The Vista February 16, 1995

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY February 16, 1995

The Student Voice Since 1903

`No doubt...' OK higher ed does enhance quality of life

`Holey' adornment As body piercing becomes more popular, older adults 'bare' their desires, too

By Iris Knight Staff Writer Higher education was labeled beneficial to both the state and those pursuing college degrees in the Economic Impact Study delivered to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Feb. 8 at the state capitol. "No doubt about it, Oklahoma higher education enhances the quality of life for Oklahomans," said Regents' Chairman Ed L. Calhoon. In the 1989 study, Oklahomans with bachelor's degrees earned an average income of $35,057, where as those without college experience earned $20,939. "Oklahomans with bachelor's degrees earn 67 percent more a year than those with no college experience," said Calhoon. The economic impact study also revealed the greater rate of employability for college graduates over non-degree holders. The average state unemployment rate was 5.5 percent, the report said. Bachelor degree graduates hold a 2.4 percent unemployment rate and high school graduates top out at 7.7 percent. "And the low unemployment rates for college graduates indicate that business and industry are turning to Oklahoma college graduates," said Chancellor Hans Brisch, chief executive officer for the state regents. VSee EDUCATION, Page 7

By Nicki Cormier Staff Writer


lthough body piercing is not new, there seems to be a trend today towards people of all ages having parts of their body pierced. Mindi Olmstead, a UCO advertising student had her navel pierced last week. "I've always thought it interesting—it has always appealed to me," Olmstead said. Olmstead chose navel piercing over facial piercing because it gave her a choice in showing off the adornment. "If I don't want someone to see it they don't have to. For instance, if I was to show up for a job interview with my eyebrow pierced I don't think I would have a very good chance at getting the job." Before Olmstead went ahead with the piercing, she decided to do some research on the subject and attended a symposium on body piercing at UCO last year. The symposium discussed how different tribes of people in society used piercing as forms of body enhancement. "The tribal concept appealed to me. After the symposium, I was more intrigued than ever," she said.

VSee PIERCED, Page 9

Oklahoma City resident Patty Flegal prepares to get her belly-button pierced by William Greaber. (Photo by Nicki Cormier)

UCO students celebrate Muslim holiday by fasting The first of February marked the advent of Ramadan, a month-long fast observed by 250 Muslims in UCO and nearly a billion others in the world. The fast, which begins daily at dawn





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and ends when the sun sets, calls for Muslims to abstain from food, drinks and other pleasures. Dr. Riaz Ahmad, sponsor of UCO's Muslim Student Association (MSA), said


An OKC pregnancy crisis center coordinator gives students her perspective about love and sex.

the purpose of the fast is to cultivate discipline, self-restraint, generosity and religious piety in Muslims. "(Fasting) is an obedience to God—it is an obligation and a responsibility," he said.

SPORTS Wrestler goes for the single-season victory mark at the Midwest Regional Tournament.


The fast is broken at dusk with an iftar, or a sunset meal. At Masjid Al Salam, or the Edmond Mosque, Muslims from UCO and the corn-

ySee RAMADAN, Page 3



Congratulations! Here's a listing of the fall 1994 Dean's Honor Roll students.



February 16, 1995

Also opinion.


Reader condemns Holocaust video


n the February ninth issue, Vista movie reviewer Paul Eddy offered a 3/5 rating to a Holocaust revisionist video and supplied free advertising for the distributor of this questionable work. Mr. Eddy's largely negative review nevertheless suggested that this video might present reliable information about twentieth-century history. The relatively high rating and the lack of context for this unusual film-review material underscored the inappropriateness of the review. Because of its political agenda, the video poses a problem for any

reviewer. The Vista has a responsibility to its readers to explain adequately the origins of the video and why student papers have been targeted for its distribution. What did the reviewer intend to accomplish by publicizing this product in his column? If the Vista meant to broaden the scope of this column, why did you not begin this project with a review of legitimate videos on the Holocaust and the final solution? To give space to a review of such subject matter in this paper, on a date so close to the fiftieth anniversary of the liberation of the

Auschwitz concentration camp, displays an unfortunate lack of historical of cultural awareness on the part of the Vista. I would recommend The Wannsee Conference, Shoals, or Hotel Terminus: The Klaus Barbie Story for starters. Hannah Arendt's essay on The Banality of Evil might be a good introduction in print form. The videos are available at reputable video stores in the Oklahoma City Area. —Hans Rudolf Nollert Assistant professor of german

Not all points of view 'deserve' to be heard? Vol. 95, No. 35 (USPS 661-700) Editor in Chief Jennifer R. Palmer Managing Editor David L. Hanigar Copy Editor Sheila Nunnelee Sports Editor Mike Erwin Sports Writer Scott Moore Sports Writer Rachel Schnitzer Advertising Mgr. Wendy Williams Amelia Teoh Ad Sales Ad Sales Christy Strother Jerry Yeoh Ad Sales John Clanton Writer Iris Knight Writer Paul Eddy Writer

Jason Webb Writer Farzana Razak Writer Cynthia Chung Writer Writer Nicolette Cormier Elizabeth Hew Writer Photography Editor John R. Gilmore Photographer David McNeese Photographer Christopher P. Smith Cartoonist/Artist Sean Ashby Pub. Relations Director Liz Dorris Circulation Mgr. Marcus Kok Production Mgr. Anthony Tompkins Morgue Director Marta McClosky Mark Hanebutt Adviser

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by the students in the department of journalism on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the regular school term, except during exams and holidays, and on Thursdays only during the summer term at the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034. Telephone number (405) 341-2980, Ext. 5549. One-year subscription rate $12. Second-class postage paid at Edmond, Okla. "POSTMASTER:" Send address changes to The Vista, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK 73034.


Letters to the editor are not only welcome, but encouraged. All letters must be signed. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters must also include author's address and phone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit for space limitations and to comply with libel laws. Every effort will be made to preserve the integrity of the letter. Address letter to: Editor, The Vista, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK 73034 or deliver in person to the editor, Communications Building, Room 107. This publication, printed by the University of Central Oklahoma print shop, is issued by the University of Central Oklahoma as authorized by Title 70 OS 1981, Section 3903. 5,000 copies have been prepared at a cost of $300 (8pp), $400 for 12pp.


can only condemn your publishing in the Feb. 9 issue, a review of a video tape by self-described "Holocaust revisionists." Why on earth would the student newspaper of the University of Central Oklahoma give any space at all to representatives of a thoroughly discredited point of view? The Holocaust, that is, the execution of millions of innocent Jews and other people during World War II, is an all too well-documented event. There is no reputable scholarship that disputes either that it occurred or that it devoured millions and mill ions of victims. Since the Holocaust is a settled point, it should be well known to anyone who presumes to edit the Vista. Not all points of view deserve to be printed. If a point of view has been shown to be false and yet its propagation is capable of causing serious harm, it should be off-limits for civilized discourse.

But there's an even larger point to be made about your atrocious editorial judgement, a moral point about Holocaust history. One of the ways that mankind can do posthumous justice to the victims and help ensure that it never happens again is by remembering the Holocaust. The rubbish put out by the Holocaust deniers can only serve to obstruct this necessary remembering. The worst aspect of The Vista's publishing a review of such rubbish is that, in a small but concrete way, it abets the obstruction of memory. It's not just your decision to publish a review that I want to condemn. The particular review that you ended up publishing is astonishingly lame. What's the idea of the headline, which asserts the videotape is "informative" also bracketed by inverted commas? And how can any reviewer attach any significance at all to the tapes allegation that the Auschwitz con-

centration camp contained "a swimming pool...for the prisoner's use." A swimming pool for the doomed! Yet the very worst section of the review is where it describes as an "interesting point" the outrageous claim that "victims of the holocaust seem to want the 'glory' of being the real victims." Anyone who would ascribe glory-seeking to Holocaust victims needs serious moral instruction—immediately. What an error The Vista committed. After all the years that the civilized community has been teaching about the Holocaust, it seemed that we had gotten to the point where no one could ever forget this atrocity. Now we deem to be regressing toward having to argue with crackpots about its occurrence. I'm disheartened and embarrassed that the UCO newspaper has contributed to this regression. —Joseph T. Johnson Director of economics

February 16, 1995



Defining the 'other side' of relationships A crisis pregnancy coordinator gives her `female Christian' perspective to dating, sex By Leslie Wakulich Student Writer Lou Allard spoke about love, sex and dating to the students at the Baptist Student Union (BSU) Feb. 9. Allard, Crisis Pregnancy Center Coordinator in OKC, gave a female Christian perspective on relationships and dating. She told the students to evaluate love and sex and asked them "what does love mean?" Some of the answers given were: understanding, commit-

ment and respect. Allard pointed out that of all the answers given, not one was sex. She said that a lasting relationship should progress through three stages: friendship, holding hands and a simple kiss. Talking about teen pregnancy, Allard said, "We think that we can solve the issue if we give somebody a condom. But we haven't solved the problem, we've presented a different one." "There's not a condom made large enough to cover the broken heart of a person," she said.

Allard has been lecturing for six years. She speaks to students of all ages in Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas and sometimes Georgia. "I really want to have left a mark that says I care for you," she said. UCO sophomore Jonathon Clayton said, "I found it (Allard's lecture) interesting because it opened up my mind to think about the other side of a relationship." Allard also lectures on topics such as AIDS and STD's. She speaks at the BSU every few years.

Coordinator of the Crisis Pregnancy Center, Lou Allard, speaks to students about love. She was at the BSU Thursday night. (Photo by Leslie Wakulich)

RAMADAN munity begin iftar with prayers, traditional dates and drinks. . Dinner is prepared by volunteers who sign up on a roster sheet. Many are eager to offer their help, said Irshad Syed, MSA's secretary, because it is an honor to serve others. Ramadan is a time to remem-

ber the needy, he said. "There are millions of people who are hungry for several days, instead of just 12 hours," said Syed. Going a step beyond mere remembrance, Muslims also set aside 2.5 percent of their net income and donate it anonymously to the less fortunate, said Syed. "This practice is called Zakat, and it is (an act) between you

and God," he said. Syed said the fasting period also helps keep in check "unruly desires," like cravings for more money, fame and power than one actually needs. "It teaches us restraint and gives us inner strength," he said. Ahmad said those exempted from observing Ramadan include young children, the elderly, travelers, the sick and

pregnant or nursing women. Muslims who are sick, pregnant or on a journey can postpone the fast, but they are to make up for the number of missed days at a later date, said Ahmad. This is in accordance to laws stipulated in their religious book, the Koran (also known as the Ouran), he said. During the final 10 days of




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Ramadan, which ends on March 2, those who are able retreat to mosques for "spiritual contemplation," said Ahmad. "This is an example set by our prophet Muhammad," he said. When the fast of Ramadan is completed, the Muslim community gathers for prayers on the first day of the Eid ul-Fitr (eedal-fitter), a three-day festive affair, said Ahmad.

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continued from front page


February 16, 1995


Sister university to 'import' exhibit By Kelley Beard Student Writer "Images of Central Oklahoma," a photographic exhibition consisting of 37 photographs, was the first cultural exchange project between UCO and the University of Puebla. Dr. Jo Ann Adams, director of the Donna Nigh Gallery, traveled to Puebla, Mexico Feb. 7 to present the exhibition. "Because of our activities and designation of being a sister university (with the University of Puebla) they decided that the Office of Outreach would be the office to initiate global activities," she said. This exhibit will mark the

first exhibit shown in a mansion, in old downtown Puebla, that the University of Puebla recently purchased. "We opened up the competition to anybody that wanted to participate. We've had some leading photographers," said Adams. One of the photographer's work has appeared at the Smithsonian and The Daily Oklahoman. In March, students will have the opportunity to view the exhibit at UCO and Adams is considering displaying it in the Oklahoma City mayor's office. The University of Puebla is in the process of making the decisions when they will bring one of their exhibitions to Oklahoma, she said. .4)

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Library acquires ROM software By Farzana A. Razak Staff Writer As of this semester, UCO students will have a wider choice of CD ROM programs to choose from at the Max Chambers Library. The three new titles are: The Daily Oklahoman, Art Gallery and Cinemania. The Daily Oklahoman provides research and local infor-

illation on state events and news. "Many other different journals and magazines feature news on the national level," said Melissa Cast, librarian. This is to educate students on the local education, business, cultural and social events, said Cast. Art Gallery features articles on great masterpieces of art, artists and paintings. Cinemania lists all the latest

movie reviews, its casts and clips of the movie. These reviews are updated to the current blockbuster movies. is The Daily Oklahoman available on CD ROM, while and Art Gallery both Cinemania are available on stand-alone computer terminals near the reference desk. For more information, call Melissa Cast at 341-2980, Ext. 2947.

UCO broadcasters sweep OBEA awards UCO broadcasting students took more awards than any other university in the state at the annual Oklahoma Broadcast Education Association competition. UCO students won first place

in 10 categories, and first, second and third place awards for: TV Hard News Story, Radio Hard News Story, Radio Documentary/Series and Radio Newscast. UCO received 35 awards from

this competition at the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters convention in Tulsa Feb. 9. First place winners from UCO are: Travis Schutten, Josh Larson, Keith May, Jacqueline Ross, Jenny Wagnon and Jay Manley.

