The Vista Feb. 21, 2008

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www.thevistaonline.corn The Student Voice of the University of Central Oklahoma Since 1903

Chase starts at university

Porn Nation coming to UCO

Lfiegahrtnotno campus by Laura Hoffert Staff Writer

by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer

Two men, suspected of writing bad checks to UCO, led university police on a chase through Edmond, before crashing their vehicle into a pole on NW 122nd St. between Pennsylvania and Western avenues. Both men were injured and taken to OU Medical Center for treatment, at least one man in the wrecked car required surgery. "It is a police matter," UCO spokesman Charlie Johnson said. "I don't know the extent of the injuries, either." The incident began in the university Visitor Parking Pay Lot, when the two men attempted to pay for their parking with a check. The attendant believed they recognized the person in the car as someone who had written Photo Illustration by Vista photographer Chris Albers a bad check to the school in the past, so the attendant Former porn addict, Michael Leahy will present his critically acclaimed presentation "Porn Nation: The Naked Truth" contacted UCO's Dept Invent Monday, Feb. 25 at UCO. of Public Safety, and detained the men with the traffic arm until DPS officers arrived. According to Johnson, people who share their perby Jordan Richison lence of eating disorders BraveHearts' mission is when the DPS officer arrived sonal struggles with outStaff Writer among college co-eds, the to help students build lives and walked over to the car, the of-control sexual behaviors. growing influence of porn of sexual integrity while driver rolled up the windows. It will also incorporate in the midst of an already encouraging healthy relaWorld-renowned speaker Allegedly, the driver then and former porn addict various music, movies, and sexually charged campus tionships free from sexual backed the car up and drove Michael Leahy will bring advertising while looking culture is taking a very real compulsion and addiction, it towards the DPS officer, his critically acclaimed preat the impact living in a toll on students' lives." the release said. swerving at the last moment to sentation "Porn Nation: The hypersexual culture is havThe program is far more Leahy said he was first avoid hitting him, and left the Naked Truth" to UCO on ing on today's college stuthan just an expose about exposed to pornography at parking lot, and not through Monday, Feb. 25, at 7 p.m. dent according to a press the sex industry. The prothe age of 11. He feels the conventional means. While release from Leahy. gram will also integrate media is providing the 12 The 90-minute multimeJohnson is unsure, he believes dia based presentation will "Porn is now the norm Leahy's story as a recovto 25-year-old demographic the suspect ran over the curb take place inside the Nigh in our culture, and no one ering sex addict providing with copious amounts of to escape from DPS officers. understands that better than credible insight into our pornographic messages and University center ballrooms DPS officers began to fol- located on the third floor today's college students," "sex-saturated society." imagery. low, but contacted Edmond with a question and answer Leahy said. "From the rapid Leahy is an author, "All of us are sexual police to pursue the suspects. session to follow. rise of cyber porn addiction speaker and the Executive creatures and this is what Edmond police chased the car among male and female Director of BraveHearts happens when you are The presentation will feauntil it crashed into a wooden ture captivating video clips college students to its role LLC, an Atlanta-based immersed in this kind of in influencing the high inciorganization he founded in and interviews with differdence of rapes and preva2001. see CHASE, page 3 ent experts and everyday see PORN, page 5

The UCO Wellness Center is offering two self-defense classes taught by Johnny Watley, one of the campus' personal trainers. The program has been taught before, but the need for self-defense is still prevalent. The next available class will be taught on April 16 and will be held in the Wellness Center's group fitness room. "The class is part of our healthy campus initiative and matches the philosophy of the university to have a protected site," said Watley. Watley, who has taught martial arts for 25 years and has a fifth Degree Black Belt in Tai Kwon Do, will accept up to 55 students. Watley's main goals for the class are to educate the students on being aware of their surroundings and to teach basic, yet effective, defense moves to get away from an attacker. "The practice drills are gender generic so either sex can apply the techniques," Watley said. The students will first learn how to defend themselves from a front-choke and an attack from behind. Other techniques that will be taught include moves that the victim can use while on the ground and when the attacker is trying to pull the victim away. "It will be a fun class and have a relaxed environment, but it's all about application; we're not going to talk, we're going to do," said Watley. Students are also anticipating the class and hoping to gain experience. Andrea Haken,

see WATLEY, page 5

Student survives 23-page application, earns spot in Peace Corps by Jana Davis Staff Writer

UCO senior Jeff Glenn was accepted to the Peace Corps in January as a Primary Teacher Training Volunteer in Mongolia. Glenn, general studies major with a minor in English, said he knew he wanted to apply for the Peace Corp after watching a documentary on China his first year of college. "I'm really excited about going to Mongolia. I'm just counting the days until May," he said. Glenn leaves on May 31 and will be gone for 27 months. A Primary Teacher Training Volunteer means he will be showing people how to be teachers. The teachersin-training will be watching Glenn on his methodologies

Mon. through Thurs. at 5 p.m.

and mentoring skills. Glenn will also be doing HIV/AIDS awareness training and teaching English as a second language. Glenn applied May 2007 and has since then gone through an extensive application process. To begin, he

