ROTC. It was put on by the ROTC Broncho Battalion and the Oklahoma Army National Guard. Covey said they may reschedule it later this semester, but no final plans have been made. Covey, Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Tillman, and Cadet Christopher Gehri were in charge of the event. Christina Purdom can be reached at

UCO Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. S. Narasinga Rao, was honored Jan. 12 for his long-term commitment to Oklahoma students. The State Regents for Higher Education honored Rao, who has taught at UCO for 23 years, for initiating Oklahoma Research Day, which has been held every fall semester since 1999 at UCO.

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Gov. Brad Henry addresses marchers at the Martin Luther King Coalition's "Silent March" Jan. 16 as Sen. Constance Johnson, Dist. 48, looks on from the steps of the old Oklahoma Museum of History building on the Capitol complex.

Disabled powerlifters Artist unveils prize- Dr. S. Narasinga Rao train for paralympics winning sculpture Athletes spend their weekend training at UCO's official paralympics training camp by Kristen Limam Sports Editor Three powerlifters with disabilities attended a training camp hosted by UCO in the Wellness Center Jan. 14-15. The camp was designed to prepare Mary Stack, Sofija Korac and Anderson Wise to compete for a spot on the World USA Powerlifting Team for the 2006 World Championships for athletes with disabilities. The team will be selected by midApril, and the event takes place in Busan, Korea, in May. If the athletes are not selected to the World Championships team, they will not qualify to attend the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing, China. The Paralympics come after the Olympics and are held at the same venue. Mary Hodge, the first female Paralympic powerlifting coach, and Kim Brownfield, two-time

Paralympic gold medalist, were on hand to coach the athletes. “The ultimate goal is to make the Beijing team in 2008,” Hodge said. Hodge and Brownfield assessed each athlete’s form and technique, and provided strategies for mental and physical preparation before and during lifts. Stack, 31, became involved in powerlifting 15 years ago. Her disability is pseudohypoparathyroidism, which she explained takes calcium out of her body and causes imbalance. Stack attributes her ability to walk to the sport. Before she began lifting, she needed a wheelchair. “Doctors can’t explain why it happened,” she said. “Powerlifting has improved my range of motion and how long I can sustain doing things.”

See PARALYMPICS, page 10

Celebrity impersonators board redesigned Broncho Bus for first ride Top: Broncho Bus artist and UCO graduate Chuck Ackerly, left, explains the design to UCO President W. Roger Webb in front of the redesigned Broncho Bus Jan. 11. Bottom: Broncho Bus passengers, dressed as Jackie O., Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities, enjoy the maiden voyage of the new Broncho Bus Jan. 11. Photos by Midori Sasaki

by Christina Purdom Staff Writer The artwork that won the College of Arts, Media, and Design’s Second Annual Sculpture Contest was unveiled Jan. 17 on the east side of the Liberal Arts Building. Christopher Domanski, professor of Scenic Design, designed “Flight,” an 18-foottall sculpture of stacked books tilting into the air. The contest was open to all students, faculty, and local artists, Domanski said. The theme was “Freedom through Knowledge.” Domanski said he submitted three drafts and was then asked to produce a scale model of the one selected. He said that the final piece had to be at least 12 feet tall. “[The dean] wanted it to have a presence on the campus,” Domanski said. CAMD awarded Domanski $10,000 to build the sculpture and for prize money. The university hired a crew to build a base for the sculpture and help erect it. A marble slab will be

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

'Flight,' a 18-foot sculpture, was unveiled Jan. 17 on the east side of the Liberal Arts building. The sculptor, Christopher Domanski, summarizes his work, "knowledge enables the mind to fly." engraved with the artist’s summary of what the statue represents: “Knowledge Enables the Mind to Fly.”

Please see SCULPT, page 3

“Our state is poised to enter into a new era of research opportunities thanks to researchers like him who share a deep passion and commitment to excellence,” said Chancellor Paul G. Riser. Rao said the research presented includes research from almost every academic discipline. “It has been getting so big that we have problems with hosting it at UCO,” Rao said. Rao said more than 20 institutions made 480 presentations last year and more than 800 people attended the banquet held at Oklahoma Research Day. Rao suggested the research day become a national event. “For the chancellor and regents to honor me is a big thing,” Rao said. “I am very excited that they are recognizing my work.” Rao said this is the highest honor one can receive in education. “Encouraging and promoting research and bringing in external money to UCO through grants,” is his favorite part of the job, he said. Rao brings in $ 2 million a year in grants to UCO. Victoria Campbell, interim director of Student Support Services, said the honor is well deserved.

Please see RAO, page 3

INSIDE Health Health columnist Callie A. Collins explores the health benefits of the occasional cup o' tea. See A Healthy Dose Pg. 2 News Smokers beware! Officials believe a recent campus fire was ignited by a cigarette flung into a trash can. See News Pg. 6 Movie review The Vista's Nathan Winfrey reviews the new love story, Tristan & Isolde. See Entertainiment Pg. 7

Police Briefs Pg. 6 INDEX Opinion.......................2 News..........................6 Sports.........................10 Classifieds...................8



January 19, 2006

theVista Editorial


Matt Cauthron, Editor in Chief Courtney Bryce, Managing Editor Kristin Limam, Sports Editor Trisha Evans, Copy Editor Brett Deering, Photo Editor

Midori Sasaki Travis Marak


Advertising Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

Nathan Winfrey, Staff Writer Ashley Romano, Staff Writer Christina Purdom, Staff Writer Ariel Grant, Staff Writer Melissa Wilkins, Staff Writer




Teddy Burch, Sports Writer

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 9745549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.


Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Editorial cartoons do not necessarily represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

Cary Stringfield

Secretary Nancy Brown

Mark Zimmerman

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with by BrettofDeering a maximum 150 words, Vista Staff Writer and must include the author’s printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@

Cartoon by Cary Stringfield

Tea no longer just for Brits and grandmas Callie A. Collins

You’re cold, tired, and thirsty, ready for a break. Rather than reaching for coffee or a cigarette, try seeking comfort in a teacup. According to a recent series of studies by Swiss researchers, just a cup a day can reduce your risks of cancer and heart disease, as well as boost immunity, and even prevent dental decay. The “other” hot drink, tea probably isn’t a part of your

daily diet and its mere mention might call up images of elderly relatives with paisley-painted china and lapdogs. Although not typically the college student’s beverage of choice, it’s showing up with surprising frequency in trendy locales like coffeehouses and sidewalk cafés. Diverse varieties range from oolong to chai, none of which are likely to show up on your grandma’s

lazy Susan. Far removed from Victorian novels and British royalty, tea has regained popularity with the present generation through bohemian marketing and increased data touting its benefits. Substituting a single serving of coffee or cola can cut your caffeine intake besides potentially improving your health in a variety of ways, principally through the consumption of polyphenol antioxidants. Credited with destroying cancer cells found in the stomach, colon, and urinary tract, their concentration is highest in green and white blends. The same antioxidants also block the build up of LDL (low-density lipoprotein), “bad”

