The Vista March 03, 2009

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March 3, 2009

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The Student Voice of the University of Central Oklahoma Since 1903

'God Hates Fags' group rallies Kansas church blames recent tornadoes on Oklahoma's homosexual community but I wanted to show them that their hatred will not be accepted here." Corre.spondem The Moore police department, expecting about io protesters from Members of the Westboro Baptist Kansas, shut down two blocks of Church traveled more than 30o Main Street by the south parking miles to picket high school students lot of the high school because they and the Oklahoma state govern- anticipated many more Oklahomans to show up. ment yesterday. The protest lasted more than an Six members of the church, all family members, traveled from hour and more closely resembled Topeka, Kan., to preach at the State a festival than a religious protest. Capitol and Moore High School on Cars, motorcycles and party buses the corner of Main Street and Toby driving north and southbound on Toby Keith Avenue honked and Keith Avenue. They were greeted and vastly revved their engines as they passed outnumbered by a boisterous crowd by, drowning out the passive chants of Oklahomans from all over the of the Kansas congregation. Many of the passing cars had metro area that came to hold a signs, rainbow flags, American flags counter-protest. "I came to stand up for what and people hanging out of their winI believe in," Athena Gonzalez, a dows as Oklahomans of all persuafreshman at UCO, said. "Everyone sions and backgrounds were there has their First Amendment rights, see RALLY, page 5


Kory Oswald

Media 'crisis' forces changes

Yet another extra-inning game resulted in a coaching milestone for UCO's Wendell Simmons Sunday afternoon at Broncho Field. UCO went extra innings for before pulling out a 5-4 triumph over East Central on Blake Mitchell's run scoring double in the bottom of the ninth inning. -

Continued on page 8

Photo by Chris Albers

A member of Westboro Baptist Church stands Monday afternoon at the corner of Main Street and Toby Keith Avenue in Moore to protest the Moore highschool. Hundreds of people showed up to rally against the protesters including a fleet of Vietnam veteran motorcyclists. See www.thevistaonline. com for video coverage.


The flags of many countries intermingled upon red, white and blue dressed banquet tables at the Multicultural Education Institute this weekend. "It is not about fixing the kids to fit a system, it is about fixing a system to fit the students," Dr. Bradley Scott said in a speech. Continued on page 2

NFL star tells inspirational tale of overcoming obstacles

Chase Dearinger .swirt riier Senior Reporter Imagine waking up in the middle of What are the ingredients the night with the left half of your body for a "perfect storm?" not functioning. You try to get to the For students hoping to bathroom to collect your thoughts and profit in the news and media maybe take an aspirin for the splitting industry, it could be the com- headache you have, only to find that bination of the depressed you have to crawl because your left arm economy and the growing and leg won't move. realm of open information This was the experience of Tedy on the Internet. Bruschi, starting linebacker for the "There is a crisis at hand," New England Patriots, in 2005. It was KWTV Channel 9. News a day and a half after his first appearDirector Blaise Labbe said. ance in a Pro Bowl, and the same "That crisis has not escaped month that his third son was born and the news industry." his team won their third Super Bowl in Media giant News Corp., four years. owner of 20th Century FOX "I had this feeling like my body was and The Wall Street Journal, in a vice," Bruschi said. "My head felt lost $6 billion in the 4th quar- like it was going to explode." ter of the 2008 fiscal year, So what did Bruschi do? He went according to CNNmoney. back to bed. The star NFL player com . believed that he had just slept the "While we anticipated a wrong way on his arm or that they weakening, the downturn were just aches from a career in prois more severe and likely fessional football. He told himself he'd longer lasting than previ- be okay. ously thought," News Corp. "When you're young, you think Chairman and CEO Rupert you're indestructible," Bruschi said. Murdoch said in the CNN The next morning the effects had article. "We are implement- spread, and he was forced to go to ing rigorous cost-cutting Massachusetts General Hospital to see across all operations and a doctor. reducing head count where "The neurologist put his hand on my appropriate." shoulder and said, 'Teddy, you've had a Labbe said the economic mild stroke,"' Bruschi said. "Until that squeeze is affecting all out- point, the only time I'd thought about lets of the news industry. strokes was on the golf course." About 63,00o people were Bruschi told the story of his stroke laid off last year from the and miraculous recovery last Thursday Photo by Vista photographer Matt Danner top newspapers nationwide, night before a substantial crowd at Labbe said Hamilton Field House. The talk was a "Broadcasters ... are strug- part of "A Stroke of Courage," an annu- New England Patriots linebacker Tedy Bruschi speaks at gling," Labbe said. "That al conference put on by St. Anthony's Hamilton Field House on Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009. struggle will continue this Rehabilitation Center and the American see JOURNALISM, see BRUSCHI, page 5 page 5 Ryan Croft


The University of Central Oklahoma will host internationally known anti-death penalty activist Sister Helen Prejean at 7 p.m., March 3 in Constitution Hall in the Nigh University Center. Prejean will speak about her continuous work against the death penalty, as well as many of her other personal experiences with death row. Continued on page 3

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lielkiataites E3logs

Liquid Assets with Caleb McWilliams

From Vista finance reporter Caleb McWilliams comes a blog about the financial, political and other relevant happenings in Central Oklahoma affecting UCO.

