The Vista Feb. 26, 2009

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www.thevistaonline.corn Hear NFL player and stroke survivor Tedy Bruschi present "Stroke of Courage: Surviving a Setback" at 6:30 p.m. tonight in Hamilton Fieldhouse.

Feb. 26, 2009

Soldier's legacy lives on through art A fallen patriot lived with his "war," and his family honored his battle Kory Oswald Correspon let II

Renee Wood-Vincent, the mother of a young soldier, said her son was both a contradiction and a patriot, knowing the necessity of his job but using his art as therapy for what he went through. She describes her son, Sgt. Ryan Wood, as many things: a rebel, a brother, a son, and an artist. He was also a soldier that was killed in action in Baghdad on June 21, 2007, a week and a half after being accepted to UCO. "A Salute to Ryan Wood," an exhibit featuring Wood's artwork, opens today in the Donna Nigh Gallery exhibit Hall, on the third floor of the Nigh University Center, to honor Ryan's work and memory. While serving his second tour in Iraq, Vincent said Wood was "stop-lossed," which is an extension of a service member's active duty. After the initial extension, his tour was to end on June 20, 2007, but he was given an additional three months of service. Wood died along with four other soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter, the day after he was supposed to leave Iraq, when his Bradley vehicle struck an improvised explosive device. At the end of his tour Wood was to return to Oklahoma on Dec. 1, 2007, following five years of continuous service. He planned to begin his freshman year at UCO in January 2008, where he was going to study art and political science. "He was ready, he had done his part...he was ready to come home and get started on the second chapter of his life," Vincent said. Wood started drawing at the age of three and did not stop, even through two tours of duty. Although he will never have the chance to furtherdevelop his craft at UCO, by creating The Ryan Wood Freedom Art Scholarship, his family has ensured that his legacy and memory will continue to serve others and help them receive an education from the University. "The Vincent-Wood families are inspiring in so many ways," said Lori Alspaugh, the development director for the College of Arts, Media & Design, "they are committed to each other and Ryan's legacy. Together their efforts will allow Ryan's memory to live on through the lives of UCO students pursuing the dream of a degree in the arts." Due to the combined efforts of his family, friends and other contributors the scholarship fund already exceeds $29,000 and is endowed through the UCO Foundation. Vincent said her family is always busy raising money for the scholarships, which helps other students receive see WOOD, page 5


Photo Provided

My War i@ among the artwork that will be on display when t'A Salute to Ryan Wood" open@ with a recep= tion from 4=0 p:m„ Feb: 26 in the Donna Nigh Ci@ll@ry Exhibit Hall at tiCO% Nigh Uniyer@ity Center: Wood was killed in Iraq week@ before he was to begin hi@ fre@hman year at the Uniyer@ify of Central Oklahoma: The exhibit will be on di@play through March 26: "

[1551-cor Excerpts from Ryan Wood's MySpace page

anothor portiOti i sell a friend has boon killod,„,brutally, and yot fOf s@lti h MUM§ i suppose, i still maw to march on, through all this blood, swoat and a countloss numbor of tours, I still Imago to fight anothor fight, and !Ivo another day, Photo by Matt Danner you see, the army has a way with taking a sledgehammer and smashing dreams and relationships you were sure you could cement in stone if you were there, but the truth of all of it not. not that im worried, well, not really more or less frustrated with the hand ive been dealt. 9 9

46 so I write this more or less for comin home.....lm comm home,9

Full entries on page 5

Extra money from learning center to renovate Old North Caleb McWilliams ,s'u■fp /yr,. Extra money from the construction of the newest building on campus will go towards renovating UCO's oldest building. The Center for Transformative Learning, funded by a bond issue passed in 2005, is expected to be completed with a $2 million surplus, which will go to furthering the renovation of Old North. "[The] $2 million will not complete the building but will support the construction of the annex," said Dr. William Radke, provost and executive vice-president for Academic Affairs. The building has been under renovation for several years and was originally supposed to be completed in August 2008, but "we still need approximately $6 million to

complete the actual interior," Steve Kreidler, executive vice-president for Administration and Finance, said. "As soon as it is raised we will get to work on the inside," Kreidler said. Renovations encompass a new annex, that "will include all elevators, mechanicals, ADA access, restrooms, etc.," said Kreidler. Additionally, the building will have 56 offices, several classrooms and also space for a future office of the president, Radke said. Faculty currently in cubicles in the library will also have space to relocate. Old North was first occupied in January 1893. At that time, the Territorial Normal School operated with two years of college work and a complete prepatory school in training teachers.

OSU defends animal research methods

Campus Notes

UCO named to Honor Roll for a second year The University of Central Oklahoma has been included on the President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for the second consecutive year. "UCO has a very rich tradition of service to the surrounding community. Our students, faculty, and staff are some of the most engaged people in the state of Oklahoma - whether it's day-to-day service or in response to a specific crisis, UCO can be counted on to give back to the communities that support our campus so strongly," said Josh Krawczyk, director of the UCO Volunteer & Service Learning Center (VSLC). The UCO VSLC coordinates several volunteer events throughout the year, including Poverty Awareness Week, The Big Event, Alternative Spring Break and more. For more information, contact Krawczyk at (405) 974-2621.

UCO to host speech by renowned Death Row activist The University of Central Oklahoma will host internationally known anti-death penalty activist Sister Helen Prejean at 7 p.m., March 3 in Constitution Hall in the Nigh University Center. Prejean will speak about her continuous work against the death penalty, as well as many of her other personal experiences with death row. "Sister Prejean is mesmerizing, humorous, passionate and filled with stories about how she came to counsel death row inmates, and why she has taken up the cause to halt the death penalty," said Jill Kelsey, UCO Mass Communication professor. After Prejean's lecture, there will be a book sale and signing. Combination deals Will be offered with her books "Dead Man Walking" and "The Death of Innocents" at a reduced price. For more information, call UCO Mass Communication professor Dr. Gwen Olivier at (405) 974-5583.

U.S. Marshal Co-op recruitment Tuesday, March 3 The Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Substance Abuse Studies will be having a U.S. Marshal Co-op recruitment on Mon., March 3 in the Liberal Arts building, room 211, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. To enhance the learning experience and better prepare students, paid slots are available to declared criminal justice majors that meet the following criteria: Strong academic skills as evidenced by a GPA of 3 point or higher, junior standing, with a minimum of 12 hours of criminal justice coursework, strong moral character, and an interview. Business casual attire will be required for the meeting.

AP Photo

Recording artist Usher takes part in a meeting in the Capitol Hill office of House Education and Labor Committee Chairman Rep. George Miller, D-Cailf., in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2009.

STILLWATER, Okla. (AP) — After being criticized by the wife of Oklahoma State University's billionaire benefactor T. Boone Pickens, school officials are defending animal research methods that include multiple surgeries on live animals and euthanasia. Madeline Pickens, an OSU donor and supporter of animal rescue programs, told the student newspaper, The Daily O'Collegian, last week that she requested her $5 million donation to the university's veterinary school be redirected. Pickens said she made the decision after a student at the OSU Center for Veterinary Health Sciences informed her of "barbaric" practices. An OSU spokesman, Gary Shutt, said Monday that no animal is subjected to bro-

ken bones or organ removal as part of OSU's veterinarian teaching program. "This simply is not accurate," he said. Michael Lorenz, dean of the Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, issued a statement through the OSU press office. He said the information Pickens received was incorrect. "No more than two surgeries are performed on any dog," Lorenz said in his statement. Shutt said that OSU would meet with Madeleine Pickens to discuss how the donation should be redirected. Pickens said she went public with her concerns after realizing that her suggestions for allocating her donation were not being heeded. "OSU is a very mar-

velous school with a new leadership, but some of the responses to my suggestions for reaching out to the community were pathetic," she said. Animals used at the 28 veterinary colleges nationwide come from a variety of sources, said Mike Chaddock, deputy director of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges. Professors must balance education with animal welfare, Chaddock said. Many teachers will use diagrams, cadavers or models if possible, but sometimes working with a living animal is the only way to train students. "I would equate it to human procedures," he said. "There are some procedures we'd hope our doctor learned to do on a real patient."