cholesterol and the incidence of unwanted clots by as much as half, according to a study published by the Archives of Internal Medicine. Increased circulation via cleaner arteries aids daily cardiac health besides the ultimate payoff of possibly preventing stroke and heart attack. Fluoride and tannins found in tea have also been linked to fewer incidences of cavities and stronger bones in consumers who enjoyed the beverage twice a day without sugar. Symptoms of both osteoporosis and arthritis including joint pain, inflammation, and cramps effectively diminish for many individuals, and bone density can also be restored with regular consumption due to concentrated phyto-

chemicals. Less serious viral maladies such as flu and oral herpes are also treated by deactivating the germs that cause them, and simply gargling with black tea after being exposed to sick friends reduces your risk of falling ill. An eight-ounce cup steeped for three minutes raises the efficiency of your immune system 100 times more than the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. Acquiring a taste for tea also helps some individuals to stop smoking by exchanging one habit for another, a technique currently employed in homeopathic support groups. Clinical trials suggest positive correlations in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and breast cancer, possibilities which time

and science may confirm in the near future. Although tea can block the absorption of some proteins and is therefore not recommended for anemic individuals, black, green, and white assortments are suitable for the majority of the population and should be chosen over herbalbased remedies and prepared according to package instructions. If the last time you played tea party was in dress-up clothes with plastic dishes, try rediscovering the brewed alternative. For more information about tea’s latent benefits, visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration at http://www.

Instant runoff voting: A simple reform enough votes from our least despised candidate and thus giving the most despised canMost of us can agree that didate the win. political candidates are rarely The problems of this “least ideal. Usually, U.S. voters must worst” system should be obvichoose between the “lesser of ous. Voting against what one two evils.” This form of tactical despises is far from voting arises too easily voting for what in two-party horse-race one desires. I do politics, partly because not want Kerry as there is often one canpresident, but I want didate whom we despise Bush there even less; and we are willing to vote you see, I have hardfor even an undesirable ly stated what I am candidate if they can beat for. Ultimately, this the one we despise. Such Tre Ronne restriction of options a “least worst” choice is UCO Democratic also harms our pubSocialists particularly clear when lic debate. Rather a “third party” candidate than hearing a somewhat decent does get on the ballot in a close discussion of the relative merits race; s/he becomes the “spoilof a diversity of viewpoints, we er,” potentially drawing away get strict party politics.

I am going to propose to you today a simple reform that could improve the diversity and quality of candidates we consider for public office. You can find fuller descriptions of this and other reform recommendations at Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) would do as its name states: provide instant run-offs (as many run-offs as needed) for any number of candidates. Here’s how it works... The ballot lists every legitimate candidate for that contest, and voters rank their preferences. So, on a hypothetical ballot with candidates X,Y, and Z, I might list Y as my first choice, Z second, and X last. Once all the ballots are collected and recorded, the candidate with the majority (>50%) of votes wins the elec-

tion. But if in this first counting no candidate gets the majority, IRV automatically conducts a run-off. The candidate with the lowest number of first choice votes is cut from the running. All of the ballots listing that candidate as first then go to their second choice listed. So, if on the initial tally Y receives the lowest first-choice votes, my vote then goes to Z, my second choice; someone else may have voted Y=1, X=2, Z=3, and their vote then goes to X for the second count. This process continues until one candidate receives a majority of votes and thus wins the election. Some say IRV is too confusing for voters, that it actually hinders democracy. History proves otherwise: IRV has been used

in several countries, including the U.S., with results far more acceptable than the 2000 Bush v. Gore debacle. Furthermore, I would hope that people voting for the highest elected office of what is arguably the most powerful nation on earth could understand how to rank their preferences. Otherwise, we have much bigger troubles. However, while IRV may end the “least worst” voting necessity and enable more than two perspectives (some say one) to be heard, it is no cure-all. Other anti-democratic aspects of our current system include the “winner-take-all” Electoral College, political party control of campaign debates, skyrocketing campaign costs, gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement and fraud. These are

even more complex issues than the voting system itself. But we should not shy away from the challenge; we must prove ourselves worthy of the privileges we have inherited, by continuing to critique and improve the radical political experiment of the Founders of this nation. In that interest, we should not fear discussion or dissent, nor deny or ignore alternative views on partisan bases. Most importantly, we should not rest complacent on our duffs. Without effort, nothing changes; nor, for that matter, is it maintained.

If you have an idea for a "My Turn" piece, please e-mail us at editorial@


Compiled and photographed by Brett Deering and Midori Sasaki.

Do you plan to take advantage of free parking in the H.O.V. lot by car-pooling to school? “I do. I live off campus and it would be nice for me and my roommate.”

“No, I won't. I come to school by myself.”

“Probably not. I don't usually have a passenger.”

“No, I don't plan on using it. I don't really have anyone to car-pool with.”

Kyle Hudson

Christen Watson

Mark Luellen

Maya Moore

Human resources management, junior

Integrated marketing communications, junior

Advertising, junior

Business management, senior

News ROTC Mud Bath

January 19, 2006


CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS n The Miss UCO Pageant will feature 17 contestants at 7 p.m. Jan. 20 in Mitchell Hall. Tickets for students, faculty and staff are $3. n Opera singer Leona Mitchell will perform at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24 in Mitchell Hall. Tickets can be purchased from the Mitchell Hall Box Office at 974-2566. n Campus Life will host the UCO Blazers Night at 7:35 p.m. Feb. 3 at the Ford Center. The first 300 students to R.S.V.P. to Campus Life by Jan. 20 will receive free tickets. Contact Campus Life at 974-2363. n Read and Lead, a leadership book club open to any UCO student, will meet from 12-1 p.m. Feb. 7 in Room 304 of the Nigh University Center. Participants will receive a free copy of “Developing the Leader Within You” and lunch will be provided. For more information contact Emily Overocker in Campus Life 974-3589. n Orientation Team Leader applications are now being taken. Former OTL can also apply. Applications can be picked up in Room 424 of the Nigh University Center. n The Student Health and Wellness Centers will offer “Freedom from Smoking” classes Jan. 23 to March 6 on Monday nights in Room 104 of the Wellness Center. Classes are free for students, faculty and staff. Contact Misha Mowdy at 974-2320 or Danielle Dill at 974-3150. by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Broncho Battallion members dunk their instructor, Sgt. 1st Class Fallin, at the ROTC Olympics Jan. 12

EBAY from page 1 sales allow UCO to receive money for items that would otherwise be returned to the state. He said in the past the university has tried to sell the items in a typical auction, but it was too expensive and time consuming. McClure said industrial equipment, table saws, automobiles, lockers and desks have been sold since the university began the eBay sales in April 2003. McClure said proceeds are split between the department the

item was from, the general education fund, and the Inventory Department to cover administrative costs. Items are photographed and listed on eBay under the university’s seller ID, “ucosurplus” at least every three months, McClure said. Items sold must be picked up within five days after payment is made.

