The Vista Feb. 14, 2006

Page 1

ratElPisrA The Student Voice Since 1903



Gov. Henry, former Olympians attend 'Night of Champions' by Alex Gambill Staff Writer

Gov. Brad Henry and athletes including Nadia Comenici and Shannon Miller raised money for the Olympic community partnership at "UCO Night of Champions" Feb. 10 in the Nigh University Center. "I have a proclamation that I want to present to President Webb," Henry said. "UCO and Edmond are proud to extend that legacy by becoming a United States Olympic Committee community partner and an official Olympic and Paralympic training site." "We are flying high tonight," said Dr. W. Roger Webb, UCO president. UCO was named an official Paralympic training site Dec. 12 and has since hosted a powerlifting training camp Jan. 1315. UCO also plays host to the U.S.A. Men's National Sitting

Volleyball team, which will compete in the 2008 Beijing Paralympic games. "All the proceeds that are raised tonight will go toward Olympic activities and programs here in Oklahoma," Henry said. Miller, a gold-medal gymnast, attended the celebration and helped in a live auction of Olympic and Paralympic memorabilia. "If other athletes could have the community like I had behind them, I think it would produce more athletes," Miller said. She said everyone in our nation and around the world is seeing what Edmond can offer. She said she looks forward to helping make UCO and Edmond the best training site possible. Oklahoma native, Roderick Green, who took home one silver and two bronze medals at the 2000 Paralympics in

see CHAMPIONS, page X

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

From left, Paul Ziert, Nadia Comaneci, Shannon Miller, Jeanie Webb, Gov. Brad Henry and Pres. Dr. W. Roger Webb attended the UCO 'Night of Champions' Feb. 10 at the Nigh University Center.

From Grease to Gas

UCO grad convicted, faces 45 years in prison

Garic to replace Rao as dean by Heather Warlick Staff Writer

Pemberton found guilty in murder-forhire plot


by Heather Warlick Staff Writer

Bradley Chase Pemberton, UCO alumnus, was found guilty of sexual battery and conspiracy to commit murder at his trial Feb. 8. It took the jury only 67 minutes of deliberation to come to the decision. Pemberton faces a total of 45 years in prison for his crimes. He was arrested last March after he tried to arrange a murderfor-hire scheme with a police informant. Pemberton was only weeks away from facing trial for sexual by Alex Gambill battery against a hostess at Pearl's Staff Writer Oyster Bar on NW 63rd St. He had been transferred to Pearl's Used vegetable oil from Cajun Kitchen on Danforth in university restaurants' fryers Edmond where he approached a is being used to fuel some of coworker about paying to have UCO's diesel vehicles. the girl murdered. Biodiesel, derived from vegetable oil, is being produced see PEMBERTON, page 7



Illustration by Cary Stringfield

UCO Physical Plant turning cooking oil into diesel fuel at the Physical Plant northeast of the Wellness Center. Tom Groshong, UCO motor pool supervisor, said they started research last summer and began production at the end of October. "We're very excited about

the biodiesel experiments we've performed. It looks very promising to us," Groshong said. "It was actually Guy Ellis' idea. He brought the idea to me and we sat down as a team and thought how it could work for the university and how we could save a

little money on our fuel expenditures and make a greener environment for our students." Groshong said the biodiesel only cost the university 52 cents a gallon, one-fifth the price of regular diesel.

see FUEL, page 7

Workshop to pitch 'smart-card' for use at UCO by Christina Purdom Staff Writer

The UCO Office of Information Technology will host a workshop to introduce students and faculty to the onecard system March 1 and 2. Cynthia Rolfe, vice president of Information Technology, said a single card could be used to

get into buildings, buy items from vending machines, and work as a copy card or even a debit card. The workshop will include six different vendors of the system and demonstrate the various features of the one-card and possible bids for implementing it at UCO. The one-card system, or

Valentine's Day history, advice Vista staff writer Desiree Treeby offers a brief history of Valentine's Day and some advice for singles.

See Opinion pg. 2

"smart-card" can serve multiple functions, depending on what the university needs. "It can be as simple as the current picture I.D. or as complex as an entire identification system," Rolfe said. Rolfe said a long-term goal is to include local businesses and vendors around Edmond, enabling students to make pur-

chases with their card just as they would use their meal plan. "We will do the demonstration to show what the system can do and how it will affect UCO," Rolfe said. "Then the user community can start being creative and give us the feedback we need to write up the specifications that the students and faculty truly want."

Letters to the editor Students sound off about a cartoon that appeared in last Tuesday's Vista.

See Opinion pg. 2

"We want to get a feel for what the vendor is like and if they have any special features that the other vendor may not have," Rolfe said. "They can also share with us what other school have done with their systems."

see JUMP, page 8

Dr. John Garic will act as interim dean of the Joe C. Jackson College of Graduate Studies and Research beginning July 1 when the current dean, Dr. S. Narasinga Rao retires June 30. Rao has served as dean since 2000, and said he will be stepping down as dean of the college but might be involved with other aspects of the campus, such as special projects, like international recruitment, international collaboration and research grants. Garic assumed the title of associate dean of the College of Graduate Studies July 1, 2003 but has been a member of the UCO faculty since 1998. Garic will act as interim dean until a formal national recruitment and application process can be completed. Rao said that a selection committee will be formed and the applicants will be narrowed down to three to five candidates. Then, the candidates will be brought to UCO for formal interviews. "There will probably be a public forum for faculty and students so that everyone can know the candidate's philosophies," Rao said. "Of course, Dr. Garic will be allowed to apply." Garic said he doesn't know if he will apply for the perma-

see GARIC, page 4

'Comic Potential' opens Nathan Winfrey reviews the new play from the Theater Department.

See Entertainment pg. 9



Febuary 14, 2006

The Bipartisan Ethics Committee

THEVISTA Editorial


Matt Cauthron, Editor in Chief Courtney Bryce, Managing Editor Trisha Evans, Copy Editor Ashley Romano, Copy Editor

Brett Deering, Photo Editor Midori Sasaki Travis Marak

Advertising News Nathan Winfrey, Senior Staff Writer Christina Purdom, Staff Writer Heather Warlick, Staff Writer Alex Gambill, Staff Writer Desiree Treeby, Staff Writer

Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

Cartoons/Illustrations Cary Stringfield

Secretary Nancy Brown

Sports Kristen Limam, Sports Editor Teddy Burch, Sports Writer

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 9745549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Editorial cartoons do not necessarily represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

Adviser Mark Zimmerman

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ ..

Cartoon by Cary Stringfield

Letters to the editor: Students respond to Tuesday's cartoon Spokesperson, • As the Muslim comPakistan Student munity in Edmond,- we are deeply hurt by The Association Vista's disrespectful rep• Mr. Cauthron, I appreresentation of our Prophet Muhammad. We believe ciate you taking the time in freedom of speech. The and clarifying the issue Vista had the right to do at hand here. However, I what they did, but that does regret to inform you that not mean it was right to do your explanation falls short so. The Vista should have of doing that. I am an edudone what all U.S. major cated man and am not easily newspapers decided; in not offended. But the editorial reprinting any of the car- cartoon that was published toons. Exercising sound on Tuesday, has greatly disethical judgment and avoid- appointed me. It has also ing incitement of hate is an forced you (the editor) to integral part of responsible provide an explanation journalism. Freedom of the for it. I think that in itself press should never be about should tell the whole comusing the power of the press munity that some error had to ridicule and humiliate the occurred there. The whole faith of others. It is impor- world now knows that this tant that people of all faiths is a sensitive issue yet you speak up when any faith still chose to joke about it. I would like to point out is insulted. We should all condemn and stand against a few facts: 1. Terrorists are not the all acts of intolerance, incitement and disrespect only people who wear turagainst people or communi- bans and have beards. 2. The Vista cartoon also ties based on ethnic origin or religious belief. It is the includes one of the very caricatures that have caused American thing to do. such anger. 3. The best thing about - Mobisher Rabbani

this country is that almost everybody 'has the freedom to, say what they want. 4. I can go into great details in explaining what was wrong in Tuesday's cartoon but that will not do any good unless the people responsible themselves want to know what was wrong. Decisions are made by responsible people like yourself on issues that are sensitive. For example consider a cartoon with the picture of our beloved President Webb, a picture of an ass (donkey/horse) and a picture of a construction hole. Now one could argue that the President is working hard (Webb's picture) in Broncho spirit (the donkey looking horse) on construction projects at UCO (the hole). But such a cartoon will not be printed as it may be interpreted in a very different way "EVEN" if the creator did not mean for it to. Finally, it is my personal view that some protests have become very extreme

and should not be so. But Djibouti is a very peacehelp rime 'understand' this: 4111, Muslim country, and DoeS understanding that the people are 'extremely make me the person on the offended by the brashness left in the Vista Cartoon? of the Danish editorial. I OR, Does it mean that I can believe that they have every enjoy a good joke? right to be so. Let's go All I ask is that The beyond Mr. Ahmed's picture Vista Staff acknowledge of President Webb, because the error and prevent it for the people of Djibouti from happening again. A it is an offense much more visit to the International serious than that. Most of Office, Political Science the people I have met in this Department and the country are of the Islamic Business College will help faith, and NOT ONE of your staff understand some them is a bomb toting termultictIltural aspects. rorist. If you even menI sincerely believe that tion the name Al Qaeda or no one at The Vista would Osama Bin Ladin to them have purposely printed such they kick the dirt, shake a cartoon if they had a bet- their fists, and react much ter idea of how sensitive the same way that any redthis issue is. blooded American would. To even insinuate that the Go Bronchos! prophet Mohammed is in any way associated with Houssam Ahmed terrorism is blasphemous to them. It would be on par with saying that Jesus • I did not see Cary Christ was in charge of the Stringfield's cartoon in Nazi concentration camps Tuesday's Vista; however, of World War II. the Danish version it deals That being said, I would with is very important in hate to think that I have my "world" right now. devoted the last six months

of my life to spreading democracy, promoting freedorn, and ending terrOrishn to return to a school/country where we are forbidden to print editorials that some people might find offensive. I was thumbing through some old documents the other day and I vaguely remember someone writing something to the effect of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." I don't know, maybe I'm off the mark, but it seems to me that if we bow down at home and never print anything offensive, we might as well stop the presses now.

isn't a straightforward message. While I believe the opinion intended by the cartoon is an important one, and one that deserves the attention of any thoughtful citizen, the way it was expressed was too ambiguous given the sensitivity of the issue. A hundred people could look at that cartoon and interpret its meaning a hundred different ways. Some of those interpretations could be that all Muslims are militant extremists, or that Islam encourages violence in any way. Those are things I know to be untrue, so publishing something that could so easily be interpreted that way

was irresponsible, and I offer my sincerest apologies. And to tell you the truth, it's not an easy thing to apologize for. Personally, as Matt the regular guy, I have no problem

real newspaper. We're protected by the First Amendment, but we're also subject to all the

at all. Like I'm saying, "Yes, it's an important issue, but I

misinterpretation. In a positive twist, one of the students I spoke with about the

A personal reply from the editor In the last week we've received a lot of mail and I've spoken to many Muslim students about the cartoon that appeared in last Tuesday's Vista. Since the decision to publish the cartoon was ultimately mine, I want to address it personally. I hope after the conversations I had over the last week, the people I spoke with knew that I have no interest in furthering stereotypes, nor does anyone at The Vista. Still, they didn't know that when they first saw the cartoon. That's because a cartoon

apologizing. I don't want to offend people. But as the editor of a,. newspaper, even a smallcirculation college newspaper, not wanting to offend people can be a fault. Journalists have aenormous obligation in a dem ocratic society, and sometl that means publishing terial that is unpopular, even ensive. You may find The Vista to b4 trivial, just a way to pass the time between classes, but it is a

laws that govern media. We enjoy the benefits and shoulder the responsibilities of any American newspaper, and that means we must hold ourselves to a certain standard and strive to achieve that standard. It's been said that you don't really have rights unless you exercise them, and that the only way to ensure the survival of free speech is to shout unpopular opinions at the top of your lungs. So apologizing for exercising such an important right almost seems like admitting that it's wrong to exercise it

shouldn't talk about it if it will offend people." I assure you, that's not what I'm saying. Yes, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are essential to democracy. I believe that as strongly as I believe anything. But in this case, we could've expressed our opinion in a clearer way with words instead of images, and by not doing so, some people received a message we didn't intend to send. Again, I'm deeply sorry to anyone who misinterpreted the cartoon, and to anyone who may suffer as a result of any

Dave Bell, Camp Lemonier, Djibouti, Africa U.S. Marine Corps

cartoon told me that she wants to revive the Muslim Student Association at UCO. She said she eventually wants to hold a round-table forum for students of all cultures to come together in an effort to promote tolerance and understanding. I think it's a great idea, and told her not only that I'd attend, but that I look forward to covering it in The Vista.

