The Vista February 13, 1996

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY February 13, 1996

The Student Voice Since 1903

Getting the royal treatment...

President Nigh calls it a day


he stage was set in the auditorium of Mitchell Hall for President George Nigh's farewell announcement. The audience streamed in by twos and threes in straight lines that radiated from every discipline on campus. Thick crimson velvet formed the backdrop for the Lucite podium etched with the likeness

of Old North. Voices joined other voices in rising layers of conversation. The supporting cast had no trouble warming up the teachers. They seemed glad to be out of the classrooms on the first spring-like day of the year. If a few minds had begun to wander, Nigh's banter quickly brought them back into focus. Like a patriarch addressing his

trusted adult offspring, the silverhaired leader joked with his audience. He spoke in parables of "moving targets," changing goals, pride for the past and hope for the future. The assembly laughed when he told of the fence in his backyard that got taller and taller as he and his neighbor fought for the last word. V'See BIDDING ADIEU, Page 5

Reinvention of UCO: `Dynamic' revival redefines university's o jectives By Mary Reinauer Staff Writer

Sophomore Ronnea'IWalker parades in her newlycrowned title of Miss Black UCO 1996. Walker was also awarded the "Most Talented" title during Saturday night's competition. Junior Ericka Brison was first runner up and Junior Precious Josey was second runner up. (Staff photo by Bill Wilkinson)

INDEX Editorial 2 Sports 6,7 Around Campus 9 St. Valentine's Day Special 10, 11 Classifieds 12



What does our President Nigh and poetry have in common? Find out in our pages.

President George Nigh's announcement of his retirement was the grand finale of the "routine" faculty/staff meeting Feb. 8 in Mitchell Hall. (See related story above). Nigh and other administrative staff likened UCO to "a moving target" as the renovation progress redefines goals. Dr. William J. Radke, professor of biology, announced the 14 winners of the 1995 Merit Awards, which honors teachers for outstanding achievement. Terry May, assistant vice president of academic affairs, said the faculty recruiting committee hopes to fill 26 teaching positions by July 1. Jerry Legere, assistant vice president for enrollment management, reported that the university is now acknowledging good news as well as bad.



Read how our topranking Bronchos swept two home matches this weekend.

He said transcripts will now indicate honors and current course enrollment. •"In the past, we had only addressed suspension and probation," he said. He added that intersession grades will be available after the grades are in and honors status is given on mailed grade reports. This May, students will be able to get their grades over the phone by using a Personal Identification Number (PIN). By fall, computer-aided selfenrollment will be here, said Legere. _Dr. Nancy Hughes, executive director of the UCO Foundation, said gifts from alumni are increasing slowly as the search for a more complete database continues. Donna Nelson, director of alumni affairs, told of a brick sale to finance the face lift of Old North. Four hundred and twenty $100 bricks will form a

sidewalk leading to Oklahoma's oldest educational landmark, she said. Farrell Rosson, assistant director of the physical plant, announced the formation of a parking committee. Student representation will include the Student Government Association. Nick Widener, executive assistant for administration and Dr. Ed Cunliff, director of institutional planning and research, reported that the construction was on schedule. Widener said he had one word to describe the construction progress: "dynamic." Police Chief Jim Roberts said parking problems had been resolved and that the campus police's focus is now on safety and security. Look for more detailed reports on these matters in upcoming issues of The Vista.

VALENTINE 1 1 Join the Ryans as they recount their romance—part of our Valentine's Day special.

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