The Vista March 3, 2005

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Food drive competition to benefit Edmond Hope Center by Tynesia Omopariola Staff Writer


House refuses to hear research bill ■ UCOSA house stalls on proposed bill from last semster by Michael Robertson Staff Writer

The UCO Student Association house of represenThe Student Academy of tatives refused to hear the Forensic Sciences and the Office of Vice President for Student Affairs challenged UCO organizations and students to participate in the first Project Hope Center food donation drive Feb. 28 through March 25. The food drive will be a competition between different student organizations to see which one will collect the most canned goods. The three organizations that collect the most canned goods will receive a pizza party sponsored by the Office for Student Affairs. The winning organization will be awarded a plaque that it will keep for one year. Each organization can set up boxes around campus so anyone can drop off non-perishable food items. Dr. David von Minden, spon-

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities bill Feb. 28. The decision stemmed from a disagreement about correct parliamentary procedure in a situation where a bill has lost its original author. UCOSA Speaker of the House Dan Ross said he doesn't think the bill has been handled correctly.

Ross said he isn't sure that the bill can be heard without the original author, and he thinks that for a bill to be tabled in one session and picked up in the next goes against procedure. However, UCOSA Senate Pro Tempore Dallas Strimple said that while it would be illegal in the state legislature for a bill to be brought up in a new

by Michael Robertson Staff' Writer

see FOOD DRIVE, page 3

Photo i y aomi ake ue

The Kenya, Nigeria and India student associations will sell cultural craft items March 8 for International Women's Day.

International Women's Day, a celebration of international women's cultural roles, will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 7 in Ballroom C in the Nigh University Center. Juliana Marin, public relations officer for the Latin American Student Association, said the event will include traditional dances by members of the Kenya, Nigeria and India student associations. She said cultural items such as purses, bracelets, sandals and other items from different countries will be sold, and a silent auction will be held. Marin said members from different international organizations will speak about women in their cultures and their roles in society. Dr. Diane Rudebock, assistant professor for Kinesiology and Health Studies, said there will be a labyrinth set up in one corner of the ballroom. She said the labyrinth is found in all cultures and represents a symbolic path of reflection. The profits from the event will be donated to Work of Women, which is part of the Oklahoma-based charitable organization World Neighbors. World Neighbors is an international organization that works

Walkers weigh in for eight-week workout ■ Students will strive to achieve 10,000 steps in a day for the program by Ashlie Campbell Staff Writer

The Student Health Advisory Committee held its registration kickoff for "Walk

"The last time I saw it (the bill) was when McWhorter was still here," he said. Ty Reidenbaugh, senator for the Tri Beta Biology club, was attached as an author of the bill along with the original author David McWhorter, who graduated in December, in a Senate

see UCOSA, page 3

Event will highlight women, their roles in international cultures

WHO: UCO students, organizations WHAT: first Project Hope Center food donation drive WHEN: 2 to 4 p.m. every Friday through March 25 WHERE: Howell Hall Atrium WHY: To benefit the Hope Center of Edmond and to assist others in need

sor for the Student Academy of Forensic Sciences, said he is excited about the food drive. "I'm so glad we finally have this project up and running. Previous attempts have been made to get a project such as this off the ground," von Minden said. "I think by working with the Office of Student Affairs, we will get a bigger response this time." Linda Rash, food coordinator for the Hope Center, said she was glad that UCO students want to participate, because the food donations are what help the center assist others in need. "We already have students from UCO volunteering for us," Rash said. "The food donation drive will be a plus as well." Collection times are from 2 to 4 p.m. every Friday through March 25 in the Howell Hall Atrium. Student organizations can bring their canned goods to be weighed, packaged and delivered to the Hope Center.

session after being tabled in an old one, there is precedent in the UCOSA legislature that allows it. "I think everyone involved is confused on this issue," Ross said. Ross also said that he hadn't received a copy of the bill yet and hadn't seen the new amendments.

this Weigh" Feb. 28 in the Wellness Center. "Walk this Weigh" is an eight-week walking program that encourages UCO students, faculty and staff to increase their physical activity through walking. The program uses pedometers, journa ling and weigh-ins to help its participants stay accountable and reach their goals.

Weekly weigh-ins will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m every Monday in Room 104 in the Wellness Center. The ultimate goal is for each participant to achieve 10,000 steps in a day, which is equivalent to approximately five miles. A person who walks this much every day can burn between 2,000 and 3,500 extra

calories a week. To successfully complete the "Walk this Weigh" challenge, participants must walk 10,000 steps in one day at least one time, attend five of the eight weigh-ins and journal their steps at least five days each week. Those who complete the challenge will be able to attend

see WALK, page 3

`Vagina' to take stage ■

The Association of Women's Studies will present 'The Vagina Monologues' next week by Ashley Romano Staff Writer

Photo by Justin Avera

Lindsay Driskill rehearses her performance for "The Vagina Monologues," which will premiere March 8 at Pegasus Theater.

UCO's virgin presentation of "The Vagina Monologues," will hit center stage 7:30 p.m. March 8, 9 and 11 in Pegasus Theater. Eve Ensler's play, "The Vagina Monologues," is the basis for UCO's production, said Stevie Lorance, president of the Association for Women's Studies, which is sponsoring the performances.

She said Ensler's interviews with women and her experiences led her to create the "V-Day" organization, a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. "We (the women's association) want people to be aware of the prevalence of the many forms of violence against women and of the need for all people to get involved to end it," Lorance said. She said the purpose of the monologues "is to make women feel good about their bodies." "We want to provide a positive image of women's varied experiences and a safe place where their voices can be valued," Lorance said.

see MONOLOGUES, page 3

to help people in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Sunshine Cowan, kinesiology and health studies instructor, said UCO is the first university to host a Work of Women event. "Work of Women is a remarkable program, and we are excited to have UCO as the front-runner of universities working on this project and in celebrating International Women's Day," Cowan said in a press release. For more information about International Women's Day, call the International Office at 9742390 or call Sunshine Cowan at 974-5238. Michael Robertson can be reached at mrobertson@thevistaonline,com._

CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS ■ The Student Programming Board will show "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" at 8 p.m. March 2 in Pegasus Theater. The event is free. ■ Applications are available for the Presidential Partners Kirkpatrick Leadership Awards and Rothbaum Achievement Awards at the UCO Foundation Office, Rm. 102 of Evans Hall; Student Affairs, Rm. 213 of Lillard Administration Building; or from any dean's office on campus. Applications are due March 21. ■ Donations are being accepted for a campus-wide clothing drive for the YWCA domestic abuse shelter. The clothing drive will run through March 11, and donations should be dropped off at Rm. 201 of the Human Environmental Sciences Building. ■ UCO's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance will help taxpayers will their federal and state tax returns from Feb. 1 through April 12 in Rm. 347 of Thatcher Hall. For information, contact Dr. Mary Sheets at or at 974-2834. ■ The Division of Student Affairs is accepting applications for 2005 Orientation Team Leaders. To download the application form, visit the Campus Life Web site at . Applications are due March 4.

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