The Vista Feb. 07, 2008

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7, 2008

www.thevistaonline.corn The Student Voice of the University of Centra Oklahoma Since 1903


Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton D-N.Y., acknowledges applause from supporters Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008, in New York.

AP Photo

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-III., addresses the crowd during a Super Tuesday election night party Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008, in Chicago.

AP Photo

AP Photo

Republican presidential hopeful, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and his wife Ann Romney take the stage at his Super Tuesday primary watch party Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008 in Boston, Mass.

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.,and his wife Cindy McCain, acknowledge supporters at a Super Tuesday presidential primary elections night party Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008, in Phoenix.

Students, faculty react to Oklahoma's Super Thesday results by Carrie Cronk Staff Writer Sens. Hillary Clinton and John McCain won the Oklahoma presidential primaries on Super Tuesday, and UCO students had similar reactions, whether democrat, republican or undeclared. Clinton had 228,425 votes and won 24 of the state's 38 democratic delegates, 24 percent more than Senator Barack Obama's total of 130,087 votes and 14 delegates.

On the Republican ticket, McCain brought home 122,748 votes to Mike Huckabee's 110,486 and Mitt Romney's 83,018. McCain received 32 of the state's 38 republican delegates, with Huckabee taking the remaining 6. Loren Gatch, political science professor said although the Oklahoma democratic primary went as expected, he feels the republican primary was not as decisive going in. "While I don't think there was much doubt that Hillary


Page 9

Clinton was going to win in Oklahoma, the surge for McCain that has happened nationwide is clearly present in Oklahoma as well. "Remember that people who participate in primary elections are not the same people who vote in the general election. In Oklahoma, only registered democrats and republicans could participate. Independent voters are not allowed to vote, and their priorities may be different from voters who already identify with one party or another,"

he said. Gatch said previously withdrawn candidates had little influence on the election. "For the Democrats, voters who would have gone for Edwards might have favored Obama, but Edwards was still on the ballot and got over 10 percent of the vote. Under the Democrats' rules, though, 10 percent wasn't enough to win any delegates. "Even if all of Edwards' voters had been Obama's, Clinton would have still had a higher percentage. For the

America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its moraliy and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapsefrom within. Joseph Stalin

Republicans, Giuliani polled less than one percent - even Ron Paul got more than he did--but I suspect that Giuliani supporters went to McCain." Kayce Martin UCO public relations junior said that she voted for McCain. "I was very happy ... he has experience especially with the war and economy. He is good with cutting wasteful cost. He does not beat around the bush," she said. Kristin Poe, senior interpersonal communications major, said she was surprised

by the overall results. "I thought Oklahoma would've voted more for the republican candidates than the democrats ... [because] I didn't think our state would vote for Clinton as much as they did," Poe said. Poe said she thought Oklahoma was primarily a republican state, and she felt Huckabee would be a good republican nominee for president. On the democrat's side,

see VOTES, page 3


Opinion 2 Columns 9 Sports 1 1 -1 2 Classifieds 10


February 7, 2008

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Cartoon by Jared Aylor



Compiled and photographed by Chris Albers

"What is one thing you would like to change on the UCO campus?" "I would change the parking system."

Kelsey Pierce Nursing - Freshman

"I would have healthier food on campus."

Jacob Buckles Undeclared - freshman

"I love UCO just how it is."

Ronnie Meyer Broadcasting - freshman

"I'd create more commuter parking."

Editor: As an alum of UCO, I'm writing in response to the recent Vista article by Justin Langston on Stacy McNeiland. I've been a friend of Stacy's for many years and have also worked with her professionally in the past. Stacy is not being accurately portrayed in the media and I'd like to share a few thoughts: In early. November,, Stacy made an honest mistake.. She walked out of a store after shopping around for awhile andforgot she was even can-y,ing,a $19.99 shirt. The mistake was unintentional, and trust me, no one has suffered more than she has. She feels terrible and never wanted this to effect UCO. This woman, who prior to this incident only had a speeding ticket to her name, bore the scrutiny of horrible and often inaccurate media coverage. As any lawyer would tell you, Stacy did the right thing by pleading "no contest". That was the only way she could get the charges behind her and avoid a public trial, which would have resulted in even more media scrutiny and inaccuracies. Something you might not know (and certainly something that the media has failed to report)...the District Attorney also approved for this incident to be dismissed and expunged from her record. Stacy loves UCO and has been a loyal employee/ alumna for 15+ years. As we all know, words can be taken out of context and news is often sensationalized. For example, when a security guard asked Stacy, do you even feel bad? Stacy replied, "I feel terrible. Not paying for a shirt is wrong and I'm so sorry, but I didn't intentionally take a shirt." So, you can guess what part was printed in the media. Feeling bad about making a mistake is NOT an admission of guilt. And pleading "no contest" is NOT pleading guilty. If you truly knew Stacy, then you would know her heart.

Most of what you say is factually correct...well done. Two points of clarification, First, peak oil is not a liberal/Democrat agenda item and conservatives/Republicans are not, as a group, peak oil deniers. You may have a gut feel that is the case (I don't) but I doubt you have real facts to substantiate your assertion. Second, you briefly mention oil reserves, production rate and cost of production (extraction). But their interrelationship is key to understanding peak oil and its implications. I suggest you and those reading your post check out this excellent piece, available at the Energy Bulletin: Peak oil: Why is it


John Bathke Computer science - sophomore

"I want more hot students on campus."

Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5548 •


Andrew Knittle, Editor in Chief No Lupov, Managing Editor Alex Gambill, Copy Editor Umair Rafique Graphic design - senior

"I'd create more campus living to promote greek life and campus involvement."


Justin Langston, Senior Staff Writer Nelson Solomon, Staff Writer Jana Davis, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo„Staff Writer Jordan Richison, Staff Writer


Jeff Massie, Sports Editor

DESIGN Cory Vance Social studies edu. sophomore

Steven Reckinger


Chris Albers, Photo Editor Brenda O'Brian


Keith Mooney, Ad Director Garrett Johnson



ADVISER Julie Clanton

I have watched this horrible nightmare unfold and will say that by not speaking out I too have done an injustice to Stacy and the University. We live in a world that criticizes and condemns early without even knowing all the facts or the facts we receive are directly from the media. I went to my friend and asked her to tell me what happened, I read the police report (which is the report of the security officer from JC Penny) and spoke to many different people about this incident. Have you? I just want you to make an informed decision about this before you judge. There will come a time or it may have already happened in your life that you will make a bad decision, use poor judgment and possibly get into a situation that if made public could ruin your career. You would pray that your "work family" would support you and not throw you to the wolves. In closing, I would like to add that I applaud President Webb and Steve Kreidler for being the leaders they are and giving a second chance to a valuable and loyal employee. I am a member of the Alumni because of the efforts of Stacy and have seen her work tirelessly for my University. Sincerely,

Barbara Matthews

so difficult to explain/understand? Regards P. Paulson

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.


The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters.

Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ .

February 7, 2008


UCOSA looking to establish new ambassador job by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

Commuter Services coordinator Nathan Box announced Monday at the weekly UCOSA, that UCO is looking into establishing a community ambassadors program. "CommunityAmbassadors will allow increased communications between students and neighbors," Box said. Box said that in this program student ambassadors would be asked to hold and be in charge of neighborhood meetings. He added that in these meetings students could talk about such things as risk management, crime preven-

tion, and what to do during an ice storm. Box also announced plans for the UCO Jr. City Council. Box said that this would be a mentoring program. He said that under this program, UCO would take five students and pair them up with four Edmond city council members. Another student would be paired up with Edmond mayor Dan O'Neil. "UCO Jr. Council is being done as a way to improve the relationship between UCO and the City of Edmond," Box said. Box also told the people in attendance about the upcoming Parents Night Out on Feb. 14. He said that this event is


for the non-traditional student with children ages 4-11 and will feature' food and games. He said that this is basically free childcare for parents. He added the purpose for this event is so that parents can have a night out and enjoy Valentines and not have to worry about their kids. Another event that was talked about during the UCOSA meeting was Higher Education Day. UCOSA Vice President Cyndi Munson said that Higher Education Day was a day designed for students to speak their voice to legislation. "I believe that students have a huge voice for our

Staff Writer

Top: UCO ROTC cadet Tony Dewitt jumps into Hamilton Field House's pool with his rifle during a water training exercise with Broncho Battalion on Thursday, Jan. 31. Bottom: UCO ROTC cadet Caleb Hollingsworth swims across Hamilton Field House's pool with his rifle above water during a water training exercise.