Matt Cauthron can be reached at .

If you're a member of a campus organization, if you're a faculty member or if you simply have something to say to the UCO community, The Vista wants to hear from you. If you have an idea for a "My Turn" piece for the editorial page, e-mail it to with your e-mail address and telephone number You may also e-mail a reaa-to-publish "My Turn submission to . Submissions should be between 300-500 words in length.

OPINION Febuary 14, 2006

members, former members,

those interested in joining but can't attend the meetings, or anyone else expressing an interest in Native American culture). We have a very good core group of members, as Liz Cook (Multicultural Student Services Coordinator) can attest to. However, I, like most other club or organization leaders, want more. We, as Native peoples, have always been few in numbers whether it is as a student orga-

TURN Hey, to all you out there in "Broncho" land, especially all you Natives. My name is Joseph Blanchard and I was recently elected to the Vice President's position of Native American Student Association (NASA, formerly known as FASA). My main concern is how to get more people involved (students, active

nization, enrolled students on campus, or Tribal Nations as a whole. Although we are small in numbers, we have completed a number of activities throughout the Fall semester. We have had campus events promoting Cultural Awareness, such as: Arts and Crafts Exhibits; Dance Performances; and Indian Taco Sales. Speaking of tacos, NASA will be sponsoring an Indian Taco Sale this coming Friday, February 17, 2006, from 11 AM to 2 PM, at the Pavilion, next to Broncho Lake. We have several activities/ events planned for the Spring semester. Our next scheduled NASA Meeting will be Thursday, February 16, 2006. This meeting will take place in

the UC, Room 112, at 2 PM. NASA also will be sponsoring an Art Contest. The winning

selection will be used as the cover of our Powwow Program and as the artwork for this years T-shirt design. Our most anticipated event is the 36th Annual Spring Contest Powwow. This important event will take place April 1, 2006, at Hamilton Fieldhouse. This is the biggest event NASA sponsors. We're expecting several hundred people on campus that day. If you've never been to or seen a Powwow, keep this date open, for it is an awesome sight to see. The current membership is working really hard to promote this event to make it the biggest and best Powwow we've ever

had. Hopefully, we're successful in our attempt and with your support, we should be. The current elected leadership is very interested in knowing how we can better serve our students, members, and alumni. Any suggestions you can provide will be helpful in making NASA to become one of the biggest and best organizations on campus. So, if any of this applies to you or any of your friends, please respond and we'll be happy to keep you posted on all of our upcoming events. Your response should include your contact information, such as: address; email; information about your status as a student (current student, former student, alumni) includ-


ing your class schedule or times you're on campus; and anything else you think is important. As a side note, keep up the good work, Josh. You make us proud. Thank you for your time and if you have any questions or concerns, you may contact our Advisor, Liz Cook @ 974-3588 or myself at jblanchard@ucok. edu, or (405)214-6279. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, Joseph H. Blanchard Absentee Shawnee Vice President, NASA

CAMPUS QUOTES Compiled and photographed by Travis Marak and Brett Deering.

Do you have plans for Valentine's Day? "Yes, my boyfriend and I are going out to dinner."

"I might, I don't know yet. It mi ght be a surprise or something."

"No, probably going to work on my car. That's about it."

"No, it saves me a lot of money."

Stephen Hawkey

Travis Johnson

Kaci Taggart

Brooke Ross

Business administration/computer science, junior

Marketing, junior

Sociology, sophomore

Accounting, sophomore

Valentine's Day tips for singles, couples Faculty Senate mulls by Desiree Treeby Staff Writer

"I think Valentine's Day is something that the chocolate companies made up," is something a few UCO students said they believe. Some may think it's the sillies and most ridiculous celebration, while others may think it's the next best thing to Dec. 25. It doesn't matter whether you're single, dating, engaged or married. There Many ways to turn Valentine's Day into your new favorite holiday. History The most popular legend is that of St. Valentine, a third-century Roman priest who performed marriage ceremonies after Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriages. Claudius believed single men made better soldiers than married ones. St. Valentine was soon put in prison. Legend has it that he sent the first real valentine card to the girl that he fell in love with, the jailer's daughter. He signed the card "from your Valentine," which is where the expression came from. Another legend, commonly believed in France and England, is that Feb. 14 was the beginning of birds' mating season, and should

be declared as a day for romance. In the 18th century it became popular for friends and lovers to exchange tokens of affection and "Valentine" cards. Singles: "Peter Pan" is something for all ages to see at the Civic Center Music Hall. Comedian Marge Tackets will make a special Valentine's appearance at the Looney Bin Comedy Club at 8 p.m. The OKC Blazers are playing the Rio Grande Killer Bees at the Ford Center. Go out with friends or family to a restaurant and feast on desserts. Go see a movie, watch the Olympics or go to a coffee shop, many of which have live music in the metro area. Couples: Go to the UCO Ja77 Lab for "Jazz and Romance" for desserts and live music at 8 p.m. The OKC Zoo will host a night of wine tasting, hors d'oeuvres and desserts. Author's Story One of my best Valentine's Days was when I was single, because it made me realize that friendships are one of life's most special things. It was my senior year in high school, and I was driving my 1988 Toyota Corolla when a new Chevrolet Blazer pulled out in front

of me. The driver slammed on his brakes and came to a complete stop. I didn't haveenough time to stop or enough space to make an effort for the ditch. I crashed into it,he Blazer's back bumper and my car inirm diately started smoking and steaming. I crunched the hood of my car and the driver's side front fender. The damage to the tan four-door Blazer was minimal. There was a black mark about the size of a strawberry on . t4, back bumper. Luckily, the fellow high school student laughed at the damage to his Blazer versus the damage to my maroon '88 Corolla. I had to replace the hood, fender and headlights. Trying not to cry, I called my friend Dana to, "please pick me up" and when she showed up she had a bouquet of roses. I was grateful that she came to my "rescue" and it brightened up my morning by showing up with roses. That day made me even more grateful for our friendship. It also made me realize that Valentine's Day is more than just a day of romance; it's a day to celebrate all relationships. What would we do without friends? ,




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ideas on pay raises The second bill provides changes in the wording of Staff Writer the faculty handbook section Dr. Jere Roberson presided which details the academic over the monthly .meeting. Jofl dean ,screening, committee and appointment process. the UCO. Faculty Senate 9. Twenty-seven of 33' setiators , 1 Thei'docturate requirement of were present, and one of the first a potential new dean has been items discussed was whether the changed to a "terminal degree faculty senate attendance policy in an appropriate field." Each department and school will should be made more strict. Items of interest at the meet- nominate one full time tenured ing included an informal bud- faculty member and the univerget priority survey of faculty sity president will select a dean senators taken by Dr. Mickey from one of the colleges to serve Hepner of budget priorities. In on the screening committee for order of importance, the results the deanship. "This will expand the numwere: faculty pay raises, hiring additional faculty, adjunct fac- ber of potential applicants for ulty pay raises, and expansion the deanship," said Dr. William of scholarships and grants avail- Hickman, Mass Communication able to students. professor. Two new bills were introRoberson led a discussion on whether a uniform cost of living duced concerning library fundpay raise is appropriate or if a ing. One will increase the stucommittee should be formed to dent library electronic resource recommend other ideas. Most fee from $1.50 to $2.25 per senators were in favor of form- credit hour and the other proposes an 8.5 percent increase in ing a committee. "Each of the last two years the university library budget to we have been given pay raises, support inflation rates in printed it was the three years before that journals and periodicals. Since UCO currently has a we weren't given pay raises," Hepner said. "What kind of pay flat budget for its library materaises we will propose is some- rials, the annual inflation rate thing the senate will have to has forced the library to reduce book purchases and to cancel work on." Two bills that were previ- subscriptions to journals for several years, said Beverly Dowdy, ously introduced were passed. The first allows for the for- acquisitions librarian and author mation of a university focus of the bill. Another bill, which would committee on undergraduate advisement policies. Its purpose lengthen the duration of winter is to use UCO advisement poli- break to a full 4 weeks, is still cies more effectively to increase under consideration. student graduation and retention rates to a level equal with UCO Heather Warlick can be reached at . peer institutions.

by Heather Warlick

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Febuary 14, 2006

Iran rejects accusation it inflamed violence over caricatures of Muhammad, demands apology by Nasser Karimi AP Writer

The Iranian government on Sunday rejected an accusation by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that it has fanned violent protests over caricatures of Islam's Prophet Muhammad and demanded an apology, saying that could reduce growing tension. Rice, meanwhile, said Iran and Syria should be urging their citizens to remain calm not encouraging violence like last week's attacks on Western diplomatic missions in Tehran, Damascus and Beirut, Lebanon. Nearly a dozen people also were killed in protests in Afghanistan. "If people continue to incite it, it could spin out of control," she said Sunday on ABC's "This Week" as furor mounted over the cartoons of Islam's most revered figure that first appeared in a Danish newspaper four months ago. The drawings -- including one that depicts the prophet wearing a turban shaped like a bomb -- have been reprinted in several publications in Europe, the United States and elsewhere in what publishers say is a show of solidarity for freedom of expression. The images offended many Muslims as Islam widely holds that representations of the prophet are banned for fear they

could lead to idolatry. Syria bring protesters into the But some suggest the genu- streets when they wish, to make ire anger displayed by crowds a point," she said. across the Muslim world has U.N. Secretary-General Kofi been exploited or intensified Annan condemned the drawby some Muslim countries in ings as "insensitive and rather the region to settle scores with offensive," but he called for Western powers. dialogue. Rice said Wednesday that "Right now there's mega"Iran and Syria have gone out phone diplomacy," Annan told of their way to inflame senti- Denmark's national broadcaster ments and to use this to their DR. "And I think we should own purposes. And the world turn off the megaphones and ought to call them on it." begin to talk quietly to each Iranian Foreign Ministry other." spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi Protests continued Sunday. said an apology from Rice and Ultra-nationalist Turks, chantDenmark could help. ing "vengeance," pelted the "What happened was a natu- French consulate in Istanbul ral reaction," Asefi said, adding with eggs as about 2,500 prothat "an apology could alleviate Islamic demonstrators shouted the tension." "Down with America, Israel He spoke as one of Iran's and Denmark." At least 30,000 largest newspapers opened protesters denounced publicaa contest Monday seeking tion of the drawings in a peacecaricatures of the Holocaust. ful rally in southeast Turkey. Hamshahri newspaper said it About 25 Muslim graves wanted to test whether the West were vandalized at a cemetery extends its principle of freedom in western Denmark, police said of expression to the Nazi geno- Sunday. The prime minister cide as it did to the cartoons of quickly condemned the attack. Islam's prophet. Graffiti insulting the Prophet When asked by ABC to give Muhammad _ including slogans evidence that Iran and Syria had equating him with a pig, an aniincited the demonstrations, Rice mal Muslims regard as unclean pointed to the fact that little hap,- % also were found scrawled on a pens in the two countries with- West Bank mosque. out government permission. Israeli soldiers erased the "I can say that the Syrians , slogans, but they still touched tightly control their society aft& @ff a protest in which three the Iranians even more tightly. Palestinians were shot by Israeli It is well known that Iran and soldiers. An Israeli woman also

was slightly injured by stones thrown at her car. The Iranian foreign minister told reporters Sunday that Denmark could have resolved the problem by apologizing immediately for the caricatures. He also repeated claims by Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the drawings were part of an Israeli conspiracy. Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen reiterated Sunday that he cannot apologize for the actions of a free press. "Neither the government, nor the Danish people can be held responsible for what is published in a free and independent newspaper," he said on CNN's "Late Edition." He also said he agreed with Rice. "It's obvious to me that certain countries take advantage of this situation to distract attention from their own problems with the international community, including Syria and Iran," he said. Denmark has withdrawn embassy staff from Iran, Syria and Indonesia and warned Danes to leave Indonesia, saying they faced a "significant and imminent danger" from an extremist group. Fogh Rasmussen stressed the decision was made for security reasons.