Ariel Grant can be reached at



from page 1

from page 1

“He does great things on campus,” she said. “He is definitely an innovator.” “My staff is wonderful,” Rao said. “They have helped me and worked long hours to accomplish what we do.” Rao said he enjoys helping minorities who may not have role models. “Helping students to prepare for success and not failure is the most important thing,” Rao said. Ariel Grant can be reached at

“Flight” is Domanski’s first permanently installed work. It is made of steel and is powdercoated for weather protection. Domanski’s inspiration for the piece came from knowledge and what symbolizes it. “I teach because I know knowledge has no bounds,” Domanski said. “The more you learn, the better you become.”

Christina Purdom can be reached at

n The Pre-Med and Health Professions Club will host the Health Professions Career Fair from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 25 in the Howell Hall Atrium. For more information contact Dr. Anne Ewing at 974-5911. n The Native American Students Club will meet at 2 p.m. Jan. 19 in Room 312 of the Nigh University Center. For more information contact Cecil Gray at 209-6019. n The Public Relations Student Society of America will hold its first meeting at 6 p.m. Jan 24 in Room 105 of the Communications Building. Contact Stephanie Johnson at 401-4539. n Cynthia Rolfe, vice president for information technology, will speak on "Promoting Ethical Values in Today's Environment" at 3:30 p.m. Jan. 26 in the Troy Smith Lecture Hall. n Applications for the Homecoming Board are now available in the Campus Life office in Room 424 of the Nigh University Center.


January 19, 2006

MLK Coalition stages 'silent march' Jan. 16 Civil rights leaders, protesters attend

Above: Participants in the Martin Luther King Coalition's "silent march" hold signs protesting the Dec. 2005 not-guilty verdict from an all-white jury for John Gilbert Buntin in the 2003 shooting death of Darren Keith Brannon. Right: Clara Luper, civil rights pioneer and leader of the first widely-publicized "sitin" to protest segregation at an Oklahoma City lunch counter in 1958, addresses "silent march" participants Jan. 16 at the steps of the old Oklahoma Museum of History on the Capitol complex.

Above: UCO student volunteers Ashlie Salisbury, interpersonal communications freshman, left, Gaby Pharis, accounting and pre-law freshman, Jocelyn Arevalo, biology freshman and Jordyne Salinas, exercise fitness management sophomore, listen to Roosevelt Milton at the Ralph Ellisdon Library in Oklahoma City. The student volunteers marched in the MLK Coalition's 'silent march' from the library to the state Capitol to commemorate Martin Luther King Day. Left: Roosevelt Milton, NAACP Oklahoma president, addresses a crowd of marchers at the old Oklahoma Museum of History on the Capitol complex. Photos by Vista photographer Brett Deering


January 19, 2006




January 19, 2006


ACCIDENT 9:55 a.m. Jan. 13 A student reported a minor hit and run accident he was involved in to DPS. The accident was in the parking lot west of the Business Administration Building.

DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION 8:22 p.m. Jan. 11 DPS assisted the Housing Department with a possible narcotic violation in the University Commons.

TRAFFIC 3:45 p.m. Jan. 11 A vehicle was reported driving recklessly on Wayne Street toward the Kappa Sigma house.

Officials believe smokers ignited trash can fire by Ashley Romano Staff Writer

“I am going to be really conscious about where I smoke,� Crow said. “I learned my lesson.� Ted Jones, DPS assistant chief of police, said that decals indicating the limit are supposed to be placed on the main entrance to every campus building. Crow said he used a groove on the pavement and the advice of a professor to gauge the 25foot limit. “It would be nice if the university would mark [the limit],� Crow said. Jones said that the black cigarette butt reciprocals near the entrances of campus buildings are a good gauge of the limit, even though they are placed more than 25 feet away from building doors. Jones said that citations have not increased since the statewide burn ban was issued on Nov. 15. “We have increased foot patrol (around) areas that could smolder,� Jones said. Jeff Harp, director of DPS, said most campus fires that he has seen have been trash can or ash tray related. “If your going to put it in the trash, then [at least] stomp on it,� Harp said.

UCO’s first reported fire of the spring semester occurred Jan. 17 in a trash can near the LOST PROPERTY VANDALISM/DESTRUCTION/ staircase of the south door of the FIRE ALARM 2:30 p.m. Jan. 9 DAMAGE Liberal Arts Building. 7:59 p.m. Jan. 11 A student reported his cell phone missing 10:57 a.m. Jan. 10 “I am sure someone threw a Two DPS officers responded to a fire alarm from Murdaugh Hall. A student reported damage to her car at cigarette [in the trash can] and at the University Suites food court. Central Plaza, 930 E. Second St. it caught on fire,� said Michele MEDICAL CALL Stephens, the UCO Department DISTURBANCE/NOISE COMPLAINT 8:13 a.m. Jan. 12 8 a.m. Jan. 12 of Public Safety police officer 12:38 a.m. Jan. 14 A man was involved in a bicycle acciAn attempted auto theft was reported who responded to the 3:13 p.m. DPS officers broke up a fight in the Nigh dent east of the Business Administration to DPS in the parking lot north of the fire. University Center. Building. Communications Building. The exact cause was unknown at press time. Chad Crow, general journalism senior, said he was coming out of class to smoke a cigaOKLAHOMA CITY _ The to purchase property to build rette when he noticed “a lot of Federal Emergency Management a duplex and eight new single activity at the bottom of the Agency said Monday one or family homes in downtown staircase.� more federal disaster assis- Bartlesville. “I saw smoke,� Crow said. tance programs are available for The Washington Group will After the fire was extinOklahomans whose homes or purchase property from the guished by the Edmond Fire personal property were dam- Bartlesville Redevelopment Department, Crow said aged by wildfires. Trust Authority. Stephens approached him and One program helps with livWhile home construction two other students because they ing and housing expenses. Other has been taking place in newer were smoking too close to the programs offer low-interest areas of the city, officials have entrance of the building. loans for qualified homeowners, worked to secure new housing “I could tell they were not 25 renters and business owners. projects in older, existing neighfeet away,� Stephens said. There are also grants for per- borhoods. Stephens found that they sonal property, clothing, furni“It has been difficult to find were in violation of the limit ture or medical expenses. a way to encourage in-fill housand said she let them off with a Applications can be made ing to take place in the existverbal warning. by phone from 8 a.m. until 6 ing downtown residential area The smoking restriction was p.m. daily at 1-800-621-FEMA of Bartlesville,� Downtown made state law more than two (3362). The number for the Development Director Ron years ago, and prohibits anyone speech or hearing impaired is Nikkel said. The sale is expected from smoking within 25 feet of 1-800-462-7585. to close by the end of January. an entrance to a public build- Ashley Romano can be reached at by Vista photographer Travis Marak ing. Violators can be fined up BARTLESVILLE, Okla. Officials survey the remains of a trash can fire near the Liberal to $100. (AP) _ A Tulsa company plans Arts Building.

