The Vista Feb. 7, 2006

Page 1



Martinez details neo-Nazi past in speech by Heather Warlick Staff Writer

Security was tight and cameras were not allowed as former white supremacist, Tom Martinez, spoke in Constitution Hall to a group of 250 students and faculty Feb. 4 at the Oklahoma Conference on College Student Character. In his keynote speech "Hate Begins and Ends with You" Martinez told the story of his neo-Nazi past to promote tolerance and education about diversity. Martinez wrote "Brotherhood Of Murder" which details how he became involved with the Ku Klux Klan and The Order and how he turned his life around and became a government informant. Martinez said that he was not born a racist. As a boy, he dreamed of becoming a baker, like his father. He was entering junior high school in a small suburb of Philadelphia when the school integrated and "all Hell broke loose." ' "Poor black kids were bussed into this Kensington neighborhood, which was a bunch of poor white Irish kids and they mixed us up like a bunch of rats. There were no diversity programs... none of that stuff,"

see CONFERENCE, page 3

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

A mural painted by Dr. Bob Palmer on the west side of the Bricktown Canal for the upcoming Oklahoma Centennial.

UCO's Palmer paints Oklahoma history in Bricktown by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer As Bricktown develops into Oklahoma's cultural and social hub, UCO professor Dr. Bob Palmer's murals color buildings across the budding district, portraying scenes from Oklahoma's past and looking to the future as its centennial draws near. Perhaps most noticeable is Palmer's Oklahoma flag he recently completed with the help of two UCO students across the front of an old downtown grain

elevator that has since been the smaller building the crew converted into the OKC Rocks had to use a scaffold attached Climbing Center. to the roof, which Palmer said Royce Bartlett and Darroll he feared was unstable, and Reddick applied the base coat the added hazard of wind and and signage to the converted pigeons made the lengthy prosilo, Palmer said. cess frightening. "The hardest part was not That was actually the scarithe grain elevator but the little est part," Palmer said. building next to it because it Of the 12 people he asked all had to be hand-scaffolded," to help him, only Bartlett and Palmer said. Reddick would do it, and that He said everything on the everyone else said, "Nope, too grain elevator could be painted _ high," Palmer said. with a 120-foot crane, but for The grain elevator mural

took a month and a half to complete but Palmer said one of his other downtown murals took only three days. "I call it the 'Post Card Mural' because it's taken from post cards of early Oklahoma," Palmer said. Painted last summer by Palmer and his students, the mural runs along the canal and features street scenes and antique cars from postcards dated 1935, 1945 and 1955. Though it took only three days to complete, it took a year and

a half to get approved by committees. "You just have to go through tons of red tape to get this through," Palmer said. He said he is awaiting approval from the city to begin a new mural in Bricktown that will run alongside the Santa Fe railroad. "We're proposing a timeline of Oklahoma," Palmer said. "It's even bigger than all of these combined."

see MURAL, page 7

'Good to Great' program offers open forum to students, faculty

Kicking off UCO Blazers Night

by Alex Gambill Staff Writer

UCO students, faculty and staff can cast their views for UCO's future on the new "Good to Great" Web site. The "Good to Great" program, directed by Steve Kreidler, vice president of administration, is based on Jim Collins' book "Good to Great." Kreidler said Collins' book is about making current assessments to bring successful conclusions. Kreidler said the site enables an open forum to students, faculty, and staff in creating future strategies to improving UCO. "The website is a good tool to getting straight to the presi-

dent," said Jermichael Thacker, industrial safety senior. Kreidler spoke at an open meeting Feb. 2 about the university's "good to great" process intended to keep UCO competitive and goal oriented. The meeting, held in the Education Building Room 115, centered on the "Good to Great" scenario plan and website located on the Internet at "We believe for the last few years that this university has been on a curve upward," Kreidler said. He said the site features a "Hopes and Dreams" blog where anyone can post their comments so the administra-

Steve Kreidler tion can make an assessment of where it should focus its energy effectively.

see GREAT, page 3

RHA sponsors speed dating by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Isaiah Brown, UCO vocal performance sophomore, sings "God Bless America" before the Oklahoma City Blazers game Feb. 3 for "UCO Blazers Night."

Steelers sink Seahawks Hines Ward was named Super Bowl MVP and Jerome Bettis rode away into the sunset as the Steelers topped the Seahawks in Super Bowl XL.

See News pg. 5

The Central Plaza Coffee Bar will host Speed Dating at 7 p.m. Feb. 9, sponsored by the Residence Hall Association. Rowynn Ricks, English senior and RHA president, said the event is open to any campus residents who would like to come. Shelli Novotny, biology senior and RHA secretary, said the event will be a fun way to meet other students. Ricks said they will follow basic speed dating format. A speed date is like a mini-date and

UCO catches Chuck Norris fever The martial-arts-hero-turned-cultural-icon has garnered a following recently that borders on phenomenal. UCO students attempt to explain how 'Walker, Texas Ranger' suddenly became funny.

See Entertainment pg. 8

usually lasts only a few minutes until it is time to rotate dates. "Since we are anticipating more girls than guys, we will probably have the girls circulate," Ricks said. "We will give everyone an ID number so that they can remain anonymous if they want to. Then we will give them each a card where they can indicate who they are interested in. And when the interest is mutual, we will provide them with the contact information that they have given us," Ricks said. Ricks said students who participate will receive dating tips as well as a list of questions to help

Conference foe visits UCO Men's basketball team tames the ECU Tigers while the women's team gets bitten.

See Sports pg. 12



Febuary 7, 2006

THEVISTA Editorial


Matt Cauthron, Editor in Chief Courtney Bryce, Managing Editor Trisha Evans, Copy Editor

Brett Deering, Photo Editor Midori Sasaki Travis Marak

Advertising Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director

News Nathan Winfrey, Staff Writer Christina Purdom, Staff Writer Heather Warlick, Staff Writer Melissa Wilkins, Staff Writer Desiree Treeby, Staff Writer Alex Gambill, Staff Writer

Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

Cartoons/Illustrations Cary Stringfield

Secretary Nancy Brown



Kristen Limam, Sports Editor Teddy Burch, Sports Writer

Mark Zimmerman

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 9745549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Editorial cartoons do not necessarily represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters.


Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ .

Cartoon by Cary Stringfield

UCO Human Resource Socie

to host workshop:

The UCO Human the local YourNextSpeaker, work, particularly if they Resource Society is host- LLC, which is located, right intend to pursue a career ing a special workshop here in Edmond and offers a focused on human resource with a nationally recog- wide range of services. His management. nized motivational speaker. specialization is considered Our mission is to increase Rhett Laubach, whose pro- to be the ultimate leadership knowledge of how HR gram has been credited with resource. With a magnitude relates to all areas of busicoaching many leaders like of energy and motivation, ness. Remember that HR Miss America Jennifer Berry audience members will be will be doing the interviewand National FFA President on the edge of their seats. ing and hiring at almost Travis Jett, will speak every company! These HR Feb. 16 in the Troy Smith The UCO HR Society meetings are a wonderful Lecture Hall in the Business urges everyone in all col- chance to network and get Administration Building leges and organizations that dream job. HR Society at 7:30 p.m. The topic of discusmeetings are held every other sion will be "The Art of Annoying Thursday @ 7:30 p.m. in the Troy People". So, feel free to bring along Smith Lecture those annoying Hall. Get there early to get a coworkers. good seat. Also, Rhett Laubach there will be a has co-authored with Pamela Mullins -raffle and GREAT inspirational books PRIZES! !! Stick like Possibilities UCO Human Resource Society around after the and Teen Power meeting to see and Beyond. His speaking talents have taken to attend this workshop. what UCO HR Society him to over 35 states nation- Many students don't has to offer! Looking for wide. His audiences include account the importance of an internship? Want to get adults in the workplace as Human Resources. Our some real experience and well as students. Topics of purpose is to help students earn college credit at the specialization include lead- at the University of Central same time? Or if any other ership, speech coaching, Oklahoma learn about the organizations are interested team building, and commu- field of human resource in cosponsoring go to our nication training. Rhett is management and to enhance website for more informathe owner and operator of their effectiveness in their tion


If you're member of a campus rganization, if ->ou're a facul member or if you simply have something to say to the U 0 cow munity, .e Vista wants to hear QM you. *youh,cive an idea or a My Turn piece pr the editorial pa eli e-mail itho e itoriai@ thevistaon with your .e- ail address and telephone number You mav also e-mail a ready-to zpublis .y Turn submission to eclitoria . Submissions should be between 300-500 word's in lengt .

CAMPUS QUOTES Compiled and photographed by Brett Deering.

What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial? "The one where the guys shocks the fly, I think it was for Ameriquest."

"The one with the little horse, and family values."

"The basketball one where the guy shoots it and gets hit in the head."

Bryan Carlo

Gregory Foust

Ashley Golden

Payton Herron

Undecided, sophomore

Psychology, freshman

Elementary education, senior

Music education, junior

"The magical fridge for Bud Light."


