The Vista Jan. 24, 2006

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The Student Voice Since 1903 University of Central Oklahoma

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New program fosters mentor relationships

Work halted on new OSBI building

by Courtney Bryce Managing Editor

Rising construction costs cited by Christina Purdom Staff Writer The $20 million OSBI Forensic Science Center, to be located across 2nd Street from the campus, is in jeopardy due to rising construction costs and lack of funds. Jessica Brown, OSBI Public Information Director said the building was not under-funded initially but a jump in construction costs has put work on the building on hold. “When the hurricanes hit, the prices of construction materials skyrocketed,” Brown said. Brown said it has been estimated that construction costs are rising about one percent each month. OSBI has asked the state legislature for an additional $5 million dollars in supplementary funds to finish the enclosure and to furnish the building, which cannot be occupied until it has been completed, Brown said. “The director (DeWade Langley) has had some budget meetings with the Capitol this month,” said Jerry Hire, OSBI special projects officer. “We’re not hearing good things,” Brown said. “The City of Edmond, UCO, and OSBI have all worked very hard and we hope the state can scrape together the money we need to finish,” Brown said.

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Construction stalls temporarily on the OSBI Forensic Science Center due to rising construction

Please see OSBI, page 3 costs.

Leadership Central welcomed 102 students, faculty and staff to a new mentorship program in an orientation Jan. 18. Dr. W. Roger Webb, UCO president, spoke about what a mentor relationship should be. “This has to be a two way street,” Webb said. “It has to be give and take. We learn from each other and this relationship goes both ways.” Webb said good mentors are those that don’t whine but overcome disappointments. He said mentor ships help people to discover hope. “I truly believe we are the product of every relationship we have,” Webb said. “It’s important who you hang out with whether you are 19 or 59.” Webb said the message he wanted everyone to leave with was to pass on the lessons they learn. “I hope you do not forget to pass it on,” Webb said. “That’s the real message I have for you.” Michael Goodman, vice president of the student government, said he came up with Central Connection after being paired up with a mentor in an outside organization. “In any mentorship you’re bound to learn something,” Goodman said. Goodman said he was one of 50 students his junior year of high school to be part of a program called Youth Leadership Oklahoma. He said they toured the state in order to learn more about the people and cultures of

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Dr. Cheryl Steele is UCO's executive director of leadership programs.

Opera singer postpones UCO concert Show rescheduled for Mar. 3 by Melissa Wilkins Staff Writer

Leona Mitchell, a well-known opera singer, will critique music students in a three-week workshop beginning Jan. 24. The workshop will give students a chance to find out their vocal strengths and weaknesses, said Audrey Henderson, event CENTRAL CONNECTION, coordinator for the School of page 3 Music. Mitchell was scheduled to give a concert Jan. 24, but she cancelled because of a sudden illness. The concert is rescheduled for March 3 and the Box office Bill Aycock, will reserve seating for the 120 tickets already sold. Interpersonal Mitchell is best known for communicaher performance as “Bess” in tions junior, the first complete recording of mans the George Gershwin’s “Porgy and soundboard Bess.” at Z99, UCO's A graduate of Oklahoma City student radio University, Mitchell has given station. Z99 numerous vocal performances introduced a throughout Europe, Asia and new Christian North America. morning For more information contact Dr. Sam Magill at 974.5684. show Jan. 10.

Christian morning show debuts on UCO radio radio show to get everyone’s day started off,” said Aycock, interpersonal communications junior. He said they picked the time most students would be getting ready for their first classes. “We try to play the top songs on Christian radio now,” Koehn said, which includes Third Day, Jars of Clay, Audio Adrenaline, Chris Tomlin and Jeremy Camp. In addition to music, the show features “Anne’s Dating Advice” on Thursdays at 8:45 a.m. with broadcasting department desk clerk Anne Johnson, who answers students’ questions about love

by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer UCO radio station Z99 FM launched its newest segment, “Christian Morning Radio,” Jan. 10. The show airs Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9:25 a.m., with hosts “Wild” Bill Aycock, “Mello” Matt Koehn and “The Morning Girl” Lisa Rodgers. “We thought it was about time we had a Christian segment on the radio station,” said Koehn, broadcasting junior. “We realized that there are a lot of people at UCO that like Christian music, and we wanted to come up with a good

Please see RADIO, page 3

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Melissa Wilkins can be reached at

There she is...

INSIDE Student Profile UCO's Melissa Montgomery follows her dream of singing professionally all the way to Nashville, Tenn. See Profiles Pg. 3

Entertainment The Vista's Nathan Winfrey reviews the vampire squel, Underworld: Evolution. See Entertainment Pg. 5 En Garde! Sports Editor Kristen Limam trades jabs with the UCO Fencing Club. INDEX Opinion.......................2 News..........................3 Sports.........................4 Classifieds...................6

See Sports Pg. 10

Sallee crowned Miss UCO by Melissa Wilkins Staff Writer Jill Sallee was crowned Jan. 20 at the 30th Annual Miss UCO Pageant. Sixteen students competed for the title, a scholarship and a chance to compete for the title of Miss Oklahoma this summer. “I think the Miss UCO pageant is a good opportunity for people who have the right motives to make difference and become a role model for their peers and younger women,” said Amanda Buntin, Mass Communications major. Former Miss UCO, Keelee Bright kicked off the pageant with her performance of “A Moment Like This.” In front of a panel of seven judges, each contestant competed in the categories of swimwear, casual wear, formal wear and an on-stage question.

Bridget Jaime was first runnerup also taking home the Ad-Sales award. Lindsey Rine won the People’s Choice award, while Jaclyn Strahorn and Rine tied for the Miss Congeniality award. Leslie Similly tied with Sallee for the Director’s award. Michelle McCoy, dance performance major, took the Best Talent award for her dance routine and the Best Swimsuit award Cara Blankenship was ranked as third runner-up and Strahorn was fourth runner-up. “If I had only won the award for Best Talent I would have been happy, I was completely elated,” McCoy said. As the pageant came to a close, some students celebrated while others shed tears.

Please see MISS UCO, page 7

Keelee Bright crowns Jill Sallee at the Miss UCO pageant Jan. 20 at Mitchell Hall.

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki



January 24, 2006

theVista Editorial


Matt Cauthron, Editor in Chief Courtney Bryce, Managing Editor Trisha Evans, Copy Editor

Brett Deering, Photo Editor Midori Sasaki Travis Marak



Nathan Winfrey, Staff Writer Ashley Romano, Staff Writer Christina Purdom, Staff Writer Ariel Grant, Staff Writer Melissa Wilkins, Staff Writer Desiree Treeby, Staff Writer

Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

Cartoons/Illustrations Cary Stringfield


Sports Kristin Limam, Sports Editor Teddy Burch, Sports Writer

Nancy Brown

Adviser Mark Zimmerman

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 9745549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.


Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Editorial cartoons do not necessarily represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with by BrettofDeering a maximum 150 words, Vista Staff Writer and must include the author’s printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@

Cartoon by Cary Stringfield


Should pageants include swimsuits? by Vista Staff Writer Melissa Wilkins Originating from the early 1930’s, beauty pageants have been around for a long time. It started out as a program that helped young women further their education and also shed light on important issues that needed to be heard. Those issues became easier to hear if the beautiful woman discussing them was wearing a smile. That theory changed to the beautiful woman wearing a smile along with a bikini. Somewhere along the way beauty began to play a more pertinent role in society and within pageants around the world. As you all know this weekend Jill Sallee was crowned Miss UCO 2006. Deserving the title or not is not for anyone other than the panel of seven

judges to decide but what are the key components used to weed out the prettiest female? According to the “beauty statistics,” of pageants, looking fabulous in an evening gown, casual outfit and a skimpy bathing suit are more important than the level of intelligence of a beauty queen. Prancing around in a barely-there outfit is not going to bring world peace. Questions were asked on stage but the topics chosen were careless and did not show the intellectual side of the 16 contestants. Some students said a swimsuit competition is needed to judge the importance of the physical appearance. “It shows that they really care about themselves and take care

of their bodies,” said Kandyce Rodgers, freshman. That aspect of a pageant indeed shows confidence but that is no reason for the contestants to be looked at underneath a magnifying glass. The swimsuit competition is worth only five percent less than the onstage question and interview. What we are saying is that the mind is just barely more important than looking flawless in a bikini. The woman’s liberation movement was about women joining together, refusing to be looked at as an object. Now, 75 years later, society is saying it is okay to pay more attention to the outer core of a woman than the entire package. “I think all pageants objectify

women,” said Chase Bessonett, Mass Communications major. Being able to present yourself in an elegant manner with grace and dignity is important but how about covering up the belly button to achieve that goal? The message that beauty pageants are sending do nothing but give young women a complex about their bodies. Society should be promoting strong-minded women who can forge ahead and accomplish more than the on-going parking problem at UCO. In order to do that, America needs a beauty queen that won’t pass out from eating only lettuce. Melissa Wilkins can be reached at

Letter to the editor I just want to say that the deplorable parking problem at UCO is rapidly escalating with the introduction of the H.O.V. parking lot. It may be designed to solve parking problems long range (for who-UCO?), but short term problems for commuters are sheer torture. Here are the problems, I’ve encountered so far: 1. The time it takes to drive around & find a parking place is seriously eating up my study time, gas & finances for the extra gas it takes to look for a place to park. 2. I cant always get up at the crack of dawn in order to get here early enough to get a decent parking place. 3. It seems like UCO has about 3000 parking places for commuting students (not teachers), but they sold about 3500 permits creating a parking problem in the first place.(figures are

theoretical) 4. I am concentrating on doing the best job possible in my classes, & therefore do not have time to go about hunting for someone to carpool with. 5. If I did have the time to hunt for a carpooler(s), I dont have the remotest idea how. Do I stand out on a street corner & wave a sign or what? I dont know anyone from my area in the city that I could contact or even see if our schedules would match up to carpool. I talked to some other students about the above, and they felt the same way. How many students did the university ask before this new regulation was instituted? Were they even considering the students’ welfare in doing this?

al? Or, is it that the liberal professors are more apt to preach their views? The biggest problem with this is intimidation. I have felt too intimidated in some classes to argue with a professor, for fear of a lowered grade. Also, sometimes I just want to avoid the bandwagon of the classmates teaming up with the professor to attack my views. It’s tough to be a conservative in such a liberal atmosphere. I think political commentary and debating has a place in higher education, but they are often abused. Some critics of my point of view may say that I would feel differently if

it were mostly conservatives preaching their views, and yes, it’s probably true, but I don’t have that luxury.

Sincerely, Ann Carruth

with Jaylynn Pound, UCO College Republicans

I have heard the greatest news of my college career: UCLA alumni members are offering $100 to students in exchange for notes and tapes of lectures by professors with extreme left-wing political views. They are trying to weed out the professors who waste time rambling on about their political views, forcing their ideas on students. This is not a new concern

for me. As editor-inchief of the student newspaper at Rose State College, I wrote an editorial about this very topic. I was tired of some professors daily getting their digs in at President Bush, the “evil administration,” and conservatives in general. I received some pretty hateful letters, one in particular from a professor whose class I was in at the time. Two years later, I’m still hearing the political propa-

ganda. I think it is unprofessional, unnecessary, and aimed to indoctrinate us, though it’s masked under attempts to “make us think.” Here are some good examples: During a political discussion in a speech class my freshman year, I was arguing against a very liberal professor and some other students in class. I made a very valid point, and she shook her head and told me I was “wrong, just wrong,” and insisted that I had no idea what I was talking about, only because I didn’t agree with her. During my sophomore year, my sociology professor constantly griped about the

President and why our country was the worst country in the world, until one student got angry and screamed, “Then get the hell out! If you hate this country so bad, just get the hell out.” I’ve had professors be very up front about their views, revealing their political affiliation on the first day of class, and even one who was in the middle of a lecture and began talking about how she didn’t understand why we were at war with Iraq. Interestingly, I have NEVER had a class with a professor who degrades Democrats and preaches Republican values. Why are most professors liber-

If you’re a member of a campus organization, if you’re a faculty member or if you simply have something to say to the UCO community, The Vista wants to hear from you. If you have an idea for a “My Turn” piece for the editorial page, e-mail it to editorial@thevistaonline. com with your e-mail address and telephone number. You may also email a ready-to-publish “My Turn” submission to Submissions should be between 300-500 words in length.


Compiled and photographed by Travis Marak and Midori Sasaki.

Do beauty pageants objectify women? “No, because it shows their beauty and personality.”

“I think women choose to be in beauty pageants, so it doesn't objectify them. But I think they hone in on looks while scholarship pageants focus on intelligence.”

“Yes and no, depending on the categories they participate in.”

“No, as long as they are passionate about their goals and it signifies what they stand for.”

Chante Buckner

Rick Foresse

April Molina

Hunter Owen

Psychology & Special Ed., junior

Broadcasting, freshman

Broadcasting, freshman

Theater, sophomore


January 24, 2006


Songstress follows dream all the way to Nashville by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer Singer, songwriter and former UCO student Melissa Montgomery followed a dream to Nashville a year ago, and will perform with her self-titled rock band the first time Jan. 12. She has been singing since she was nine, starting with a Christmas play solo in fourth grade. After competing in a talent show, she started performing at Choctaw First Baptist Church at the age of 12. After her fall 2004 semester at UCO, Montgomery went to visit a friend at Belmont University in Nashville, where she had planned to finish school. There she met David Preston, the president of Broadcast Music Inc., and he asked her for a CD, which he distributed. “I just got lucky that he was there when I was performing,” she said. She had already recorded a short CD, produced by Ryan Bellgardt in Oklahoma, and had that ready to give to Preston. As a tradeoff for recording her music, Montgomery performed jingles that Bellgardt wrote for BankFirst and car dealerships. “His production was amazing and it gave me a good package to take to people,” she said. She still does a few jingles for Bellgardt when she is in town. After giving her CD to the president of Broadcast Music Inc., he took her to lunch and wanted her to sign with him, but she didn’t. “I don’t have to sign with

because all I had were my clothes and I was totally out of my comfort zone,” she said, but in the first couple of months, people started to notice her writing. In September, she signed to write with Spinbox Club, a publishing company. Usually, when someone gets signed to a label, they send them to Spinbox, but this is the first time they have worked with an unsigned artist. She said they plan to take her to labels when she gets her material ready. “I’m in the studio all the time writing,” she said. She has written with Pam Reswick, who wrote for Mandy Moore and Jodi Messina. She said producer Nathan Meckel and his publisher father, Mark Meckel, are working with her as an artist. “We’re trying to do a different sound that nobody’s heard,” she said. “I used to sing country, until I kind of discovered myself.” She said she doesn’t like to sing other people’s music, so she started writing her own three years ago, influenced by writers Raylan Tagne, Butch Walker and Pat Benatar. Photo provided “Many people have moldFormer UCO student Melissa Montgomery will perform with her self- ed me,” Montgomery said. “I love ‘80s rock. She (Benatar) titled rock band Jan. 12. is what made me want to do rock.” anybody until my music starts ed to go at that moment. I had Montgomery sings in the to get out there,” Montgomery been talking about it for years,” said. Montgomery said. “I’m kind of ‘80s rock cover band Perpetual However, she decided to putting school on hold to push Motion every Friday and Saturday night, which plays move to Nashville right away. forward in my career.” “Something told me I need“At first I was nervous music from bands like the

