The Vista March 06, 2008

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6, 2008

www. thevistaonline. corn The Student Voice of the University of Central Oklahoma Since 1903

High school artists show creativity in Nigh Gallery by Carrie Cronk

sions were wonderful pieces of work. Burnham added the exhibition shows great diverThe Donna Nigh Art sity this year. Gallery, on the fourth floor of The exhibition was open the Nigh University Center, to all ninth through 12th is filled with the masterpiec- graders, and students from 29 es of numerous Oklahoma schools across the state subhigh school artists for the mitted 1,181 works of art for "Young Talent in Oklahoma judging. Of those, 169 were Exhibition," which runs from selected for the exhibition, March 1 to March 28. she said. Oklahoma Center for Arts According to a univerEducation Program Director sity press release, "Entries Ines Burnham said the exhi- are judged by UCO faculty bition is an art competition members, professional artthat highlights Oklahoma ists and association members, high school artists and the with thousands of dollars in artwork they created. scholarships, tuition waivers Zina Gelona, UCO galler- and cash being awarded each ies and collections director, year." said the exhibition provides Burnham said three jurors the university an opportuni- examined slides and descripty to showcase the artwork tions of each artist's work of prospective students and before selecting the award displays the quality of arts winners and the 169 pieces education in the state's high that were either hung in the schools. gallery or included in the digBurnham said this is the ital art show, which can be second year the College of viewed on the high definition Arts, Media and Design, and televisions in the area. the Oklahoma Center for Awards included "three Arts Education have spon- juror choices, 12 merit sored the exhibition, which awards, and five cash prizes has been held annually for of $100 each," Burnham said. the last 48 years. Although Plainview High School stuthe two groups sponsored dent Dustin Colbert won The the exhibition, she added, Dean's Choice Award (which "The event was actually put was selected by the Dean of together by the Oklahoma Art CAMD, John Clinton), which Education Association and is a $500 cash award for his the Oklahoma Arts Council." piece, "The Art 'n music." Gelona and Burnham said Gelona said awards were they felt this year's submis- presented during the openStaff Writer

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

"She Knows AU" by Andrea Phan at Plainview High School. Winning works from the Young Talents of Oklahoma are on exibit at the Nigh University Center.

ing reception, which was held during the afternoon on March 1. The "Young Talent in Oklahoma Exhibition" is

"We do an opening on the fourth floor rotunda of the state capitol each year," Burnham said. "We would encourage anybody that sup-

part of National Youth Arts Month, which is held every March to raise awareness about the importance of arts education in our schools.

Wellness Center turns 5-years-old

UCO hosts OSGA conference

by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

The Wellness Center celebrated its five-year anniversary on Tuesday. The campus workout spot averages about 1,600 visitors a day with its state of the art workout facility, which features two full-size basketball courts, a weight room, a track and several different classes like Yoga and Palates Wellness Center director Mark Herrin kicked off the festivities. He talked about the impact the facility has had on the UCO community in the last five years. "The Wellness Center has had such an impact in such a short time," Herrin said. According to him, the center has become a big recruitment tool for UCO in trying to convince prospective students to enroll at the university. Shortly after Herrin spoke, President Webb stepped up to the podium and talked about how fast the last five years have gone by. "It's hard to believe this used to be the drivers training track," Webb said He talked about how the Wellness Center was more than a place for personal fitness but a perfect place for an academic progress and research for the Department of Kinesiology. Herrin praised

Mon. through Thurs. at 5 p.m.

by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Oklahoma Health Commissioner Mike Crutcher speaks Monday afternoon at the Wellness Center's five-year anniversery celebration. the staff for all their hard work and dedication over the last five years. Currently 22 fulltime workers, 11 part-time workers and 55 student workers are on the staff. Herrin thanked the students for their support and cooperation. He said they listened to every idea and opinion in hopes of making the Wellness