Febuary 7, 2006


'Mobile Madness' hits UCO US Cellular still offering free digital camera for "Most Outrageous Fan" by Christina Purdom Staff Writer

Travis Kliewer, undeclared junior, won the $500 first-place gift card. Rameek UCO hosted U.S. Cellular's Dixon communications freshMobile Madness on Feb. 3, man, won the second-place giving away $850 worth of gift card of $250 and third Visa gift cards to UCO stu- place and a $100 gift card dents. went to Joe Hall. "We're doing this to get our"Even if you're in third selves out to the community place, it's still awesome to and to build excitement around win money," said Adrianne UCO," said Tim Phipps, man- Thomas, one of U.S. Cellular's ager of the U.S. Cellular store hosts for the event. on Second Street. "The guys are loving it," The Mobile Madness Thomas said of the predomitent was set up by Broncho nantly male crowd who stood Lake from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. around the tent waiting for Students competed in a cell their chance to beat the top phone basketball game and the score. players with the highest scores Players were allowed two won gift cards. practice games in which to "It's free to play and it learn the concept and buttons, could help with a semester of then played one round of the books," Phipps said. simulated basketball game. He was arrested at his home in front of his wife and two children. The image of his daughter crying and begging the officers from page 1 not to take away her daddy is Martinez said. Racial ten- one that Martinez said will live sions exploded and words like in his mind forever. It was then "honky" and "nigger" became he realized his life had taken a the most common slurs used drastic wrong turn. among his peers. He decided to tell the authorHigh school was even worse ities everything he knew about as gangs ruled the school. the activities of The Order. Martinez only lasted two "As soon as I started opening months. He said the final blow up this can of worms, the FBI that turned him from a scared was brought in and it became teenager to a full-fledged hater `Operation Clean Sweep'," was when his best friend was Martinez said. killed. He was killed by anothHe told the FBI The Order's er white boy, but the incident plans to rob a Brinks truck escalated racial tensions. When of $50 million, to assassinate Martinez heard that there was a several prominent people, and "homicide" out on him by one to bomb a power dam in the of the controlling gangs, he got United States. a hall pass and left school for In 1984 and 1985, 250 good. FBI agents were involved in "I didn't come out of my `Operation Clean Sweep' and mother's womb as a newborn Martinez participated in sting baby wearing a swastika," operations to catch The Order's Martinez said. He said he began leader, Bob Matthews. He said to blame his lack of education it was a 36-hour shootout at The on all black people. Order's safe house that finally Seduced by the propaganda killed Matthews and opened of David Duke and the KKK, the door for the FBI to arrest Martinez found a mission and many other members of the hate a sense of purpose. The group group. denounced integration and Martinez said white supremaffirmative action programs and acist groups are still active today Martinez' hatred for all minor- and he is concerned about the ity groups grew exponentially tactics they use to recruit new, in the years to follow. young members. He witnessed and was party Martinez said more than to many vicious crimes includ- 178 bands of all musical styles ing armed robbery, bombings have white supremacist lyrics and murder. with song titles like, "Fire up With time, he became active the Ovens," and "American with other hate groups like the Nightmare." National Alliance, Christian "New World Order" comic Identity, and eventually, The books and Hitler action figures Order. cater to very young recruits. It was his arrest in 1984 Video games with names like for counterfeiting that finally "White Law" and "Ethnic turned Martinez from a life of Cleansing" are geared toward crime to a path of redemption. teenage male potential skin-

While the Mobile Madness basketball contest is over, applications for the "Most Outrageous Fan" will be accepted until March 10. Students can submit their best "school spirit" photos to info@ mobilemadnes s . getusc . com. One student from each participating university will be posted on the website where students can vote for their favorite. The winner will receive a free digital camera. This is the second event of its kind. Last year UCO hosted the U.S. Cellular Dash for Cash, a scavenger hunt. by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Christina Purdom can be reached at

From left: Preston Cofield, computer science junior, and Steven Streck, physical education freshman, compete in a cell-phone basketball game during a U.S. Cellular promotion Feb. 3.


by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

From left, Aufrey Semore, kinesiology-recreation management senior, Ali Morris, business communication junior, and Natalie Weaver, pre-med/biology sophomore, discuss character traits using grocery items at the Oklahoma Conference on College Student Character Feb. 4

heads and young women are targeted with white supremacist clothing lines, which feature logos like "88," which stands for the 8th letter of the alphabet, HH, or Hail Hitler. "Racism is a cancer, and we need to cut the tumor out before it spreads," Martinez said. He said he believes tolerance is a goal worth reaching for, and hopes his lectures will encourage people to take a stand. Heather Warlick can be reached at hwarlick@thevistaonlinacom.

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from page 1

from page 1

Despite a decrease in higher education funding and an increase in students, Kreidler said UCO must follow its goal in not just being a "good" university but a "great" university. Kreidler said the administration needs to respond faster to accommodate the needs of the students, faculty and staff. "We need to be nimble, agile and responsive," Kreidler said. The website also has an "Environmental Scan" page with student demographics that will aid people in making future assessments. Kreidler said he wants everyone to dream big and set

an "audacious goal" for UCO. "I'd rather shoot for the moon than jump over a twofoot bar," Kreidler said. Lane Perry, a graduate student and assistant to Kreidler, said the process will build UCO's reputation and prestige. The next overview session for this project is at Monday 3:30 p.m. at the Troy Smith Lecture hall in the Business Building.

Alex Gambill can be reached at

them get started. "We will be doing drawings for gift certificates to local venues so that in case they do make a match, they will have a little help paying for the first date," Ricks said. Novotny said free food and door prizes will be provided.

Nathan Winfrey can be reached at




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Febuary 7, 2006

Bush's $2.77 trillion plan provides big increases for defense by Martin Crutsinger AP Writer President Bush sent Congress a $2.77 trillion spending plan on Monday that would bolster the nation's war against terrorism but squeeze many other government programs in an effort to deal with an exploding budget deficit projected to hit an alltime high this year. Bush, hoping to get his domestic agenda back on track after a year of political setbacks, sent Congress a budget blueprint that emphasizes keeping the country strong militarily while offering mostly modest initiatives to deal with voter anxiety about rising global competition, soaring energy prices and skyrocketing medical bills. "My administration has focused the nation's resources on our highest priority -- protecting our citizens and our homeland," Bush said in his budget message. "Working with Congress, we have given our men and women on the front lines in the war on terror the funding they need to defeat the enemy and detect, disrupt and dismantle terrorist plots and operations." Bush's spending proposals, contained in four massive volumes featuring green and beige covers, cover the 2007 budget year that begins next Oct. 1. The $2.77 trillion in spending would be up by 2.3 percent from projected spending of $2.71 trillion this year. The administration said the deficit for this year will soar to an all-time high of $423 billion, reflecting increased spending for the Iraq war and hurricane relief. But the administration says the deficits will be on a declining path over the next five yeats, which would allow the president to achieve his goal of cutting the deficit in half by 2009, the year he leaves office. Bush is also seeking savings by trimming spending by Medicare, the government's giant health care program for the elderly and disabled, by $35.9 billion over five years. Other savings in so-called mandatory spending, because the payments are set in law for all who are eligible, include $4.99 billion in changes in farm commodity programs, and $16.7

billion in reforms of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., the government program that backs private pensions. Even programs not targeted for elimination are subject to tight budgets including such previously favored agencies such as the National Institutes of Health. Bush's proposed Medicare reductions are expected to draw determined opposition in Congress, which just approved a package of $39 billion in cuts in benefit programs, including $4.7 billion in reductions in spending for Medicaid, the joint state-federal program that provides health care to the poor. The spending plan does contain some winners in the domestic arena. Set for higher spending, as highlighted in Bush's State of the Union address, are programs to address soaring energy costs through development of alternative fuels, rising medical bills through expanded health savings accounts and global competition through a new "American Competitiveness Initiative." That initiative would extend an expired business tax break for research and development, double the government's commitment to basic scientific research and train thousands of new science and math teachers. Instead of pushing last year's Social Security overhaul proposal, the president is calling for creation of a bipartisan commission to study ways to deal with soaring spending for Social Security, Medicare and Copies of President Bush's proposed budget arrive on Capitol Hill Feb. 6. Medicaid.