Eagles, Journey, Pat Benatar first CD. Regardless of whether and Melissa Etheridge. she signs, her CD should be in “Ones that they can drink stores in about a year because and sing along to, basically,” she has a distributor. she said with a laugh. “It’s not about fame and for“When I was doing coun- tune for me, it’s about being try, Faith Hill was my inspira- successful in what I love to do,” tion, but listening to Whitney she said. “I’ll always be writHouston, I was like, ‘Oh man, I ing, doing what I love, but if I wanna do that’,” she said. get on a major label that would Montgomery appeared on be great.” “Star Search” in 2004, after her “Everything fell into place sister persuaded her to audition and it was weird…people are in Dallas her senior year of high there (Nashville) for years and school. don’t get anything…it was She was asked to come back like everything came to me,” the next day, so they drove back Montgomery said. “Sometimes to Dallas for interviews and it takes a few years and it’s a test performance in front of not going to happen overnight, cameras. though it could. Dreams never When she got the acceptance come easy.” call, Montgomery said, she was Montgomery said her musiso excited she stopped her car in cal education at UCO helped the middle of the road. her prepare for her career. She “Star Search” flew her to took piano classes and learned Los Angeles, where she prac- to read music. ticed on the same stage “I Love “God helped me a lot through Lucy” was filmed. everything. Without him basi“I wasn’t nervous the whole cally I’m nothing,” she said. week until I got on the stage,” “I’ve been so blessed with wonshe said. derful parents and a wonderful She didn’t win, but she said family. If it wasn’t for my supher stage presence has improved portive family, I wouldn’t be since the competition. where I am.” “It kind of eased my nerves, Information about her band knowing that I’ve performed in and future shows can be found front of 40 million viewers,” on her myspace and www. she said. “I feel like I could get on stage and perform in front of that many people and do it a hundred times better.” Montgomery said she has never been in love, so she writes her love songs from other people’s experiences. She said she hopes to get five or six songs together, then sign Nathan Winfrey can be reached at with a major label and finish her

CENTRAL CONNECTION different areas. Goodman said after he completed the program, he was paired up through the Leadership Oklahoma Mentorship Program with a graduate of Leadership Oklahoma. Leadership Oklahoma picks 50 community leaders each year to participate in a series of 10 sessions that addresses critical issues the state faces. Goodman said his mentor turned out to be Steve Kreidler, executive vice president of UCO administration. “I’m learning so much from him,” Goodman said. “I hope he’s learning from me.” Goodman said he ran the idea of having a similar program at UCO by Dr. Cheryl by Vista photographer Brett Deering Steele, special assistant to the president and executive direcNorman Maskland, recreation management junior, chats with tor for leadership programs, his mentor, Sunshine Cowan, UCO kinesiology instructor Jan. by pairing students up with faculty and staff. “Dr. Steele loved it,” Goodman said. “Some students come from out of state. Some parents don’t know the environment of UCO. I think the most important thing is there’s never an excuse to not be mentored.” Goodman said the goals of the program are to give stu-Accepting New Patients dents a chance to network, a -Same Day Appointments -Convenient Location

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from page 1

chance to grow and to give both sides an opportunity to learn. “In any kind of mentorship it’s not just the mentee learning,” Goodman said. Goodman said once the program was approved he went to both the UCO Senate and House to get student participants. “We tried to get a vast array of students,” Goodman said. Goodman said more faculty and staff signed up than students. No students were turned away. “You don’t want to deny anyone the chance to have a mentor,” Goodman said. Goodman said students will set goals for the semester with their mentors. He said food vouchers have been passed out to encourage them to spend time together. “If they want to meet every morning for coffee they can,” Goodman said. “If they want to meet once a semester they can. As long as they’re communicating with each other, there’s bound to be positive results.” Goodman said there are several juniors in the program who still haven’t declared majors. He said an example of a goal for them might be to internships and hands-on experiences with the professionals at OSBI. In turn we will, hopefully, provide them with highly trained personnel.” Johnson said the OSBI building is a state building and UCO has invested no money in it. Johnson said $5.7 million, out of a $20 million bond, has been appropriated to the building of it’s own forensics lab, which is still in the conceptual process. The lab will be at an undecided location on the main campus. The Forensic Science Center was to replace the lab located in the OSBI headquarters, which, according to OSBI officials is too small and outdated.

While no decisions have been made regarding the budget, Brown said a delay even as long as 12 months could increase the need by $2 million. “The project is part of a partnership with the City of Edmond, UCO, and OSBI,” said UCO News Bureau Director, Charles Johnson. Johnson said if the Science Center were completed, it would work in conjunction with the Forensic Institute Project, a building that UCO plans to construct within the year. “The partnership was winwin,” Johnson said. “Students Christina Purdom can be reached will be able to participate in at


pick a major by the end of the semester. “This program really is what you make of it,” Goodman said. “If you make awesome goals, you can be held accountable. What you put into it will definitely be what you get out of it.” Goodman said there will a recess at the end of the semester and new students will sign up for the fall. Courtney Bryce can be reached at

RADIO from page 1 and romance, Koehn said. Koehn said he hopes to eventually host the show later in the day as well because, “Not all college students get up at 8 a.m.” Aycock said as their number of listeners grows, he wants to start giveaways and use a more expansive music list. Koehn said Aycock was the driving force behind the new show, and it was Aycock that recruited the other hosts. “I love it; I think it’s amazing.” Koehn said. “I think it a really good chance for people to know what’s going on in their area with Christian concerts and organizations.” Koehn said the best way to hear their show is on www., because Z99’s signal barely reaches beyond the Communication Building. He encourages listeners to call 9742930 during the show and give their thoughts. “We’re always up for talking to people on-air,” he said. Aycock said, “We felt this was a really good way to spread the word of God to UCO students that might listen to morning shows on the radio but don’t necessarily like going to church.” “I want to see the show grow and become something that a lot of people are enjoying and listening to,” he said. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS n UCO Career Services are holding on campus recruitment throughout the spring semester in Room 338 in the Nigh University Center. Register to interview with various employees for internships and full-time employment. To see who’s recruiting log on to n The Oklahoma Blood Institute will sponsor a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 8-9 across from the UCO Bookstore in the Nigh University Center. For more information contact Brooke Wilson at 974-2593. n Campus Life will sponsor the Oklahoma Conference on College Student Character. Registration forms are available in Room 422 in the Nigh University Center. n Campus Life will host the UCO Blazers Night at 7:35 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Ford Center. For more information contact Campus Life at 974-2363. n Homecoming Board applications are available until Jan. 27 in room 424 of the Nigh University Center. n Orientation Leader applications, formally known at OTLs, are available in Room 424 in the Nigh University Center. They are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 3. For more information contact Emily Overocker at 974-3589. n Applications are now available for the Lead Team. The Lead Team helps plan and oversee orientation and Stampede Week. Only past OTLs can apply. For more information contact Emily Overocker. n The UCO Accounting Club will hold monthly meetings at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 6, March 6 and April 3 in the Will Rogers Meeting Room in the Nigh University Center. Professional dress is preferred. n Britain, Ireland and London – A Mass Communication Department Study Tour from July 8 through July 27. An information meeting is at 4 p.m., Feb. 1 in room 211 of the Communications Building. “Quest for King Arthur” English Department study tour to England, Wales and Scotland information meeting is at 7 p.m., Jan. 30 in room 128 of the Liberal Arts building. *These study tours are open to all students of any major as well as nonstudents, financial aid available.