"I look forward to the opportunity to use my knowledge, experiences and skills to help people on the other side of the world" Jeff Glenn

filled out a 23-page application online. Next, he was called for an interview and drove to Dallas where the interviewer

told him he would be a good match for the Peace Corp. The longest part of the application process, Glenn said, was the medical examinations. "I didn't know where I was going until January," Glenn said. The Peace Corp will be paying Glenn according to what he would make as a professional in his own state. On May 31, 2008, he will be leaving for orientation, which will be located in the U.S. On June 3, he will fly to Mongolia to do pre-service training for 3 months. There Photo by Vista photographer Alex Gambill he will learn culture, language and specifics on what he will Senior Jeff Glenn was accepted to the Peace Corps be doing. Mongolia is located in January to serve as a Primary Teacher Training between Russia and China. Volunteer in Mongolia. The language is Mongolian and Glenn is most nervous about learning the new Ian- Glenn said his family has sion to join the Peace Corp. guage. been supportive of his deci- He will get to use phone

"Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color. Choosing your sock by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable." -Anon

cards, but his main source of communication will be over the Internet. "One part that will be different is coming back and noticing how much we over-indulge," Glenn said. Returning from his trip, he hopes to come back with a new appreciation of his life and what he has. "I have been blessed to be able to get an education and I want to give that to someone else," Glenn said. "I look forward to the opportunity to use my knowledge, experiences and skills to help people on the other side of the world. I have wanted to spend time teaching overseas since my first year in college; I am very excited that the Peace Corp is giving me the opportunity to fulfill one of my goals in life."

Columns PAGE 7


February 21, 2008


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Cartoon by Jared Aylor

CAMPUS QUOTES: Thoughts from the East ern Block Compiled and photographed by Brenda O'Brian

"What is the best advice you've received?" "Don't settle for anything less than God's best."

Leah Brown Junior, Early Elementary Education

"My mom told me to stay in school."

Jae Jeter Senior, Kinesiology

"Pretty is as pretty does."

Natalie Taliaferro Sophomore, Biology

"Be yourself."

by No Lupov Kosovo is not a real country. February 18, 2008 will stand in history as one of the many dates when someone else tried to control the destiny of the Balkans. Independent Kosovo is now a fact The question ; coattoversia .4110: NJSOIuteiy. pap for "ey,4440:ifj.h. conflict. What most people speculate with is the history and its influence on the current 'situation. Kosovo was under Serbian political, cultuszal, and religious jurisdiction since the Ottomans started knocking on the European door in 1300's. Most of the turmoil that ripped the Balkan ,,,Peninsula was due to the controversial involvement of foreign powers. Are we going to allow this one more time? Serbian people are one of the biggest patriots known to mankind- very proud with their history. It is a well-known fact that the ethnic differences in the region are based not upon religious but clearly historical reasons of intolerance hate. Lets not forget that most of the Muslim population in the Balkans is ethnic Slays who were forcefully converted. Neighboring countries fear the spill of possible violence to their territories. Tito, former Yugoslavian dictator, decided to move Albanian families to regions well known to be filled with Serbs so he can achieve bigger diversity leading to a weaker Serbia and stronger Yugoslavia. It all backfire on him and mainly on the people

AP Photo

Kosovars celebrate the proclamation of Independence in Kosovo's capital Pristina on Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008. Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leadership called a special session of parliament Sunday to declare independence a bold and historic bid for statehood in defiance of Serbia and Russia. living after him. Macedonia had a recent conflict with its own Albanian minority. Under fear of international involvement and "actions against humanity," the Macedonian Army stood helpless in front of the violence. The local Albanian minority clearly declared its desire to separate western Macedonia and join the borders of Albania. For Kosovo it is easier to announce independence and later join Albania. It sounds unpractical, but there are clear facts that the Albanian government has sponsored the gorilla effort of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Independent

THE VISTA Justin Wilcox , Junior, Biology

Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5548 •

"Just keep swimming." EDITORIAL


Andrew Knittle, Editor in Chief No Lupov, Managing Editor Alex Gambill, Copy Editor

Chris Albers, Photo Editor Brenda O'Brian

ADVERTISING Chelsea Womble Junior, Graphic Design

"Always get your point across is something my mom always said."

NEWS Justin Langston, Senior Staff Writer Nelson Solomon, Staff Writer Jana Davis, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo, Staff Writer Jordan Richison, Staff Writer Carrie Cronk, Staff Writer Megan Lee, Staff Writer Laura Hoffert, Staff Writer

Keith Mooney, Ad Director Garrett Johnson





Jeff Massie

ADVISER Julie Clanton

Jordan Leland Sophomore, Undecided

DESIGN Steven Reckinger

Kosovo is not going to bring peace to the table. Serbia will not forget. The Serbian government already condemned the international community for their support. Serbian officials also refused to cooperate with EU for further political integration. Demonstrations and street violence already control Belgrade. The simple answer to the problem was to announce autonomy of the region with strong central government in the boundaries of Serbia. Many regions in the world with questionable authority will now have another case to back their separatist movements. Spain is clearly The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters

against independent Kosovo due to their problem with the Basks. Greece and Romania refused officially to voice their opinion. The stability of the region does not depend solely on Kosovo's future. If Serbia does not have a clear integration in EU, it will continue to shake the Balkans. The Georgian province Abkhasia is going to address the Russian government to accept their independence from Georgia. The case is strong and requires further discussions. I do not want to see more wars on the Balkans.

to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ .

February 21, 2008


'Pure Imagination' BCM to hold prise event today starts today at Lab r;:

by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

worked on over the years include the 1967 film "Dr. Dolittle" and the title song to the 1964 James Bond film UCO's School of "Goldfinger." Music will present "Pure Besides writing music Imagination: The Music of Anthony Newley and Leslie together, Newley and Bricusse Bricusse," at 8 p.m., Feb. 21- have also written several hit songs over the years inde23 at the UCO Jazz Lab. pendently. Songs written by Tickets for "Pure either Bricusse or Newley, Imagination" are $12 for adults. Reservations are or both include "Once in a Lifetime," "Gonna Build a strongly recommended. Newley and Bricusse are Mountain," "If I Ruled the two of the most well known World," "Feeling Good," and cinematic composers having "When I Look in Your Eyes," composed scores for numer- as well as many others. Newley was one of enterous movies over the years. Their most notable movie tainment's genuine triple score is from the 1971 hit treats: an actor, singer and movie "Willie Wonka and the composer. As a singer/songChocolate Factory." The title writer, he won the 1963 song "Pure Imagination" is Grammy Award for Song of one of the standout songs of the Year for "What Kind of Fool Am I." Newley's vocal the film. "Candy Man" and "Oompa style has been recognized as Loompa" are two of the most a major influence on the early popular songs they wrote for David Bowie. Bricusse has had a long the movie. In 1972, "Candy Man" hit number one on the career as well. When she Billboard Top 100 chart after wasn't working with Newly, former Rat Pack member she was working on songs for Sammy Davis, Jr. covered a several other films. "Home Alone," "Hook," and "Harry pop version of the song. Greg White, UCO music Potter and the Sorcerer's theater director, said Newley Stone" are just some of the & Bricusse may not be well movies she has worked on. She has been nominated known, but their music cerfor nine Academy Awards, tainly is. "Individuals may claim six Grammy Awards and four they have never heard of Tony Awards throughout her the duo, but once you men- 40-year career. In 1987, Bricusse and tion to them that Newley and Briscusse wrote the film Newley were inducted into the scores for 'Willy Wonka,' and Songwriters Hall of Fame. For more information and/ `Dr. Doolittle' you see their or reservations, call (405) 359faces light up," White said. 7989. For a complete schedHe added their songs are ule of CAMD performances, the type that can easily get stuck in your head. White said visit . humming their tunes becomes almost an addiction. Other notable movies Newley and Bricusse have by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

The Baptist Collegiate Ministries will hold their big praise and worship event "Surge" on Thursday Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. inside the Nigh University Center ball room located on the third floor. "Surge is designed as a big praise and worship event with a time for sharing," said BCM discipleship ministry team leader Josh Greer. One of the BCM's more popular events is 7:59 service every Thursday. This is a weekly event held at the BCM that is set up more like a church service. Greer said that Surge would have a different feel than 7:59. "Surge will have a laid back atmosphere that will feel more like an event than a church service," Greer said. Greer said their will be a praise and worship band their along with several student testimonies. He said Surge will have one Greek member and two BCM students speaking. They'll be talking about their different situations on campus as well as expressing their own personal testimonies. BCM student president Jordan Smith said they want surge to be an opportunity for

by Vista photographer Brenda O'Brian

Members of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry have lunch during Noonday on Wednesday, Feb. 20. The BCM will hold Surge today at 8 p.m. in the Nigh University Center Ballroom a group of students to come together to worship God as one. "We want everyone who attends to leave having encountered God in some way," Smith said. Greer said they want students to have a good time and enjoy being there. He said there would be door prizes and gift cards to various local restaurants will given away throughout the night. "We want people to come in expecting to have a good time, but in the process be

able to feel the love of god," Greer said. Smith said unlike last semester, this is the only "Surge" the BCM is planrring this semester. She said they are holding several of their usual events throughout the semester like 7:59 and Noonday. Smith said Noonday is a weekly event where churches from around the community come in and provide students a free lunch. The service lasts about 45 minutes and includes music and a student

speaker. She said it is held every Wednesday at noon and is open to all UCO students and faculty. The BCM house is located on 2nd and University just south of the Mitchell Hall Theater. It is open throughout the week for students wanting to talk to staff members, use the prayer room or hang out in the game room. For more information about Surge visit or contact the BCM at 405 341-1232 or

nor has the DPS agreed to comment on this matter. Jeffrey Harp, director of the Department of Public Safety from page 1 has also been unavailable for comment this week. By a utility pole. According to quarter to 8 a.m. on Tuesday Johnson, the car was so badly morning, no arrests had been damaged that at least one man made. According to Johnson, had to be pried from the car. the UCO DPS is still talkBoth men were then taken to ing to the Oklahoma District Attorney's office concerning the OU Medical Center. As 'of press tinier the UCO' " jpptential charges. Department of Public Safety has released no police report,


