University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY February 20, 1996
The Student Voice Since 1903
Award-winning program ideas not put to practical use By Paul Eddy Staff Writer Those wondering why the ideas generated from the Employee Suggestion Program (ESP) have not been implemented need to direct their questions towards the administration, not the awards committee. Last fall, seven UCO employees received cash awards via the ESP. Although the awards committee has the power to grant awards, the authority to act on those suggestions rests with the administration, said Herb Giles, head of the committee. The committee met with President George Nigh yesterday to discuss the actualizing of the following suggestions: ✓ James A. Kowel's idea that
the university code all its mail in order to receive a discount from the U.S. Postal Service. ✓ Dr. G. Kay Powers' suggestion that the deans construct class schedules on their computers. ✓ Bobby Lopez's proposal for an addition to the payroll system that would improve the accuracy of figuring out how much leave each employee has used. Daniel J. Martin's ✓ recommendation that the hours of operations for student services be changed from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. to 9 a.m.-6 p.m. ✓ Dr. Donald D. Duffy's idea of expanding the hours of Hamilton Field House to allow faculty, staff and students more time to use the facilities. Pauline Garcia's ✓ proposition that UCO coordinate a field trip with seniors from
metropolitan high schools. ✓ Michael A. Millard's proposal for an inexpensive, nofrills newsletter for staff and faculty, listing the dates and times of campus activities. Each suggestion received was evaluated on six points: • Improvement in inter- and intra-departmental services as well as service to students and others. • Potential savings of UCO's money, time, space and resources. • Other benefits to UCO, including improved morale, public relations, communications, etc. • Originality. • The number of people that would be affected by the suggestion. • Improvement on present methods.
Grades will soon be a phone call away Gondoliers... The cast sets the stage for the UCO production of Gondoliers, to be performed 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday in Mitchell Hall. (Clockwise) Lisa Byford, Robert Taylor, Joacquin Stevens, Maggie Duncan and Lori Briscoe. (Photo by Dan Smith) Ayers Street, from Uniii*,,SitY0VWashington St., will he closed for approximately three Months as construction continues on the Max Chambers Library. A large crane is used, so the street is closed for safety.
wo new on-campus services that will enable students to personally access their grades and school transcripts should be in place by the end of the semester. Machines allowing students access to their transcripts will be installed in each wing on the first floor of the Administration Building by next month, said
Jerry Legere, registrar and vice president for enrollment management. Students will be able to make copies of their transcripts free of charge by entering their Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Social Security number. The PIN will be issued by the school during the transitional period and afterward students will be able to create their own
PIN, said Legere. The new system won't threaten the jobs of employees working in the transcript office. "Doing transcripts is a small part of their jobs," said Legere. He said automation doesn't eliminate jobs but re-allocates time to provide better service. The new transcript service will be funded by student V See KIOSK, Page 3
INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Around Campus ... 11 Sports 6,7 Comics 11 Classifieds 12
PRESIDENTS' DAY To sling mud is a sport that dates back to the days of early presidents.
SPORTS Wrestlers at UCO hold on to win despite spirited NebraskaOmaha rally in season finale.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH Get to know Linda Murphy, a friend to many away from home.