January 24, 2006

R&B group 'Meant2B' releases first album by Christina Purdom Staff Writer After a long choreography practice, the local R&B group, Meant2B, relaxed in the lobby of the Wellness Center to talk about their most recent accomplishments and the journey that brought them there. On Dec. 20, the four-person group, which consists of two UCO alumni, finally made their dream come true—they released their first album. “Ever since I’ve been doing music, I’ve wanted my own CD. We’ve finally accomplished that,” said Ahmad Kennedy who goes by the nickname “Snoopy.” Snoopy met Eric Hollowell, or “Ezo”, through a church choir in 2000. Ezo met Tre McCoy and Dele Olasiji, who were students at UCO and involved in a singing group called Different Approach, at a party on campus later that year. They soon recognized their mutual love for music as well as the quartet’s potential. “We discussed putting a group together…and Meant2B was started,” said Olasiji, known in the group as "Dele Del." Meant2B has been featured alongside names such as 50 Cent, Twista, the Ying Yang Twins, Busta Rhymes and Amanda Perez. From performances at the WILD Splash Concert in 2003 to the 2005 M.A.G.I.C. Convention in Las Vegas, each member has his own memory of the group’s path to stardom. The personalities and opinions of each member vary as much as their voices, when joined, both created a perfect harmony.

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

From left: Tre McCoy, Eric "Ezo" Hollowell, Ahmad "Snoopy" Kennedy and Dele "Dele Del" Olasiji of the R&B group 'Meant2B' rehearse dance moves Jan. 18 in the UCO Wellness Center. “All four of us can do a solo album and it will succeed,” Tre said. “That is what makes us different.” Traces of their predecessors can be heard throughout Meant2B’s self-titled, debut album. They claim to have been influenced by everything from the Temptations to Michael Jackson to Missy Elliot. “(I’m most influenced) by Jodeci because they’re the first real Hip-Hop Thugs,” Snoopy

said. “They transformed what R&B stood for. They had a grimy image, but put off soul.” Each of the members has a different story about how or why they make music, but all of them agree on one thing: “Our music is a soundtrack of our lives,” Tre said. They write about their life experiences and the experiences of those close to them, Dele said. The tight–knit group poke fun at each other in a brotherly way, as they explain what their music means to them. “My music means the world

to me,” Tre said amid the jests of his peers. “I couldn’t see myself doing anything that wasn’t musically inclined.” “Music is a way for me to express my thoughts and emotions without talking about it,” Ezo said. “It’s like a journal.” The group writes and produces most of their songs and, although their first album hit the shelves less than a month ago, they’re already working on material for their next tracks, Ezo said. As they argue playfully over who gets what favorite song, it is evident that each song on their

2B has been featured on several local and statewide radio stations. Many of their singles have been named “most requested song” on various stations and have triumphed over groups such as Nickleback and the Black Eyed Peas in KJ 103’s Weekly Music Challenge, according to the group’s website. “We’re building a foundation for hip-hop and R&B in OKC,” Dele said. While the group is considered R&B, they have developed their own unique urban style, one that incorporates each of the singers’ personal backgrounds. In their website, Snoopy states, “Each of us has a different style of music, which ranges from R&B, hip-hop, gospel, neo-soul, and jazz.” “Our music is for everyone,” Snoopy said. “We’re a group for the generations, past and present.” “[Our music] describes us and all our personalities,” Dele adds. “That’s why people feel our music so much.” As the evening fades into night and the traffic dwindles in the halls of the Wellness Center, the singers grow restless, eager to spend time with their families. They pack up, still clad in the baggy clothes they practiced choreography in hours before, and head to their homes to prepare for another day of living out their dreams. Before leaving for the evening, Dele sends a word of advice and inspiration to all young artists and dreamers. “Reach for the Stars,” he said. “Anything is possible, no matter where you’re from.”

15-track CD is significant to the members of the ensemble. “I’ll go last, but you better not say what I’m gonna say,” Dele sarcastically warns the rest of the group. Tre claims “Hey DJ” as his favorite song, “because I love hearing it at the club and seeing the whole crowd dance to [our] music.” Dele waits for Snoopy to explain why “Worst Way” is his song of choice before jumping up and excitedly saying “the whole album is off the chain!” In a state that is not usu- Christina Purdom can be reached ally known for its R&B, Meant at


January 24, 2006


'Underworld' sequel for those seeking fun, not art by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer A beautiful girl falls into a forbidden love affair with a handsome young man from a rival family with whom there has been a bitter feud for centuries. Sound familiar? It’s not “Romeo and Juliet,� it’s the plot of the original “Underworld,� where Romeo is a werewolf named Michael and Juliet is a vampire named Selene. The 2003 hit was an imaginative foray into the “what if� and struck box office gold with geeks and action fans alike. After two years, the story continues with the worthy, yet ridiculously-titled sequel, “Underworld: Evolution.� After a cool flashback to the 13th Century, Kate Beckinsale’s third vampire movie in three years picks up seconds after the first film drew to a gory close, and finds her character Selene fleeing with lapdog Michael (Scott Speedman, TV’s “Felicity�) after the fur hit the fan with betrayals and shocking revelations on both sides. After the accidental awakening of Marcus, the last vampire elder (the other two bit the dust in the first movie), no one is safe as the vindictive patriarch impales, sucks and decapitates his way through swarms of the undead, seeking a way to release AP his werewolf brother William Selene (Kate Beckinsale), the vampire warrior, tries to unlock the secrets of her bloodline in after centuries of imprisonment. This won’t happen if Selene and 'Underworld: Evolution.'

Michael have anything to say about it. As the plot thickens, so does the pile of bodies littering their paths. As if vampires and werewolves aren’t dangerous enough, the ones featured in “Underworld: Evolution� are armed to the teeth with an arsenal that would make the U.S. government blush. Bullets tipped with ultraviolet light and shurikens of silver make short work of creatures that once

Anne Rice is in no danger of losing her job, but dumb fun rarely gets better than this.

stepfather in the brilliant British spoof “Shaun of the Dead,� a devilish corporate executive in “The Constant Gardener,� and will be squaring off against Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow in the upcoming sequel to “Pirates of the Caribbean� where he plays a mutant pirate. Straddling both camp and class flawlessly, Nighy continues to prove that he is the best movie monster actor since Christopher Lee, and it’s a crying shame the producers of the “Harry Potter� movies didn’t have the foresight to cast Nighy as the dark wizard Voldemort. Don’t buy your ticket expecting the new millennium’s answer to the benchmark “Interview with the Vampire,� this is not high art by any stretch of the imagination, and Anne Rice is in no danger of losing her job, but dumb fun rarely gets better than this. Though they script is speckled with enough holes to strain pasta, all involved make a valiant, and mostly successful, attempt at not only a coherent plot, but an engaging tale of intrigue and betrayal, which is more than can be said of most action movies touched by the supernatural. Everything is taken up a few notches—the excitement, the gore, the action, the much-improved special effects and everything else the kind of person who would want to see this movie would desire. Unfortunately, gone is some of the mystique from the original, which was much more plot-oriented and dripping with delectable Goth-chic. You kind of wanted to be a vampire after watching the first movie, except for maybe the blood-sucking part. Here it doesn’t look quite as appealing. Gone are the fancy clothes and swanky digs, replaced by decadent sleaze, dank catacombs, and Marcus’s bat-like wings and Nosferatu face. “Underworld: Evolution� probably won’t win any Oscars, but it’s way more fun and a much better way to spend $6.50 than a lot of movies that will.