Protests over prophet drawings grow more violent by Amir Shah AP Writer Afghan troops opened fire on demonstrators Monday, leaving at least four people dead, while Iranian police used tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters hurling stones and firebombs at the Danish Embassy in Tehran as anger mounted over the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. Police had encircled the walled brick villa housing the Danish mission in the Iranian capital, but the crowd of about

400 protesters ignored orders to break up, only running into a nearby park after tear gas was fired. Earlier in the day, 200 student demonstrators threw stones at the Austrian Embassy, breaking some windows and starting small fires. The worst of the violence in Afghanistan was outside Bagram, the main U.S. base, with Afghan police firing on some 2,000 protesters as they tried to break into the heavily guarded facility, said Kabir Ahmed, the local government chief



Two demonstrators were killed and 13 people, including eight police, were injured, he said. No U.S. troops were involved in the clashes, the military said. Afghan police also fired on protesters in the central city of Mihtarlam after a man in the crowd shot at them and others threw stones and knives, Interior Ministry spokesman Dad Mohammed Rasa said. Two protesters were killed, and three other people were wounded, including two police, officials said. The demonstrators burned tires and threw stones at government offices. The unrest spread to East Africa as police in Somalia fired in the air to disperse stonethrowing protesters, triggering a stampede in which a teenager was killed and raising to six the number of deaths in protests related to the publication of the series of cartoons satirizing Islam's most revered figure. At least nine people were injured in the melee outside the Danish Embassy in Iran, which lasted about an hour. Two trees inside the compound _ which was believed to

have been evacuated earlier were set on fire by the firebombs. The embassy gate was burned as was a police booth along the wall protecting the building. The mob, which included about 100 women, burned a Danish flag and chanted "God is great," but they failed to breach the police cordon. Also Monday, 200 members of Iran's parliament issued a statement warning that those who published the cartoons should remember the case of Salman Rushdie _ the British author against whom the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a death warrant for his novel "The Satanic Verses." Lebanon, meanwhile, apolo-

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gized to Denmark a day after thousands of rampaging Muslim demonstrators set fire to the building housing the Danish mission in Beirut to protest the caricatures. At least one person died, 30 were injured and about 200 people were detained in Sunday's violence, including Syrians, Palestinians and Lebanese, officials said. The Beirut violence came a day after violent protests in neighboring Syria, including the burning of the Danish and Norwegian missions. The United States accused the Syrian government of backing the protests in Lebanon and Syria, an accusation also made by antiSyrian Lebanese politicians.

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Febuary 7, 2006


Steelers join Cowboys, 49ers as only NFL teams with 5 titles Super Bowl XL marked by sloppy play, penalties by Barry Wilner AP Writer

DETROIT (AP) -- Nearly all the Pittsburgh Steelers split the driving on this super Bus ride. From Willie Parker's recordsetting run to the Antwaan Randle El-to-Hines Ward trickery, from coach Bill Cowher's validation to Ike Taylor's key interception, everyone contributed. His teammates did so well in Sunday's 21-10 Super Bowl victory over the Seattle Seahawks that Jerome Bettis barely was needed during his homecoming and farewell. That doesn't mean his celebration of an NFL championship was muted. No, Bettis got as much satisfaction as anyone at Ford Field _ including Mick Jagger, who rocked to his signature song at halftime, then saw the Steelers (14-5) roll to their first title in 26 years. "This is why I started 13 years ago, on this quest," Bettis said. "Along the way, I amassed a lot of yards and a lot of Pro Bowls, but none of that was significant because it wasn't the team goals. The team goal has always been to win a champion-

"I decided to come back to win a championship and mission accomplished. So with that, I have to bid farewell." Jerome Bettis Pittsburgh Steelers

ship, and now I have a championship." And, finally, on Cowher. The Jaw got an NFL title in his 14th season as Pittsburgh's coach, the longest tenure in the NFL. The tough guy, who lost his only previous Super Bowl 10 years ago to Dallas, teared up as he walked to mid-

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field, Terrible Towels waving everywhere around him, and embraced Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren. "It's a very humbling experience right now," Cowher said. "It's surreal. I'm going to tell you, this is a special group of coaches, a special group of players. I was one small part of this." Ward, the MVP and everyone else had a big hand in earning the Steelers' record-tying fifth Super Bowl crown, matching San Francisco and Dallas. The other four were won in the Steel Curtain era, led by the likes of Mean Joe Greene, Terry Bradshaw and Franco Harris. These Steelers don't have Hall of Famers like that _ outside of owner Dan Rooney and, in another five years, Bettis, the league's No. 5 all-time rusher. Indeed, they didn't have a player in the lineup Sunday who'd ever appeared in a Super Bowl. But they had Parker, the second-year runner who brought much-needed speed to the backfield. Moments after the Rolling Stones' rollicking halftime show, Parker broke a record 75-yard touchdown run for a 14-3 lead. "To be able to make those quick strikes and zap them a bit gave us a boost," said guard Alan Faneca, whose block cleared Parker's way. Taylor's interception and 24-yard runback of Matt Hasselbeck's poor pass early in the fourth quarter set up the most dynamic play. Versatile wideout Randle El, a quarterback in college, took a handoff from Parker, sprinted right and threw perfectly to Ward for a 43-yard TD with 9:04 remaining. It was the first Super Bowl touchdown pass by a receiver. With the way the Seahawks (15-4) were self-destructing, that was more than enough for Pittsburgh's eighth straight victory. The first sixth seed to win a Super Bowl, the Steelers beat the NFL's top four teams: Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Denver and Seattle, all away from home. The Steelers were the home team Sunday, but chose to wear white because, Cowher said, "It was an away game. We didn't play at Heinz Field." Perhaps at Hines' field, though. Ward had five receptions for 123 yards and the clinching touchdown. It could have been better, Ward admitted, citing some dropped passes -- including what would have been Pittsburgh's first touchdown -- and failing to stop Michael Boulware's interception. "Yeah, because the great ones don't miss balls in the Super Bowl," he said, "and I want to be considered one of the greats. To be MVP is a great honor, but I left some plays on the field."

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Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Bill Cowher is about to get doused as he celebrates the Steelers' 21-10 win over the Seattle Seahawks Feb. 5.

1967 76 '86 '96 '06 *estimated SOURCE: Nielsen Media Research

20 1966 76 '86 '96 '05 AP

So did Ben Roethlisberger, at 23 the youngest quarterback to win a Super Bowl. Yet he did not botch as many plays as Seattle did. While NFL MVP Shaun Alexander did his part by running for 95 yards, the Seahawks looked nothing like a team that rampaged through the NFC. They had four penalties for 40 yards in the opening half, one that nullified a touchdown pass. The second half wasn't much better, the only highlight a record 76-yard interception return by Kelly Herndon that set up Hasselbeck's 16-yard TD pass to Jerramy Stevens. "I told them, they've played better before than they played today," said Holmgren, who failed to become the first coach to win Super Bowls with two franchises. "We did some things that were uncharacteristic of US.


So did the Steelers, but they were resourceful enough to overcome the errors. Roethlisberger scored on a 1-yard dive late in the first half, needing instant replay to make the touchdown stand. And it was the second-year QB and not Bettis who made the key runs late in the game. Bettis wound up with 43 yards on 14 carries in his final game. "I decided to come back to win a championship and mission accomplished," he said. "So with that, I have to bid farewell. We brought the championship back home. "One for the thumb." For full story on Jerome Bettis'

retirement see Sports pg. 11


Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Hides Ward (86) leaps into the endzone past Seattle Seahawks cornerback Marcus Trufant. Ward was 'lamed MVP of Super Bowl XL.

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OKC Blazers emblazened with UCO

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Oklahoma Blazer's goaltender Sean Connors, deflects a shot Feb. 3 in the Blazers' 6-3 win over the Colorado Eagles at the Ford Center. The special UCO jersey was designed for UCO Blazers Night. 300 free tickets were available for students to attend the game.

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Oklahoma City Blazers' goaltender Sean Connors scoops up another shot.

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Oklahoma City Blazers' forward Kahlil Thomas takes a shot Feb. 3 in the Blazer's win over the Colorado Eagles.

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Oklahoma City Blazers' center Aaron Goldade shanks a shot off the Colorado Eagles' goaltender Paulo Colaiacovo Feb. 3 at the Ford Center. Goldade scored the first goal of the game and his first goal on the year.


Febuary 7, 2006

Photo Provided

A view from the west side of the Bricktown Canal of a mural by Dr. Bob Palmer, UCO art professor.

MURAL from page 1 The mural will start at Reno Avenue and run about 1,000 feet to the other side of Main Street along the 30-foot-tall railroad wall. It will end with an Oklahoma City skyline behind a herd of buffalo statues that are already in place. "It will start from pre-histor-

is times of Oklahoma," Palmer said. "A lot of people don't realize we've uncovered wooly mammoths and extinct bison." The five other major categories that will follow cover Native Americans, early explorers to Oklahoma, early settlers, the Dust Bowl era and modern day. Palmer said he is working with Dr. Ken Brown, History Department chair, to make sure it is historically accurate.