Inside the Lines with Chris Wescott

Sports reporter Chris Wescott brings you all sports, all the time, with Broncho scores, mini articles and quotes from players' and coachs' interviews.

Snap. Crackle. Pop Culture. with Stephani Tobin

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act. —Anatole France

Stephani writes about day-to-day pop culture, new and old movies, shameless celebrity gossip, the music she has playing repeatedly on her iPod and her American Idol obsession.

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Newspaper Folds

The following bills regarding tuition and higher education in Oklahoma are on the docket for this legislative session: Tuition Bills: HB1324 // Representative Mike Reynolds—Allows the Legislature to set tuition and fees for higher education institutions. * The legislation requires the Legislature to set all resident tuition, nonresident tuition and other fees for institutions of higher education. * It repeals language directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to set tuition and fees. UPDATE: The bill was assigned to the House Higher Education Committee but has not yet been assigned to a committee agenda. The House's first legislative deadline was February 26, 2009; therefore, all bills originating in the House must have passed out of committee in order to continue to advance in the legislative process.


alumni to be hosted at tournament

SB 791 // Senator Jim Reynolds— Allows the Legislature to set tuition and fees for higher education AP Photo/Steve Nehf, The Denver Post institutions. The Rocky Mountain News sign is removed from the Denver Newspaper * The legislation directs the Legislature to establish res- Agency building Sunday morning, March 1, 2009. ident tuition, nonresident tuition and fees for institutions within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education beginning with the 2010-2011 academic year. * The bill repeals statutory language authorizing the State Regents for Higher Education the authority to set tuition and fees. Oklahoma journalists will UPDATE: The bill has been placed on the Senate calhonor nine of their colleagues endar but has not yet been placed on a floor agenda to be as they are inducted into heard by the full Senate. the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame at a celebraSecurity Bills: tory luncheon set for 11:30 HB 1083// Representative Murphey-- Authorizes a.m., April 3 in the Nigh certain individuals with a valid concealed handgun license University Center Ballrooms at the University of Central to carry a gun onto college and university property. * The legislation changes existing law that prohibits Oklahoma in Edmond. The 2009 inductees are individuals from carrying handguns onto public college and Dick Pryor, Sue Hinton and Lewis Sharon K. Dowell, retired university property. Ferguson are three of the nine inductees to * The legislation allows individuals with a valid con- Oklahoman food editor; the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame. cealed handgun license to carry a concealed weapon onto Lewis Ferguson, retired public college and university property if one of the addi- Associated Press political correspondent; Sue Brewster journalism, and the crowd the Hall of Fame selects the tional criteria is metHinton, ournalism professor will be filled with giants of honorees. * The individual is CLEET certified; or * The individual is a faculty member who is charged at Oklahoma CityCommunity the industry," said Dr. Terry Founded in 1971 by College; Debbie Jackson, M. Clark, chairperson of the former UCO Journalism with classroom teaching responsibilities. * Additionally, the legislation allows a college or uni- Tulsa World Sunday editor; UCO Mass Communication Chairperson, Dr. Ray Tassin, versity to prohibit concealed handguns at accessed Russell M. Perry, publisher Department. The depart- the Oklahoma Journalism controlled events where all individuals entering the event of The Black Chronicle; Dick ment sponsors the Hall of Hall of Fame is supported Pryor, OETA broadcast jour- Fame. are subject to a security check point. by funding from UCO, The UPDATE: The bill has been assigned to the House nalist; Ray Soldan, retired Mark Thomas, execu- Ethics and Excellence in Public Safety Committee but has not yet been assigned to a Oklahoman high school tive vice president of the Journalism Foundation and committee agenda. The House's first legislative deadline sports writer;and Gloria and Oklahoma Press Association, The Oklahoma Newspaper was February 26, 2009; therefore, all bills originating in Wayne Trotter, co-publish- will serve as Master of Foundation. the House must have passed out of committee in order to ers of the Countywide and Ceremonies for the event, Tickets to the inducSun of Tecumseh. continue to advance in the legislative process. with welcoming remarks tion luncheon are $15 each "This annual ceremony from UCO President Roger and can be purchased until has become an informal Webb. March 30 by calling the homecoming for distinA committee composed UCO Mass Communication guished previous nominees. of members of the work- Department at (405) 974"The Hall includes a virtu- ing press, the Society of 5121. al 'who's who' of Oklahoma Professional Journalists and

Nine to be inducted into Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame at UCO

Friends of the Library March Membership Drive 2009

And Support Your UCO Library! Cash, Check or Credit Card?

Join at the Student level for just $5 and shop the 9th Annual Book Sale early on April 17th! Payroll Deduction* Join at the faculty level for as little as $2.10 a month. If you are already contributing by payroll deduction and do not wish to change anything, no action is needed. Directions below for new Friends or changes.

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Campus Notes

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Mark your calenders! The IFOL Book Sale is April 18th & 19th, members shop on the 17th. Questions? Contact Gwen Dobbs at x2877 or

The University of Central Oklahoma Alumni Association will host two alumni receptions in Bartlesville as a part of the 2009 Lone Star Conference (LSC) men and women's basketball tournament at the Bruin Field House March 4-8. The first reception is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Friday, March 6 . All UCO alumni and friends are invited to attend either reception and enjoy free tickets to the Friday and Saturday games as well. "When we received the invitation to join the Lone Star Conference festivities, we were excited to have the opportunity to bring a piece of UCO to our alumni and friends living in Bartlesville and the surrounding areas," said AI Jones, director of the UCO Alumni Association.

`Big Event'

to be held on April 18

TheVoluntee rand Service Learning Center (VSLC) seeks non-profit agencies that could use our services. If you know of an agency, school or other entity that could use a team of students to help their organization with a project, please have them contact Lyndsay Holder, volunteer services coordinator, at 974-2623 or . The Big Event, hosted by the Volunteer and Service Learning Center (VSLC), is UCO's largest day ofcommunity service to the Edmond and Oklahoma City area and will be Saturday, April 18. During the event, teams of students will blitz the city and perform community service ranging from spring cleaning, building fences, painting gymnasiums, etc. For more information, visit the Volunteer and Service Learning Center, Room 212, Nigh University Center, or Others Need to Know," go to by Roger Rosenthal from volunteer/. Washington D.C., to, "Using Music to Enhance Instruction for English Language Learners," by UCO's coordinator of Project SEEDS, Gina Lopez. • The Multicultural The Tony AwardEducation Institute also winning musical "Promises, awarded Owen Hawzipta of ProMises," featuring music Owasso Public Schools 2009 by Burt Bacharach, will Multicultural Citizen of the be performed at 7:3o p.m. Year. Jennifer Pasillas of Monday-Wednesday, March Putnam City Public Schools 2-4, and TueSday-Thursday, received the award for 2009 March 10-12, at the UCO Multicultural Teacher of the Jazz Lab by UCO's musical theatre division. Year. Tickets are $15 and Phyllis Perkins from may be reserved by calling Oklahoma City Public the Mitchell Hall Theater Schools was named Box Office at 974 -3375. 2009 Multicultural Reservations are recomParaprofessional. mended, as seating is limMany other students and ited. Doors will open at 6 teachers received awards for work done in the name of Based on the 1960 movie multicultural education. "The Apartment," the musiAside from speeches and cal revolves around a naive, award ceremonies, plenty of but ambitious young execuentertainment was at hand. tive who finds himself loanCarl Albert High School's ing the key to his bachecolor guard unit as well as lor apartment to the older dance groups from Columbus executives for their liaisons. Elementary School and McKechnie traveled to UCO Roosevelt Middle School, recently to teach master made appearances. Scott ended his keynote classes in voice and dance, speech with his original as well as coach the musical's cast members. song, "For the Children."

Multicultural group promotes diversity in the classroom Rehan Swies Correspondent

The flags of many countries intermingled upon red, white and blue dressed banquet tables at the Multicultural Education Institute this weekend. "It is not about fixing the kids to fit a system, it is about fixing a system to fit the students," Dr. Bradley Scott said in a speech. Scott is the director of the Intercultural Development Research Association. He was also the keynote speaker at a Friday night banquet. Each flag represented a different perspective and culture in America. An array of teachers and students attended to celebrate diversity and encourage its education. Scott went on to quote Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou and other historical figures with saying that, "to reject differences and diversities is to negate ourselves." The institute took place both Friday and Saturday in the Nigh University Center. Multiple sessions occurred, varyingfrom "The Crises in Immigration Policy: What Educators and

`Promises, Promises,' now open

Tuesday March 3, 2009 Pa

Rowing to raise money Death penalty activist

to speak to UCO students

Photo by Vista photographer Matt Danner

The UCO's women's rowing team participates in an Erg-A-Thon to raise money for spring training. After accepting a donation, a rower will strain their body to row as hard as they can for one dollar a minute. Spring training will take place in Natchitoches, La.

A best-selling author, her book "Dead The University of Central Oklahoma will Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of host internationally known anti-death pen- the Death Penalty in the United States," on alty activist Sister Helen Prejean at 7 p.m., which the movie is based, chronicles her March 3 in Constitution Hall in the Nigh experiences as a spiritual advisor to Patrick Sonnier, the convicted killer of two teenagUniversity Center. Prejean will speak about her continuous ers who was sentenced to die in the electric work against the death penalty, as well as chair of Louisiana's Angola State Prison. This book remained on the New York many of her other personal experiences with Times Best Seller List for 31 weeks and death row. Parts of those experiences were became an international best seller. chronicled on screen in the Oscar-winning After Prejean's lecture, there will be a 1996 movie "Dead Man Walking," starring book sale and signing. Combination deals Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn. will be offered with her books "Dead Man "Sister Prejean is mesmerizing, humorWalking" and "The Death of Innocents" at ous, passionate and filled with stories about how she came to counsel death row inmates, a reduced price. For more information, call and why she has taken up the cause to halt UCO Mass Communication professor Dr. the death penalty," said Jill Kelsey, UCO Gwen Olivier at (405) 974 -55 8 3 or . Mass Communication professor. "I had the privilege of hearing her speak several years ago, and she leaves you wantGo online! ing to hear more." Prejean has appeared on many major network television shows such as 6o Minutes, NBC's Today Show, ABC World News Tonight, Larry King Live and the Phil Donahue Show.

MO student turns in father for bank robbery . Associated Press A UCO student turned his own father in for robbing a bank last month after viewing an image from a surveillance camera and realizing the face looked familiar. Michael Siany, a criminal justice student at UCO, noticed the bald, white man in the picture who appeared to be smiling as he leaned toward the bank teller with a plastic grocery bag in hand looked like his father, David Louis Siany. "I sat there for about an hour, thinking abod what I should do," Siany, 21, told The Oklahoman. "A lot of things went through my mind, but I knew the right thing to do. In the

end, I knew I'd have to live with it if he got hurt or someone else got hurt," he said. "I couldn't have lived with that the rest of my life. That's when I called the FBI." David Siany, 51, had just been released from serving time on a bank robbery conviction in November when he allegedly robbed two banks in January. Federal charges were filed on Jan. 29, and David Siany was arrested by a state trooper near Sayre five days later. An affidavit says he stole $5,188 in the heist. A second charge was subsequently filed against David Siany in connection with a Jan. 22 robbery of a Bank of America branch: in Tulsa, When Michael Siany telephoned the FBI office in Oklahoma City about his father, he wasn't immediately believed. "I told the lady on the phone that my

father was the man in the bank robbery photo," he said. "She chuckled. She literally chuckled. I said, 'No, that's really my father.' Finally, she realized I wasn't joking." Federal agents met with Michael Siany, who identified the man in the video. Michael Siany said he used to think his father's exploits were cool. He was in the sixth grade when his father had just been sent to the federal prison in Waseca, Minn., to serve 110 months for bank robberies in Oklahoma City, Edmond and Minnesota. Then Michael Siany watched over the years as his divorced mother worked fulltime as 'a nurse while raising him and his brother, Jeffrey. She shielded them as much as possible from the shadow of their father's name, he said.

The boys learned about their father through letters or telephone calls from prison, he said. Michael Siany discovered that his father loved to cook and was the head chef at a Chicago steakhouse at one time, but he also had a passion for gambling. "He just got into more and more debt. He needed money quickly, and (robbing banks) was the quickest way to get out of debt," Michael Siany said. "This last time I think he was looking at all the taxes he owed and it was the same deal. He figured this was the quickest way to get out of debt." Michael Siany said he really doesn't know his father. , "I'm sure he's a good person sotrieWhere down in there, but for some reason he does these bad things," he said. "I just have to live with the last name."

Education and psychology professor dies of cancer at 58 culture influences adolescents, as well Caleb McWilliams as their family sta,S'ialf 1 tus and how being a minority or child Dr. Janet Jordan White, an assistant of a military parprofessor in the Department of Professional ent affected educaTeacher Education, died on Feb. 10 after a tion." Before UCO, battle with lung cancer. She was 58. "She always got her students to think," White taught at said Dr. Diana H. Jackson, chair of the other universities, Department of Professional Teacher including Texas Education and long-time friend of White. Tech and Cameron University in "She was always nudging them forward." WHITE White, who had been teaching at Lawton, where she UCO since August 2006, taught several met Jackson. "We were both a courses in the PTE department, including Foundations of Educational Research, part of the faculty [at Cameron] in 1991, and Educational Psychology, Meeting Students' found out we had common interests and ties, like our military ties and our children," Needs and Adolescent Psychology. "Adolescent psychology was a passion of Jackson said. "We would also both drive to OU two or hers," Jackson said. three times a week when we were working "She was very interested in how pop

on our doctorate programs, which allowed us time to bond," Jackson said. While at UCO, White's research interests included social network analysis and psychsocial development of adolescents. White's frequent research partner, Photo provided assistant professor Dr. Michael Nelson, said that she was always "a big-idea person." "She was always looking at the big picture and conceptualizing the whole piece," said Nelson. "We would spend many hours sitting around on the grass, kicking around ideas."

Priority Sign Lip begins March 2 at

"She was a true original," Jackson said. "She had eclectic interests and an eclectic taste." "We shared teaching and instructional approaches," Nelson said. "We were concerned with getting students to buy into what we were teaching them." White found out she had cancer the week before final exams last semester, Jackson said. "She had a great sense of humor, though," Jackson said. "It was a self-depreciating type of humor. She never wanted the limelight." Jackson she said White put her favorite quote on her syllabi and in her office to remind her how important she thought theory was. "He who loves practice without theory is like a sailor who boards a ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may be cast." —Leonardo da Vinci.

The Vista

Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 • The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Thursdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. EDITORIALS

Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS

The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, doublespaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to .


ads wescott,sport5 writer

Rhiannon Winkelman, Stapilter

MULTIMEDIA Matt Danner, Photographer

Chris Albeis, Multimedia Producer Joshua Gilbreath, Multimedia Assistant



Cartoon by Jared Aylor

Stacey McEntire



ADVISER Kelly S. Wray

Marcus Blackman Business - Freshman



Chase Dearinger, Features Writer Laura HoiTett, Senior Reporter Ryan Croft Senior Reporter Caleb McWilliams, Staff Writer Angela Morris, Staff Writer


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,, [In] a quiet atmosphere. "





"How do you like to study?" -,.., '


Nelson Solomon, Co Editor Greg Newby, Co Editor Strphani Tobin , Copy Editor Kayleigh Adamelc, Design Editor Keith Mooney, Ad Manager

Campus Quotes



' "' "A warm bubble-bath ) a piece of chocolate cake, , ., and a Clay Aiken CD." .;/7 Levi Garrison

Christians should be about love not hate Yesterday, the Topeka, Kan.of those who make choices ,

based Westboro Baptist Church contrary to your beliefs. staged a non-violent protest at I have my beliefs, based Moore High School, pushing the on the values and beliefs message that God hates the stuinstilled in me since my dents at the 6A high school. childhood as well as my The church's media packet from experiences, and I encourFeb. 27 had the following mesage every reader to examsage, according to the Norman ine their core values and Transcript: "We will picket your stand for what is right in BY NELSON SOLOMON really large high school because you the world, as they see it. southern(ish) hypocrites keep lying But I do not encourage to the children. We have a message, from your Maker, high spreading a message of hate to those who view issues difschool students -- we're here to deliver God has cursed you, ferently than you do. It is only a detriment to the ultimate with your parents' lies. Now God is rejecting your filthy rag- purpose of bringing lost souls into God's family. Isn't that a ing lies violent brats, God hates you." primary purpose of Christians? This situation is disturbing to me, especially as I consider As Jesus stated when confronted by the Pharisees on myself a strong Christian. And one of the strongest aspects whether it was correct to stone a woman caught in adultery of a real Christ-like faith is love, not hate. based on Mosaic law, "If any one of you is without sin, let The Westboro Baptist Church is clearly not showing the him be the first to throw a stone at her." love that Christians are meant to show to others, as demonClearly, we are all individually flawed in one way or strated by Jesus Christ during his life on the Earth. another, and have no room to believe we are better than This is a group that travels nationally to picket the anyone else. funerals of gay victims of murder, gay-bashing incidents or If you are Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, or in any deaths related to AIDS, as well as other events related or other belief system, you probably have a well-defined set of peripherally related to gay people. values by the time you reach this campus. My hope is that It is one thing to know your faith and what you stand that you can hold on to your beliefs and defend it when necfor, and defend that faith when questioned. It is an entirely essary, but not send a message of hate that will push people different notion to push a message of hate down the throats away from the path you wish them to be on.

The Bottom Line

Presidency skips generation; where are the hippies?


The late 19605 was a period of time known for political turmoil marked by protests, race riots, a sexual revolution and an extremely Undecided - Freshman controversial war. Teenagers who were raised during this time experienced events and news coverage that wouldn't be fully seen again for many years. These "Shut the blinds and turn are people who were children when President Kennedy was shot, and off the TV and radio." many of them were receiving their first draft card by the time the decade wrapped up. It is interesting to note, that while this was a generation Anna Prieto marked by strong politics, it is also a generation that has General Studies - Junior been passed over for the presidency and for many other top political positions. Of course, this isn't the first time generations have been looked over in this fashion. President Buchanan, who took in 1857, was over a decade older than the previous "Caffeine and headphones." office president as well as his successor, Abraham Lincoln. President Grant, who took office in 1869, was 14 years younger than the man in office before him. President Kyle Rice Clinton is 22 years younger than the first President Bush. President Obama is 15 years younger than the second Interpersonal Communications President Bush. However, throughout the 2008 presidenSophomore tial race, there were only two candidates for the presidency from that generation — John Edwards and Mike Huckabee. Both fizzled out during the primaries, and both were Photographed & compiled by Matt Danner marred by some level of controversy.

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A good question to ask would be this: Why there aren't more strong political candidates for this office from that generation? The late teen years are a very impressionable 'period, and one would think more people would come out of that generation with political aspirations. The Civil Rights movement peaked in the late 196os and race riots in large cities motivated political action. Sen. Robert Kennedy was assassinated in 1968 after inspiring hope in many Americans for a change in policy. The Vietnam war was in its full stride at this time as well, prompting protests, questions about the motives behind the war and many people burning draft cards. The protests against the War on Terror have been small potatoes compared to monumental angst shown around the country during this time. Politics at this time transcended the ordinary as well. The first Woodstock festival in 1969 turned rock and folk music into something completely different. The event unified its masses under social harmony and at the time, was a counter-culture phenomenon. It seems unusual that so few people who grew up around this level of political turmoil and change would play a big role in the road to the presidency. However, there's always 2012 to consider, and maybe we'll'see faces from that generation who were inspired by their teenage years.

West Coast Bias

Reflections of a father: Learning to change your mind times, but always extremely well intentioned. On the way home Nog C'ontributor I told him that he was going to This evening after I picked Ian eat and then go to bed. When up from daycare we went to my he finished eating, he told me he brother's house so he could play was ready for bed, but I told him with his cousin. His cousin is he could stay up and watch some three days younger than him. We television if he wanted to. "We're you just, joking about call them Gutterball and Chuckles, me having to go to bed, daddy?" they'll bite your cheek off if you "No, I just changed my mind." look at 'em wrong. "So I can stay up?" Actually they're the nicest and "Yeah, sometimes people just coolest boys in the state. change their minds, it doesn't We stayed a little late, and Ian mean they were joking. They just was tired and hungry when we change their mind." left. Tired and hungry is usually We turned on the television a recipe for disaster, but my son and the President's address to is ferociously considerate and well Congress was just st4rting. I got beheved, a little mischievous at

Matt Thompson

excited and told Ian, Of course it was about thirty "WE GET TO WATCH seconds before he became restPRESIDENT OBAMA!" less — he would delicately pull I tried to make it sound like the individual hairs on my arm and most exciting thing he could pos- try to whisper to me, but I shushed sibly imagine. him and continued watching the We sat on the couch and started president. About five minutes into watching. it, he looked at me with big wet It made sense in my head, I eyes, and said. wanted to teach him to revere the "Daddy, I want to go to bed." office of the president, I remember "You would rather go to bed watching the president and feel- instead of watch TV with me?" ing some sort of awe when I was "Yes." around his age, but the chances At that point I realized that Ian of me actually sitting all the way will be concerned about politics through one of his speeches was and current events soon enough, about nil to nada. he's four and shouldn't care about Ian made it an alarming five the president or anything remotely minutes. perious for as long as possible.

"How 'bout you go play in your room." "Okay." It was about five minutes later when he came back downstairs in his batman pajamas. " I thought you we're going to play in your room." "I changed my mind. Sometimes I just do that." Then he sat down beside me, kissed on my head and rubbed my hair as I sat and watched the president. This is a selection from the blog "Raising Ian" by Matt Thompson, available on .




BRUSCHI Continued from Page 1 Stroke Association. The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness of strokes throughout the state. Janet Spradlin, a rehabilitation psychologist at St. Anthony's Rehabilitation Center, started the conference in 1997. "There is life after a stroke," Spradlin said as she introduced Bruschi, the keynote


speaker. Her desire is to provide hope, inspiration and recovery for stroke victims. The conference is just part of what Spradlin does to provide this hope and inspiration. She also started the first stroke peer program in Oklahoma. The stroke peer program places recent stroke survivors with people that have lived through the experience and can offer advice and comfort. Spradlin's desire to raise stroke awareness in Oklahoma is not unfounded; Oklahoma has the fourth highest death rate


from strokes in the nation. Bringing attention to both risk factors and the warning signs of a stroke are important because many people, like Bruschi, don't recognize the signs and put themselves at risk for further damage. "We now know that there are some treatments that can help you recover from strokes," Spradlin said. Although Bruschi was able to recover from his stroke and return to the NFL, not everyone is so lucky.

"Stroke awareness is important because I didn't know what was happening to me," Bruschi said. "How could this be happening to a 31-year-old athlete that doesn't use illegal drugs or even drink alcohol?" Bruschi concluded by saying that knowing the signs of a stroke are the central thrust of his message. "If you've [heard] that from me tonight, I've done my job," Bruschi said.

Continued from Page 1 year." Labbe said the future of news media, though uncertain, provides new opportunities for innovation. "I don't want it to come across as all gloom and doom, because it's not," Labbe explained. "It's really. . .the next evolution that we're experiencing right now." In his presentation, Labbe also warned students that the future news media is not "coming," but is already here. "Our industry has changed so much so rapidly," Labbe said. "We're having to change our budgets and look at


things differently. There's a whole paradigm shift within the news media industry." Labbe said the news media would soon rely almost entirely on "a dynamic workforce built for multi-tasking." "When I say that you [students] are the future of our business, I mean that sincerely," Labbe said. Labbe explained that the old news-business model would not survive the accessibility demands of the new generation. "[Broadcast TV is] one of those traditional-based opera-

tions where the expectation is for you to sit down and watch us at a certain time," Labbe said. "But that is not the way you guys view. . .your media anymore." Labbe said it is important for journalism teachers to educate their students about the new evolution of news media. "I challenged educators. . .to start thinking differently about how they're teaching you guys so that you're better prepared when you come out of school," Labbe said.

Continued from Page 1 to combat their message. "Shame on you," an Oklahoma protester chanted through a loudspeaker. "Go back to Kansas." The parking lot at the high school is usually packed with cars and students leaving school around the time the protest took place, but yesterday it was empty because the students staged their own opposing protest of silence and invisibility. School was dismissed 25 minutes early as part of "The Invisible Campus" protest, which was created by freshmen at Moore High School and quickly approved by head principal Mike Coyle in order to subvert the more fervid protests of the Westboro group. Most of the 2,200 students vacated campus before the protests started. Many of the students made signs and wrote messages on their car windows that read "God is , k V401(ii love." "We were'able to get them all off e:arri P t u§," Debbie Mk& the superintendent, said. "The kids were great." The WBC carried vibrant rainbow colored signs that said things like "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "Bloody Obama." "God hates Oklahomans and everyone that. . .publicly promotes the fag agenda," Hezeakia Phelps, 18, said. kN ,

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The WBC's Web site claims that they are grateful for the tornadoes that God sends to destroy and kill Oklahomans. Phelps said there are approximately 70 members of his church, most of them relatives, and they picket somewhere almost every day. Phelps was the second youngest member of the group. The youngest member, his 6-year-old cousin, passively held a sign that read "God hates fags" on one side and "God hates the U.S.A." on the other. Pastor Charlie Bunn of UCO Chi Alpha said that this particular sect of Christians was "led astray." "We definitely don't agree with them or their thoughts," Bunn said, "[Christians] hate sin but we love the sinner and the people. . .what they [the WBC] do is counterproductive." Photo by Chris Albers •■■

Protestor Mika Miles sings "Jesus Loves Me" Monday afternoon over a megaphone. She is one of hundreds that came to the intersection of Main Street and N. Toby Keith Avenue in Moore to rally against a scheduled protest held by the Westboro Baptist Church in opposition of Moore High School.

Fdr'video coverage of this story, visit

Oklahoma A+ Schools to offer integration workshop Oklahoma A+ Schools®, headquartered at UCO, will host an encore presentation of the arts integration workshop Movie Soundtrack Theatre from 1-3:30 p.m., Saturday, March 28 at the City Arts Center at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds. Participants will learn ways to creatively integrate music, visual and theatre arts with history, language arts to engage students in PK-12 grade-classrooms. Movie Soundtrack Theatre was created as a result of OK A+ Fellows' shared vision to bring back to Oklahoma their collaborative experiences from the San Francisco Symphony's Keeping Score Education program. "I learned a way of integrating music into my classroom, rather than simply setting a mood with different period pieces, and I want to help other teachers do the same," said OK A+ Fellow Deji Dugger. Dugger and Sonya Fergeson, also an OK A+ fellow, will facilitate the interactive workshop. "Music is powerful, and it can strongly impact learning experiences to be more meaningful for our students," said Fergeson.

"OK A+ Fellows represent a wide range of experiences and expertise to offer creative and engaging professional development, and participants will truly benefit from the music and history based backgrounds of Deji and Sonya," said OK A+ Program Director Rosalynn Wade. Registration is free for members of the OK A+ Schools® Network and UCO faculty, staff and students, and is $30 per person for others.

Norman Public Schools Teacher Job Fair March 5, 2009 - 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nancy O'Brian Center 1809 Stubbeman (405) 364-1339


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DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. PRICES: Classified ads cost $7/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for info AZI;11:70117151Ni Senior Services Of Oklahoma Is looking for students to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1pm and 1:30 pm 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Matt Hack.

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Extra-innings win helps Bronchos men, women claim UCO coach notch record North Division titles in hoops Yet another extra-inning game result- seventh to tie it and UCO blew a golden ed in a coaching milestone for Central opportunity to win it in the bottom of Oklahoma's Wendell that inning, using two Simmons Sunday aftererrors and a hit to load noon at cold and windy the bases with no outs Broncho Field. only to have the Tigers UCO went extra escape unscathed. innings for the sixth time Neither team threatin 17 outings before pullened again until the ing out a 5-4 first-game bottom of the ninth triumph over East Central when Ryan Schoonover on Blake Mitchell's runreached second on a scoring double in the botone-out throwing error tom of the ninth inning to by the pitcher and he give Simmons his 600th easily scored the wincareer win, with the ning run when Mitchell Bronchos coming back to drove a two-out, twotake a io-6 victory in the strike pitch to the leftnightcap to complete the center field gap. doubleheader sweep. Mitchell, Bryant "Winning 600 games and Casey Bruns had means I've been around two hits apiece to lead Photo y Matt Danner a long time and we've UCO's io-hit attack, had a lot of good players UCO outfielder Jason Monko while Tyler Bishop come through here," said waits for a pitch during the picked up the pitching Simmons, now 601-326- baseball game against East win with two innings of 1 in his 18th year at the one-hit relief. Central University on Sunday, UCO helm. The Bronchos used "We still made some March 1, 2009. a pair of four-run outmistakes that hurt us, but bursts to take control in we did a lot of good things and picked up the second game, breaking a 1-1 tie in the two wins we needed to have." third inning with the first one and opening The Bronchos improved to 8-9 on the up a 9-1 lead in the fifth with the second. year and 5-7 in Lone Star Conference play Jason Monko had the big blow in the in earning a four-game series split with fourth with a two-run triple, while Nate ECU. Mitani and Andrew Foshee added RBI sinThe Tigers had swept a twinbill in Ada gles. on Friday. UCO made it 9-1 with the fifth-inning UCO took a 2-0 first-inning lead in the volley as Bruns, Foshee and Schoonover all opener as Luke Yost had an RBI fielder's had run-scoring hits and the Tigers couldn't choice and John Bryant drew a bases-loaded walk, with the Tigers coming back to catch up. Yost, Monko, Bruns and Foshee all had score single runs in the second, third and two-hit games to pace the Bronchos. fourth innings to nab a 3-2 advantage. Kyle Head started and went the first 5 The Bronchos tied it in the fourth on 2/3 innings to earn the win, while Brent Yost's sacrifice fly that scored Wade Gordy, Miller picked up his first save by going the who had led off the inning with a single. Then Yost came through again in the final 3 1/3 innings. UCO returns to action today, meeting sixth with an line-drive double to left field Science and Arts of Oklahoma in a single that scored Mitchell for a 4-3 lead. ECU scored on an error in the top of the nine-inning game at 3 p.m.

An game-opening burst put the Central Oklahoma women in control early and the No. 14 Bronchos coasted by Southwestern, 65-46, Saturday night to claim their first-ever outright North Division title in the Lone Star Conference. UCO, which shared the LSC North title last year, never trailed in its home finale in finishing the regular season 23-4 overall and 13-1 in the division. The Bronchos will be the No. I seed for the North in next week's eight-team LSC Tournament in Bartlesville and will meet Tarleton State in a first-round game at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. The Central Oklahoma men also sewed up the outright North Division title of the Lone Star Conference. Lance Harper and Michael Sosanya controlled the inside to guide seventh-ranked UCO past Southwestern, 76-68, Saturday. The men entered the regular season finale needing a win to stay ahead of the Bulldogs in the division standings and prevailed in the physical contest to claim the crown for the fourth time in five years. The Bronchos improved to 23-4 overall and ended up 10-2 in the North Division, while Southwestern dropped to 17-10 and 8-4. UCO will have the top seed for the North in next week's conference tournament and will take on Tarleton State in a first round game at 2:3o p.m. Thursday in Bartlesville.

Photo provided

Guard Victor Driver helps bring the Bronchos to a 76-68 win on Saturday when they played Southwest Oklahoma and sewed up the Lone Star Conference North Division title.

In the women's game, UCO's Cristina Yarbrough scored 14 points to lead a balanced UCO attack that saw three other players finish in double figures. Lizzie Brenner finished with I1 points and to rebounds in her final home game, while Kasey Tweed also had 11 points and Courtney Allen 10. The Bronchos had just eight players for the contest after second-leading scorer Ashley Beckley and top reserve Krista Beaty suffered injuries in Wednesday's win at Texas A&M-Commerce, but it wasn't a factor against the Bulldogs. "We were a little shorthanded, but we were able to rotate some players in and

Hockey defeats Texas Tech, W9 Arm.. for national playoffs Chris Wescott .cports If 'rite/.

To quote NHL Hall of Fame play-by-play broadcaster Rick Jeanneret, "Roll the highlight reel!" That is exactly how to describe this weekend's two-game series between the Bronchos and Texas Tech. UCO swept the Red Raiders by a combined twogame score of 16-2. The Bronchos won the first game 9-o and then finished the series with a 7-2 win in the finale. The Bronchos came out strong the first night and after two periods of play, the Bronchos had a 6-o lead. UCO would get a strong performance from Jason Thibodeau, who had backto-back-to-back goals in the second period. The Bronchos put the hammer down in the third

and jumped out to a 9-o lead and coasted the rest of the way. The Bronchos continued to apply solid pressure on Tech goalie Brant MacQuoid and eventually got him pulled from the game. Late in the final period, Michael Pruneau enter the game for the Raiders. Friday night's unsung hero was sophomore Greg Masters. Masters was all over the ice for the Bronchos, making big hits and getting several turnovers. Broncho junior Erik Jansen was also effective for UCO on Friday night with several undermanned, penalty kill breakaways. Alex Jackson and Corey Brennan led the way for the Bronchos with great allaround games. Jackson took a brilliant backhanded pass and sunk it in for his third goal on the season. Brennan finished off the Tech series with two great games. Tony Panizzo drove one all the

way from the neutral zone for a one-timer off the glove side of Pruneau that drew some "oohs and ahhs" from the crowd. The Bronchos won the game 7-2. The Bronchos did exactly what they set out to do with this series - shake the rust off the sticks and get ready for nationals. After a series in which they out-scored their opponent by 14 goals, it may be safe to say that the Bronchos have built some momentum before heading to Ohio. The first round of the National Championship tournament will be played in Gates-Mills, Ohio, outside of Cleveland. The Bronchos meet the University of Illinois on March 14 for the first round. UCO split their home series with Illinois earlier this season, losing the first game 4-3 after having a 3-1 lead in the third, and winning the second game 6-4.





Tennis ladies lose in close match SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Central Oklahoma opens Lone Star Conference play against fell behind 2-1 after the three doubles match- No. 7 Abilene Christian at 2:30 p.m. es and couldn't quite catch up in dropping a Drury 5, UCO 4 tough 5-4 decision to No. 20-ranked Drury Doubles here Sunday. No. — Katia Bon/Chandra Capozzi, DU, Amy Cabato and Julie Vo teamed up def. Audrey Donovan/Lacy Caldwell, 8-5. for an 8-6 will at No. 3 doubles for the No. 2 — Alba Passansi/Khrystina Bronchos, but Drury won the other two in Tryboi, DU, def. Julia Shviadok/Elizabeta taking an early 2-1 lead and the Panthers Abramovic, 8 -4. stayed in front after the two teams split the No. 3 — Amy Cabato/Julie Vo, UCO, def. six singles matches. Lindsey Castrodale/Anna Lustig, 8-6. "It's always hard to lose such close, hard Singles matches like this one," UCO coach Natalya No. I — Bon, DU, def. Donovan, 6-2, 6 -4. Smith said. "We knew going in that doubles No. 2 — Capozzi, DU, def. Vo, 6-3, 7-5. would be the key, but we didn't utilize a few No. 3 — Shviadok, UCO, def. Tryboi, 6-4, opportunities we had there. " 6-3. UCO returns to action Monday when it


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everybody did a good job," UCO coach Guy Hardaker said. The Bronchos zipped to a quick lead, getting layups from Brenner and fellow senior Mallory Markus and then a 3-pointer from Tweed to go on top 7-0 just 1:32 into the game. Rose Anderson followed a SWOSU free throw with a three-point play to make it 10-1 and it looked to be an early blowout. But UCO missed eight of its next 10 shots as the Bulldogs clawed within 14-12 midway through the half. For the men, Harper scored 20 points on 9-of-12 shooting while adding nine rebounds.

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