GARIC from page 1 nent position. "I think the main thing is

"We have not cut the diplomatic relations because my country believes in building bridges, not burning them," he said on CNN. Indonesia's Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda said Sunday that Denmark's decision was "too hasty" as protests in the world's most populous Muslim nation had been "orderly enough" and police had boosted security at Danish diplomatic facilities. About 1,000 Muslims staged a noisy but peaceful demonstration Sunday in the West Java town of Sumedang, according to the el-Shinta radio station, while some 500 turned out in Jakarta. Also Sunday, a poll published in Jyllands-Posten showed that the anti-immigration Danish People's Party is gaining support. The party received 17.8 percent support in the Feb. 68 survey by pollster Ramboll Management, up 3.6 points from a similar survey a month earlier. The margin of error was not available, but pollsters said they questioned 1,058 people. The Danish People's Party leader Pia Kjaersgaard has accused a group of Danish Islamic leaders of inciting the outrage in Muslim countries. She called them "the enemy within" in her most recent weekly newsletter.

to be a good face and spokesperson for graduate studies and research, and to be a sort of constant cheerleader or encourager to students to think about graduate studies and research,"Garic said. He said unlike most people's image of researchers, UCO approaches research with a much broader view. "We actually use the term `research, creative and scholarly activities' ... to welcome in all kinds of research, whether somebody's creating an opera, writing a book or curing cancer," Garic said. Garic earned a bachelor's in psychology and a masters of education in counseling from the University of New Orleans, and his juris doctorate from Loyola University. He is a lawyer specializing in business law and served for four years as a city judge in Kenner, La. At UCO, he has risen to the rank of associate professor of legal studies in the College of Business Administration.

Heather Warlick can be reached at hwartick@thevistaonline.corn.


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Sutton cited with DUI has filed complaints against Sutton for speeding and traveling left of center, the chief said. TULSA, Okla. (AP) Sutton was traveling to Stillwater police cited the Stillwater airport to fly Oklahoma State coach with his team to College Eddie Sutton with driving Station, Texas, when the under the influence after a accident occurred Friday. Friday traffic accident but According to a police did not jail him on a com- report, Sutton's sport utilplaint because of a lack of ity vehicle went left of the physical evidence, the city's centerline on a Stillwater police chief said Monday. street, corrected and then Police are awaiting the struck another SUV from results of blood tests that behind at a speed of about will confirm whether the 69- 60 mph. year-old was driving under Sutton was hospitalized the influence at the time overnight for a head injury of the accident, Stillwater and released Saturday. The Chief Norman McNickle occupant of the other SUV said. It could take six to received minor injuries and eight weeks to receive the was released at the scene, test results. officers said. Oklahoma State, meanWitnesses told police that while, announced that shortly before the accident, Sutton has asked to take a Sutton was unsteady on his medical leave of absence feet and struck his head for the remainder of the after falling in the parking season. lot of Gallagher-Iba Arena Sutton was not given a before entering his vehifield sobriety test at the time cle, according to a stateof the accident because he ment released Saturday by needed medical treatment, Stillwater police. McNickle said. The university said in a Before issuing a DUI news release that injuries citation "officers have to in the accident, along with have reasonable suspi- chronic back pain, promptcion to believe the person ed Sutton to take medical was under the influence at leave. the time," the chief said, Sutton's son and headdeclining to discuss those coach designate Sean suspicions because they are Sutton will lead the team part of an ongoing investi- the remainder of the seagation. son. The police department by Kelly Kurt AP Writer

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Febuary 14, 2006


Cheney accidentally shoots hunting companion in Texas Man in stable condition by Lynn Brezosky AP Writer

A 78-year-old hunting companion of Vice President Dick Cheney was recovering in stable condition Monday after Cheney accidentally shot him during a weekend quail hunting trip, a hospital official said. Harry Whittington "rested well last night," said Peter Banko, hospital administrator at Christus Spohn Hospital Memorial. The hospital listed Whittington's condition as "very stable," he said. Whittington, an Austin attorney, was flown to the hospital after Cheney accidentally shot him late Saturday afternoon at the Armstrong Ranch, hitting him with birdshot. "It's not critical. It's not serious. It's just stable at this


Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a hunting companion at a ranch near Corpus Christi, Texas.

time," Banko said at a morning briefing. He said admitting Whittington to the trauma-intensive care unit was "a fairly common procedure" for a patient hit by a spray of the small pellets. "I don't know how much spray he has got," Banko said. "My understanding from the physicians is that after you get peppered, sometimes they need to do exploratory surgeries if it gets lodged in a little deeper. Sometimes it's tweezers. I can't really comment on how extensively he was sprayed." Banko said he did not know when Whittington would be released. The vice president visited Whittington and his wife before returning to Washington on Sunday. Cheney "was pleased to see that he's doing fine and in good spirits," said Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride. Whittington sent word through a hospital official that he would not comment out of respect for Cheney.

Ranch owner Katharine Armstrong told The Associated Press the vice president was using a 28-gauge shotgun, and Whittington was about 30 yards away. Armstrong said Whittington had gone to retrieve a bird he shot while Cheney and a third hunter, whom she would not identify, walked to another spot and discovered a second covey of quail. Whittington "came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn't signal them or indicate to them or announce himself," said Armstrong, who was in the car. "The vice president didn't see him," she said. "The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good." "He was talking. His eyes were open. It didn't get in his eyes or anything like that," she said. Each of the hunters was wearing a bright orange vest,

Armstrong said. The accident was not reported publicly by the vice president's office for nearly 24 hours, and then only after the Corpus Christi Caller-Times reported it Sunday. McBride said the vice president's office did not tell reporters about the accident Saturday because they were deferring to Armstrong to handle the announcement of what happened on her property. Armstrong said Cheney is a longtime friend who comes to the 50,000-acre ranch, about 60 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, to hunt about once a year and is "a very safe sportsman." She said Whittington is a regular, too, but she believed it was the first time the two men hunted together. Cheney purchased a hunt license in November, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department spokesman Steve Lightfoot said.

Northeast digs out from record snowstorm by Ula Ilnytzky AP Writer

Road crews scrambled to clear highways for Monday's commuters and thousands of travelers stranded at airports still waited to get home as the Northeast dug out from a record-breaking storm that dumped 2 feet or more of snow. Hundreds of schools canceled Monday classes from West Virginia to Massachusetts. Utility crews worked to restore power to thousands of homes and blisinesses blacked out when wind gusting to 50 mph knocked down power lines. "I never want to see snow again," stalled traveler Laura Guerra, 27, of Miami, said after spending the night on a cot at LaGuardia Airport. She said she hadn't seen snow since she was 4, "But I got it out of my system." The weekend storm blanketed the Eastern Seaboard and Appalachians from western North Carolina to Maine, dropping 26.9 inches of snow in Central Park _ the heaviest since record-keeping was started in 1869, the National

Weather Service said. The old record was 26.4 inches in December 1947.. Children were thrilled to dig out their sleds, little used until now in this unusually mild winter. "We're hoping for 365 days off from school," said 9-yearold Reagan Manz, playing in Central Park with friends. "We could go sledding the whole time and not get bored." Fairfield, Conn., got 30.2 inches of snow and Rahway, N.J., had 27 inches, according to unofficial observations reported to the weather service. Just west of Philadelphia, 21 inches of snow was recorded in West Caln Township; the average snowfall for an entire winter in Philadelphia is about 21 inches. Wilbraham, Mass., east of Springfield, reported 22 inches and some areas of the state had 3-foot drifts. As far south as the mountains of western North Carolina, Robbinsville got 20 inches of snow and drifts up to 6 feet high closed the Cherohala Skyway, a scenic route through the area to the Tennessee line. Unlike most of the Northeast, light snow continued falling in the area

Monday. All three major New Yorkarea airports _ Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark _ had reopened with limited service by Monday morning after hundreds of flights were called off Sunday. A Turkish Airlines flight skidded off a runway at Kennedy when it landed late Sunday but none of the 198 passengers was injured, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and Nev Jersey. Airlines also canceled hundreds offlights Sunday at major airports from Washington's Reagan National to Boston's Logan International. The Northeast airport closures and grounded planes stranded travelers across the country. About 7,500 people were stuck at Florida's Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, spokesman Steve Belleme said. "Our car's in Newark. We can't even get close to there," said Maria Martinez, whose flight from Miami International Airport was canceled. "We can't even get to Philadelphia or D.C." Some passengers also were stranded on the Long Island

I Rail Road east of New York City, where trains got stuck on snow-covered tracks, officials said. One train was marooned, for five hours. Limited service into Penn Station in Manhattan resumed Monday morning but some branches on Long Island were still out of service. "Usually the trains never stop. It's never been like this," said Rebecca Karpus, who was waiting to return home Monday morning on the LIERR after being marooned at Penn Station since 6:30 p.m. Sunday. "It's really paralyzed us." Amtrak said it still had numerous storm-related schedule changes Monday morning. Most highways were in good shape for the Monday morning commute, but many city streets and sidewalks were still packed with snow. The storm also knocked out power across parts of the Northeast, most severely in Maryland, where more than 150,000 customers were blacked out and utilities said more than 48,000 still had no power Monday.

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February 14, 2006

Southwest Conference Junior Wheelchair Championships Photos by Vista photographer Travis Marak


Alex Grunstein, center, of the Dallas Jr. Texans, leads fast break up-court against the Houston TIRR Hotwheels in the Southwest Conference Junior Wheelchair Basketball Championships Feb. 11 at the UCO Wellness Center. Dallas beat Houston 68-65. 1(

Dalton Johnson, from Edmond's Blaze Bronchos, goes for a rebound in the Blaze's game against the Tulsa Jammers Feb. 11 at the Wellness Center.

The St. Louis Rolling Rams' Nathan Rainge waits for a game Feb. 11 at the Wellness Center. The Rams beat the Blaze Bronchos 38-22 in the Junior Varsity title game.