"It's in the final stages of the committee," Palmer said. He said it has already been approved by the Bricktown Urban Design Committee and is now going to the Oklahoma City Arts Commission. "I'm really excited about this because I think it will be a great educational tool both while we're working on it and after we're finished," he said. "I think this whole area is beginning to get developed and

I think it's real neat," Palmer said. "It's getting revitalized." Palmer has painted more than 600 murals since he began more than 12 years ago. "The last time I counted I think it was 638," he said. His work spans the globe, in countries including Canada, Mexico, Macedonia and Croatia. He teaches three mural classes at UCO, two for undergraduates and one for graduate

students. "I actually recruit from my classes for my professional team," he said. Design student Kim Wang is working with Palmer now, and they just completed an American flag on the side of an Anadarko body shop. Palmer will also paint an American flag on the opposite side of the grain elevator this summer. Until then, he is keeping

Nc\e4 44 e,c‘.ecNNN$ e44-'\-&cno\ (-` OBI to hold blood drive Nc 4-1\- )0.\ c.s‘N-e04%1\v with Mardi Gras theme by Desiree Treeby

Staff Writer

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Get a Mardi Gras T-shirt and beads at the 2006 UCO blood drive, which is "a great way to get a free mini physical," said Zelma Barnes of the Oklahoma Blood Institute. The blood drive is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Feb. 8-9 at the Nigh University Center. Donating blood also gives students a way to test their cholesterol, liver enzyme and iron levels and check their blood pressure. "The tests can alert you for

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any potential problems. You never know what's out there," Barnes said. "Today you May be the donor and tomorrow you might be the patient receiving the blood." The liver enzyme test is for detecting liver disease, or to let a person know if something isn't working properly within their body. "Liver disese can be easily diagnosed if caught early on," Barnes said. Barnes said that OBI's goal is for 80 donors each day. This blood drive helps the institute recover and replenish their supply from the holiday season. "I wish there would be a surplus, but there isn't," Barnes said. "What most people don't know is that blood's shelf life is only 42 days and platelets shelf life is five days. The drive helps us rebound from December and January, because there are fewer donors during that time or people are sick and can't donate." Brooke Wilson of UCO


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■ The February Character First Meeting will be held from 9-10 a.m., Feb. 9 in the Virginia Lamb Living Rm. in the Human Environmental Sciences Building. The character quality "Resourcefulness" will be discussed. ■ The Association of Latin American Students is inviting you to our "Latin Night" 7:30-9:30 p.m. Feb. 10 in Murdaugh Hall. Come and learn some Latin moves as you dance and have some fun. Snacks and drinks are free. ■ Couples can enjoy dancing, desserts and romantic music at g p.m. Feb. 14 at the UCO Jazz Lab. The cost is $25 per person and proceeds for "Jazz and Romance" will *help fund School of Music scholarships.

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■ The UCO Democratic Socialists will show the movie "Motorcycle Diaries" at 3 p.m. Feb. 8 in Rm. 120 of the Communications Building. Free pizza will be provided.


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Campus Life said, "UCO has a special connection with the blood institute. UCO made a commitment to have as many blood drives as possible." A volunteer group and student organization, the Blood Hounds, will start next year and help educate about the benefits of donating blood and the need for blood. "Volunteering looks good on a resume. It's a great way for work experience and practical experience," Barnes said. "You do a good thing and get something good in return." For more information about the Blood Hounds or donating blood call Zelma Barnes or Jennifer Beattie at the OBI, 297-5764.

Desiree Treeby can be reached at .

busy. His next project will be this weekend in Guthrie, with about a dozen other murals in the works. He is seeking help for these jobs, and encourages anyone who would like to help to call 974-5204.


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Febuary 7, 2006

Chuck Norris...coming for us UCO students attempt to explain recent Chuck Norris phenomenon by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer

Dallas Strimple, applied mathematics senior and president of the Student . Programming Board. "The Bill Brasky skit from `Saturday Night Live' is really big among college students, and I think college students started to get tired of that, so they changed it to Chuck Norris," Strimple said. The "Bill Brasky" skits, which ran from 1996-1998, featured three men, often played by Will Farrell, Alec Baldwin and John Goodman, loudly drunk and reminiscing with tall tales about their dead friend Bill.

"There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. That's because Chuck Norris lives in Oklahoma," is what you would read on a window if you walked past the Art & Design Building, accompanied by a Sharpee portrait of the former "Walker, "Chuck Norris Texas Ranger" star. does not go "Chuck-isms," sometimes called "Norrisisms," are exag- hunting, because gerated claims about Norris's hunting infers the abilities and origin, like that probabilityof failure. he was the fourth wise man at the nativity and gave Jesus Chuck Norris goes "the gift of beard," or that he killing." is currently suing NBC on the claim that "Law" and "Order" are trademarked names for his left and right legs, said Nathan Daily Chuck Norris fact Woolard, creative studies junior from the Art & Design and UCOSA president. Building Similar tall tales about Norris and his legendary roundhouse kicks run rampant on Facebook. "I think the main reason com comment walls and other everyone loves the Norrisisms student web logs, in hallways is because of how ridiculous and classes, at parties and seem- Chuck Norris is. I mean, look at ingly every other level of stu- the facts, Hollywood has tried dent life. to pawn off this middle-aged "Chuck Norris does not go man as a highly trained killing hunting, because hunting infers machine who probably couldn't the probability of failure. Chuck fight his way out of a bar with a Norris goes killing," said Dane pool stick in his hand," Woolard Olson, organizational commu- said. nication sophomore. Strimple said he thinks The bizarre obsession has Norris's brief role in the 2004 swept the campus much like film "Dodgeball" helped reigthe flannel fad of the 1940s, nite his popularity. only this time it isn't limited "Chuck Norris has always to UCO. Versions of the seem- been cool, but only Conan ingly' limitless "Chuck-isms" O'Brien knew it," said Mike cycle everywhere, growing in Fleck, business junior, referring numbers as they spread from to O'Brien's "Walker, Texas friend to friend and across the Ranger Lever" that the comedian pulls throughout his late by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki Internet. "I love the fad. My friends and night talk show to play clips The north window of the Art & Design Building displays the 'Chuck Norris Daily Fact' for Feb. 6. I sit around and tell Norrisisms from Norris's cancelled TV all the time," Woolard said. series. "It's a little-known fact that The lever inspired Christine God actually created the Earth Comtois, dance sophomore, to in eight days, however, there start the group were millions of years between "I want to pull Conan O'Brien's 1 EHRAN, Iran, (AP) _ position, said it was will- power to impose economic the seventh and eighth day, as `Walker: Texas Ranger' lever." God prepared for his greatest It has 30 UCO members and Iran ended all voluntary ing to discuss Moscow's and political sanctions. cooperation with the U.N. proposal to shift large-scale Uranium enriched to a creation—Chuck Norris," said joins the other six Facebook.

Iran ends voluntary cooperation on nukes

nuclear watchdog agency Sunday, saying it would start uranium enrichment and bar surprise inspections of its facilities after being reported to the Security Council over fears it is seeking an atomic bomb. However, the Islamic republic left the door open for further negotiations over its nuclear program and, in an apparent softening of its

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enrichment operations to Russian territory in an effort to allay suspicions. A day earlier, an Iranian official at the International Atomic Energy Agency meeting in Vienna, Austria, said that proposal was "dead." The comment was made after the IAEA's 35nation board of governors voted to report Iran to the council, which has the



• Z . .


AP weather Following a week of unseasonably warm weather, temperatures across Oklahoma are expected to drop over the next several days. The National Weather Service said daytime highs on Monday are expected in the 40s and 50s, with a slight chance for rain in southeast Oklahoma. Temperatures should dip into the teens and upper 20s overnight. Daytime temperatures on Sunday ranged from 53 degrees in Ponca City to 76 in Frederick. It was 64 degrees in Oklahoma City and 55 in Tulsa. Partly cloudy skies are expected on Tuesday with highs in the 50s. Wednesday will remain partly cloudy with highs in the 40s to 50s and overnight lows ranging from the upper teens to the mid 30s. Skies are expected to clear on Thursday with highs in the 50s and overnight lows in the 20s.

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com groups whose combined UCO membership exceeds 200. "There is a rumor that a pirate once beat Chuck Norris in a fight. This is false and was started by Chuck Norris in an effort to lure more pirates to him," Comtois said. "Chuck Norris counted to infinit—Twice," said Cornell Greene, computer science junior. Woolard said one ofhis favorite "Chuck-isms" is, "Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants." "It's overly ironic, the joke could have easily been replaced by using Steven Segal rather than 'the Norris,"' Woolard said. He agrees the movie "Dodgeball" had something to do with it. "It's a continuation of the joke." "It'll be around quite a little while, but I wouldn't expect it to stick around longer than quoting 'Napoleon Dynamite,"' Fleck said.