Center even better. "A lot of the change at the Wellness Center has been student driven," Herrin said. He also thanked the school's administration for their support in allowing them to bring in new programs every year. Herrin praised President Webb for his vision of wanting to bring

a facility like this to UCO. "Without his vision and direction, none of this would have been possible," Herrin said. Oklahoma Health Commissioner Mike Crutcher was the guest speaker at the celebration. Crutcher, who

see WELLNESS, page 9

UCO is hosting the 27th Spring Congress of the Oklahoma Student Government Association this Thursday and Friday, March 6 and March 7, according to Student Body President Jason Hines. "We had the largest delegation, 28 people, at the Fall Congress and then we placed a bid to host the Spring Congress," Hines said. UCO had just one representative to the last . Spring Congress, and this year has 31 registered attendees, Hines said. Hines said the Spring Congress is the bigger of the two sessions, and there are more people who attend in the spring. There are 10 bills that will be considered at this year's Congress, and Hines wrote four of the bills. One of Hines' bills deals with campus safety in regard to the recent events at Virginia Tech University and Northern Illinois University and another bill deals with increasing the number of academic and mental health counselors on campuses.

"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be." -Kahlil Gibran

ports art education to come ... to the State Capitol for the Youth Arts Day opening." This year's event was held Tuesday.


Hines is also recommending student management of student activity fees, and making all Oklahoma campuses tobacco-free. "A lot of these bills are meant to get students talking and engaged; just by us passing this resolution doesn't make these things happen, but it gets students thinking about it, it gets them passionate about one side or the other," Hines said. "The purpose of OSGA is to give a recommendation to the Oklahoma Legislature and the Oklahoma Board of Regents on issues related to higher education. "Nothing is binding by anything we pass, but it does give a strong voice to the people that do make a difference and pass legislation that impacts college campuses," he said. Hines said that this is the first time at least in the last five or six years that UCO has hosted the event. In order to be able to host the conference, a school must have the facilities, hotels nearby, a food service provider and printing capabilities, Hines said.

see OSGA, page 9


March 6, 2008


















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Cartoon by Jared Aylor



Compiled and photographed by Chris Albers

"Are there benefits for OKC to get a basketball team?" "It's good publicity for the city and it shows that Oklahoma City is not a backwoods places."

Joseph Lopes Corporate communications - Senior

"It will bring a lot of revenue and jobs for Oklahoma."

Jason Hines Journalism - Senior

"It's good and bad. It will bring new businesses to the metro, but as local substitution suggests, these new businesses will drive out the old ones. There will be no measurable change."

In response to Nelson Solomon's Feb. 26 article about Dave Stanto, 'The Voice.'

After returning to Oklahoma City from KBPI in Denver in 1972, I was program director of Matt & Ron Bonebrake's album rock station KOCY-FM for a while before returning to top-40 giant WKY. Dave was on KOCY-AM, then a sort of middle-of-the-road standards format. I believe he was also its production director. He was absolutely amazing and a pleasure to work with! There he was, this standards DJ, who was just as enthusiastic about Crosby, Still & Nash or Eric Clapton as Frank Sinatra or Al Martino. He was our voice on the FM's top-of-the-hour ID's and station promos. I remember numerous times being with him in the KOCY production room putting things together with him. His work was always just right! Never saw him after those days but always loved hearing him on various spots over the years, and would turn it up whenever he came on! Dave had my utmost respect as a real pro and awesome, person! So Sony to hear of his passing. Fred Hendrickson 7pm-12midnight KOMA-FM Oklahoma City

I got to know Dave during the late 1980s and early '90s while working at the Vista and earning my undergraduate degree. We would discuss politics and issues of the day during smoke breaks on the east side of the Communications Building. We got to know each other quite well and became friends. A couple years after earning my degree, my wife and I visited her mother in Oklahoma City to meet her new boyfriend and future husband. I was quite surprised -- and pleased -- to see Dave. His voice-overs on OETA are the only thing that kept me from being homesick during the year I worked for Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma in its Hugo office while my family remained in Tulsa. Dave is a gentle and unique soul with whom I am proud to proclaim, "He was my friend before he became family." Thank you for your tribute to Dave and his contributions to the many people upon whose lives his left an imprint. D.E. Smoot

DeWayne E. Smoot

Fred Hendrickson

In response to Laura Hoffert's March 4 article about Broncho Jam.

I think there were several laugh out loud moments in this story, which also featured a very nice review. I can - relate to Hoffert being 15 and in her prime for crying, as thats how old I was the first time I saw KISS.