Digital printmaking generates student buzz Rhiannon Winkelman StaJJiVriter

With the Transformative Learning Center's construction in progress, UCO is broadcasting its readiness to give learning a new form, and in one class, the transformation is already underway. Faculty member Narciso Arguelles calls his course "printmaking, with a modern twist." In fact, the twist is what keeps the students in the Art and Design building buzzing about

digital printmaking. Some of them think it's a photography class, while others have heard that it's a Photoshop course. In reality, it's neither. "It's not exactly digital photography," Argiielles says. "With digital photography, the focus is on capturing the image. This class is kind of like printmaking, combined with digital photography." Each student will create limited edition prints using the computer and various computer printers. In digital printmaking, students learn how to use

large printers to trans- understanding of how fer their images digitally, texture could enhance a using a printer to apply printed image. Argiielles believes that the image to a large varihis students get inspiraety of surfaces. Arguelles strives to tion from seeing what create assignments that works, and working on will teach his students things that they genuinely how much they can actu- care about. Digital Printmaking ally do with the printers that the printmaking lab students will exhibit at IA0 in downtown is equipped with. In fact, one of the first Oklahoma City. The reception will be assignments digital printmaking students receive held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. from their instructor on April 3, and the exhiPhoto by Rhiannon Winkelman involves exploring tex- bition will remain open Johnny DeLucia, a studio art until April 16. ture. major, prints out an untitled Students were expecto ed to create a project that digital piece in class. showed an expanded Thritibrigautnenew arplincst

Delta Zeta supports Hearts for Hearing Lauren Lubbers Correspondent

This week Delta Zeta Sorority has been raising money for the Hearts for Hearing Foundation, a philanthropy the ladies support. The proceeds from Hearts for Hearing will be a monetary donation to the UCO daycare on campus to help them provide children with speech and hearing disabilities. Every day will bring forth new opportunities and events for other students to contribute to the cause. The Delta Zetas will be raising moneyand having Greek Penny Wars in the Nigh University Center daily ending Friday afternoon. Tuesday night there was

an Ice Cream Social at Cold Stone Creamery from 5 p.m. - io p.m. and 15 percent of the proceeds went to the philanthropy. Tonight, 15 percent of the day proceeds from Freddy's Frozen Custard will go to Delta Zeta's philanthropy, but be sure and stop by to see the ladies of Delta Zeta from 6 p.m. to io p.m. "We are very excited for this week," Delta Zeta President Dani Murphey said. "Our goal is to raise $2,500 and we hope to reach it with the support of Greek Life and the UCO community." Other Delta Zeta Philanthropies include The Painted Turtle Camp, House Ear Institute, Sound Beginnings and Gallaudet University.

Norman Public Schools Teacher Job Fair March 5, 2009 - 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nancy O'Brian Center 1809 Stubbeman (405) 364-1339


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survivin a setbac Tedy Bruschi. I.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

A star linebacker and defensive leader of the New England Patriots' three-time Super Bowl championship team, Tedy Bruschi suffered a stroke at the age of 31 and willed his way back onto the football field. Join St. Anthony as Tedy recounts his experience, journey to recovery, and his return to the NFL. His inspirational story is one of hard work and • perseverance. St. Anthony presents the

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stroke of

St. Anthony to

for a map of the UCO campus, go to and click Stroke of Courage.


Thursday, Feb. 26,


Page 3

Wellness Center encourages students to 'Walk this Weigh' Laura Hoffert Senior Reporter

In wellness, everything is based upon goals; loosing more weight, climbing more stairs or fitting into a pair of jeans that last made an appearance at a Duran Duran concert. The UCO Healthy Car npus Leadership Team also set a goal last week. They wanted 500 people signed up for the Walk this Weigh program, a number that seemed impractical, based on the average participation number of 275. Participants could be anyone from students, UCO staff, or anyone in the Edmond area who wanted to increase their fitness. "As of 10:30 am on Monday, February 23rd, we have 744 registered participants [and] the number continues to grow," Danielle Dill, Assistant Director of Health Services, said. Of these 744 people, 79 percent of registrants were UCO students, faculty, or staff and 21 percent were registrants from Edmond and the metro area. Walk this Weigh began in 2004 with 25o participants, and over the years interest in the program has peaked, due in large part of the easiness of program. All participants are asked to do is walk for at least 30 minutes three times a week, or until they reach 10,000 steps. Those who joined the io-week program were given a Passport to Health booklet to log their progress in as well as a pedometer to track the steps taken. However, registrants aren't looking for the swag, so perhaps it's something more. "It has been exciting to see families participate in the program together," Dill said. "For example, a UCO student came to register with her son, who has been using a pedometer for quite awhile and they wanted to challenge each other to walk more and planned on using the Walk this Weigh program to spend more time together being active." Walk this Weigh has not always been open to the public and the word of getting healthy has began to spread throughout the

Edmond community. Throughout the initial 10 weeks of Walk this Weigh, encouraging e-mails will be sent to those who signed up to help them along the way. "By opening the Walk this Weigh program up to the general public, we have enabled families, friends and co-workers of UCO students and employees to be involved," Dill said. "Research has shown that having those 'support persons' part of a fitness or health program can help with motivation and retention." The benefits of the program have even poured over into other areas on campus. Dill said that the program has started integrating core areas of transforinative learnPhoto by Joshua Gilbreath ing and linking curricular and co-curricular activities at UCO. "...students from Dr. Barbara Arnold's A laptop is displayed with a teacher's podium in the background. Students' use Success in Nursing program are linking of laptops during class has some professors worried about keeping their research, creative and scholarly activities attention. to health and wellness to the Walk this Weigh program," Dill said. "The Success in Nursing students have an IRB (Institutional Review Board) approved study to investigate the effect of exercise on stress in nursing students." Although registration has closed, students as well as Edmond residents are still encouraged to participate on their own. back or along the walls, near electrical outRyan Croft Walk this Weigh is supported by UCO, lets, so they can charge their laptops. Senior Writer the City of Edmond "Wellness Wins" "So, I've never really seen [laptops] as a Program, Central Oklahoma Turning Point, Unrestricted laptop use in classrooms distraction," he said. McDonalds Corporation and many local Lenaire said he has been reprimandhas one UCO professor seeking a solution. businesses and organizations. ed just once by a teacher for surfing the Sherri Massey, a mass communications Funding for the program is provided Internet while in class. professor, said she thinks students should through a Community Program Grant "He didn't really mind that computers have laptops when they are using them from the Oklahoma City Community were used in his room," Lenaire said. "But correctly. Foundation. if they were going to be used ... he wanted "I ... don't mind [students] using the "UCO and its Healthy Campus Initiative them to be used for class participation." laptops if they're using them to take notes is excited about taking a leadership role in Passan Pourbabee, professor in the or for something in the class," Massey said. improving the health of our campus and department of information systems and Massey said an issue develops when community," Dill said. operations management, said half of his students surf the Internet for non-course For suggested trails around Edmond and graduate students use laptops in class. related Web sites and do not pay attention UCO, visit "I use the computer a lot," Pourbabee in class. "I think it's rude," she said. "How would said. "And I ask them to use their laptops they feel if I were ... on the Internet while to see whether they can come , up with the same solution." they were trying to talk to me?" Pourbabee said when he notices a stuMassey said the problem is professors dent distracted by his or her computer, he having no way of monitoring or regulating AdVeeftse with the VISTA! immediately asks them to put it away. what students are doing on their personal vistarmedla• 405/974-5918 Lenaire said he did not think that laplaptops. "If I'm in a big classroom ... and there's tops are to blame for students' lack of attenpeople in the back of the room on the tion in class. "If you understand yourself and how you Internet ... I'm not sure that I can do anylearn, then you're going to check out from thing about it," she said. Massey said students using laptops is time to time," Lenaire said. "It's just going not the same as lab computers because the to happen and what method you do that on, whether it's a computer or with a pencil, I lab computers can be monitored. "We can control the [lab] computers ... don't think that particularly matters." Public relations instructor Jill Kelsey we can lock them down if we want to," she said there is a difference between students said. Massey said she has talked to other fac- zoning out on the Internet and simply dooulty members about developing a solution dling in between taking notes. "To me, [on the Internet] ... you are to students distracting themselves on their interacting with an outsider ... it's like laptops. interrupting someone's conversation, " she She said some of the professors agreed said. "You're not only not paying attention, they are not worried about the issue because but you're carrying on a conversation with students distracted by laptops in class will somebody outside the classroom." suffer on their tests. Lenaire said the evolution of technology "I would like to see us as a faculty ... would soon make allowing laptops in class come up with some kind of consistent way an outdated argument. of dealing with it," Massey said. "Right now we're in a transitional period Graphic design major Adam Lenaire said and ... in the next ro years this is going to his laptop makes it easier to take notes in be a moot point," Lenaire said. "We'll all class. be using [laptops] or some form of digital Lenaire admitted "if it's an extremely learning." boring class" he would occasionally surf the Pourbabee said he would like to see the Internet during the lecture. UCO administration and faculty to encour"Sometimes I'll use the computer to do age students to use their laptops properly other homework," he said. in class. Lenaire said he does not find other stu"If the students want to bring their lapdents' in-class laptop use distracting. top to school, they should be allowed to," "My experience is that not too many Pourbabee said. "In my class ... I want them other students do have laptops," he said. to have a laptop." Lenaire said most laptop users sit in the