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Febuary 7, 2006


'When a Stranger Calls'...let the machine pick up by Nathan Winfrey

Staff Writer "When a Stranger Calls" topped the box office charts this weekend, cementing the final brick in the monument of rubbish the film industry has built for itself, and they wonder why ticket sales are plummeting along with the cinema standards of the American public. It seems that the wells of Hollywood have finally run dry. Unnecessary sequels and terrible remakes abound. Asinine

'When a Stranger Calls' cements the final brick in the moument of rubbish the film industry has built for itself.

films starring vacuous celebrities with torrid personal lives spread from sunny California like smallpox, while credible movies get pushed under the rug in favor of soulless, moneymaking juggernauts. In this embarrassing remake of the first 15 minutes of the 1979 honor classic, "When a Stranger Calls," pretty little Jill Johnson (Camilla Belle, the little girl who was attacked by dinosaurs at the beginning of "The Lost World") is an average girl that goes to the kind of high school that appears only in horror films and teen sex comedies, you know, the kind that looks and feels just like college, and not real college, 1:Nt the, lsind_that exists only in Movieland. Jill goes through normal teenage traumas: disciplinarian parents, cheating boyfriends, back-stabbing best friends,


In this photo provided by Screen Gems, while babysitting, a high school student (Camilla Belle) is terrorized by a stranger who calls her in 'When a Stranger Calls.' etc., until one day she babysits for the Mandrakises, family friends with lots of money and a sprawling lakeside house custom-made for vengeful freaks and demented serial killers. It doesn't take long for the harassing phone calls to begin, and as they become more intense, so do Jill's sense of dread and our sense of boredom. Finally comes the shock of a lifetime, well it would have been a shock if the previews

hadn't ruined it for the three people who didn't see it coming—the caller is in the house! From there it's downhill, and by downhill, I mean it shifts from weak suspense to weak action that builds up and never pays off People in the audience were laughing out loud at the parts I'm 'sure the filmmakers were counting on to help redeem the third act of this painfully sub-par movie. First-time screenwriter Jake

Wade Wall's remake is a rancid, overflowing toilet of cliches and mindless, predicable storytelling. It's the script that killed this movie. The directing, cinematography and atmospheric set design are solid, even extraordinary, given what director Simon West ("Con Air") had to work with. West manages to almost scare us, despite all the cards the Hollywood powers-that-be stacked against him, and the acting is decent considering the


genre. Tommy Flanagan ("Braveheart, "Gladiator") plays the nameless killer well, though he doesn't get to do much more than run, jump and strangle. His facial scars are real, though. He received those in a mugging before he began his movie career. Unless you have braces and a learner's permit, you won't like this movie. It's made for 13year-old girls and people who judge how scary a movie is by how many times a loud sound made them jump a little. "When a Stranger Calls" uses every dirty trick in the book, as if they used the same cliché catalogue Wes Craven used for his brilliant, tongue-in-cheek mid-90s send-up "Scream,"

only this time they're played with a straight face and with a complete lack of blood, because for some reason the producers didn't think this movie could handle anything higher than a PG-13. \ I would like to know whose idea it was to take the opening scenes of a movie made almost 30 years ago and stretch it out to nearly two hours. Obviously, it was someone with dollar signs in their eyes too large for them to notice that the American attention span has shortened a little since then. For the first few minutes, this movie looks like it's actually going to be good, as if all the negative press it's 'been getting is somehow mistaken or too harsh, but it doesn't take long for things to fall apart. Superfluous but promising subplots are introduced then abandoned, we meet interesting characters then never see them again and circumstances ripe with frightening potential are groomed and tailored with delicacy then shattered or forgotten altogether. There are a million ways this movie could have been better, and you would think that the makers would have accidentally stumbled into at least one of these, but no such luck. And it doesn't stop here. Wall has also set his sights on the 1986 classic "The Hitcher," about a murderous hitchhiker that makes life very uneasy for the nice person who picks him up, and is changing the lead role to a female such as seems to be the trend these days. There is hope for "The Hitcher," as Wall will have at least had some experience before tackling yet another horror remake, but with "The Hills Have Eyes," Wicker Man" and "The Ornerff 666" nearing release, and "The Fog" with a half-dozen others already besmirching multiplexes and Blockbuster shelves, the future looks grim for the old greats. For them life after death truly is hell.

Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

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0 February 7, 2006


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ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR ESL for Internal Students We offer a friendly environment with small classes of 4-10 students. Here you can prepare for university study, the TOEFL, and a successful career. LOW PRICE $960 Per 4 Week Term For more info 348-7602 ENGLISH CLASSES Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE tutoring available *PREPARATION for TOEFL

DENTAL PLAN $11.95 per month single; $19.95 family. No deductibles, no claim forms. Includes Vision, RX and chiropractic plans. Affordable health and life plans also. Call Michelle at 340-4998. RENTERS- Get $10,000 coverage for $17-$22 per month! Great auto rates for good students too. Call Michelle at 340-4998 for free quote. EYE EXAM, FRAME & LENSES: 10% Off CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Exam, Fitting & 12 pr contacts: $210 CAMPUS OPTICAL 13 N University Dr Edmond, 341-3567 FILE TAXES CHEAP!! FILE TAXES ONLINE Go to website and click on yellow button 1040 EZ $9.95 1040, 1040A $14.95 State $4.95 VERY SIMPLE, EASY FILING!! DO YOU think you might be pregnant? Would you like a free confidential pregnancy test or just someone to talk to? Call Birth Choice of Edmond at 330-2111. PREGNANT? SCARED? We're here to help! Pregnancy testing, confidential consultation, ultrasound referral. Christian Services of Oklahoma, 478-3362.


TUXEDO JUNCTION needs PT sales help 15-25 hrs/wk. Salary plus commissions. Call Beth at 751-1745 or apply at Quail Springs Mall.

CONSTRUCTION WORK Immediate openings PT/FT, no experience required. Hard work, good pay. Framing experience a PLUS. Edmond area, call 824-8954.

HANDY STUDENT needed for carpenter's helper and maintenance (in-door work). Close proximity to UCO campus. Mon-Fri, 1-5pm, some Saturdays. Experience preferred, positive attitude and willingness to work A MUST. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy, able to work unsupervised. Call 341-9651.

LIKE CARS? FASTLANES is now hiring lube techs. We fully train on all vehicle maintenance! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. Limited positions available. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084.

NEED A JOB? Computer technician position for student with AutoCAD experience. Full time or part time. Close proximity to UCO campus. PEREZ ENGINEERING, 341-9651.

NEED A JOB? Like to work in a cool atmosphere? Then swing by FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ATTENTION: Business and Management majors. FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter is looking for individuals who have leadership skills. With new stores opening we are looking for people to grow with us. Good pay and possible health benefits. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. PART TIME help needed at local daycare 2:30-6:OOpm. Must love kids. Please call 330-3077.

THE FUN, flexible job for your BUSY LIFE. McAlister's Deli is now hiring energetic, dedicated people. We offer a fun environment and good compensation. Best of all, we can work with your schedule. Hey, what good is a job if you can't have a life too? Appy at McALISTER'S DELI 1021 E 2nd St, Edmond 340-DELI SHOGUN Steak House is taking applications for servers, bussers, dishwashers and hosts. Apply at 11900 N May Ave (S end of North Park Mall) after 5:30pm Sun thru Sat. B ***STUDENTS*** PT WORK-FT PAY Flexible around class, all ages 18+, day/eve/wknd, conditions apply, customer sales/service, 405-751-6018.

GENERAL ASSISTANT position with an established service-oriented company engaged in market research and development, 10-15 hrs/wk as available, Mon thru''' THE ATHLETE'S FOOT in N OKC is Fri. Must have own transportation. Hourly b( now accepting applications for PT employbase pay plus mileage and extras. Excellpt ees, 12-15 hrs/wk flexible, and Saturdays. opportunity for entrepeneur-spirited per-M No retail experience needed. Call 848-3232. son. Internet savvy a PLUS. Call 623-285707 PERFECT JOB for UCO student! PT QUALITY individual needed to 'tr a in office assistant at N OKC consulting firm, for residential window cleaning. Must 10-15 minutes from UCO. have resume, proof of enrollment,docuRequirements: mented GPA of 3. or above, youP obi 8 *Computer skills in Word & Excel transportation, preferably a truck ', 0'or *Light bookkeeping skills hauling ladder. Potential earnings of *Telephone skills $8-10/hr based on percentage plus mile- Must be able to work PT 4 days/wk, 8amage. Please call immediately: 340-3914. 12noon or I -5pm. Send resume to NOW HIRING- We offer flex- Please include daytime telephone number. ible scheduling, immediate advance1, Hourly wage is negotiable. ment opportunities, retention bonus and a fun, secure work environment. Call ACCOUNTANT position open in EdVisionquest Marketing at 749-0332. mond. Excellent opportunity. Fax resume to 348-0931 or email PART TIME nursery help needed at Acts II United Methodist PART TIME help needed in Yukon. Church. Call 359-2286 for more info. Childcare, housework & errands. Flexible hours. Fax resume to 354-5755. **GUERILLA MARKETING/ Promoters needed! Leisure Tours needs PLC STUDENT Ministries is now hirstudents to promote our Spring Break ing for two PT positions to work with our travel packages on campus and with local Youth Director in sharing God's love with vendors. Excellent Pay! 800-838-8202. high school & jr high students. Our mission 341-3855 is to challenge the complacent, console the hurt, and save the lost. Email resumes to: WE PAY up to $75 per online survey. or send them U.S. mail to "Peace Lutheran Church, 2600 E Danforth, Edmond, OK 73034; PT JOBS - SENIOR Services of Okla- RE: Youth Position." For more info call homa is looking for students to fill PT 341-3205 and ask for Jonathon. Thanks! positions. Several 9am- 1 pm shifts and 1:30-5:30pm shifts are available for Mon- EXPERIENCED babysitter needed Fri. We pay $10/hr for energetic phone Wednesdays or weekends. Must have work educating senior citizens on health- reliable transportation with insurcare issues. No experience is preferred; ance and good driving record. Must we will train. Business is located at 1417 be good with children and have referNW 150th St in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to ences. Pay is $9/hr. Call 255-8047. set up interview. Ask for Courtney Smith. ( '