Goose Aqualtswes-Freshman

"It should bring in more business and increase the profitability of Oklahoma City businesses."

Clint Switzer

THE VISTA Glenn Hightower UCO Auxiliary Services

"It's going to bring a lot of people to Oklahoma City to watch a game. With an organization that big, it will bring a lot of economic growth."

Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5548 • EDITORIAL


Andrew Knittle, Editor in Chief No Lupov, Ailanaging Editor Alex Gambill, Copy Editor

Chris Albers, Photo Editor Brenda O'Brian


Avea Howard Mass communications - Junior

"It will put Oklahoma City on the map and give the city more pride."

Justin Langston, Senior ,S'tqff Writer Nelson Solomon, Staff Writer Jana Davis, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo, Staff Writer Jordan Richison, Staff Writer Carrie Cronk, Staff Writer Megan Lee, Staff Writer Laura Hoffert, Staff Writer

Keith Mooney, Ad Director Garrett Johnson



SPORTS Jeff Massie

ADVISER Julie Clanton

Josh Hartley Criminal justice - Freshman

DESIGN Steven Reckinger

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. EDITORIALS

Opinion columns, editorial cartoons. reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS

The liista encourages letters

to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must he typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of ' questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be c-mailed to editorial

March 6, 2008


Site helps students study studiously Brett Favre retires after 17 seasons by Jana Davis Staff Writer

A new Web site has been created to help college students study for tests by posting old notes, quizzes and study guides. Phil Switzer, founder of StudyMat, said the idea came from fraternities and sororities who often have old drawers and file cabinets full of notes and study guides from previous years. He said it was the "spiral notebook" for Greek organizations. This Web site creates the same idea, only campuswide. Switzer said he already has 251 registered users, over 54 universities. Students can log in with their school e-mail and upload old notes and study guides. "The idea is to be anonymous," Switzer said. "Most students have a computer or laptop so they take notes digitally. So, it is really simple to upload." Students can rate the infor-

mation, as well as the professor, based on how helpful the material was. "The content takes care of itself. Hopefully people won't be uploading old tests," Switzer said. He said he would be monitoring the site constantly for validity and content. "I think it will boost GPAs overa1I,"

Switzer said. "You are alleviating that first test anxiety." "Hearing something like this gives me hope that students are actually putting effort into their grades," Erin Israel, an adjunct professor, said. Terry Tiller, an adjunct

professor, said she had no problem with it. She said as long as she has access to the Web site and can monitor for plagiarism, she would encourage students to use it.

r1 It was k easier

to sit down and study when students' notes and previous study materials

were available, Switzer said. "It's not a site for cheating," Switzer ensured. "It's to help you study." Some students seemed to be willing to use StudyMat as long as it wasn't used for cheating or abuse. "I think it would be another way to review for finals," said Kenzi Couch, a sophomore nursing major. Mandy Redinger, a child development junior, said it would be good to use if a day of school was missed. "I think a lot of people would use it," said Carisa Holt, an advertising junior said. StudyMat is a federally registered company with limited liability. To register or for more information, visit Studymat. corn.

'Partners:' Bush now behind McCain WASHINGTON (AP) President Bush endorsed Republican nominee-inwaiting John McCain on Wednesday, two bitter rivals from the 2000 presidential race joining together now in hopes of preventing Democrats from winning the White House this fall. "John showed incredible courage, strength of character and perseverance in order to get to this moment and that's exactly , what we need in a president — somebody who can handle the tough decisions, somebody who won't flinch in the face of danger," Bush said, appearing with McCain in the Rose Garden. Bush's embrace of the Arizona senator as the party's next standard-bearer comes a day after McCain clinched the GOP nomination by getting the requisite 1,191 convention delegates. Republicans won't officially nominate McCain until early September at the GOP's national convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul. "A while back I don't think many people would have thought that John McCain would be here as the nominee of the Republican Party," Bush said. "Except he knew


Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre reacts after throwing a 57 yard touchdown pass to Antonio Freeman in the first quarter against the Tennessee Oilers in Green Bay, Wis., in this Dec. 20, 1998 file photo. The Packers won 30-22. Brett Favre has decided to retire from the NFL after 17 seasons. FOX Sports first reported Tuesday March 4, 2008 that the Green Bay Packers quarterback informed the team in the last few days.