required garlic, a crucifix and a well-placed wooden stake to take down. The result is more blood for your buck, and if severed heads were dollars you could more than pay for your admission ticket, and maybe some popcorn and a small drink at the snack bar. I never liked their decision to call the werewolves “Lycans,� which is short for the werewolf synonym “Lycanthrope.� I just think it’s confusing and makes me think of green algae. Speedman’s return as Michael, who became the first vampire/Lycan hybrid at the end of the first movie, keeps the continuity that writers Danny McBride and Len Wiseman (also the director and Beckinsale’s husband) so carefully kept from the original, but I think the film could have done just fine without him. At times he came in handy, like dragging Selene’s battered body out of the deadly sunlight or going medieval on some particularly nasty undead beasties, but for most of the movie he has nothing to do but stand there and make comments about what’s going on, get shot a lot and break simple vampire rules like eating human food (which results in some nice projectile vomiting). The continuity mentioned earlier is one of the stron- Nathan Winfrey can be reached at gest points of “Underworld: Evolution,� which brings back nearly every character that survived the first film (and many that didn’t) even if their sole purpose is to go out like a punk in the first five minutes. One such postmortem reappearance is the character Viktor, the vampire king who some may remember got his head cut 1. “Underworld: Evoluin two in the first movie. He is tion,� Sony, $27.6 milback for some brand new scenes lion. via the magic of flashbacks and a cool vampire autopsy, plus we get to see the vertical decapita2. “Hoodwinked,� Weintion for a second time. stein Co., $11 million. Viktor’s brief return is crucial to the plot, but for no other 3. “Glory Road,� Disney, reason, British actor Bill Nighy $9.1 million. is too cool to leave out of the cast, even if a minor thing like 4. “Last Holiday,� Parathe death of his character makes it a bit difficult. mount, $9.1 million. Nighy is the main reason to watch any movie that he’s 5. “Brokeback Mounin, and he is in top, oozing, tain,� Focus, $7.8 million. vile form here with his nasal voice and seething delivery. A 6. “Fun With Dick and vampire in the “Underworld� movies, Nighy played a zombie Jane,� Sony, $6.1 million.

Weekend box office leaders

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7. “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,� Disney, $6 million. 8. “Hostel,� Lions Gate, $4.3 million. 9. “The New World,� New Line, $4.2 million. 10. “End of the Spear,� Rocky Mountain, $4.2 million.


Miss UCO

January 24, 2006

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Miss UCO 2006 Jill Sallee celebrates her new title with the other contestants Jan. 20 in Mitchell Hall Theater. Sallee will receive an $1800 tuition waver and expenses paid trip to compete in the 2006 Miss Oklahoma Scholarship Pageant this summer in Tulsa.

Jill Sallee thanks the crowd as runner-up Bridget Jaime looks on.

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Jaclyn Michelle Strahorn performs "All Rise" in the talent portion of the Miss UCO pageant. by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Leslie Similly sings "It's Alright With Me" as her vocal talent.

January 24, 2006 /\x°xÊ

Price and participation may vary. © 2006 McDonald’s





Colleges offer summer tours through Europe by Desiree Treeby Staff Writer Travel to England, Wales and Scotland on a quest for King Arthur A 23-day adventure with day trips following King Arthur’s path is July 5 through July 28 with professor of English, Dr. Allen Rice. “It’s different seeing those places than just hearing about them or watching them on television. For weeks students’ mouths are agape,” Rice said. “It’s a hoot and we’ll have a great time.” This will be Rice’s third trip to Europe. He said all students can go whether they are undergrads or graduate students. Traveling to places such as Stonehenge, which Rice describes as if it is transported from a mystic vision, students get the opportunity to see King Arthur’s historic landmarks. The trip includes visiting castles in Bath with mystical looking coastlines and Badon Hill, which is known for King Arthur’s greatest victory. Some medieval literature says King Arthur died in Bath, but another medieval myth says he is living in a cave and will come back to civilization. The monks believe he was born at Tintagel and died at Glastonbury, the oldest site of Christianity in England. Rice said the trip would be

great as a graduation gift or an opportunity to travel Europe. Sixteen spots are available and an informational meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. in Room 128 of the Liberal Arts Building. Rice can be contacted at 974–5637.

“Traveling to Europe is like getting a college education in itself.”

travel abroad while financial aid is available and before they get married, have children and mortgages. “Traveling abroad rounds out your education,” Hanebutt said. The first trip to Europe he took was at the age of 27. He was working at a newspaper and said he ate peanut butter for a year, saving money for his trip. “It was the best thing I ever did,” Hanebutt said. An informational meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. Feb. 1 in Room 211 of the Communications Building.

Dr. Mark Hanebutt

Travel to Britain, Ireland and London “Traveling to Europe is like getting a college education in itself,” said Dr. Mark Hanebutt, professor of Mass Communications and sponsor of the department’s study tour this coming summer. “It’s equivalent to getting a graduate degree in a month.” The Department of Mass Communication’s Britain, Ireland and London study tour is July 8-July 27. Any student can go. “What you’ll learn stays with you the rest of your life,” Hanebutt said. He said he is excited students have the opportunity to

Desiree Treeby can be reached at

MISS UCO from page 1 “It was sad when it was over because we were almost like a family and we had all worked so hard together all week long,” McCoy said. “People think it’s about looks and beauty but it’s really about a scholarship and character,” Kristen Kliewer, UCO freshman. Melissa Wilkins can be reached at

Weekend rainfall not enough to curb drought, fire danger AP -- Heavy rainfall over the weekend put a bit of a damper on Oklahoma’s drought, but did little to extinguish the fire danger. Up to 2 inches of rain fell in some areas of southeastern Oklahoma, including 1.86 inches in Idabel and more in Broken Bow. “This particular weekend was nice. It will help with the fire danger, but it’s about enough as paying the minimum amount due on a credit card,” said Derek Arndt, acting state climatologist Derek Arndt said. “It keeps things at bay for a week but it’s not making longterm progress.” The National Weather Service in Norman reported more than an inch of rain in southeast parts of the state, but neither Oklahoma City nor Tulsa received significant rainfall. /\Ó£Ê



Precipitation amounts included .02 inches in Altus and Guthrie; .22 at Weatherford; .64 inches at Ardmore; 1.34 inches at Antlers and 2.01 in Broken Bow, the National Weather Service reported. Southeastern Oklahoma has been either in drought or flirting with drought for several years, Arndt said. The Southeast Oklahoma Climate Division, made up of Choctaw, Latimer, Le Flore, McCurtain and Pushmataha counties, was the driest of the 392 climate divisions in the continental United States last year, Arndt said. “The departure from normal in eastern Oklahoma of similar magnitude is pretty rare,” Arndt said. “In western Oklahoma it’s much more part of the climate cycle.” Southeastern Oklahoma receives an average of 50.94

inches of rainfall a year, statistics show. The 24.49 inches of rain recorded in 2004 made 2005 the driest since 1921, according the climate survey’s Web site. “The western two-thirds of the state are really dry, too,” Arndt said. “The short-term and medium-term effects have taken hold in western Oklahoma as well.” Other annual rainfall amounts were well below average, ranging from 35.85 inches in Oklahoma City, 34.25 inches in Enid, 31.64 inches at Lawton to 16.81 inches in Goodwell, Arndt said.



January 24, 2006

Deadlines & Prices DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $3/day for the first 25 words and $.12/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5916 for additional info.

Special Notices LOOKING FOR A JOB OR INTERNSHIP? UCO Spring Career & Internship Fair, Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 10:30am to 2pm, NUC Ballroom, 3rd Floor. _______________________ ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR ESL for Internat’l Students We offer a friendly environment with small classes of 4-10 students. Here you can prepare for university study, the TOEFL, and a successful career. LOW PRICE $960 Per 4 Week Term For more info 348-7602 ____________________ ENGLISH CLASSES Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE tutoring available *PREPARATION for TOEFL



DENTAL PLAN $11.95 per month single; $19.95 family. No deductibles, no claim forms. Includes Vision, RX and chiropractic plans. Affordable health and life plans also. Call Michelle at 340-4998. _____________________ RENTERS- Get $10,000 coverage for $17-$22 per month! Great auto rates for good students too. Call Michelle at 340-4998 for free quote. _____________________ EYE EXAM, FRAME & LENSES: 10% Off CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Exam, Fitting & 12 pr contacts: $210 CAMPUS OPTICAL 13 N University Dr Edmond, 341-3567 _____________________ DO YOU think you might be pregnant? Would you like a free confidential pregnancy test or just someone to talk to? Call Birth Choice of Edmond at 330-2111. _____________________

PREGNANT? SCARED? We’re here to help! Pregnancy testing, confidential consultation, ultrasound referral. Christian Services of Oklahoma, 478-3362.