AP Briefs







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January 19, 2006


Opera star tops 'Tristan & Isolde' lacks depth, substance bill at free concert by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer

by Courtney Bryce Managing Editor Opera singer Ian Geller filled the room with a hearty baritone voice in a free concert hosted by the School of Music Jan. 12. Geller last performed at UCO in 2003 as a soloist with the choir and orchestra in a performance of Carl Orff’s “Carmina Burana.” He has performed in London, New York, Berlin and Vienna. Geller sang to piano accompaniment by distant cousin Dr. Sam Magrill, UCO composer-in-residence. Magrill and Geller had just returned from California, where they performed together. The two men strolled into the concert room without speaking, bowed to the audience, and began their performance. Their presence was demanding and held the audience captivated throughout the performance. The most notable of Geller’s talents was how he expressed emotion in his face. He didn’t pace back and forth while singing, but let his countenance tell the story of each piece. He went from happiness, to sadness, and to anger in under a minute. It was like watching the mood swings of a woman having a bad hair day. If Geller hadn’t pulled this off the audience would have been lost. Most of the songs were in French, German or Italian. However, the School of Music provided programs explaining each song. Geller’s use of dynamics was incredible. He’d sing in almost a whisper, and then without warning boom from his diaphragm. Magrill composed songs to four of Walt Whitman’s poems. Magrill let his music breathe with pauses and simple mea-

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Ian Geller, professional opera singer, performs at the Music Building Jan. 12.

sures. It was refreshing and let the audience relax from some of the more tense songs that Geller sang. The concert lasted about an hour and a half. Just when the audience started to glance at the clock, Geller performed “It Ain’t Necessarily So” from Porgy and Bess. He asked the audience to sing along. Students and professors met Geller’s request with enthusiasm and laughter. Magrill’s calm demeanor mixed with Geller’s exuberance gave the audience a wellrounded and professional performance. The School of Music has several professional concerts in the future. World-renowned opera singer Leona Mitchell will sing at the next concert at 7:30 p.m., Jan 24, in Mitchell Hall. Courtney Bryce can be reached at

“Tristan & Isolde,” an ancient mythological tale of romance and tragedy that supposedly inspired William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” finally reached theaters Jan. 13. Producer Ridley Scott (“Gladiator”) passed up his director’s seat on this in 1979 to make “Alien.” Post-Roman England is in chaos. Squabbling tribes are kept at each others’ throats by a scheming foreign power, the Irish king Donnchadh (David O’Hara, “Hotel Rwanda”), who constantly disrupts their talks of peace. Hope seems lost until Lord Marke (Rufus Sewell, “A Knight’s Tale”) takes measures to set himself as king of England with brave warrior Tristan (James Franco, the “Spider-Man” movies) at his side, whom Marke rescued from the Irish at the cost of his own right hand. Through a chain of coincidences, Tristan winds up on the shores of Ireland, near death, where he is nursed back to health by Irish princess Isolde (Sophia Myles, “Underworld”), who keeps her identity a secret from him. Soon in love, the two must split. The next time they meet, she has been promised to the man to whom Tristan owes his life. Tristan must make a choice between duty and a doomed love, all the while subverting the treacherous schemes of turncoat friends and her wicked father. The decades-long wait has benefited “Tristan & Isolde” with modern filmmaking techniques and rising stars Franco and Myles in the title roles. Embodying everything her role should be and more, Myles will hopefully soon lose her status as an unknown. Finally, she gets a chance to do something

more in a big-budget movie than cling to ceilings and bare vampire fangs. Franco is suitable, more so than his slew of contemporaries whose names were no doubt bandied about in early casting meetings. He plays a brooding hero well, and gives girls who may not be interested in all the swashbuckling swordplay something else to look at. He was always my choice for Anakin Skywalker when “Star Wars: Episode II” casting rumors were flying around. It’s a shame he was never given a chance to give those prequels something they were missing among all the glitz and glamour of George Lucas computer effects—decent acting. There are few teen-friendly actors in the industry today who are better for roles of forlorn lovesickness and conflicted, violent anger, just look at “SpiderMan.” Don’t be scared off by the Evanescence track on the “Tristan & Isolde” trailer. This is not “UPN Presents Romeo and Juliet for the ‘Smallville’ AP Generation.” There are no TV stars placed awkwardly in dra- In this photo provided by 20th Century Fox, before fate drives matic roles here, nor flavor-of- them away from one another, Tristan and Isolde revel in their newthe-week Top 40 hits wailing found love in “Tristan & Isolde.” or hip hopping to badly choreo- cally on such appeal. Sure, you and character depth for Isolde. graphed fight scenes. This is a want them to be happy, but Her nervous disapproval is the solid film that takes its subject when things aren’t all roses perfect foil for the headstrong matter seriously and does not and sunshine for them, you princess. seek to over-contemporize it probably won’t be particularly “Tristan & Isolde” is a good like 2001’s “A Knight’s Tale.” distressed. movie, and it’s worth seeing, Though light years ahead It’s moderately satisfying as but I’ve seen even romantic of other recent historical an action movie, even with its comedies that had a better epics-gone-flat such as “King bloodless PG-13 violence, and grasp on character and what it Arthur,” “Troy,” “Kingdom of is almost worth seeing for the takes to pull heartstrings than Heaven” and the critically lam- beautiful imagery alone. But this one. I guess someone crubasted “Alexander,” “Tristan as a romance, its context and cial to the production missed & Isolde” still fails to achieve actors, specifically Myles, are that day in film school, whether excellence, and is at best for- the best things it has going it was writer Dean Georgaris or gettable. It is too good to leave for it. Bragnae (Bronagh director Kevin Reynolds, it’s bad taste, but not good enough Gallagher, “Mary Reilly”), hard to tell. to make you connect with the Isolde’s handmaiden, is percharacters on any emotional fectly written and acted to prolevel, which is a death knell vide both well-executed comic Nathan Winfrey can be reached for a movie that hinges so criti- relief that never feels forced at

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January 19, 2006

Deadlines & Prices

DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $3/day for the first 25 words and $.12/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5916 for additional info.