by AP Writer

.,'Aoksrott*AS ,, AP Photo

President Bush and Republican nominee-in-waiting, Sen. JohnjVlcCain; R-Ariz. walk down the West Wing Colonnade of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, March 5, 2008, after speaking to reporters in the Rose Garden where the president announced his endorsement of McCain. he'd be here and so did his and an unpopular war on his while helping with others. wife, Cindy." shoulders, Bush could hurt With his low poll ratings McCain with some groups, see BUSH, page 5

GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) _ Another Super Bowl, another record, another roar from the crowd — none of it was enough. Brett Favre couldn't stomach the thought of forcing his battered body and mind through another year of tedious practices and merciless hits, only to have another chance at a championship yanked away in an instant. So the 38-year-old icon turned his back on a promising young team Tuesday, telling the Green Bay Packers he finally is tired enough to retire.

"I know I can still play, but it's like I told my wife, I'm just tired mentally," Favre told ESPN. "I'm just tired." With that, Favre walked away from a wild 17-year ride marked by fist-pumping highs and head-shaking lows owning every quarterback record worth having. But he's leaving on a sour note: His interception in overtime of the NFC Championship game, a mistake that set up the New York Giants' field goal that sent the Packers home instead of to the Super Bowl. And he leaves most folks feeling he had at least another

see FAVRE, page 7

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March 6, 2008

Chavez yearns for peace, Columbia interferes by AP Writer CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) _ President Hugo Chavez said Wednesday that we want peace," but that Colombia and its allies in Washington represent war — and that perpetual conflict with the United States is inevitable. "It must be said: They, the empire and its lackeys, are war," Chavez said in a televised speech, his first since Colombia alleged that documents seized from a leftist rebel's computer prove the Venezuelan leader has' been supporting the guerrillas for years. "We are the path to peace," said Chavez, who ordered 10 battalions of troops to reinforce the border after Colombia entered Ecuadorean territory to attack a leftist rebel hideout. But Chavez said that as long as Colombian President Alvaro does what Washington tells him, conflict is inevitable. "Venezuela will never again be a U.S. colony," he said to applause from a teachers' group. Chavez spoke as diplomats from many countries struggled to defuse the crisis sparked • by the Colombian attack. Ecuador rejected a Colombian apology for the cross-border strike as insufficient before an emergency meeting of the Organization of American States, where the United States was the only country to offer Colombia unqualified support. Many, othqr,countriess worried •openly about the viola-

tion to Ecuador's sovereignty, despite complaints that Venezuela and Ecuador have long provided refuge to leftist Colombian guerrillas. Chavez has warned Colombia that Venezuela would respond militarily to any violation of its border, and Venezuela's justice minister ramped up the threat Tuesday by declaring that war "has already begun." The military strike on Ecuadorean soil, which killed two dozen rebels, gave Colombian commandos an intelligence bonanza in the form of laptops they seized, including the computer of rebel leader Raul Reyes. Documents on the machine indicated Reyes had been secretly negotiating._ .:174i.tis representatives of ' ,- Fiantre; Venezuela,. Ecuadoi.; the and other countriers:utrYing to free rebel-held hOstakes including French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and three American defense contractors. Those representatives. included Ecuador's Interior Minister, Gustavo Larrea, who told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he doesn't rule out the possibility the rebels still might release Betancourt. "We think an adequate response, in this critical moment for the Andean region, is that they free the hostages," he said. Larrea also said Reyes had promised the FARC would avoid operations in Ecuador, adding that the presence of the base raided by Colombia shows "they did not fulfill the promise." Ecuadorean President

AP Photo

Relatives of Venezuelan soldiers cry as buses with troops leave Fort Paramacay in the central city of Valencia, Venezuela, Tuesday, March 4, 2008. The Venezuelan military has been tight lipped about the movement of troops, which Chavez ordered on Sunday, including 10 battalions, tanks and a deployment of military aircraft. A Venezuelan battalion traditionally has 600 soldiers.