Help Wanted


CONSTRUCTION WORK Immediate openings PT/FT, no experience required. Hard work, good pay. Framing experience a PLUS. Edmond area, call 824-8954. ______________________ LIKE CARS? FASTLANES is now hiring lube techs. We fully train on all vehicle maintenance! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. Limited positions available. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. _____________________ NEED A JOB? Like to work in a cool atmosphere? Then swing by FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ____________________ ATTENTION: Business and Management majors. FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter is looking for individuals who have leadership skills. With new stores opening we are looking for people to grow with us. Good pay and possible health benefits. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ______________________ PART TIME help needed at local daycare 2:30-6:00pm. Must love kids. Please call 330-3077. _____________________ GENERAL ASSISTANT position with an established service-oriented company engaged in market research and development, 10-15 hrs/wk as available, Mon thru Fri. Must have own transportation. Hourly base pay plus mileage and extras. Excellent opportunity for entrepeneur-spirited person. Internet savvy a PLUS. Call 623-2857. ______________________ QUALITY individual needed to train for residential window cleaning. Must have resume, proof of enrollment, documented GPA of 3. or above, your own transportation, preferably a truck for hauling ladder. Potential earnings of $8-10/hr based on percentage plus mileage. Please call immediately: 340-3914. ______________________ NOW HIRING- We offer flexible scheduling, immediate advancement opportunities, retention bonus and a fun, secure work environment. Call Visionquest Marketing at 749-0332. ______________________ PART TIME sales help needed at Good Earth Health Foods. Please apply at 1415 S Boulevard, Edmond. ______________________ PART TIME nursery help needed at Acts II United Methodist Church. Call 359-2286 for more info. _______________________

KIDZSTREET Hourly Child Care is now hiring teachers and assistant teachers. Some experience preferred. If you are energetic, self-motivated and enjoy being around kids, call Lisa at 405-413-1911. ______________________ **GUERILLA MARKETING/ Promoters needed! Leisure Tours needs students to promote our Spring Break travel packages on campus and with local vendors. Excellent Pay! 800-838-8202. ______________________ NURSERY WORKERS needed at St. Mary's Episcopal Church for the following days and times: *Sun morns 8:30am-12:30pm; *Tues morns 9:45-11:30am; *Wed eves 6:15-8:15pm If you are qualified and available to work any or all of these days, please contact Rev. Rita Henault at St. Mary's, 325 E First St (1st & University), Edmond 341-3855 _______________________ FRONTIER CITY is now hiring for Spring/Summer Paid Internships & Positions. *Human Resources *Marketing *Sales *Retail/Merchandising *Afternoon Receptionist Thousands in college scholarships awarded each year. Must be available to work some weekends and evenings. Contact Adam Harper at 405-478-2140 or email your resume to _______________________ WE PAY up to $75 per online survey. ______________________ EDMOND CPA firm is seeking accounting student for PT receptionist/clerk. Send resume to 3509 French Park Drive, Suite A, Edmond, OK 73034. 348-5200 or fax 348-5295. ____________________ EDMOND Shopping Ctr needs PT help for construction, clean-up and maintenance. Can be full time for summer. Call 330-2555. ________________________ PT JOBS - SENIOR Services of Oklahoma is looking for students to fill PT positions. Several 9am-1pm shifts and 1:305:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10/hr for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is preferred; we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up interview. Ask for Courtney Smith. _______________________ PT POSITION at Elks Alley Antiques, 1201 S Broadway. Must be able to lift 100 lbs. Hours and salary are negotiable. Call 340-2400. _____________________ BLUE RIBBON Pet Boutique needs someone to work Saturday afternoons, 12-5pm, doing general cleaning, filing, customer service, etc. Apply at 356 S Kelly, Edmond. _______________________ TUXEDO JUNCTION needs PT sales help 15-25 hrs/wk. Salary plus commissions. Call Beth at 751-1745 or apply at Quail Springs Mall. _______________________

The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing.

Sudoku 9

7 4 3 2 9 5 1 5 6 7 6 1 4 3 8 6 3 7 2 5 9 8 7 9 4 3 7 2 5 1 8 7 2 4

Puzzle by

Last week's solution

6 1 3 7 9 2 5 8 4

9 5 4 8 1 6 3 7 2

8 7 2 3 5 4 1 9 6

3 8 7 6 4 9 2 5 1

4 6 5 2 7 1 9 3 8

1 2 9 5 8 3 4 6 7

2 4 6 9 3 7 8 1 5

5 3 1 4 6 8 7 2 9

7 9 8 1 2 5 6 4 3

Puzzle by

STRATFORD INN in Edmond needs front desk help. Please apply at 1809 E 2nd St. No phone calls please. ______________________ BRITTON NURSERY is now hiring PT preschool teachers, Mon-Fri, 8am-1pm. Apply at 1423 W Britton, OKC, or call 842-1118. _______________________ LOCAL BAKERY in Edmond needs dependable PT weekend help. Will train. Call 359-8308. _______________________ HANDY STUDENT needed for carpenter's helper and maintenance. Close proximity to UCO campus. Mon-Fri, 1-5pm, some Saturdays. Experience preferred, positive attitude and willingness to work A MUST. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy, able to work unsupervised. Call 341-9651. ______________________ NEED A JOB? Computer technician position for student with AutoCAD experience. Full time or part time. Close proximity to UCO campus. PEREZ ENGINEERING, 341-9651. ______________________ PART TIME TELLERS-Minimum 6mo cash handling experience in a retail environment required; previous teller exp preferred. Exceptional customer service skills a must. Several positions available; visit for a list of available positions. Coppermark Bank offers a comprehensive benefit package and salary commensurate w/experience. Please stop by to complete an application and receive a brief interview. Coppermark Bank, 4631 NW 23rd St, OKC, OK 73127. PHONE 945-8100, FAX 943-2732. EOE _______________________ FARM & RANCH work with apartment provided in return for farm and ranch work. Must know about cattle and horses. Yearround opportunity located 7 miles W of Edmond. Utilities furnished. Call 341-8392. ______________________ THE FUN, flexible job for your BUSY LIFE. McAlister's Deli is now hiring energetic, dedicated people. We offer a fun environment and good compensation. Best of all, we can work with your schedule. Hey, what good is a job if you can't have a life too? Appy at McALISTER'S DELI 1021 E 2nd St, Edmond 340-DELI _______________________ LOOKING for part time nanny Mondays and Wednesdays. Early childhood training or childcare experience preferred. Must love children and provide own transportation. Call Vicki at 752-4460 for more info. _______________________ EDMOND psychological office is looking for a part time secretary/ receptionist Mon-Fri. Must be people-oriented, able to multi-task, and typing skills are required. Job duties include transcription, answering phones, and scheduling appointments. Great for students. Inquire at 341-3085. _______________________

HABANEROS Mexican Restaurant is now hiring FT and PT for waitstaff, hosting and bussers. Experience preferred. Apply at 6833 N Broadway in Edmond (Waterloo & Broadway), or you may call 359-3319. _______________________ PEARL'S Oyster Bar is now hiring for server and hostess positions. Apply at 63rd & Classen, OKC. _______________________ CASCATA Restaurant is now hiring servers, server assistants and bussers. Apply 2-5 Mon-Fri at 801 Signal Ridge Drive (15th & Kelly), Edmond. No calls please. _______________________ EDMOND family with 3-yr-old twins needs help on Sundays 9am-5pm, and Monday 5pm-8:30pm. Duties include child care and basic clean up. Please email to: ______________________ DOWNTOWN law firm seeks full time paralegal. Must exhibit good writing and communication skills. Please fax resume to 405-232-1675 or email to _____________________ LOOKING for violinist to play at February 11 Chinese-themed wedding. Prefer female child. Call Sonya at 354-7776. _______________________ SHOGUN Steak House is taking applications for servers, bussers, dishwashers and hosts. Apply at 11900 N May Ave (S end of North Park Mall) after 5:30pm Sun thru Sat. ______________________ NEED A JOB or Internship? Here are a few of the companies recruiting on campus. Productive Technologies, Jan 25; Randolph AFB, Jan 26; CCH Incorporated, Feb 15. You must be registered with Career Services to interview with companies like these. Stop by NUC, Rm 338 or call 974-3346 for more info. _______________________ ***STUDENTS*** PT WORK-FT PAY Flexible around class, all ages 18+, day/eve/wknd, conditions apply, customer sales/service, 405-751-6018.