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February 16, 1995


Newspaper chain owner's son explains the Donrey 'empire' By Iris Knight Staff Writer Don Reynolds, Jr., a former Tulsa journalist, urged a room full of journalists to forgive past personal mistakes and forge positively ahead during the Oklahoma Press Association Mid-Winter Convention OPS luncheon Feb. 3, in Oklahoma City, at the Clarion Hotel. Reynolds, the son of the former owner of the Donrey newspaper chain, related several experiences from his own life in his speech "Drop the Rock." "At times you reflect back on where you've come from," Reynolds said. "I did this last fall." During his career as a journalist, Reynolds worked for his father, Don Reynolds, Sr. Forbes Magazine designated Reynolds, Sr. as one of the 60 richest men in America. Reynolds said while he was growing up his father never seemed to have time for him or his brother and sister. Regardless, young Reynolds

Learn from those experiences, but don't carry them around. — Don Reynolds, Jr. Son of former owner of Donrey newspaper chain asked if he could help his father in the newspaper business. "Have you thought about broadcasting?" Reynolds, Sr. had responded. Always seeking the approval of his millionaire father, Reynolds purchased KPUB, a Pueblo, Colorado, radio station and turned the bankrupt business into a success in just six years. He sold it for eight times what he had paid for it. "Even my daddy was impressed," Reynolds said. Reynolds said he regrets some of the executive actions he was forced to take under his father's direction. Many times

he had to unnecessarily terminate people in the Donrey empire. "I know this had a negative effect on their lives," Reynolds said. Reynolds said he also regrets not spending enough time with his own children and sadly missed the last few years of his mother's life. During his time of introspection, Reynolds said he learned to stop blaming his mistakes on someone else and accept responsibility for his own actions. What makes people have trouble making the transitions in their lives is the lack of selfforgiveness, Reynolds said. "Learn from those experiences, but don't carry them around," Reynolds said. Instead of centering on his mistakes, Reynolds said he often refers to the hymn "Amazing Grace" for inspiration. "'Tis grace that has brought me this far, and grace will take me home,"' Reynolds said.


Auxiliary Services purchases land to `expand' campus By Colin Martin Student Writer In effort to provide for more parking and student housing, UCO purchased land during the first week of November. For $90,000 Auxiliary Services purchased two old houses located at the corner of Campbell and Jackson Streets, one block west of the Lillard Administration Building, said director A.K. Rahman. They also bought another apartment complex near campus the same week for $60,000. The two houses will be burned down and converted into a gravel lot for administration, faculty and staff parking. "The Edmond Fire Department wants to burn the houses down in fire training exercises, but if they aren't able to do it in the next couple of weeks, I will hire an outside firm to tear them down," said Rahman.

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"I want to have the new parking lot ready in about four weeks." Rahman said his goal was to build efficiency apartments on these lots for graduate/married student housing within two or three years. Rahman said he wants to help the students to live on campus affordably so they can "enjoy college life and campus activities." "I want to provide students with private kitchens, bathrooms and washer and dryer hook-ups." The apartment complex is located at 360 East Ayers Street. Because the apartment complex was occupied at the time of purchase, Rahman said he will honor the existing leasing contracts, and it will be ready for university use in about three months. "There is about a 50-name waiting list for students wanting to live in graduate and married student housing," said Rahman.


February 16, 1995


ASQC to hold 3 seminars By Elizabeth Hew Staff Writer

Cease-fire brings end to border fight LIMA, Peru (AP) — Peru and Ecuador have each declared victory in their border fight and say they'll stop shooting at each other. Peru announced a unilateral cease-fire to take effect at noon Tuesday. It claimed it expelled Ecuadorean troops from the last of three outposts in the disputed jungle border area. Ecuador, however, insisted its forces retained control of the three bases, but welcomed the cease-fire. Tentative cease-fires have been announced twice before, but have failed to stop the fighting that began Jan. 26. Ecuador announced Jan. 31 that it had accepted a cease-fire proposal by peace negotiators in Brazil but Peru later rejected it. The latest cease-fire, however. marked the first time both governments said they would stop fighting over the unmarked 48-mile section of jungle border 590 miles north of Lima and 220 miles south of Quito, the Ecuadorean capital.

Food supplier sells cat food as tuna NEW YORK (AP) — Authorities say a Chinatown food supplier slapped new labels on 33,000 cases of cat food and peddled it as chunk light tuna. A federal indictment charges Michael Chu with nine counts of fraud, claiming he purchased - Seventh Heaven Tuna Treat Cat Food" for as little as $4 a case and sold the tuna for up to S24 a case. What's the difference between cat food and human food? Decomposition, Assistant U.S. Attorney Tanya Hill said Friday. The tuna in the cat food had decomposed to a level where it was unfit for humans to eat. Hill said at least one person became ill after eating the rechristened cat chow, which was sold foi humans under the names "Ocean King," "Blue Bay," "National" and "IGA."

Veteran runs 1,300 mile marathon HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — An American veteran of the Vietnam War ran 1,300 miles from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City in the name of friendship. Michael Liscio, 52, an actor from Los Angeles, started his run at the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh, the communist leader who fought to unify North and South Vietnam. He finished in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, in time for the 20th anniversary of the city's fall, which ended the war on April 30, 1975. "Every day of my life for the past 30 years, I remembered Vietnam as a war," he said. Liscio last came to Vietnam in 1965 as a supply clerk in the U.S. Navy. He said he began to protest the war when his Navy stint ended in 1966. He arrived in Hanoi last month to race in the city's second international marathon. He ran despite having broken the fibula in his left leg in December.

`Fishy' protein could kill bacteria ATLANTA (AP) — The protein that gives deep-sea fish that eerie blue glow could someday help overcome the growing danger of drug-resistant bacteria. Biochemist John Lee of the University of Georgia and colleagues think their work on bioluminescence could lead to a method of striking at disease-causing bacteria in a way drugs like penicillin can't. The lumazine protein of the deepsea fish could provide a battle plan that invading bacteria can't defend against. Other researchers called Lee's work a novel approach but cautioned that the jump to new antibiotics is a long one. Lee's target for attack is bacteria's factory for riboflavin — vitamin B-2 — which cells need to produce energy. Throwing a monkey wrench in that factory's works would kill the bacteria, he said.

Three seminars will be held by UCO's student chapter of the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) at the University Center this semester to teach students about quality control and its benefits in every field of expertise. A seminar on bench marking will be held Feb. 21. Bench marking is a comparison of busi-

ness strategies between two companies. Another seminar will be held March 14, and will focus on The AT&T Story. The speaker will be Yash Fozdar from AT&T Network Systems, Oklahoma City Works. The last seminar will be held April 18 with Lynn Baker, a management training consultant. Yoder said Baker will speak on how to manage change in the business environment.

The ASQC is a professional organization with more than 130,000 members nationwide and one international section. The main office is in Wisconsin. The local branch of this organization was built in December 1992 with a mission to promote awareness of quality to students. Seminars will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Seminole Room. For more information, call Gene Yoder at 390-8599.

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February 16, 1995

EDUCATION economic growth for Oklahomans and for In Governor Keating's Oklahoma," said Feb. 6 State-of-the-State And the low unemBrisch. Address, he urged gradu"It generates jobs ployment rates for ates to stay in Oklahoma. and income for "Lets give a minimal college graduates Oklahoma families, tax credit to companies indicate that busi- produces state tax revhiring graduates of our ness and industry enues and attracts outown colleges—young of-state funds." men and women who will are turning to The economic impact build careers and a solid Oklahoma college study stated that highfuture here at home," said er education generated Keating. graduates. $1.95 billion in perBesides relating the sonal income and economic benefits of —Chancellor Hans Brisch $109.1 million in state receiving a higher educaChief executive officer, tax revenues. tion for Oklahoma citistate regents Calhoun said, "The zens, the economic impact positive rate of return study noted that higher education creates more than 82,148 jobs, to the state from its investment in higher which is 6.7 percent of the total jobs in education compares favorably with most securities investments, such as U.S. govOklahoma. "Oklahoma higher education spurs ernment securities." continued from front page

Economic Development Highlights Higher Quality of Life Average Annual Earnings, 1989

• Oklahoma High School Graduates • Oklahoma Bachelor Degree Holders

$20,939 $35,057

Employability in Oklahoma Average Unemployment Rate An ice sculpture is created by Mother Nature on the fountain in front of Old North as temperatures remained below freezing Tuesday morning. (Staff Photo by John Gilmore)


• High School Graduates • Bachelor Degree Holders




'TIL 10 PM


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hebruary 16, 1995


Entrepreneur to 'motivate' students at UCO seminars

CAMPUS CRIME The University of Central Oklahoma Police logged the following incidents from Feb. 6 to Feb. 12, 1995. February 6-7

By Jason Webb

many prospects, and then voted for the one they thought would be best Staff Writer for the community. Entrepreneur, author and pubHovis said Mackay is very popular lic speaker, Harvey Mackay, will and successful in the business world, Give two motivational seminars and is a good speaker and motivator. March 14 in the University Dr. R. John DeSanto, UCO professor, Center Grand Ballroom. said he will attend the morning semi"Managing, Motivating nar because Mackay is ranked at the Negotiating." will be from 8:30 top as one of the speakers he wants to a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and see. "Empowered Teams Create "I want to get more information and Results," will be from 1:30 p.m. ideas for teaching. public relations and to 3:30 p.m. different strategies and uses for the business world," said DeSanto. Mackay is the author of three best-seller books, Swim With the DeSanto explained that Mackay has Harvey M ackay done a lot for his community. Sharks Without Being Eaten "When the baseball team was threatened to be Alive, Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt and Sharkproof. moved, he found a local buyer. He's known as the Julie Hovis, co-owner of Best of Books, said, Savior of the Twins." Tickets are $30 per session and may be pur"We brought him in to enrich and inform the cornmunity on motivation, negotiations, career chased at Best of Books, 1313 E. Danforth in Kickingbird Square. For more information, conadvancements and other things." Hovis, as well as other sponsors, reviewed tact Julie Hovis at 340-9202. ,

No crimes reported. February 8

Between 12:40 and 1:30 p.m., a vehicle parked at commuter 11 (south) parking lot was damaged.

Vandalism -

February 9

Vandalism - Between 1:38 and 2:20 a.m., an East Hall smoke detector was vandalized. Vandalism - Between 12 and 6 p.m., an East Hall fire alarm was vandalized. February 10

No crimes reported. February 11

Simple assault - At approximately 6:40 and 6:50 p.m., someone reported being verbally and physically assaulted in West Hall. February 12

No crimes reported.

Submissions accepted for student symposium Applications for the annual student symposium are being accepted until March 15 in the NewPlains office, Liberal Arts Building, room 105G. This year's theme is Collage—Crosscurrents 7, said Joan Moore, managing editor of NewPlains Revue.

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cations, said Moore. Late submissions will be accepted upon approval of professors and the NewPlains staff. For more information, contact Joan Moore at 341-2980, Ext. 5629.


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The annual symposium offers students the chance to present personal work for their peers. "Usually, the students present fiction (writing), poetry, essays and original music," said Moore. There are no specific qualifi-



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February 16, 1995



PIERCED continued from front page


r. Lewis Irving, professor of sociology at UCO, believes body piercing is more sensual

than tribal. Body ornamentation is usually seen by the wearer as something that beautifies the body and gives them sensuality, he said. "It dates back centuries, perhaps back to early man. History shows us as piercing every body part we have," Irving said. There are many ways for people to be sensual, such as changing hair and clothing styles. Body piercing is just one of them, said Irving. "People think that the only way to be sensual is to be sexual, but some people can gain higher levels of sensuality by altering their bodies." Piercing certain parts of the body such as nipples can increase a sensual awareness. The body does this by sending out endorphins that gives a euphoric sense, Irving said. The majority of people today having their bodies pierced are over thirty, Irving said. Young people are not involved in or aware of altering their bodies for sensual purposes, he said. "When you're young all you can think of is penile-vaginal relationships," Irving said. Irving's theory that body piercing is most popular with people over thirty is supported by William Graeber, who is the body piercer at "The Luv Bead" a bead and jewelry store in Oklahoma City. The average age for nipple piercing is between thirty and forty, Graeber said. "Women usually have both nipples done as opposed to men who usually just have one done at a time." "The first nipple is usually easy, but by the second the person usual-

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People think that the only way to be sensual is to be sexual, but some people can gain higher levels of sensuality by altering their bodies. —Dr. Lewis Irving

UCO sociology professor ly has become aroused, and it is harder to pierce," he said. Graeber started piercing different parts of the body about five years ago. Although he doesn't have to have a license to pierce, he says the facility is inspected by the Health Board. "Our needles come pre-sterilized, we use them once and throw them away. "As far as the equipment goes, it is sterilized after each customer. Anything that doesn't get used is left in an antibacterial or cold sterilization solution," Graeber said. Graeber said he usually talks people through the piercing and has them do

breathing exercises beforehand to relax them. "I clean and clamp the area to be pierced and it's just a quick stab. That's the only time it hurts. The clamps are used to hold tissue firmly together for a clean pierce and are the most painful part," he said. The needles come in different sizes depending on which part of the body is to be pierced. "The jewelry is attached to the needle and goes right in behind it. It's over in a minute," Graeber said. "My ears hurt more than

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anything, and I've got my belly button and both nipples pierced," he said. ertain parts of the body are more popular with gender. For instance, eyebrows and navels are more popular with women, tongue and lip piercing are more popular with men. Different parts of the body take different lengths of time to heal, said Graeber. The navel and nipples take about three or four months to heal completely, the tongue two months and the eyebrow takes one month. So far it is not against the law to pierce body parts in Oklahoma. Dr. Irving believes that in the future there will be a law regarding body piercing. "The only reason body piercing is allowed in Oklahoma at this time is because the general population of conservative and fundamentalists have not found a reason to develop a law against it," Irving said.