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Medical and dental students have a new opportunity to enter into a U.S. Army Medical Department program that offers $20,000 to cover tuition and other fees and includes active duty in the service, according to a news release from Army Health Care. The U.S. Army Medical Department's new Critical Skills Accession Bonus incentive is for students who are accepted into the Army's F. Edward Hebert Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program, according to the news release. Sgt. First Class David Reynolds, station commander for the Oklahoma City office, said there are no new students with the scholarship since the program started on Feb. 1. Reynolds 'said there are presently 17 students with the medical and dental scholarships in the state. "The Army has basically added a $20,000 accession bonus to the existing full ride scholarship for medical and dental students," Reynolds said. The Health Professions Scholarship Program provides students with the full cost of tuition, school related fees and books and a stipend of more than $1,900 per month to further their education towards becoming medical or dental professionals. The HPSP is also avail-

VOTES from page 1 Jeanette Mirll, sophomore creative studies major, said she wasn't surprised by the primary results. She said although she is currently undeclared, she is considering registering as a republican, but added that she felt Clinton would be the best candidate for president. Bethany Totten, junior

trauma equipment. In addition, physicians are free to concentrate on caring for patients and developing innovative business tasks such as processing insurance claims or building a client base. Some of the benefits that graduates of the program receive are: paid continuing education courses, seminars and conferences; no-cost or low-cost medical and dental care for the graduate and their family, as well as opportunities to travel throughout the world. Army Health•Care annually employs more than 73,500 active-duty professionals and 72,000 Reserve Soldiers who interact with more than 200,000 patients in an average day, the release said. One of dip largest health care networks in the world, AMEDD operates more than 600 world-renowned hospitals, clinics and facilities around the globe. AMEDD is comprised of six corps: Dental, Medical, Medical Service, Medical Specialist, Nurse, and Veterinary. For more information about HPSP and the CSAB, visit www. g o army. corn/ amedd/hpsp.jsp or phone 800-872-2769.

journalism major, said she feels Clinton is the best candidate, "because she is the most experienced ... and because she's been in that realm." Rachel Carlton, a junior interpersonal communications major, said although she voted for Obama she likes both democratic candidates. She said she feels either candidate would do well as president. Other students say they prefer Obama for the democratic nominee. Brad Falkner, . sophomore

political science major, said he feels Obaipa has a "leg up" on Clinton. "I think he's more likely to be the nominee than Hillary at this point." Falkner said he feels McCain is the strongest Republican candidate. "I think if he matches up with Clinton in the general, I think it will be a very close election. I think Obama could really open up. He could either win big or lose big." Gatch said, "While the results weren't decisive for

either the Democrats or the Republicans, clearly McCain is now the frontrunner for the Republicans. We'll have a better idea of who might run in November after the next round of big state primaries in early March."

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Jordan Richison can be reached at .

lice, according to the release. Graduates of HPSP can finish school debt-free and become a member of one of the most comprehensive and dynamic health care organizations in the world, the Army Health Care Team. In addition, residents and graduates gain unparalleled practical experience that puts them years ahead professionally of their civilian counterparts. This accession bonus will further help attract top talent to Army medicine and dentistry, and support students in achieving their academic goals. The Army's scholarship program provides benefits during school and after graduation for those planning a career in health care or who are currently enrolled in a graduate medical or dental program. In addition to a full tuition scholarship to the medical or dental school of choice, the program pays for required books, non-expendable equipment, other academic fees and a monthly stipend that is adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases. Upon graduation and entry onto active duty, Medical and Dental Corps officers receive increases in salary and new opportunities for a broad range of residencies, fellowships and special pay incentives. Army Health Care Professionals work with the latest high-tech equipment, technology and life-saving

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us aside and nothing will get done. Munson said that there will be two meetings and students interested in going must attend at least one of these meetings. She added that they want to look professional when they go in, so each student going down to the capitol will get a free UCO polo to wear at the legislative meetings.

able for students pursuing advanced degrees in veterinary science, psychiatric nursing, optometry and psychology. "Army Health Care through its scholarship program provides students with a first rate medical and dental education, advanced training and experience as a member of the best health care team in the world," Col. Rafael Montagno, commander of the U.S. Army Medical Recruiting Brigade, said in the release. To qualify for the scholarship, the student must be a U.S. citizen with a baccalaureate degree from an accredited school and be enrolled in or have a letter of acceptance or intent from an accredited graduate program located in the U.S. or Puerto Rico, according to the official Web site. The student must also maintain full-time student status during the entire length of the program, according to the Web site. The CSAB is a onetime $20,000 sign-on bonus (minus tax) for students who meet the requirements of and are accepted into the HPSP program after Jan. 4, 2008. Acceptance of the bonus includes a four-year active duty and four-year Reserve service obligation, which can be fulfilled concurrent with service obligations related to HPSP upon completion of residency programs and becoming licensed to prac-

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UCO is that each state university has their own legislative agenda. Munson said that there is also a group that represents UCO to the regents and at the state capitol. Munson said that they typically work with the administrative side of the university. "Although the legislation is very helpful, we are looking to provide a student voice on the issues they fight for as well- as what we see is necessary," Munson said. Munson said that she wants to be prepared when they go in so it doesn't look like we are bogging down. She said that if we go in their and just start complaining and yelling at them then they will push

U.S. Army Medical Dept. offers scholarships by Nelson Solomon

Photos by Alex Gambill

university and our state," Munson said. Munson said that this is a big day for UCO because it is a chance to express to people the problems facing UCO. One of the problems Munson talked about was that UCO is the most under funded university in Oklahoma, yet it is the third largest public university in the state. She also noted that UCO is the only university in the state that increases enrollment without loosing anyone. Munson said that she had been working on this day with UCO executive Vice President Steve Kreidler over the past few months. One of the things going for

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Nelson Solomon can be reached at

Carrie Cronk can be reached at


NEWSPAPER INTERNSHIP The Oklahoma Newspaper Foundation has awarded paid internships at newspapers this summer to the following students:

KASEY FOWLER, Northwestern Oklahoma State University KIMBERLY M. HILL, University of Oklahoma EMILY A. HOLMAN, Oklahoma State University ANDREW THOMAS KNITTLE, University of Central Oklahoma KEITH MOONEY, University of Central Oklahoma MICHAEL STEWART, Langston University A few internships are still available. Visit today to download an application. Don't miss your opportunity to work at an Oklahoma newspaper this summer. Applications must be submitted by March 14 to be eligible for consideration.