Special Notices ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR ESL for Internat’l Students We offer a friendly environment with small classes of 4-10 students. Here you can prepare for university study, the TOEFL, and a successful career. LOW PRICE $960 Per 4 Week Term For more info 348-7602 ____________________ ENGLISH CLASSES Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE tutoring available *PREPARATION for TOEFL

Services DENTAL PLAN $11.95 per month single; $19.95 family. No deductibles, no claim forms. Includes Vision, RX and chiropractic plans. Affordable health and life plans also. Call Michelle at 340-4998. _____________________ RENTERS- Get $10,000 coverage for $17$22 per month! Great auto rates for good students too. Call Michelle at 340-4998 for free quote. _____________________ EYE EXAM, FRAME & LENSES: 10% Off CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Exam, Fitting & 12 pr contacts: $210 CAMPUS OPTICAL 13 N University Dr Edmond, 341-3567 _____________________ DO YOU think you might be pregnant? Would you like a free confidential pregnancy test or just someone to talk to? Call Birth Choice of Edmond at 330-2111. _____________________ PREGNANT? SCARED? We’re here to help! Pregnancy testing, confidential consultation, ultrasound referral. Christian Services of Oklahoma, 478-3362. w w w. c h r i s t i a n - a d o p t i o n . c o m _____________________ CONSTRUCTION WORK Immediate openings PT/FT, no experience required. Hard work, good pay. Framing experience a PLUS. Edmond area, call 824-8954. ______________________


Help Wanted

LIKE CARS? FASTLANES is now hiring lube techs. We fully train on all vehicle maintenance! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. Limited positions available. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. _____________________ NEED A JOB? Like to work in a cool atmosphere? Then swing by FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ____________________ ATTENTION: Business and Management majors. FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter is looking for individuals who have leadership skills. With new stores opening we are looking for people to grow with us. Good pay and possible health benefits. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ______________________ PART TIME help needed at local daycare 2:30-6:00pm. Must love kids. Please call 330-3077. _____________________ GENERAL ASSISTANT position with an established service-oriented company engaged in market research and development, 10-15 hrs/wk as available, Mon thru Fri. Must have own transportation. Hourly base pay plus mileage and extras. Excellent opportunity for entrepeneur-spirited person. Internet savvy a PLUS. Call 623-2857. ______________________ QUALITY individual needed to train for residential window cleaning. Must have resume, proof of enrollment, documented GPA of 3. or above, your own transportation, preferably a truck for hauling ladder. Potential earnings of $8-10/hr based on percentage plus mileage. Please call immediately: 340-3914. ______________________ NOW HIRING- We offer flexible scheduling, immediate advancement opportunities, retention bonus and a fun, secure work environment. Call Visionquest Marketing at 749-0332. ______________________ PART TIME sales help needed at Good Earth Health Foods. Please apply at 1415 S Boulevard, Edmond. ______________________ PART TIME nursery help needed at Acts II United Methodist Church. Call 359-2286 for more info. _______________________ KIDZSTREET Hourly Child Care is now hiring teachers and assistant teachers. Some experience preferred. If you are energetic, self-motivated and enjoy being around kids, call Lisa at 405-413-1911. ______________________ **GUERILLA MARKETING/ Promoters needed! Leisure Tours needs students to promote our Spring Break travel packages on campus and with local vendors. Excellent Pay! 800-838-8202. ______________________

The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing.

6 9 5 4 7

4 7 5


Last week's solution

7 4 5 1 8 2 6 9 3


9 1 8 4


6 5 3 8

6 1 3 9 7 4 2 5 8

NURSERY WORKERS needed at St. Mary's Episcopal Church for the following days and times: *Sun morns 8:30am-12:30pm; *Tues morns 9:45-11:30am; *Wed eves 6:15-8:15pm If you are qualified and available to work any or all of these days, please contact Rev. Rita Henault at St. Mary's, 325 E First St (1st & University), Edmond 341-3855 _______________________ FRONTIER CITY is now hiring for Spring/Summer Paid Internships & Positions. *Human Resources *Marketing *Sales *Retail/Merchandising *Afternoon Receptionist Thousands in college scholarships awarded each year. Must be available to work some weekends and evenings. Contact Adam Harper at 405-478-2140 or email your resume to _______________________ SLEEP INNS & SUITES in Edmond is looking for flexible PT desk clerk/night auditor. Apply at 3608 S Broadway, 844-3000. ______________________ PT CUSTOMER Service help needed, 59am Mon-Fri, occasional weekends. Apply in person, Edmond YMCA, 1220 S Rankin. ______________________ PEARL'S LAKESIDE has positions for FT and PT servers. Apply at 9201 E Lake Hefner, 748-6113. _______________________ WE PAY up to $75 per online survey. _______________________ BACK IN SCHOOL?? NEED $$$? Original Varsity Sports Grill needs waitstaff, servers and hosts. Cash every day with flexible hours. Apply in person 2-5pm at 1120 NW 63rd, Suite 100. ______________________ EDMOND CPA firm is seeking accounting student for PT receptionist/clerk. Send resume to 3509 French Park Drive, Suite A, Edmond, OK 73034. 348-5200 or fax 348-5295. _____________________ THE UNIVERSITY of OK Health Sciences Center research team needs participants ages 18-30, who have a parent with or without a history of an alcohol or drug problem. Qualified participants will be compensated for their time. To see if you qualify or to learn more about the study, please call 405-552-4303. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. _______________________ EDMOND Shopping Ctr needs PT help for construction, clean-up and maintenance. Can be full time for summer. Call 330-2555. ________________________ PT JOBS - SENIOR Services of Oklahoma is looking for students to fill PT positions. Several 9am-1pm shifts and 1:305:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10/hr for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is preferred; we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up interview. Ask for Courtney Smith. _______________________

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9 4

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Puzzle by

9 2 8 6 4 1 7 3 5

1 5 7 3 2 8 9 6 4

5 3 2 4 6 9 8 7 1

8 7 6 2 1 3 5 4 9

4 9 1 8 5 7 3 2 6

Puzzle by

PT POSITION at Elks Alley Antiques, 1201 S Broadway. Must be able to lift 100 lbs. Hours and salary are negotiable. Call 340-2400. _____________________ BLUE RIBBON Pet Boutique needs someone to work Saturday afternoons, 12-5pm, doing general cleaning, filing, customer service, etc. Apply at 356 S Kelly, Edmond. _______________________ TUXEDO JUNCTION needs PT sales help 15-25 hrs/wk. Salary plus commissions. Call Beth at 751-1745 or apply at Quail Springs Mall. _______________________ STRATFORD INN in Edmond needs front desk help. Please apply at 1809 E 2nd St. No phone calls please. ______________________ BRITTON NURSERY is now hiring PT preschool teachers, Mon-Fri, 8am-1pm. Apply at 1423 W Britton, OKC, or call 842-1118. _______________________ LOCAL BAKERY in Edmond needs dependable PT weekend help. Will train. Call 359-8308. _______________________ HANDY STUDENT needed for carpenter's helper and maintenance. Close proximity to UCO campus. Mon-Fri, 1-5pm, some Saturdays. Experience preferred, positive attitude and willingness to work A MUST. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy, able to work unsupervised. Call 341-9651. ______________________ NEED A JOB? Computer technician position for student with AutoCAD experience. Full time or part time. Close proximity to UCO campus. PEREZ ENGINEERING, 341-9651. ______________________ PART TIME TELLERS-Minimum 6mo cash handling experience in a retail environment required; previous teller exp preferred. Exceptional customer service skills a must. Several positions available; visit for a list of available positions. Coppermark Bank offers a comprehensive benefit package and salary commensurate w/experience. Please stop by to complete an application and receive a brief interview. Coppermark Bank, 4631 NW 23rd St, OKC, OK 73127. PHONE 945-8100, FAX 943-2732. EOE _______________________ FARM & RANCH work with apartment provided in return for farm and ranch work. Must know about cattle and horses. Yearround opportunity located 7 miles W of Edmond. Utilities furnished. Call 341-8392. ______________________ THE FUN, flexible job for your BUSY LIFE. McAlister's Deli is now hiring energetic, dedicated people. We offer a fun environment and good compensation. Best of all, we can work with your schedule. Hey, what good is a job if you can't have a life too? Appy at McALISTER'S DELI 1021 E 2nd St, Edmond 340-DELI _______________________ LOOKING for part time nanny Mondays and Wednesdays. Early childhood training or childcare experience preferred. Must love children and provide own transportation. Call Vicki at 752-4460 for more info. _______________________

