The Vista Jan. 31, 2006

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The Student Voice Since 1903 University of Central Oklahoma

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

MLK III to speak at UCO

Keondra Butler crowned Miss Black UCO by Melissa Wilkins Staff Writer Keondra Butler, marketing major, was crowned Miss Black UCO 2006 Jan. 28 at Mitchell Hall. Ten contestants competed for a chance to win the title, an $800 tuition wavier and a chance to compete in the Miss Black Oklahoma Pageant in June. The first runner-up was Teara Flagg, political science major, while Sharae’neica Burrell, marketing major, was second runner-up. Johna Davis, biology major, and Cynthia Childs, industrial safety major, were also in the top five. Former Miss Black UCO, Tanischa Williams, senior com-

FREE TO STUDENTS Son of civil rights leader to speak Feb. 2 in honor of Black History Month by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer Martin Luther King III, the son of civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. will speak at UCO Feb. 2 in the Nigh University Center Ballrooms at 1 p.m. to kick off Black History Month. Sponsored by the Black Student Association, Diversity Round Table and the Student Programming Board, King will deliver his speech, “My Father’s Dream, My Mission,” said student programming board adviser Brooke Wilson. The event will also feature the UCO Ebony Gospel Choir, followed by a student-led remembrance walk around campus at 2:30 p.m. “This is an opportunity not to miss,” Wilson said. “This is student activity fees put into action and an opportunity to see history in the making.” Tickets are free to UCO faculty and students with a UCO student ID, and will be available Jan. 31-Feb. 1 in the Nigh University Center across from the food court. Only one ticket will be given per student ID, and for everyone else admission will be $5. No reserve or advance tickets will be available. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

see PAGEANT, page 9 by Vista photographer Brett Deering

The new Miss Black UCO, Keondra Butler (center), marketing junior, is joined on stage by first runner-up Teara Flagg (left), political science sophomore, and second runner-up Sharae Necia Burrell, marketing junior.

UCO ethics club to host contest by Christina Purdom Staff Writer The UCO-Ethics club is hosting a contest where students create the most ethical solutions to real-world problems. The registration deadline is Feb. 3. Teams will be given a business scenario that involves an ethical dilemma. Joe Walker, president of UCO-Ethics, said the team will write an essay that explains the dilemma, who it affects, and the ethical solution. “Sometimes you come across issues and you have to think ‘Who does this affect?’ It’s not always black and white,” Walker said. Teams consist of four members and each must have a dif-

ferent major. Only one graduate student is allowed per team. Finalists will go to Tulsa to compete for up to $1,000 in cash prizes. Food and transportation will be provided for the finalists, Walker said. “If you don’t understand the ethical issues in today’s business environment, you will not be able to succeed,” said Walker. UCO-Ethics is a new chapter of Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium, or OkEthics. The UCOSA house and senate approved the UCO-Ethics club unanimously last semester. Walker said finance professor Allen Arnold brought the club to UCO after attending an OkEthics meeting.

Arnold, along with Dr. Michael Shirley, dean of Business Administration, and Dr. Katherene Terrell, Accounting chair approached Walker with the desire to start a chapter at UCO. By the second meeting, 145 people, including students and faculty from every college, had come to learn about the new campus organization. “When it’s not just professors and students, it’s the deans coming—that shows how important [the organization] is,” Walker said. UCO-Ethics is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Dues are $5 a semester or $8 a year. Meetings are open and free to non-members.

Meetings are held monthly and guest speakers discuss various ethical issues that workers encounter in today’s business world, Walker said. The most recent guest speaker was Dr. Cynthia Rolfe, vice president of Information Technology at UCO. At the UCO-Ethics meetings a drawing is held for the club to pay $10 of the $18 fee for students to attend the next luncheon meetings of OkEthics. The OkEthics meetings are held at the Petroleum Club in Downtown Oklahoma City. Guest speakers also attend as well as more than 300 members including state senators and rep-

see MAG, page 5

by Trisha Evans Copy Editor Economics Professor Dr. Sue Lynn Sasser was one of eight professors selected to go to Lithuania for an economics education study tour Jan. 13-22. The National Council on Economic Education, which is funded by the U.S. Departments

see ETHICS, page 5

from Staff Reports

“Journeys,” a student-produced magazine featuring the stories and photographs of UCO journalism students from study tours in Europe, New Mexico and New York, will be released this month in conjunction with the opening of a new computer and photography lab in the Communications Building. “A Historical Journey” chronicles students’ month-long trip to England, Italy, Ireland, France and Wales during summer break with stories and photographs. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Lauren Hyer, journalism senior. “It gives you

'They understand what it takes to survive in a global economy'

Photo show kicks off opening of new lab

Student magazine chronicles study tours by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer

Economics professor returns from Lithuania

An open house dedication of the new UCO Mass Communication Department computer photography lab and student photography show will be Thursday, Feb. 2 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the UCO Communications Building. The new 20-station lab and digital cameras were funded by a $113,000 grant from the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation “We are deeply grateful to the foundation for its commitment to excellence in journalism education for our students,” said Dr. Terry M. Clark, chairman by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki of the department which houses A student photograph from El Santuario de Chimayo in Chimayo, New Mexico that appears in the new the only four-year photography student travel magazine, "Journeys." see LAB, page 5

UCO wrestlers pitch shutout Bronchos jump to third nationally in latest poll.

See Sports pg. 12

Students redesign museum Students in the Department of History and Geography are redesigning the Laboratory of History Museum's 'Pioneer Gallery.'

See News pg. 3

Dr. Sue Lynn Sasser of State and Education, selected educators from all over the United States, Sasser said. Sasser said she spent a lot of time in classrooms where they visited K-12 schools and two universities, and spent an afternoon with 25 future teachers. After meeting students who are required to take economics courses in college, Sasser said she wondered why even a basic money management course is not required in most U.S. colleges. “Why is it that their kids get it and our kids don’t?” Sasser said. “They understand what it takes to survive in a global

see ECON, page 4

Should you visit 'Big Momma?' Vista Staff Writer Melissa Wilkins reviews the comedy sequel 'Big Momma's House 2.'

See Entertainment pg. 8

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