Colin Cutter of the Blaze Bronchos goes for a loose ball against the Tulsa Jammers Feb. 11 at the Wellness Center. Edmond beat Tulsa 18-11.

Febuary 14, 2006

FUEL from page 1 Guy Ellis, a motor pool technician, spent time in Germany researching the techniques for biodiesel production. Shop lead Carl Shortt and Ellis created the design for the production of the fuel. Biodiesel is a renewable source of fuel and comes from the deep-fry ovens used at Chartwell's in the Nigh University Center. The oil is first pumped into 20-gallon containers and then filtered. After being filtered it is heated to 140 degrees Fahrenheit to remove the water. Once the oil is cleaned they determine how much lye (Sodium Hydroxide) and methanol should be added to the filtered oil. The chemical reaction to form biodiesel is about one hour. One of the byproducts of the reaction is glycerin, basic soap. "We have a tractor down here that we run on 100 percent biodiesel and we've had very favorable results with that. We've had our operators test drive that and they've said they can't tell any difference in power," Groshong said. Groshong said the vehicles run much quieter on biodiesel and the smell is much more pleasant, like french fries. Ellis said storing biodiesel is much safer because it burns at 300 degrees, which is much higher than regular diesel that burns at 175 degrees. "I don't know why the government hasn't made more of an investment in biodiesel," Carl Shortt said. Most biodiesel is produced in the Midwest and most of the pumps are in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan and South Dakota. Willie Nelson fills his tour bus with biodiesel, according to his Web site wnbiodiesel.

com. Nelson is also marketing his own fuel called, BioWillie, made from vegetable oil to be sold at truck stops. Nelson is not the only one filling up with biodiesel. The Red Trolley line in Oklahoma City used biodiesel, supplied from Missouri, to fuel its line during the 8th National Clean Cities Conference & Expo in May 2002. "We've used it on a limited basis," said Wade Murry, maintenance manager for Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority. "We basically couldn't tell any difference (between biodiesel and diesel)." The trolley line, however, quit using it because of the short supply, he said "There's a lot of benefits to using it because Oklahoma is an agricultural state," Murry said. "Biodiesel would be great for Oklahoma as a grain producing state," Gov. Brad Henry said. Henry signed a bill June 6 to extend a tax credit of 20 cents per gallon during the next five years for companies to produce biodiesel in Oklahoma. Earth Apollo Resources Inc., a biodeisel company, selected Durant, Okla. for the construction of a refinery last year. Biodiesel research is already under way in Howell Hall. Jeff Havard, chemistry senior, started research on the emissions of biodiesel. Havard is also working on ways of purifying the fuel to make it more effective. "I started it last semester in my quantitative chemical analysis class," Havard said. Havard's biodiesel project is directed research, where he and a professor team up on a research project. "We're curious about the emissions," Havard said. "I haven't seen anyone pinpoint exactly what the number of emissions are being put out. That's what I'm trying to accomplish."

"Purification is the difficult part," said Dr. Albhadly, chemistry professor teamed up with Havard. "I found filtering my product makes a better product," Havard said. "You can make biodiesal and you can make really good biodiesel," said Dr. John Bowen, chemistry professor. Bowen said biodiesal is already cleaner than petroleum fuels, because it doesn't emit sulfur oxides that cause acid rain and other green house gases. Bowen said another benefit of biodiesel "is that it does get rid of our dependency of oil from foreign sources."

Alex Gambill can be reached at .

Sydney, Australia auctioned hisauto-

CHAMPIONS gr ph d jersey and


from page 1 picture for $1,000.

Shan Gray, Edmond Olympic artist, donated a replica sculpture of a bald eagle; the original was unveiled in Torino, Italy. The sculpture is titled "Peace Through Olympic Games." Gray is one of eight artists hired by the U.S. Olympic Committee chosen nationwide to create a piece for the winter Olympics. Gray also created the sculpture of Shannon Miller in 2001, which stands in Edmond's Shannon Miller Park. A lot of people left the event surprised at how well UCO sponsored the event, said Shelly Ramsey, UCO Disabled Sports and Events coordinator. She said the auction raised $24,330 and the highest bidding item was a flat screen television for $4,250. Ticket sales for the event totaled about $85,000. "We did very well," Ramsey said. "We were very pleased."

PEMBERTON from page 1 The coworker informed police about the conversation and agreed to help by recording his transactions with Pemberton, acting like a willing accomplice to him. The prosecuting attorney for the state, Pam Stillings, said a key piece of evidence that incriminated Pemberton was a Pearl's coaster. On it, the informant took notes as Pemberton described the intended victim, her family and her school. "Pemberton told the informant to destroy the coaster as soon as he was done with the information," Stillings said. Other crucial items of evidence were audio, video and computer conversations between Pemberton and the informant. "There is no question that the audio tapes that they had of my client talking with their confidential informant made a vast impression on the jury," said Michael Rogalin, Pemberton's defense attorney. Stillings said the defense's strategy was to claim that since no money had been exchanged, he hadn't sealed the

deal. "In Oklahoma County, the law is clear. No money has to change hands," Stillings said. "There just has to be the solicitation to commit the murder in the first degree of another person." Stillings said Pemberton admitted on the stand that he had been floored by the amount of money the informant said it would cost to carry out the murder. She said police were concerned that he would try to find someone else to do it cheaper, they cldn't take that chance. "We fully expected him to take the stand and say he never intended to kill her," Stillings said. "That's not what he said. He took the stand and said, `Yes that's my voice,' Yet I. said those things' and 'Yes a part of me wanted her dead.' He said it that matter of factly." "There was just absolutely no remorse and he never indicated that he felt bad in the least bit for planning the murder of this poor girl," Stilllings said. "I think that's what was most shocking. So when he took the stand, he did us a favor." Pemberton's formal sentencing will be held Feb. 17 at 9 a.m. Rogalin said that Pemberton will be seeking an appeal.

■ The Association of Information Technology Professionals will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28 in the Troy Smith Lecture Hall, Room 121 in the Business Building. Special guest speaker, Rex Tullis, School of Education Chair of Southern Nazarene University will be speaking on how the school uses wireless in their academic facilities. FormoreinformationcontactAnthonyChuat(479)285-0121. ■ UCO Ethics welcomes Nancy Anderson, senior mananger of Boeirg, to speak on "Ethical Challenges in the Workplace" at 3:30 p.m. Feb. 23 in the Troy Smith Lecture Hall B113 in the Business Building. Refreshments will be offered at 3 p.m. Contact Renee Price at 733-0710. ■ The Academic Support Center will offer "Drive-Thru Tutoring" from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 13-14 on the first floor of the Nigh University Center. Math and Science tutors will be available. Contact Jennifer Edwards at 974-2520. ■ The Alpha Xi Delta sorority and Tau Kappa Epilson fraternity will welcome comedian Steve Hofstetter from 8 to 9:30 p.m. March 6 in Ballroom C of the Nigh University Center. Proceeds will benefit the Make a Wish Foundation. Student tickets are $5. To purchase tickets call 201-4563. ■ The Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society will host a movie night from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Feb. 22 in Pegasus Theater of the Liberal Arts Building. "Kingdom of Heaven" will be showing. For more information call 361-0718. III The Mortar Board Senior Honor Society is now accepting applications for spring 2006. Students must have completed 90 hours and have a GPA of 3.0. Applications can be picked up in the Campus Life Office, 424 in the Nigh University Center. ■ The UCO Accounting Club will hold monthly meetings at 7 p.m. March 6 and April 3 in the Will Rogers Room in the Nigh University Center. Professional dress is preferred. For more information e-mail . ■ Delta Zeta's Philanthropy Hearts for hearing week Schedule Feb. 13-18: On Feb. 14 at 6 p.m. Delta Zeta will sponsor a caffle during the women's and men's basketball games starting at 6 p.m. The drawing will be after the men's game. Buy tickets at the game or in the University Center through Feb. 15. A hypnotist will perform Feb. 16 in the Nigh University Center Ballroom. Tickets are $3. The Delta Zeta's will be car-hopping at Sonic on Broadway Feb. 18 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.


is #1




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Febuary 14, 2006

'Comic Potential' well-acted, soulful

CARD: Workshop to introduce 'smart-card' from page 1

"We might find out we don't even imity chip to the cards. This will allow need a card, we could use biometrics," the card to be used without actually said Sandra Thomas, project coordina- swiping it, Rolfe said. tor. "People in wheelchairs can just Rolfe said the costs of biometric approach a door that they have access to systems, such as thumbprint and retinal and it will open," Rolfe said. "And it's Jimmy Stewart's lovable lanky scans, have decreased exponentially the nice if you have your hands full." goofiness creating a sympathetlast few years. Each vendor will have about one and ic lead, whose romance with Rolfe said the initial implementa- a half hours to discuss and demonstrate Jacie the talking toaster oven tion of the system will take about 18 their systems at the workshop. It will we instantly know won't be an months. begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Will Rogers easy one. Based on other universities, she esti- Room of the Nigh University Center. Drumm's turn as bright-eyed by Vista photographer Travis Marak mates it will start at $300,000 but will Jacie, for whom everything in Theater majors Courtney Drumm, left, and David change with the demands of the unithe world is new and every Christina Purdom can be reached at cpurversity. situation can be related to a past Shroeder perform in 'Comic Potential' Feb. 11 in IT is also looking into adding a proxcharacter or memorized line of Mitchell Hall Theater. dialogue, is both charming and annoying when she's supposed by: kc green to be, and Drum's sense of NM* timing and uninhibited acting I'M SURE I'M NoT D0:DOEUE VER (NOW r Do. is' perfect, keeping a straight tJHo onJo PERSON THE face no matter what craziness WONDER WH0 her character is doing or what is Ms TRIED To GET TI4E GOT '1 Poo p going on around her. ADDRESS "PooP YAI-I coMr Lesbian technicians Prim ONLY TO QYA1400.coAn," and Trudi (Stacey Kettner and Lindsey Jacobson) are hilariBE DETECTED AT -DIE ous, accenting each scene they SIGHT THAT IT HAS ALappear in with well-timed quips REAM BEEN TAKEN). AND and occasional sexual innuen'POOP 216 e YAHOO .cOM" does. TUST ISN'T THE SAME Picking up many smallauk. T Y. er roles each are Jonathan Ortwein, Adrienne Macumber, z Annaleigha DeLaune, as well Ni CPI c as Bull and Gilbert, the latter of whom's three roles are visually indistinguishable, as Gilbert DEAR PooPeyARoo,com, plays old man Spencer, a resN EW taurant waiter and a murderous How coot_ is EMAIL Turkish pimp. IT To BE YoU? DeLaune transforms from a prissy material girl to a low-dol i lar hooker without ,,skipp beat, alternating betwieen hig and low class like a comedic chameleon. There were times wh n thee pace dragged a bit, and a few lines seemed poorly-written but were still expertly acted. It's hard to complain, however, when the overall performance od was so enjoyable. Funny, soulful and naturally sweet, "Comic Potential," writhttp://horribleville.corn ten by Alan Ayckboum and directed by Donald Bristow, features strong performances and good-natured, if off-color, humor. Those who caught this while it ran are lucky, and those who didn't should keep an eye out for more like it in the future .

by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer

"Comic Potential," performed by the UCO Department of Theatre, Dance & Media Arts, ran four times from Feb. 9-12 in Mitchell Hall. The play is set in a distant future strangely reminiscent of 1940s America where movies no longer exist. Instead, there are only short, mindless television dramas where actors have been replaced by "actoids," robotic thespians controlled by off-camera technicians. Washed-up director Chandler, played masterfully by Robert "Bubba" Keltch, who looks and acts like a cross between Stanley Kubrick and Rip Torn, longs for the good old days when films were more than a few minutes long and not acted out by malfunctioning robots. His struggling company is kept under a tight rule forced down by the sour, controlling Carla, played to sickening perfection by Susan Riley, who acts on behalf of her ailing boss Lester (Daniel Gilbert), a wheelchair-bound ancient who speaks through his flamboyant manservant Marmion (Mykle Bull). When Lester 's idealistic nephew Adam (David Schroeder) visits the set of Chandler's hit hospital drama, Adam notices comic potential in an enlightened actoid he calls Jacie, played by Courtney Drumm. He convinces the hard-drinking director to let him cast her in a show he plans to write, and a taboo romance begins between Adam and his new muse. Set before a shining cityscape background, "Comic Potential" uses limited sets and pij6pg td paint vivid pictures. A few Ate§ become a restaurant; a dirty bed becomes a seedy hotel room. Set designer Chris Domanski's inspired, minimalist vision creates entire scenes with little or nothing for the imagination to go on, yet never do we question where we are or the believability of it. The performances by Keltch, Drumm and Schroeder were the highlight of the show, with the Nathan Winfrey can be reached at latter's Martin Short naiveté and nwinfrey@thevistaonlinacom. .