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February 21, 2008

President Bush continues African trek, stops in Ghana by AP Writer ACCRA, Ghana (AP) President Bush said We dnesday that talk of the United States building new military bases in Africa to expand its influence is "baloney." The Defense Department created Africa Command last October to consolidate operations that had been split among three other regional commands, none of which had Africa as a primary focus. Several African countries, including Libya, Nigeria and South Africa, have expressed deep reservations, fearing the plan signals an unwanted expansion of American power on the continent or is a cover for protecting Africa's vast oil resources on the United States' behalf. Ghana's President, John Kufuor, raised the issue with Bush during their meetings at Osu Castle, a centuriesold building that was once a hub of slave-trading and now is the seat of government. "You're not going to build any bases," he told Bush — according to Bush. "I know there's rumors in Ghana 'All Bush is coming to do is try to convince you to put a big military base here,' Bush said at a news conference with Kufuor. "That's baloney. As they say in Texas, that's bull." Instead, he said the new command — unique to the Pentagon's structure — was aimed at more effectively reorganizing U.S. military efforts in Africa to strengthen African nations' peacekeeping, trafficking,and anti-terror efforts.

"The whole purpose of Africom is to help African leaders deal with African problems," Bush said. . Bush sought to dispel the notion about militarization of Africa even before giving reporters a chance to ask him about it. Kufuour said he was satisfied with Bush's explanation, and thanked him for announcing it "so that the relationship between us and the United States will grow stronger." For now, the administration has decided to continue operating Africom out of existing U.S. bases on the continent with a headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. Warwrecked Liberia is the only African nation that has publicly offered to host a headquarters. Bush said before the trip that "if' a headquarters for Africom is ever established on the continent, he would "seriously consider" Liberia as the host. Sweat was pouring off Bush's face during the news conference, set outdoors in Ghana's equatorial heat. Both leaders were in good sprits, showing off their camaraderie and signing the cast of a U.S. reporter who broke her hand during the trip. Neither leader offered public complaint about China's rising influence in Africa. With near $100-a-barrel oil, and one-fifth of America's oil coming just from Nigeria, the issue is on U.S. officials' radar. But Bush and Kufuor took care not to be openly critical of China, which has gained favor in Africa by significantly increasing its investment in transportation and communications and other infrastructure while such funding has generally

AP Photo

U.S. President George W. Bush, left, speaks at a joint news conference with Ghana's President John Kufuor at Osu Castle in Accra, Ghana, Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008. declined from the West. "I don't view Africa as zero-sum for China and the United States," Bush said. "We can pursue agendas without creating an inherent sense of competition." Kufuor said China is "coming not as a colonial power as far as we can see. It's coming as a guest on our terms." Before the trip, U.S. officials offered veiled criticism of China, suggesting it looked at Africa as solely a commercial opportunity while the U.S. is interested in helping the continent's people. "Too many nations continue to follow either the paternalistic notion that treats African countries as charity

cases, or a model of exploitation that seeks only to buy up their resources," Bush said in a pre-trip speech. Bush also announced an effort to combat neglected tropical diseases, with $350 million to be made available over five years to target seven major diseases: elephantiasis, snail fever, eye 'infections, river blindness, hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm. The initiative aims to help more than 300 million people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The White House said it amounts to nearly five times the spending in the current year. About one billion people suffer from one or more of the

neglected tropical diseases. Ghana is the kind of story Bush likes to promote: a stable democracy that has largely avoided ethnic clashes and played a busy peacekeeping role on the continent. Ghana also has boosted its agriculture-based, resource-rich economy and cut its still-persistent poverty. Kufuor is an Oxford-educated leader who came into power about the same time Bush did and is given credit here for economic reforms, open government and regional leadership. Ghana, working through the United Nations, has sent peacekeepers to Lebanon, Afghanistan, Rwanda; Pakistan and the

Balkans. Ghana received more than $55 million in development aid from the United States in 2007. It won approval in 2006 for a five-year, $547 million aid package aimed at expanding markets for its crops. Several thousand children in their school uniforms lined the humid, sweltering streets of coastal Accra to welcome Bush, waving tiny Ghanian flags. Bush also has visited Benin, Tanzania and Rwanda. He will return to Washington on Thursday after stopping in Liberia.


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February 21, 2008

'Don't Dress' is worth getting dressed up to go see by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer Sometimes it's the absurdity of the situation, or perhaps it comes from the unrelenting hilarity, but a farce, always seems to resonate quite well with the audience. This is expressly true for "Don't Dress for Dinner," written by Marc Camoletti with this version adapted by Robin Hawdon with stage direction by Donna Dickson, is a well crafted, if somewhat needlessly confusing, romantic comedy put on over . the weekend by the UCO College of Performing Arts.

her, she decides to stay, so she can continue her own affair. To save himself and his marriage, Bernard tries to convince Robert to pretend that Suzanne is his mistress, which puts him in a bad position with Jacqueline. This is complicated when the cook from the catering service serving the party, named Suzette, also Suzie for short, and Robert confuses Suzette for Suzanne. From there, things get more twisted and crazy as the play progresses. The production of the play was quite impressive. All of the actors did excellent jobs with their characters.