February 7, 2008

Students receive scholarships by Jordan Richison Staff Writer UCO students Michael Goodman and Natalie Weaver were recently honored for their excellence with $500 scholarships from the National Order of Omega. Goodman and Weaver, both seniors, each received one of 200 Order of Omega national scholarships. Order of Omega is a Greek honor society that recognizes the top three percent of all Greek students nationwide. The scholarship was established to recognize academic ability, participation and leadership in campus organizations, citizenship and service to Order of Omega and the campus' Greek community. The program has awarded over half a million dollars to undergraduate members since its establishment in 1985. Both Goodman and Weaver have served the honor society as members of the executive council of Order of Omega. Goodman, an Organizational Communication major from Midwest City, is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. He is also a member of President Leadership Council and has served as President of UCO's Student Association. Goodman was also named the Homecoming king last fall. Goodman said he is excited to be representing UCO and our Greek system. "I am really excited to win the Order of Omega Scholarship. I feel like Greek Life is one of the best decisions a student can make in college, and my Greek experience has been an incredible one," Goodman said. added that he plans- (49,45Wis scholarship to help cover the cost of books

Heath Ledger's death ruled accidental by AP Writer NEW YORK (AP) _ Heath Ledger died of an accidental overdose of painkillers, sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medication and other prescription drugs, the New York City medical examiner said Wednesday. The cause of death was "acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine," spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said in a statement. The medical examiner's office only provided gener

ic names, so it is unknown whether he took generic or brand-name drugs. Police had said they found six types of prescription drugs, including sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication, in Ledger's apartment. Oxycodone is a painkiller marketed as OxyContin and used in other painkillers such as Percodan and Percocet; hydrocodone is used in a number of painkillers, including Vicodin. Diazepam and alprazolam are the generic names for the anti-anxiety drugs Valium and Xanax, and the other two drugs are sleep aids com-

monly sold under the brands Restori) and Unisom. Borakove wouldn't say what concentrations of each drug were found in Ledger's blood, or whether one drug played a greater part than another in causing his death. "What you're looking at here is the cumulative effects of these medications together," she said. The ruling comes two weeks after the 28-year-old Australian-born actor was found dead in the bed of his rented SoHo apai tment.• Ledger's family returned

see HEATH, page 7

Photo Services

Michael Goodman is one of two students who was recently honored by the National Order of Omega. and a leadership study tour to arship to help further her academic career. Italy over spring break. "This scholarship will Weaver, a nursing senior from Boise, Okla., is a mem- help me pursue my aspiraber of Sigma Kappa sorority. tion to become a physician. She is an active member of The average medical school UCO's Leaders of Tomorrow student graduates with about $100,000 of debt, so every and Freshman Follies. Weaver is also an active scholarship is encouraging," member and former presi- Weaver said. dent of UCO's Student Programming Board. She most recently held the position of treasurer for the UCO chapter of Order of Omega. Weaver, said_ she recently, applied to medical schoolvit Jordan Richison can be reached is excited to utilize the 'said: at . ,

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AP Photo

Evening commuters reach for copies of the afternoon MX newspaper reporting the news of the death of actor Heath Ledger, in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008: The Australian actor, Ledger, was found face-down and naked at the foot of a bed in a Manhattan apartment Jan. 22. Police said there were prescription sleeping pills near' Ledger's body, but there was no obvious sign he had committed suicide.


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February 7, 2008

Marriage class to be offered 'No Country' pleases unnerves by Jana Davis

by Justin Langston

Staff Writer

Senior Staff Writer

The Oklahoma Marriage Initiative is sponsoring the "All About Us" relationship education class held Saturday, Feb. 9 in the Coca-Cola Bricktown Events Center. The "All About Us" class is for already married, engaged or thinking about getting married couples, said Adam Wilmoth, marketing specialist. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. and last until 3 p.m. The event is free to anyone that wants to come. The speakers will be presenting a curriculum called, "Prep." If each person in the relationship attends, they can get their marriage license for $5 instead of $50, Willmoth said. Couples will learn how to communicate better and how to keep a relationship strong, Wilmoth said. "I think it's important for all of us to nurture the most important things in our lives," said Kendy Cox, director of service delivery. "You have to take a driver's test in order to drive, there really isn't anything like that for marriage." Cox said that this class will Stock Photo help train couples to be better at driving their marriage to The Oklahoma Marriage Initiative is offering a marsuccess. riage class Feb. 9 at the Coca-Cola Bricktown Events Another example Cox Center. gave was taking a car in for a check-up. While nothing may be wrong with it, it is important to have it checked or it's not. This class will have to air all your dirty launso nothing will happen in the teach them the tools to make dry," Cox said. a marriage last. , For more information, future. Cox said men typically contact Wilmoth at (877) The point, Cox said, is to educate couples and let them have the hardest time coming 435-8033. know that marriage can be to this event. "You don't have to talk, Jana Davis can be reached at learned. She said most people either think the love is there, you can just listen. You won't

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"No Country for Old Men" is one of those weird movies. It's difficult to put pen to paper and record my actual thoughts on the movie; indeed, it is just as difficult to express my views to another person in a face-to-face conversation as well. "No Country for Old Men" is difficult to speak or write about because it is as good a movie as it is disconcerting. Perhaps it connects with an odd part of the brain or it resonates on a different emotional level of films of equal proficiency. Regardless of the difficulty found in reviewing the movie, it is most certainly one of the best movies of the year, and is perhaps one of the best movies in the crime drama genre. The, movie follows Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), a retired welder and Vietnam veteran, who stumbles upon a cocaine deal gone wrong. Llewelyn finds a satchel filled with $2 million, with no one around to claim it, he takes it. Smart enough to realize people will be after the money, Llewelyn sends his wife (Kelly Macdonald) away to her mother and goes on the run. In the meantime, Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), a psychotic hit man, stalks Llewelyn for the money and his life, while other men attempt to broker a deal with the beleaguered Llewelyn. Some want the money back, while others simply want to protect Llewelyn from the danger he's hopelessly unaware of until it's too late. The movie is a pretty simple cat and mouse chase tale, with Chigurh constantly one step behind Llewelyn, who really has no clue what is really after him. Similar to

"the Most Dangerous Game," Llewelyn, who first appears hunting deer with a rifle, is almost as dangerous as prey as his predator is to him. It's interesting to watch Llewelyn run for his life, and the audience certainly hopes that the rather decent man can get away with the drug money and his life. However, Chigurh is so dangerous awl ruthless, it's difficult to believe for a moment that the hero will make it out of this alive. Since Llewelyn is as smart and as dangerous as his pursuer, it makes for an extremely intense and thrilling chase. The encounters between the two are so emotionally charged and well directed, it becomes very easy to empathize with both men. While there's very little to ,

T r

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complain about, it is somewhat irritating that there is almost no conclusion. Well, that's something of an oversimplification of what really happened. There is a conclusion, and with good reason, many of the loose ends are not tied up. The ending is unsettling and supremely unsatisfying, which is apparent how it should be right from the very beginning. The movie is haunting and beautiful, but at the same time, it strikes a different chord than most movies that are similar to it in terms of genre. In the end, it leaves the audience unsettled and disturbed, just as it intended to do so. Justin Langston can be reached at ,

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February 7, 2008

Storms rip through South, results in multiple deaths by AP Writer LAFAYETTE, Tenn. (AP) _ Daybreak revealed a battered landscape across the South on Wednesday, as crews searching communities hit by a violent line of tornadoes fought through downed power lines, crumpled mobile homes and snapped trees to find victims. At least 48 people were dead. The storms swept across Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas as Super Tuesday primaries were ending, ripping the roof from a shopping mall, blowing apart warehouses and crumpling a campus' dormitory buildings as students huddled inside. Seavia Dixon, whose Atkins, Ark. was shattered, stood Wednesday morning in her yard, holding muddy baby pictures of her son, who is now a 20-year-old soldier in Iraq. Only a concrete slab was left from the home. The family's brand new ,white pickup truckwas upsidedown, about 150 yards from where it was parked before the storm. Another pickup truck the family owned sat crumpled about 50 feet from the slab. "You know, it's just material things," Dixon said, her voice breaking. "We can replace them. We were just lucky to survive." As the extent of the damage quickly became clear, candidates including Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee paused in their victory speeches to remember the victims. Twenty-four people were killed. in ,Tennesee, ,13 killed in Arkansas,, seven killed in Kentucky and four killed in Alabama, emergency officials said. Among the victims were Arkansas parents who died with their 11-year-old daughter in Atkins, about 60 miles northwest of Little Rock. Ray Story tried to get his 70-year-old brother, Bill Clark, to a hospital after the storms leveled his mobile home in Macon County, about 60 miles northeast of Nashville. Clark died as Story and his wife tried to navigate

debris-strewn roads in their pickup truck, they said. "He never had a chance," Story's wife, Nova, said. "I looked him right in the eye and he died right there in front of me." The system moved east4 ward to Alabama Wednesday, bringing heavy rains' and gusty winds, causing several injuries in counties; west of Birmingham. There were at least two reports of tornadoes, and the National Weather Service posted tornado watches for parts of southern Alabama, the Florida Panhandle and western Georgia. An apparent tornado damaged eight homes in Walker County, Ala., and a pregnant woman suffered a broken arm when a trailer home was tossed by the winds, said county emergency management director Johnny Burnette. "I was there before daylight and it looked like a war zone," he said. Northeast of Nashville, a spectacular fire erupted at a natural gas pumping station northeast of Nashville. The station took a direct hit from the storm, but no deaths connected to the fire were reported. About 200 yards from the edge of the plant, Bonnie and Frank Brawner picked through the rubble of their home for photographs and other personal items. The storm completely sheared off the second story of the home. "We had a beautiful neighborhood, now it's hell," said Bonnie Brawner, 80. Eight students were trapped in a battered dormitory at Union University in Jackson, Tenn., until they were finally freed. Tornadoes had hit the campus in the past, and students knew the drill when they heard sirens, said Union University President David S. Dockery. At least two dormitories were destroyed. "When the sirens went off the entire process went into place quickly," Dockery said. Students "were ushered into rooms, into the bathrooms, interior spaces." He said about 50 students were taken to the hospital