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Febuary 14, 2006

Behind the scenes at the 'Snocore' tour with Shinedown & Halestorm by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer

A line of restless, teen-angst posterchildren and aging metalheads snaked from the mouth of the Coca-Cola Bricktown Events Center on Feb. 8, with competing rock radio station vans parked nearby, blaring Nickelback and Audioslave. The nation-wide Winterfresh Snocore tour reached Oklahoma City and brought with it hard alternative rock band Seether, Southern rockers Shinedown and opening acts Halestorm and Flyleaf for a sold-out concert. Shinedown drummer Barry Kerch, with blond dreadlocks, a pierced lip and a can of Mountain Dew, sat in a dirty, deserted storage room while sound checks in the concert hall rattled the walls. "We've had a massive flu going through the camp," Kerch said, explaining why his band mates were catching some lastminute sleep before the show. He said he had just gotten over it himself The band's blood-red greenroom was more like a sick ward, with tall, fierce-looking guitarist Jasin Todd sitting in a chair, leaning against a mirror with his long, dark hair falling over his face. Kerch said the band has been to Oklahoma before, with 3 Doors Down, but "we never get to see the places we play in, just the concert hall and that's usually in the worst part of town." The band's first album, "Leave a Whisper," hit platinum, and their new release, "Us and Them," is en route to similar success. "A lot of this album was written about the fans and hopefully they can relate to some of it," Kerch said. He said it was meant to pull the fans through whatever is going on in their lives and "give you one hour of getting away from hell." Kerch said the band has evolved since their debut album, and though the band has reached startling success after less than five years with Atlantic Records, the quick rise has not been without grueling hard work. "I've been playing for 20, 21 years. We just didn't do this band until 2001," Kerch said. "It seems quick when you look at it number-wise, but we worked

our asses off." "A lot of other bands are together for five to 10 years before they get signed," he said. Shinedown was only together for a few months. "Hopefully, it's just getting better," Kerch said. "There's a lot of hard work and there's a little luck." "I think we've become more of a cohesive lyric. We know what the other band members are thinking," he said. "You can try to reinvent yourself and do something more and just get better." MTV banned the video for perhaps their biggest hit, "45," when lead singer Brent Smith refused to alter lyrics about staring down the barrel of a gun, contemplating suicide. "They can suck it. I could care less about MTV. All they play is hip hop, anyway," Kerch said. 45' is about not committing suicide," Kerch said, pointing out the inconsistency of MTV, who didn't seem to have a problem playing Jay-Z's video for "99 Problems," which featured the rapper being mowed down in a gangland shooting. He said he met band mates Smith, Todd and Brad Stewart in Jacksonville, Fla. Kerch was cleaning lakes with his anthropology degree from the University of Central Florida. He said he planned on being a musician the whole time, but went to college for something to fall back on. He said growing up poor in Panama City, Fla. has had an affect on his music. "I think it definitely influences it. All that plays a part of your musicianship, and it's a part of who you are," he said. The band started playing at Freebird Live, a venue owned by original Lynyrd Skynyrd front man Ronnie Van Zant's widow, Judy Van Zant, who is also the mother-in-law of Shinedown guitarist Todd. Kerch said it was to say thank you to her that the band covered Skynyrd's hit "Simple Man," and that it was only through a strange chain of events that the song ever hit airwaves and landed on "Leave a Whisper." "We actually didn't want to do that," Kerch said. When a radio station asked them to play a cover, Shinedown played it on the air, "and people

Photo Provided

Lzzy Hale and her bandmates from the rock band Halestorm.

went crazy," he said. He said when it came time to assemble "Leave a Whisper," the band thought, "Why not put it on the album and give it to our fans?" Kerch said the band had just finished a 1,000-mile drive from Arizona, and that he didn't know where they were headed next. "It becomes a blur," he said. "It really does— way too much alcohol." Kerch said his wife Lori is an artist and teaches children with autism, and that he hasn't seen her since Christmas and won't until March. "You don't have normal relationships," he said. "It's tough. It's brutal takes special people." "It is what it is, you either deal with it or you don't," he said. "This is my dream." Amid a fleet of sleek tour busses guarded by men in blue uniforms, long-haired Seether front man Shaun Morgan pulled something out of a bus's cargo hold. Near him sat a tan RV, its insides strewn with CD cases and Sonic wrappers with its radio tuned to the Buzz 94.7FM. "We walked around for like 10 minutes looking for the counter, then we realized you





have to order on those little phones," said Halestorm drummer Arejay Hale as he searched the refrigerator for a cold beer, not finding any. "This is a great town man, we love being on this tour." "We're having such a good time on this tour; it's such a crazy vibe," said Lzzy Hale, lead singer and sister of Arejay. "The only reason we're on this tour is because of Shaun Morgan." "Seether's like family. So is Shinedown," said guitarist JOe Hottinger. "All these bands are really down to earth," Arejay said. "They've really spoiled us." "We're trying to bring back the rock. I know that's kind of a stereotypical thing to say but we are," Lzzy said. "We just want to be a little more real than everybody else that's out there," Hottinger said. "But if we say that, we've got to live up to it," Lzzy said. Josh Smith, bass guitarist, said the band's nights on the tour are not as wild as would be expected. "Everybody's been sick, so everyone's been avoiding each other," Smith said. "Our germs don't associate with their germs," Arejay said, smiling. The Pennsylvania rockers said they have fared better than the other bands on the tour, crediting their well-ventilated RV. Smith said they try to keep the partying under control. "If we've got work the next day, it's usually not a good idea," he said. "Philadelphia will be a puke fest." Lzzy said the band has been playing music all their lives. "I don't think we can imagine ourselves doing anything else. Nothing would be as fulfilling," she said. "Every six

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1 second cone FRP.F.1 LImIt one per customer.

ZLB Plasma Services Good for You. Great for Life. • 716 NW 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73103 405.521-9204



off the night, and the energetic rock band maintained the same free spirit onstage they had offstage. At one point, all four members circled up to bang on a single drum, and their set ended 'to riotous cheers. Next were catchy, radiofriendly screamer Flyleaf, also with a female lead singer, fresh off their tour with Breaking Benjamin. Lacey Mosley's vocals range somewhere between the Yeah Yeah Yeah 's Karen 0 and Lovedrug's highpitched male vocalist Michael Sheppard. Flyleaf finished up their set with "Cassie," a memorial to Cassie Rene Bernall, a victim of the Columbine school shootings who was asked by the gunmen if she believed in God before they murdered her. "The point is," Mosley said in preface to the song, "she stood up for what she believed in to the point of death. We don't stand up for what we believe in if it costs us anything." The sound of rain, church bells and an eerie whispering heralded the start of Shinedown's set, performed before a backdrop of the gloomy cover art from "Us and Them." The band played all of their hits, working up to their cover of "Simple Man" and an emotional tribute to Van Zant. It was hours into the show before tour headliner Seether got the microphone, and they started their set with their hardrocking hit "Gasoline," soon followed by singles "Driven Under" and "Fine Again." Much to the delight of fans, Halestorm's Lzzy returned to take Evanescence's Amy Lee's place for the radio smash "Broken," more than filling the alternative queen's shoes. Then Seether switched back to bonecrunch mode before playing a cover of Nirvana's "HeartShaped Box" and ending with crowd-pleaser "Remedy." "I thought all the bands were really good except Seether. They've got some really good music, but they just don't put on a good show," said Ryan Butler, nursing sophomore. "I thought Halestorm was pretty cool. They seemed like they are down-to-earth like average people you would meet on the street." "So far, Oklahoma has been good to us," Lzzy said. She said this is the band's second show in Oklahoma to sell out, after Tulsa's Diamond Ballroom earlier on their tour. "You guys are doing good," she said. "You know how to rock here." The tour began Jan. 20 in Lubbock, Texas and will wrap up March 7 in Florida.

Nigh University Center Room 322

A full servic

Kirkpatrick Leadership Awards Rothbaum Achievement Awards

months, we take another step somewhere, and we don't even have a full-length album." "Right after this tour, we're in the studio," Smith said. "In a perfect world, we'll be on the road touring again by the end of the year, by fall," which is when Lzzy said she expects they will release their first album. "A lot of it is already written," she said. "We're trying to get the kinks worked out so it's radio-worthy." "We've got a really good machine," Arejay said. "We're building a house. We each contribute a brick or a window, so to speak," Lzzy said. "Usually, it starts with me and I write the basics," she said. "I bring it to the guys and then we finish it as a band." Halestorm has existed since summer 1997, but membership has rotated since then. Lzzy said since she and Arejay are siblings, "we didn't have a choice." She said Hottinger answered an ad three years ago, and they met Smith through their producer two years ago. "We weren't really a team until we all kind of looked at each other and said, 'Hey, you're in'," Arejay said. "We almost lit a club on fire once," Arejay said. Lzzy said it happened at their first big break, a gig at the Rusty flail. Club in Harrisburg, Pa. The owner let them play while he was out of town, and before he left, he jokingly warned them to not light the place on fire. "He was the first club owner who took a chance on a couple of kids," Lzzy said. Arejay said the band's pyrotechnics display set the cobwebs on the ceiling on fire, which was quite a scare for everyone. Arejay showed off his sweater, which was given to him by their manager Bill McGathy at In De Goot Entertainment. "They sent us sweaters," he said. "So you know they're good management." He explained the company emblem on his chest, "It's a dog pooping." Arejay said they like to listen to everyone from the Flaming Lips to the Darkness. "We grew up with a lot of classic rock," Lzzy said. "When it rocked. You know, '70s, `80s." A new song started on the radio, and Arejay asked, "Is that Avenged Sevenfold? I love them." "It's not about who you like and dislike musically. It's not who's good. It's not a competition. I'm sure most people out there are good people. This is a different lifestyle," Hottinger said. "You can be the biggest music snob in the world, but if you're not out there doing it..." The concert hall was a black sea of heads and rock fists, lit by raised cell phones and cigarette lighters. The air was already thick with smoke when Halestorm took the stage to kick

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DEADLINES & PRICE1 DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Thenday publication. Prices: Clas,i lied ads cost $3/day for the first 25 words and $.12/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads Call 974-5549 or 974-5916 for additional info.

SPECIAL NOTICES ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR ESL for Internat'l Students We offer a friendly environment with small classes of 4-10 students. Here you can prepare for university study, the TOEFL, and a successful career. LOW PRICE $960 Per 4 Week Term

For more info 348-7602

PREGNANT? SCARED? We're here to help! Pregnancy testing, con-

fidential consultation, ultrasound referral. Christian Services of Oklahoma, 478-3362.