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February 16, 1995

Broncho wrestlers begin defense of title UCO travels to Missouri for NCAA Division 11 Midwest Regional

For the Bronchos, this new By Scott Moore season starts tomorrow at Sports Writer Warrensburg, Mo. where they The regular season came and will compete in the Midwest went for the Central Oklahoma Regional tournament. Joining wrestling team and as was pre- the three-time defending nationdicted by pre-season polls, the al champion Bronchos will be Bronchos secured their place at host Central Missouri State, the top of Division II with an 11- Wisconsin-Parkside, Northeast 2-1 record (with the losses and Missouri State, Minnesotathe tie coming against Division I Duluth and Southern Illinoisopponents) and a number-one Edwardsville. UCO has beaten ranking they've held all season. Wisconsin-Parkside twice But now a new season starts already this year. — a season that represents the At the regional, thirty individlast leg of a championship run uals consisting of the two finalKeith Kizarr battles during the National Showdown Duals Jan. 28. Kizarr takes a 35-12 record that began in early November. fists from each of the ten weights into the Midwest Regional this weekend in Warrensburg, Mo. (Photo by Phillips Hall) This last big push for the nationplus 10 wildcard selections will al championship trophy begins with regional tournaments. The move on to the national tourney. season Saturday, said David Mike Keim (42-3) at 134, Jerry Neasbitt (4-11) at 167, Kyle The Bronchos will probably James, UCO head coach. Best (18-5) at 142, Shawn Vandruff (17-14) at 177, Chad top qualifiers advance to the NCAA Division II National feature the same lineup that The probable UCO lineup is: Bateman (17-7) at 150, Mark Humphrey (21-2) at 190 and Jeff Championships March 3-4 at drubbed Division I New Mexico Keith Kizarr (35-12) at 118, Cunningham (26-10) at 158, Pease (8-0) or Denny Kennedy Kearney, Neb. 39-0 in UCO's final dual of the Brian Melchiori (35-5) at 126, Chad Beeson (8-7) or Ryan (19-11) at heavyweight. on

Keim closes in on single-season win mark By Scott Moore Sports Writer

Forty-five times Mike Keim has stepped onto the mat in competition for the Broncho wrestling team this seaMike Keim son. Fortytwo times he has come away a winner. For the senior from Owasso, those 42 victories have brought

him within two wins of setting a new school record for most victories in a season. Todd Steidley in 1986-87 and Keith Cunningham in 1991-92 currently share the record with 43 wins. If Keim is to break the record, he will have to do it at the Midwest Regional Tournament beginning tomorrow at Warrensburg, Mo. The tournament serves as a qualifying round for the National Tournament March 3-4 at Kearney, Neb. But even though Keim is within two victories of securing a top spot in the record books,

his focus lies elsewhere. "I haven't really thought about the record until just recently," said Keim. "It certainly wasn't a goal of mine at the beginning of the season. I really wasn't certain what my record was until just recently. Really my focus is on the regionals and the national tournament." "Don't get me wrong," he said. "I'll feel proud if I break it, but it's not as important as a national championship. "I am feeling the pressure, not from the record but from the upcoming regionals." Chances are good that Keim will find success in the post-sea-

son as he is having a season that is rivaling his national runner-up season of '92-93. In that season, he won the Midwest Regional title to advance to the nationals only to lose in the finals to the top-seed and eventual tournament Outstanding Wrestler Glen Frank of Colorado School of Mines. This season Keim is the topranked wrestler at 134 pounds

with a 28 match win-streak. He has won 33 of his last 34 matches and has captured four tournament titles and two Outstanding Wrestler awards. "I'm pretty excited about how this season has gone for me and the team," said Keim. "This is definitely one of my better seasons. My goal is to try and top my performance of '93 and to help the team get another national title."





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February 16, 1995



Angelo State nips UCO Bronchos clinch tie for LSC title despite 110-108 overtime loss By Mike Erwin

Sports Editor

Lady Broncho April Taylor drives against East Texas State on Feb. 4. (Staff Photo by David McNeese)

Lady Bronchos ring Rambelles, 72-67 By Rachel Schnitzer

Sports Writer

The Lady Bronchos rebounded from a 49 point loss Saturday to overtake Angelo State Monday, 72-67. Nailing four three-pointers and hitting 14-32 from the field, UCO took a nine point lead into the second half, 37-28. ASU fought back in the second, outscoring the Lady Bronchos 39-35, but could not overcome the UCO lead. The Lady Bronchos were led by a trio of 14 point performances. Freshman forward Christy Heavin shot 5-9 from the field and 4-4 from the line, while senior Kayla Bogges hit three treys on her way to 14. Senior Michelle Williams sank 4-11 from the field and 6-9 from the charity stripe while grabbing 10 rebounds. Junior college transfer Joy Dugan came off the bench to shoot a perfect 4-4 from the field including one three-pointer to lead the bench players with nine. April Taylor, the Lady Bronchos' leading three-point

scoring threat was held to two points and went 0-4 from threepoint land. Taylor had gone 15 straight games with at least one threepointer before Saturday's loss. After playing at Cameron Thursday night, UCO returns home Saturday to take on Eastern New Mexico. Monday, UCO will face Lone Star Conference leader West Texas A&M. Lady Bronchos 72 Rambelles 67 Christy Heavin 14, UCO -

Michelle Williams 14, Kayla Bogges 14, Joy Dugan 9, Regina Rehl 8, Tammie Barker 7, Mandy Carlson 4, April Taylor 2 Nicole Collins 42, Joy ASU Gafford 7, Sonja Smith 6, Carey Thiel 6, Amber Cooper 4, Danyel Daniels 2 -


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The first-place Central Oklahoma men's basketball team lost a Lone Star Conference battle Monday night, but still managed to win a season-long war. Angelo State beat the Bronchos 110-108 in overtime but UCO clinched at least a tie for the LSC title when secondplace Texas A&M-Kingsville lost 72-69 to West Texas A&M. The Bronchos, who entered the game winners of eight straight, led at halftime 52-43. In the second half, however, the Rams made a comeback and held the lead before UCO guard Scott Sanders hit a layup with :03 remaining to tie the score at 91-91. ASU's Scott Plemons sank a three-pointer for the winning points with :16 left in overtime. With time running out, UCO missed three shots to allow the Rams their second victory over the Bronchos this season.

Steve Tate, Wesley Clark and C.E. "Tip" Jacobson will be inducted to UCO's Athletic Hall of Fame during halftime of the UCO-Tarleton State men's basketball game Feb. 25. Tate finished his UCO career in 1979 as the Bronchos' all-time leader in both rushing and allpurpose yards. He earned second team NAIA All-American honors in '77, '78 and '79. Clark played center for the Bronchos basketball team from 1976-79 and was a four-time All-District Nine selection. He

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110 Rams 108 Bronchos UCO - Zoderick Green 27, Scott Sanders 22, Junie Sanders 16, Jason Ervin 15, Tyshon Fisher 12, Eric Fortenberry 9, Al Segova 4, Eddie King 3 Kenwick Gaines 25, ASU Scott Plemons 20, Blaine Brunson 18, Alan Bradley 16, Marcus Davis 11, Bert Butler 9, Brandon Thedford 9, Chad Elliott 2 -

was an NAIA honorable mention All-American in '76 and '79 before ending his career as the Bronchos' all-time leading scor-


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UCO's Jason Ervin shoots earlier this season against East Texas State. (Staff Photo by John Gilmore)

UCO Athletic Hall of Fame to induct 3


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UCO's Zoderick Green nailed 5 three-pointers en route to leading all scorers with 27 points. ASU was led by Kenwick Gaines' 25 points. UCO, ranked 15th in the nation, is now 16-6 overall and 8-2 in LSC play. ASU improves to 13-10 and 5-4. Tonight, the Bronchos play a non-conference game in Lawton against Cameron. UCO will have an opportunity to win the LSC title outright by beating Eastern New Mexico at home Saturday night.

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Dean's Honor Roll Fall 1994 If your name has been left from the list, call the business affairs office at 341-2980, Ext. 3339.

College of Business

Nlohammad- Abbas Jamila Abdullayeva Edward John Adams Melissa Allen Dane Alton Radian I. Amar Evelyn F. Anderson Amy Dianne Atchley William Atkinson Akram N. Azerbayev Kamran Azim Tariq Aziz Brad T. Balding Robert L. Barber Bobbi Lee Barbour Deana Ruth Bayless Jennifer Lynn Beale Sandra Kay Bennett Christine Ann Bentley-busta Diedra Lee Berryhill Lance Bigheart Mary Jewel Biswell Tammy Juanene Bittle William Blythe Leo Vladimiro Bobovik Richie Bohl Gayle Deaun Bolding William C. Botsford Susannah Bradley Jacqueline A. Brenner Heather Brewer Bryon Lee Briggs Marcya Brightwell Marcia Bryan Jason Shayne Buchanan Marcus Buchanan Stephanie Anne Burton Valerie Ann Butcher Margaret Calvery Kenneth W. Carpenter Laura Lee Catlett Michael Cavendish Ai-nee an Chung-lee Chat Kow-sin Chai Fang-siew Chan Kum Choy Chan Lai-kuan Chan Shu-min Chan Kevin Keith Chance Jefry Chandra Hung-teng Chang Tung-ya Chang Wen-hui Chao Liang-yang Cheah Chin-chih Chen Feng Chen Hsiu-mei Chen Hui-lian Chen Mei-ju Chen Shu-wen Chen Yin-yin Cheong Jessica Lynn Chester Li-ching Chien Siang Ho Chin Xiao Wei Ching Edward Young Choi Wai-mee Chong Klan-pin Choo Chin-wan Chua Wei-yian Chuo Gina Cliburn Lori Denise Coffey Jennie Frances Coker Kyle R. Coleman Roxane Sherlon Collier John Arthur Compton Margie Creasey Cheri Crosswhite Dana Lynn Dale Stacey Lynn Davenport Eric De Arriba Gurwinderjit K. Dhaliwal Mirela Dujmovic Darian Duncan David Edmiston Erica Rae Elliott Nicole Ann Ellison Daniel Flickner Michael P. Flowers Marianna Fong Thomas Janac., Foskin Rosa Michelle Foust Jason Eric Freeman Don Fryer Chwee Lan Gan Li Li Gan Danny Garcia Lisa Ann Garrett David Chrysant Gau Muhammad Imran Ghanchi Trudy W. Giddens Dale E. Gladish Waimeng Goh Chad Eric Goodman Patricia K. Graves Terrance D. Grayson Anther Leigh Greathouse Jeff Green Paula Green Shelly Gregory Maylynn M. Ha Marcy D. Hacking Zeeshan UI Haq Garren David Hardy Jamee S. Harris John Hauenstein Nova Dawn Hendricks Chu-wah Heng Lisa Holland Todd Lewis Honohan William Wade Hooper Jerry Coan Hopson Joy Ayanna Howard Anelia Nickolov Hristova Chieh Hao Hsieh Wen-chi Huang Brian Huddleston Jay Paul Huelskamp


February 16, 1995

LJC0 Dean's Michael B. Huff Wei-che Hunk: Ung-chin Hwong Asir lqbal Bobi Ivanov Cory Jefferies Heather L. Jenkins Lugina Jernigan Tara Lea Jerome Barry Alan Jones Lieu-chin Jong Lori Lee Justus Kenichi Kamono Lydia Kagechi Karanja Barbara Ann Karher Michael A. Katwaru Jeffrey Keeter Benjamin Ili Kenyon Sandra L. Kerestes Chu-yap Kerk Gina Rhea Ketcher Jyoti Khan Abid Abbas Khawaja Lal Mohammad Khawaja Shihyih Richard Khoo Khor Tae Woo Kim William CraLq. King Geary Lee Kinnett Ivan V. Kisselev Donald Edward Konen Tai Ki0MY. Kong David Kosidin Surajak Kotikula Katya E. Kracht Ted Rider Krouse Chee Heng Kuan Huai-jen Kuan Liana Lam Anton L. Laneland Kajsa Selma C. Larsson Hone-lee Lau Sew-pene Law Amy Lawrence Mark E. Layton June Hui-main Lee Kam-fong Lee Kim-lou Lee Pik-yoke Lee Seong-kyu Lee Shu-yau Lee Wen-hui Lee W'en-yew Lee Yaw Lone Lee Yeh Hwa Lee Yih-miin Lee James D. Leeds Lori Leeper Geraldine Lehr Chow-long Leong Rifah Amelia Liew Chee-sin Lim Kai-poh Lim Lee-wei Lim Thien-liane Lim Guyann Lindly Mei Chun Liu Hsuan-hung Lo Lye-har Lox Kari Love Joo-ching Low Shandi Jean Luce Brandi Lund Yanning Ma Geoffrey Earl Machtolff Kalyana C. Malempati An-pang Mao Ron Evan Marler Larry M. Mason Steven Michael May Carla Elaine Mayes Stuart McCuan Mark Steven McKelvey Crystal Latrice McKinley Sean Patrick McKnight Billy Bob Meade Susan Mecozzi Jennifer Mill Eric Don Miller David W. Minor Hung Hung Mo Sharon L. Moak Woon-hui Moh Cynthia L. Moore Todd R. Moore Amy Morgan Brian Morton Gunachitran Mutaya William P. Neiber, Jr. Lce-wah Ng Li-shan Ng Weng Kiat Ng Mong-jau Ngoh Shonda Lynne Nowlin Manuel Elias Nunez Weng-thai Frank Oh Jeremy 011er Brian Oneal Hui-siew Ong Jay R. Owens Kim-ling Pang Lance Payne Orlando Payne Rosna Nickolaev Peneva Cheryl Perkins Teresa Lynn Perkins Jacqueline Pickrell Amy L. Plank Bryan Poindexter Hilda Porrata-doria David Jason Potts Prapimpun Praru.sudamkerng littipan Prasongpol Ching-yee Pua Tammy Marie Quigley Ziaur Rahman Aamir Aziz Ramjoo Kashif Adnan Rathore Carrie S. Ray Chad Wesley Raymond Faisal Hashim S. Ran Rebecca L. Rhodes Jason Carl Rice Kevin Rick Brent Michael Riley Jack 'Jay' Ri.sner Kenneth Robert Roessler Daniel A. Rogers Imran Sadiq Kawsar Salara Destry Sanders Prapaiwat Sanpanich Carolyn Schopf Jeremiah Scott Scott Andrew Seely Karla Seitsinger