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Laptop use during class a rising concern for professors


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MecycleMania' hits UCO Mike Nievez StaffW titer

Throughout March, UCO will be competing in a nationally-recognized college and university recycling competition. RecycleMania 2009 has landed on the UCO campus. It officially began on Jan. 19 and will continue to run through March 28. "RecycleMania is a friendly competition and benchmarking tool for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities to their campus communities," Lorri Romero, UCO contract manager for facilities management, said. According to the RecycleMania Web site, it is a "ro week period where schools report recycling and trash data which are then ranked according to who collects the largest amount of recyclables per capita, the largest amount of total recyclables, the least

amount of trash per capita or have the highest recycling rate." The goals for RecycleMania on campuses is to "increase recycling participation by students and staff, heighten awareness of schools' waste management and recycling programs, and to have a fair and friendly recycling competition," Romero said. Romero also said colleges and universities are small cities that consume large amounts of resources and generate much solid waste, and whether a school has an extensive waste reduction and/or recycling program, experience has shown that all schools have potential to further reduce the amount of resources they consume and dispose of. Because this is UCO's first year to compete in the RecycleMania competition, the university will compete for the Stephen K. Gaski Per Capita Classic.

The Vista Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 • The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Thursdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, doublespaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to .

MANAGEMENT Nelson Solomon, Co Editor Greg Newby, Co Editor Stephani Tobin , Copy Edaor Kayleigh Adamek, Design Editor Keith Mooney, Ad Manager -


EDITORIAL Chase Dearinger, Features Writer Laura Hoffert, Senior Reporter Ryan CrOft Senior Reporter Caleb McWilliams, Staff Writer Angela Morris, Staff Writer an, writer

wexott, sports

Rhiannon Winkelman, StqffWriter

MULTIMEDIA MattparincZPhdogn2Pher

Chris Albets, Multimedia Producer Joshua Gilbluih, A/fulfil-nee& Assistant


Cartoon by Jared Aylor




ADVISER Kelly S. Wray

Campus Quotes "How would you like to see UCO use your tuition money?" w, "Everybody gets a slave

to carry their bags.' ,

b , —

Antonio Reid Engineering - Freshman

"Adding more to the Wellness Center" ,,

Andrea Hyman Undecided - Sophomore


"Adding more commuter parking spaces.' ,


4 ,




Kellan Parker Criminal Justice - Sophomore


, , , / '

,--, , .


what lies waiting for them Ty'Sheoma Bethea, an eighthupon graduation. grader from Dillon, S.C., was So what happens next? Do the inspiration for President we sit by and worry everyday Obama's tagline in his speech about what bad news we're Tuesday night. going to hear? "We are not quitters," The fact is, things are going she wrote in a letter seeking to get worse before they get improvements at her rundown better and we have to accept school, words Obama adopted BY NELSON SOLOMON that. for his own speech, according to The most effective solution the AP. America should adopt the same tagline in this tough to the economic situation is not clear, as demonstrated by the differences of opinion from various economists. economic time. But all we can do is trust that Obama is making the Every day, we hear more and more bad news about layoffs and bankruptcies, but it is important to stand strong right decisions that will guide this nation to a better place economically, that we will not be worrying about jobs and and hopeful during this time. Standing before a joint session of Congress Tuesday having the income to pay our bills as well as provide for night, Obama optimistically sketched an agenda that began our families. As Irish poet Oscar Wilde put it, "We are all in the gutter, with jobs, and then broadened quickly to include a stable credit system, better schools, health care reform, reliable but some of us are looking at the stars." Yes, many of us are facing financial burdens on a perdomestic sources of energy and an end to the war in Iraq. Specifics will follow, he said, although he conceded more sonal level and finding times to be difficult. But worrying about it does no good, it only helps to billions may be necessary to stabilize the banking system. It is important for Americans to be optimistic, for fear attempt to understand the situation and be optimistic, to will do us no good if we are to overcome this time of crisis. hope things will turn out for the better. If not, our minds will dwell in fear frequently and we will I appreciate President Obama for taking former President Clinton's advice and started speaking positively about the never have any hope. In the words of the eighth grader from Dillon, S.C., "We direction of the economy. Even within the newspaper industry, there is incessant are not quitters," and we as a nation really shouldn't act worry about its future, and students from academic pro- like it. grams across the campus are no doubt concerned about

The Bottom Line

Award-winning film reignites equal rights crisis


In spite of economic downturn, have optimism

"Buy everyone their own personal golf-cart ,, Tyler Taber Nursing - Junior Photographed & compiled by Matt Danner

On Sunday night at the Academy Awards, gay rights had a bit of a triumph when "Milk" won two Oscars for lead actor and original screenplay. "I think he'd want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight," winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black said, "that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that gay marriage to sit and reflect and very soon, I promise you, you will anticipate their great shame and the have equal rights federally across this shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support," great nation of ours." Penn said in his acceptance speech, Most viewers at home did not know drawing cheers. that just outside the Kodak Theater Although Proposition 8 passed in stood throngs of protesters from Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas California, the West Coast isn't the (the "God Hates Fags" crew), protest- only part of the country inspired by the notion of legal gay marriage and ing "Milk" and everyone involved. Sean Penn, whose flawless por- Milk's inspiring story. The mere fact that an unabashedly tryal of gay rights activist Harvey Milk nabbed him his second Oscar win in gay film was recognized by an often five years, had his own opinion about conservative Academy has brought the hate being preached outside the hope to the gay and lesbian citizens of our country who merely want the theater. "I think that it is a good time for same equal rights as their straight those who voted for the ban against counterparts.

West Coast Bias

With the success of "Milk" both in box office returns and critical acclaim, religious conservative and "family values" proponents are quickly losing their leg to stand on. The protests, the fear-mongering, the campaigns based on slippery-slope arguments have done nothing but continue the farce that gay couples are out to corrupt your kids, deface marriage values and recruit everyone they know to become gay. The California Supreme Court will be hearing arguments against the unconstitutionality of Proposition 8 on March 5; President Obama has even said he wants to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which would permit states to ignore civil unions granted by other states. Maybe, and one can only hope, these televised speeches by Black and Penn will help move forward hope that one day, gay and lesbian couples can finally live with our rights. And maybe, if we're lucky, it'll even happen outside California.

Obama's speech calls on Americans for change Editorial Board Independent norida Alligator

While the path will not be easy, President Barack Obama outlined a clear—cut plan seeking to remedy the current ills affecting America. In his powerful State of the Nation speech to Congress, Obama stated early on that his policies will mark a clear separation from the past, as both the government and the citizens of the United States must be more responsible as they move forward. In outlining his recovery plan, Obama remarked that he does not believe in bigger government, but rather in acting boldly and wisely to ensure the long—term success of the country. He stood firmly behind his first ml ior course of action in the nassage of the

stimulus package, adding that the failure to act would have cost countless citizens jobs and prohibited 95 percent of Americans from receiving a tax cut. Additionally, he spoke of a tax credit for college students — enabling millions to pay for four years of higher education without accumulating endless debt. The key focus under Obama's direction to right the economy was directed to the everyday hardworking Americans. Stating, "Slowly but surely, confidence will return and our economy will recover," Obama offered the nation a look at the harsh uphill battle that America will face, but with hope of a chance to once again thrive. Simply put, there is no overnight quick fix but rather a series of long—term investments that will lead to new jobs and increased competition on the global market.

Obama went on to tout the importance lion to finding a fuel source that is not only of — a Web site that shows clean and renewable but also profitable. Americans where stimulus money is being Calling for legislation to focus attention spent, allowing for a sense of transparency on increased research in the field, Obama that rarely exists in the federal government. announced a commitment of $15 billion to Making sure to hit on the credit crisis, double renewable energy sources. Obama addressed the importance of Obama stated that it affects everyone, but health care by talking about how many that Americans can rest assured that their small businesses were forced to close and money and insurance are safe. In his mind, big corporations left no choice but to lay off credit acts as the lifeblood of the economy workers due to rising costs of insurance. — enabling citizens to purchase vehicles Speaking with conviction, Obama and homes and start businesses with the proudly proclaimed that more had been loans. While Obama admitted that the stimulus accomplished in the past 3o days than the package is just the first step in correcting past decade to create important changes to the economy, he was more than prepared health care. to provide Congress with a laundry list callMuch to the enthusiasm of the audience, ing attention the need to focus on energy, Obama concluded his discussion on the subject by demanding a cure for cancer as health care and education. With energy, lr emphasized a dedica- well as ensuring health care for all.