Rafael Correa, on a sixnation tour, called Colombian President Alvaro Uribe a liar who "wanted war," and warned that if the attack goes unpunished, "the region will be in danger, because the next victim could be Peru, it could be Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, any one of our countries." The OAS sought to ease tensions by naming an commission led by SecretaryGeneral Jose Miguel Insulza and Colombia released reams of documents it said it found on Reyes' computer that suggest- Chavez has supported the Colombian guerrillas for

years. In his speech, Chavez did not refer to Colombian allegations he had given $300 million to the FARC and had conspired with them to embarrass the Colombian government. Venezuela earlier dismissed the allegations as lies. Colombia also accused the rebels of trying to make a radioactive dirty bomb, although the documents it shared with reporters don't support that allegation, indicating instead that the rebels discussed the possibility of buying uranium to resell at

a profit. In Brazil, Correa suggested late Tuesday that the Colombian raid was carried out to prevent the liberation of rebel-held hostages. He offered no proof, but said he agreed with speculation that Colombia targeted Reyes "to prevent a deal for the liberation of the hostages from going forward." The FARC freed four hostages last week, and Chavez had pledged to try to win freedom for others. The rebels said Tuesday that Reyes died "completing a mission to arrange, through

President Chavez, a meeting with (French) President (Nicolas) Sarkozy" aimed at securing Betancourt's release. Colombia's attack on the camp inside Ecuador reflected its frustration over the ability of rebels to take refuge across poorly patrolled borders. But Uribe said he would not allow his nation to be drawn into war. Venezuela was sending about 9,000 soldiers —10 battalions — to the border region as a "preventive" measure, retired Gen. Alberto Muller Rojas, a former top Chavez aide, told The Associated Press. Ecuador said it sent 3,200 troops to the border on Monday. Venezuela's agriculture minister, Elias Jaua, said Venezuela had closed the border — which sees annual trade worth roughly $5 billion — to imports and exports. Despite the shrill rhetoric from the Andean governments, in several border towns there was little sign of tension apart from the turning away of trucks by Venezuelan border guards. Contenting themselves by calling Chavez "crazy", Colombian truckers lounged in the shade drinking beer and saying they hope the crisis won't persist long. When the border is open, each day some 9,400 tons of merchandise cross between Colombia and Venezuela in both directions, said Jaime Sorzano, head of the cargo transport association. "In the past, we've had episodes, problems, but like this crisis no. It's unprecedented," he said. ,

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March 6, 2008

Contestant's past involves stripping

BUSH from page 3

by AP Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) David Hernandez's stripper past didn't come back to haunt him on Tuesday night's "American Idol." Hernandez's three-year stint as a male stripper wasn't even mentioned during the live telecast, which featured the 24-year-old from Glendale, Ariz., performing a rendition of Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back to Me Now." However, acerbic judge Simon Cowell did mutter something about stripping, off camera, immediately after the song ended. Randy Jackson called Hernandez's singing "pitchy" but said he had a "big ol' voice." Paula Abdul raved that Hernandez had some of the "best vocals." And Simon Cowell said it wasn't as good as last week, but Hernandez had secured himself a place in the finals. On Thursday, 16 semifinalists will be narrowed down to the final 12 contestants. Other than Cowell, no one alluded to Monday's news that Hernandez worked for three years in Phoenix at Dick's Cabaret. There, he would appear fully nude and perform lap dances for the club's "mostly male" clientele, club manager Gordy Bryan told The Associated Press on Monday. It apparently wasn't Hernandez's "most embarrassing moment" either. (Contestants had to 'fess up about theirs during the show.) In a taped segment before his performance, Hernandez said

AP Photo

In this undated image released by FOX, "American Idol" contestant David Hernandez, 24, of Glendale, Ariz., is shown.

his red-faced moment happened when he discovered he had "a pea-sized booger"

In 2003, semifinalist Frenchie Davis was dismissed from "Idol" because of her appearance on an adult Web site, but Antonella Barba Hernandez's three-year stint remained in the competition as a male stripper wasn't last year after racy photos of even mentioned during the live her surfaced on the Internet. Third-place finisher Nikki telecast, which featured the 24McKibbin from the first year-old from Glendale, Ariz., "Idol" season briefly worked performing a rendition of Celine as stripper before the show, Dion's "It's All Coming Back according to Joe Cannizzaro, president of McKibbin's to Me Now record label, Chenoa Music. Like Hernandez, McKibbin wasn't dismissed from the in his nose following a photo show when her history as a stripper was publicly revealed shoot. Fox and the producers — nor was it disclosed on the have declined to comment show. about Hernandez. Dick's Cabaret manager