Andrea Dawn Sherwood Yick Bun Shum Kai-choon Siah Lorraine Sidi:as Diana Y Simenova Anthony S. Simpson Vicki Carol Slayton Shane Smith Valle Lynn Smith Hoi-yin Soon Bisera Spasovska Udomsab Srirojanakul Cyril Stahlmann Bonnie A. Stang) Brian Stedman Michelle Stinson Vladimir D. Stojanovski John A. Stoll Thomas Dale Story Julie Stow Doris 'Shelly' Sullivan Christopher Sumpter Kessuda Supadirek Sadish Suryanarayanan Kaoru Suzuki Arjan V Takachakov Danny Talbot Bee-lui Tan Chia-huai Tan Chia-wee Tan Koon San Tan Lay-tin Tan Lie Jin Tan Mong-peng Tan Sharin Albertin Tan Swenie Tan Wai-keat Tan Yoek-shuan Tan Yoshikazu Tanaka Kim-pee Tang Lee Ching Teh Jason Marc Telford Yang-kuan Teoh Daryl Jon Thomas Stephanie Pei-I. Thong Wei-cheat Thye Natalie Tiernan Kristie Tirey • David Toahty Kenneth M. Tobler Tsung-po Tsai Kuen-shan Tsou Angela C. Tunstall Jeffrey Turner Amelia Uhl Padmanahha V. Bret Jay Van Tuyle George Varehese Tracy Lynn Vermilyea Cynthia E. Wahl Candice Waldroup Chen-hsen Wang Cindy Ann Warner Cheryl Weathers Stephanie J. Webb Roxanne E. Webber Jee Jeng Wee Jeremy Weigel Brett Carleton Wheeler Larry Dean White Katherine A. Williams Janice E. Wise Yung-fong Wong Brian Woodring J.g-ho Wu Shiliang Yang Hui-yee Yap Jade Theng Yap Basil Yarbrough Yew-chuan Yeap Nu-feng Ruby Yeh Miao-fei Yen Yuh-swang Yeo Natalie Yeah Li-li Yong Donna K. York Seung-hyun Youn Ronald L. Young Yi-fui Yu Shu Tzu Rebecca Yue Lina Zaza Ping Zha Paula Zobisch Scott Zwirtz

College of Education

Angela Adams Denice S. Adams Katrina Adams Gholam Ahmadifar Kelly Jane Aholt Donna Harris Ainsworth Nancy Aldrich Stanton Shea Alexander Steve S. Allbritton Mary Ellen Altizer Orawan Amasuwan Wendy Am is Debbie Susan Anderson Jeff B. Anderson Terri Anquoe Marcie Ann Arnold Julie E. Ashley Donna Anne Aslanis Mary Susan Bainter Heidi B. Baker Sherry Lynn Bales Jeff Ball Lisa Gayle Barclay Yolanda Kay Barker /Christi Lynn Barkett Christina Barnett Robert Allen Barry Stacy Marie Barta-palmcr Tina Bartram Robert Bassett Venessa Bauermcister Brady Marcus Baylor Philip Beard Jennifer Beasley Shay Dawn Beatty Adrian R. Beck Tammy Sue Becker Kelly Begley Rolynda Kaye Benard Larry Benedict Yotonja Benjamin Phyllis Bennett Gary Don Bergeron Tanya L Bernhardt Bradley Robert Beuch Sylvia Bickell Susanne N. Billen Amy D. Blair Tani L. Blake Connie Blakney Jason Blosser

Katrena Marie Boeckman Tammy L. Bolding Karen Eva Booth Brian M. Bost Crystal R. Bourland Stacy Anne Boyd Angie Rene Brahec Michael Bracken Mandi Kay Brader Julie Ann Bradford Sheryl D. Bradley Phyllis A. Bradshaw Betsy Brawner Angela Jean Brewster Carol Ann Bridges Vincent Bridges Sydney Bright Sheryl K. Brimberry Shelley L. Britton Erica Rae Brothers Becki Lynn Brown L.d. Brown Veronica Lee Brown Blaine Lee Browne Laura Browning Jessica Buchan Kimberly Jan Buchanan William James Bullard Elaine Bulmer Nicole Marie Bunch Christopher Burch Rickey Dan Burgin Christopher Burke Andrea Lee Burnett Connie Ruth Burnett Misty Angel Burnett Rhonda Jean Burns Wiley Lester Burns Deanna Janese Burton Shelley Anne Burton Crystal D. Butcher Martha Marie Bynum Gay Lyn Byrd Mark Anthony Cain Judith Calder Marcy Calvert Tammie M. Campbell Tiffany Jill Campbell Georgeann Caporal Jenny R. Capps Staci D. Carey Shawna-lisa Cargill Alisha K. Carroll Jamie M. Cary Jana (beth) Cary Carrie Sue Castleberry Veronica May Chadd Paul Thomas Chaney Shu-tzu Chang Mary E. Chapman Lori L. Charbonneau Sandra Gayle Chbani-idrissi Chien-han Chen Ching-fang Chen Done-yeou Chen Hsiu Fei Chen Wen-hying Cheng Sau Wa Cheung Kerri Dawn Chilton Chian-kay Chiou David H. Chissoe Troy Bryant Chitsey Wei-pin Chiu Kimberly Ann Christian Chia-li Sunny Chung Dallas Clark Cathy Clayton Mary Ann Deck Lisa Clement Joanna Lynne Clements Angela C. Clemmons Marilynn Coates Adrienne Coats Teresita P. Coburn Chad Alan Cochran Jamie D. Coffelt Dana Louise Coffman Gary Coffman Shane Thomas Coker Felicia C. Coleman Marilynn M. Coleman Tona Coleman Sheryl Collins Susan B. Combs Cedric L. Condry Gina Conley Stephanie Conner Mike Cook Stephanie Dawn Cook Arnie Cooper Nichol Victoria Cooper Sheila Ann Corbo Leslie Ann Corlee Tracy Lynn Coulson Theresa M. Coulter Phillip Cox Russell D. Crockett Stacce Alexis Cunningham Sandra Cuttler Merrelyn Marie Damron Hank Edward Danker Jennifer Kay Darter Akisha Danyetta Davis Joy Larae Davis Mark A. Davis Paul L. Davis Wendi L. Dawkins Michelle Lynn Decker Christy M. Deguira Justine Dclacy Jason Lee Dennis Melissa Lynn Devane M. Eileen Dewey Nick James Diaz Donna Lynn Dickinson Julie Dickson Jennifer R. Dilks Danielle Dill Amy Dillinger Tracy Diane Disdicr Geneva S. Donnelly Kathleen E. Douglas Robert Douglas Stacey Downing Joy Brett Dugan Rhonda C. Dyer Christy J. Easley Brandi Eddinp Aimee Edwards Stephanie Elie Christa Dian Eller Timothy Mark Ellison Ann Nicole Emerson Nedra Lee Emerson Phillip Emig Sheila L. Emmons

Raquel L. Engle Linda K. Erwin Melissa Ann Evans Tint W. Faltyn Brian Faram Danielle R. Faur Carrie Michal Feller Jami Dee Fields Matthew J. Fields Sally Jo Finnigan Kendra Fischer Melissa Ann Fisher Melissa Ann Fleeger Leaann Florer Jayson C. Floyd Frances Mae Fong Amy Anne Foote Charles Ray Forrest Jennifer Carol Foster Robin Elaine Foulch Kelly Ann Fouts Ryan Jarvis Frame Melissa Frantz Aimee Nicole Free Marcy Lee Free Kayla Jo Freeman Lanna D. Freeman Pamela J. Frishie Elizabeth D. Fritz Amy Lynn Fry Mary Fuller Terriann Fuller Shaundra L. Gaines Leslie Louise Gallaway Julie Christa Galloway Jennifer Garrett Tracey Garrett Sundie Jane Garrison Gregory Hoyt Gattis Lacy J. Gay Michael Lynn Gentry Lisa M. Gerten Chris Michael Gfeller Sherri Rene Gibson Bobbi D. Gietzen Joshua E. Gingrich Melisa Girkin Laurie A. Gains David Goldsmith, Jr. Christy R. Gonterman Melanie Fay Goodner Freda Gorham Richard Bryan Grady Jennifer Granger Neele M. Gray Ora Lee Gray Cheri Green Christopher Greene Cariol Renee Gregory Michael L. Grein Becky Griffin Gregory Allen Griffin Misty Griffin Shirley Griffin Tracie Griffith Janice Griggy Jennifer E. Grimes Angela Grimmett Kerri Jean Groves Marlene Gudenrath Theresa Guillot Erick W. Gustafson Amy Elizabeth Haas Lisa Janine Haherland Sara Jill Hadley Frances Haggard Stacy Kay Hahn Diane Hall Mylissa Jo Hall Tina Marie Hall Arlene M. Halley Judith Lyn Hamilton Kathleen Rae Hamm Jennie L. Hansen Heidi Harder Lisa Beth Hardgrave Kimberly Marie Hardin Miyuki Hardin Jenni Sue Harkey Pamela Sue Harris Tracie Lynn Harris Shana Rae Hayes Amy Nicole Henderson Kimberly Dawn Hendricks Nancy E. Hendricks Traci Lynn Hendrix Jude Henry Tiffany Herbert Brian Dean Herndon Tracy Diane Higgins Renita Hill Tracy Lyn Hirzel Randa Hise Jason Scot Hobaugh Renee Hodgson Emily Hoffman Angela Holder Sonya Holley Kim Holloway Robert L. Hood, Jr. Michael Horn Holly A. Howard Becky Howell Traci Rae Howell Chong-yu Hsieh Su-chen Hsieh Tgen-tgen Hu Cassie Huddleston Wendy M. Huebsch Tanya Lynn Huelsman John Larry Huff Jennifer Ellen Hughes Barbara Hunt Leah E. Hunt David Albert Hutchison Ronald Hutchison Allison Hutson Stacy Ingle Brian Victor Irvine Pamela L. Irwin Molly Ita Anna Marie Jackson Tara Dawn James Chyi-ing Jan Stephanie Lanz Nimit Jarasyingdamron Sara Sue Jenkins Catherine Johnson Cindy Diane Johnson Denetta C. Johnson Erin Elizabeth Johnson Gilbert D. Johnson