For instance, the introduction of Suzette's husband George (which was played brilliantly by Stephen Goodman) seems to come out of nowhere. None of Suzette's lines or actions indicates she's married until she mentions it near the end of the play. Another problem is the issue of repeated jokes, as a few of the funny bits are repeated, nearly verbatim, by a different character in a slightly different explanation of the same situation later in the play. The gag is funny the second time, but less so. In one occasion, it just seems

"Don't Dressfor Dinner" was a quirky play with some flaws that was marvelously executed by the cast. "Don't Dress for Dinner" is a story about a French married couple, Bernard and Jacqueline, who are carrying on affairs behind each other's backs. Bernard is seeing Suzanne, Suzie for short, a model and actress from Paris, while Jacqueline is seeing Robert, Bernard's best friend. On the occasion of Suzanne's birthday, which matches up with the weekend Jacqueline will be out of town to visit her mother, Bernard plans to have his mistress over for a weekend romp. When Robert, who Bernard later invited to act as an alibi, calls the house and reveals to Jacqueline that he'll be coming over, which was previously unknown to

However, Alicia Adams did a particularly superior job as the continually confused and somewhat mercenary cook Suzette. She stole the show, and in some cases literally, as the character seemed to have no issues with taking the little trinkets from Bernard and Jacqueline's home. The character was delightfully zany and had a certain 50's sitcom element to her that Adams captured perfectly. The script is fairly decent. It's funny, with the laughs continuing until the very final scene. However, the script seems to try a little too hard for laughs sometimes, and introduces plot points that, while funny, only serves to artificially complicate things.

like a lazy retread. Still, the production was quite good. The actors did extremely well with their parts, making them quite believable, and they had enough comic timing to make even some of the more tired jokes funny. The only issue with the production was the introduction music in the first scene was a bit loud, and drowned out some of the opening lines. Fortunately, this was fixed rather quickly. "Don't Dress for Dinner" was a quirky play with some flaws that was marvelously executed by the cast. Photo Services

"Don't Dress for Dinner" is a story about a French married couple, Bernard and Jacqueline, who are carrying on affairs behind each other's backs.


it much easier for people to view pornography at work. The pornography industry is one of the world's

PORN from page 1 exposure," Leahy said. His message has been featured and discussed on popular news and talk shows like ABC's "20/20" and "The View," as well as local NBC, CBS, CNN and Fox News affiliates while touring college campuses across the U.S. and Canada. Most recently, Leahy was featured in USA Today talking about how the advances in mobile technology and wireless devices are making

while Hollywood produces between 400-500 films in the same span. According to the Web site, the U.S. pornography industry `All us are sexual is one of the world's bigbusinesses. It grossed creatures and this is gest a combine $26 billion in what happens when 2005 and 2006, Exceeding combined revenues of you areimmersedin this the ABC, CBS, and NBC during the same period. kind of exposure." While hearing the pre. sentation students are chalMichael Leahy lenged to consider the "bigger questions" about porn that nobody's asking: highest grossing indus"How is my exposure to tries. Leahy said the porn porn and our hypersexual industry releases roughly media affecting me and my 11,000 new titles a year relationships?"


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WATLEY from page 1

who enrolled in the April session, said, "I've always wanted to take a self-defense class, it's a good knowledge to have, and it's free." Through this opportunity, students will be educated on not only how to defend themselves, but how to do this in the most effective way possible. "I'm hoping I don't have to use this, but it's good to know. It's better to be safe and not need it than need it and not know how to protect yourself," said Haken. The class is free to all UCO students, faculty, staff and administrators. The general public can also take the class, for a $15 fee. Registration can be done online or by calling the Wellness Center at (405) 974-3155.



February 21, 2008


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DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $6/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for info.

Services EDMOND LANGUAGE INSTITUTE Conveniently located on the UCO campus, offers English as a second language classes for intern. students/individuals. NOW FEATURING a specially designed program with: Strong emphasis in listening and speaking Highly inter. classes, Comprehensive TOEFL program. Enjoy small classes and the campus facilities. Contact us @ (405) 341-2125 or www.thelanguagecompany.

TUXEDO JUNCTION Quail Springs Mall needs outgoing PT associates for prom and wedding seasons. Will train if you have some work experience. Call Matt Roberts, 7511745.

Come join our team! MUST LOVE KIDS Looking for responsible, nonsmoking young lady, able to drive every other week. M-F 2:15-6:15. Some weekends & overnights. Please call 412-7595.


INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS! Need to pass the TOEFL, an 1-20 for a friend, or a 12 week cert.? English Language Center can help you! Call (405)3487602, visit our web site www. , or come meet us in person at 1015-C Waterwood Parkway, next to the UCO University Plaza on 2nd Street.

JJ KELLY BRIDAL Part-time, must work Saturdays. Fashion merchandising internships available. 405-752-0029.

FT AND PT POSITIONS Available at Camp Bow-wow Edmond. Will work around school schedule. Must love dogs and cleaning! Apply online at or in person at 801 Centennial Blvd., Edmond, OK., 73013.

IN-STORE SEAMSTRESS NEEDED Full or part-time. JJ Kelly Bridal Call for interview. 405-752-0029. INTERN NEEDED Established insurance agency seeking intern to work late afternoons & evenings. Please call Martha at 341-4584 ext. 118.


SERVER POSITION Available @ Pearl's Lakeside. Apply within. 748-6113.

SHOGUN'S STEAK HOUSE Hiring for wait staff, bussers, dish washers, host, bartender. Apply in person at Northpark Mall (NW 122nd & N. May) after 5:30pm. 749-0120.

HELP WANTED: HANDY STUDENT Property maintenance. Near UCO. Afternoons 1-5 during semester break. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy. 641-0712.

TEACHER Needed immediately for Edmond Daycare. FT/PT. Experience preferred, competitive wages. Apply in person @ 24 NW 146th. Call Camelot C.D.0 @ 749-2262

EXPERIENCED SERVERS Needed at Al's Cafe and Grill. Danforth & Kelly. GREAT hours! 216-9580.

UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Earn up to $150 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail establishments. Experience not required. Call 800-722-4791.

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SENIOR SERVICES OF OKLA Is looking for students to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1 pm and 1:30 pm - 5:30pm shifts are available for MonFri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Hannah McMahan.

Rentals/Housing NEW DUPLEXES FOR LEASE 2BD., 2BATH, 2 CAR GARAGE, 1120 SQ. FT. Includes fireplace, range, dishwashers, water and sewer paid. $850 per month. Located in Sterling Pointe on Thatcher. Just west of UCO and Downtown. Call Frank today, 818-4017, for showing and lease application. NEW DUPLEX 2bd, 2ba, w/d hookup, garage. NO PETS! Excellent location, 1blk from UCO. 417 N. Blackwelder, $700.00/mo., plus deposit. 641-0712. ONE BEDROOM APT. Gas and water paid. No Pets! Located near UCO. 1209 N. Roosevelt. $360.00/MO. Plus deposit. 641-0712 DILLON PARK APARTMENTS Now pre-leasing for Summer & Fall. Free cable T.V., phone & high-speed internet. Call 285-5900 COLLEGE DISCOUNTS AVAIL. Spacious 1 & 2 bed units priced from $450.00-600.00. Limited availability. Call today to reserve your new home. (405) 341-8911. ONE BEDROOM APT. Half a block from campus. Prefer women only. $375/per month. All bills paid. Please call 823-1356.

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MUST LOVE DOGS! Professional couple near Edmond seeks Part-time House Manager/Dog Sitter to care for family's home and dogs. Duties include exercising dogs, running errands, and general housekeeping. Must be dependable, organized, and honest with references. Flexible weekday afternoon hours (approx. 20 hours/week). Great for college student. Occasional overnights/weekends required. Salary position - avail. immediately. Please fax resumes to 405-285-7597 or e-mail to















4 21


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Directions: Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-


by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Previous Solutions: 1






4 9 3

3 3 9


2 8 7


3 E










3 8 4








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4 9 8





5 4




9 3


6 1













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1. Women's long formal dress. 5. Acronym for Integrated Delivery System. 8. Various types of dark, bitter beer. 12.Among other things. 13. Zodiacal sign between Pisces and Taurus. 15. Poundto small pieces. 16. Light, clear metallic sound as of a small bell. 17. Abraham's first resting place after entering the land of Canaan. 18. Developing insect inside a cocoon. 19. Fulfilling the grammatical role of one of its constituents. 22. Athletic facility. 23. Distant but within sight. 24. Actor Tim _. 26. Actress _ Peet. 29. Various terrestrial orchids with spikelike flowers. 31. Actress _ Green. 32. Creator of Popeye. 34. Film producer _ Milchan 36. Banjo player _ Fleck. 38. Prevent the occurrence of. 40. Deficient in beauty. 41. Cause to come into a particular state. 43. Relation between two similar magnitudes with respect to the number of times the first contains the second. 45. Singer _ Rawls. 46. Disrespectful laughs. 48. Government representatives sent on a special diplomatic mission. 50. Chew on with the teeth. 51. Volatile flammable mixture from








petroleum. 52. Jazz composer _ Sturm. 54. Discharged from military service. 61. Area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up. 63. Atomic number 86. 64. Republic consisting of 26 of 32 counties comprising the island of Ireland. 65. Humble request for help. 66. Point making up the head of a fork. 67. Tony _, Frank Sinatra character. 68. Resident of Serbia. 69. Make an effort. 70. Colloquial term for a brief period of extreme weather setting in suddenly. Down

I. Air terminal passageway where passengers embark and disembark. 2. Pro golfer _ Browne. 3. Exaggerated talk. 4. City in southern Honshu. 5. Extremely robust. 6. Disgraceful gossip. 7. Person with unusual powers of foresight. 8. Electronic space rock band formed in London by Richard.F.Walker. 9. With laughter. 10. Catch sight of. 11. Something not what it seems to be. 13. Modified for the better. 14. Bake eggs in their shells until set. 20. Swindles. 21. _ River in eastern Ecuador.

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25. nformal, simplified spelling of "through. 26. Affirm positively. 27. Pretend illness in order to avoid work. 28. General term for districts which have some definite limits and belong to some political society. 29. Speak in a formal, often pompous manner. 30. Activities performed without assistance. 31. Gradual decline in strength. 33. Fabric woven from goat and camel hair. 35. Acronym for New York University. 37. Another time. 39. Having a tendency to reverberate. 42. 100th of a right angle. 44. Broadly elliptical. 47. Someone regarded as contemptible. 49. Several willows with long rodlike twigs used in basketry. 52. Graft new feathers onto the wing of a falcon to repair damage. 53. Cabbage like plant with curled leaves. 55. Archaic for "a fair." 56. Disagreeable smell. 57. Skinny. 58. Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at the eastern end of the Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine. 59. American soul singer _ Vernice Franklin. 60. Situation beyond the range of one's capability. 62. Far down from the top or surface.

a a





February 21, 2008




ABHX ELI P140800

It's Valentine's Day. Fm driving through the afternoon traffic, listening to the news. A story about a shooting in Northern Illinois University jolts me from my reverie before I sink back into it and drive on to UCO. It's evening. I receive a call from a friend, but I'm in class so I switch off my phone. The class is over, the friend calls again, but I'm driving home. The phone keeps ringing, I ignore it. I'm home. The voice message alert starts ringing. I hesitate because I'm tired, but he's called a few times - so it must be important. "Did you hear the news?" he says. Then it all comes crashing into place. "Oh my goodness ! Are you ok? I didn't realize you were in the same university!" He starts telling me about what happened, how he was on the bus going home when warnings were sent out through campus alert to the drivers. How he bought four McChickens but has no appetite. How maybe the ones who .

were in the auditorium had plans for the weekend, too. How some of them would never go home again. "I'm alive, there's new meaning to being alive," he says. His family in Nepal heard about the shootout on CNN. I try to put myself in their shoes and am suddenly overcome with despair and latent panic. Distance amplifies alarm. What must it be like to find out on the news that the school you sent your son to study in was a site for a shootout? What must it be like to sit at your breakfast table, open your newspaper over coffee to read the headlines that scream about a number of deaths? Except this time it could be the number of the child you raised. "I would give anything to be home right now," he says. Some weeks ago, an incoming freshman stayed at my place. We were talking about general things, sharing snippets of our lives, when she told me that her high school exam center was the

AP Photo

An apparent shootirig victim is treated for injuries on the Northern Illinois University campus Thursday afternoon Feb. 14, 2008. Illinois lawmakers moved swiftly after last year's massacre at Virginia Tech to make it more difficult for anyone with a history of mental illness to buy guns, fortifying what already were some of the toughest weapons laws in the nation.

one that was bombed two years ago. I remember reading about it, wondering about the children who were paralyzed with fear, and then going on with whatever chore that awaited me. "It's strange how the world can go on," he says, shortly before we hang up. I agree and wonder at my initial indifference. When the numbers and stories on the news become

names and lives of people, it affects you strongly. How did we get so thick-skinned? Did we create this layer of indifference in order to protect ourselves from the barrage of information that's thrown at us everyday? I'm reading a story by Arundhati Roy, author of "God of Small Things" and "The End of Imagination." In the story she told her friend:

ANDROIDTAINMENT same way society does comic books, because, much like comic books, video games try to do things they do not (specifically, they try imitate

that games like "Shadow of the Colossus" and comics like "Watchmen" do have literary and cultural significance, and that both forms of art can

but simple things designed to appeal to young men. Of course, Gaynor did not mention that "Watchmen" has been recognized in literary

On one hand, it's difficult to say that video games

JUST] LANGSTON On Monday, I read a wager made by Steve Gaynor, a level designer for games like FEAR, about whether or not video games will ever achieve the level of art that literature and movies do. His argument was that society would continue to infantilize video games in the

"The only dream worth having is to dream that you will live while you're alive and die only when you are dead." Her friend asked her what she meant and Roy wrote on a napkin: "To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and vulgar disparity of life

around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget." How did we simplify such complicated things?

mind, that time frame would includ4 Hemmingway . and Fitzgerild: It's difficult to tell if Gaynor is correct with his little wager. On one hand, it's difficult to say that video games and comics will ever reach the literary level of novies since a quick look

the medium was unable to evolve fot nearly 50 years, and thanks to the widespread popularity of Japanese comics in America, the medium looks like it can actually expand beyond the boundaries of superheroes and swords and sorcery serials. Video games are still fairly new, barely 30 years old. Only recently, as of the past decade or so, video games really moved beyond what they were initially, simple diversions for people. New games are much more immersive and developers have begun to use the medium for very unique forms of storytelling. For instance it would be very difficult to emulate the storytelling of "Assassin's Creed," in a book. Games like "Knights of the Old Republic" and "Mass Effect," while still in the experimental stage, prove that games are the perfect venue for "choose your own adventure" style stories, and these stories can be used to explore multiple narrative styling and viewpoints, something books and movies have difficulty doing. Can society accept video games and comic books as legitimate forms of art? Currently, that's something that is still up in the air. However, it's difficult to deny that both art forms have merit, and society has already begun to recognize some of them for that merit. Neither art form will probably ever truly escape the pull of male adolescent power fantasies, but movies are respected, and wasn't there a "Die Hard" movie that came out over the summer?


comics will ever reach the literary level of movies, since a quick look through the local comic book store or Game Stop reveals a bunch of impossibly proportioned men and women beating the crap out of each other or monsters. movies) and further, video games, much like comic books, cultivate male adolescent power fantasies to sell their product. While Gaynor recognized


be just as relevant as any other art form, he was adamant in his belief that society would never accept the medium because of the art form's majority were nothing

circles for its literary prowess, as the comic is the only comic to win a Hugo award and was on Time Magazine's Top 100 English-language books from 1923 to the present. Keep in


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through the local comic book store or Game Stop reveals a bunch of impossibly proportioned men and women beating the crap out of each other or monsters. Of course, a quick trip to Barnes and Noble reveals much of the same thing when traversing the fiction section. Maybe there are fewer idealistic people fighting one another, but there certainly is a lot of mediocre works of fiction out there, much like with comics and video games, it seems to vastly outnumber the cream of the crop. There are some things to consider about both mediums that have been left, mostly unsaid. It should be noted that part of the problem comic books have come from the fact that, thanks to the Authority Comics Code,

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Justin Langston is a:journalism major and the Senior Stag Writer at The Vista In his spare time, ustin consumes enough pop culture be it video games; music graphic novels, cartoons or movies — that he sometimes needs an outlet to give his life some purpose. Wi? hopeyou enjoyed this week's Androidtainment and encourage hi sfans to send comments to The Vista at ucouista@hotmail. corn. -


February 21, 2008


Photo by Alex Gambill

Junior Chance Gerloff catches the ball and attempts to tag an Emporia State runner Tuesday, Feb. 19 at Broncho Field. Undefeated UCO, currently ranked in the top 10 nationally, won its ninth game 19-5.

Sure dunk contests and star-studded events are fun, but in the NBA, the real excitement comes during the season, not during a weekend abscense of defense. If you want to get technical, the All-Star game is slightly after the midpoint of the season, but most people recognize it as the halfway point. Like most people expected, the Celtics are pretty good and their two blockbuster moves paid off. Even with Kevin Gamett missing games recently the team hasn't faltered. It's easy to forecast stars will play well, but the play of Rajon Rondo has allowed the players to flourish because of his solid

play at the point. I said at the beginning of the season that three teams will compete for the East — Boston, Detroit and Chicago. Well two out of three isn't bad. The Bulls have been corralled, and as it turns out, are one of the worst teams in the league. I guess even the experts can't get it all right. The West is the usual suspects competing for only eight coveted playoff spots. The conference on the right side of the country can't seem to get away their postseason berths. If the season ended tomorrow three teams with losing records would make the playoffs. Golden State,

with a record of 32-21 would not make the knockout rounds in the better conference. With so much disparity, maybe it's better to divide the league by North and South. At a time like this, it sure would be nice to have a different system for determining who plays for championships. Something kind of like a BCS format would work; the only thing missing is rankings. Being the civil servant that I am, I will provide some, and even lend my name to them. Behold the Mass Index with the top-eight teams making the cut. No. 1 — Los Angeles Lakers: This team was the wildcard going in, but Kobe

is still one of the best players in the world, and with new teammate Pau Gasol they're even more potent. No. 2 — Boston Celtics: All the bandwagoners are hopping on this train at an alarming rate, but with the best record in the league, it's hard to argue. No. 3 — New Orleans Hornets: Consistently one of the worst teams in the league, and after moving back to misfortuned New Orleans this team had the odds stacked against them. They've responded with the best record in the West through the All-Star break and Chris Paul is playing like a legitimate MVP candidate. No. 4 — Utah Jazz: The team from Salt Lake City is often forgotten, but it's hard to argue against such a great roster, especially point guard Deron Williams. No. 5 — Detroit Pistons: You could make an argument they belong higher, but their record has benefited form playing so many weak East teams. No. 6 — San Antonio Spurs: They've been banged up most of the season, but their brand of boring basketball has proven to be king come playoff time.

No. 7 — Phoenix Suns: The Shag trade is kind of a stumper but they have the second best record in the West. No. 8 — Houston Rockets: Their record since New Years

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is 18-4. With the exception of a fluke loss to Philadelphia, they've only fallen to Boston, Utah and New Orleans, all rated higher in the index.


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