EDMOND psychological office is looking for a part time secretary/ receptionist Mon-Fri. Must be people-oriented, able to multi-task, and typing skills are required. Job duties include transcription, answering phones, and scheduling appointments. Great for students. Inquire at 341-3085. _______________________ HABANEROS Mexican Restaurant is now hiring FT and PT for waitstaff, hosting and bussers. Experience preferred. Apply at 6833 N Broadway in Edmond (Waterloo & Broadway), or you may call 359-3319. _______________________ PEARL'S Oyster Bar is now hiring for server and hostess positions. Apply at 63rd & Classes, OKC. _______________________ CASCATA Restaurant is now hiring servers, server assistants and bussers. Apply 2-5 Mon-Fri at 801 Signal Ridge Drive (15th & Kelly), Edmond. No calls please. _______________________ EDMOND family with 3-yr-old twins needs help on Sundays 9am-5pm, and Monday 5pm-8:30pm. Duties include child care and basic clean up. Please email to: ______________________ DOWNTOWN law firm seeks full time paralegal. Must exhibit good writing and communication skills. Please fax resume to 405-232-1675 or email to

For Rent


KENNEDY PLACE APTS 1,2&3 Bedrooms Across from UCO 341-7911 or visit our website ________________ BRYANT GROVE APTS 1, 2&3 Bedrooms 20 S Bryant, Edmond 341-2161 __________________ ONE BEDROOM APT Gas and water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO. 1217 N Roosevelt, $340/mo plus deposit, 341-9651. ______________________ TWO BED, 1 bath four-plex. Quiet, clean area, _ block to UCO, Refrig, stove, dishwasher, w/d included, 1-car garage. $550/ mo plus $550/dep. Call 824-8954, 348-9405. _______________________ DON'T MISS OUT ON OUR STUDENT DISCOUNTS & AWESOME MOVE-IN SPECIALS!!! Now leasing for January, 2006. Two & three bed duplexes, attached garages, atriums (separate study room), huge closets & two full baths, new full-size washer & dryer in each unit, walking distance to UCO (east of UCO stadium). Persimmon Ridge Duplexes 800 N Chowning Avenue Edmond, OK 73034 (405)471-6145 _______________________ SUNSET RIDGE APTS 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath BLOWOUT!!! $450.00/MONTH 1 bed, 1 bath $395 1st Full Month Rent $99 405-341-7987

COME HOME to your newly remodeled duplex! New carpet, new full size washer/ dryer, attached garage, separate study. Come home to Persimmon Ridge, 471-6145. ______________________ TOWNHOUSE for lease, 2 bed, 2 bath, kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer hookups, ceiling fans, lots of closet space. NO PETS! New building, 1 blk from UCO, 453 N Blackwelder, $650/mo, $500 dep. TENANT RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES, 1 year lease, 341-9651. ______________________ 2 BED, 2 BATH duplex, 2-car garage. 701 NW 137th, available immediately. Call 265-1103. ______________________ DILLON PARK APTS-N of the football field, furnished, all bills paid, 1015 Chowning. Call 285-5900. ______________________ AFFORDABLE- Spacious units available, 1 bed 1 bath; 2 bed 1&3/4 bath; 2 bed 2&1/2 bath town home and 3 bed, 2 bath. Prices starting as low as $450 plus electric. Student discounts, limited availability. Call today, BOULDER CREEK APTS, 405-341-8911.



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CLEAN, female roommate needed to share 2 story, 2 bedrm duplex with large kitchen and living area, and small backyard for about $400 rent + bills. 5 minute walk to UCO. For more details call 412-8448. _______________________ $300/MO + electricity near Quail springs Mall. Pool, theater, tanning beds. NO CATS. CALL 323-7825.

Sports January 19, 2006

Rodriguez plays for U.S. in Baseball Classic

DUALS from page 10 the Mavericks won at 157 pounds then scored falls in the middle weights to open up a big 24-3 lead en route to the victory. Nebraska-Omaha went on to defeat Minnesota State 20-10 in the finals and claim their second straight National Dual Meet Tournament championship. UCO reached the semifinals with a 32-6 victory over No. 14ranked Mercyhurst and a win over fourth-ranked NebraskaKearney 22-14 on Jan. 14. “We were especially glad to see the way we performed in our first two matches,� James said. “The win over NebraskaKearney was big. We need to keep that type of intensity and continue to make big strides.� The Bronchos will host fourth-ranked Nebraska-

HOOPS from page 10 games. We did however make too many mistakes, didn’t shoot well and we didn’t take care of the basketball, way too many turnovers,� Evans said. “You cannot expect to win


Decision comes amid

Kearney on Feb. 2 and topcontroversy over ranked Nebraska-Omaha on Feb. 3. Cuba's participation “This is a big opportunity for in the tournament the team as well as the university,� James said. “What we need is big turn-out from the student by Mike Fitzpatrick body to support this team and Associated Press Writer make a difference so that we can put ourselves into great shape for the rest of our season." NEW YORK (AP) – Alex UCO will travel to Alamosa, Rodriguez finally chose a side: Colo., for matches against He wants to wear stars and Adams State Jan. 20 and stripes. Colorado Collegiates Jan. 21. His allegiance torn between the Dominican Republic and United States, A-Rod made up his mind at last Tuesday night and decided he will participate in the World Baseball Classic as a member of the U.S. team. "In recent weeks, following Teddy Burch can be reached at dialogue with caring friends and players, both Dominican and American, I reached the conclusion that if I played in the Classic, I would play for the United States and honor my American citizenship," Rodriguez said in a statement on his Web site. "I appreciate the support and understanding of my fellow on the road in this conference Dominican players and friends if you don’t play disciplined who aided me in making this decision. The World Baseball basketball,� he said. Classic offers baseball and its fans an exciting new forum and Teddy Burch can be reached at I look forward, if selected, to representing the United States in what will be baseball's greatest international competition." Rodriguez vacillated until the very end. After speaking with the New York Yankees third baseman earlier Tuesday, players' association chief operating officer Gene Orza thought the two-time MVP was leaning toward not playing at all.