Christy Lynn Jones Jane Ann Jones Pamela Jones Robin Jones Shannon A. Jordan Jan D. Josey Ting-ju Daisy Juang Marla R. Junghanns Deborah F. Kaiser Lai-yin Kan Marilyn Karr Robert Alan Karstetter, Jr. Mary Rachel Kelley Allison Anne Kelly Patricia Kelly Todd Steven Kelly Barbara Kelso Katherine A. Kessler Shauna Marsee Kieffer Hee Ran Kim Jennifer Jean Kimball Cathy J. King Ginger M. King Christopher W. Klingman Terrie Annette Klontz Melissa L. Kluge Gloria S. Knight Jennifer Leigh Knight Keith T. Kouka Stephanie H. Kramer Christy Lynn Kreymhorg Kimberly Ann Kroener Jaquelyn A. Kuhn Suzanne Kull Vickie Susanne Kump Colette M. Lamar Jennifer Langley Susan Lassetter Kathi Dee Latzke Laura Layton Frances M. Lazure Katherine Leader Karla Kay Lechwar Lou Ann Leclair Chung-yu Lee Katherine Lee Michael Lewis Lehew Elaine Lehmer Kelly Lempges Carol Dawn Lenhart Kristin Sara Leonard Shayna D. Lewis Celeste Meagan Li Ming-tang Liang Chin-jung Lin Chun-min Lin Jui-i. Lin Yeh-ching Lin Nancy Ann Lindo Stacie Lynn Lindsey Ching-shiow Liou Brandi Renee Little Joe Little Melissa Locklin David Martin Loftis Terry Joe Lovell Dayna Lovett Siow-ngo Low Kim Edward Lowe Corey Bradford Lower Gregory Stevens Luton Shanon Kay Lyon Steven K. Lytle Janna B. Madden Lori Dawn Mahaffey Christine Mansfield Cindi Erin Manwell Anne Marcotte Dustin Marks Mark Matthew Martich Arte Martin Faith Martin Heather N. Martin Marty Dale Martin Sherrie Marie Marx Jennifer Yvonne Massey Diana Mathai Michael Ray Mathews Stacy Matray Malec Ellen Maxwell Rebecca Anne McAtee Regina McBride Regina C. McClain Erin Andrea McClellan Jennifer Lee McClure Lisa McCormick Christie Kay McDonald Traci Anne McGaha Judy M. McGraw Patrick Lane McGrew Shannon Leigh McKelvey Leyca K. McKinney Jake McKinnis Letha McKnight Amy Christine McLaughlin Shawna K. McLellan Donna McMullen Misty Sloan McPhail Tamara Dawn McPherson Jennifer Leigh McRee Michele Denise Means Angela Melton Russell Joe Melton Michelle Mercer. Amy Lee Metheny Jackie Meyer Jeffrey Meziere Melissa Michie Shana M. Mickelson Amy Miller Carolyn Miller Cynthia Miller David L. Miller Donna Mary Miller Gina Miller Jeremy Jay Miller Kimberly Ann Miller Natalie L. Miller Stacey E. Miller Harold Mills Pamela Lynn Minnick Cathy Mitchael Daphne D. Mitchell Kristin Joelle Mitchell Mee Tuck Mo Rebecca Mobley Barbara L. Mollenkopf-rain Cynthia Moncivais Shannon Carol Montgomery Alicia Moore Shelly Renee Moore Vickie Lynn Moore Kristin Lou Moreland Linda Kristen Morley Kimberly Morris Melanie Morriss

Jeni Morrow Deborah Morse Sherry Mowder Justin Murray Richard Murray Karen S. Naylor Amanda Jo Neely Travis Wayne Neely Andrew Negley Angela Marie Neill Nancy Nelson Wendy Nelson Mandi Lyn Netherton Robin Apple Nettles Susan D. Newberry Jeni L. Newbury Thuy Thu Nguyen Jamie Lynn Nichols Linda Nichols Michael Nielsen Melinda S. Nievar Angela Nimerick Saeko Nirasawa April Michelle Nile Stuart Noakes Inga Pernilla Nobles Sarah Notes Julie Norris Donald Keith Novey Tammy Miller Oates Shannon Beth Oboyle Kanako Oda Shelley T. Ohara Deborah Kathryn Olandese Donna Oneal Kenna Jo Oneal Siew-hua Ong Mary Margaret Ormiston Linda Marie Overgaard Curtis Ray Owen Kathleen Packham Kuei-mei Pai Kapri Kaye Painter Brannan Ross Parent Nancy Sue Parker Bridget Parks Louise Patchell Heather C. Patton Belinda Kay Payne Rejeana Carol Payne Julie Kaye Pemberton Lance Lee Pendergraft Tammy Lynn Pendergraft Carrie Perdue Jessica Rose Pereira Amitia Anne Peterson Anjalene Petsalis Sean Charles Pfuehler Nancy Phillips Susan Phillips Lajuana Pierce Kristi Belle Pittman Lorraine G. Pittman David Lee Pockrus Amy Denise Pope Heather Pope Maureen D. Porter Leah Treann Pourdavood Rebecca Beth Pratt Melissa Presnal Brenda Price Mary Ann Price Phyllis Price Sabrina Price Sharla Price Jeff A. Provence Shelly Puckett Tony Puckett Norma Ann Punley Stephanie Quigley Susie Carrot RaLstin Leonardo Ramirez Kandice Ramos Vanessa Lynn Raridcn Anthony Rasey Glenda Ratcliffe Crystal Dawn Ray Randi J. Ray Sharon Raytield Wendi Dawn Reader Julie Rector Kim Marie Reed Shannon Scott Reed Cynthia Rees Kimberly K. Reichardt Thomas C. Reynolds Edna Rhodes Keri Ann Rice David Richardson Laurel Richardson Donald E. Riggs, Jr. Ivy Michelle Riggs Brandlyn J. RoherLs David Roberts Sara Kate Roberts Nicole Roble Zachary Robinson Dena Lynn Rogers Mary Ann Rogers Michelle Rolle Lisa Annette Rollins Sherri Ann Romine Angel Rosenbaum Shannon Rourke Michael Ruble, Jr. Sarah Rueter Sheila Rumenapp Kimberly Rutledge Dana Michelle Ryan Jana Lynn Sandie Amy Scaffeta Natalie P. Schlegel Susan Kelly Schmitt Kendra Schmitz Joanna Lynn Schriewer David Jason Schrupp Desiree Lynn Schulz Kerri Dawn Schumacher Rhonda Schur Jason Stephen Seay Kristen Sechrist Darinda D. Sellars Ashley N. Sellers Mary Deann Selman Kathleen Shelton Linda A. Shelton Melissa Sherrill Jennifer N. Shilling Debi J. Shire Larry Shockley Tara Marie Shrefller Susan Elizabeth Shreve Becky Shultz Marsie Nicole Shultz Troy Allen Shutt Bradley Thomas Simpson

February 16, 1995



Honor Roll Jon Donna Simpson Mark Singley Andrea Diane Sleeper Debra Sloan Monica Lynn Sloan Angela Smith Angelia M. Smith Connie Lynn Smith Gaylene NI. Smith Jack Smith Julie Lynne Smith Tracy Smith Michelle Smithee Brian Ray Snider Jennifer Sochor Candice Ann Spera Christina Spires Douglas Stafford Kimberly Stanford Darci Louise Stein Jana Stem Joyce Stephens Cynthia Lois Sterba David Stemlof Amy Rose Stevens Jennifer M. Stevens Ronald Leroy Steward Amy Stewart Jeff S. Stewart Kristi Lynn Stogsdill Jalisa G. Story Justin Scott Story Dedra Deann Strecker Hiromi Sugawara Lynn Sully Gayle Lynne Sunday Holley D. Sykes Laura Symes Robert Davis Taliaferro Amber Talkington a Soon-leong Tan Herawati Tanamal Jennipher Renee Taulbee Arniee Taylor April Dawn Taylor Bridget Taylor 6 Joe Lynn Taylor Kathryn Taylor Patricia Taylor Talisha Taylor Stacy Teague Fawne Marie Tesio Kelsey Shea Thomas Stacy E. Thomas Thea Kay Thomas Barbara Thompson Diana Thompson Patrica Lou Thompson Sampson Eugene Thompson Staci Leigh Thompson Angela Tillery Tami Toiler Malisa Tomlinson Charles Dwayne Tompkins Kimberly Brooke Tower Vicki Ann Townsend Mary A. Triplet Jamie Driskill Trott Melanie Troy Ju-hui Tsai Sheng-chang Tsai Yu-mei Tsai Jamie Meredith Turpen Tracey C. Tyrone David Uhles Catherine Anne Unger David Stanley Upton Albert G. Urpsis, Jr. Mary Teresa Van Doren Michelle Ann Vanbuskirk Scott Alan Vanover Sutatta Vasuratna Laura M. Veal Melissa Veley Sarah Kristin Vincent Chad Waggoner Cynthia Diane Walker Terry Walker Jackie Wall Angela Wallen Kimberly Walter Jennifer Walters Kimberly Walton Angela Dianne Ward Stephanie K. Ward Nyla Warden Cal Lee Ware Mary Lynette Warnock Lalani Rae Warr Melonneise Watson Melanie Renee' Waiters Valarie Lynn Watts Phyllis Webb Rhonda Webb Tracy Dawn Webb Milissa Weber Kimberly Ann Weeks Kimberley Ann Wegrzyn Tzong-yie Wei Le Anne Wells Stephanie L. Wells Paula Werelus Michael Wheeler Whitney Wheeler Deanne Mari White Aaron Whitfield Denise Whitson Leslie C. Whittington John Ferris Wilcox Travis Wilcox Amber Dawn Wilcox.n Michelle Wiley-mayes Leah Wilkins Donelte R. Williams Jyl Ann Williams Kelli Williams Kelly Williams Lcsli Daun Williams Scott Williams Teri Lynn Williams Kristen Williamson Marci Williamson Vanessa Kay Wilmoth Cynthia Wilsie Wendy Windsor Ann Marie Wink Janet Winn Joseph Lee Wishnuck Toni Ali. Wofford Faye Carolyn Wolf Paul Albert Wollenberg Hie-hua Wong Dewayne Woodard Trina Chelan Woodruff Lana Jo Woodson Angela Michelle Wren

Eric David Wright Susan M. Wright Hsueh Ling Wu Ju Lan Wu Ya-ting Wu Marguerite Y. Wunderli Keith Wyatt Stacy Wynn Natsuko Yamada Tsai-feng Yang An-chi Yao Chin Choo Grace Yap Kurt Yates Don C. Yeager Desiree Kennedy Yeargain Jennifer Yeargain Jamie York Lisa Michelle York Deborah Young Bridget Lynn Youngblood Chia-hui Yu

Jimmy Ewy Brent Alan Fairchild Brian M. Fairchild Perry James Fatheree William Charles Filson Cynthia Lynn Finley Melisa Jean Fitzgerald Jovi Loree Fontenot Carrie Ann Fox Matthew Aaron Francis Christopher Franklin Marisa Ann Frantz Linda Kay Furr Christopher Gardner James Allen Garner Christopher P. Gay Laura Jean Gay Suzanne Gibeault Joel David Gibson Devin Golden Stoney Burt Goldstein Susan Rochelle Gonzales Colleg of William Goode Graham Liberal Arts Jason Staci C. Gray Ami D. Adams Dustin Gregory Hal Adamson Briana Jean Aeby Mary Ellen Griffith David Grizzle William Harold Agan II Sabrina Grizzle Adam Aiken Rhonda Lynn Grose Thea Albertson Kristin G. Gunter M geta Allen Amber Guthrie Stace Lyn Allen Bobby D. Gwinn Emily R. Allyn Susan Rachel Hacker Brian Anderson Trisha Haigler Kristi Lynne Anderson Marri Angela Hajny Pauline Shirley Anthony Kent D. Haley Matthew David Archer Terry J. Ham Angela Ka Ary Daniel Ray Hamilton Sean C. Ary Dominic R. Hammond Sean Ashby Thomas Patrick Hargus Muhittin Ataman Becky B. Harington Rachel Dawn Avery Gregory Allen Harjo Sergio Ayala Julie Harris Leslie E. Bailey Keeley Laine Harris Tara B. Bailey John Harrison Michelle L Baird Adam Ad L. L Harwood H d Ellen Baker Scott M. Haselwood William N. Baker Michael N. Hatheway Jennifer C. Banks Daren Keith Hayes Travis Barger Brian Philip Heck Tammie Lynn Barker Julie Henderson Curie Lyn Barndi Marc W. Henderson Gary Wayne Batcheller Robert Keith Henderson Kelley Ann Beard Beau Hendricks J. Kevin Behrens Anthony E. Hennigh Sonya M. Bell Lisa M. Henry Patricia M. Bieger Linda K. Henthorn Jeffrey Paul Bitlington Fernando Hernandez Jeffrey L Bishop Derrick S. Herrington Thomas C. Block Eric Heskett Carolyn Marie Bondurant Wan-chiun Hew Cynthia J. Booth Carter arter M Mack accman Hi k Tracy Lynn Boring Rus Foster Hilbun Lance K. Boyd Angie Hill Gina Diane Boyington Sherian Hobbs Leslie A. Brennan Daniel Hodge Rachenda Brien Tara T Hodges H d Lori Briscoe Jayne A. Hooshyar Charles W. Broadway Donald Keith Hoover Caryn Lynn Brock H oly l C. C Hope H Cheryl Denise Brouwer Matthew Hope Cindy June Brown Tanya S. Hornish Michael David Brown John Horton Sherry M. Brown David Howard Wanda G. Brown Scott Howard Kelly E.. Bruner Ya-wen Hsiao David W Brust Rulissa Huggins Christa Dawn Bryan Darryl Lee Humann Susan Elizabeth Bryant Stefan Hunt Danny James Buchanan Eric Cameron Bumgardner Jason Bryan Hunter Charlotte K. Idleman Dustan Dell Burns Jolynda Ann Ingram Brett Kyle Burton Chawalit Ittipoolsawat Mary Burton Chad Jackson Lisa Marie Byrd Rachel Jackson Godofredo Caballero Jaurene E. James Mandi S. Caldwell Teri Renee Jamison Norma Irene Cantu Christopher Jarred Mary Beth Caperton Elton Jon Jenkins David Carlstone Shelly Renee Johns Julie Camille Carpenter Clayton Johnson Heather Lee Carr Michelle Johnson Sean Diego Carr Jason W. W Jones J John Charles Casey Kyle Jones Blake Thomas Cates Shelly Renee Jones Randy Cates Chankyung Jung Kim Cathcy Chanuk Jung Chong Im Chae Kalen Kattestad Shelly Chancy Candle Keel Hsien-yu Chang Jim Ji Keels K l Kris Lavelle Chavis Thomas Rowe Kendrick d An-lung Antonia Chiang Karen Kennedy Cynthia Choomin Chung Matthew Keyworth James Westley Clanahan Whitney Kiefer Carmen Clark Mary Amanda Kicsel Mandy Jo Clark Nancy Kieser Margaret Clark Troy D. Kiner W Alexander Clausen Christopher C King Sharon E. Clinton Charles Klasek Wendy Renee Clothier Marlin Keith Knapp Quantrell Colbert Jonathan Koelsch Carrie Lynn Cook Shandell Lee Kolar Rae Marie Cooper Paisley Faye Kraut Christopher J. Corff Anita Fay Kuchera Matthew J. Cormier Richard Kyker Nicolette Cormier Debbie R. Ladd Keith Cornman Chad Lamb Marcy Dawn Courtney Christy Dawn Lamb Tiffany Ann Causer Patrick Lambakis Ashley M. Cox Jason Lanier Susan Kay Craighead William Lanshury Charles Ray Criess Bonita Elaine Lanthripe Richard W. Croslin Greg Lawson James Eric Culver Mark Lee Katrina J. Cutter Zachary Paul Lee Darrell Darnell Sandi Leonard Brice. Davis Harold 011ie Lewis Marcia A. Dawson Heidi J. Lies Tiffany Renee Delaughier Yen-nee Lim Kenneth M. Dement Joye Beth Dittelmier Jia-ying Lin Dennis Dobbs Merrie Lindsey Toni Lynn Dorn Jeff Little Teddy Jack Dorrell Theresa D. Little Karl Timothy Dowell Jamie M. Logan Sharon E. Duffey Pamela Beth Long Elizabeth Cayce Dumont Julie Lynn Dye Teresa Ann Long Eddie L. Edgerton Julie Lookebill Laurie Edwards John A. Looney David Gregory Efiom Michael S. Lowe Jennifer E. Elledge Kilian Lowry Dawn Engle James David Luetjen Michael Miller Erwin Shanon Marie Evanchyk Joanne Lykins Joshua Robert Evans Jennifer Lynn