LIKE CARS? FASTLANES is now hiring lube techs. We

THE FUN, flexible job for your BUSY LIFE.

fully train on all vehicle maintenance! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. Limited positions available. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084.

McAlister's Deli is now hiring energetic, dedicated people. We offer a fun environment and good compensation. Best of all, we can work with your schedule. Hey, what good is a job if you can't have a life too? Appy at McALISTER'S DELI


1021 E 2nd St, Edmond 340-DELI

Like to work in a cool atmosphere? Then swing by FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ATTENTION: Business and Management

We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE tutoring available *PREPARATION for TOEFL

majors. FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter is looking for individuals who have leadership skills. With new stores opening we are looking for people to grow with us. Good pay and possible health benefits, Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply.YOU MAYALSO CALL 405-844-8084.

EYE EXAM, FRAME & LENSES: 10% Off CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Exam, Fitting & 12 pr contacts: $210 CAMPUS OPTICAL 13 N University Dr Edmond, 341-3567 FILE TAXES CHEAP!! FILE TAXES ONLINE Go to website and click on yellow button 1040 EZ $9.95 1040, 1040A $14.95 State $4.95 VERY SIMPLE, EASY FILING!! DO YOU think you might be pregnant? Would you like a free confidential pregnancy test or just someone to talk to? Call Birth Choice of Edmond at 330-2111.

SHOGUN Steak House is taking applications for servers, bussers, dishwashers and hosts. Apply at 11900 N May Ave (S end of North Park Mall) after 5:30pm Sun thru Sat. ***STUDENT WORK*** PT WORK-FT PAY Great Pay, Flexible Schedules Resume Builder, Scholarships Possible, Fun atmosphere Customer Sales/Service No Experience Needed Will Train. Call TODAY 405-751-1509

PARTTIME help needed at local daycare 2:30-

6:00pm. Must love kids. Please call 330-3077. GENERAL ASSISTANT position with an established service-oriented company engaged in market research and development, 10-15 hrs/wk as available, Mon thru Fri. Must have own transportation. Hourly bait pay plus mileage and extras. Excellent opportunity for entrepetieur-spirited person. Internet savvy a PLUS. Call 623-2857. QUALITY individual needed to train for residential window cleaning. Must have resume, proof of enrollment, documented GPA of 3. or above, your own transportation, preferably a truck for hauling ladder. Potential earnings of $8-10/hr based on percentage plus mileage. Please call immediately: 340-3914.

PLC STUDENT Ministries is now hiring for two PT positions to work with our Youth Director in sharing God's love with high school & jr high students. Our mission is to challenge the complacent, console the hurt, and save the lost. Email resumes to: or send them U.S. mail to "Peace Lutheran Church, 2600 E Danforth, Edmond, OK 73034; RE: Youth Position." For more info call 341-3205 and ask for Jonathon. Thanks! CITY OF EDMOND Summer positions at Pelican Bay Aquatic Center: Lifeguard, Cafe & Cashier Staff, Water Safety Instructors. Golf Course, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job info line 359-4648 Apply at 100 E First, Rm 106

NOW HIRING- We offer flexible scheduling,

immediate advancement opportunities, retention bonus and a fun, secure work envirimarea Call Visionquest Marketing at 749-0332. **GUERILLA MARKETING/ Promoters needed! Leisure Tours needs students to promote our Spring Break travel packages on campus and with local vendors. Excellent Pay! 800-838-8202. 341-3855

g to fill multiple shifts with experienced or quick learning servers eager to make good tips. Must be 21 years of age or older. Call 602-6246 'arid leave a message to make an appointment or come by 208 E Sheridan, OKC, in person to fill out an application M-Sat after 7pm. THE OLIVE GARDEN at Quail Springs Mall is/now hiring for servers, preferably for lunch shifts. Apply in person at 2639 W Memorial. PT JOBS - SENIOR Services of Oklahoma

is looking for students to fill PT positions. Several 9am- 1pm shifts and 1:30-5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $101 hr for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is preferred; we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up interview. Ask for Courtney Smith.

PERFECT college job! AUTOCLEAN CARWASH is looking for PT help. Apply at 2060 1 2nd St, 9-4 (in front of Oxford Oaks). Must be able to pass physical and drug test. COLLEGE student wanted to telemarket evening hours. Good pay. Call 608-0875, X305, ask for Sheila.

Last week's solution

4 2 9 8 3

6 8 1 7 9 5 6 4 7 2 5 3

3 5 7 6 2 4 1 8 9

7 3 6 2 1 8 5 9 4

1 9 8 4 5 6 2 3 7

2 4 5 9 7 3 8 1 6

Hourly Child Care is now hiring teachers and assistant teachers. Some experience preferred. If you are energetic, self-motivated and enjoy being around kids, call Lisa at 405-413-1911.

WEB Designer/Programmer needed for multi-site Joomla Project. Experience in Joomla/Mambo, PHP/MySQL, Dreamweaver and CSS is essential. Call Conrad 229-6289.

9 8 6 1 7 2 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 7 9 7 9 3 1 4 5 6 12 8

Puzzle by

APT FOR RENT _ block off campus. Female student, all bills paid (except phone & cable). Call Glen at 787-6880, C-5901086 or Linda at 340-7623, C-590-1087.

BRYANT GROVE APTS 1, 2&3 Bedrooms 20 S Bryant, Edmond 341-2161

TWO BED, 1 bath four-plex. Quiet, clean area, _ block to UCO, Refrig, stove, dishwasher, w/d included, 1-car garage. $550/mo plus $550/dep. Call 824-8954, 348-9405.

COMPUTER tech wanted on "as needed" basis for Edmond business. Experience is a must. Call Nicole at 589-0677.


EDMOND YMCA Child Watch is now hiring for morning (8am-12:30pm) positions. Must love kids. Apply in person at 1220 S Rankin and submit to the attention of Geri or Missy. NEW HORIZONS Child Development Center is now hiring FT and PT teachers. If you love children, please apply at 14300 N Western. CONTRACTORS needed to deliver The Edmond Evening Sun, 6 days/wk. Very little collections. Call 341-2121, Circulation Department, Ext. 163, ask for Richard. SEEKING babysitter for 3 young children. Very few (flexible) hours. Must have own transportation. Good compensation. Call 810-1510.

**#1 SPRING BREAK Website! Low prices guaranteed. Free Meals & Free Drinks. Book 11 people, get 12th trip free! Group discounts for 6+. or www. or 800-838-8202.

ONE BEDROOM APT Gas and water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO. 1217 N Roosevelt, $340/mo plus deposit, 341-9651.

TOWNHOUSE for lease, 2 bed, 2 bath, kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer hookups, ceiling fans, lots of closet space. NO PETS! New building, I blk from UCO, 453 N Blackwelder, $650/mo, $500 dep. TENANT RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES, 1 year lease, 341-9651.

PEARL'S LAKESIDE has positions for FT and PT servers. Apply at 9201 E Lake Hefner, 748-6113.

merous updates. Large backyard, 3 bed, 2 bath, 2-car garage. New washer/dryer & refrigerator, $900/mo, 624 Firelane Road, 476-4718, Tim. ROOM FOR RENT, $500/mo, includes basic utilities and wireless interne, close to UCO campus. Call Nicole at 405-589-0677.

BLUE RIBBON Pet Boutique needs dog bather/brusher, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, approx. 8ana-Ipm. Please apply in person at 356 S Kelly.

HANDY MAN wanted! Experience is a must. Work is on an "as needed" basis. Call Nicole at 589-0677.

CHISHOLM LAKE, perfect home with nu-

KENNEDY PLACE APTS 1,2&3 Bedrooms Across from UCO 341-7911 or visit our website

NANNY NEEDED Thursday thru Sunday, flexible hours. Must have own transportation and references. Fax resume to 840-5102. RIVER OAKS Golf Course is now hiring Event Staff/ Wait Staff/ Beverage Cart staff. Bag Room & Golf Shop Staff. Great $$$$. 1&1/2 Mi East of 1-35 on Hefner Rd. 771-5800.

LOOKING for female housemate. New home, Sonoma Lake, 15th & Penn, security system, 3car garage, $350/mo plus bill split plus deposit, clubhouse, pool. Contact Kathy at 550-7205.

***STUDENTS*** PT WORK-FT PAY flexible around class, all ages I 8+, day/eve/ wknd, conditions apply, customer sales/service, 405-751-6018.

CUSTOMER attendants and dishwashers needed. PT positions available at new Edmond location at 3209 S Broadway. Flexible days & evenings, 3-4 hour shifts, Wednesday to Saturday. Work one day or all four, $7.50/hr. Apply Tuesdays 9-5 at Pass Your Plate.

CLEAN, female roommate needed to share 2 story, 2 bedrm duplex with large kitchen and living area, and small backyard for about $400 rent + bills. 5 minute walk to UCO. For more details call 412-8448. $300/MO + electricity near Quail springs Mall. Pool, theater, tanning beds. NO CATS. CALL 323-7825. NEEDED - 2 females to take over lease at Dillon Park Apts, $430/mo, all bills paid. Call 580-747-0533 or 405-615-1856.

APTS-N of the football field, furnished, all bills paid, 1015 Chowning. Call 285-5900. THREE/FOUR bedroom house, 1400 s.f., 2 bath, all appliances plus washer & dryer, walk to UCO, $850/mo, $500/dep, 420 N Blvd, Edmond. ALL BILLS PAID, 3 bed, 1 bath, 1350 s.f., all appliances, wash & dry free, walk to UCO. $850/mo, $500 dep, 1001 E Thatcher #1.

1995 FORD CONTOUR, good condition, new tires & brakes, only 91K miles. $1995 OBO, call 659-8751.

FOR SALE: 1993 Honda Del Sol with VTEC engine. Beautiful, black, sporty vehicle, runs great. $4995. Call 340-4613 or 340-5620.

Palmer Properties 341-7395, 208-2577 PEBBLE

TEAR Townhomes, located on 2nd and Rocky Rd. Beautiful 2 bed, 1&1/2 bath, 2-car garage w/remote. full size w/d connections, dishwasher, garbage disposal, refrigerator and stove. Please call 949-1404 for further information.


LARGE 2 bed, 1 bath $525, dep $250, NO PETS, walk to UCO, 1012 Chartrand. ONE BED, one bath $375, dep $175, NO PETS, walk to UCO. FURNISHED apt, 1 or 2 bedrm, queen bed, dishes, TV, VCR, bedding, short term lease 3,6 or 12 mo, walk to UCO.

*4-PLEX, $385/mo Water paid, Outside Storage

*2&3 Bdrm Duplexes & Homes

Chowning Heights Apts 844-5100, 208-2577

Some near UCO All in Edmond

KANG'S ASIAN BISTRO is now hiring server, hostess, delivery, bar. Apply at 2080 E 2nd St in Edmond. Call 285-8300.

341-1163 or 650-3220

Crossword I







Puzzle by

Small 1 bedroom $350 Large 1 bedroom $375 2 bedrooms $450 Gas & Water Paid 330-3711


ARE YOU LOADS of fun and love kids? Immediate opening for family helper/nan-• ny!!! Edmond couple with darling little girl (23 mo) and, soon to be, newborn baby boy looking for experienced, dependable, fun, smart, family helper 20 hrs/wk through the summer. Duties include babysitting, educational play, laundry, house sitting and ability to travel with us on family vacations. Looking for long- term commitment. Coffee Creek & Kelly. Call Cara or Chad @285-2393.