AP Photo

Colleen Conner salvages items at Bonnie Scott's house in Oxford, Miss. on Wednesday, February 6, 2008. Scott escaped serious injury when the storm destroyed her house while she was in it. and nine stayed through the night. But all would be fine, he said. The students "demonstrated who they are and I'm so proud of them." Well after nightfall Tuesday, residents went through shattered homes in Atkins, a town of 3,000 near the Arkansas River. Around them, power lines snaked along streets and a deeporange pickup truck rested on its side. A navy blue Mustang with a demolished front end was marked with spray* paint to show it had been searched. Outside one damaged home, horses whinnied in the darkness, looking up only when a flashlight reached their eyes. A ranch home stood unscathed across the street from a concrete slab that had supported the house where the family of three died. In Memphis, high winds collapsed the roof of a Sears store at a mall. Debris that included bricks and air conditioning units was scattered on

the parking lot, where about two dozen vehicles were damaged. A few people north of the mall took shelter under a bridge and were washed away, but they were pulled out of the Wolf River with only scrapes, said Steve Cole of the Memphis Police Department. In Mississippi, • Desoto County Sheriffs Department Cmdr. Steve Atkinson said a twister shredded warehouses in an industrial , park in the city of Southaven, just south of Memphis.

"It ripped the warehouses apart. The best way to describe it is it looks like a bomb went off," Atkinson said. Winter tornadoes are not uncommon. The peak tornado season is late winter through mid-summer, but the storms can happen at any time of the year with the right conditions. The tornadoes could be due to La Nina, the cooling of the tropical Pacific Ocean that _can cause'; changes ;in weather patterns around the world. It is the opposite of

the better-known El Nino, a periodic warming of the same region. 'Recent studies have found an increase in tornadoes in parts of the southern U.S. during the winter during a La Nina. On Jan. 8, tornadoes were reported in Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma and Wisconsin. Two died in the Missouri storms.


Tr nil

AP Photo

Cyerice Martin, right, comforts her sister, Seavia Dixon, left, Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2008 in Atkins, Ark., where Dixon's home use to be after a tornado destroyed it Tuesday.

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February 7, 2008


Mardi Gras coincides with Super Tuesday Engineering banquet to be held

by AP Writer NEW ORLEANS (AP) Fat Tuesday and Super Tuesday collided on the streets of the French Quarter, where revelers added a distinctly political flavor to the city's annual raucous bash. Among the men dressed in pink baby-doll pajamas or leather loincloths and the women flashing glimpses of flesh for beads were some whose costumes had political themes. Louisiana voters don't head to the polls until Saturday, so many let their costumes make political statements on a day when 24 other states were holding presidential primaries and caucuses. Kim Disselliss, 49, simply taped a sign to her back showing Sen. Clinton dressed as George Washington and reading, "Monica Lewinsky's X-Boyfriend's Wife for President. 2 for 1 Sale." Mardi Gras — also known as Fat Tuesday — is the end to the pre-Lenten Carnival season. The celebration characterized by family friendly parades uptown and in the suburbs — and by heavy drinking and lots of nearnudity in the French Quarter — ends 12 days of parades and parties. Temperatures were expected to rise to about the record of 81 degrees in New Orleans, an indicator that flesh-flashing in the bawdy French Quarter was likely to be greater than usual. Crowds that had begun staking out spots on the parade routes as early as Friday night spent the day collecting beads and other trinkets thrown from floats. The celebration appears to have bounced back strongly since Katrina flooded more than 80 percent of the city. Mardi Gras crowd estimates hovered around 1 million in the years before Katrina, and the crowd reached about 800,000 last year. This year, however, some worried turn-

The students are getting ready to graduate and have shown some interest in engiNational Engineering neering, 'Richards said. Week is from Feb. 17 to 23, "We'll keep them here all and the Oklahoma Society day and answer their quesof Professional Engineers, tions about when you finalong with other area orga- ish school, what it'll take to nizations, is hosting the get through the education and Joint Engineering Society to get the license, as well Banquet at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. as what types of projects are 21 at Oklahoma Christian done," Richards said. University. "We then invite and sponDr. Thomas L. Landers, sor these students to attend professional engineer and the banquet in the evening," Dean of the University Sheri Penner of OSPE said. of Oklahoma College of The banquet is primarEngineering will speak at the ily for junior and senior high banquet, according to Bryan school students, but is open Richards, civil site design for the public, according to division manager at Cobb Richards. Engineering in Oklahoma "We will recognize some City. of the winners at the banRichards said a primary quet, but this is mainly for goal of the week and the ban- the high school students that quet is to promote engineer- will come in conjunction with ing. the 'Engineer for a Day' pro"I can remember when I gram," Richards said. was in school at OU that durThe Engineering Fair will ing this week there would be be held on Tuesday, Feb.' competitions at state universi- 19 at the Science Museum ties, just to promote engineer- Oklahoma, formerly the ing awareness," he said. Omniplex. Now the OSPE is sponsorThe fair will include a ing this banquet for that same bridge building contest, an purpose, Richards said. Eiffel Tower contest and a AP Photo Landers will address the ping pong ball launcher conimplications for Oklahoma King Zulu, Frank Boutte, waves from his float during the Krewe of Zulu Mardi Gras and what is being done local- test among other competitions, according to the Oklahoma parade in New Orleans, Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008. ly to assure the necessary pool Engineering Foundation Web of talented and well-educated site. engineers, Richards said. The fair, as well as other out would be lighter because his Half-Fast Walking Club John E. Koerner III reigning The OSPE puts on an programs offered, such as the celebration fell so early. onto Uptown streets in what as Rex, King of Carnival and Engineering Fair during the MathCounts and the Future Kevin Kelly, who lives has become the city's unoffi- Monarch of Merriment. week, where various competi- City Competition, is aimed at on the parade route, said the cial opening of Mardi Gras. In Cajun country, costumed tions are held for junior high getting kids interested at an crowds did seem quieter. It "Oh, I'm feeling fine. You riders on horseback set out on students. early age in the engineering was too early for college stu- always feel fine on Mardi their annual Courir du Mardi On the day of the banquet field, so when they get to high dents on spring break to join Gras," said Fountain, 77. He's Gras, a town-to-town cele- there is also an "Engineer for the party, Kelly pointed out. had health problems since bration. Hundreds of people a Day" program where 65 school they have a developed "Ands frankly, it's 'a,rgood Hurricane Katrina, , but still registered for the Courir de students, who are sponsored interest in the field. Tickets can be purchased thing ;1,'1 said. "The city plays twos ;daysia , week at a Mardi Gras in Eunice, a bayou by companies such as OG&E for $15 for the banquet by smells better without a bunch Gulf Coast casino. conrununity 150 miles west of and Tinker Air Force Base, contacting the O.S.P.E. at of drunken kids using every While the walking club New Orleans. Hundreds were will have the chance to see doorway as a toilet." was on its way, floats of the on horseback and scores of first hand what the engineer- 528-1435 or on their Web site at . Tickets Clarinetist Pete Fountain, Zulu parade headed for their others rode along in pickup ing profession is all about. must be purchased by Feb. dressed in a tunic as one of starting point. Zulu, the black trucks or on flatbed trailers. "We [Cobb Engineering] 18. King Arthur's knights, looked community's oldest parade, "It's just heritage. It's are sponsoring five students, frail but happy Tuesday morn- was followed by the Rex Louisiana. We're crazy," 'and they will spend the day ing as he led 100 members of parade, with businessman said Courir participant Cody here while we show them dif- Nelson Solomon can be Granger, 24, wearing what ferent aspects of what we do reached at looked like surgical scrubs here," Richards said. decorated with the New Orleans Saints' logo. Sporadic violence has marred the celebration in 911. Ledger had been dead New Orleans. At least nine for some time, and police say people had been wounded no foul play occurred. Police by gunshots, six of them on said they found a rolled-up Saturday. Shots were fired from page 4 $20 bill near the bed. Tuesday near a parade route, Ledger, nominated for but no one was injured and a ;to the actor's hometown of an Oscar for his role in suspect was quickly arrested, Perth, Australia, on Tuesday "Brokeback Mountain," police said. Police said 1,100 officers, to prepare for his funeral. had returned to New York from London, where he had state troopers and National Arrangements were private. Guardsmen have been posi- 't In a statement released been filming a $30 million tioned along parade routes through Ledger's publicist, Terry Gilliam film, "The the actor's father, Kim, said Imaginarium of Doctor since the season began. Still, most partygoers Wednesday: "While no medi- Parnassus," days before his were undeterred. The smell cations were taken in excess, death. He said in a November of charcoal and sizzling meat we learned today the com- interview that his roles in the accompanied the sounds of bination of doctor-prescribed Batman movie "The Dark people urging float riders to drugs proved lethal for our Knight" and the Bob Dylan "throw me something," and boy. Heath's accidental death biopic "I'm Not There" had band music played as cooks serves as a caution to the taken a toll. "Last week I probably prepared everything from hidden dangers of combining burgers to crawfish along the prescription medication, even slept an average of two hours at low dosage." a night," Ledger told The parade route. Heath Ledger was discov- New York Times. "I couldn't "We had beer for breakfast, but we're making it a ered by his masseuse Jan. stop thinking. My body was side dish now," David James 22 after she arrived for an exhausted, and my mind said. "You have to pace your- appointment that afternoon. was still going." He said he self when you get here at She entered his bedroom to had taken two Ambien pills, AP Photo set up for the massage and which only gave him an hour dawn." found him unresponsive, and of sleep. Spectators watch the Bourbon Street Awards contest from a balcony on Mardi proceeded to call Mary-Kate Gras in the French Quarter of New Orleans Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008. Carnival revelers Olsen three times over the were greeted with warm weather for Fat Tuesday. next 9 minutes before dialing by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer



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February 7, 2008

Famed Yogi dies at 91 in Dutch town Vlodrop by AP Writer THE HAGUE,Netherlands (AP) _ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a guru to the Beatles who introduced the West to transcendental meditation, died Tuesday at his home in the Dutch town of Vlodrop, a spokesman said. He was thought to be 91 years old. "He died peacefully at about 7 p.m.," said Bob Roth, a spokesman for the Transcendental Meditation movement that Maharishi founded. He said his death appeared to be due to "natural causes, his age." Once dismissed as hippie mysticism, the Hindu practice of mind control known as transcendental meditation gradually gained medical respectability. He began teaching TM in 1955 and brought the technique to the United States in 1959. But the movement really took off after the Beatles attended one of his lectures in 1967. Maharishi retreated last month into silence at his home on the grounds of a former Franciscan monastery, saying he wanted to dedicate his remaining days to studying the ancient Indian texts that underpin his movement. "He had been saying he had done what he set out to do," Roth said late Tuesday. With the help of celebrity endorsements, Maharishi — a Hindi-language title for Great Seer — parlayed his interpretations of ancient scripture into a multi-milliondollar global empire. His roster of famous meditators ran from Mike Love of the Beach Boys to Clint Eastwood and Deepak Chopra, a new age preacher. After 50 years of teaching, Maharishi turned to larger themes, with grand designs to harness the power of group meditation to create world peace and to mobilize his devotees to banish poverty from the earth. His rise to fame came with his association with the Beatles, who first attended one of his lectures in August 1967 in Wales as they looked for a way of attaining higher consciousness in the aftermath of that year's • Summer of Love. The Beatles were so charmed by the self-effacing guru that they agreed to stay with at his India compound,

starting in February 1968, an astonishing choice for what was then the world's most celebrated music group. But once there, Maharishi had a falling out with the rock stars after rumors emerged that he was making inappropriate advances on attendee Mia Farrow. John Lennon was so angry he wrote a bitter satire, "Sexy Sadie,", in which he vowed that' Marcisfii would "get yours yet." r Maharishi insisted he had done nothing wrong and years later McCartney agreed with him. Deepak Chopra, a disciple of Maharishi's and a friend of George Harrison's, has disputed the Farrow story, saying instead that Maharishi had become unhappy with the Beatles because they were using drugs. Director David Lynch, creator of dark and violent films, lectured at college campuses about the "ocean of tranquility" he found in more than 30 years of practicing TM. In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, Lynch said it has aided him "in every aspect of life." He said he believed Maharishi has laid the groundwork for world peace, even if that was not immediately apparent from world affairs. "The world appears in bad shape on the surface, but I compare it to a tree: there are yellow sickly leaves dropping off but Maharishi has brought nourishment to the roots. Hang on for a little while longer, it's coming." His followers say that some 5 million people devoted 20 minutes every morning and evening reciting a simple sound, or mantra, and delving into their consciousness. "Don't fight darkness. Bring the light, and darkness will disappear," Maharishi said in a 2006 interview, repeating one of his own mantras. Donations and the $2,500 fee to learn TM financed the construction of Peace Palaces, or meditation centers, in dozens of cities around the world. It paid for hundreds of new schools in India. In 1974, Maharishi founded a university in Fairfield, Iowa, that taught meditation alongside the arts and sciences to 700 students and served organic vegetarian food in its cafeterias. In 2001, his followers founded Maharishi Vedic City, a town of about 200

mer disciples who accused it of fraud, negligence and intentionally inflicting emotional damage. A jury, however, refused to award punitive damages. Over the years, Maharishi also was accused of fraud by former pupils who claim he failed to teach them to fly. "Yogic flying," showcased as the ultimate level of transcendence, was never witnessed as anything more than TM followers sitting in the cross-legged lotus position and bouncing across spongy mats. Maharishi was born Mahesh Srivastava in central India, reportedly on Jan. 12, 1917 — though he refused to confirm the date or discuss his early life. He studied physics at Allahabad University before becoming secretary to a well known Hindu holy man. After the death of his teacher, Maharishi brought his message to the West in a language that mixed the occult and science that became the buzz of college campuses. Maharishi's trademark flowing beard and long, graying hair appeared on the cover of the leading news magazines of the day. But aides say Maharishi became disillusioned that TM had become identified with the counterculture. In 1990 he moved onto the wooded grounds of a monastery in Vlodrop, about 125 miles southeast of AP Photo Amsterdam. Concerned about his In this image made from video, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is seen during an AP interfragile health, he secluded view in Vlodrop, Netherlands, in this Feb. 1, 2006 file photo. Maharishi Mahesh himself in two rooms of the Yogi, the Indian guru to the Beatles and millions of meditators, died late Tuesday, wooden pavilion he built on Feb. 5, 2008 at his home in the Dutch town of Vlodrop, a spokesman said. The the compound, speaking only by video to aides around the Maharishi was believed to be 91. world and even to his closest advisers in the same building. people a few miles north of to raise $10 trillion to end flict. John Hagelin, a theoretical "To resolve problems Fairfield. The city requires poverty by sponsoring organphysicist who ran for the U.S. the construction of buildings ic farming in the world's poor- through negotiation is a very presidency three times on the according to design principles est countries. They scoffed childish approach," he said. Maharishi-backed Natural set by Maharishi for harmony, Law Party, said that from with nature. the Dutch location Maharishi Ed Malloy, a TM practi- "The world appears in bad shape on the su face, had daylong access to followtioner and mayor of Fairfield, ers in India, Europe and the but I compare it to a tree: there are yellow sickly said Maharishi's followers in Americas. Iowa were spending Tuesday leaves dropping off but Maharishi has brought "He runs several shifts evening meditating and holdof us into ,the ground," said ing a "celebration of gratitude nourishment to the roots. Hang on for a little Hagelin, Maharishi's closfor everything he's given." while longer, it's coming" est aid, speaking in Vlodrop Supporters pointed to about his then-89-year-old hundreds of scientific studDavid Lynch on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi mentor. "He is a fountainhead ies showing that meditation of innovation and new ideas reduces stress, lowers blood — far too many than you can pressure, improves concenIn 1986, two groups ever follow up." tration and raises results for at his notion that meditation groups, acting like psychic founded by his organization students and businessmen. Skeptics ridiculed his plan shock troops, can end con- were sued in the U.S. by for-