Regina Mahan Jason E. Malin Aletha Shirt Mallette C.v. Sivilay C. . y Manis Dianna Kaye Marsala Jeffrey Marshall Maria L. Martin Randall L. Martin Melinda J. Mason Jill Renee Massey Karyn Masters Kelly Denise Matthews Tad Mayo Brian Leon Mays Tanya Lyn McAlister Carla McAuliffe Marta McCloskey Martinus McConnell Jonathan McCravy Thomas McCullough John Clark McCurdy Keah Dawn McCutchin Shana Lea McDowell Jami Nicole McElrath Gary McIntire Deanna K. McMahan Tami McNeil Rodd Jason Melton Deborah Lynn Menser Debbie Miehalke Shawn Miller Tammy Lynn Miller Cliff E. Milton Joel K. Mitchell Keeley Mitchell Cynthia D. Mize Stephanie T. Money Karen J. Monroe Kristin Dawn Moore Michael B. Morkes Alan Morti John Motszko Gahriela Najdrovsky Sook-fun Ng R b Brett B Ni cos h l Shannon C. Novotny Sheila Rae Nunnelee Karen Ochoa Ginger D. Orr Kelley Lynne Oshel Kathryn S. Owen Angela Diane Owens Jack Owens Danielle Painchaud Donna Pair Jennifer Palmer Ticcia Palmer Kirk Allen Parker Tanae S. Pearson James Peck Mi h ll P eer Michelle ll Dennis James Pence Mark Wayne Perdue Lana Renee Petty Russell Pogue J ff Jeffrey Poo Pool Max C. Pope Lawanna Porter Michelle Porter Gretchen Nadine Potts Joseph Powell Jamie Pratt Charles Ray Price Patricia Prokop Vicky Pruitt Chad Pumphrey Kelly Purvine T. R. Rathjen Kent Alan Ray Loretta Rea Erica Marie Recta Robbie Wayne Redding Lisa Diane Reed Matthew Reed Thomas H. Reese Christopher Reser Renita Lenora Ricks Eric Rithotz Armando Riveron Lori R. Rivers Charles Gene Robbins Roberts Russ Steven Roberts Brandi Robertson Lisa Jo Robinson Kerry J. Roche Rick Rogers Linda Sue Rohrer Lisa Rohwer Rena Sue Roselius Howie Ross Cynthia Rozmaryn Cassandra Lynn Rude Janet M. Runge Amy Lynn Ruscher Scott Russell S Steven Sager S Heather Sala Patrick Frank Satas Philip Sanchez, Jr. Gary Don Schmidt Sarah Frances Schmidt Walter Freeman Schnee David Schneider Kristopher A. Schneider Debra Scott Kristyl Scott Meredith Scott Jackie Self Robert Lee Sershon Charles Sestak Brian Scott Sever Daniel Shaffer Chris Sharpe Grace Anne Shelton Mic Shinozaki Candy Short Jennifer Shroyer Pete M. Shurow Manuel Siemens Amy Machael Simon Michael Simons Lane Slovacek Ian Douglas Smit Cassandra L. Smith Cory Smith Dail A. Smith Debbie J. Smith Isaac M. South Kari Sowter Brian William Spence

Deborah Spence Laurie Anne Spurlock Andrew Stephens Joacquin V. Stevens Scott Stevens Karen D. Stinson Bobby Stitt Heather Stone Jerri Lee Stone Richey Stovall Paul Dean Stowe Christy Noel Strother Barbara Stubbs Zoie Ellen Slumblingbear Stacey Swyden Heather Ronee' Taylor Tim Testerman Deborah Tharp Dack Jeffrey Thomas Victoria Thomas Traci Camille Thompson Stephen Tiger W. George Ellis Tilson Anthony J. Tompkins Kendall Trenary Chad Trogdon Catherine Hope Turner William Uptergrove Justin Brent Valentine Erik Jason Van Horn David Van Nostrand Narin Viravong Kevin Vukasovic Melanie Vukasovic Jim Waddelow, Jr. Kevin Brann Wade Stephanie D. Wade Stanley Wagnon Todd Earl Wagoner Leslie Wakulich Dennis Walker, Jr. Pamela Walker Derek Wall Cathy Waller Gary Ward Travis L. Warden Keith Allen Weber Nicole Lynn Weber Matthew Wehmuller Jeff Eugene West Jeffrey Wetmore William J. Whited James Gregory Whitworth Jennifer Jill Willhoite Dan L. Williams Lenora J. Williams Reginald Lamont Williams Wendy L. Williams Scott Williford James Polk Wilson Deidra Winn Kacie Dawn Wokaty Angela Wolf Julie Ann Wood Michael Dean Wooldridge Joyce Kay Wooliver Felicia M. Wyatt Linda A. Wyatt Sonya Yarbrough Jerry Mun-hoe Yeoh Nazgul Z. Yergalieva Young S. Yoon Elizabeth Young Jennifer A. Younge Julie An Yu

Joe Paul Dearman Stephanie Deguisti Andrea Diane Delgado Greg Lee Deck April C. Dick Gregory Wayne Dinwiddie Mindy K. Dolman Clayton R. Donnell Susan Dorrell Deborah Ann Dougherty Melisa Ann Dubbs Amy Duncan Kathy Jeannette Dungy John Brian Durham Elizabeth Edwards Pamela Kay Edwards Rota Eid Ahmad Kassem El-samad Angela Kristine Ellis Aaron Elmer Cheri Lynn Ennis John Charles Estep Travis W. Evans Andrea Louise Fine Monetta Dawn Fisher-hicks Richard Folsom Taylor Brinson Foster Jennifer Franks Harold 'Curtis' Garlick John Geddes Karen Danette Geisler Ronda Gibson Suzanne Gillson Vladislav V. Glabai Bradley Jay Gleichman Harriet Gomez Jerry A. Gooch Darren Todd Gose Teresa B. Goss Andrew Goulden Kasi Diane Grammont Tonya Raquel Gravely Lyndell Griffin, Jr. Barbara Grimes Staci Dawn Griner Nasim Haji-sadeghi Christa Marie Hake Diane Hamilton Shonda Hansen Dugan Lyn Hardin Theresa M. Harjo Jana Harris Rachael Harris Steven Hatch Clint Edward Heath Gay Lynn Henderson Camyn Herje May-thet Hnin Steve Charles Hockert Kristy Dawn Hoggatt Regina Renee Holland Tamla Holt David Carl Hornhack Joe Wayne Howard, Jr. Jay Brandon Hua Chi-tzu Huang Gina Jacobs Chris Todd James Robbin James Muhammad Anwar Jawaid Jacob Linn Jeffrey Darrell Jeffries Chad Jerke Carol E. lessee Kyle B. Johnson Lacinda Johnston College of William Daniel Johnston Stacy Lyn Jorgenson Mathematics Anon Lee Karcher & Science Elizabeth Kellum Cynthia Lynn Kessler Brandon Lee Adams Linda K. Kever Daniel W. Akin Eng-wah Khor Sharlene Alexander Roman S. KhrameLs Robert Lee Allgeier Stephani Leigh King Farah Diba Amarsingh Timothy Duane King Ajit Raja,i opal Ambit Jonathan Klein Eng-guarsMg c' Kathleen Klingel Barbara E. Arnold Kelli D. Koons Michael Ryan Ayers Jenny Krause Malaik Azzawan Michael Kyle Bryan J. Babcock Yvette M. Lairet Russell Leon Ballard Kristen Laney Anna Marie Batiershell Gerard Langoc Kimberly Lynn Bean Lisa Laster Jeremy David Bearden Hengameh Lavasanifar Michele Rena Bearden Sherril D. Lawson Lorina G. Bennett Quyen Ton Le Amy Diane Blubaugh Sharon Lee Trevor M. Boggs Amy Rachelle Legg Billie Rae Boston Wing-kit Li Brent E. Bowen Eu-ghee Lim Joe Dean Brady, Jr. Brandy Dawn Lind Scott Brady Joseph Louis Lipford Steven Brewer Shannon Little Ericka R. Brison Charles David Lookabaugh Sherri Renae Brooks William Love Chad Edward Brown John David Luna Christine M. Brown Heather Meg MacClain Gregor Brown Ross Anthony Magerus Jill Brown Rehan Mahboob Wade Anthony Brown John K. Maravich, Jr. Douglas M. Burney Jennifer Marino Steve James Burns Ohidia Martinez Jamie Lynn Camplain Vui-fah Mau Summer Caniley Richard McAroy, Jr. Jeffrey Glenn Caputo Shawn McCleskey Shonn Carmack Randall S. McCormick Thaddeus A. Carnine Cassandra Jean McDaniel John Robert Carson Robert C. McEver Dinesh M. Chukka Michael Edward Melton Julie Chambers Caroline E. Merritt Mohamad Chamseddine Mingfeng Chan Tanya Rose Messenger Michael L Chandler Timothy James Milicich in Chase Charlotte J. Miller Tarek Chbouki Jody Miller Chen Chih-chengve Libbie Miller Michael Da Cheves Angelia Mirzahaha Ram Kumar Chhetri Masroor Ahmed Choudhry Amelia N. Mancha James Clark Shelley Anne Moore Heather Renee Cliff Matt Pae g Morrison James A. Coker Angela Mountford Brandy L. Collins Royce Mullin Toyya Count Srividhya Muralidharan Derrick Jason Coupe Courtney H. Courtney Susan Myers Eric Dwayne Coxsey Sonda Mythen Michael John Coyle Marwa Hosny Nag Sarah Crosby Greta Kathleen Naquin Christine Crozier Cheok-yuen Ng Philicia Danny Jeffrey Danner Anh Hong Nguyen Carter N. Davis David Quang Nguyen Terri L. Davison Huy Phuc Nguyen Michael Earl Dawe James Charles O'Brien

Joni A. O'Neil Joseph Obrien Sheena Obrien Amy Ogden Stuart Overton Julia Oxford Shawn Pagan Lawanna Pahler Chris Alan Palmer Gregory Joe Parker Harry Parker Kevin Patterson Pat J. Patterson Christopher Payton Dereck Aaron Peery Jasper Eugene Pennington Lan Quoc Pham Mai Pham Derick Pickard Mark Andrew Pierce Russell D. Ping Timothy Dale Pippins David Lee Pittaway Christopher Portwood Hung K. Quach Meroe Rahieifar Todd J. Ramer Elizabeth Ramos Denver Renfro Loren Douglas Riggs Roy James Rindler Marco Rivera Mary Ann Roberts Laurel Ann Robison Shannon Rogers Heather Lynn Ross Dennis Rothschild Leigh Ann Rowlen Stacie Russell Tiffany Ann Russell Joseph Samake Allen Sandvig Deepa R. Sangapu Gianni Santille Brandon Schader Kama Schem Robb Schiermeyer Tamra Dawn Schkolovyi Nathan Schlinke Amy D. Schommer Scott Schutt Gregory James Scott Tina Scott Hesam Shaaf Sockalingan Shanmugam David Michael Shannon Jonita Renne Sharum Joe D. Shenk II Linda Marie Sherron James Sisson Colin James Smith Lee C. Smith Matthew David Smith Rodger Smith Stephanie Smith Tyler Gene Smith Whitney Lane Smith Jeffrey Snavely Diane Laurel Snodgrass Amy Jane Snyder Angela Snyder Wrany Ross Southard Michael Jason Spangler Ellen Elizabeth Spears Robert Spencer Daniel J. Stacy Crystal Stearns Heather Steiner Mandl Jean Stewart Nathan Stogsdill Shanna Leigh Stout James Robert Stover Megan Strahon Mathew Striegel Candi Sturdivan Heather Stymerski Yasunori Takahashi William Tarwater Prince Taylor Heather Tengram Natalie Thavisackd Michael Alan Thayer James Thorp Khanh Quoc Trinh Jenny Lou Tuttle Daniel Tyler Mickey Ray Tyrrell George Vascellaro Jana Lynn Venator Garland N, Verner Regina Visser Christopher Waddell Michael Ryan Wall Amanda Wallace Jane Marie Warren Barbara Elaine Weathers Graham Marshall Webb Lark D. Weldon Mark Lee Wells Alicia Weston Elizabeth Whalen Christina Renea White Mary Cathy White Brian David Whitley Donovan Willis Mike Wayne Wilson Ryan Dean Wilson Zachary Wilson May-nyo Win Sandra Wiser Poh Hua Wong Mika Wooldridge Terry Wright Dengtai Wu Trevor M. Wylie Debra Ann Wynne Holly R. Yanda Yuh-hong Yea Mercy Yohannan Jennifer D. Youell Shannon Yzquierdo Stephen L. Zahn Shahriar Zaman Zachary Daniel Zanowiak Serguei Zarouhin Khurram Zia Qaiscr Zia


February 16, 1995


MOVIE REVIEWS Reviews By Paul Eddy & David L. Hanigar/ TheVista Movie Ratings: Reviews are set up on a five-point rating scale:

Five is the highest rating possible and one is the lowest.