Later in the day, Rodriguez made his decision to participate, according to agent Scott Boras. "The guy is one of the best players on the planet. He's finally made up his mind on a very difficult decision. If he wants to play for the U.S., we're definitely glad to have him," U.S. general manager Bob Watson said. Eric Chavez, Oakland's Gold Glove third baseman, also was among 10 players added to the U.S. roster Tuesday along with pitchers Ben Sheets, Dan Haren, Brett Myers and Gary Majewski; and outfielders Luis Gonzalez, Jeff Francoeur, Matt Holliday and Randy Winn. Forty-two players were announced Monday. While A-Rod made his choice, tournament organizers remained unsure whether the Bush administration will allow Cuba to participate. The U.S. Treasury Department last month denied baseball's application for Cuba to play in the United States. A permit is needed because of laws governing certain transactions with Fidel Castro's communist country, which generally isn't allowed to receive U.S. currency. "We aren't afraid of anything," Castro said in a speech late Tuesday. "It's very difficult to compete against us in any area. ... Not even in baseball do they want to compete with Cuba." After Cuba promised to donate money to victims of Hurricane Katrina, baseball reapplied for a permit and was still awaiting a decision on that second application.

"We are very hopeful that ... Cuba will be allowed to participate on the terms that have been negotiated," said Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer. "It is critical that Cuba participates. Cuba is an important international program, the defending Olympic champion, and ought to be in the World Baseball Classic." Treasury Department spokeswoman Molly Millerwise said no decision had been made. Puerto Rico has threatened to pull out as a host for the event if Cuba isn't allowed to play. And baseball's world governing body, the International Baseball Federation, says it would withdraw its sanction of the tournament. Even home run king Hank Aaron thinks that would be a shame. "I hope that these kids are given an opportunity to play, because whatever happened before, they had nothing to do with it," Aaron said in Washington at an event to promote the World Baseball Classic and celebrate 130 years of Japan-U.S. baseball history. "I just hope they have an opportunity to compete. They really deserve to. They have some great ballplayers in Cuba." Rodriguez, perhaps baseball's best all-around player, is eligible to play for the U.S. team and the Dominican Republic because he was raised in the United States but his parents are Dominican. He said last month that he intended to play for the Dominican team, then said he wouldn't play at all because he didn't want to offend either

country. "He spoke to the commissioner and the Major League Baseball Players Association last week and they talked about the benefits of his participation in advancing baseball both nationally and internationally," Boras said Tuesday night. A-Rod was included on the Dominican Republic's preliminary roster. "I feel a little disappointed with his announcement," Dominican general manager Stan Javier said Wednesday. "We never counted on Alex. We have Adrian Beltre and Aramis Ramirez at third base. We do not need more." Provisional rosters of up to 60 players for each country were due at midnight EST on Tuesday and were to be announced Wednesday. The final 30-man rosters for the 16-nation tournament will be chosen from those 60-player pools shortly before the start of the event, scheduled for March 3-20. Any player not on a provisional roster cannot participate. A player can be on multiple 60-man rosters but only one 30man roster, union spokesman Greg Bouris said. As expected, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Derek Jeter and Ken Griffey Jr. were the biggest names among the 42 players picked by the U.S. team on Monday. Rodriguez joins Yankees teammates Jeter and Johnny Damon on the preliminary American roster _ and they could fill the top three spots in the batting order.

University of Central Oklahoma



THURSDAY, January 19, 2006

Wrestlers capture third place at national competition by Teddy Burch Sports Writer The fifth-ranked Bronchos fell to top-seeded NebraskaOmaha 28-12, Jan. 15 in the semifinals of the National Wrestling Coaches Association Duals tournament in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. UCO bounced back to win eight of 10 bouts against No. 6 Ashland to take third place in the 16-team tournament. The Bronchos have won the NWCA National Duals title four times and finished fourth last year. It was the 13th straight top-four national dual finish for UCO, which is now 8-2 on the season. “Overall I am proud of our guys," said head coach David James. "Against Omaha, I feel that we didn’t do a lot of things right. We bounced back in a big way against Ashland and won eight out of the 10 matches."

“We wanted to see where we Wrestling Box Scores, Jan. 15 were at. This tournament was a Nebraska-Omaha 28, UCO 12 good measuring stick,” James WT. RESULTS said. 125 Garcia, UNO, dec. Caruthers, 9-4 The Bronchos got shutouts 133 Hilario, UNO, dec. Henning, 7-5 from Earl Jones, Kyle Evans, 141 Alt, UNO, dec. Evans, 3-2 Cort Petersen and Jared Hess in 149 Timothy, UCO, dec. Unger, 7-4 the win over Ashland. 157 Allibone, UNO, dec. Leavitt, 7-1 Fourth-ranked Petersen (165 165 Taplin, UNO, pinned Petersen, 2:55 174 Naig, UNO, pinned Ingram, 4:23 pounds) scored a last-second 184 Hess, UCO, pinned Oviatt, 2:44 takedown in the first period to 197 Jolley, UCO, dec. Edmonds, 4-2 take the lead 6-0 over No. 6 Eric Hvy Sigman, UNO, maj. dec. Finn, 13-0 Lakia. Jared Hess (174 pounds) followed with a 4-0 win that UCO 27, Ashland 6 gave UCO a 21-0 lead. WT. RESULTS Ashland won close decisions 125 Caruthers, UCO, dec. Compton, 6-4 over Kenny Meredith (184 133 Jones, UCO, dec. Emery, 4-0 pounds) and Jolly Heath (197 141 Evans, UCO, dec. Meissner, 6-0 pounds) for its only two wins. 149 Wood, UCO, dec. Gordon, 9-4 157 Goodwin, UCO, dec. Carnabuci, 8-4 Heavyweight Josh LeadingFox 165 Petersen, UCO, dec. Lakia, 6-0 finished the dual with a firstby Vista photographer Naomi Takebuchi 174 Hess, UCO, dec. Carmony, 4-0 period pin over Joe Reamer in 184 Allen, AU, dec. Meredith, 4-3 1:18. Earl Jones, right, scored a 4-0 decision during UCO's 27-6 triumph over Ashland, 197 Kirst, AU, dec. Jolley, 6-4 “I have been switching placing third at the NWCA tournament Jan. 15. Hvy J. LeadingFox, UCO, pinned Reamer, 1:18 some matches with Chris Finn, and I was just glad to get the UCO fell behind early and and giving up back-to-back falls ranked Dan Hilario. Secondopportunity against Ashland and was unable to recover in the in the middleweights. rated Evans was upset by 0-9 deficit. Shea Timothy (149 pounds) really happy to get the win,” semifinal loss to NebraskaJared Henning (133 pounds) Christian Alt 3-2 at 141 lbs to LeadingFox said. Omaha, losing close matches dropped a 7-5 decision to No. 7- put the Bronchos in an early