Bryan told the AP he was aware that Hernandez was a vocalist, but that Hernandez never sang at the club. Bryan said he now believes Hernandez stopped working at the strip club on Sept. 30, 2007, because of his participation in "Idol." On a video posted on , Hernandez said he broke the lease on his apartment and lived out of his car before auditioning for "Idol." And, when asked in a Q&A posted on the site which talent would he would most like to have if he couldn't sing, Hernandez responded: "Dancing! I'm horrible at that."

King of Clubs, Queen o Hearts

"If my showing up and endorsing him helps him — or if I'm against him and it helps him — either way, I want him to win," the president said. "This is an age-old question that every president has had to answer, and there is an appropriate amount of campaigning for me to do. But they're not going to be voting for me." "They're not going to be voting for me," the president said. "I've had my time in the Oval Office." "It's not about me," Bush said. "I've done my bit." Bush gave McCain a big welcome at the White House, greeting him at the North Portico entrance usually reserved for visiting foreign dignitaries. McCain showed up late and kept Bush waiting. The president whiled away the time by dancing and joking and laughing for the cameras. McCain said he looked forward to campaigning with Bush at his side and said the president could be helpful in states such as Texas. Bush pledged to do whatever he could — even getting out of the way when that would help. "I got a lot to do, but I'm going to find ample time to help," Bush said. "I can help raise him money, and if he wants my pretty face standing by his side at one of these rallies, I'd be glad to show up." "But they're going to be looking at him. I'm going to be in Crawford with my feet up," Bush said. "He's going to be sitting in behind that desk making decisions on war and peace." McCain said he had great respect and admiration for Bush. "I intend to have as much possible campaigning events


together as is in keeping with the president's heavy schedule," McCain said. "I hope that the president will find time from his busy schedule to be out of the campaign trail with me, and I will be very privileged to have the oppoturnity of being again on the campaign trail with him." McCain's Washington visit amounted to a victory lap of sorts after a bruising 16-month Republican presidential primary. He was visiting not only the White House he hopes to occupy but also the Republican National Committee headquarters that he essentially assumes control of now that he's the expected GOP nominee. He was essentially laying claim to the entire force of the Republican Party apparatus as he plots his general election strategy and sets in motion his campaign — and that of the party — to keep a Republican at the White House helm. For McCain, the general election campaign starts now even though Democrats still haven't chosen a candidate. Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton continue a protracted battle for their party's nod, leaving McCain an opportunity to unify his party. To that end, Bush's support sends a strong signal to GOP critics of McCain to fall in line. The GOP's conservative base has resisted rallying around McCain, long viewing him skeptically for working across the aisle with Democrats on issues that the right flank detest. Bush is the head of the Republican Party and he remains a well-liked figure with GOP rank-and-file. Thus, he could be an asset in raising money and rallying the GOP base for McCain. However, his job performance rating is at a low point and he is unpopular with the general public.

Smith's daughter to inherit estate

AP Photo

Photo by Vickie Enis

Kellen Hodgeson, right, sophomore advertising major, reacts to being crowned Mr. Greek University of Central Oklahoma 2008 on Tuesday, March 4 at UCO with Miss UCO 2008, Ashley Edwards, sophomore public relations major, and Evan Scrutchins, sophomore outdoor recreation major. The Mr. Greek UCO pageant was started last year by Panhellenic as a fundraiser, and all of this year's proceeds go to the Infant Crisis Services center in Oklahoma City.