+ 44

In the Mouth of Madness is an over-extended 'Twilight Zone' John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness might have been more appropriately named, In the Stomach of a Bad Acid Rush.


The movie opens with an intense, but confusing scene with John Trent (Sam Neil), a schizophrenic private investigator, being dragged into an insane asylum. Most of the remainder of the movie tells the story of how he got there. The storyline is about a book with the same name written by a famous horror novelist named Sutter Cane (Jurgen Prochnow). The effect the book has on its readers, however, is the real horror. The plot of the movie is interesting and to say the least—pretty weird. It plays on the confusion between fact and fiction, in other words surrealism. Although the movie is listed as a psychological-horror film, it views more like a really long and intense episode of The Twilight Zone. With John Carpenter behind the scenes, and in this case the music, even one of the worst horror movies will prove to be suspenseful. He John Trent (Sam Neill) is driven mad by the the does, as usual, a horrific job with the directing. mysterious writings of horror novelist Sutter The movie, like a good episode of The Cane in the movie In the Mouth of Madness. Twilight Zone, leaves the viewer not only in suspense, but trying to figure out just what is going ing. In the end, the viewer's questions are not really answered and the "shock factor" the movie on. However, besides too much background infor- needed just wasn't quite powerful enough. Charlton Heston fans might be interested to mation being told to the viewer up front in casual conversation, the end of the movie is dissapoint- know he co-stars in the movie.

`Final Dimension' finally gets it right

Rating: 4 4 4 The Final Dimension in no way threatens to take the place of the original, but it does help to ease the bitterness left behind by The Quickening. Connor MacLeod (Lambert) is pitted against Kane, the Master of


• Friday • The UCO Music Festival will be Feb. 17 and 18. The festival will have over 6,000 students and directors competing. The Southern Nazarene University • Concert Band will perform a children's concert at 7:30 on Feb. 17, in the Herrick Auditorium on campus. Admission for students and children is one can of food, admission for adults is $3. Call 491-6345 for more information.

Art •

4 4 4

When Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery got together and made the classic Highlander many were happy. When they got together and made Highlander— the Quickening many were disappointed. Now Christopher Lambert, with a very brief appearance by Sean Connery, has made Highlander—The Final Dimension, and most will be pleasantly surprised.

The following is a list of events taking place in the metro area for the weekend of February 17-19.

Illusion (Mario Van Peebles). Kane was buried alive by MacLeod nearly 400 years ago, and now that he is out he is bent on revenge. The film's Christopher Lambert and Deborah Unger in plot follows Andy Morahan's Highlander—The Final the original's Dimension format closely, but it doesn't hold attention by eral alterations including a name change. The film was originally itself. The Final Dimension is to be titled The Warlock, and was set to the final appearance of Lambert happen before Highlander Perhaps it is for the best that as Connor MacLeod, and it is a more fitting legacy than The The Final Dimension is bringing an end to the Highlander films, Quickening. The Final Dimension was after all while Connor MacLeod scheduled for release around the may not have aged since the same time as Star Trek: quickening Lambert definitely Generations, but experienced sev- has.

Friday • The International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, inside the Kirkpatrick Center, will display the Seventh Annual Landscape Photography Workshop from Bryce Canyon. The display will run through Feb. 28. Admission to the Kirkpatrick Center is $6 for adults, $4 for students and $3.50 for children, ages 3-12. Call 424-4055 for more information. Sunday ✓ Oklahoma City Art Museum at the Fairgrounds displays "Paul Medina: Intimate Connections," through Feb. 19. Admission is $3.50 for general admission and $2.50 for senior citizens and children.

Special Events: Friday • The Vienna Boys Choir will perform at 8 p.m. Feb. 17 in Bartlesville. Tickets range in price from $15 to $22 for adults, and $18 to $11 for students. Tickets are available at the Festival Box Office, 500 S. Dewey, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call (918) 3369800. • The Indoor Fun Fair will be in town the weekend of Feb. 1719. Times are 4 p.m. to midnight on Friday, 10 a.m. to midnight on Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday. ✓ Best-selling author, John Ronner, will speak at Oklahoma City's Unity Church of Practical Christianity, at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 17. Admission is free, but donations are suggested. Call 789-2424 for more information. Saturday ✓ Annual storytelling festival, "Wintertales," will be presented Feb. 17 and 18 at Stage Center at Festival Plaza, in downtown Oklahoma City. Call 236-1426 for more information.

Plays: Friday ✓ "The Trip to Bountiful" will be presented by the Oklahoma City Community College Theatre Feb. 15-18. Tickets are $5 for adults and $4 for senior citizens and students. Call 682-7523 for more information.

Dance: Friday • Ballet Oklahoma will perform "Swan Lake Act II," "The Rite of Spring" and "Adagio for Strings" at 8:15 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $27, $20, $16 and $12. Call 840-8000, Ext. 3000 for more information. —Compiled by John Clanton/The Vista —Artwork by Sean Ashby/ The Vista

February 16, 1995



The Pessimist's Playground

It's Bad...

By Jonathan Koelsch

It's Worse...

It's Terrible...




• Catholic Student Center will meet at 12:40 p.m. at 321 E. Clegern for Mass. Every Sunday at 6:30 p.m. a movie, dinner and game night will be offered. For more information, contact John King at 341-6300. V The Residence Hall Association will hold its meeting at 5 p.m. in the Dogwood Room of the Central Cafeteria. V Delta Tau Chi, the American Criminal Justice Association, invites newcomers and members to attend a meeting at 1:30 p.m. in room 118 of the Liberal Arts Building. Beginning Feb. 16, evening meetings will also occur at 6:30 in the same room. For more information, contact Dr. Schweizer at 341-2980, Ext. 5276. • Christians on Campus is having a bible study at 12:30 p.m. in the Osage Room of the University Center. V UCO Toastmasters will host a meeting today at 12:30 p.m. in Will Rogers East of the University Center. Toastmasters goal is to improve and practice communication and public speaking skills.



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WHAT A '11-00"r" !S./

By Robert Cotton

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V The Men's UCO Basketball team plays Cameron at 8 p.m. in Lawton.

A Brief Look Ahead ✓ The Multicultural Student Association invites those interested to attend the Big Eight Conference on Black Student Government Feb. 23 through 26 in Norman. For more information, contact Barry Lofton at 341-2980, Ext. 2580. ✓ The UCO English Society is hosting a trivial pursuit contest between students and professors at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18 at Dr. Carrell's house. Maps are available in room 101 of the Liberal Arts building. For more information, contact Dr. Sandra Mayfield at 341-2980, Ext. 5632.




✓ The UCO Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) will hold a scholastic book fair Feb. 20 through 25 in which various children's books will be available for low prices. Times for the event will vary. For more information, contact Trina Woodruff at 728-2456. • The UCO Management Club will have a meeting at 7 p.m. March 1 in the Seminole Room of the fourth floor of the University Center. For more information, contact Sharon Blimm at 749-7115. ✓ The Bahai Club will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. March 4 in the Lariat Room on the fourth floor of the University Center. The Bahai faith will be the topic of discussion. All cultural backgrounds are welcome. For more information, contact Julie Yeh at 341-2980, Ext. 4124 or Farah Amarsingh at 3412980 Ext. 4350. ✓ The Health, Physical Education, Rhythm and Dance Club (HPERD) will meet at 7 p.m. in the HPERD Building Broncho Corral. Sam Sackett of Haldone and Associates Career Counseling will speak on HPERD opportunities. Spare change is being collected to help fund Oak Ridge Elementary athletics. For more information, contact Carla McCarrell at 341-2980, Ext. 4299 or Ext. 5711.

Generally Speaking


15 18 20

19 24




30 33


35 40



41 46







50 54







60 63

47 Topic ACROSS 48 Of the Franks 1 Depart secretly 50 Title for Olivier or suddenly 51 Trigonometry 7 Orchestra section abbreviation (abbr.) 52 Failed to include 10 Like some jobs 54 Children's game 14 Not righteous 56 Combine 15 South African 58 Word in two state capital names 17 Light, ringing 60 Makes joyful sound 61 Made uniform 18 Dweller 62 Cosmetician ---19 Breakfast item Coty 20 Is mournful 63 Suffix for Siam 22 Firearm 64 Marries again 23 --- cent 25 Tailless amphibians DOWN 26 Food fish 27 More despicable 1 Coin part 29 Newspaper items 2 Leave the land 30 Mistake 3 Fills to excess 31 Allures 4 Bulky boat 33 Swindle 5 Shopping place 34 Spanish explorer 6 Fold in cloth 35 Language of the 7 Ranches Koran 8 Styles 39 Tennis need 9 Takes ten 40 Think 10 Turf 42 Common ailments 11 Mt. Hood's state 45 Like some checks 12 Ending 46 Actor MacDonald- 13 Torn piece


16 " --- the season..." 21 Castle defense 24 "Daniel ----" (Eliot novel)

26 Musical works 28 Appraises 30 - acid 32 Small bed 33 Ill-bred person 36 Between tenor and bass 37 Repeated 38 Ballplayer Ron 40 Word in Bogart film title 41 Do newspaper work 42 Furniture wheel 43 East coast ballplayer 44 Of a Christian season 45 Pool table materials 48 Hit hard 49 Yielder 52 Ending for "pay" 53 Jazz pianist Brubeck 55 "My gosh!" 57 Street, for short 59 - Gardens, in England



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News items for publication in Around Campus must be submitted at least one week in advance. Forms are available in The Vista office and should be printed or typed. Information will not be accepted by telephone. Items may be run for two weeks prior to the event depending on space.



















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• The Soccer Club is practicing. Guys practice is on Tuesdays at 3 p.m. Girls practice is on Sundays at 1:30 p.m. For more information, contact Rachel Schnitzer at 722-4233.






V The Japanese Student Association will hold a meeting at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 17 in the Senate Room of the University Center.



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DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and noon Friday for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $2 for each publication for the first 25 words and $.08 per word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Call 3412980, X5916 to place an ad.

SPECIAL NOTICES ENGLISH CLASSES at the Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training NEW SESSION every 4 wks 'PRIVATE TUTORING avail. *PREPARATION for TOEFL METROCENTER FOR FAMILY MINISTRIES Are you pregnant? We are here to help wtlhe very best care at no cost to you. Come visit us for FREE pregnancy test. We can help provide: 'Housing *Clothing 'Confidential counseling 'Financial & medical assistance 'Adoption options 1216 S Rankin 359-1400 SSS THE INTERNATIONAL Homestay program is seeking families in OKC or Edmond to provide "homestay' experiences for internat'l students studying English, 8am-4pm, at the Edmond Language Institute, Thatcher Hall, UCO campus. The student pays the family S425/mo, average stay: 2-4 months. Requirements: a private sleeping room, meals & transportation to and from ELI. For additional info, call Ms. Vallejo at 235-7998 after 5pm or pager: 791-9015. ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER 1015-C Waterwood Parkway, Edmond (across from UCO, S of Ramada Hotel). Our teachers & administrators have University teaching exp & have Masters' degrees in English. We've been preparing students for UCO since 1977. The TOEFL is given every 2 weeks. S890; 4-wk terms; 9am-3pm wkdays (includes books & field trips) $30 application fee.(February is the last chance for holiday tuition special of S780.) For more info and 1'20's, call: 348-7602. EXPERIENCE NEEDED? Like to help Youth? Volunteers needed to staff National Teenline. Next training March 3, 4, 5. Exciting and practical experience. If interested call 522-3835 or 271-TEEN.

S. VICES ATTENTION PARENTS! Do you want more for your children than daycare? Do you need a program for your child while you attend school? Phone Churchill Academy, 3414314. A Standard of Excellence in Preschool Education. FREE ANONYMOUS AIDS testing & counseling, every Monday 7-9pm. No appt necessary. Wesley Foundation, 311 E Hurd. Info 341-5450.