FARMERS Insurance in NW OKC is now hiring PT outbound telemarketers. Hours available Mon-Thur 6-9pm and some Saturdays (flexible scheduling). Call to set interview at 286-5647 or 286-5645 or fax resume to 286-5650. CITY OF EDMOND Summer positions at Pelican Bay Aquatic Center: Lifeguard, Cafe & Cashier Staff, Water Safety Instructors. Golf Course, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job info line 359-4648 Apply at 100 E First, Rm 106

DO YOU WANT a PT, fun job? Local snowcone stand needs you. Season begins Saturday, March 11 . $6/hr. Call Beth at 812-5818.

Puzzle by Last week's solution

LARGE 2 bed, 1 bath $525, dep $250, NO PETS, walk to UCO, 1012 Chartrand. ONE BED, one bath $375, dep $175, NO PETS, walk to UCO. FURNISHED apt, I or 2 bedrm, queen bed, dishes, TV, VCR, bedding, short term lease 3,6 or 12 mo, walk to UCO. Chowning Heights Apts 844-5100, 208-2577

CHILDCARE needed! Periodic babysitting (daytime) for 2 angels, Sara 2&1/2 and Jennifer 4&1/2. Call Ann at 285-0026 and leave a message. Will return the call the same day.

RIVER OAKS Golf Course is now hiring Event/Wait & Beverage Cart staff. Great $$ for bag room & golf shop staff. 1&1/2 miles E of 1-35 on Hefner Rd, 771-5800.

MOTHER'S DAY OUT teachers needed. Chapel Hill United Methodist Church in OKC, MWF 9:303:00, $8/hr. Send resume and cover letter to

WEB Designer/Programmer needed for multi-site Joomla Project. Experience in Joomla/Mambo, PHP/ MySQL, Dreamweaver and CSS is essential. Call Conrad 229-6289.

LiT BAR GALLERY Rooftop is now seeking to fill multiple shifts with experienced or quick learning servers eager to make good tips. Must be 21 years of age or older. Call 602-6246 and leave a message to make an appointment or come by 208 E Sheridan, OKC, in person to fill out an application M-Sat after 7pm.

KENNEDY PLACE APTS 1,2&3 Bedrooms Across from UCO 341-7911 or visit our website

THE OLIVE GARDEN at Quail Springs Mall is now hiring for servers, preferably for lunch shifts. Apply in person at 2639 W Memorial.

CUSTOMER/ Guest Service Representative - Immediate opening for individuals with customer service experience. Must be available 3-11 pm, Sun thru Sat, 3 or 4 days/ wk. Must have computer knowledge. Great work environment. Great position for college student but must be available during summer. Applications accepted Mon-Fri 12-5pm at the Hampton Inn, 300 Meline Dr (W of I-35 on 2nd St). No phone calls please. COLLEGE student wanted to telemarket evening hours. Good pay. Call 608-0875, X305, ask for Sheila. FT HELP needed in customer service/reception. •Flexible FT hours •Starting pay is $8/hr •Must speak fluent English •Start immediately Please fax resume to 405-722-4521, attn: Shelley

9/ 4 8 7 1 6 2 3

3 6 5 2 1 9 7 1/44 6 8 9 5 2 4 2 3 6 8 1 5 9 7

Puzzle by

NEEDED - 2 females to take over lease at Dillon Park Apts, $430/mo, all bills paid. Call 580-747-0533 or 405-615-1856.

1995 FORD CONTOUR, good condition, new tires & brakes, only 91K miles. $1995 OBO, call 659-8751.

DILLON PARK APTS-N of the football field, furnished, all bills paid, 1015 Chowning. Call 285-5900.

CONNELY pool table with accessories, 7 ft, red felt, good condition, three years old. (New $3500), asking $1200. Call 341-3683.

THREE/FOUR bedroom house, 1400 s.f., 2 bath, all appliances plus washer & dryer, walk to UCO, $850/ mo, $500/dep, 420 N Blvd, Edmond. ALL BILLS PAID, 3 bed, I bath, 1350 s.f., all appliances, wash & dry free, walk to UCO. $850/mo, $500 dep, 1001 E Thatcher #1. Palmer Properties 341-7395,208-2577

FOR SALE: 1993 Honda Del Sol with VTEC engine. Beautiful, black, sporty vehicle, runs great. $4995. Call 340-4613 or 340-5620.

ARE YOU LOADS of fun and love kids? Immediate opening for family helper/nanny!!! Edmond couple with darling little girl (23 mo) and, soon to be, newborn baby boy looking for experienced, dependable, fun, ONE BEDROOM APT smart, family helper 20 hrs/wk through the 1 bdrm apt, partly furnished, right across summer. Duties include babysitting, educafrom UCO Library, CH/A, $325/mo. Call tional play, laundry, house sitting and ability Sabi at 821-3170. to travel with us on family vacations. Look,. '4-4 ing for Ippg- term conunitment. CoffeeCreek & KelIrCall Cara or Chad @285-2393.

Crossword 4








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Across 1. Having no adornment or coloration. 4. Swindle. 8. Render impassable. 12. Small ocean salmon, 13. Catcher's wire mask. 14. Repairs. 16. Dialect variant of "against." 17. Affirm positively. 18. Register formally as a member. 19. White metal extracted from ore at low temperatures. 20. Pay as a penalty, 21. An age.

28. Most common color for five dollar chips. 30. Small lump. 32. Liquid, edible fats that are obtained from plants. 36. _ Edleman, Stanley Zbornak on The Golden Girls. 39. Elevated lyrical poems. 41. Greek goddess of the earth. 42. Slang for "outstanding." 43. Become mature. 45. Non-separating chemical mixture resembling jelly. 46. Largest airless satellite of Saturn. 48. _ McNown, 1999 Senior Bowl MVP. 49. 'Tiny microscope opening In the skin. 50. Small replica of a person. 51. Florida Senator _ Martinez. 52. Play idly with. 54. Remove something burdensome. 56. Engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy. 60. Pole used to propel a boat. 63. Define article. 65. Seventh letter of the Greek alphabet. 67. Dormitory of the sultan's seragilio. 68. Tract of wasteland. 70. Quick to move. 72. Images of a supernatural being. 73. Sequence of photographs projected on to a screen. 74. Flammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin.


1. Informal term for "dogs." 2. Publication from a non-profit literary organization in Evanston, IL. 3. Literary or dialect. 4. Protective crust that forms over a wound during the healing process. 5. Short-tailed, rough-haired South American rodent. 6. Late time of life. 7. Expanse of standing water. 8. Clip at right angles. 9.The American _, group of painters from New York and Boston from 1898 to 1919. 10.Implements used to propel a boat. 11.Form a scheme of mischief against another. 12, Old Possum's Book of Practical 15. Cunning. 20. Drink heavier and more bitter than beer. 22. Cause friction. 25. Urban area. 27. Wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface. 29. Ancient royal city of the Canaanites. 30. Small landlocked Asian country high in the Himalayas between India and China. 31. Secondhand. 33. Welsh and Galician form of "Jacob."

34. Oven in which glassware is annealed. 35. City in Morocco. 36. With great force or severity. 37. Delayed repetition of a sound. 38. Lively Irish dance. 40. Of no use. 44. Player's final score after subtracting handicap. 47. Used in scoring to indicate a tie. 49. Monetary unit of Burma. 51. Ratio of the distance traveled in miles to the time spent traveling in hours. 53. South American wood sorrel cultivated for its edible tubers. 55. Recently in the past. 57. That which is seized by violence. 58. Large, desert-dwelling antelope. 59. Throwaway. 60, Georg Simon _, German physicist. 61. In astronomical terms, 1,000 million years. 62. Long and animated conversation. 64.Unfledged falcon or other birds of prey. 65.River _ In northwestern Ireland. 86. Bring forth. 69. Fasten. 71.Bill which has passed through various legislative steps and become law. 72.Forcibly terminate a program.