The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing.

3 9 4 8 6 5 8 2 7 1 4 5 8 9 7 6 3 4 6 3 5 8 6 1 7 2 5 4 5 7 7 2 3


PHYSICALTHERAPY tech needed part time. No experience needed, will train. Non-smoker. Fax resume to 475-5033 or call 475-7080.

LiT BAR GALLERY Rooftop is now seek-

WE PAY up to $75 per online survey.

Sudoku 7

tion. •Flexible FT hours •Starting pay is $8/hr •Must speak fluent English •Start immediately Please fax resume to 405-722-4521, attn: Shelley

NEED A JOB? Computer technician position for student with AutoCAD experience. Full time or part time. Close proximity to UCO campus. PEREZ ENGINEERING, 341-9651.


RENTERS- Get $10,000 coverage for $17-$22 per month! Great auto rates for good students too. Call Michelle at 340-4998 for free quote.

FT HELP needed in customer service/recep-

helper and maintenance (in-door work). Close proximity to UCO campus. Mon-Fri, I -5pm, some Saturdays. Experience preferred, positive attitude and willingness to work A MUST. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy, able to work unsupervised. Call 341-9651.

CONSTRUCTION WORK Immediate openings PT'/FT, no experience required. Hard work, good pay. Framing experience a PLUS. Edmond area, call 824-8954.

Edmond Language Institute

DENTAL PLAN $11.95 per month single; $19.95 family. No deductibles, no claim forms. Includes Vision, RX and chiropractic plans. Affordable health and life plans also. Call Michelle at 340-4998.

HANDY STUDENT needed for carpenter's










23 21













34 37

















47 50














1. The Loss of Leon_: A Novel by Josh Emmons. 5. _ Edwin Evans, New Age instrumentalist/composer. 10. 14th-century term referring to cloth measurements. 14.Greek goddess of the morning wind. 15.One of the three collections of Mahyna Buddhist Scriptures found in the Tripiaka. 16.Clairvoyant. .17. Pass light through. 20. Plural of SO, fifth note of a musical scale. 21. Part of the face of the club head nearest the shaft. 22. Faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere and containing part of the Large Magellanic Cloud. 23. Unnecessary excesses. 24. Parish priest In the Greek Church. 26. Condescendingly flattering. 29. Fixed time cycle in Indian music, built from uneven groupings of beats. 30. Intense anger. 33. Longest river located entirely in Switzerland. 34.Artificial watercourse cut through a land area. 35. Hebrew letter. 36.Tending not to show emotions openly. 40. Make a low repeated cry. 41. Reviews reports in a newspaper or magazine. 42. Think. 43. Wander from a direct course. 44. Interpret. 45. Contraction of "need not." 47. Basic unit of money in Italy. 48. Pierced plate on an astrolabe, having projections whose points correspond to the fixed stars. 49. Paint finish with little sheen. 52._ Reno, Leon in The Professional. 53. Poem expressing the writer's thoughts and feelings about a particular person. 58. Writer of history. 80. Sixth month of the year In the Jewish calendar. 61. Conception of something in its absolute perfection. 62. Unctous combustible of substances that are easily liquefiable on warming. 63. In this place. 64. Friendly. 85. Square rod of land.




29.Personal preference. 30.Overgrown with ivy. 31._-Symone, Olivia Kende!! on The Cosby Show. 32.Action or occurance detected by a program. 34. Nematocyst. 37.Breed of heavy fleeced white sheep. 38.European river flowing into the Baltic Sea. 39.Sentimentally sweet. 45.Not remotely. 46.Gas burner used in laboratories. 47.Metric measurement of capacity to 2.11 U.S. pints. 48.Model of automobile manufactured by Buick. 49.Used formerly as a title for the hereditary monarch of Iran. 50.Assistant to a political leader. 51.Male monarch, especially of Russia prior to 1917. 52.Film director _ Coen. 53.17th state of the union. 54.From a surname, which originally denoted a person who lived in a dell or valley. 55.Native language of the west Highlanders of Scotland. 57.To be excellent. 58._ B. Wells-Bamett, one of the first African-American women to run for public office in the U.S. 59.Sound occasionally heard upon the materialization of a magic doorway.

1.Small pads of material used to protect a surface. 2. Common currency used in 11 countrjes of the European Union. 3. Second-largest units of geological time. 4. _ Tanna, Robert Urich's character on Vegas. 5. Festive, merry feeling. 6. Looks at with amorous Intentions. 7. Public area connecting individual stores in a shopping center. 8. Large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller. 9. Push into position. 10.Type of lichen. 11.Irish form of "Helen." 12.Barriers against flying insects. 13.Enclosed space on which a building stands. 18.Something that is a counterfeit. 19.High-jumping, lightly built antelope from southern Africa. 23.Not restricted by qualifications. 24.Breathes in rapid, short gasps. 25. Like a wing In shape. 26.White _, milk thickened with butter and flour. 27.To the _ Born, British TV show. 28.Feeling of great warmth and intens ty.

'S C 'A 'S 3-1- ID IP 'CAGE EA Lt EIG I N OVER NROL IN BY E vRA t TY elEOEIL 'URN la E LI MEI E laden CIMB ainES 'bA EA CE 'RIPEN EL 121HEEI t ADE i:'ORE bOL L 'ME L 'TbY P 1 t A 'A 1_ 030 .i- H 't Gt A isDA ME AGIN 'FA R E b 0 D S /V1OV I E A CNE AJT AH 'NE ER '8 TEM NY X 'D 'R


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WOMEN'S A Phat Rabbits Explicit Incredibles Ball Handlers

WOMEN'S B 2-2 1-3 1-3 0-4

Synajo DZ Ice AGD

4-0 3-1 3-1 2-2


1-2 Hornets 1-2 EN Team N.P.H.0 1 2 1-2 TKE 0-3 ETG -

MEN'S A All Day White Lions Monroe Saints No Names Skillz that Kill

Mixed Sensations 6-0 5-1 Pounders 4-2 Kinfolk 4-2 Stacked 4-2 The Stones

3-3 3-3 1-5 1-5 0-6

MEN'S B The Redshirts Isotopes Kryptonite

3-2 Tigers Fresh Azweiz 2-3 2-3 Hot Shots Random Heroes 2-3 Average Joes 1-4

5-0 4-1 4-1

Neon Death Kings 4-1 *-1, 3-2

MEN'S C P-Force The Trees Zags Acacia B Clay Ponies

Slam Dunk 3-2 Arma-get-it-on 2-3 Gorillas 2-3 Those Guyt 1-3 AV 0-5

5-0 5-0 5-0 4-1 3-2

MEN'S D BCM PiKE B Acacia C And 1 Staff

UCO (12-10)

from page 12

Synapse 3-1

5-0 5-0 3-2 3-2 3-1

POS FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP OF DE TOT 0 5 5 1 0 0 19 1-4 9-10 0-1 0 5 5 4 0 0 13 3-3 F 4-8 2-5 0 4 4 3 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0-5 C 1 2 3 2 2 1 8 3-4 2-3 1-2 G 1 2 3 8 1 0 4 2-2 1-3 0-2 G 1 2 0 22 0 1 1 5-5 6-8 5-7 G 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-0 0-1 G 0-1 0 2 2 1 0 0 11 2-2 4-6 1-1 G 0-0 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 1-3 1-1 F 2 1 3 27-47 10-20 16-20 4 24 28 20 5 2 80

Player POS FGM A 3PM A -





3-8 1-6 3-5 10-16 2-10 2-3 0-2 7-12

0-1 0-2 2-4 5-9 2-8 0-0 0-1 0-0

4-4 5-6 0-0 3-5 2-2 2-3 2-2 1-3




3 3 0 1 0 0 0 6 1 14

4 0 5 3 2 1 1 0 2 18


7 3 5 4 2 1 1' 6 3 32

3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0

0 10 0 7 0 8 0 28 0 8 0 6 0 2 0 15

20 9

0 84

2 1 2 4 7 2 0 2

and swimming three years ago when he received an invitation to Blaze Sports Day. "It was really new to me," Isaac said. "When I did it enough, it was getting easier." Isaac said it's not so much the competition as it is the challenge that he enjoys. After the tournament, he was named to the All-Conference second team and his teammate, Colin Cutter, was named to the first team. Another Blaze athlete, Nick Benton, 13, learned about wheelchair basketball from teammates Cutter and Isaac. Benton said he played basketball for two years, took about two years off and came back this year. "It's fun, because it's good exercise," Benton said. He also participates in swimming and track and field through BlazeSports.

Amazing Bronchos 2-3

Cute is what we aim for 1-4 Broncho Battalion 1 4 -

For more information on UCO intramural sports, including schedules and results, visit

from page 12 The Bronchos fell to 6-17 overall and 3-5 in the North Division with the loss, while TAMU-C improved to 13-9 and 5-2 in league play. "I was proud of the effort of our team," said head coach Shawn Williams. "We didn't win the game but we competed hard." The Bronchos were down by 10 points only six minutes into the game and trailed by 21 in the first half before rallying to get within 10 in the final seven minutes. Lindsey Wilson, senior from Elgin, led the Bronchos with 18 points, hitting a career-high five 3-pointers and adding six rebounds and three assists.

WRESTLING: 25-14 win for UCO 10 Jo f.)11 I

Teddy Burch can be reached at

AP sports briefings

Women's Basketball Box Scores, Feb. 8 UCO (6-17) POS FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP OF DE TOT






6-10 1-5 3-7 2-5 6-14 0-2 3-5 0-0 1-4 0-0 4-8

5-8 0-0 1-3 1-4 3-6 0-1 1-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

1-1 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 6-8 0-0 0-0




1 5 1 3 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 4 1 5 9 26

6 4 3 0 4 3 1 0 2 1 5 6 35

3 1 2 0 1 '0 1 0 2 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

1 18 0 2 1 7 0 5 0 15 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8

14 3

2 70











6-13 3-9 4-6 4-6 5-10 2-6 1-9 0-0

4-8 0-0 0-0 1-2 2-5 2-4 0-0 0-0

2-2 10-11 0-0 3-4 1-3 1-2 5-6 2-4




4 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 10

6 5 2 4 2 1 4 1 2 27

10 6 8 0 2 2 4 1 4 3 1 4 4 1 1 0 3 27 17


.1 0 0 1 0 4 0

1 18 3 16 2 8 0 12 2 13 0 7 0 7 0 2

10 8 83

TENNIS (AP) The United States and Australia, the winningest teams in Davis Cup history, won Sunday to fill the tournament's last quarterfinal berths. The Americans, champions 31 times but not since 1995, secured an eventual 4-1 win over Romania in San Diego when third-ranked Andy Roddick fired 17 aces in beating substitute Razvan Sabau 6-3, 6-3, 6-2 in the first reverse singles. Sabau played after Victor Hanescu tore ligaments in his ribcage during Saturday's doubles. Australia, which won its 28th and last title in 2003, proved it's depth of talent was better than Switzerland's when Chris Guccione beat George Bastl 75, 6-3, 7-6 (7) in the final rubber to win 3-2. Croatia, Argentina, Belarus, Chile, France and Russia clinched berths on Saturday after winning the doubles.






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HOCKEY (AP) Specific information on when a wiretap conversation was recorded appears to support Wayne Gretzky's contention that he had no prior knowledge of an illegal gambling ring involving his wife and Phoenix Coyotes assistant coach Rick Tocchet. A New Jersey state police wiretapped conversation of Gretzky asking Tocchet how Gretzky's wife, Janet Jones, could avoid being named as a participant in the ring happened last Monday—the day after Jones allegedly won money betting on the Super Bowl, sources told The Associated Press. A person with knowledge of the investigation confirmed the wiretap was recorded last Monday, the day Gretzky's lawyer said New Jersey detectives showed up at the Phoenix coach's doorstep looking to speak to his wife.






