The Vista February 28, 1995

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY February 28, 1995

The Student Voice Since 1903

3 bills passed by SGA will establish smokers' rights, flags & activities By Farzana A. Razak Staff Writer


Keating speaks at UCO Gov. Frank Keating welcomes the crowd Friday during the Salute to Public Service & Leadership in the University Center Ballroom. (Staff Photo by John Gilmore) V'See Related Story, Page 13

Three proposals became bills in the Feb. 20 meeting of the Student Government Association. The first bill proposes every building, except for the University Center to have a designated smoking entrance. A meeting will be held between the College Caucus and the university administrators to determine which entrance of each building will be designated. "Instead of having every entrance where smokers can use, we're limiting it to one entrance," said Ben Harris, SGA president. This way, people who walk through

the entrances won't be affected by the smoke, said Harris. The smoking area would probably be the least used entrance in the building, but it will have to be discussed with the administration before becoming a UCO policy, said Harris. Another bill establishing the addition of an American flag, an Oklahoma flag, the UCO flag and the pictures of President Bill Clinton, Governor Frank Keating and UCO President George Nigh to the student senate chambers was also passed. The last resolution offered to extend the hours of Wantland Hall and turn it into a Student Activity Center. TSee SGA, Page 12

Metered lot to close tomorrow, temporary lot to open Some faculty, staff, visitors and students may have to hike a bit further this week due to the scheduled closing of the metered parking lot north of the Lillard Administration Building. Due to construction, the lot will be

closed for approximately 30 days beginning tomorrow, stated a report from Nick Widener, executive coordinator of special projects. To cushion the parking loss, a temporary lot will be opened at the corner of

Ayers and University Drive, the report stated. Faculty, staff and visitors of Old North, Lillard Administration Building, Max Chambers Library and Evans Hall are encouraged to used this lot.

Otherwise in the UCO master plan, the completion of the Central Plant project is scheduled for August 1995. Widener said he will continue to provide construction updates as new events occur.

Career placement office 'practically begs' students for resumes By Nicki Cormier Staff Writer Although the number of companies coming to UCO to recruit staff has increased, the career development and placement office has to "practically beg" students to sign up for job interviews, said Kathryn Gage, director of the department. "We have deadlines today for six or seven companies that are coming to campus later on this month to do interviews and we don't have enough resumes on file," she said.

Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 15 Sports 7-9 Comics 15


"All a student needs to do is regisI am not going to put down other univerter here in our office sities, but I have had companies tell me on campus and the company will pre`We have been to other universities in the screen their resume state and your students were the best.' before the interview," she said. —Kathryn Gage Director, Career Development and Placement Services Last year, the office had 53 cornpanics come to campus. This fiscal year, 475 resumes to employers. "We had a firm in Tulsa that asked us 84 companies have committed to come to for resumes of accounting graduates. We UCO to recruit staff. "Last month alone, we sent out over sent them some, and they hired three of

our recent graduates," Gage said. The placement office is placing students in Fortune 200 companies in and out of state, she said. Gage said she runs advertisements in The Vista and posts the interview schedule all over campus. "Another thing that bothers me is there is a perception on campus that a student has to have a 4.0 grade average to find a job through the placement office," Gage said. That is not so. TSee JOBS, Page 12



UCO professor Bob Palmer teaches a `unique' style of three-dimensional painting.


Highlyranked UCO opens the '95 baseball season with four wins over the weekend.

John Clanton Clanton reviews releases from Throwing Muses, Bloodline and The Soup Dragons.

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