Please see DUALS page 9

Men's basketball nets a win during conference play "To go there and win is big for our team.” “What we want to do is forget the first half of the season, UCO began defense of its focus on the second half of the Lone Star Conference North season and just get better all the Division title with a 53-48 vic- way around,” he said. tory over Northeastern State in UCO limited the Redmen Tahlequah, Okla., Jan. 17. to 24 percent shooting (10-ofThe Bronchos never trailed 41) from the field, with the in ending a four-game losing Bronchos shooting just 37 perstreak on the road, building cent (17-of-46). a 13-point second-half lead UCO jumped on top quickbefore holding off the Redmen ly, getting a layup from Brown down the stretch. UCO, now 3- just 14 seconds into the contest by Vista photographer Travis Marak 5 in away games, improved to and adding a Belt 3-pointer 8-8 for the season in the LSC two minutes later to take a 5-0 From left: Sofija Korac of Bethesda, Md., and Andy Wise of Needham, Mass., get advice from Mary Hodge, head coach of the U.S. North opener for both teams lead. Paralympic Powerlifting team Jan. 14 during a training camp held in the Wellness Center. while dropping NSU to 10-6. The Bronchos maintained “This was a big win that we the advantage the entire first needed. What we did really from page 1) well is play defense,” said head half, making it 24-17 at the break on two Jason Greene free coach Terry Evans. "Our goal throws with 25 seconds left. is to keep our opponents to less The win gives the Bronchos than 60 points. If we do that, their first road victory since “It makes me feel alive, feel- attended, has helped prepare C o m m i t t e e we feel that we can win every defeating Abilene Christian ing the explosion of weight him mentally for competition. P a r a l y m p i c game we play.” Dec. 8. going up,” she said. “It’s a huge step going from training site. Sam Belt, sophomore from In the two previous games, Stack competed in the 2000 national to international com“This gives us Broken Arrow, led UCO with UCO traveled to Stephenville, Paralympics in Sydney and the petition,” he said. the ability to host 16 points and six rebounds and Texas, suffering a loss to the 2004 Paralympics in Athens. Wise competes in the 67- different teams Kentrell Gaddis, senior from Tarleton Texans 72-61. UCO She competes in the 82.5-kilo kilo (147.4 pounds) weight training for the Midwest City, added 10 as the also traveled to Wichita Falls, (181.5 pounds) weight class, class, lifting a career-high 370 P a r a l y m p i c only players in double figures. Texas where they lost a close with a career-high lift of 245 pounds. Games,” said Leading scorer Anthony Brown game 68-61. pounds. Brownfield, a native of Katrina Shaklee, was held to six points and seven “We played good defense, Korac attends Johns Hopkins Council Hill, Okla., disabled UCO Disabled rebounds. good enough to win both University and participated in by polio at age two, is training Sports director. “Northeastern State is a wheelchair track and field before to become a Paralympic coach. UCO is comtough place to play,” Belt said. Please see HOOPS, page 9 becoming involved in powerlift- He will serve as an assistant peting with ing more than five years ago. coach at the 2008 games but L a k e s h o r e “I’d always done team has not decided whether he Foundation in sports,” she said. “But it’s nice will try to qualify as a com- B i r m i n g h a m , to have the control over how petitor. His powerlifting career Ala., to become you do and how you work out.” includes 127 broken world the official Men's Basketball Box Scores, Jan. 16 “[The training camp] is real- records, lifting more than 600 P a r a l y m p i c UCO (8-8) ly beneficial,” said Korac, who pounds at times. powerlifting POS FGM- 3PM- FTM- REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP Player competes in the 52-kilo (114.4 “It keeps me young to see training site. FGA 3PA FTA OF DE TOT 2-7 2-3 2 2 4 2 1 0 6 G 0-3 GREENE pounds) weight class. these young people do well,” Hodge said the by Vista photographer Travis Marak 1-3 1-2 0 2 2 2 1 0 3 G 0-1 Wise, 22, a student at he said. decision will be Kim Brownfield, four-time Paralympic medalist, CURRIN 3-8 0-0 1 6 7 1 0 0 6 F 0-0 BROWN Massachusetts Bay Community Hodge, head coach of the made by the end tells powerlifters at the UCO training camp to 3-9 1-3 3 5 8 1 1 0 7 0-0 C KENNERLY College, got involved in pow- national team, the elite team of the year. visualize a successful lift. 5-10 4-7 0 6 6 1 0 0 16 2-6 G/F BELT, S. erlifting his freshman year of and 2004 Paralympics team, There are 0-3 0-0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0-3 G GRAYSON college. Jim Kempf, a family has been coaching for 15 two to three Kristen Limam can be reached at 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 G WILLIAMS friend and former Paralympic years. powerlifting training camps 0-0 0-0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0-0 F STEELE weightlifter, became his coach. “I love the sport,” Hodge each year, Hodge said. The 1-4 7-7 1 1 2 2 0 0 10 1-1 G GADDIS “[Powerlifting] gives you a said. “I mean, there’s a million next one will take place in 1-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-0 SANDBURG F feeling of control,” Wise said. other sports out there, but this October or November in prep1-1 1-2 0 2 2 1 0 0 3 0-0 G KEMP Staff Writer Christina Purdom “If you’re having a bad day, you is the one I’ve grown to love.” aration for the Intercontinental 1 3 4 Team contributed reporting for this can go to the gym and lift.” In December 2005, UCO Championships. The location article. 17-46 3-14 16-24 9 31 40 10 4 0 53 Totals Wise said the UCO training was one of eight cities nation- of this camp has not been camp, the first camp he has wide named a U.S. Olympic determined. NORTHEASTERN STATE UNIVERSITY (10-6) by Teddy Burch Sports Writer

Disabled powerlifters train for paralympics (Continued

SPORTS BRIEFINGS INTRAMURALS The deadline to sign up for intramual basketball is Friday, Jan. 20 at 5 p.m. Sign up at wellnesscenter/intramurals_forms/enrollment.htm . Games will be played Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

Attend a mandatory meeting Jan. 19 or Jan. 20 at 3:30 p.m. in room 127 of the Wellness Center. Contact Becka at 974-3143 for more information.

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL The Bronchos' recent three-game road loss brings their season record to 3-13.

UCO lost to Tarleton State 50-70 Jan. 12. Midwestern State won 61-54 Jan. 14. UCO came close Jan. 16 against Northeastern State but lost their lead late in the game with a final score of 52-58. Lizzie Brenner, freshman forward, scored a team-leading 14 points and nine rebounds against Northeastern.









0-4 4-10 0-5 0-1 3-6 2-5 1-2 0-1 0-4 0-3

0-2 2-7 0-3 0-1 0-0 1-3 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-0

6-6 1-1 2-2 0-0 7-10 0-0 7-8 0-0 0-0 2-4

0 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 3 5 24

1 8 0 0 6 1 3 0 2 4 4 29

2 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0

0 6 0 11 0 2 0 0 0 13 0 5 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 2



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