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February 7, 2008


What's the point? BY

ABHX ELI P}-10800

Super Tuesday has come and gone, but the primary results are still divided on the Democrats' side and a little clearer on the Republican. It seems more like Tuesday was over but left the Super behind. The primaries of the U.S. presidential elections haven't seen a race like this in many years. We are discussing it in class before the professor walks in, during breaks, in the library where we gather on the pretext of studying and on Skype and IMs. Last week, I called home to Nepal and the first thing my sister asked me was, "So, who do you think is going to win?" A staunch Obama fan, she wanted to know what I was doing for Obama.

you think she'll win?" she persisted. As international students, we aren't allowed to vote in the U.S. presidential elections, but that doesn't mean we don't get all caught up in it. A small furor erupted in the library when two international students got into a heated debate on who was better: Clinton or Obama. Perhaps, because we have no direct stake in the U.S. elections, we tend to side with the Democrats and glide over the Republican candidates. The Democrats' race for a candidate is more interesting: black man or white woman? More importantly, it is a debate between "change" and "experience." But beneath all the pseudo-

As international students, we aren't allowed to vote in the U. presidential elections, but that doesn't mean we don't get all caught up in it.

"Umm, listening to hiphop music promoting his campaign," I said. I signed in on MSN and a close friend from the Philippines wanted to know what was going on in Oklahoma on Super Tuesday. "Classes," I typed back, followed by a smiley. "What about Hillary? Do

I was recently approached by ignorant words. It happened last weekend before attending the Miss Black UCO Pageant. They flooded from the mouth of my friend and I could have cut the ignorance with the blunt end of a pencil. He voiced his opinion, along with many other white American students, and asked why we have separate pageants. He felt he didn't owe them anything. This wasn't the first time I had heard this. I wanted to disagree, but I didn't know the answer to that statement. Did I agree or disagree? Ignorance makes me cringe. It sends a cold chill from the small of my back to the nape of my neck. I most often find myself angry, instantly. Words are powerful. They can bring life or death. They can encourage or degrade, empower or exclude. February is designated to celebrate Black History Month. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used words to express, encourage and motivate people towards change. He once said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that mat-

ter." Let's be vocal about things that encourage and build our society in a stronger way. I am of course guilty of not always following my own pet peeve, but it leaves me only more grateful for the people who correct my unwillingness to think. "Today, I think we have to be delicate in how we use language," Dr. Kole Kleeman, professor mass communica-

17J 1:

tiqmor.e ; lively ideas than the sieit of things themselves," wrote an English essayist and poet, Joseph Addison. Words are powerful. "In the terms of war, it can sanction killing thousands of people. Words can be used thoughtfully. They can be used to conceal the reality or promulgate hate in our society," Kleeman said. The art of words and the delicate ways we put them

Words are powerful. They can bring life or death. They can encourage or degrade, empower or exclude.

tion said. "I think words do hurt people. It's so important for journalist, teachers and politicians, in the public eye, to watch what they say." "Words, when well chosen, have so great a force in them that a description often gives

together should be thought about carefully. Dr. David Macey, associate professor and chairperson of the Department of English said we need to do a better job of training students on how to speak professionally.

If students knew what was appropriate, they may know what is better to say and when it is appropriate to say it. "You form words, I form them, and we catch the meaning. We communicate. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but my friend Dr. Calvin Linton of George Washington University says `No.' He writes, 'One clear, well-constructed sentence is worth a thousand pictures.' He has a point," author Sherwood Wirt, editor emeritus of Decision magazine, wrote. Black History Month is a time of celebration and remembrance of the leaders who spoke well for our country and the change it initiated. Miss Black UCO is a celebration of culture and black women. The point is to be careful of the words we speak. You have the right to your opinion, but be careful where you speak them and who you speak them to. They can be inspirational or they can tear down, but either way they will be remembered.


intellectual discussions and opinionated statements, we are all aware that whoever becomes the President of the United States will not only steer this country in which we study, but will also directly affect that paths and choices our governments at home make.


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In the midst of the Presidential primaries, the most entertaining aspect of the campaign season is of course, the attack ads. It's always fun to watch politicians of opposing sides tear each other apart like wolves, but there's something particularly delicious about watching these same people try to smear and

discredit the people who are supposed to share their same values and beliefs. Maybe it's cynical, but this is made even better by the fact that, in a few months, those same people will be buddying up to the people they were trying to seem "too liberal" or "unfit for command." Politics is never about

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substanee. it's the backbiting, vicious white lies and utter betrayal that make it so entertaining. None of the candidates have made any real stance on anything. Instead, they've focused their energy on making their colleagues, people they have probably worked with closely every day, look like terrible people. It's hilarious in the black humor sort of way, but it shouldn't be. We're supposed to be picking the next leader of the country while the candidates, perhaps aware of their own' shortcomings, decide to do this by brining down their opponents instead of bringing themselves up. It's sad. It turns politics into professional wrestling. Not that there's anything wrong with pro wrestling, but at least we know that when Hulk Hogan does his leg drop, it's staged. I don't know what the politicians are trying to appeal to. In many ways, it's no surprise that young people have turned away from the political scene. It's just a bunch of old men telling the American people that the other old man is a terrible person and shouldn't be elected. Sometimes the cable news wants me to jab my eyes out. At the same time, I know I'm not helping anything. I love to laugh at this. Dark

humor is a favorite thing of mine, and this is the darkest comedy I can find. It appeals to that dark, cynical part of my mind and it makes me smile darkly on the inside. Is there something that can be done? I doubt it. Watching one old man imply that the other old man is incompetent and will sell us all out to the terrorists is a lot more entertaining that "American Idol, " and as long as it remains so, this kind of campaigning will remain. The fact that it's not just old white men in the running probably isn't going to help, instead, I think we'll be seeing a whole new kind of vitriol and hate, and I'll hate myself as I laugh cynically at the stupidity of it.

Justin Langston is a journalism major and the Senior Staff Writer at The Vista. In his spare time, Justin consumes enough pop culture — be it video game.; musi4 graphic novel.; cartoons or movies — that he sometimes ' needs an outlet to give his life some purpose. We hope you enjoyed this week's Androidtainment and encourage his fans to send comments to The Vista at ucovista@hotmail. corn.



February 7, 2008

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MIDWEST CITY YMCA Seeking outgoing, responsible individuals for our Fitness Center. Great opportunity to work with members developing and monitoring fitness programs, including cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility. Early morning, evening and weekend shifts available. We will certify you in CPR and First Aid. Join the YMCA family. Contact: Leigh Ann Hardin, Health & Fitness Director at 733-9622 SERVER POSITION Available @ Pearl's Lakeside. Apply within. 748-6113. CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP M-F 4:45AM - 9AM. Occasional weekend shift. Apply in person. Edmond YMCA. CITY OF EDMOND Summer positions @ Pelican Bay Aquatic Center. Asst. Pool Manager, Cashier & Cafe Managers, Cafe Staff/Cashiers, Lifeguard Staff, Water Safety Instructors. Golf Course, Arcadia Lake, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job Info Line 359-4648 Apply at 100 East First, Room 106

ALTERED IMAGES TATTOO Is seeking energetic, general studio help. Duties include greeting people with big smiles, front desk, phone, helping customers and cleaning. Weekends & possibly some evenings. Possible full-time in summer. Only naturally friendly with good cleaning skills need apply. 122nd & N. May...minutes from Edmond. $7.65 per hour. Apply in person 1-10pnn seven days. Check us out at you

RECEPTIONIST & CASHIER Study while you work! Great parttime college job. M/W/F 8-1:30. T/TH 8-12. Every other Sat., 8-4. Call Brenda @ 341-8767.

