The Vista Feb. 16, 2010

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Campus Quotes

Dr. George Henderson

Students answer: If the internet The first African-American in the were shoutdown, what adjustments state of Oklahoma to hold endowed would you have to make in your professorship. life?

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DID YOU KNOW? Fasting periodically may help to boost your immune system.

Bronchos sweep No. 4 Illinois.

Mens basketball win their 15th in a row, breaking a record which stood since the ‘63-’64 season.

FEB 16, 2010



HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama professor accused of shooting six colleagues was vocal in her resentment over being denied tenure and the looming loss of her teaching post, though relatives and students said she had never suggested she might become violent. Not even Amy Bishop’s husband knew she might turn violent, according to the man’s father. Everyone from family and friends to her students at the University of Alabama in Huntsville said the intelligent and at times awkward teacher seemed normal in the hours before police say she opened fire in a faculty meeting Friday afternoon, leaving three dead and another three wounded. Jim Anderson — the father of Bishop’s husband, James Anderson — told The Associated Press on Sunday his son had no idea Bishop was planning the bloodshed she’s accused of. “He knew nothing. He didn’t know anything,” the father said. He said that the police had spoken with his son at length and that “they are doing a good job.” Indeed, there were many things Bishop apparently did not reveal to those around her. OKLAHOMA CITY — The third week of the legislative session begins Monday with still no deal finalized for fixing a $729 million hole in the current year’s budget. Gov. Brad Henry and Republican leaders in the House and Senate still have not reached an agreement on how much to spend from the state’s constitutional reserve fund, but both sides expressed optimism late last week that such a deal will be reached.

15th straight




UCO Hockey

Extreme Home Makeover volunteers cheer on the demolition of the Skagg’s family home on Saturday Feb. 6, in Lexington, Okla. Ideal Homes along with Extreme Home Makeover built the Skagg’s family a brand-new house and barn two miles from their termite-infested home in less than a week. UCO also gave the Skaggs family children each $20,000 tuition waivers. Story on page 3.


CANDIDATES DEBATE AT CONSTITUTION HALL He will fight for creating jobs, cutting federal income taxes, cutting wasteful government spending including earmarks, stopping government from taking control of health care, and securing borders, he said. Roy said as a surgeon and a professor at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, he knows the importance of health care and education. “People create jobs, not government,” Roy said. “I am sacrificing my profession to bring back conservative views.” Much like the other three candidates, Roy believes in letting states be in charge of health care and education. All four men agreed real people Stuart Jolly, right, moderates debate addressing major issues in America need to take back Congress. with U.S. Represetative candidates including Rick Flanigan, left. “I am alarmed of what is going tions,” Thomas Lewis II, sophomore on in Washington who are destroyBy Jenefar DeLeon /Staff Writer accounting major and College Repub- ing our government,” conservative licans member, said. “I felt the audi- Republican candidate Kevin Calvey The Republican 5th Congressional ences were sincere and passionate said. “I have been called to serve our District debate was held last Tuesday about the cause.” country and help take it back to the at Constitutional Hall in the Nigh Four candidates took the stage to people.” University Center. Calvey served as a state legislator answer hot topic questions regarding UCO’s College Republicans and why they should be voted as the Re- and served in the National Guard afAmericans for Prosperity sponsored publican congressional representative ter the start of the Iraq War in 2003 the event. It was open and free to the in Washington. and 2007. public. He believes in fighting against bailCandidates included a surgeon, lo“I love seeing half the audience be- cal businessman, former Oklahoma outs, stimulus spending, governmenting students,” Stuart Jolly, state direc- legislator and a youth director. run health care, earmarks spending, tor of Americans for Prosperity, said. All four men believe they are the amnesty to illegal aliens and creating “Tonight has exceeded my expecta- right candidates to represent conser- security around the borders. tions. I had over 200 cards of ques- vative views of Oklahomans back in Out of the four men, Calvey has tions from the audience to ask the Washington. They tackled questions the experience that can help him succandidates, and it shows that people regarding health care, the economy, ceed in Congress, he said. Although, really do care.” candidate constitutional Conservative the war and education. Jolly applauded the effort and time Dr. Johnny Roy, former chief of sur- Rick Flanigan said his experience bethe College Republicans put forth to gery at the Edmond Medical Center, ing a local businessman in Oklahoma help organize the event. believes he is the right man for the will help him tackle Congress the best “Tonight has exceeded my expecta- spot. if he is elected.

Republicans candidates for 5th Congressional District Kevin Calvey Dr. Johnny Roy James Lankford Rick Flanigan Mike Thompson Paul Arabie

Flanigan describes himself as a real American and not a politician. He currently owns a local battery story in Bethany. “I am just a normal guy living in the everyday world,” Flanigan said. “I am a patriot before anything else. I love the Constitution, and I am sick of what politicians are doing.” Flanigan said changes need to be made, much like what candidate James Lankford said. Lankford said he is tired of how the current politicians are ignoring the Constitution and that he will uphold it if he’s elected. “One bill, one topic. Make it stand on its own,” he said. “If elected I would require that bills be connected to the Constitution.” Lankford is the youth director of Falls Creek Summer Youth Camp. He is an advocator of family life and conservative views and is a strong believer of state’s rights. He believes Congress needs new voices.. At the end of the event, the four men expressed gratitude toward UCO for hosting the debate and the students for being involved in helping to create change.

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