Learning for Life Kierl said she enjoys working with the Blaze children and seeing their excitement when they make good plays. Once, one of her athletes told her he always used to cheer for his friends at their games; now, his friends come cheer for him. "It's not just about sports," Kierl said, "it's learning for life and that's what the Blaze program is all about. These kids do work hard, they really do."

Torino Bound In December 2005, Kierl was one of five coaches in the United States selected to attend the 2006 International Paralympic Academy at the Meghan Craig, junior from u20Q6 Paralympic Games in Kristen Limam can be reached at Oklahoma City, had three 3- Torino, Italy. Ten athletes with . pointers and 15 points, while Cassidy Pillow, sophomore from Elgin, and Karlie Howerton, sophomore from Newkirk, each scored eight points. With the loss, the Bronchos remain in sixth place in the from page 12 LSC North standings, three games behind division-leading ogni2ecr for their achievements tle thin, but we still need to pracSouthwestern Oklahoma. and contributions to the uni- tice hard this week and be able The Bronchos have four wersity. The ceremony will take to go compete hard," James said. games remaining in their regu- ''Mace before the match against lar season and return to action, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville. against Southwestern Oklahoma,/ "Southern Illinois is in our Feb. 15 at Hamilton Field{ region. They do have some inju- Teddy Burch can be reached at House. ries and their lineup may be a lit- .

Knights 0-5


physical disabilities will also attend the academy. Kierl said she leaves March 8 for Italy, where she will be a guest coach at seven venues and speak to Paralympic athletes and coaches. She said she most looks forward to, "Talking to the athletes and learning about their regiment of training so I can implement it into this program."

BRONCHOS: Road losses for UCO

IFC 3-0 Acacia 2-1 ATO 2-1 K Phi Beta Sigma 2-1 PiKE 2-1

BLAZE: Local team finishes second

A&M-COMMERCE (12-11)

2-2 1-3 1-3 0-4

The Foosa Ballers Pink Panther Fire

4-0 3-1 3-1 2-2



Febuary 14, 2006 1 1






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Fort Hays falls to Bronchos by Teddy Burch Sports Writer

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Hassan Elkapi, left, of the Houston Hotwheels, looks to pass against Damian Hundley of the Dallas Jr. Texans in varsity action during the Southwest Conference Junior Wheelchair Basketball Championships Feb. 11 in the Wellness Center.

Wheelchair basketball tourney showcases athletes' abilities by Kristen Limam Sports Editor

Home Field Advantage Edmond's Blaze Bronchos competed in the junior varsity category and took second place, losing in the final to St. Louis 21-38. The Blaze Bronchos are a division of BlazeSports Edmond. "Edmond is a local chapter of BlazeSports," DeGuisti said. "[BlazeSports] is a national group."

More than 70 athletes gathered at UCO to participate in the Southwest Conference Junior Wheelchair Basketball Championships Feb. 10-11 at the Wellness Center and Hamilton Field House. The event, sponsored by UCO's Disabled Sports and Events, featured nine regional teams competing in SW Conference Junior Wheelchair Basketball Championships three categories: prep, junior varsity and varFeb. 10-11 sity. Children age 14 or younger participated in the two prep Prep 1st: Dallas Jr. Texans teams. The five junior varsity and two var2nd: Ark. Rolling Razorbacks sity teams included members age 21 and Junior Varsity under. The Dallas Jr. 1st: St. Louis Jr. Rolling Rams Texans won the prep 2nd: Blaze Bronchos (Edmond) category; the St. Louis 3rd: Tulsa Jammers Jr. Rolling Rams won the junior varsity category; and the Houston Varsity TIRR Hotwheels won 1st: Houston TIRR Hotwheels the varsity category. 2nd: Dallas Varsity These teams will compete at nationals in March in Peoria, Ill., Omaha, Neb., and Houston, respectively. UCO put in the winning bid to host the tournament, a first for the school. "Everybody has said how impressed they are with the facility," said Jennifer DeGuisti of UCO Disabled Sports and Events. DeGuisti said UCO may host the event again in the future.

BlazeSports Edmond offers four sports for athletes with physical disabilities: basketball, tennis, track and field and swimming. Margaret Kierl has coached the Blaze Bronchos for the past three years and works for presenting sponsor Valir Rehabilitation Hospital in Oklahoma City. "The first two years we were kind of non-competitive," Kierl said. "We scrimmaged Tulsa and that's about it. Last year, we went competitive. We started going to tournaments." The Blaze players are at the younger end of the junior varsity teams and often play against athletes five or six years older than them, Kierl said. The St. Louis Jr. Rolling Rams, which used to compete in the varsity division before moving to junior varsity last year, has high school seniors on it, she said. "Each game, they have improved," Kierl said, adding that she always looks for the positive aspects of each game. Oklahoma City native Shad Isaac, 15, plays for the Blaze. He got involved in basketball, as well as track and field

See BLAZE, page 11

Texas A&M trips up Broncho basketball by Teddy Burch Sports Writer


Wednesday, Feb. 15 2:30 p.m. vs. Emporia State


Tuesday, Feb. 14 Games begin at 7 p.m. (Hamilton Field House, Wellness Center) Games begin at 7:30 p.m. (Wantland)

UCO men's basketball team continued to struggle, losing to Texas A&M-Commerce 84-80 Feb. 8. It was the second straight loss for the defending Lone Star Conference North champion Bronchos, who fell to 12-11 on the year and 5-3 in the league. TAMU-C, the South Division winners last year, moved into the North Division this season and improved to 12-11 and 3-4 in league play. "We played well, we did some good things in the second half," said head coach Terry Evans. "We just didn't do enough of those things to win and we continued making the mistakes to lose." The Bronchos led 68-62 with less than six minutes to play but were unable to make shots and protect the basketball late in the game. "We knew going into this game that it was going to be tough," Evans said. "To win we were going to have to play 40 minutes of smart basketball and not 30."

Aundrae Grayson, senior from Tulsa, led the Bronchos in scoring with 22 points, making 5 of 7 from three-point range. Anthony Brown, junior from Stillwater, was 9 of 10 from the field in his 19-point outing. Sam Belt, sophomore from Broken Arrow, added 13 points. The loss drops the Bronchos two games behind Southeastern Oklahoma in the LSC North Standings. The Bronchos remain one game ahead of TAMU-C, East Central and Southwestern Oklahoma. "We're going to have to win out," said assistant coach Roland Ware. "Then we are going to have to have help from somebody else if we are going to win the North again this year." The Bronchos have four games remaining in their regular season schedule and return to action against Southeastern ,Oklahoma at 8 p.m. Feb. 15 at Hamilton Field House. UCO women's basketball fell behind early and was unable to recover, losing to TAMU-C 83-70 Feb. 8.

See BRONCHOS, page 11

The No. 3 ranked UCO wrestling team improves to 13-3 for the season with a 25-14 victory over No. 9 ranked Fort Hays State in Hays, Kan. Feb. 10. The win gives the Bronchos five straight victories on the road. "I was happy with our performance," said head coach David James. "Before we left I was concerned about the way in which Hays State matched up against us. They are a good solid dual style team." Earl Jones (133 pounds), junior from Coffeyville, Kan., and Kyle Evans (141 pounds.), sophomore from Edmond, each scored first-period pins to give the Bronchos a 12-3 lead. FHSU won the opening match at 125 pounds to take a 30 lead, but Jones pinned Derek Patterson in 54 seconds, putting the Bronchos back on top. Evans returned to action after being sidelined for two weeks due to a knee surgery. He pinned Jeremy Johnson in 2:34 of the first period. "Evans' return was solid," James said. "He was able to compete at the level we thought he could."

Jason Leavitt (157 pounds.), sophomore from Ponca City, won an triple-overtime match against No. 2 ranked David Nordhues. Leavitt lost a close match 2-1 against Nordhues at the Fort Hays State Open Dec. 3. Cort Peterson, senior from Gillette, Wyo., won his 1 1 th straight match at 165 pounds With a 13-5 major decision over Phil Hart. The victory increased the Bronchos' lead to 19-6. Jared Hess, junior from Oklahoma City, made up for an early-season loss to Aaron Meister with a 3-1 victory at 174 pounds.

"Hess had a strong desire to win and we are glad to see him turn around that early season loss," said assistant coach Kevin Freeman. The Bronchos got their final win of the match at 197 pounds when Heath Jolley beat Dustin Trego 10-3. The Bronchos will return to action when they host Southern Illinois-Edwardsville Feb. 18 at Hamilton Field House. The Bronchos have two seniors on their roster, Petterson and Jerod Goodwin from Midwest City. Both will be rec-

See WRESTLING, page 11

Wrestling Scores, Feb. 10 UCO 25, Fort Hays State 14

WI Results 125 Lira, FHSU, dec. Caruthers, 6-5 133 Jones, UCO, pinned Patterson, 0:54 141 Evans, UCO, pinned Johnson, 2:34 149 Delk, FHSU, dec. Timothy, 5-3 157 Leavitt, UCO, dec. Nordhues, 3-1 165 Petersen, UCO, major dec. Hart, 13-5 174 Hess, UCO, dec. Meister, 3-1 by Vista photographer Travis Marak 184 Howell, FHSU, tech. fall Meredith, 16-1 Shea Timothy makes contact during UCO's win over Fort Hays 197 Jolley, UCO, dec. Trego, 10-3 Feb. 10 at home. UCO's next home match is at 2 p.m. Feb. 18. 285 Ubben, FHSU, dec. Finn, 3-2


We have forgotten that it has to be enacted anew in every generation. — John Dewey The UCO American Democracy Project seeks to increase the number of students and faculty who understand and are committed to engaging in meaningful civic actions. UCO's American Democracy Day 2006, on February 24th, will allow all interested UCO faculty, staff and students to have the opportunity to share their research efforts, projects and personal experiences on how they have made democracy and civic engagement come alive in the classroom, on campus, and in their communities through poster and exhibit presentations. Suggested poster/exhibit topics corresponding to UCO's theme of CHARACTER, COMMUNITY and CULTURE include: Civic Leadership Civic Participation Community & Business Involvement Coordination of Course Objectives & Services Cultural Awareness/Identity Curriculum Materials for Service-Learning Democracy History & Traditions

Justice Needs Assessment for Service-Learning Poverty Resources for Service-Learning Service-Learning in the Public Schools Service-Learning in University Coursework Social Capital Teaching Strategies for Service-Learning

Why Should I Participate? The,New York Times is offering a $200 first prize and a ;100 second prize for the best poster/exhibit presentation in each of two categories: Student and Faculty/Staff, All information for submitting a poster or exhibit abstract can be located on the American Democracy Project web page at: http://www ,ucok,edu/AmericanDemocracyProject Deadline for submitting poster/exhibit abstracts is Friday, February 17, 2006.

Particpants may attend a FREE continental breakfast and luncheon. Luncheon will include • panel discussion of UCO professors and Adam Cohen, Editor, Now York Times on TA* Conatitostfoli and Our Civil Libertin. For poster/exhibit information contact: E. Joanne Necco, Ph.D., Coordinator, ADP Project (405) 974-5413, For registration information contact: Linda Smith, Director, Center for Learning & Prolbssional Development (405) 974-2543, lsmith@ucolLedu

American Democracy ject

A.VV Oklahoma' Campus Compact


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