For Rent


KENNEDY PLACE APTS 1,2&3 Bedrooms Across from UCO 341-7911 or visit our website ________________ BRYANT GROVE APTS 1, 2&3 Bedrooms 20 S Bryant, Edmond 341-2161 __________________ ONE BEDROOM APT Gas and water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO. 1217 N Roosevelt, $340/mo plus deposit, 341-9651. ______________________ TWO BED, 1 bath four-plex. Quiet, clean area, _ block to UCO, Refrig, stove, dishwasher, w/d included, 1-car garage. $550/ mo plus $550/dep. Call 824-8954, 348-9405. _______________________

DON'T MISS OUT ON OUR STUDENT DISCOUNTS & AWESOME MOVE-IN SPECIALS!!! Now leasing for January, 2006. Two & three bed duplexes, attached garages, atriums (separate study room), huge closets & two full baths, new full-size washer & dryer in each unit, walking distance to UCO (east of UCO stadium). Persimmon Ridge Duplexes 800 N Chowning Avenue Edmond, OK 73034 (405)471-6145 _______________________ SUNSET RIDGE APTS 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath BLOWOUT!!! $450.00/MONTH 1 bed, 1 bath $395 1st Full Month Rent $99 405-341-7987 ________________________ COME HOME to your newly remodeled duplex! New carpet, new full size washer/ dryer, attached garage, separate study. Come home to Persimmon Ridge, 471-6145. ______________________ TOWNHOUSE for lease, 2 bed, 2 bath, kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer hookups, ceiling fans, lots of closet space. NO PETS! New building, 1 blk from UCO, 453 N Blackwelder, $650/mo, $500 dep. TENANT RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES, 1 year lease, 341-9651. ______________________ 2 BED, 2 BATH duplex, 2-car garage. 701 NW 137th, available immediately. Call 265-1103. ______________________ DILLON PARK APTS-N of the football field, furnished, all bills paid, 1015 Chowning. Call 285-5900. ______________________ AFFORDABLE- Spacious units available, 1 bed 1 bath; 2 bed 1&3/4 bath; 2 bed 2&1/2 bath town home and 3 bed, 2 bath. Prices starting as low as $450 plus electric. Student discounts, limited availability. Call today, BOULDER CREEK APTS, 405-341-8911.



**#1 SPRING BREAK Website! Low prices guaranteed. Free Meals & Free Drinks. Book 11 people, get 12th trip free! Group discounts for 6+. or or 800-838-8202.



CLEAN, female roommate needed to share 2 story, 2 bedrm duplex with large kitchen and living area, and small backyard for about $400 rent + bills. 5 minute walk to UCO. For more details call 412-8448. _______________________ $300/MO + electricity near Quail springs Mall. Pool, theater, tanning beds. NO CATS. CALL 323-7825.



from page 10

from page 10

Students pay no membership fee but are encouraged to buy their own equipment after testing some of the club’s tryout gear. Bowen said a complete starter set costs about $100 or less. “People think fencing is an aristocratic sport,” Smith said. “But it’s really not. It’s as cheap as any other sport.” After members have learned the basics, Bowen coaches oneon-one and in a group to develop skills and strategies. The goal is to compete in tournaments with other fencing groups in the area. “If you don’t compete, it’s hardly any fun,” Bowen said. At the last tournament, against Oklahoma City University’s fencing club, Smith came in second place, behind Bowen. Bowen is a level-one certified instructor, the lowest of the five fencing certification levels. He has competed in national tournaments in Wyoming and Utah. Dr. Darian DeBolt, the club’s assistant adviser and assistant professor of humanities and philosophy, has been with the club

Southwestern Oklahoma State in Weatherford. UCO’s women’s basketball team could not overcome a string of turnovers and poor shooting as they lost to Texas A&M-Commerce 67-55 Jan. 18 at UCO. A&M-Commerce opened the second half with a 10-0 run, due in large part to the Bronchos' mistakes, and easily overcame a one-point halftime deficit. UCO had a string of six consecutive turnovers and shot 18.2 percent (4 of 22) from behind the three-point by Vista photographer Travis Marak line. UCO had only one player in John Bowen, left, and Darian DeBolt, right, discuss grip techniques during a UCO Fencing Club meet- double-figures. Cassidy Pillow ing Jan. 19. The club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:40 p.m. in the Health and P.E. Building. for four years and has competed in regional and international competitions. He has studied at Redlands Fencing Center in Oklahoma City for the past 10 years. “[Fencing] has been called physical chess,” DeBolt said. “You’re thinking all the time.

It develops you both physically and mentally.” Carolyn Gresham, a levelfive certified instructor at Oklahoma City Sport Fencing, occasionally attends meetings as a guest trainer. The club is open to UCO students of all skill levels, and

meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:40-10 p.m. on the second floor of the Health and P.E. Building.

Kristen Limam can be reached at


BASKETBALL WOMEN vs. Southwestern Oklahoma Jan. 25, 6 p.m.

MEN vs. Southwestern Oklahoma Jan. 25, 8 p.m.

WOMEN vs. Cameron Jan. 28, 4 p.m.






0 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 3 3 16-19 13




3-7 3-13 2-6 5-17 4-4 2-3 5-9 2-7 0-1

1-2 1-4 0-3 2-7 0-0 1-2 2-4 0-4 0-0


2-2 2-4 2-2 2-2 1-1 0-0 0-0 6-6 1-2

1 3 4 3 4 0 3 1 4

1 4 4 4 5 0 6 2 7 3 23 36

0 1 1 4 0 0 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

0 9 0 9 0 6 0 14 0 9 0 5 0 12 0 10 1 1



1 75



2-7 1-5 3-5 4-9 6-11 2-5 0-1 0-1 8-12 0-1


1-5 0-3 0-0 0-0 4-8 2-5 0-0 0-1 1-2 0-1


1 2 3 3 1 1 2 4 1 0 1 1 3 10 13 2 2 9 11 1 1 1 2 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 24-33 12 29 41 16 2-2 0-0 12-13 0-1 2-4 1-2 0-0 0-0 7-11 0-0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 7 0 2 2 18 1 8 0 18 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0


5 84

Women's Basketball Box Scores, Jan. 18 TEXAS A&M-COMMERCE (9-7) Player WILSON MARSHAL LEWIS MITCHELL MOSLEY

MEN vs. Cameron Jan. 28, 2 p.m.

Teddy Burch can be reached at

Men's Basketball Box Scores, Jan. 18


vs. Newman Jan. 26, 7 p.m.

scored a career-high 19 points shooting 6 of 11, while grabbing a team-high six rebounds and getting three steals. Lindsey Wilson and Mallory Markus both contributed seven points to the game. The Bronchos, who have played four games in the past seven days (0-4), will get a much needed break before returning Jan. 25 for a Lone Star Conference North Division game at Southwestern Oklahoma State University.