Anna Nicole Smith, holding her daughter, Dannielynn, and her attorney Howard K. Stern during a interview with "Entertainment Tonight", a celebrity TV show at the couple's home in the Bahamas on Oct. 28, 2006. Her death spurred a high-profile legal battle over the custody of her daughter. by AP Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) _ Anna Nicole Smith's daughter will inherit her late mother's estate. A Los Angeles judge on

Tuesday not only made 18month-old Dannielynn Hope the sole heir, but also set up a trust in the girl's name. Her father, Larry Birkhead, and Smith's executor, Howard

see SMITH, page 6

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March 6, 2008

Tylenol proves deadly for college student

OSGA from page 1

The OSGA is a statewide organization committed to voicing the concerns and interests of the over 250,000 students in the Oklahoma Higher Education System, according to their official Web site. OSGA is governed by a board of directors. This board contains a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, public relations director, and five regional directors (central, northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest). New officers will be selected at the Spring Congress this week. Every student in the state of Oklahoma is automatically a member of OSGA, according to its Web site. However, each college or university student government association in Oklahoma has the opportunity to join OSGA. Currently, member campuses pay annual dues which allow them to participate and have voting privileges in the annual OSGA Congress each spring. OSGA is charged with the great responsibility of formulating a stance on issues of importance to Oklahoma students and taking the stance to the Governor, state legislature, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and other decision making bodies.

"UCO fit those qualities and characteristics easily, and we're in the central part of the state, which makes it an easier drive for people from farther parts of the state," Hines said. Last year's Spring Congress was held at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Okla., and members of Panhandle State University had to drive nine hours to attend, according to Hines. "Since we're in the central part of Oklahoma, we really had the advantage because we're no more than a four or five hour drive from anywhere in the state," Hines said. The Fall Congress is typically held in the House chamber at the state capitol in Oklahoma City. UCO students Daniel McClure and John BobbSemple are officials for the conference. McClure is on the Photo illustration by Vista photographer Chris Albers OSGA board of directors as Ruth Byrne, a University of Oklahoma student, recently died from a Tylenol overdose. She was taking nine pills the Central Region Director, and Bobb-Semple is the conper day to battle a tooth ache. ference director, Hines said. The committee chair for by Laura Hoffert Madalyn Ruth Byrne died pills had absorbed and the lethal. It's so important to the conference is Jessica Staff Writer from taking nine Extra- medicine was still fully work- know what you're taking, Speegle from Southwestern Strength Tylenol tablets a day ing inside of her bloodstream. acetaminophen is found in Oklahoma State University. Headaches from cramming for three weeks to treat a On June 28, 2003, Kellie died over 100 medicines and can for exams, trying to lower a toothache. The cause of death from organ failure brought on easily be mixed by accident," died in 2006, three days after fever brought on by the flu, or was liver failure brought on from liver failure and kidney McWilliams said. Dannielynn was born. trying to relieve pain to avoid from an overdose of acet- damage due to an acetaminoTylenol, like any medi"We and Mr. Stern always phen overdose. missing an important class are aminophen. cine, should only be used in from page 5 believed that Anna Nicole This affects many families "Kellie was outgoing, she moderation. Most doctors all reasons college students never intended to disinherit take over the counter drugs throughout the nation. Most ran cross country and did recommend no more than K. Stern, will be co-trustees. her daughter," Stern's lawyer, such as Tylenol. Once used as of the deaths are unintention- track at Westmoore High two grams of acetaminophen Superior Court Judge Bruce S. Ross, said after the a short-term remedy for any al and are common for young School. She liked going out a day. Most importantly, read Mitchell Beckloff granted a hearing. "I'm pleased to say person to use to get through adults either in school or start- with her friends to eat and the back of the bottle. This is petition filed by Stern, who this chapter in the saga is hang out, she was just a ball of important for not only the dos- wanted to clarify Smith's closed." the day before making an ing out in their careers. Kellie Lynn McWilliams fire," said Mike McWilliams, age that should be consumed, intentions toward her daughappointment to see their docDannielynn could inherit but also whether or not the ter. Smith drafted a will in millions of dollars if the estate tor, the usage of Tylenol is was struggling with a head- Kellie's brother. "I can't blame the drug medicine will be able to cure 2001 — five years before the wins an ongoing court fight prevalent in some people's ache on June 24, 2003. She everyday life. However, last took Extra-Strength Tylenol companies, the labels are specific ailments. Tylenol, child was born — that left her over a will by Smith's wealthy year there were an estimated tablets and started to feel sick there, but they're vague. and any other drug containing estate to her then only child, second husband J. Apward 200 deaths that occurred due and vomit. Kellie thought that People need to be educated acetaminophen, should only Daniel. However, it said -the Marshall, that letY4fiiich of to an overdose of the main the pills were out of her sys- about this though. We didn't be used temporarily until a assets in Daniel's trust should his fortune to the model. His tem and took more to com- know something you or some doctor's appointment can be be shared equally if she had relatives have been fighting ingredient acetaminophen. Recently University pensate for what she thought 10-year-old kid could buy scheduled. the will for years. future children. of Oklahoma sophomore she had lost. However the over the counter would be Daniel was 20 when he