Studies show glaciers are moving faster Associated Press GENEVA — Antarctic glaciers are melting faster across a much wider area than previously thought, scientists said Wednesday — a development that could lead to an unprecedented rise in sea levels. A report by thousands of scientists for the 2007-2008 International Polar Year concluded that the western part of the continent is warming up, not just the Antarctic Peninsula. Previously most of the warming was thought to occur on the narrow stretch pointing toward South America, said Cohn Summerhayes, executive director of the Britain-based Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and a member of International Polar Year's steering committee.

But satellite data and automated weather stations indicate otherwise. "The warming we see in the peninsula also extends all the way down to what is called west Antarctica," Summerhayes told The Associated Press. "That's unusual and unexpected." For the International Polar Year, scientists from more than 6o countries have been conducting intense Arctic and Antarctic research over the past two southem summer seasons — on the ice, at sea, and via icebreaker, submarine and surveillance satellite. All the glaciers in the area together are losing a total of around 103 billion tons (114 billion U.S. tons) per year because the discharge is much greater than the new snowfall, he said.

"That's equivalent to the current mass loss from the whole of the Greenland ice sheet," Summerhayes said, adding that the glaciers' discharge was making a significant contribution to the rise in sea levels. "We didn't realize it was moving that fast." The warming of western Antarctica is a real concern. "There's some people who fear that this is the first signs of an incipient collapse of the west Antarctic ice sheet," Summerhayes said. Antarctica's average annual temperature has increased by about 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.56 degrees Celsius) since 1957, but is still 50 degrees Fahrenheit (45.6 degrees Celsius) below zero, according to a recent study by Eric Steig of the University of Washington.

A 2007 IPCC report predicted a sea level rise 017 to 23 inches (18 to 58 centimeters) by the end of the century, which could flood low-lying areas and force millions to flee. "If the west Antarctica sheet collapses, then we're looking at 'a sea level rise of between i meter and 1.5 meters (3 feet, 4 inches to nearly 5 feet)," Summerhayes said. Ian Allison, co-chair of the International Polar Year's steering committee, said many scientists now say the upper limit for sea level rise should be higher than predicted by IPCC. "That has a very large impact," Allison said, adding that extremely large storms which might previously have occurred once in a year would start to occur on a weekly basis.

A Salute to Ryan Wood: Exerpts from Ryan Wood's MySpace


Continued from page 1

an education, but also helps to "perpetuate his memory" "We do fundraisers all year for the scholarship, and they all start in the spring," Vincent said. The fundraisers begin in May with a garage sale at the Vincent home at 9731 Berkley Circle in Oklahoma City. There will also be the second annual "Sgt. Ryan Wood Memorial Golf Tournament" held on July 11, Ryan's 25th birthday. Along with the artwork in the Donna Nigh Gallery, there will be two pieces on display in the Art and Design Building. Most of Wood's art is in pen and some of his work can be seen on his MySpace profile, along with his blogs and comments from friends, family, and people that did not even know him. Ryan came from a family of soldiers and Bronchos, his older brother was also in the military and was injured in Iraq, his mother is a UCO alumna, and his siblings have all attended UCO. The reception for the show is from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today. Zina Gelona, the director of UCO Galleries and Collections is in charge of the e#iihit. . . To make a donation to the Ryan Wood Freedom Art Scholarship, contact Alspaugh at (405) 974 - 3778 or lalspaugh u co. edu

Illustration by Ryan Wood

---December 24, 2006

----January 1, 2007

her Current mood: indescribable Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

3,000 may be a number to you, but its personal Current mood: determined

so i recently returned from my blissful two weeks at home in OKC and realized how ready i am to become a civilian. the army really puts things in perspective as far as what you want and what you need. instead of an intimate relationship with an m-16 you turn to people which, in my humble opinion, is much more personal and exciting. you see, the army has a way with taking a sledgehammer and smashing dreams and relationships you were sure you could cement in stone if you were there, but the truth of all of it not. not that im worried, well, not really more or less frustrated with the hand ive been dealt. the hand ive been dealt is this; i found this girl, and she is amazing. full house right? ive known her for a while and have had a thing for her for awhile, but do to past circumstances which were out of both our hands, i couldnt make a move. well that all changed this girl is fun, charming, smart, witty, funny, spontanious, and last but not least beautiful. the kind of girl you enjoy to be around all the time. the kind of girl that when you wake up you cant resist but to go see her, or at least give her a call to hear her voice. the kind of girl that lights up a room with her smile. the kind of girl everyone considers a friend, a dear friend. the kind of chick to kick it with while enjoying cheap beer and discussing plans of novels we want to write about or camping trips. the kind of girl guys envy you for you know? a girl that had no problems bringing a smile to a smile deprived face. a girl that chased away legions of "skeletons in the closet." a girl that made those dark clouds that seem to linger over my head dissipate with a single kiss and made me forget even if for a short moment what lyes ahead. a girl that made me feel free. she nods her head when you kiss her, as if rockin out to a zepplin jam a trait i find f--kin irresistable. her hair is always getting in your mouth too....another one of those traits i adore. problem is, i still have 8 months till im home for see, god has a wicked sense of humour, and hes a great poker player....he pulled out a royal flush the b-st-rd. those of you who know me well know im not a clingy all. but this chick is d-mn if you know her, you know exactly who im speaking of, if you don't you are missing out. until these months are over....ill keep in contact and do my best from here but for now im just going to take a shower, go to sleep and dream. sincerely wood

with my head in the clouds, but feet firmly planted in a bear trap, its hard to figure out where i stand. another person i call a friend has been killed,...brutally, and yet for selfish reasons i suppose, i still manage to march on. through all this blood, sweat and a countless number of tears, i still manage to fight another fight, and live another day. at the end of each day....i capture what little hope is salvagable. but constant reminders of atrocity are not a hard thing to stumble upon here. focused on the future but keeping my eyes on the road i tell myself "ill be alright", but with friends dying its an everyday struggle wondering who's next who's gonna eat it in this f--kin hell? i have no clue, but i will tell my loved ones this I'm comin home. my enemies are determined to take me, but the survivors of any battle will tell you "the ones who live were more determined to live." and no enemy of mine will waver that determination, nor stop my will to live. no enemy of mine is that powerful. so i write this more or less for me im comin home im comin home

Comment: From Ryan's mother, Renee

To my beautiful, determined, and brave son You march on wearing Gods' protective armour. He has a life planned for you, that is going to be shaped by your amazing resiliency, unwavering hope, and your incredible growth through adversity. I have told you before that God has assured me that you will make a difference in many lives. As we speak, God is preparing a life for you that will be full of peace, and purpose. You are an "old soul", wise beyond your years. Son....keep the faith. Remember your favorite scripture.... God goes before you....He sets you high upon a rock...He protects your spirit from the enemy. Yes, you are are coming home to your loved ones. You have a full life of promise before you. Focus on your bright future. Laughter, holidays, familly, good food, friends, music, art, marriage, children, nieces, nephews... these beautiful moments will be is your future... your will come to pass. Let this experience not define you completely, rather let it flow through your soul...understanding that Gods plan has much to accomplish with your very full,and rich life experiences. God speed, and a hedge of protection for you and your men...your commrades. Remember you can be a leader... you are a leader...and you can make a differnce with your attitude and God given gifts to uphold....inspire...give hope to the men that struggle with you. Be their beacon of light. I know y„u You are my son, my hero, my joy.

never a dull moment madden on the ps 3



playing cards

soN ■Kic, go friends with open doors

easy mac movie nights


burgers at the grill

texting your roommate

all nighters



floor dinners

football watch parties BRONCHO JA M late night ice cream


always something to do

Priority Sign 'eging March 2 housin •

Onion burgers done right: Intensity and fear Al's Cafe and Diner provides mark "The Crucible" service with a big smile a student success Daviyion Johnson and Ryan Kolb 1?estalfrant Reviewers