TYPING-Edmond resident w/ college degree will type your term paper for $1.50/pg (resumes $7.50 & up). Call 341-1029. FAST ACCURATE TYPING service In my home. Term papers, familiar with all formats. Laser printer $1.25/pg, title page free. $1/pg after 30 pages. NE of Edmond area. Call Loretta 348-1005. CHERYL'S CUSTOM DOCUMENTS Top quality typing for bottom dollar prices! APA, MLA, ASR formats. Theses, term papers, reports, resumes, etc. Spell check; laser printer, 751-5217.

EDMOND TYPEWRITER has ribbons, tapes, service for most brands. Fast 24-hr service. 10% off w/UCO ID. Call 341-3620.


SSCOLLEGE MONEYSS Private Scholarships & Grants. America's finest. Since 1981. You're guaranteed minimum of $250 worth of financial aid from sources provided, or we will refund your fee. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LOCATORS, Box 1881, Joplin, MO 64802-1881. 1-800879-7485. RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES I write resumes that get results! Let a pro write & typeset your resume. Call Kathy at 359-1696. RESUME SERVICES Make your first impression count! 'Typing 'Laser Quality 'Customized Resumes 'Career Guidance 'Video Interviewing 'Personalized Letters 'Outstanding Service Jennifer Sparger-Career Consultant 359-7982

MENTION THIS AD for a DISCOUNT on a rewarding MASSAGE by male therapist. Available days, evenings, weekends. Call Gene 755-2637. Great gift too. JUST MY TYPE Word processing is 'Just My Type' of business. Fast, accurate, & dependable service. Spell check & grammar check included. Free pickup and delivery available. For the best deal around call Gina anytime, 7527955. Fax available. ELECTRONIC TAX FILING Receiving a refund? I can file your tax return electronically and you can receive your money from the IRS In 10-14 days, S25. Call Sabre, UCO student, 789-1787.

SATELLITE: Tired of poor reception or high cost cable? W/nothing down, 140 channels free, low payments of S3 6/mo, also customized programming of over 200 channels, statewide instalation. Bankruptcy accepted. (405)737-0022 or 598-5656, Ask for Freda or leave message.

SUMMER MGT PROGRAM Serious, motivated students needed for Outlet Manager positions In Tulsa/OKC. Gain 'real world' skills to develop your resume! Excellent earnings and college credit possible! All majors; no $$ or experience necessary to run your own College Pro Painting business. Call 1-800-3921386. Application deadline 2-10-95. UPS is looking for loaders & unloaders to work in OKC facility. Pay Is $8/hr. Interested applicants should sign up for interviews at Career Development & Placement Services in the University Ctr. EOE M/F. TEDDY'S AMERICAN Restaurant is now accepting applications for full/part time, day & evening cooks & dishwashers. Will work around schedule & will train, 520 E Memorial, 784-4740. FAST FUNDRAISER-Raise $500 in 5 days, GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. Fast, easy, no financial obligation, (800)7753851, X33. NOW HIRING all shifts for a 24-hr Hardee's. Apply at the Texaco Oasis Travel Ctr, 1-35 & 122nd St from 8am8pm 7 dy/wk. GYMNASTICS COACHES needed for pre-school and school-age children. Must be fun, creative and energetic. Afternoon and evening hrs. Gymnastics experience necessary. Call 348-0733. FUN-N-FIT AIDES Looking for energetic students and other individuals who enjoy working w/children in our innovative program. Previous experience working w/children preferred. Mon-Fri schedule, 7am-8:30am and 3:15pm6:30pm. Qualified apps should apply in person at BMC Personnel Dept, Baptist Medical Ctr of Oklahoma, Physician's Prof Bldg, Ste 320, 3400 NW Expressway, OKC, OK 73112. The deaf or hearing impaired may call TDD: 945-5476. For complete info about all current employment opportunities, call: JOBLINE at 949-3101 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/DN

IN-HOME DAYCARE, licensed & DHS approved, reasonable rates, 3407634.

SEEKING courteous, friendly people to fill up to 500 summer Jobs. Flexible pay and hours. Call 478-2412, ext 500.

PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CONSIDER ADOPTION! Confidential. Medical, living assistance and counseling available. Call Virginia Frank, Attorney at Law, 11212 N May Ave, Ste 301L, OKC, OK, 24 hrs, 751-1400.

HELP WANTED in fast-paced, fun environment. Will train to be tuxedo consultant. Flexible hours, hourly wages + comm + bonuses. No phone calls please. Apply in person, Gingiss Formalwear, Quail Springs Mall.

AFRICAN AND AFRICAN AMERICAN Pen and Ink stippled prints and stationery For catalog send $1.00 to: P 0 Box 655, Norman, OK 73070 or call 3298429. FOR FAST, accurate typing at just $1.00 per page, call Tracy at 8481569.

TICKETS? ACCIDENTS? Even if you have a not-so-perfect driving record, I may have a policy for you. Call Tim at 755-8787. Allstate Indemnity Co. MAINLY STUDENTS 20 yrs exp, 4.0 SNU grad, types 120 wpm, APA, Turablan, etc. Editing/writing assistance, laser printer, competitive rates. Within walking distance to UCO. By appt only, 340-2001 or 24-hr pager 5579121.

BICYCLE DOCTOR Mobile bicycle repair. Call Kent 3406672 or 282-8524.

EMPLOYMENT SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES FOR COLLEGE SOPHOMORES & JUNIORS Over $600 pay, 6 semester credit hrs UCO elective credit, free housing and meals, airline tickets & transportation costs paid. Includes opportunities to compete for scholarships & Job contracts for positions w/starting pay of $28,000 upon graduation. Must meet age & health requirements. 2.0 GPA, 19 ACT. 30 positions available from June 6-July 26. Call 341-2980 ext 5167.

HELP WANTED weekends and Mondays, early AM hours, approximately until Noon. Apply at Daylight Donuts of Edmond, 1816 E 2nd St. THE ATHLETIC CLUB is looking for part time cleaning personnel. Experience necessary, references required. Apply in person at 1331 W Memorial, Suite 112. THE ATHLETIC CLUB is looking for a certified, experienced water aerobics instructor. Apply in person at 1331 W Memorial, Suite 112. THE ATHLETIC CLUB Is looking for enthusiastic part time people to work in these areas of the club: Front desk, deli and floor Instructor. Apply in person at 1331 W Memorial, Suite 112. CAUGHT BETWEEN A ROCK And A Hard Place? You need a second Job, but you can't find one to fit your already hectic schedule? VISIONQUEST MKT is the answer you need. We provide: *Flex sched w/3 daily shifts '$5/hr base pay w/unlimited earning potential 'Pd training program 'Oppor to help Christian charities & or9anIzations *Clean, professional work environment To start receiving the supplemental income you need, call us today! 330-0270 TECHNICAL SUPPORT representative for advanced computer services company. Work Involves programming in Perl, CP1-C. Experience w/UNIX and Telecommunications required. Send resume to P 0 Box 770010, OKC, OK 73177. WAITRESS WANTED, $6/hr + tips. Apply at The Wolftrap, 1109 S Broadway.

February 16, 1995

TRAVEL ABROAD AND WORK. Make up to $2000-$4000 +/mo teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For info call: (206)632-1146 ext J58063. SEASONAL MAINTENANCE HELPER I The City of Edmond is accepting applications for Maintenance Helper I for Kickingbird Golf Course. Work Involves manual labor, general construction, and service in the field of golf course maintenance, landscaping and horticulture. Apply In the Personnel Office, 100 E 1st, Edmond, OK. EOE

IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE TCI MKT Is now expanding! We have 50 immediate part and full time positions to supplement your current income or just get you out of your dull, boring job. EARN $500 TO $1000 MONTHLY TCI OFFERS: '$5 Base Pay + Bonuses + Commissions 'Flexible Scheduling 'Pd Training 'No Exp Necessary *Oppor for Advancement 'Valuable experience for your resume *ELIGIBLE FOR PAY RAISE AFTER 90 DAYS OUR SHIFTS ARE SCHEDULED TO FIT YOUR NEEDS TCI HAS A SPOT FOR YOU!! DON'T DELAY CALL TODAY 359-7444 EDMOND

WE ARE SEEKING highly energetic, happy people to grow with us in one of the fastest growing businesses today. Part and full time positions are needed to sell photo finishing, merchandise, and to do the in-lab photo processing. Experience in one hour photography or retail a plus, but not necessary; we will train. Please send resume to Moto Photo, 2826 W Britton Rd, OKC, OK 73120. NOW HIRING all shifts. Apply in person at Hardee's, 1400 E 2nd, Edmond. RAPIDLY GROWING national software company in Edmond has Customer Service Trainee positions open, 20-40 hrs/wk. Mostly data collection, some selling. $6.50/hr + performance bonuses. Must have excellent verbal & phone skills. Students welcome. Fantastic starting position-high paid customer service representatives start here. For a personal Interview be at 1015 Waterwood Parkway, Bldg 1 (across from UCO) at 5:00 on Thurs evening. LAW OFFICE Receptionist. Some typing. 9-4 M-F. OK to study at work, 236-2121. PERSONNEL SUPERVISOR: NW OKC company has excellent position for sharp individual w/great communication and organizational skills. Individual will be interviewing, hiring, and processing paperwork for part time positions. Previous customer service experience a plus. Must be able to work Mon-Fri 4:45pm to 11pm. Excellent position for student. CALL NOW! Must be filled ASAP. Great Pay! Apply in person or call Olsten Staffing Service at 525-3456. TELEMARKETING POSITIONS: Immediate hire for individuals in NW OKC telemarketing company. Great positions for anyone wanting to earn extra cash! Not hardcore selling, no experience required. Part time evening hours, good pay, benefits. Must be available Mon-Fri 5:45pm to 11pm. Positions available so call NOW! Great for students, homemakers or retired individuals. Must type 20 wpm. Apply in person or call 525-3456, Olsten Stalling Service. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Call Olsten Staffing Servides We have immediate openings In the following areas: Office Services *File Clerks *Receptionist Data Entry Operators 'Word Processors Light Industrial *Warehouse *Cafeteria *Assembly We offer short, long & pernament positions with great pay, excellent benefits and wonderful companies. Call 525-3456 for an appointment. NEVER A FEE!!!

NATIONAL PARKS HIRINGSeasonal & full time employment available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits + bonuses! Apply now for best positions. Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext N58062.

FOR RENT STUDENT SPECIALS 1,2,3 bedrooms Some places can offer you everything under the sun. Come to SunRidge. We have the SUN, MOON, and STARS w/indoor & outdoor pools, tennis court, hot tub and exercise room. Our service is out of this world. Call 7522637. KISS YOUR SEARCH for the Perfect Apt Home "Goodbye"! `Edmond Schools 'Limited access gates 'Intrusion Alarms "24-hr maintenance `Near Quail Springs Mall 'Washer/dryer available 'Indoor heated pool'sauna 'Exercise room'stocked lake QUAIL LAKES 14300 N Penn 755-4395 OXFORD OAKS is currently running student specials. Call for details, 3482431. CASA MIA APARTMENTS 1 bedroom $379, all bills paid, within walking distance of campus. 341-7987. SUNSET RIDGE APTS Minutes from UCO. Call about our Valentine Special. 341-7987. FURNISHED 1 bedroom In lovely 3 bedroom home, Trails South Addition. All the comforts of home! $250. Call evenings, Patricia 359-6738. •?'



UNLIMITED 3-month membership at VIP TAN in Edmond for ONLY $75. If interested, please call 340-5621. WEDDING DRESS IMORI LEE designer dress, size 8, never worn, $550 OBO. (corrected #) 620-7187, leave message. 733-1229 1981 BUICK SKYLARK, auto, air, 4dr, $850, 348-1818. LAZY BOY sleeper sofa, neutral color, good condition, also end table and dining table w/4 chairs, $200 OBO (for all). 748-4129. HONDA ACCORD 1988 LX, 5-sp, AC/heater, am/fm & tape, burgundy, loaded, runs great. Extra clean engine & body. 359-8711, $5895. SATURN OF EDMOND 749-6000 1992 CHEVY Camaro, dark green metallic, only 22K mi, extra clean, new tires, V-6 & more. 1986 CHEVY Nova, only 75K ml, extra clean, $3988. 1991 DODGE Shadow, red, 4-dr, auto, only 27K mi, extra clean & won't last long. 1991 FORD Escort GT, auto, low mi, glossy black, priced to sell. 1991 HONDA Accord SE, silver & black leather, auto, extra clean, loaded, only 61K. 1991 HONDA Civic, rocket red, 4-dr, extra sharp, only $7988. 1991 MAZDA 626 LX, glossy black, all power, 5-sp, cruise, tilt, cassette, only $6988. 1991 PONTIAC Sunbird, only 54K mi, sharp, arctic white, 2-dr coupe, only $5995. 1986 NISSAN Sentra, blue, 2-dr coupe, sharp car, $3988. SATURN OF EDMOND 749-6000

LARGE ROOM for rent, students preferred. COOL PLACE! Call 5287026.

TRAVEL ASIAN TRAVEL & TOURS INC. Domestic/Intemational Travel Low fares to: Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Africa, Middle East, Europe, etc. CALL TODAY (405) 495-8687

RSONALS VOYEURS. We look out for students better than any other credit card. Call 1-800-CITIBANK to apply. No freaks.

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