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h&irch 6, 2008

FAVRE from page 3 good year left in him. "I think he could have played again at the level that he just played this past season," Packers coach Mike McCarthy said. "The film reflects that. The statistics reflect that. I thought he played at a very high level this year and definitely had a lot left in his tank." This certainly isn't Favre's first flirtation with retirement. He's made speculation about his football future an annual rite of winter in Wisconsin for several years running. So is Favre just crying wolf, only to get the itch to return this summer? "He seemed to be pretty good, at peace with his decision," Packers general manager Ted Thompson said. "But as I've also said, it's a very complicated decision process that he has go to through on this. I guess you never say never, but I wouldn't anticipate that." Favre talked to McCarthy by telephone twice Monday night, indicating he intended to retire, then spoke to Thompson to finalize his decision Tuesday morning. Word then leaked out via a Fox Sports report, leading to widespread speculation about the reason for Favre's decision. Thompson and McCarthy insisted it was clear the team wanted Favre back. However, Favre's agent, Bus Cook, said: "Nobody pushed Brett Favre out the door, but then nobody encouraged him not to go out

that door, either." He spoke to the AP by phone from his Hattiesburg, Miss., office. The Packers also said their lack of interest in wide receiver Randy Moss — a player Favre publicly lobbied the Packers to sign last offseason but who re-signed with the New England Patriots — wasn't a factor. Thompson and McCarthy spoke at a news conference Tuesday afternoon, but the team has not said when Favre will address reporters. Favre accompanied his youngest daughter on a field trip to Jackson, Miss., according to a woman who identified herself as someone who works for Favre. She spoke to an Associated Press reporter through a security intercom. "I know the fans are absolutely devastated today," Thompson said. "The Packers will move forward, but certainly we have all been blessed to see this man play this game the way he played it." The three-time MVP walks away with most of the NFL's significant passing records — most career touchdown passes, most career yards passing and most career victories by a starting quarterback — and a victory in the 1997 Super Bowl. Favre retires with 5,377 career completions in 8,758 attempts, with 61,655 yards and 442 touchdowns. He 160 career victories. He also holds the more dubious mark of 288 interceptions. "Brett's career accomplishments will be measured among the greats of the game for the balance of time," said Seattle Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren, Favre's former


coach in Green Bay. "He truly was as gifted a player as I have ever seen, and as proud and amazed as I am of what Brett has accomplished on the playing field. The thing that impresses me the most is what kind of a man and leader he has become off the field since I have known him." But perhaps Favre's most telling legacy will be his quarterback-record streak of 253 consecutive regular-season starts — illustrating his trademark toughness. Add in the playoffs, and Favre's streak stands at 275. "Of all the records he holds, and he holds some magnificent records, the one that impresses me the most is he was there every single Sunday to play," Packers chairman emeritus Bob Harlan said. "I think that's huge." And it made his departure all the more surprising. "I was surprised when I heard it this morning," former Packers general manager Ron Wolf said. "He played with such a great passion. He must have figured he no longer had that passion, and it was time to get out." Even Favre's teammates didn't see it coming. "He played at such a high level this year, I think everybody to a man thought he was coming back," McCarthy said. Former Packers coach Mike Sherman, now the head coach at Texas A&M, said he always figured Favre would go out with more fanfare. "I always envisioned his teammates carrying him off the field, Sherman said, "and his arm falling off as he left."

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March 6, 2008

Clinton gains momentum, Obama maintains lead by AP Writer WASHINGTON (AP) Hillary Rodham Clinton, fresh off a campaign-saving comeback, hinted Wednesday at the possibility of sharing the Democratic presidential ticket with Barack Obama — with her at the top. Obama played down his losses, stressing that he still holds the lead in number of delegates. On a night that failed to clarify the Democratic race, John McCain Tuesday clinched the Republican nomination. