The Vista March 05, 2009

Page 1 What you need to know


Food Review: Jo's Famous Pizza

Page 6

„>. Cancer center benefits from Mr. Greek UCO pageant

Page 3 Page 11

ECU coach reacts to heckling fans

March 5, 2009

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It's lega It's accepted. Is it mora

Photo Provided Photo by Vista photographer Matt Danner

Left: Sister Helen Prejean speaks against the death penalty in Constitution Hall on Tues- Death Penalty in the United States." Below: Actors Sean Penn and Susan day, March 3, 2009. Right: Patrick Sonnier served as the inspiration for Pre- Sarandon portray Prejean and Sonnier in the 1995 film "Dead Man Walkjean's renowned book "Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the ing." See for video coverage.

Death penalty opponent speaks onreligion, murder and morality Ryan Croft .S.pnior 11(poder

Sister Helen Prejean has walked five men to their deaths. Three of the men, she said Tuesday night at UCO, were innocent. Prejean, the internationally renowned author of "Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States," is a famous advocate for abolishment of the death penalty in the US. Prejean said over 130 prisoners have been exonerated from death row since the US Supreme Court revived the death penalty in 1976. "[The court] said 'Sony. We made a mistake'," she said. "That's not 'cause the court system was so thorough. It's 'cause college volunteers ... and innocence projects combed through those records." Prejean said innocent people are wrongfully put on death row usually because of misconduct by the prosecution. "DNA ... don't think of it as a magic bullet," Prejean warned. "DNA [evidence] only exists in one-in-every-four homicides." Prejean wrote about her first involvement in the death row system in the Pulitzer Prize-nominated "Dead Man Walking." "Dead Man Walking" follows the story of two brothers, E. Patrick Sonnier and Eddie Sonnier, who were convicted collectively of the kidnapping and murder of two teenagers on November 5, 1977. Patrick Sonnier was sentenced to death and Eddie Sonnier was sentenced to life in prison. Prejean said after Patrick Sonnier's execution date was set, Eddie Sonnier confessed to her that he killed both teenagers.

The 5th Circuit US Court of Appeals denied Patrick Sonnier a stay of execution and in April 1984, Patrick died by electrocution at Angola Penitentiary, according to "Dead Man Walking." Prejean explained that when two people stand trial for murder, the first person to claim the other defendant's guilt automatically receives a reduced sentence. "How do we know, out of those two people, who really did it," Prejean asked. "Do we really care?" Prejean said people should be angered over the murder of innocent lives. "We struggle with the death penalty ... because we feel outrage. So ... we say justice demands it," Prejean explained. "What else would you have done with Timothy McVeigh? It just never would seem fair that he could be allowed to live when 168 people were dead." Prejean said executing even the guilty is still murder. Despite what the state tells those who participate in the execution, the truth about the criminal's death is written on the death certificate that reads "Cause of death, Homicide," Prejean said. "You say those people deserve to die, but who deserves to kill them," Prejean asked. "Is this the only answer we can give to violence?" Prejean emphasized the death penalty simply imitates what people already know is the worst possible behavior — murder. "We try to teach our children that killing people is wrong," Prejean said. "If we legalize it and the Supreme Court says it's okay, the act is morally okay?" Prejean said the US Supreme Court's nil-

ing to reinstate the death penalty was mostly a preventative measure against murder. "Part of our thinking was 'Hey, you give them the death penalty, they're going to think twice'," Prejean said. "It's not that we're a bad and vengeful people that just want to kill criminals. That's not ... who the American people are." Prejean said people in the South often use the Bible to justify their eye-for-an-eye justice argument. "Are we going to flip through the Bible and quote us a little vengeance so we can have God on our side for the death penalty,"

Still from "Dead Man Walking" (1995)

she asked. "It's easy to flip through the Bible and get God on our side, backing up what we believe." Prejean asked for support in her crusade against the death penalty. "If you reach a point in your conscience where you know you're against the death penalty ... begin to act," she said.

Go to for video coverage.

Local students to give back on spring break Senate approves English Mike Nievez (0,Tes1)ondeni Students at UCO have a chance to give back to the community and understand the ideals of poverty at the human level during the second annual Flipside Project this month. The project is intended to be an alternative spring break experience for students who are not planning to leave the Oklahoma City metro area. It is designed for the UCO community to include commuter, off-campus and non-traditional students. "The Flipside Project is to take college students, who by all traditional means, are pretty well off," Nathan Box, coordinator of commuter student services, said. "They're getting a world-class edu-

cation and not struggling for much. I want to flip that and I want them to see poverty. I want them to empathize with those individuals and realize they can do something to help out the less fortunate." Last year's event took place at Mercy Ministries, where students helped provide food to those in the community. "We had about seven students each day," Box said. "[We] reached all three of our target audiences last year. Our age range was from 18 to 3o, and [we] are hoping to take 25 students down there this year." The Flipside Project will be at the Oklahoma City Rescue Mission at 800 W. California Ave this year. "We'll have a different experience from last year." Box said. "Since the

economy has taken a downturn and the rescue mission's numbers have skyrocketed, [they] are at maximum capacity, and they're serving more people today in a really long time." The project will be held March 16-18, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There is no registration deadline, only a first-come, first-served basis. The project was designed and paid for by the UCommute council and the Department of Commuter Student Services. For more information about the event and to register, please contact Nathan Box, coordinator of commuter student services, at 974-3655, or go to Room 115 of the Nigh University Center.

language legislation Joseph Lopez the ,Ivta The Oklahoma State Senate on Tuesday unanimously passed one of the several English-only bills to be heard this session. Senate Bill 1156 by State Sen. Patrick Anderson, R-Enid, defined his bill as simple and to the point. With only two sentences, English would become the common language for the state while no longer requiring state agencies to publish state documents in languages other than English.

State agencies would not be held liable for not providing such documents in other languages. Anderson said the term 'common' was used in replacement of 'official' as members of several Native American tribes expressed concern considering Oklahoma's cultural history. "Because of this, the term was changed to `common', an "adjective that has no legal impact," he said. The legislation passed 46-o and heads to the House for consideration.


Th eVi St a Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page 2 icam `Points of Departure' Opening Reception Today

Online news makes changes Laura Hoffert

A professor-student art exhibition, "Points of Departure," featuring metal and ceramic pieces, will open with a public reception from 4-6 p.m. Thursday, March 5, in the Donna Nigh Gallery, fourth floor, Nigh University Center. The exhibition pairs students with their mentors to demonstrate how the students have become artists in their own right.

The UCO Symposium of Philosophy will host the 13th Annual Southwestern Symposium for Undergraduate Philosophers from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, March 7, in Room 120, Communications. All members of the UCO community are invited.

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Senior Reporter

After a semester-long struggle to get in working order, the campus newspaper's Web site is up and has expanded to explore new media. Last semester, The Vista's hosting site, , was also undergoing renovation, which caused both sites to suffer. However, now both sites are fully functioning with an array Charleen Weidell, M.F.A, chair of the UCO Art of new features. Department, will show jewelry and metal piecThe new Web site's design has a cleaner, sleeker design than in previes along with Christie Hackler, UCO junior, Edmond. Gayle Singer, M.F.A., UCO professor ous years with links to major upgrades such as blogs, Vista video and letters to of Art, will display ceramics with Kara Whitthe editor. mire, a graduate student, Edmond. With seven blogs, ranging from financial issues to who was the latest "American Idol" reject, Vista reporters Refreshments will be served at the ,opening are branching out into a new realm of reception, and the artists will be available for one-on-one interaction with readers. questions. For more information, contact Zina "Inside the Lines with Chris Gelona at 974-2432. Wescott" follows The Vista sports writer's thoughts on local and national sports. He also will write about UCO sports and add his own commentary on his favorite players. Chess, Games Club Meeting Today "Snap. Crackle. Pop culture with Stephani Tobin" blogs about all things The UCO Chess & Games Club will meet for celebrity. From the Oscars to her percasual gaming from 3:30-6 p.m. today in sonal list of best and worst karaoke Room 211, Liberal Arts. songs, Tobin relates her writing to Chuck Klosterman's pop culture work. "For the Health of It" follows health New members are always welcome. stories from The Vista and occasionally has random interesting facts about health such as "Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart." Philosophy Conference at UCO, March 7 "Liquid Assets with Caleb

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Tomorrow and Campus Activators.

`Argosy Overture' Premiere, March io

The UCO Symphony Orchestra with UCO Ambassador in Residence Kyle Dillingham will present the premiere performance of the original composition "Argosy Overture" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March io, at Oak Tree Country Club in Edmond. Tickets are $10 each or $5 for UCO faculty, staff and students. Call the Mitchell Hall Box Office to purchase tickets at 974 -3375. /2 Fr

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Ilustration by Kayleigh Adamek

McWilliams" blogs about the financial and political endeavors at UCO with occasional sarcastic and offbeat remarks, and he always keeps it interesting. His ability to make seemingly mundane subjects understandable shows through in his writing. Tiffany Phillips' blog, "College lin," is based upon simple survival tips for the everyday college student. Austin Melton's "Reality Recap" blog is like having your own personal TiVo for reality shows. Sure, you don't get to actually see the tears running down the almost-American Idol's face, but you don't have to wait through all the commercials either. Finally, The Vista's most popular blog, "Raising Ian with Matt Thompson," follows an anonymous UCO student's most important job of being a dad to his 4-year-old. Matt

Thompson's not his real name, but the everyday lessons he teaches his son, and his son teaches him, are written with honesty and unending creative analogies. Aside from new reading material, The Vista is also creating video packages with Ryan Croft and Chris Albers. The Vista has a YouTube account with 22 videos on it as supplements to recent stories fotind within the newspaper. Letters to the Editor can also be found on the links header on the homepage, and by clicking it students can read counter-points written by others at UCO. Students are invited' to comment back to the author of the letter. More changes will come to the site and to The Vista within the coming months, so check back to to stay informed.

Realities of life on Service Learning Project campus evaluated Transforms Students Garry Cannon

What does it mean to fit in? Why should someone care about their health, and why is it important to know the perAt 3:3o p.m., J. Carl Ficarrotta, Ph.D., profesceptions of others? These are a few among many questions sor of philosophy at the United States Air Force you may have asked yourself as an incoming freshman at Academy, will deliver the keynote address "Just UCO. For most, it is a difficult transition to college life, and War Theory: Triumphant ... and Doing More finding a social circle similar to you might be the answer to Harm Than Good." relieve stress and have fun. "Many people have experienced the hardship of parting with friends and family," said UCO senior James Porterfield, "so building relationships with others can become stressful for anyone, especially if you live far away from home." Donate Ya Shirt! The spring 2009 Community Intervention class, a capstone course of the Community Health program, is currently involved in a social norming campaign. This intervention Who: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Ya Shirt! Facebook is based off the quantitative trend data from the American group. College Health Assessment (ACHA) survey and the qualitative data from focus groups held in fall 2008 by students in What: Collecting all types of clothing articles. the Community Assessments & Evaluation class. The campaign is geared toward increasing student knowledge, particularly the knowledge of incoming freshman and When/Where: March 9 -11 there will be a current UCO students about the health risk behaviors of table in the UC giving out free coffee. March their peers. 9 - 13, there will be bins in Central PLaza, Ericka Williams, a Community Health major, said, "We Murdaugh, and West Hall. want to make it well known that most UCO students drink less, smoke less and have less sexual partners than what is actually perceived by the average college student." The #1 contributor gets a prize - a UCO merThe xFACTor event will assist in overcoming mispercepchandise gift basket from Oklahoma Center tions and will challenge all UCO students to take a deeper for Arts and Education and a $50 gift card. look at the realities of campus life. "Having made these connections about how other people interact might help you make healthier choices for yourself," Clothes will be split among non-profit second said Community Health major Christal Cleaver. hand stores in Edmond. xFACTor will be near Broncho Lake and will include many prizes, fun and free food. Stop by between classes and find This project is in tandem with Leaders of out the realities of other UCO students. ,




What better way to apply lessons taught in a classroom setting than to actually use them in the real world? This is exactly what the College of Business Administration's Management department curriculum is providing through the use of service learning opportunities and civic transformation. Charity Apprentice-UCO allows students to develop teams, choose a charity or non-profit organization to serve through fundraising and/or volunteering, and to develop a sense of community involvement and service. Dr. Kelly Moyers, assistant professor of management, teaches the Management and Organizational Behavior course that provides this opportunity as an outlet for students to apply classroom lessons and concepts to a real world situation, while exploring civic responsibility. The project gets students involved in community and charities — at the local, state, national and even international levels. My teammaf'es, Jake Trabant, Matt Childers, Chris Matts, Emmanuel Broom, Whitney Fulkerson and Zeb Khan, and I are focusing our efforts on increasing the supply of food and raising funds for the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma (RFBO). In an effort to support the RFBO, we are collecting canned goods at the College of Business Administration in boxes outside the Dean's suite. Come join us on March 13 at 12:30 p.m. in the College of Business Administration building, for a Chili Cook-Off and sale to support the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. UCO faculty and RFBO representatives are judging the event and prizes awarded to the top three overall winners. For more information on how to get involved in this project or others like it, please call Dr. Kelly Moyers at the College of Business Administration (405)-974-2443 or by email at .

First Year Students get another chance to BE HEARD! The "Survive the Freshmen Freak" survey is back! First Year Students get another chance to BE HEARD! The "Survive the Freshmen Freak" survey is back!! DEAR FIRST YEAR STUDENTS: The Psychology Department Counseling Clinic is once again conducting a survey of first year students (Freshmen) to determine their needs on campus beyond academics. If you completed it last semester, we are especially interested in how things are going now (so take it again). If you didn't get to complete the survey last semester, here is your chance for your voice to be heard. Don't miss it. Here are many of the benefits of completing the "Survive the Freshmen Freak" survey: 1) You get to make your "first year student" voice heard — maybe even for a second time. 2) Depending on your instructor, completing the survey may qualify you for some extra credit. ASK!! 3) After completing the survey, you may sign up to join other first year students for meetings that address issues such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. 4) If you are a lucky one, you might be invited to participate in the Deliberative Poll, which is a radical new way to get your voice heard. 5) You get to feel good about contributing to a campus wide effort to understand what we are doing well and what we can do differently. You can even count it as a mini volunteer opportunity if you don't get some type of credit for it. If you are a freshman, you will be receiving an e-mail blaM with a link to the survey in the next few days. Take is a soon as you can — most people can take it in around 10 minutes. Remember, we need you to take this new and improved version of the survey whether you took it last semester or not. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors may take it also by going to the following link. Don't be left out and visit and click on the poll. If you missed the survey or have questions, call 974-5466. DID YOU KNOW??? In a poll of 94,806 college students, 32% suffered from stress, 23.9% had sleep difficulties, 18% had concern for family or friend, 12% suffered from anxiety, and 17.8% were depressed. In addition, more than half of the students polled felt sad, exhausted, overwhelmed, and hopeless (American College Health Association, 2006).


Th eVi S t a

Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page 3

Cancer society benefits Stuck in the dumps from Mr. Greek pageant Lauren Lubbers

AP Photo/Journal Inquirer, Leslloyd F. Alleyne

A dump truck sits on its tailgate after getting hung up and flipped backwards at an Exit 63 sign on Interstate 84 in Vernon, Conn., Wednesday, March 4, 2009. State police say the driver was suspended in the air inside the truck's cab, but was rescued at mid-morning about an hour after the accident. The driver was pulled from the truck's cab by rescue crews using a ladder truck after a shutdown of the westbound lanes.

UCO to host media ethics conference The University of Central Oklahoma will hostthe 2009 Media Ethics Conference, "The Press in Crisis Reinventing America's News Business," April 1-2, with featured speaker Amy Mitchell, deputy director of the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. Conference activities begin each day with registration at 8:30 a.m. and programming from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in Constitution Hall, located in UCO's Nigh University Center. Mitchell will present the Project's annual report - the State of the News Media 2008.

The report makes national news each year with its summary of the status of American journalism. Mitchell's report will serve as the basis for discussing ways to reinvigorate a struggling news industry throughout the conference. Following her presentation, panelists will discuss the kind of information the industry needs to deliver to a complex society and new ways to pay for it. The conference will conclude with audience breakout sessions to brainstorm new media systems. is The conference sponsored by a grant from the Ethics and

Excellence in Journalism Foundation and the UCO Mass Communication Department. The conference is free, with lunch available for $15 each day with advance registration. Participants may register for lunch by sending checks, payable to UCO, to Dr. Mark Hanebutt, Edith Kinney Gaylord Professor of Journalism Ethics, Mass Communication Dept., University of Central Oklahoma, wo N. University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034. For more information, call Hanebutt at (405) 974-5576.

Last Wednesday, former Mr. Greek UCO Kellen Hodgeson passed down the crown to his fellow fraternity brother Michael Ooten. This year the pageant raised money for the American Cancer Society. Last year's pageant raised $67o for the Infant Crisis Center. The pageant consisted of 12 contestants, and at least one representative from each chapter was present. In order of appearance these contestants were: Craig Calvert of Acacia, Scotty Cayton of Acacia, Caleb Everett of Sigma Tau, Scott Gokey of PIKE, Brice Lettkeman of Sigma Tau, John Mashaney of Sigma Nu, Maverick Mathis of Kappa Sigma, Andrew McFarlin of PIKE, Zane Mellinger of PIKE, Michael Ooten of Sigma Tau, Adam Pittman of TKE and Ryan Smith of Sigma Nu. Each contestant was

graded on swimwear, talent, formal wear and a final question. The talent presented by the men included "Star Wars" performances and an acoustic version of the "Thong Song" by Sisqo. The talent winner was Andrew McFarlin, who wowed the crowd with his vocal and guitar performance of Sean MacDonald. Mr. Greek UCO Michael Ooten performed a Keith Urban song. There were two 'people's choice' winners. Maverick Mathis wore his "Top Gun" uniform as he sang his version of "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling." Mathis sang the song in i sub-parts with the help of his fraternity brothers in the audience. "It was a lot of fun and it sure was a lot easier knowing that my fraternity brothers were there to support me," Mathis said. "I'm starting practice for next year's pageant - talent portion tomorrow and singing lessons are

a definite possibly." The second people's choice winner was Ryan Smith, who graced the audience with the cello. The second runner-up was Caleb Everett and the first runner-up was Ryan Smith. "I am truly honored and humbled," Ooten said. "I was definitely caught off guard when they announced me as the winner but I feel cooler than Lebron James right now." "My favorite thing about the pageant was definitely having Shiloh Layn rubbing me down with baby oil before the swimsuit competition. A special thanks to her brother Zack Layn, " he said. The third annual Mr. Greek UCO Pageant was hosted by the ladies of the Panhellenic Council. The ladies give special thanks to Shelby Nelson, vice president of programming for the Panhellenic Council, for her contribution to the event.

University submits self-assessment use of continuous improvement principles in their Stqlf117ther operations." The applicants, like In the process of "continUCO, had to "submit a selfuous quality improvement," __ . aยงsessnierit of their, opera-, UCO has won a respected organization award and lions aesciibing how they continued a focus on orga- are beginning to apply the criteria for performance nization improvement. That's what Dr. Ed excellence to their operaCunliff, assistant vice presi- tion." The self-assessment dent for Academic Affairs, said of UCO's participation is "followed by an on-site in the Oklahoma Quality evaluation and review by senior examiners." Award. "The quality award helps "This was about doing a substantial self-study in how us make improvements in we go about doing things [at our ID year interim process UCO], said Cunliff. "We've between reaccreditations," already learned a lot, and Cunliff said. The award, created in it'll help us improve in the 1993, is "modeled after the future." UCO won the 2005 respected and prestigious Oklahoma Quality Award Malcom Baldridge National for Commitment, which the Quality Award," the OQA award's website states is for Foundation's Web site "organizations who have notes. The seven criteria of the progressed to a point of serious commitment to the OQA "support the goals of Caleb McWilliams

delivering ever-improving value to customers and improving overall operational performance of the organization," the Web site notes. Those criteria of leadership, strategic tโ ขlarining, customer focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce focus, process management and result "embody core values and concepts," the Web site notes. The feedback from the foundation tells UCO "how well we are doing in terms of the general education," Cunliff said. OQA's website states that site-visited organizations, like UCO was, receive over 600 hours of in-depth review and "and extensive feedback report highlighting strengths and areas to improve." ',


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Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page 4

Court issues war crimes warrant for Sudan's Bashir Associated Press THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant Wednesday for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. He is the first sitting head of state the court has ordered arrested. The three judge panel said there was insufficient evidence to support charges of genocide in a war in which up to 300,00o people have died and 2.7 million have fled their homes. Al-Bashir's government denounced the warrant as part of a Western conspiracy aimed at destabilizing the vast oilrich nation south of Egypt. African and Arab nations fear the warrant will destabilize the whole region, bring even more conflict in Darfur and threaten the fragile peace deal that ended decades of civil war between northern and southern Sudan. China, which buys two-thirds of Sudan's oil, supports the African and Arab positions. Some African nations reportedly threatened to pull out of the court in retaliation for a warrant. Thirty African countries are among the court's 108 member states. In a show of defiance Tuesday in anticipation of the decision, al-Bashir told supporters at a rally, "We are telling them to immerse it in water and drink it," a common Arabic insult meant to show extreme disrespect. Hundreds of Sudanese waving pictures of the president and denouncing the court quickly turned out in a rally at the Cabinet building in Khartoum. Security was increased around many embassies, and some diplomats and aid workers stayed home amid fears of retaliation against Westerners. "He is suspected of being criminally responsible ... for intentionally directing attacks against an important part of the civilian population of Darfur, Sudan, murdering, exterminating, raping, torturing and forcibly transferring large numbers of civilians, and pillaging their property," court spokeswoman Laurence Blairon said. If al-Bashir is brought to trial and prosecuted, he faces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Blairon rejected accusations that the warrant was part of a political plot and said the decision was made purely on legal grounds. Al-Bashir denies the war crimes accusations and refuses to deal with the court, and there is currently no international mechanism to arrest him. The main tool the court has is diplomatic pressure for countries to hand over suspects. Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo suggested al-Bashir could be arrested if he flies out of Sudan. "As soon as Mr. al-Bashir travels in international airspace, his plane could be intercepted and he could be arrested. That is what I expect," the prosecutor said. "Like Slobodan Milosevic or Charles Taylor, Omar al-Bashir's destiny is to face justice," Moreno Ocampo

AP Photo / Nasser Nasser, File In this April 23, 2007 file photo, Sudanese Darfur survivor Ibrahim holds human skulls at the site of a mass grave where he says the remains of 25 of his friends and fellow villagers lie, on the outskirts of the town of Mukjar, Sudan. The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant Wednesday, March 4, 2009 for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. .

said referring to the former presidents of Yugoslavia and Liberia who were indicted while in office and ended up on trial in The Hague. Asked why judges, in a 2-1 split decision, did not issue the warrant for genocide, Blairon explained that genocide requires a clear intent to destroy in part or as a whole a specific group. "In this particular case, the pretrial chamber has not been able to find there were reasonable grounds to establish a genocidal intent," she said. She said prosecutors could ask again for genocide charges to be added to the warrant if they can produce new evidence. The Rome statute that set up the International Criminal Court allows the Security Council to vote to defer or suspend for a year the investigation or prosecution of a case. It also gives the council authority to renew such a resolution. The Sudanese ruling party leadership will meet later

Clinton: Israeli home demolitions 'unhelpful' Associated Press RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday promised vigorous and personal involvement in stalled Mideast peace efforts and criticized Israel's demolition of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem as "unhelpful." Clinton also displayed strong public support for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The Palestinian Authority is the "only legitimate government of the Palestinian people," she told a news conference, standing next to Abbas. On Tuesday, Clinton met with Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu. The hardline leader opposes the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel and supports the expansion of Israeli settlements on war-won land claimed by the Palestinians, including the West Bank and east Jerusalem. In recent days, Israel has issued orders for the demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem, saying the homes were built illegally. Palestinians say they cannot receive proper building permits from Israeli authorities, and the planned demolitions are means to assert Israel's control over the disputed city. "Clearly, this kind of activity is unhelpful," Clinton said, adding that she would raise it with the Israeli governpent as well as municipal officials in Jerusalem. She said such actions violate the "road map," a U.S.backed peace plan. Clinton spoke shortly after Israel issued a new order to demolish five residential buildings containing 55 apartments, said Hatem Abdul Qader, a Palestinian official on Jerusalem affairs. "It's an open demographic war," he said. He said lawyers have challenged the orders, halting the demolitions until March ro. Stephan Miller, a spokesman for city hall, said the buildings under demolition notice were empty and had been built illegally. Israel captured east Jerusalem in the 1967 Mideast war and annexed the area. But the annexation is not internationally recognized, and the Palestinians seek east

Jerusalem as capital of a future independent state. Palestinian leaders are watching closely for signs of change in U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians were disappointed with the previous U.S. administration's failure to take Israel to task for accelerated settlement construction in 2008, at a time when the two sides were holding U.S.-backed peace talks. Settlement expansion makes it increasingly difficult to establish an independent Palestinian state. "The Israeli government has to respect its obligations under the road map and the two-state solution and completely stop all that is related to settlement and demolitions," he said. Abbas has steadily lost support at home, particularly after a year of inconclusive peace talks. His Islamic militant Hamas rivals, who seized Gaza from him in 2007, meanwhile are widely seen as emerging stronger from Israel's recent military offensive against them. Clinton signaled that she'd be heavily involved in the region, and said her special envoy, George Mitchell, would return soon. "The Obama administration will be vigorously engaged in efforts to forge a lasting peace between Israel, Palestinians and all of the Arab neighbors. I will remain personally engaged," she said. Clinton suggested Wednesday she is not considering imposing solutions, saying it's up to the two sides to reach an agreement. On Tuesday, she said that working toward the creation of a Palestinian state as part of a peace agreement with Israel "seems inescapable." Abbas and Clinton, meanwhile, talked about Gaza's future. After the Hamas takeover, Israel and Egypt closed the territory. However, the blockade has come under renewed scrutiny following Israel's threeweek military offensive against Hamas, which ended in an informal cease-fire Jan. 18. Some 15,000 homes were destroyed or damaged in the war, meant to halt Palestinian rocket fire on southern Israel, and international aid officials say Gaza's borders need to reopen to make reconstruction possible.

Wednesday to decide its course of action, al-Bashir's foreign affairs adviser Mustafa Osman Ismail told state TV after the court announcement. "This decision was not a surprise to us, but all the mechanism of the state will react. We in the Cabinet will meet tomorrow to see what steps are to be taken," Ismail said. Rights groups welcomed the decision. "With this arrest warrant, the International Criminal Court has made Omar al-Bashir a wanted man," said Richard Dicker, director of the International Justice Program at Human Rights Watch. "Not even presidents are guaranteed a free pass for horrific crimes. By ruling there is a case for President al-Bashir to answer for the horrors of Darfur, the warrant breaks through Khartoum's repeated denials of his responsibility." Sudan's ruling party announced that it plans a "million man march" in Khartoum on Thursday to protest any warrant.

How to Avoid a DUI Stopping by for a beer/drink or two is not a problem for most people. Going out on the town though is a different matter for everyone. There are several solutions to avoiding a DUI, or worse, having an accident after over indulging.

The first and most preached about solutions is to have a designated driver for the evening. The second is to have someone drop you off and pick you up. The third is to take a taxi. If you find yourself out later that you planned and you drove to the tavern, then you can: Call two taxi cabs - one carries you home and the other driver drives your car home and then returns to his car via the second cab. The fourth is to call a tow truck to get you and your car home at the same time. The fifth is to leave your automobile parked and walk home. If you think you can sleep is off in your car - you might get away with it, but there are certain "caveats" to be aware of, (check with your lawyer for legal advice), and you still might be arrested for public intoxication. There is no public transportation to speak of in our locality, (except for taxi service), so it really becomes a BLACK and WHITE issue to think before you drink! Many mornings we find 15-20 cars left in our parking lot from customers who made the right decision. A DUI arrest is embarrassing and much more expensive that any of the solutions listed above. Think before you go out to drink Help each other make the right decisions.



1109 S Broadway Edmond, OK

TheVis ta Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009 Page 5


Individual Leases

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Jo's Famous Pizza: `Australia' is uneven, 5-star quality dining has too many themes Ryan had grown up eating Jo's Famous Pizza, there would have been Restaurant Reviewers no crust for the dog to eat because it tasted too Who doesn't enjoy the good. And Jo's never prospect of trying someskimps out on the topthing new first? pings. What about eating at Daviyion had every the hottest new pizzeria man's (or at least this in town before anyone man's) dream pizza: the else? We are the first to combination. Served review it. Take a gander piping hot and fresh out at our impression of Jo's the oven, it was a delecFamous Pizza. table melody of meat Dating back to 1962, and cheese. It was loadJo's Famous Pizza did not ed with Italian sausage, get its name just because pepperoni, Canadian it sounds good; it tastes bacon, onions, black good, too. It is in the same and green olives and of building as Lottinvilles, course plenty of melted and it was formerly on mozzarella. Daviyion the corner of Kelly Avenue is not one to fib, so he and Evergreen Street. The won't start now. Jo's lighting is brighter, the Famous Pizza is the best interior is still wooden pizza pie he has ever and the atmosphere is tried. Photo by Matt Danner lively. This place was defiRyan had such a nitely hopping for its first A supreme pizza from Jo's good experience with week of business. Jo's that he gives it the Famous Pizza at 900 S. Kelly To get things start- Avenue. coveted 5 out of 5 stars. ed, we ordered appetizOnly four other restauers called Boomers and rants have been blessed Rollers. Think jalapeno with this five-star perpeppers sliced, deseeded and filled with fect score, and Jo's is right there with them. cheese and bacon. Rollers are soft pieces of Outstanding quality, unbelievable service, bread filled with Canadian bacon and cheese a kid-friendly atmosphere and fair prices topped with olive oil and spices. make Jo's Famous Pizza unstoppable. Jo's is famous because it has the Burger Jo's believes in making great pizza at King style of service: you can have it any way affordable prices. They don't skimp on qualyou want it. They will take care of all of your ity either. So if these are things that appeal pizza requests to make your pie perfect, just to the inner pizza monster inside of you, pop for you. on over for lunch or dinner sometime. Tell Ryan ordered a medium 12-inch pizza them the restaurant reviewers sent you. that was topped with half barbecue chickFor comments and suggestions, feel en and half hot link. When Ryan was a free join our Facebook group "The Vista young lad, he learned to eat the good stuff Restaurant Reviewers." and give the crust to the dogs. Well, if Daviyion Johnson and Ryan Kolb

Caleb McWilliams Staff Writer

For a move with so much emphasis on melody, Baz Luhrmann's historical epic "Australia" feels oddly dissonant. Luhrmann has so many competing themes in this film it seems difficult for the actors or score composer to keep up. Lady Sarah Ashley (Nicole Kidman), an English aristocrat, travels to her husband's cattle station, Faraway Downs, to convince him to sell it. She is taken to the station by Drover (Hugh Jackman), who, surprise, drives cattle for a living. Obviously the stiff and rich Lady Ashley has a few funny scenes where she's thrust into Drover's gritty, rugged outback world. Their actions and facial expressions are over-the-top, and physical comedy rules. Yet within a few minutes, the fish-out-of-water comedy quickly becomes family drama with some racial commentary thrown in. Lady Ashley meets and becomes attached to Nullah (new face Brandon Walters), a "half-caste" son of an Aborigine woman and the main antagonist, Neil Fletcher (overused face David Wenham). Fletcher has been stealing cattle and beating Nullah's mom. Lady Ashley fires him

Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman star in Baz Luhrman's "Australia," released to DVD and BluRay disc on March 5. The film runs two hours and 45 minutes and is rated PG-13.

and sends him away. Then family, Ashley, Drover and she and Drover have to get Nullah, become separated cattle to the military before and each thinks the othFletcher's bad-guy boss, ers may be dead after the King Carney, does. Japanese bomb their area. Lady Ashley sings They struggle to find each "Somewhere Over the other through war-torn Rainbow" to Nullah and he northern Australia, hoping loves it. Now, I get the refer- to come together. ence to Australia's nickname With so many themes of Oz, but honestly, using and tones in this movie, it's such an American song as a not hard to find a part of knee-jerk emotional stimu- the movie you will like, just lant seems pretty cheap to don't expect to find much me. of it. While Ashley and Drover The DVD edition of live at Faraway Downs, this movie includes nothFletcher becomes head of ing more than two deleted the evil cattle company and scenes that may have actuthen executes his revenge, ally helped define some of which actually isn't much the characters' motivations. besides sending Nullah to Australia is rated PG-13 an orphan island. for some violence, a scene of Once again, the film sensuality, and brief strong shifts tones and becomes a language. war-time drama. The happy


"Seventh Tree" doesn't measure up to old electro-pop sound The problem is that the album is too supple and it Correspondent almost lulls the listener to sleep. The overabundant The British electrouse of fluttery ambiance pop sensation Goldfrapp and spacy overtones does is back with a new not work within the conalbum "Seventh Tree," fines of the band. which was released in Still, there is one early 2008. good thing to say about The album seems Goldfrapp's latest efforts like a attempt to shine in the album's first single, a new light on the "A&E." The song is a balband's capabilities, lad, but it has an inspibut it doesn't quite Photo provided rational progression to it measure up. Although that is absent throughout "Seventh Tree" is the fourth alAlison Goldfrapp on the album. The simple vocals/synthesizer and bum released by British electro- piano rhythms and elecWill Gregory on syn- pop band Goldfrapp. The album tronic drums aid in makthesizer have not com- was released in 2008. ing this song stand out pletely abandoned the when compared to the electronic appeal that rest of the album. helped launch them to club favorites, they Although there are few catchy songs on have ventured onto new grounds. "Seventh Tree," as an album, the ambient On "Seventh Tree," the band introduced indie sound doest not match the flair of their new elements to their songs with the use of previous work. the acoustic guitar and the bass guitar. Alex Shafer

`Promises, Promises' sweeps audiences away with lively singing and dancing Angela Morris ,staff. ikrilet

The music theater department swept the audience away with its voices, acting and dancing last Monday with the opening of "Promises, Promises." This 1960s musical full of scandal, affairs and humor, consistently kept everyone's attention throughout the two and a half hour production. In the musical, Chuck Baxter (Matthew Bergman), a sweet young hopeful accountant, is trying to work his way up the corporate ladder to an executive position. However, Baxter starts

getting attention once the did a fantastic job streammarried executives he works ing along tension and high with find out about his bath- drama. elor apartment. During Pierce's solo, One by one, they begin "Knowing When to Leave," promising Baxter job the sadness and eternal advancements in return for struggle she portrayed could a few hours in his apartment be felt throughout the audiwith their lady friends. ence. While the key to Baxter's The chorography in apartment is being passed "Where Can You Take a around, Baxter is busy fall- Girl," a song performed by ing in love with co-worker the executives, was absoFran Kubelik (Haley Jane lutely entertaining, and the Pierce). choreography for "Turkey Matthew Bergman did an Lurkey Time" was most excellent job presenting the impressive. lovable, nerdy character of If you didn't get a chance Chuck Baxter. to see "Promises, Promises" A nice contrast to Baxter's last week, the production character was the heart-bro- will be running again from ken, serious Kubelik. Pierce March 10-12.

Tee 10 Reasons Ter eAsestng Cerretteenaence l aticatien 10.You can sleep in. Class starts when you want. 9.Your pajamas are considered proper classroom attire. 8. Driving in rush hour traffic to class? Never happens. 7. Homecoming considered an acceptable excuse for delaying an assignment. 6.You will never have to park in the boonies. 5.Take your test when you are ready. You choose the date. 4. No one will notice if you arrive late. 3. Need a snack? Interrupt your studies for a trip to Buddy's. 2.Group projects? No way!

ofbna tfie #1 reason ifer earning matt from Correspnlence laticatten:


(Awe fir otstiDistotce

Correspondence Education Thatcher Hall 315 â–ş 405.974.2393


Th eVi sta Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page 7

The Vagina Monologues' to be performed by women's group Angela Morris

If 01.1 E0111011


The University of Central Oklahoma's Association of Women Studies is putting on a production of "The Vagina Monologues" March 5-6, starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pegasus Theater in the Liberal Arts building. "The Vagina Monologues" is a production based on interviews given by Obie Award Winner Eve Ensler. It was written by Ensler to initiate V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women. The interviews consist Photo provided of individual stories from women who speak about One interview even deals their experiences, thoughts, with a woman who lives in ideas, fantasies and fears. Afghanistan, where women "There are a variety of hold a lower place in society different topics discussed and their rights are nonexbetween these women," istent. said one of the two direc"The whole production is tors and UCO graduate stu- based on real interviews of dent Maria Chacon. "Some real people and their real of the interviews are very stories," Chacon said. exciting and humorous, Just like the variety of while others are serious and the interviews, the cast in deal with important issues this production includes a like domestic violence and variety of people. sexual abuse." "Some of the cast are One interview deals with theater majors, some politia 6-year-old and her ques- cal science, some education tions about womanhood, majors It's just a variety of while another deals with students and other meman older women's hysterec- bers of the community," tomy. said Stephanie Wallie, a




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UCO graduate and the other director for the production. When the Association of Women Studies decided to do a production of "The Vagina Monologues" it put out a casting call and anyone was welcome to audition. "Everyone who came to be a part of this production had their own personal reasons," Chacon said. Chacon has worked with women and families who have been involved with domestic violence and sexual abuse, and this experience made Chacon passionate about the production. "Everyone involved in this production comes from different backgrounds, and it's cool because we all got the opportunity to meet a lot of different people," Chacon said. Chacon says the cast became a family as they worked together. "The focus for the performance was not to be actors or actresses pretending to be these people, our focus was to be story tellers," Wallie said. All proceeds from the production will be donated to the Oklahoma Collision against Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse. Tickets are $4 for students, seniors and faculty, and $8 general admission.

Fired up" film review

Nick is the classic womanizer who cares Gabe Jorggenson 'About' nothing more than getting girls, but (. Sol;/1 dtkola he makes this cliche role actually funny. Cheerleading movies have always been D'Agosto's Shawn is similar to Nick, but you funny and poked fun at almost every cheer- can tell there is something more to him as leading stereotype known to man. 'Fired he falls in love with Carly. Up" takes the hilarity to a whole new level, Roemer is also a great addition. While but does it live up to all the hype? she is newer to the Hollywood spotlight and Nick (Eric Christian Olsen) and Shawn her performances are usually rather dry, (Nicholas D'Agosto), two of Gerald R. Ford she actually fits well into this role and really High School's most popular guys and foot- comes into her own in this movie. ball stars, are also the two biggest seducBut even though this movie is a great tion artists. They've single-handedly dated comedy, it has its weak points. At times I almost every girl in their high school and felt bored and lost interest. The only thing are living the good life. Things take a hard keeping me from giving myself a lethal left when they must attend football camp injection was the continuous hilarity of the for three weeks. actors. The movie also lacked emotion or Unable to stay away from girls that long, sanity. I know it's a comedy and I shouldn't they formulate a plan to attend cheerleading be too picky, but you just don't really care camp with 300 sexy cheerleaders instead. about any of the characters. Unconvinced and unsure of them is captain Another thing that bothered me was how Carly (Sarah Roemer). these two guys could sleep with almost every While both Nick and Shawn are having girl at their high school and most of the the time of their lives, Shawn soon falls for cheerleaders at the camp, most of whom are Carly and must find a way to win her heart. under 18. These two never get caught, ever. He also needs to help Nick give the team To know about these two teens' reputations back their confidence before the dreaded and be completely ignorant is ridiculous. cheerleading competition final.This hilariI encourage you to see it but don't have ous new comedy, directed by Will Gluck, high expectations. "Fired Up" is an amusing really delivers the jokes. I was laughing and witty take on the cheerleading genre of pretty loud at some points. movies, but don't expect to walk out of the Both Olsen and D'Agosto give comical theatre excited with "spirit fingers." genius performances. Olsen's character

AP Photo/Matt Say u

In this July 12, 2008 file photo, Musician Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips' performs at the VH1 Rock Honors The Who in Los Angeles.' A song by The Flaming Lips, an alternative rock band from Oklahoma City, has been given a big official kiss in Oklahoma. Their tune "Do You Realize??" was named the state's rock song.

Oklahoma selects official rock song Ron Jenkins Issociaied Picas

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A song by the alternative rock band The Flaming Lips has been given a big statewide kiss in Oklahoma. Their tune "Do You Realize??" was named the state's official rock song, beating out more famous songs written or recorded by Oklahomans such as "Heartbreak Hotel," cowritten by former Oklahoma school teacher Mae Boren Axton, and recorded by Elvis Presley. "We have an official state folk song and a state country song. With as many outstanding rock artists as we have in Oklahoma, it was time to recognize this music as well," said Sen. Mike Schulz, R-Altus. More than 21,000 voted online from a list of io songs selected by a panel of experts. The winner was announced Monday in the Oklahoma Senate. "I never gave it that much thought," Wayne Coyne, the lead singer of The Flaming Lips, said of winning the competition in what many considered an upset. He said it was an honor to have been picked in the Top io "and everything else is just extra. We're in this just to have fun and we wind up winning." Others nominated included "After Midnight," by Oklahoman J.J. Cale, which was rereleased by Eric Clapton, and "Never Been to Spain," written by Hoyt Axon and

recorded by Three Dog Night. The Flaming Lips launched themselves as a band in 1983, one that has attracted a loyal following both in the Unite'd States and Europe. The group has won three Grammy Awards. "Do You Realize??" was composed and written by members Coyne, Steven Drozd, Michael Ivins and Dave Fridmann. It is from their 2002 album, "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots." In 2008, the Legislature adopted a resolution outlining the voting process. The Oklahoma Historical Society conducted a competition to select the official state rock song and Oklahomans nominated 454 songs. An expert panel then narrowed the list to 10, and the people of the state cast their ballots. Out of the 21,061 votes cast, 10,738, or nearly 51 percent, picked "Do You Realize??" Other finalists were "Let's Have a Party," recorded by Oklahoman Wanda Jackson; "Walk, Don't Run," recorded by the Ventures, which included Oklahoman Nokie Edwards; "Home Sweet Oklahoma," written and recorded by Oklahoman Leon Russell; "Oklahoma," by the Call, which included Oklahomans Michael Been and Scott Musick; "Move Along," by Oklahoma band the All-American Rejects; and "Endless Oklahoma Sky," by John Moreland and the Black Gold Band, also from Oklahoma.


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7. Blockheads Across 1. Mischievous sprite of 8. Movie set objects 9. Predicament English folklore 10. Characterized by 5. Mall units careless unconcern 10. Lady Macbeth, e.g. 11. Face-to-face exam 14. Ricelike pasta 12. Ditch 15. Coward's lack 13. "C' la vie!" 16. "Aeneid" figure 17. Predition of the weath- 18. Kind of tea 19. "-zoic" things er 23. On the safe side, 20. Eastern wrap at sea 21. Reflect brightly 24. Tall tales 22. Inside shot? 25. Granitelike rocks form- 26. Annoyances ing the outermost layer of 27. Member of the Bantu the earth's crust people who inhabit 26. Telekinesis, e.g. Botswana, Lesotho and northern South tAfrica 29. Cry plaintively 28. Used in tuningtforks 31. fly 35. Long, long time and measuring tapes 30. Greek disciple and 36. Cliffside dwelling 38. Spiritual, e.g. helper of SainttPau of 32. NBC morning show 39. Day for exchange tokens of affection 33. Bag 34. Pharaoh's land 43. Asian tongue 37. Black billiard ball 44. Dearie 40. Conveyed by or 45. Dadaism founder through air 46. Reddish brown 41. Finger, in a way 49. Jerk 50. "Are we there 42. Like many shorelines 51. Peak of a hill 53. "Bill & Excellent 47. Coastal raptors 48. Lass Adventure" 55. Like a romantic eve- 52. County of southning, maybe ern England in the EnglishtChannel 58. High nest: Var. 62. Shortsightedness 54. "The Playboy of the Western World" author as money 65. Make, 55. Breakfast, lunch or 66. Chuck dinner 67. Misses 68. "... or !" 56. Boat propellers 69. Agreeing (with) 57. "Comin' the Rye" 70. Fencingtsword 59. Acquire 60. "Cast Away" setting Down 1. People who surrender to 61. "_ quam vid the enemy inttime of war eri" (North Carolina's 2. Synthesized from ammo motto) 62. Usedtto indicate the nia and carbontdioxide 3. Alexander, e.g. maiden or familytname Disposable absorbent of a marriedtwoman 4. 63. Elephant's weight, pad Cried" (1962 hit) maybe 5. Town Too" (1981 64. "Concentration" 6. pronoun hit) . ?1,




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Need Some Dough? Big Sky Bread Company is looking for an energetic and reliable person to slice bread and help customers. Please fill out an application at 6606 N. Western Ave. Edmond Golf Course is now hiring restaurant help. Call 340-4653. Edmond Medical Office seeking college student to fill part time position working with children. M-F 2-7pm. $8/hr. No weekends. Will train. Fax resume with phone # to 3309001. (no calls please) City of Edmond Summer positions @ Pelican Bay Aquatic Center: Asst. Pool Manager, Cashier & Cafe Managers, Cafe Staff/Cashiers, Lifeguard Staff, Water Safety Instructors. Golf Course, Arcadia Lake, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job Info Line 359-4643 Apply in 100 E. First, Room 106

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ATTN: UCO Students! Perfect part time job. We currently have an opening for an optometric assistant. Experience preferred, but will train the right person. Hours would be 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday thru Thursday. Salary will be based on experience. Duties would consist of: *Dispensing, ordering and adjusting glasses for patients. *Obtaining medical history and initial testing prior to exam from the doctor. *Clerical duties,(filing, appointment setting, etc.) We are a very busy and fast paced office, so the candidate will need to possess multi-tasking and organizational skills. Dependability and good customer service is crucial. Please send or drop off resume to Dr. Bradley Fielding's Office. 13 N. University Dr. (across from Mitchell Hall) Edmond, OK 73034 Fax: 405-359-2000 No phone calls please.

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DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. PRICES: Classified ads cost $7/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for info E

Senior Services Of Oklahoma Is looking for students to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1pm and 1:30 pm 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Matt Hack. SEP\o ICES

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Log-on to for more details or call (405) 341-2310. International House currently has a vacancy. Rent includes utilities, cable, and internet. Furnished. 590-7719. One Bedroom Fourplex $425/MO. $350/DEP. Water paid w/ appliances. Close to UCO, 927 Jefferson, #4. 341-1163 or 650-3220

IVErvvs t. .

TheVi st a Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page 9

Showing students how to interview for success

Photo by Laura Hoffert

Alysha Hoisington, the Regional Recruiting Manager of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, spoke to UCO students on March 4 to give them pointers on job interviews. Her advice ranged from being punctual to dressing for the job. As one of the top five UCO student recruitment centers, Enterprise hosted the Career Ready Institute for students in need of before-the-job advice.

UCO business student earns cultural experience as a student in Wales For Nancy Pham, a junior at the University of Central Oklahoma, the Swansea University campus in Wales, United Kingdom serves as a hands-On laboratory of sorts for the International Business major. As one of seven Oklahoma college students named a Brad Henry International Scholar, she is spending her spring semester at Swansea, earning valuable experience towards her goal of becoming a cultural advisor in the U.K "I've been able to live a dream over here in the United Kingdom. My experience so far has been more than I ever expected," said Pham. "Learning in the classroom is great, but studying abroad and spending most of my time traveling is an extremely effective way of learning." Named for Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry, the international study program is facilitated by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and provides each student with a $10,000 stipend to participate in study or research programs at Swansea while

Photo provided

University of Central Oklahoma International Business major Nancy Pham (center) celebrated her designation as a Brad Henry International Scholar with Chancellor Glen Johnson (left) and Governor Henry (right). Pham will spend the spring semester studying in the United Kingdom.

earning academic credit at their university. The program also fits with initiatives at UCO to prepare students to compete and thrive in a global economy by providing opportunities like this through its Centre for Global Competency. "To have a successful career in the business world, on a national or international scale is incredibly competitive," Pham said. Pham says that being a foreign exchange student

is a whole different playing field for her because of the differences in the way her new university operates, the professors teaching styles and the classrooms. "Receiving international business knowledge first hand, studying abroad and traveling to many international locations really puts me at an advantage for having the type of career I want, and to become successful at it," Pham said.


Auditor helps students gain skills in etiquette and ethics UCO's College of Business Administration recently welcomed Steve Burrage, Oklahoma's newest state auditor and inspector, to speak on the value of ethics in decision-making. The presentation, sponsored by the student organization UCO-Ethics, was a part of a series of events the college hosts each semester to sharpen students' interviewing, business etiquette and job performance skills. Burrage urged the more than 100 stliclents present to not only seek ethical options, but then to follow through and actually do what is ethical no matter the cost. "Do not subordinate your judgment, integrity or understanding to anyone at any price. It's not worth it," Burrage repeated several times during his presentation. Burrage is uniquely positioned to speak on the value of ethics. His predecessor,

Jeff McMahan, will soon start a prison term of eight years and one month after being convicted of conspiracy and Travel Act violations during his term as the state's auditor and inspector. "In today's business environment, we must educate the whole student. A degree indicates a level of expertise in the field of study. We want a UCO degree, however, to also provide a graduate with the prerequisite skills to become a professional who can find an appropriate career," said Dr. Katherene Terrell, chairperson of the Accounting Program and sponsor of both the Accounting Club and UCOEthics in the College of Business Administration. For more information about UCO-Ethics and the Accounting Club, please contact Terrell at (405) 974 5272 or email at kterrell@

Coast Guard halts search for NFL players in Gulf of Mexico TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Private boats and planes searched Wednesday for two NFL players and a third man missing for four days since their boat capsized in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida, family members said. The Coast Guard called off the official search Tuesday for Oakland RaiderS linebacker Marquis Cooper, who owned the boat, freeagent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith and former South Florida player William Bleakley. But their families appealed for help to keep hunting. Two or three charters left in the late morning from a St. Petersburg marina and at least one had friends of the families of the missing men aboard, said Don Beggs, who owns one of the local docks. Three private planes also had searched, according to Cooper's father, Bruce Cooper. A fourth man on the fishing trip, Nick Schuyler, was rescued Monday after crews found him clinging to the boat. His doctor said it's a "miracle" Schuyler survived in the cold water for nearly two days after the boat carrying the men on a fishing trip overturned in rough seas off the Florida coast Saturday. Dr. Mark Rumbak said the 24-year-old is in good condition but will remain in intensive care in case there are complications. Schuyler was in 63-degree Gulf of

Mexico water for around 46 hours and probably could have lived only another five to 10 hours if he wasn't rescued Monday, Rumbak said. "I think he is extremely fortunate having been in the water for 46, 47 hours and that he's even alive," Rumbak said. "I can't explain it. Some divine providence, I really think." The missing men's families have set up an e-mail address for experienced pilots and boaters to contact them. Coast Guard Capt. Timothy Close said the agency wouldn't prevent private searches, but discouraged them, saying they could be dangerous. He said authorities believed if there were more survivors, they would have been found. Free-agent defensive tackle Tank Johnson, a childhood friend and college teammate of Cooper at Washington, was taking a lead role in the renewed search. Johnson, who played for the Dallas Cowboys last season, said the family has not given up hope that the men are still alive. "I truly believe he is out there • somewhere being strong," Johnson said. Even if the men aren't found alive, it's important to recover their remains so survivors can have closure, Johnson said. "This kid is going fight to the bitter end," Cooper's father said. "And so in my heart of hearts, I just believe

he's out there somewhere just waiting to be found, so that really gives me strength in this effort to find him." Bleakley's mother said Wednesday that Schuyler gave her a harrowing account of the men's fight to survive after the boat capsized. Betty Bleakley said Schuyler told her the men swam-back to the boat after being repeatedly hurled by strong waves. "To listen to Nick, they fought real hard to come home," Betty Bleakley said. "Nick said that all of them fought, just fought to stay alive." Bleakley and Schuyler, college teammates, managed to stick together for about 24 hours. She says they talked about how they would live their lives differently. "He said they huddled together, they just kept climbing back on the boat after getting knocked off," she said. "He said they just kept fighting. They fought. They fought." Betty Bleakley said her son's actions were heroic. She said he swam underneath the boat to get life vests for the other men and then used a cushion for floatation himself. "That was Will," she said. "Will was calm and levelheaded and would just try to think things through. "As painful as it was talking to Nick, it's providing some closure for us," she said.

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ADVISER Kelly S. Wray

Campus Quotes "What do you think of the death penalty?" " I don't think it's right."

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Cresha Wright Biology - Freshman

"I understand the rea, ' soning, but everyone p should be given the -,,- chance to change. ), -

Tim Deffebaugh Organizational Comm. - Sophomore

"I think it's great and helpful. ),



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Nelson Solomon, Co Editor Greg Newby, Co Editor Stephani Tobin , Copy Editor Kayleigh Adamek, Design Eltor Keith Mooney, Ad illanager

Jake Cole Public Relations - Freshman

"It saves money." A


Jon Williams ---- Business - Freshman ,,, .


Photographed & compiled by Matt Danner

Cartoon from UWIRE

Regularly appreciate the freedoms you have A 13-year-old impoverished Christian girl in Pakistan's Punjab province was recovering on Feb. 19, after she was gang raped at gun point by five Islamic extremists on February 7th, according to International Christian Concern. On Feb. ri, police raided a private evangelical seminar in the Nanyang's Wolong district (central China), and they detained more than 60 home church leaders. They were booked by the police and forced to pay a fine. Eventually, they were released. Two Koreans were instead accused of "engaging in illegal religious activities" and expelled on the 14th of February, "banned from re-entering China for five years." In a recent crackdown on Christians in Myanmar (Burma), which is a serious violation of religious freedom, at least roo churches were ordered to stop holding services. These are a handful of countless stories of Christian believers being persecuted around the world, and it is a privilege to think of the religious freedom we possess to maintain whichever belief we have without the fear of the

The Bottom Line

government potentially preventing us from practicing our belief system. Each Sunday, many Americans get in their vehicles and drive to their churches for a worship service that lasts anywhere from an hour to about four hours. And there is no militant violence or the choice to either cease holding services or face

time in jail presented to us. It is essential for us as Americans to appreciate the freedoms we have that we so freely, and sometimes ungratefully, enjoy. The ability for people in countries where religious beliefs are persecuted to worship freely is indeed priceless. We should take time to be grateful for the freedom we have on a regular basis. There are many who dream of the chance to travel freely and openly carry their Bibles, preaching their faith or practicing and discussing their faith in open is a reality that will not likely come to pass in many countries.

"It is essential for us as Americans to appreciate the freedoms we have that we so freely, and sometimes ungrateful." --Nelson Solomon

In a faltering industry, don't shift the blame On Friday, the Rocky Mountain News announced it would be closing

West Coast Bias

after failing to find a buyer. The 150-year-old Denver-based newspaper is one of many major newspapers recently that has faced peril; others include the San Francisco Chronicle, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune and the Philadelphia

Inquirer. Last week, the Oklahoma City FOX syndicate ran a localized series of reports about the problems newspapers are facing. They discussed The Oklahoman, undoubtedly because it's the biggest newspaper in a small state. The special report segments on FOX 25 discussed concerns that have spread throughout newspapers across the country — rising prices, the high number of students studying journalism in college and the relative success of smaller, niche newspapers. However, early this week The Oklahoman ran advertisements attacking FOX 25 in response, calling them "silly" and "naive," showing a fox wearing a dunce cap. One of the ads filled up a full broadsheet page. The ads attacked FOX 25's ratings in comparison to that of The Oklahoman

and said FOX needs to stick to running episodes of "TMZ" and reruns of "Cops." FOX 25 ran a rebuttal to the scathing ads this week. Reporter Nick Winkler, who covered the series about newspapers in peril, noted that the ads did not hold back on the insults and they did not refute the evidence reported. Winkler also explained that their ratings are high and The Oklahoman had their facts incorrect. Unfortunately, for the editors at The Oklahoman, this was not a specialized attack. This is a growing problem that has reached every major city in the United States at some point. The demise of the Rocky Mountain News shook many parts of the newspaper industry to the core.

If the San Francisco Chronicle folds, San Francisco will be the only major city in the country without a major daily newspaper. Right now, it's scary out there for current and future journalists. For decades, the newspaper has been the cornerstone of our industry. Students in every major journalism school in the country are trained to write hard news stories and many are trained in newspaper design style. The Internet has changed traditional journalism. Newspaper Web sites, bloggers and even the advent of Twitter has turned the industry on its ear. This "new" technology has not gone well for traditional newspapers who rely on subscriptions and newsstand sales. The Oklahoman would have been better off not spending large amounts of money on these ads, which did nothing except stir the pot with FOX 25 and local readers. If people are talking about it, they are likely talking about the negative and angry nature of the ads and not the segments FOX ran on what continues to be a very big problem for the journalism industry.

Obama's budget makes even Bush look responsible Ian Bezek Rocky Mountain Collegian

It's jaw-dropping. After reading about President Barack Obama's budget proposal for this year, I sat rubbing my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief. Obama has proposed a 2009 budget that will run a deficit of $1.75 trillion dollars and an additional deficit of $1.2 trillion dollars next year. Back in 2004, Sen. John Kerry rightly attacked President George W. Bush's spending policies as

"reckless.” By 2008, the attacks on Bush's record increased. Democrat Stanley Hoyer, who is second in command behind Nancy Pelosi in the House, said "the Bush administration is the most fiscally irresponsible administration in American history." The Bush administration added roughly $4 trillion to the national debt during its eight years. According to Obama's budget, he will add an additional $4 trillion to the debt by the end of 2011. Hoyer should be horrified, Obama will cause more fiscal harm to our nation in three years than Bush did in eight.

Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, also weighed in, saying, "President Bush . . . ran up record deficits and added nearly $4 trillion to the national debt. Mr. President, we will be forever in your debt," according to the Los Angeles Times. The national debt is now $11 trillion, and, according to USA Today, if Obama's plan is passed, within a decade we're going to have a $23 trillion debt. Bush's debt is small potatoes compared to what your boss is planning, Mr. Emmanuel. President Obama, in a display of profound irony, is holding a

"fiscal responsibility summit." Here are a few ideas for his summit If he really believes in fiscal responsibility, he might not want to blow $787 billion on a stimulus plan within his first month in office. Also, his $634 billion dollar new "health reform reserve" is a bad idea. We shouldn't be reserving money when we don't have funds in the first place. Also, what's the point of his new tax strategy? Yes, he's raising taxes on the rich, but he's also cutting taxes for everyone else. Why cut any taxes in a time like

this? I know, he's trying to win votes with stale economic class warfare, but it isn't cute anymore. This isn't the time to be playing games with the tax code. We're running the biggest deficit ever; tax cuts now are utterly irresponsible. I've written extensively about the problems our national debt will reap. For fiscal year 2009, the federal government will spend $3.6 trillion, but will only bring in $1.8 trillion in taxes. For every dollar in tax receipts, the government will spend two.

Basketball Notes

Good picks and bad decisions affect various NFL teams Column: QB trade can hurt New England Patriots

Lady Bronchos get conference title, honors Winning its first Lone Star Conference North Division championship earned Central Oklahoma individual honors, it was announced during the LSC Championships Banquet Tuesday night.

In other UCO hoops news: Guy Hardaker was named LSC North Division Coach of the Year, Cristina Yarbrough took LSC North Defensive Player of the Year honors, Mallory Markus claimed LSC North Division Academic Player of the Year accolades and Rose Anderson was selected as LSC North Division Newcomer of the Year during the banquet. Lizzie Brenner was also a first-team All-LSC North Division pick for the third straight year, with Ashley Beckley earning secondteam honors. Yarbrough claimed top defensive honors in the LSC North for the second straight year, while Markus repeated as an Academic All-LSC North pick in addition to earning the top acadernic honor.

Lance Harper named Player of the Year Lone Star Conference North Division champion Central Oklahoma hauled in honors during the LSC Championships Banquet Tuesday night on the eve of the league tournament. Senior standout Lance Harper was named LSC North Division Player of the Year, while head coach Terry Evans claimed Co-Coach of the Year honors. Harper was UCO's lone first-team All-LSC North Division selection.

UCO starts tournament on Thursday Defending champion Central Oklahoma opens play in the Lone Star Conferenc,e Men's Basketball Championship Thursday afternoon in Bartlesville. The LSC North Division champion Bronchos, 23-4 on the season, take on Tarleton State at Bruin Field House at 2:30 p.m.

They are in their own driver's seat Chris Wescott in a division that ,Sports Writer remarkably could be wide open this season. The San Diego Chargers Did the New are an enigma with England Patriots Nory Turner calljust do what I think ing the shots. The they did? Oakland Raiders They franchised are miserable with Matt Cassel, and Al Davis at the helm, then sent the rising and the Denver star to Kansas City Broncos cannot along with Mike continue to ignore Vrabel for a second their defense and round pick. I guess sign poor running all along it was forbacks and rely on mer Patriot perscheme. Besides, sonnel director and Shannahan is gone current Chief genin Denver. eral manager Scott So, can a new Pioli who made all coach in Kansas the smart decisions Photo provided City turn things in New England. He around? Well, Todd metaphorically and Matt Cassel, relief quarterback for the Haley is an offenliterally stole the sive genius and his new franchise's New England Patriots last season, will future from his old play for the Kansas City Chiefs next sea- now he has plenty of toys. Haley franchise. son. He threw for over 3,000 yards and should be like a kid Cassel came in 21 touchdowns. at Christmas right to play relief for the now. Cassel is corninjured Tom Brady ing in to take over last season. He played very well for a seventh round rookie the reigns as quarterback, you have arguwho hadn't played in a football game since ably the best tight end to ever play the game high school. Cassel threw for 3,693 yards in Tony Gonzalez and you have a talented and 21 touchdowns with just 11 intercep- young receiving core led by Dwayne Bowe. tions. He should have made the Pro Bowl Not to mention the third pick in the 2009 draft. with those numbers. Shore up the defense, draft a center high The Patriots must have 100 percent no doubt in their minds that Tom Brady is fully in this draft and watch out, this team is healthy to ship away arguably the best back- on the up. Cassel is a great quarterback to up in the league for a second round pick. build your team around. Scott Pioli was Ignoring the Patriot side of the story, does also a major reason for all the success New Cassel make the worst team in the league England has had. If Todd Haley is a good 'Iasi year a playoff contender? CO-ach, Cass'ef Will nialie'the Chieg dtearii to That remains to be seen. One thing is watch for the next couple of years. for certain though: the Chiefs will improve.

ECU coach reacts Column: Player heckling is a big part of live sports, but when does it go too far? Chris Wescott Sports II ar,

For those who know me, you know I am a huge sports fan. I wouldn't describe myself as a heckler, but I sure do enjoy it. In a way, heckling is a big part of sports. Each team has its own group of hecklers and chants it uses. Sometimes it goes too far. Swearing and personal attacks are always a problem. But what happens when the people monitoring the situation cross a line? East Central University came to Edmond this past weekend to face UCO's baseball team in a doubleheader. A group of UCO students and fans said they were sitting behind the ECU dugout and were participating in some playful banter with the visiting Tigers. No swearing or personal attacks were made. They said they were just poking fun at the ECU uniforms, and sometimes



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Tennis ladies lose 5-4 to NCAA rival A tough battle that went to the wire didn't go Central Oklahoma's way here Monday as the Bronchos dropped a heartbreaking 5-4 Lone Star Conference decision to No. 7-ranked Abilene Christian. UCO led 2-1 after the three doubles matches as Elizabeta Abramovic and Julia Shviadok combined for a clutch 9-8 win at No. 2 while Amy Cabato and Julie Vo rolled to an 8-2 victory at No. 3, but the Wildcats rallied to win four of the six singles bouts to pull out the win. Audrey Donovan claimed a 6-4, 6-3 win over No. 21-ranked Irene Squllaci and Shviadok prevailed in a three-set thriller 6-2, 2-6, 6-4 over No. 35 Jaldyn Walker in singles action, though it wasn't enough to keep ACU from coming back. It was the second straight 5-4 loss to a ranked NCAA Division II rival for the Bronchos, who fell to 4 -3 on the year. "This was a bittersweet match for us," UCO coach Natalya Smith said. "I'm so glad to see how much our program has improved after not winning any singles matches against ACU last year, but at the same

time we're disappointed because we didn't win. "I'm very proud of my girls. I know it wasn't easy to be energetic and fight so hard in every match, but we did that. Our top two girls really showed some great tennis and our doubles teams played aggressive and confident." The Bronchos continue their home league schedule this weekend, hosting No. 18 Northeastern State at 10 a.m. Friday and East Central at 2 p.m. before entertaining Tarleton State at 10 a.m. Saturday. Abilene Christian 5, UCO 4 Doubles

No. 1 — Irene Squicllaci/ Jaclyn Walker, ACU, def. Audrey Donovan/Lacy Caldwell, 8-5. No. 2 — Elizabeta Abramovic/Julia Shviadok, UCO, def. Sarah Drummond/Cassie Carver, 9-8. No. 3 — Amy Cabato/ Julie Vo, UCO, def. Dina Pavlin/White, 8-2. Singles

No. 1 — Donovan, UCO, def. Squicllaci, 6-4, 6-3. No. 2 — Shviadok, UCO, def. Walker, 6-2, 2-6, 6-4. No. 3 — Pavlin, ACU, def. Vo, 6-4, 6 -4.

Baseball errors cause 10th inning loss

Two loth-inning errors they would call a player all the heat. One of the led to Central Oklahoma's short. The Bronchos were up onlooking students said, demise Wednesday after5-1 at that time. "When you go to a sporting noon as the Bronchos After several innings of event at another school, you dropped a frustrating 8-6 the heckling, an ECU coach should expect some heckdecision to Science and Arts lost it. The students said he ling. It is part of the sport." of Oklahoma. actually hit a UCO student in "If you cross the line, that The Drovers scored four the head with the swinging is one thing, but they didn't," unearned runs in the top metal gate by the dugout and the anonymous student said. of the loth to break a 4 -4 threatened the hecklers. "No swearing, no attacking, tie and UCO's last-ditch Chaos ensued as several just some heckling." rally fell short in the botECU parents and fans also I have been heckled before tom of that frame in the sevthreatened the students. and I have seen it firsthand, enth extra inning game in Swearing, threats, personal but I have never seen a situ18 outings for the Bronchos attacks and obscenities fol- ation like this. Judging by lowed and the students said interviews with the fans who already this season. USAO, which improved to they were under fire. were there, the students 18-2, scored seven unearned The UCO student who were just having a little fun runs in the contest as UCO was physically attacked was and the ECU coach and staff committed five errors. The the only person arrested. all overreacted. Bronchos fell to 8-io. UCO has some strict rules In the end, it is up to UCO overcame an early about conduct at the games. the people who make the 1-0 deficit to take a 3-1 lead Swearing, fighting or verbal rules, but should heckling after five innings before abuse of the fans or play- be removed from all UCO ers is not allowed. Even if sports? Fans are the life the students were deemed a force that drives sports, so little loud or rambunctious, we should let them have fun. they were still within the Heckling is just part of the rules. game. The students were attacked, but they also took

the Drovers came back to tie it, but Luke Yost's sacrifice fly broke that deadlock in the seventh. USA() scored an unearned run in the top of the ninth to draw even again and then took the lead with its big loth inning. Brent Hodge had a tworun double in the double of the loth to get UCO within 8-6 with one out, but the Drovers held on. Hodge, Jason Monko and John Bryant had two hits apiece to lead UCO's 12-hit attack. The Bronchos return to Lone Star Conference play this weekend, going to Texas A&M-Kingsville for a fourgame series Friday and Saturday.

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Hockey to play Illinois in rematch Chris Wescott ,S'poris I1 riier

The UCO Hockey regular season is finally over and the brackets are in for round one. Chris Wescott breaks down who the big matches are and previews the Broncho's first round matchup as they try to take home a National Championship. ROUND ONE NOTABLE MATCHES:

UCO wrestling team qualifies six for nationals ment effort were championships by Tim Elliott at 125 pounds and Dustin The UCO wrestling team Finn at heavyweight. had hoped to bring back Four other wrestlers another regional team title qualified for the nationas it did last year and quali- al tournament, includfy wrestlers in all io weight ing Scott Berens at 133, classes for the upcoming Colby Robinson, 141; Luke NCAA National Wrestling Elmore, 149; and Tommy Tournament. McCarty, 174. The team fell short of McCarty had the toughits goal, but it still had a est road as he not only had pretty good day last week- to battle opponents but also end, when it qualified six illness. wrestlers for the national UCO head coach David tournament set for March James said McCarty was 13-14 at the University of ill, and the coaching staff Houston. made sure that he would Highlighting the only have to wrestle the Bronchos' regional tourna-

Steven Vidal

minimum to get qualified for nationals. "We were a little banged up," James said. Although the team fell short and more guys won't get the chance to go to nationals, the Bronchos finished tied for second with Central Missouri for overall team honors. Nebraska-Omaha won the regional and qualified a wrestler for nationals from all 10 weight classes. The nation's only other D-II team to do that was Minnesota State-Mankato. "It's Omaha's tournament to lose," James said,

turning his attention to the national tournament, "but anything can happen." James said another additional day of rest may do his team some good before it starts to practice again in preparation for nationals. "I feel good about our chances," James said. He said the national qualifiers have to get prepared `between the ears." He said they already should be prepared for almost anything physically at this point in the season. "We won't need to do anything special," James said, discussing prepara-

tion for the national tourney. His message to the wrestlers: Believe in yourself. He has hopes for the national qualifiers. "I'm disappointed we didn't get more guys qualified but I'm not a big excuse guy," James said. The more wrestlers a team qualifies for the national tournament, the more chances it has to score team points en route to a possible national title. With only six UCO wrestlers qualifying, the Bronchos could still reach their ultimate goal — a team national title.

UCO vs. Illinois:

The Bronchos take on the University of Illinois on March 14 at 5:3o p.m. Eastern time. UCO played Illinois twice this season and split the series. Illinois is looking for revenge as the Bronchos were the first team to beat them in 47 games. Illinois was the top ranked team in the nation at the time, and when UCO beat them they shot into the top io. This rematch should be very emotional for the Bronchos, as they know they can beat Illinois and are hungry to move forward in the tournament. OU vs. Kent State: This is a big game to watch; if the Bronchos beat Illinois and the Sooners beat Kent, the two will square off in round two. Kent State is a good team, but I expect the Sooners to take this one. This game will be played, March 14 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern time.

N NE OF YOUR 1111 13 E R ARE ill_


Illinois had a great season and were ranked at No. 1 for a long time before Lindenwood knocked them out of the top spot. Illinois is currently the fourth seed in the American Collegiate Hockey League tournament. The University of Illinois had a 27-4 record at home and 11-8 road record. On neutral ice, the Bronchos may be able to take advantage of a small Illinois crowd. UCO handed Illinois their first loss in 47 consecutive games when they visited Edmond in October. That win would eventually help the Bronchos rank in the top io. In their win against Illinois, the Bronchos had goals scored by Erik Jansen, Casey Smith, A.J. Alfrey, Tony Panizzo, Mike Haszto and Brian Thompson. Cory McGlone played all 6o minutes in goal for the Bronchos and saw 38 shots from the No. I team. He only let in four goals. For the Bronchos to have a repeat in the tournament coming up, they will have to carry the momentum from their Texas Tech sweep and stay focused. In hockey, you can't let the other team catch you with your emotions running high. Illinois is a great team, but the Bronchos have shown they can skate with the best of them. The ACHA National tournament is March 14 to 18 and will be played at Gilmour Academy in Gates Mills, Ohio.

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