Have you ever had an experience where there was something you really wanted to see or try? Has there been a place on your "to go" list for a long time? Well, we are no exception when it comes to restaurants. This week's restaurant experience was that place. Al's Café and Grill is a retro-style diner that will remind you of the good ol' days when times were simpler. Not far from UCO and downtown Edmond, it is located at the corner of 2nd and Santa Fe and can be spotted by its simple, yet effective sign, "Onion Burgers." With Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley on the walls, how could anyone not like this place? Ryan and Daviyion did something that we have never once done before: ordered the same item. We try to maximize our reviews and order different items so a wider view of the menu can be seen, but neither of us had eaten a burger in a while and we couldn't resist ordering what this place is known for: onion burgers. They also -offered other tasty items, including chili dogs, Fritos chili pie and chicken tenders. We ordered the No. 2, which came with pickles, grilled onions (lots of them!) and cheese. We were feeling extra hungry, so we ordered the "big-

and he wishes he would have thought to put a few on his burger to add a crunchy effect. With no leftovers for him, Ryan said it was a truly satisfying meal, and one should enjoy the simple complexity of a hamburger. (Which, while the point is up, why do we call it a "ham"burger?) Having dined on the same meal as Ryan, Daviyion offers little new insight except to say sitting at the bar of any restaurant is always an interesting experience. In this particular case, we were able to see the entire cooking process and although watching your burger cooked to perfection may not appeal to everyone, it serves as an effective tool to increase salivation of the mouth and eagerness of the tummy. Ryan gives Al's Café and Grill 4.3 Photo by Matt Danner out of 5 stars. The prices were great, A famous onion burger and because you could get a grilled onion fries as served at Al's Cafe and burger, fries and a drink for less than Grill on Second and Santa Fe. $7. There are no fancy bells and whistles to talk about, just good food, fair ger" version, which added another prices and service with a smile. The patty of beefy burger goodness. The lack of ice cream and fries as options only difference between our meals were a slight damper on the otherwise was that Ryan had onion rings, while good experience. Daviyion simply loves places that Daviyion opted for tater tots. They offer great value, and in this tough offer fries, but happened to be out. economic crunch, getting the most Ryan was completely stuffed after for your money is important. Al's Cafe the double onion burger feast, but still and Grill is one of those places where saved room for a root beer float. Alas, you could feed yourself or a family and they were out of vanilla ice cream. not break the bank. Give it a try. The onion rings were nice and crispy

"Futurama" film brings nerd humor, sarcasm and better Vegas. A group of environmental feminists called the Feministas protest the construction, but he blows them up. In the explosion, a necklace gets lodged into Fry's head and as a result, he begins to have mind-reading abilities. Meanwhile, Leela has saved a leech, the last of its species, from being destroyed by a new parking lot, and Bender begins an ALL•NEW FEATURE-LENGTH SPECTACULAR , affair with the wife of the Photo provided Robot Mafia's leader. Fry decides to try out "Futurama: Into the Wild his new power in a poker Green Yonder" was tournament that Bender released this Tuesday. also attends. Fry loses and joins a group of other mind- gains back all of the endangered species of the world. readers. Sure, much of the plot for The leader of this group then tells Fry that he is the the movie may sound like foretold savior or some- an absurd, incoherent mess. It doesn't matter when you thing. Through an enormous watch the movie thOugh, series of events involving because with Mars Vegas Earth president Nixon, the poker tournaments hosted Feministas and Snoop Dogg by Penn and Teller and a with the rest of the Earth huge miniature golf course Supreme Court, the crew that takes up 12 percent of saves the world and even the galaxy, it's simply really,

Caleb McWilliams ,SWifffizther

Fox has a stunning history of cancelled shows that have lived on and grown with cult followings since cancellation. "Futurama," from "The Simpsons" creator Matt Groening and writer and producer David X. Cohen, lasted four seasons before Fox cancelled it in 2003. After success in Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block, Fox planned four direct-toDVD movies. This latest and last of the planned movies, "Into the Wild Green Yonder," continues Futurama's brand of satirical humor and nerdy in-jokes. Fry, Bender, Leela and the rest of the Planet Express crew are back with their original voices from the show. Leo Wong, Amy's wealthy father, has just demolished Mars Vegas to build a bigger

really funny. It's hard to—go through the movie and not laugh out loud at the ridiculous situations in the movie. But while there's a large amount of topical humor relating to current-day issues, it isn't overly cynical. Futurama's humor seems to blend just the right amount of sarcasm and wit. The DVD release includes an audio commentary with Matt Groening, David X. Cohen, a couple of the actors, some writers, a producer and the director. There's a couple of mildly entertaining vignettes, including "How to Draw Futurama in 10 Very Difficult Steps," "Bender's Movie-Theater Etiquette" and "Zapp Brannigan's Guide to Making Love At A Woman." There's deleted scenes and storyboard anima-tics, as well as a few "Making of..." documentaries on some pretty cool menus. "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" is unrated.

doing Satan's work. No one in Salem is safe Staff Writer from the power Abigail and her friends possess as they allege that lawful citizens are The audience hung onto associated with the devil. each word last Sunday as Each cast member did an the University of Central excellent job of keeping seriOklahoma's theater stu- ous energy throughout the dents put on a production of two and a half hour perfor"The Crucible." mance. This was the seventh perThe relentlessness of formance the students had Abigail (Alli Ward) and her last week, and the intensi- friends once they set their ty still pulsed through the minds towards destroying a Pegasus Theater as the cast fellow citizen was frightfully members led the audience credible. through a story full of chaos, Ryan Reynolds (Reverend lust and fear. Hale) and Tyler Waits Sixteen-year-old Abigail, (Reverend Paris) also had the niece of a minister in very dynamic presences on Salem during the 176' cen- stage. tury, finds herself infatuated Paris, a minister who with married John Procter. judges citizens based on Abigail gets motivation to personal vendettas dursplit up the Procter mar- ing the witch trails, made riage, and with the help a great adversary for Hale, of her friends, she begins a minister who seeks only spreading rumors about absolute truth. witchcraft throughout the Overall, the whole play town. was extremely interesting Once these girls receive and the cast did a fantastic attention as "victims of job of grabbing the audiwitchcraft," they become ence's attention and refusobsessed with the spotlight ing to let it go. and start accusing anyone of Angela Morris

Oscar-winning film, Bacharach inspire "Promises, Promises" written by Burt Bacharach, the famous pop writer in the 1960s and 1970s. The lyrics to the music in the production were based UCO's music theater on the Neil Simon book, department will be hit- "so it's fast and funny, full ting the Jazz Lab with their of sophisticated humor," production of the musical "Promises, Promises" direc"Promises, Promises" start- tor Billie Thrash said. ing March 2. This show was chosen This musical, based on based on the talent pool of the Academy Award winning the theater majors, Thrash film "The Apartment," has said. been performed on stages "We try to pick producnationwide since 1968. tions that will bring out our A young New York execu- students' strong points," tive attempting to work his Thrash said. way up the corporate ladWith Mitchell Hall under der finds himself in an awful renovation, the theater mess once he begins loaning department picked the Jazz out the key of his bachelor's Lab as their performance apartment to older married spot. executives. The show will be running To further entangle this March 2 to 4, and March to young executive in his scan- to 12, starting at 7:30 p.m. dals, he falls for a beautiful Tickets are $15 and reserco-worker who just happens vations can be made by callto be occupied with one of ing the Mitchell Hall Theater the older executives. box office at 405 -974-3375. Music for this show was

Angela Morris ,s'iatri l niter

never a dull moment madden on the ps3


playing cards SON‘,C c Ru

0 1) 9


friends with open doors


burgers at the grill

texting your roommate

all nighters

fT iends


football watch parties BRONCHO JA M

late night ice cream

floor dinners


always something to do

Priority Sign Up begins March 2

'Departure' for professors, students A professor-student art exhibition, "Points of Departure," featuring metal and ceramic pieces, will open with a public reception from 4 to 6 p.m., March 5 in the Donna Nigh Gallery at the University of Central Oklahoma The gallery is open 9 am. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday, on the fourth floor of the Nigh University Center. The exhibition runs through March 29. "The exhibition pairs students with their mentors to demonstrate how the students have become artists in their own right," said Charleen Weidell, chair of the UCO Art Department Weidell, also an associate professor of jewelry and metal-smithing, is showing her work with Christie Hackler, UCO junior and Edmond resident. "Both of us will have serving utensils in the exhibi-

Photo Provided

tion. Both pieces are silver, but they look distinctly different," Weidell said. Gayle Singer, UCO professor of Art, is displaying her ceramics work with Kara Whitmire, an Edmond resident who is doing UCO post graduate work. The exhibition provides the students with critical work experience. "It's been a great oppor-

tunity to learn about preparing for a show, time management and working through ideas to get ready for a show," Singer said. Weidell's work in metal has been exhibited and collected locally and internationally. Her "Tart Server" is part of the permanent collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. "Her work has definitely

VP keeps eye on stimulus Steven R. Hurst Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday the Obama administration is determined to speed the $787 billion in stimulus money to Americans clamoring for economic relief, with checks going to estates for Medicaid and the next batch of dollars heading to housing. Meeting with top members of President Barack Obama's Cabinet, Biden warned that he plans to use "the moral approbation of this office" to make sure the huge fund of stimulus money is put to use creating jobs and rebuilding the nation's infrastructure. He said the administration's goal is to ensure the money "gets out the door quickly and wisely." "As we go along," Biden told the assembled government officials, "I'm going to be a bit of a pain in the neck: He said he would call the group together each week to report to him on how the

massive stimulus fund was being used, saying he would not "hesitate to go on television" to embarrass those in the federal, state and local governments who were misspending the money or not using it quickly enough. Earlier Wednesday, Biden warned that if states don't use federal stimulus money as intended, the Obama administration may take the money back Appearing Wednesday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Biden said the money "cannot be squandered" and warned that states will be held to unprecedented accountability. Some Republican governors have criticized the plan as wasteful and several have said they may reject some of the funds. Biden said a next installment of the stimulus money, $10 billion, was being sent out through the Department of Housing and Urban Development on Wednesday to help states make homes more energy efficient and to put money into programs to check for dangerous lead paint in housing.