WESTIES SHOES Now hiring outgoing people for sales positions FT-PT hourly plus commission. Flexible scheduling. Apply @ 2150 W. Memorial Rd., by Old Navy.

NEED STUDENT To run errands, clean vacant apartments & office. Afternoons. Near UCO. Must be trustworthy & do quality work. Call Connie 641-0712.

EXPERIENCED SERVERS Needed at Al's Cafe and Grill. Danforth & Kelly. GREAT hours! 216-9580.

HELP WANTED: HANDY STUDENT Property maintenance. Near UCO. Afternoons 1-5 during semester break. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy. 641-0712.

SENIOR SERVICES OF OKLA Is looking for students to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1 pm and 1:30 pm - 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Hannah McMahan.

SHOGUN'S STEAK HOUSE Hiring for wait staff, bussers, dish washers, host, bartender. Apply in person at Northpark Mall (NW 122nd & N. May) after 5:30pm. 749-0120.

1 8

FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST Various shifts. People skills are a must. Dependable, honest, hardworking, happy & responsible adults should apply at Pinnacle Fitness, Memorial & Penn between Toys-R-Us & Hobby Lobby.

UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Earn up to $150 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail establishments. Experience not required. Call 800-722-4791.







5 2

9 5 7 2 6 4 8 1 3





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Across 1. Acronym for Technical Order Distribution Office. 5. Stratum of ore thick enough to be milled with profit. 8. Slightly open. 12. Material effigy that is worshipped. 13. Rotating machine that transforms electric energy into a mechanical motion. 15. Willing to face danger. 16. Mix together different elements. 17.Avoid performing duties. 18. Recording artist _ Bermudez. 19.Acts of estimating. 22. Strange. 23. Fractional monetary unit of Japan. 24. Small clump of grass. 26. Joint heir. 29. Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges. 31. River in the south of France. 32. Sound of a bell rung slowly for a funeral. 34. Cravat with wide square ends, secured with an ornamental pin. 36. Bitter quarrel between two parties. 38. State of having committed an offense. 40. Broad band of cloth worn round the waist. 41. Purposive. 41 Important person in the American Revolution Isaac _. 45. Insect of the order Hymenoptera. 46. Place. 48. Characteristic relating to winter. 50. Agenda of things to do.


■ 43












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1 4 2 3 7 8 6 5 9




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8 3 6 1 5 9 2 4 7





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3 7 5 8 9 6 1 2 4





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6 2 1 4 3 5 7 9 8

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7 2 8 6 8 6 5 9

4 8 9 7 1 2 3 6 5




2 9 3 5 8 1 4 7 6



8 9

7 6 4 9 2 3 5 8 1


NEW DUPLEX 2bd, 2ba, w/d hookup, garage. NO PETS! Excellent location, 1 blk from UCO. 417 N. Blackwelder, $700.00/mo., plus deposit. 6410712.


5 1 8 6 4 7 9 3 2

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NEW DUPLEXES FOR LEASE 2BD., 2BATH, 2 CAR GARAGE, 1120 SQ. FT. Includes fireplace, range, dishwashers, water and sewer paid. $850 per month. Located in Sterling Pointe on Thatcher. Just west of UCO and Downtown. Call Frank today, 818-4017, for showing and lease application.



ONE BEDROOM APT. Half a block from campus. Prefer women only. $375/per month. All bills paid. Please call 823-1356.

FOR LEASE: Spring sem. or weekly (interim). Lovely historic home on 4th st. Professors only. Small pets possible. 3BR, 1 BA, wood floors, large LR, DR, new kitchen. Furnished except for master bed. Out of state owner. Call Connie, 480-988-7082. $350/wk; $1200/mo.

LOOKING FOR A JOB That will work around your school schedule? Well look no further. Papa John's is now hiring all positions at NW OKC & 'Edmond locations. Whether it's the quick fast money of our delivery drivers or your trying to build your resume by working for our management team. PJs has what's right for your college experience. Call or stop by today. 844-7900




FOR RENT Efficiency, W/D (stackable) hookup, small kitchen, new carpet, cute and cozy. $400/mo. $200/dep. All bills paid. 901 Bowman. Call 706-3972.

Flexible hours, make great pay. Apply at Pinnacle Fitness, 2137 NW 138th St. 748-4544

6 5 9


COLLEGE DISCOUNTS AVAIL. Spacious 1 & 2 bed units priced from $450.00-600.00. Limited availability. Call today to reserve your new home. (405) 341-8911.




2 1

DILLON PARK APARTMENTS Now pre-leasing for Summer & Fall. Free cable TV., phone & high-speed internet. Call 285-5900

PINNACLE FITNESS Seeking Child Care Associate. Must be experienced, patient & love working w/children. Apply in person, Pinnacle Fitness, N. of Memorial on Penn. next to Toys-R-Us.

TEACHER Needed immediately for Edmond Daycare. FT/PT. Experience preferred, competitive wages. Apply in person @ 24 NW 146th. Call Camelot C.D.0 @ 749-2262

Sudoku 5

ONE BEDROOM APT. Gas and water paid. No Pets! Located near UCO. 1209 N. Roosevelt. $360.00/MO. Plus deposit. 641-0712




51. Category in classification of certain French wines. 52. Speak softly. 54. Staple of diet. 61. Column forming end of side wall of portico. 63. Wrong action attributable to bad judgment. 64. Discharge. 65. Picture regarded as an object of veneration. 66. Itzhak _, account of Oskar Schindler. 67. Children's writer _ Gomi. 68. Fictional creature from Dr. Seuss's If I Ran the Zoo. 69. Unit of exercise measurement consisting of a movement that is repeated a desired number of times. 70. Goa Trace album by Israelbased psychedelic trance group Astral Projection. Down 1. Nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. 2. Collection in four hooks of Latin lyric poems by Horace. 3. Person who is not very bright. 4. Somewhat elderly. 5. Act of moving with great haste. 6. Small ornamental ladies' bag for small articles. 7. Fictional character appearing in Chapters 2 and 3 of the book Mice's Adventures in Wonderland. 8. Gone by. 9. Tough-skinned, purple, grapelike tropical fruit grown in Brazil. 10. Encompassed by. 11. Natural, fibrous weaving material used in the production of

baskets. 13. Message that is signified. 14. Street slang for "parents." 20. Humble in manner. 21. _ Valley in Piedmont, Italy. 25. Ditch. 26. Wicker basket used by anglers to hold fish. 27. Supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye. 28. Use again after processing. 29. Muslim name for the one and only God. 30. Wasteful. 31. Toward the stem of a ship. 33. Statement that deviates from the truth. 35. The _, English musical group. 37. 2001 Canadian mini-series. 39. Cocked hat with the brim turned up to form three points. 42. Acronym for Central Access Network Server. 44. Peasant hound to lord's land and subject to their will but entitled to their protection. 47. Rob _, musician. 49. Matador's red cape. 52. Herman _, former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. 53. Irish musical film written and directed by John Carney. 55. Products of human creativity. 56. Concrete Blonde's second album. 57. Permanent army post. 58. Muslim term meaning "belief." 59. Evolution of light and heat in the combustion of bodies. 60. Town of Buckinghamshire, England.