UCO (9-8)

vs. Central Missouri State Jan. 25, 7 p.m.


January 24, 2006


by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Sam Belt, sophomore guard, helps the Bronchos along during their 84-75 victory over Texas A&M Commerce Jan. 18 at home.

McCORD SHORT Team Totals





2 0 2 4 7 0 0 3 4 19-27 22




5-8 2-6 5-13 2-9 4-16 1-5 0-3 3-10

0-2 2-5 2-8 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-3 0-0


10-10 1-2 0-1 4-6 3-5 0-0 0-0 1-3

5 7 3 1 1 4 3 5 1 4 8 1 7 14 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 4 7 0 3 7 29 51 11

6 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

2 20 0 7 0 12 2 8 1 11 0 2 0 0 0 7


5 67

UCO (3-14) Player




1-1 2-8 1-5 6-11 1-10 3-7 2-10 2-2 1-4


0-0 1-7 1-4 1-2 0-7 1-1 0-0 0-0 0-1


1-2 2-3 0-0 6-11 4-4 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-0

2 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 4 13-22 13

4 3 1 3 3 1 3 0 0 6 24

6 0 4 3 1 2 6 3 5 1 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 10 37 12

0 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 1

0 3 0 7 0 3 0 19 2 6 1 7 1 4 0 4 0 2


4 55

University of Central Oklahoma



TUESDAY, January 24, 2006

Eleven wrestlers place at Colorado Collegiate meet by Teddy Burch Sports Writer

(197 pounds) took third. All four of UCO’s firstplace finishers upheld No. 1 seeds, with Jones, Timothy and Petersen all going 4-0 on the day while LeadingFox went 3-0. “All in all we had a good weekend,” Assistant coach Kevin Freeman said. “We placed 11 of the 12 guys we had wrestle.”

the Bronchos went on to beat No. 9 Adams State 25-15. UCO won six of the 10 matches against the Grizzlies, getting an 11-0 major decision from Timothy (149 pounds) and a fall from Cort Petersen (165 pounds). “We won the match despite us wrestling flat,” James said. “We just have to be honest with ourselves and we have to be more physical and learn to finish strong,” Adams State won three of the final five matches, including an overtime fall by Raymond Dunning over Earl Jones (133 lbs.). UCO begins a stretch of four matches at home. The Bronchos host Central Missouri State on Jan. 25, then Newman on Jan. 26. Fourth-ranked NebraskaKearney will be here Feb. 2. Top-ranked Nebraska-Omaha will be here Feb. 3.

The UCO wrestling team, ranked No. 5 nationally, continued improving this season winning their first 18 matches and placing four individual champions at the Colorado Collegiates Jan. 21. UCO went 35-11 on the day with 16 bonus-point wins. "I am glad of the way we performed,” head coach "All in all, we had David James said. “We did a good match. We some good things and some not-so-good things but the placed 11 of the positives outweigh the nega- 12 guys we had tives every time you win.” wrestle." The Bronchos placed 11 individuals, with first-place assistant wrestling coach finishes from Earl Jones (133 by Vista photographer Travis Marak Kevin Freeman pounds), Shea Timothy (149 John Bowen, left, associate professor of chemistry and Darian DeBolt, assistant philosophy propounds), Cort Petersen (165 fessor, spar during UCO's Fencing Club meeting Jan. 19 in the Health and P.E. building. pounds) and heavyweight James withheld Shane Josh LeadingFox. Caruthers and Kyle Evans UCO had second-place findue to injures. ishes from Adam Ingram (165 The Bronchos had an pounds) and Kenny Meredith equally impressive victory (184 pounds). semester. a target. The other games are by Kristen Limam Jason Leavitt (157 Jan. 20 over Adams State. “We’re hoping to get a Foil and Sabre. In Foil, only pounds), Jared Hess (174 Timothy’s win in the opening Teddy Burch can be reached at Sports Editor bunch of people involved,” the torso is a target; in Sabre, pounds) and Heath Jolley match gave UCO a lead and said Bowen. He recruited cur- everything from the waist up is The UCO Fencing Club wel- rent president Jeremy Smith a target. comes new members and will two and a half years ago when Bowen said he teaches memWrestling Box Scores, Jan. 21 Wrestling Box Scores, Jan. 21 have you “en garde” in min- Smith took Bowen’s chemistry bers a few techniques at a time, utes. course. and then they practice these Consolation Finals, Colo. Invitational Championship Finals, Colo. Invitational Though it may not be the “Modern fencing, of course, techniques with a partner. WT. RESULTS WT. RESULTS most popular sport, the club’s started when dueling was made Bowen cites the low cost, the 133 Bravo, Western, dec. J. Henning, UCO 3-1 (TB) 133 Jones, UCO, dec. Strong, Air Force, 5-2 faculty adviser and UCO profes- illegal,” Bowen said. “People hands-on participation and the 141 Kriegbaum, AF, pinned R. Henning, UCO, 2:32 149 Timothy, UCO, dec. Lord, AF, 8-2 sor of biology Dr. John Bowen still liked it, and it became a physical and mental aspects of 157 Leavitt, UCO, dec. Gerrard, N. Colorado, 5-2 165 Petersen, UCO, dec. Ingram, UCO, 9-4 174 Hess, UCO, maj. dec. Hart, AF, 11-2 184 Hershey, AF, maj. dec. Meredith, UCO, 11-3 said, “It’s lots of fun and people game.” the game as reasons for students 197 Jolley, UCO, dec. Mumma, Western, 3-2 Hvy J. LeadingFox, UCO, dec. Cullin, Western, 6-0 really enjoy it.” Of the three games in fencing, to get involved. The club’s membership var- the UCO Fencing Club plays ies from about three to 12 each Epeé, where the whole body is Please see FENCING, page 9

Fence like an expert at UCO

Conference play brings a victory for men, a loss for women by Teddy Burch Sports Writer UCO men's and women's basketball teams played back-toback games against Texas A&MCommerce at Hamilton Field House Jan. 18. The men's basketball team got a much-needed conference win over Texas A&M-Commerce, improving their overall record to 9-8. Senior guard Kentrell Gaddis scored seven of his career-high 24 points in overtime as UCO outlasted the Lions 84-75. “This was a good win for us,” said head coach Terry Evans. “Both teams played well but we were able to overcome our mistakes and our 17 turnovers to win the ball game.” The Bronchos led by seven with more than four minutes to play, but A&M closed the gap to tie on a Bobby Joshua layup with by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki just 32 seconds to play. UCO missed a game-winning Freshman forward Lizzie Brenner, left, and junior guard Meghan Craig, center, battle for control of the shot with 10 seconds on the clock but the Bronchos more than made ball in a 55-67 loss to Texas A&M-Commerce Jan. 18 at Hamilton Field House.

up for it in the extra period, outscoring the Lions 14-5 in overtime. “This win makes us 2-0 in LSC North play,” coach Evans said. “We all understand that we have to win in January and in February in order to have anything to play for in March.” UCO’s junior forward Anthony Brown and sophomore guard Sam Belt each had 18 points. Brown, the team's leading scorer, made 10 of 11 free throws in the second half. Belt finished with a double-double, capturing 11 rebounds.

The victory helps in making up for UCO’s loss to the Lions last season where A&M Commerce defeated the Bronchos in the second round of the NCAA Division II Tournament. The Lions were picked to win the Lone Star Conference North Championship this season. UCO ends a span where it played four games in seven days, going 2-2. The Bronchos return to the court on Jan. 25 to play

Please see BRONCHOS, page 9

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Anthony Brown, junior forward, and the Bronchos hang on against conference foe Texas A&M-Commerce Jan. 18 at home.

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