.NA e'T E CI ° S 'K ° E ° P M A b ii bCH ER '°I NTO D E N 11IHE RE'ABOU T bAMN MON I N G 'T I Eb 3A0A tCL"A T NA 2tANT chin la E R E a u E '

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1 7 5 2 6 9 4 8

$300/MO + electricity near Quail springs Mall. Pool, theater, tanning beds. NO CATS. CALL 323-7825.

TOWNHOUSE for lease, 2 bed, 2 bath, kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer hookups, ceiling fans, lots of closet space. NO PETS! New building, 1 blk from UCO, 453 N Blackwelder, $650/mo, $500 dep. TENANT RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES, 1 year lease, 341-9651.

24. Largest city in South Korea.

8 6 9 4 3 5 7 1

CLEAN, female roommate needed to share 2 story, 2 bedrm duplex with large kitchen and living area, and small backyard for about $400 rent + bills. 5 minute walk to UCO. For more details call 412-8448.


2 3 1 9 8 7 5 4

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4 8 2 5 7 1 3 6

CHISHOLM LAKE, perfect home with numerous updates. Large backyard, 3 bed, 2 bath, 2-car garage. New washer/dryer & refrigerator, $900/mo, 624 Firelane Road, 476-4718, Tim.

TWO BED, 1 bath four-plex. Quiet, clean area, _ block to UCO, Refrig, stove, dishwasher, w/d included, 1-c ar garage. $550/mo plus $550/dep. Call 824-8954, 348-9405.

26. Spore-bearing portion of a capsule.

7 5 3 6 4 8 9 2

LOOKING for female housemate. New home, Sonoma Lake, 15th & Penn, security system, 3-car garage, $350/mo plus bill split plus deposit, clubhouse, pool. Contact Kathy at 550-7205.

ONE BEDROOM APT Gas and water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO. 1217 N Roosevelt, $340/mo plus deposit, 341-9651.

23. Keep in a sty.

1 9 6 2 3 5 7 4

UNIVERSITY VILLAGE APARTMENTS Small 1 bedroom $350 Large 1 bedroom $375 2 bedrooms $450 Gas & Water Paid 330-3711

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PERFECT college job! AUTOCLEAN CARWASH is looking for PT help. Apply at 2060E 2nd St, 9-4 (in front of Oxford Oaks). Must be able to pass physical and drug test.


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NANNY NEEDED Thursday thru Sunday, flexible hours. Must have own transportation and references. Fax resume to 840-5102.

CLERICAL position, office manager needed. Knowledge of Quickbooks required. Job Duties: AR, AP, billing. Experience a PLUS. Pay based on experience. Fax resume to 755-7590 or apply in person at 9615 N Western, OKC.



PEBBLE TERR Townhomes, located on 2nd and Rocky Rd. Beautiful 2 bed, 1&1/2 bath, 2-car garage w/remote, full size w/d connections, dishwasher, garbage disposal, refrigerator and stove. Please call 949-1404 for further information.

PT POSITION for college student proficient in Word and Excel. Typing, filing, copying, answering phones for Oil & Gas Exploration Co. Send resume to: by Feb 15.

RETAIL SALES help needed at America's Mattress. Apply at 2000 W Danforth, Edmond.

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CUSTOMER attendants and dishwashers needed. PT positions available at new Edmond location at 33rd & Broadway. Flexible days & evenings, 3-4 hour shifts, Wednesday to Saturday. Work one day or all four, $7.50/hr. Call Wendy at 216-5500.



SPORTS Febuary 7, 2006 1 1

Bettis: "It's official, like the referee whistle" by Tim Dahlberg Associated Press Sports Columnist DETROIT (AP)—As grand exits go, it wasn't much. The Bus didn't win the Super Bowl for the Pittsburgh Steelers in the final game of his career. Didn't even have a lot to do with it, until he was given the ball to grind up some yards and run down the clock toward the end. Don't believe for a minute, though, that this wasn't Jerome Bettis' game. He ran onto the field alone because his teammates wanted to give him one final tribute. He walked off it for the last time as a champion, beloved in two cities. And he did what most athletes never can—walk away on top. "I think the Bus' last stop is here in-Detroit," Bettis said. It was quite a ride. Bettis wasn't the same back who punished defenders in the NFL for 13 years, but he didn't need to be on this team. His role wasn't so much to run as it was to lead. He came back for another year because quarterback

Ben Roethlisberger promised him a trip to Detroit, and once he got here he made them all feel at home. His teammates wanted to win one for Pittsburgh, one for Bill Cowher, one for the thumb and one for themselves. They never lost sight, though, of the one they wanted to win so badly for: big No. 36. "It was all for Jerome," MVP Hines Ward said. "We were going to fight for him." The night between the end zones was largely forgettable, though Bettis helped Roethlisberger score the Steelers' first touchdown with a block late in the second quarter. He wasn't the best running back on the field, not even the second best. Bettis didn't even play during the first quarter, and ended the game with just 43 yards on 14 carries. He wasn't a starter, but he was the only Steeler on the field for a few moments as his teammates let him savor his final run out of the tunnel by himself. "Joey Porter told me, 'It's only right that you lead us out there.

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Meghan Craig finds an opening against East Central at Hamilton Field House Feb. 4.

BASKETBALL from page 12 Brown, junior forward, sparked a 13-2 run as the Bronchos finished off the Tigers. Joe Kennedy, senior center, led UCO with 20 points, and ECU's Jason Thomas led the game with 32 points. WOMEN (5-16) The women's basketball team, also hosting East Central, lost 65-62 Feb. 4. After UCO junior forward Meghan Craig scored a game-opening three-pointer, the Tigers went on a 15-0 run. At the half, though, UCO had a 33-31 lead. The Bronhcos extended that lead to 45-39 on a layup by sophomore guard Cassidy Pillow five minutes into the second half. But UCO missed seven straight shots while the Tigers went on a 13-2 run and never looked back. Craig and Pillow scored a team-high 13 points each, followed by sophomore forward Lacie Allen with 10 points.

recapture their glory days, afraid that if they leave, the fans who adore them will leave as well. Remember the images of Joe Namath hanging on until the bitter end? Johnny Unitas did the same, and you can fill a league with running backs who believe they haven't lost a step and still have the moves that matter. That won't happen with Bettis. He's claimed now by two cities with big Bus stops. This Bus wasn't only bruising, he was considerate. Running backs don't last long in the NFL, especially those who plow into defenders without any thought to their own health. Bettis knew his body was breaking down, knew his career was coming to a close. But he didn't want to tell his teammates that because he didn't want to put the extra burden on them when they were trying to win a Super Bowl. He talked to Steelers owner Dan Rooney last week before the team came to Detroit and said this would be the end. He didn't tell coach Bill Cowher, but Cowher had seen the effects of the poundings Bettis had taken and knew anyway. So this was it, win or lose. And what better place for it to happen than the town he grew up in, the town where his parents still live. The Bus really did stop here. "The script right now, if you took it to Hollywood they'd turn it down, saying it couldn't happen," Bettis said. Bettis was right. Hollywood didn't need this script. Pittsburgh and Detroit sure did, though.

It's your home. You need to bring us in,' Bettis said. "I was in awe. They wanted me to bring them in and I brought them in. It was incredible. It gave me a moment I'll never forget." Bettis responded by trying to give the Steelers something they would never forget. He rooted teammates on, sprinting onto the field to congratulate them after big plays and giving them words of encouragement when things went bad. When it was over, Bettis finally had his Super Bowl championship, the only thing missing from what will surely be a Hall of Fame resume. He celebrated on the field, while his mother—who had never missed a game since Bettis began playing football—cried and his dad celebrated in a luxury suite above. Detroit celebrated with them, perhaps hopeful that this was a good omen of things to come in a city that so desperately wants to improve itself. It was almost as if a city whose own team is woeful had somehow claimed a title of sorts kf its ,own. Bettis made his retirement official even before he left the field. He held the Super Bowl trophy aloft, said he was through, and then went to have some fun in the ,locker room. "It's official, like the referee whistle," Bettis said. Assuming it is official, Bettis leaves after rushing for the fifthmost yards in the history of the NFL. He leaves much like John Elway left—on his own terms and with a glitzy new ring on his finger. Not many athletes do that. They hang on believing they can


Phat Rabbits 3-0 Ballers 1-2 Explicit 2-1 Ball Handlers 1-2 The Foosa 2-1 Pink Panther 1-2 Fire 0-3 Incredibles 2-1

TENNIS: Men overpower Cowley from page 12


BCM 3-0 Ice 1-2 The B's 3-0 E K 1-2 SLP Synajo 2-1 1-2 DZ 1-2 AGD 0-3

17, when the Bronchos face Washburn at home. The women's match between UCO and Cowley will be rescheduled. Despite being automatically down 2-0 going in to each meet after freshman Jourdan Munster quit the team Jan. 31, UCO still planned to play Cowley that day. But the teams decided to postpone the Feb. 5 match, Baxter said, when freshman Dominika Kovacikova's elbow injury left her unable to play. "We were down to four players," Baxter said, "and maybe three, because one player hadn't come to practice in a week (due to illness)." The women's tennis team's next matches will be Feb. 17 at the Collin Quad in Plano, Texas.