Peter Orszag, the president's budget director, sitting to Biden's right in the White House Roosevelt room, said he intended to ensure that Americans know how the money is being spent through the recovery. gov Web site, which he said already is receiving some 3,000 hits each second. He joined Biden in declaring there would be unprecedented transparency in spending the stimulus money. Biden recalled that Obama said in his speech to Congress Tuesday that no one should "mess with Joe" in his role as overseer of stimulus spending, But turning to Earl Devaney, the new chairman of the stimulus plan accountability board, Biden said: "This is the guy to don't mess with," patting the former Interior Department inspector general on the back Devaney disclosed a messy sex and drugs scandal in the department during the Bush administration.

inspired my work. But our work, at some point, branches off and we go our own way," Hackler said. Singer's ceramic pieces have been part of juried regional and national exhibitions throughout the United States. "You can definitely see the influences of Gayle in my work when we put it side by side. She really moves the clay around. My stuff is starting to look like that," Whitmire said. Refreshments will be served at the opening reception and the artists will be available for questions. For a complete schedule of College of Arts, Media & Design performances and events, visit www.camd.uco. edu/events. Go online!


Restaurant Reviewers

To Eat Cooked or Uncooked: That is the Question at Fuji Japanese Restaurant Oishii kaata desu: That means "it was delicious" in Japanese, and that's exactly what Fuji Japanese Restaurant was. Located on Broadway between 15th and 33rd, you have probably passed it a million times, and maybe because it has Japanese in the name, you shied away. Well, we ask you where your sense of adventure is. Variety is the spice of life. So now that we've done the deed of making you feel bad, let us take a journey into the total dining experience. Fuji is a beautiful and elegant restaurant. The covered windows and decor give it a definite Japanese feel. Ryan spent three weeks in Japan, and he knows a Japanese restaurant when

excuse for not trying them. he sees one. For example, the warm They were fantastic! They and moist hand towels consist of deep fried shrimp, passed out before every meal salmon, cream cheese and is traditional in Japan. sesame seeds topped with a They are for wiping your spicy sauce. They were little hands, not your face. bits of heavenly goodness. Daviyion had the No. 5 Ryan ordered many things from the menu to give dinner box which came with a nice base for a review (in beef teriyaki, sesame chicken other words, he was super and tempura. hungry). Obviously, the first two He ordered raw tuna, items are pretty easy to raw yellowtail, raw salmon understand, but for those rolls and the 8-piece holiday who don't know, tempura is rolls. a Japanese-style of deep fry. Ryan h a s "Though the atmosphere is had his share date-worthy, food preparation of sushi is aces and service was a n d knowledgeable." thinks Fuji —Daviyion & Ryan has the best in It is commonly used for Edmond, and though we have yet to try every sushi vegetables and seafood. place in Edmond, Ryan feels The value alone for the pretty confident that Fuji dinner box, which also can hold it's own. included rice and a salad, His favorite is still yellow- was amazing. The combination of tail. Give it a try when you meats really allows one to feel like living on the edge. Oh, and one more thing... sample the unique style of holiday rolls! There is no preparation that only a great

The pictured pieces are part of the professor-student exhibition, "Points of Departure," that will open with a public reception from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on March 5 in the Donna Nigh Gallery in the Nigh University Center. The gallery will be open Monday through Friday, and will run through March 29.

Intersessions offer students advantage Rhiannon Winkelman Staff W riter

The semester isn't far from over. In fact, did you know that we're already into our seventh week? In student terms, the semester's not far from over. Did you withdraw from an elective? Miss enrollment? That class you wanted to get into was full, wasn't it? Well, you have some options. Almost every college on campus offers intersession courses at the beginning and end of every semester. These courses, fit into one, two or three weeks, offer a broad variety of electives for the student in need of credit hours. "Intersession courses are offered because they are in high demand," said Dr. Terry Clark, department chair for Mass Communications. "They allow colleges to experiment with courses that might not fit into the regular curriculum." For an intersession course to become a reality, professors must first submit an idea for a course, along with a detailed syllabus, to

Fuji Japanese offers 'heavenly goodness' Daviyion Johnson and Ryan Kolb

Photo Provided

Japanese eatery can provide. Fuji's is one such place. Everything that came in the dinner box was eaten and even the leftover sauces were sopped up (Daviyion's table manners are still a work in progress). Ryan gives Fuji Japanese restaurant a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars. When eating just sushi, it's important to note it can get pricy, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try a plethora of selections. Add rice to your meal to supplement. Though the atmosphere is date-worthy, food preparation is aces and service was knowledgeable. Daviyion obviously enjoyed his meal and believes you will as well. Although Fuji's definitely has the atmosphere of a quiet and casual meal, it does not mean you can not enjoy the total experience and ambiance that it has to offer. Put this one in your iPhone for the weekend.

the department chair. The department chair will then accept or deny the course syllabus. If accepted, the syllabus is submitted to the dean of the college, who can also accept or deny it. If accepted, the course may be offered to students for credit. "The students like these courses," Clark said. "Our students are working students and they have to get through as fast as they can because they're paying for it themselves." Intersession courses have some great advantages. They're short, condensed, and usually don't require a typical textbook. However, Clark cautions that there is often a substantial amount of reading required in any intersession course in order to satisfy rigorous requirements. Some of the intersession courses offered at the end of the spring semester include

Event Planning; Chinese Ghost Tales before i9oo; Sex, Love and Romance in the Media; Freelancing for Profit; BeginningSwimming; Psychology of Persuasion; and Youth, Rebellion, and Rock & Roll. Be cautioned, however, that intersession courses are not "easy credit," according to Clark These courses take broad formats, but are most often a broad mix of readings, library research, student presentations, with any number of requirements in addition to those mentioned. A major drawback for many students is the typical intersession schedule. Many intersession courses span the day, much like a job would, and students can miss no more than two classes before they either must withdraw, or accept a failing grade.

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z2. "Aladdin" prince 25. Beanery sign 26. Attribute 27. Clairvoyance, e.g. 29. Barely beat 30. Sundae topper, perhaps 31. Indian bread City of Edmond 32. Blown away Summer positions @ Peli33. Ball-and-socket joint between the head can Bay Aquatic Center: Asst. Pool Manager, Caof the femur and the shier & Cafe Managers, acetabulum Cafe Staff/Cashiers, Life34. Using again after guard Staff, Water Safety processing Instructors. Golf Course, 38. Charlotte-to-RaArcadia Lake, Parks & Down leigh dir. Recreation jobs also 1. Small goattantelope 39. Biblical birthright open. with small conical seller Job Info Line 359-4643 horns 42. In-flight info, for 2. Heavy water, for short Apply in 100 E. First, Room 106 43. British unit of one weight equivalent to 3. Force units PT Techs 4. People who try to 2240 pounds Opt North is hiring PT persuade by blandish- 45. Bliss Techs. Please fax your ment 46. Up, in a way resume to 936-6496, if 48. Dundee denial 5. Sun, e.g. you would like to discuss 49. Cave dwellers 6. 20-20, e.g. the OPT opportunities. 7. el Amarna, 52. Soft tissue of the Oklahoma Physical TherEgypt body apy North is an outpatient 53. Arm bones 8. Large genus physical therapy clinic that of perennial and 54. Recuperation in specializes in orthopedic biennial pungent which the symptoms of spine and extremity injuries. an acute disease gradubulboustplants ally subside 9. No-goodnik Best Western 10., 55. Early pulpit in Guthrie. Hiring front e.g. 56. Set lower desk clerk. Monday-Fri11. Military equipment 60. Calypso offshoot day, 7am-3pm. At exit 157 and supplies 62. "Concentration" on 1-35. Just 20 minutes pronoun 12. Bit north of Edmond. Study 13. British tax 63. "What's ?" during downtime! 18. Enthusiasm 64. "48 " Attention Guys & Gals!





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0 41r



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Charleston's Edmond

The best in casual dining. Now hiring both AM & PM server, hostess, and busser positions. Please apply in person Mon-Thur - between 2-4 PM. 3409 S Broadway, STE 400, Edmond. (405) 478-4949

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Great Income Opportunity

5 6



1 1





Edmond officer dragged along I-35 suffers Stopping by for a beer/drink or two is not a problem for most people. Going out minor injuries on thelown though is a different matter for everyone. There are several solutions

How to Avoid a DUI

Asiociated Press

EDMOND, Okla. - An Edmond teenager was arrested Wednesday in connection with injuries to two police officers along Interstate 35 earlier in the day. Police spokesman Glynda Chu says 18-year-old Joseph Dylan Janis was arrested about 9:3o am. Wednesday by an Oklahoma County sheriffs deputy at an apartment complex in Harrah on a complaint of assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. She said additional charges are possible. Janis was standing outside the car talking on the phone and was arrested without incident, Chu said. Chu said the two officers suffered minor injuries during the incident that began about 4:45 a.m. and one of the officers opened fire as the suspect drove away. Chu said one officer saw a car parked on the side of the road and thought it had been in an accident. But she said the man in the car began fighting with the officer and a second officer arrived in an effort to control him inside the 'vehicle. "They thought they had gotten him under control, the first one got out and the second one was getting out when he floored the vehicle and the officer fired shots," she said. , The officer who was getting out of the car was

dragged a short distance. Chu says Janis was wounded when he was arrested but she didn't know the extent or , location of the injuries.

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The-Vista Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009 Page 9

Patriots star and stroke victim to speak at UCO Chris Wescott

Strictly Sports: Pettigrew suffers as Cook shines Column: NFL Combine brings surprises from college players in Oklahoma, South Carolina

Sports I,t -riter

The UCO community will have a once-in-alifetime chance tonight to meet a Super Bowl champion, thanks to a program sponsored by St. Anthony Hospital. New England linebacker Tedy Bruschi will be the featured speaker for "Stroke of Courage: Surviving a Setback," the 15th annual stroke awareness program sponsored by St. Anthony. Bruschi, the only NFL player to ever comeback after suffering a stroke, will speak at 6:30 p.m. today in Hamilton Field House. Call 405-231-8866 for free tickets. Free valet parking will also be available. A star linebacker and defensive leader of the New England Patriots' threetime Super Bowl championship team, Bruschi suffered a stroke at age 31 but willed himself back onto the football field. It's the story of that journey he will share with UCO students, faculty, and staff. Bruschi is a 13-year veteran of the National Football League. The San Francisco native has played his entire career with the Patriots and has helped the franchise win three Super Bowl champi-

Chris Wescott Sports Wrier

Photo provided

San Francisco native Tedy Bruschi celebrates on the field in front of a packed crowd. The 13-year NFL veteran has played with the New England Patriots for his entire career. After suffering a stroke in 2005, Bruschi won the NFL Comeback of the Year Award.

onships in that time. At two-time Pro Bowl player, Bruschi has a lot to be proud of. But his greatest achievement may have come in surviving and recovering from a 2005 stroke. On Feb.16, 2005, Bruschi was rushed to the hospital with symptoms of temporary numbness, blurred vision and headaches, He was diagnosed -with a mild stroke, caused by congenital heart defect that left a small hole in the wall

separating the left and right atria of his heart. Suffering partial paralysis, Bruschi was admitted to a hospital in Massachusetts. Yet, after several months of rehabilitation, he was cleared on Oct. 16, 2005 to play football again. He capped off the wild year by winning the NFL Comeback Plver of the Year Award. Bruschi later recalled his journey in a book titled "Never Give Up."

I must admit, even I was skeptical when Pettigrew told interviewers he would attempt to run a 4.4 second, 40-yard dash at the combine. Anyone that thinks a 6-foot-5-inch, 263 pound beast can move that much body, that fast, is kidding themselves. However, I think there were quite a few analysts who were expecting a 4.6 to 4.7 second range. The former OSU Cowboy ran a subpar 4.85, 4.97 and 4.85 seconds in his three 40 runs. Those weren't horrible, given his size, just disappointing. This doesn't spell the end for Pettigrew, as he excelled in the blocking and receiving drills. Pettigrew had fluid, explosive movements against the blocking pads. His all-too-important "first-step" was very quick. He didn't drop a single pass in the receiving drills, and as he ran across the field, he showed that he can pluck a pass at any position away from his body. He is still a talent. However, the tight end did excel in the bench press, broad jump and 20-yard shuttle. He was in the top 10 in each category. There was another tight end that may be gaining ground on Pettigrew, pushing the Cowboy down a few spots. , Jared Cook is a 6-foot75-inch, 246rpound tight ehd from South Carolind LJnivePsify. Cook came into the NFL combine as an afterthought in some mock drafts, and as a second-rounder in others. However, he

blew away coaches with his workout this past weekend. Cook was the fastest tight end in the combine this year, running a flat 4.50 seconds. Cook was also in the top 10 for the bench press, the vertical jump and broad jump. He seems to be climbing the draft charts after a fantastic combine. With injuries to other major tight end prospects such as Coffman from Missouri, Cook seems to be up there with Pettigrew. Pettigrew was rated and mock drafted to go as high as No. 11 to the Buffalo Bills, who are in desperate need of a tight end threat. Pettigrew now seems to be slipping down mock drafts and possibly out of the top 20. Pettigrew's one major defense is that he is the complete package. He has the size, the game-speed, the talent, the hands and the elite blocking skills it takes to be a star tight-end in the league. Cook, on the other hand, is more of a receiver than an all-around tight end. He is smaller in bulk, and faster. However, he shows an elite strength with his combine and off-season workouts so far. It is possible that with a deep tight end class for the 2009 draft, Pettigrew may suffer as players like Jared Cook continue to shine this off season. NFL free agency starts this weekend.

WI VisitChri' I

Ninth inning run puts UCO over Missouri Southern Andrew Foshee's run-scoring single in the bottom of the ninth inning vaulted error-plagued Central Oklahoma past Missouri Southern 6-5 Tuesday afternoon at Broncho Field. Foshee's line-drive scored Jason Monko from second base to break a 5-5 tie as the Bronchos overcame six errors in handing head coach Wendell Simmons his 599th career win at UCO. Monko led off the ninth with a single and went to second on a balk before coming around to barely beat the throw home on Foshee's hit to left field. The Bronchos improved to 6-7 on the year and will return to Lone Star Conference action Friday when they go to Ada to face East Central for a 12 p.m. doubleheader. Those same two teams will square off in another doubleheader at noon Saturday in Edmond. "We tried to give it away with all the errors and other mistakes we made," said Simmons, now 599-324-1 in his 18th year at the UCO helm. "We got good pitching and really should have been in control of the game, but we kept them in it. Fortunately, we did what we needed to do to win it at the end." Four pitchers saw action for the Bronchos, with Clint

Straka giving up one hit and two unearned runs in the first 2 1/3 innings before leaving with an injury. Brian Murphy allowed one hit in 1 2/3 innings and Ryan Wagner one hit and three unearned runs in two frames before Brent Miller came on to pitch the final three innings. He gave up two hits the rest of the way and picked up his first win of the season with Foshee's last-inning heroics. UCO turned four hits and an error into a 3-0 lead in the third. Foshee, Casey Bruns and Luke Yost had consecutive hits to start the inning, with Foshee and Bruns both scoring when MSSU's pitcher threw the ball away on Yost's bunt. John Bryant was hit by pitch and Brent Hodge had a bunt single to load the bases and Yost made it 3-0 when he scored on Blake Mitchell's fielder's choice. The Lions came back with two unearned runs in the third and UCO got one of those back in the fourth on Nate Mitani's run-scoring groundout that scored Hodge, who had opened the inning with a single. MSSU cut it 4-3 in the fifth and then took a 5-4 lead in the top of the sixth with two more unearned runs before the Bronchos came back to tie it in the bottom of that inning. Hodge again led off with a base hit, then went to second

on Patrick Simon's sacrifice bunt and to third on Mitchell's bunt single before scoring on Mitani's sacrifice fly. It stayed that way until the ninth, with Monko and Foshee teamed up to give UCO the win. Foshee and Hodge had three hits apiece to lead the Bronchos.

Bronchos lose twinbill to SEOSU DURANT — Central Oklahoma opened its Lone Star Conference North Division schedule with a pair of losses to No. 8-ranked Southeastern Oklahoma here Tuesday afternoon. The Bronchos managed just two hits in an 8-3 first-game loss before falling to a Savage Storm comeback 7-6 in the nightcap. UCO fell to 5-7 overall and 0-2 in the ISC North, while SOSU improved to 22-3 and 2-0. The two teams meet again Saturday in Edmond, playing a 1 p.m. doubleheader at Broncho Field. The Bronchos took a 1-0 lead in the first inning of the opener on Jennifer Edwards' RBI groundout, but SOSU came right back with two runs in its first at bat and led 6-1

after four innings. A two-run single by Lindsey McLaughlin pulled UCO within 6-3 in the fifth before the Savage Storm put the game away with single runs in the fifth and sixth innings. The Bronchos led 4-1 after three innings of the second game, but SOSU tied it with a three-run outburst in the fourth and went ahead with another three-run volley in the fifth. UCO got two runs back in the sixth to make it 7-6, but couldn't push across the tying run as the Savage Storm held on. Ashley Geter and Kelsey Tiger had two hits apiece to lead UCO's nine-hit attack, while Alley Roberts cracked a two-run home run and Rachel Lowery had a two-run double.

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Senior pitcher makes New mascot shines for contributions to team crowd at Thunder game Column: Oklahomans, sports fans respond to the NBA's new mascot: Rumble the Bison

Jose Ortega

trek back to Edmond for a noon contest Saturday. correspondent Sports have always been a big part of Senior Kyle Head has been a major con- Head's life. tributor for the UCO baseball team in the "I started playing T-ball when I could early going. first swing the bat," he said. The left-handed pitcher has earned two In high school, he earned all-state honors saves and one win in just in baseball but was also three appearances so far. a standout performer He has seven strikeouts in in basketball, football, 13.2 innings of work. and golf at Pryor High Head earned a spot in School. the starting rotation this In any sport, teamspring. He has a variety work is the key to sucof pitches that make him cess, he said. tough to hit. "We have a really close Coming offofan impresbond," Head said of his sive 2008 campaign in teammates. "We need to which he appeared in 15 go out there hard, put games, coaches expected in some extra practice, him to build off of his and stay positive to win success from last season, more games." when he started eight Apart from the inspigames and finished with ration received from his a 4-3 mark. His ERA was fellow teammates, Head 4.11. named his father and So far this season, grandfather as his bigHead has a 4.61 ERA. He's Kyle Head gest motivators. allowed 13 hits and seven earned runs. Always determined to improve his perHead has played a key role in half of the Bronchos six wins. They stand at 6-7 after 13 sonaltogame, Head said, Im working on trying find the strike zone more, and stay games, with their most recent win coming more consistent. " Tuesday against Missouri Southern State. And tapping into his passion for sports are face set to travel Fridayled to The Ada,Bronchos where they'll East Central. him to declare broadcasting as his major. He hopes to be a radio sports broadcaster ECU will then return the favor, making the after graduation.

Rumble was part of a herd of bison hundreds of years ago. Spoils Wrier There was a storm, the likes of which only Oklahoma In front of a near-sellout could produce. Rumble crowd last Wednesday night led his herd to safety but at the Ford Center, there was stuck out in the storm were fans to both • support at the top of the Arbuckle the Thunder and the beloved Mountains, but was struck Hornets. The Thunder took by lightning, which caused the game to the final ticks him to walk on two legs. of the clock and gave a good Apparently, Rumble had show. extraordinary "NBA-like" At halftime, the Thunder ability, but was lonely until introduced their new mas- the Thunder team came to cot: Rumble the Bison. town. Rumble is a dark brown His introduction would bison with long, shaggy have been even more epic hair, two short horns on his and memorable if he could head and a tail sticking out have completed both of his the back of his shorts. There tricks. The first he attemptwas nothing too eye-pop- ed was a trampoline dunk, ping about the mascot itself, but he missed and fell to but the show he put on was the mats. However, the fans the best part. seemed to still enjoy it. Rumble was lowered Rumble seems to have all from the ceiling of the Ford the dance moves, theatrics Center in a small steel frame, and personality that an NBA banging on a drum set and mascot should possess. He "bringing the thunder." As is good with children and he was lowered a video on drew plenty of laughs and the big screen played and cheers when he grabbed a told his story. beautiful girl from the crowd According to the story, and chased after her like a Chris Wescott

UCO women move up in USA Today poll LILBURN, Ga. — A pair of Lone Star Conference North Division wins moved Central Oklahoma up three spots in the USA TODAY/ESPN Division II Women's Coaches' Poll. The Bronchos rolled past Texas Woman's and Cameron last week to improve to 21-4 on the year and went from 176 to 14th in the newest rankings. UCO leads the LSC North at 11-1. Minnesota State-Mankato took over the No. 1 ranking, with Northern

Kentucky second. West Texas A&M was the only other LSC team in the poll at No. 11. The Bronchos wrap up the regular season schedule Saturday, hosting Southwestern Oklahoma at 6 p.m. USA TODAY/ESPN Women's Coaches' Poll

1. Minnesota State-Mankato Northern Kentucky 3. California (Pa.) 2.

Tennis ladies topple Seminole State SEMINOLE — A pair of injury default losses wasn't enough to stop Central Oklahoma here Tuesday as the Bronchos picked up a 5-4 win over Seminole State College. UCO was forced to default at No. 6 singles and No. 3 doubles due to Amy Cabato's injury, but won five of the seven remaining bouts to improve to 3-1 on the young season. Julia Shviadok, Lacy Caldwell and El izabeta Abramovic all cruised to easy straight-set wins in singles while Audrey Donovan had a 6-1, 2-0 lead in her match.

4. Fort Lewis (Colo.) 5. Emporia State (Kan.) 6. Alaska-Anchorage 7. Francis Marion (S.C.) 8. Hillsdale (Mich.) 9. UC-San Diego to. Seattle Pacific (Wash.) H. West Texas A&M 12. Quincy (Ill.) 13. Washburn (Kan.) 14. Central Oklahoma 15. Tusculum (Tenn.)

Doubles "We didn't have Amy No. 1 — Barbara Oliveira/ as our sixth player and that made it a real challenge for Cassandra Klebar, Seminole, us," UCO coach Natalya def. Audrey Donovan/Lacy Smith said. "We started Caldwell, 8-6. No. 2 — Julie Vo/Julia the match down 2-0, but it didn't stop us from dominat- Shviadok, UCO, def. Chritina ing in four singles matches LeBarra/Cunningham, 8-1. No. 3 — Seminole won by and the one doubles match injury default. we won. Singles The Bronchos go to No. 1 — Oliveira, Seminole, Joplin, Mo. to take on Missouri Southern Saturday def. Vo, 6-1, 6-1. No. 2 — Donovan, UCO, and to Springfield, Mo. to meet Drury Sunday before def. Klebar, 6-1, 2-0 (injury returning home to open default). No. 3 — Shviadok, UCO, Lone Star Conference play against perennial power def. LeBarra, 6-1, 6-2. Abilene Christian at 2:30 • No. 4 — Caldwell, UCO, def. Joanna Torres, 6-0, 6-1. p.m. Monday.

Texas Tech vs #12 UCO BRONCNOS Friday Feb 21th 1:30pm

Texas Tech vs #12 UCO BRONCHOS Saturday Feb 281111:30pm

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Rumble the Bison performs for the crowd at the OKC Thunder game.

lovestruck teenager. If I were to grade the mascot, I would give him a pass. I can't be too judgmental of the whole idea. One thing is for certain, judging by the crowd noise and conversations I heard and saw, Rumble is a welcomed member of the community and will be a household name for years to come.

Brenner named Player of the Week RICHARDSON, Texas -- Central Oklahoma's Lizzie Brenner has been named Lone Star Conference North Division Player of the Week for the third time this season. The senior standout led the No. 17-ranked Bronchos to a pair of ISC North wins last week, averaging 21.5 points and 8.5 rebounds a game. Brenner scored 26 of her career-high 33 points in a 10384 rout of the Pioneers while adding seven rebounds, two steals, a block and an assist. She came back three days later with a double-double of to points and to rebounds in a 62-47 road win over the Aggies as UCO stayed atop the North Division standings.

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