• February 7, 2008

Shaq prepared to go to Phoenix by AP Writer

I hope Gisele didn't break up with Tom Brady because he failed to earn his fourth Super Bowl championship. Some guys just can't catch a break. It must be rough. Poor guy has had to live his whole life with a chiseled face, a 6'4" body and that awkward dimple in the middle of his chin. He's lucky to get even a Brazilian model to cheer him on. Can you imagine going out in public with only three rings and four fingers (not counting the thumb)? That could be incredibly awkward. Try not to shed too many tears for this seventh round draft pick, he gets no respect. Can you believe he's now getting left out of the best quarterback of all time debate more and more often? So back to reality. In all actuality, Brady, in my opinion, is the best quarterback in the game today, and you can make an argument that he deserves a pretty lofty position in the hierarchy of history's signal callers. Despite a well-deserved reputation in the NFL, he wasn't the best quarterback on the field last weekend in Arizona, and I couldn't be happier. Eli Manning has officially arrived. This guy, for much

of his career, has been the anti-Brady. He's not a pretty boy or a media darling. He's wasn't overlooked by every team when he came out of college. In fact, he was so coveted that he was able to be a complete diva about who he

"This year's edition of the Super Bowl was the highest rated in history, and it a good thing so many people turned in because it was a game for the ages.." wanted to play for (and who he didn't). His entry to the league and some questionable play in his early seasons has made ole Eli the subject of much scrutiny, but you can call him a loser no longer. This year's edition of the Super Bowl was the highest rated in history, and it's a good thing so many people turned in because it was a game for the ages. Before the contest started, I thought the historical significance of this game would lie in the Patriots going uncle,. - -117-

feated and ascending to the position of best team of all time, but it turned out to be something different. They don't belong in the best ever debate; they weren't even the best team this season. History was made though, wrapped up in one play. This of course was when suddenly elusive Eli escaped from the grasps of so many blitzers and connected with David Tyree downfield. The receiver arched his back, used his helmet, and mustered all his strength to use his vice grip to keep the ball from touching the turf - remarkable. The catch of course set up the go ahead score and the giants defense continued to stuff the golden-armed Brady. I'm a fan of dominant teams. I like having the same teams be consistently good and the same teams be consistently bad. Despite this, I couldn't have been more relieved to see the personality-lacking Patriots fall short of history. Only about seven months until football season starts again. Until then, we'll just have to settle for replays of David Tyree's catch.

PHOENIX (AP) _ The fastest, flashiest team in the NBA could be getting a lot slower — but much larger — because of a blockbuster trade few could have seen coming. The improbable pairing of the Phoenix Suns and Shaquille O'Neal went from rumor to near-reality overnight. The last major roadblock was the 14-time AllStar center passing a physical. A league official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press the deal could be complete Wednesday. "The process is in play, and that's all I really can say because things have backed up before," Miami Heat coach Pat Riley said Wednesday in Auburn Hills, Mich., where his team was preparing for the Pistons. "Nothing's been completed, and that's where it's at right now." The deal would send unhappy forward Shawn Marion and guard Marcus Banks to the Heat. "I don't have any reaction yet because I don't know the truth yet," Heat guard Dwyane Wade said Wednesday morning. "So until the truth comes out, I can't really react to it." The trade would signal an unexpected change in philosophy for the Suns, adding a 7foot-1, 325-pound center who has won four NBA championships but has been plagued by injuries in recent years and turns 36 next month. O'Neal has been out with a hip injury and underwent an MRI exam in Miami on Tuesday. For the three-plus seasons since Steve Nash came to town, Phoenix and its ultra up-tempo style have been the

Miami Heat center Shaquille O'Neal stands during the national anthem before a basketball game against the Chicago Bulls in Miami in this Jan. 16, 2008 file photo. O'Neal is prepared for the Miami Heat to trade him, a confidant of the 14-time All-Star center told The Associated Press on Tuesday night, Feb. 5, 2008. .

O'Neal didn't speak to frenetic darlings of NBA fans grown weary of the slow style reporters before leaving that has prevailed for years. Miami's practice Tuesday and But the Suns have fallen short did not accompany the Heat in the playoffs, never making to Detroit. He was expected in Phoenix on Wednesday for it to the finalS. Marion, unhappy being a physical. "I'm not going to talk about third fiddle to Nash and Aware Stoudemire, asked to it," Riley said. "If in fact things be traded before the season get completed, because there's began. Stoudemire, mean- so much more, then there'll be while, dislikes playing out of an official comment about it. position at center. The Suns Right now, there's nothing but have the best record in the hypotheticals." If Shaq came back to the West (34-14) but have not played up to their own or fans' Pacific Division. he would join a team that has an intense expectations. On Tuesday night, the Suns rivalry with the Los Angeles pushed back their scheduled Lakers and O'Neal's old teamshootaround on Wednesday mate Kobe Bryant. The trade would require a from 9:45 a.m. MST to 4:45 p.m., shortly before they face significant financial commitment from the budget-conthe New Orleans Hornets. O'Neal is prepared for a scious Sarver because O'Neal trade, a confidant of his told is scheduled to make $20 million this season and $20 The AP on Tuesday night. His associate, who spoke million more each of the next on condition of anonymity two. Marion could opt out of because he was not authorized to reveal anything pub- the $17 million final year of licly, said a deal could 43e-7• 404§5.0,ontra4=afittt-thioa4eison. .,*44(4).ft imminent. 14*



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February 7, 2008

Softball, baseball wrap-up by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer The UCO Baseball team hosted Arkansas Monticello over the weekend, where the Bronchos beat out the Boll Weevils in all three games. In the meantime, the UCO softball team traveled to San Antonio to compete in the St. Mary's College Classic tournament. The Bronchos won three of their five games, beating Abilene Christian, Texas A&M-Kingsville and Incarnate Word, while losing out to St. Mary's and St. Edward's. The Baseball team started off the weekend with a close 7-6 win over Arkansas Monticello on Saturday. The Bronchos took an early lead, scoring in the bottom of the first, but Arkansas Monticello came back scoring three in the second. UCO took back the lead in the fifth when they scored four points, but the Boll Weevils tied it back up in the next inning. Both teams made it to six points in the seventh, which persisted through the 8th. UCO took the win in the bottom of the ninth. The next game, immediately after the first, saw UCO winning 9-2, with UCO opening up with two in the first, one in the second and two in the third. They missed earning a run in the fourth, but they scored one in the fifth and three in the sixth. Arkansas Monticello finally got on the board in the seventh, scoring two, but by then, it was too late. In the last game, on Sunday, UCO dominated, winning 18-4. Although the first inning was silent, both teams belted out three runs in the second. The third saw Arkansas Monticello score its final run of the series, and UCO take the lead with two more runs. From there, UCO

UCO Baseball team swept Arkansas Monticello over the weekend in Edmond. was on a roll, scoring five in the fourth, seven in the fifth and one in the seventh. At the St. Mary's Classic, the Bronchos started the tournament with a 7-3 win over Abilene Christian. While the first three innings were silent for UCO, Abilene took the lead in the fourth, when they scored two. However, UCO scored four in the sixth and

three in the seventh for the victory. Later that afternoon, UCO suffered their first loss at the hands of St. Mary's, losing 4-2. St. Mary's took a strong lead, scoring three in the first and another in the second, but went silent for the rest of the game. Finally, in the sixth, the Bronchos fought back, scoring two runs, but were

ultimately unsuccessful. On Saturday morning, UCO took on Texas A&MKingsville, where they earned a 5-3 victory. Kingsville took the lead early on, scoring three runs in the second inning, with UCO responding with only two. That would be the last of Kingsville's runs, as UCO took back the lead with two in the fifth and one

in the sixth. On Saturday afternoon, the Bronchos won against Incarnate Word, defeating them 11-5. UCO took an early lead, scoring four in the first, one in the second and another four in the third. UCO scored twice more in the fifth to take the victory. Finally, on Sunday, UCO had its final game and its

second loss, losing 2-1 to St. Edward's. The game was silent until when St. Edward's scored one in the fifth and again in the seventh. UCO responded in the final inning, but couldn't quite make it in.

Justin Langston can be reached

#4 Oklahoma Sooners vs #21 UCO BRONCHOS THIS FRI FEB. 8th 1:30 PM Arctic Edge (14613 t Kelly SW14840541 Just South Of 33rd on Kelly TICKETS *$5 11001100KEY.00M *Students and Faculity


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