IFC Acacia 2-0 ATO 1 -1 K E 1-1 Phi Beta Sigma 1-1 PiKE 1-1

EN 1-1 Team N.P.H.0 1-1 TKE 1-1 Hornets 0-2 ETG 0-2


Kristen Limam can be reached at,


Pittsburgh Steelers running back Jerome Bettis celebrates after winning the Super Bowl, his final NFL game.


The Redshirts 4-0 ,Hole Hitters 3-1 Isotopes 3-1 Kryptonite 3-1 4Neon Death Kings 3 - 1





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aa e.coitt

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UCO tennis serves up first win of season

Nebraska-Omaha narrowly escapes UCO wrestlers by Teddy Burch Sports Writer

Third-ranked UCO lost a close match to top-ranked Nebraska-Omaha 19-15 at Hamilton Field House Feb. 3. "We knew it was a big challenge," head coach David James said. "We wrestled well at a lot of the weights, but just came up short." The Mavericks jumped out to an early 3-0 lead with Cody Garcia defeating Shane Caruthers 5-1. Earl Jones (133 pounds) and Jared Henning (141 pounds) won to give the Bronchos the lead, 6-3. Shea Timothy (149 pounds) and Jason Leavitt (157 pounds) lost close matches and UNO regained the lead 9-6. Cort Peterson (165 pounds) won 6-1 over Ross Taplin and the Bronchos picked up victories by Jared Hess (184 pounds) and Heath Jolley (197 pounds) to even the score at 15-15. In the final match at 285 pounds, Chris Finn lost a major decision to Les Sigman, 11-0. The win gave Sigman his 64th consecutive win and UNO its fourth straight victory over the Bronchos. Sigman is looking to join a rare group of four-time national champions this year. "Of course we thought we could pick up the victory at heavyweight, both our guys are good," James said. "UNO's heavyweight was a little better and we were just unable to get the victory."

The Bronchos had a fivematch winning streak stopped, falling to 12-3 overall for the season. The Bronchos beat fifthranked Nebraska-Kearney 1918 at Hamilton Field House Feb. 2. Fifth-ranked LeadingFox had lost three of four previous meetings with No. 2 Tervel Dlagnev and trailed 3-1 in the heavyweight bout after a Dlagnev takedown with 43 seconds left. LeadingFox got the go-ahead takedown at 0:27 then managed to control Dlagnev the rest of the way for the 4-3 victory that lifted the Bronchos from an 18-16 deficit to the one-point win. "We were. all really proud of the tough and gritty performance by LeadingFox," Jamds said. "That is the kind of toughness that, as a coach, you expect out of your players." The Bronchos also got wins by Vista photographer Travis Marak from Jones, Timothy, Leavitt, Peterson and Hess. UCO's Jared Hess wraps up Nebraska-Omaha's Nate Oviatt in the 184-pound diviThe Bronchos return to sion Feb. 3 in Hamilton Field House. Hess won the decision 8-1. action Feb. 10, on the road against ninth-ranked Fort Hays Wrestling Scores, Feb. 3 Wrestling Scores, Feb. 2 State University. Nebraska-Omaha 19, UCO 15 . 19, Nebraska-Kearney 18 "Fort Hays is going to be UCO Results wt. wt. Results a tough place to win," James 125 Garcia, UNO, dec. Caruthers, 5-1 said. "Some teams just match 125 Charbonneau, UNK, def. Caruthers, 6-2 133 Jones, UCO, dec. Hilario, 3-1 133 Jones, UCO, dec. Allgood, 5-3 (SV) up well against us in dual play 141 Rutledge, UNK, pinned Henning, 4:01 141 Henning, UCO, dec. Waite, 8-4 and (Fort) Hays is one of those 149 Timothy, UCO, dec. True, 4-2 149 Unger, UNO, dec. Timothy, 5-2 teams." 157 Allibone, UNO, dec. Leavitt, 1-0 Leavitt, UCO, dec. Ellenberger, 6-3 157 165

Petersen, UCO, maj. dec. McCury, 18-6 Hess, UCO, dec. Sutton, 7-5 Linsacum, UNK, maj, dec. Meredith, 17-4 197 Sylvester, UNK, tech. fall Jolley, 17-2 (7:00) Hvy J. LeadingFox, UCO, dec. Dlagnev, 4-3

174 184

Teddy Burch can be reached at .


Petersen, UCO, dec. Taplin, 6-1 Naig, UNO, pinned Wood, 1:55 Hess, UCO, dec. Oviatt, 8-1 Jolley, UCO, dec. Edmonds, 9-4 Hvy Sigman, UNO, major dec. Finn, 11-0

165 174 184 197

Men, women face East Central in tight games UCO Athletic Hall of Fame inducts four during games The 2005 UCO Athletic Hall of Fame class was inducted during halftime at the men's basketball game Feb. 4. Guy Hardaker, a shortstop and third baseman, became the first baseball player selected to the Hall of Fame. Gary Howard won more games than any other college football coach in Oklahoma. J.W. Lockett, a three-sport standout, went on to play in the NFL. Howard Moore captured two national championships during his wrestling career.

MEN (12-9) A 68-66 win over the East Central Tigers Feb. 4 in Edmond lifted the Bronchos to a 5-1 conference record and a first-place tie with Southeastern Oklahoma State in the Lone Star Conference North Division. "We played good defense," head coach Terry Evans said. "We missed our goal of keeping our opponent to under 60 points, but we still got the win." The Bronchos also held onto their perfect 8-0 record at home this season. UCO led 35-33 at halftime, but ECU came back with a lead of 10 with 10:16 left in the second half. A layup by Anthony

Please see BASKETBALL, page 11

by Kristen Limam Sports Editor The UCO men's tennis team began the season with an 8-1 win over Cowley County Community College Feb. 5 at Quail Springs Golf and Country Club in Oklahoma City. "For an opening match, I think we played quite well," said head coach Francis Baxter. "I wasn't surprised, because we have a lot of experience and they are a junior college. There's no way they have the same experience, but they have some good players." Tomas Hladil, sophomore, successfully returned to the top of the lineup with a 6-3, 6-2 win over Cowley's Julian Rios. Hladil missed last season with a back injury. Senior Mark Johnson played singles in the No. 2 spot, defeating Nathan Mai 6-4, 6-0. "The first set was tighter than I expected, but then it went good," Johnson said. Javier Easton, junior, also struggled early en route to a 6-3, 6-1 win over Marijn Bal. Easton said his nervousness went away in the first set at 3-3. "One of the reasons we play is it gives us a chance to get these early season jitters out of the way," Baxter said. In his first collegiate match, freshman Justin DeBruin defeated Juan Ramos, 6-0, 6-1. Though UCO won all six doubles matches, thus clinching the win, the teams went on to play the three doubles matches in order to get more practice and face new opponents, Baxter said. The Bronchos' sole loss came when Cowley's Kevin Harper and Rios defeated Easton and DeBruin, 8-3. Johnson and Christian Haugen, senior, went on to win their doubles match against Matt Argo and Brian Cross, 8-1. "I enjoy playing with Chris," Johnson said. "Our games complement each other." Hladil and Peter Davis, junior, defeated Bal and Mai, 8-3 in doubles. Jonas Askeland, senior, did not play due to illness but is expected to return Feb.

Please see TENNIS, page 11

Men's Tennis Scores, Feb. 5 UCO 8, CCCC 1 Singles 1, Hladil, UCO, def. Rios, 6-3, 6-2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Johnson, UCO, def. Mai, 6-4, 6-0 Easton, UCO, def. Bal, 6-3, 6-1 Haugen, UCO, def. Harper, 6-0, 6-1 Davis, UCO, def. Galvan, 6-1, 6-1 DeBruin, UCO, def. Ramos, 6-0, 6-1

Doubles 1. Davis/Hladil, UCO, def. Bal/Mai, 8-3 2. Harper/Rios, CCCC, def. DeBruin/Easton, 8-3 3. Haugen/Johnson, UCO, def. Argo/Cross, 8-1


BASEBALL Tuesday, Feb. 7 2 p.m. vs. St. Gregory's


E Ever feel like everyone else has more fun, better relationships„ and more friends than you do? Ever feel like everyone else knows what to say and when to say it, and you're just trying to figure out how not to look totally clueless?

Tuesday, Feb. 7 Games begin at 7 p.m. (Wellness Center)

Games begin at 7:30 p.m. (Wantland) 17 Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

UCO's Joe Kennerly dunks for two of his 20 points against the East Central Tigers Feb. 4 at Hamilton Field House.

Who& personal Growth Group What Tuesday afternoons. February 15th through April 11th

Corstad Rita Conger to learn more about


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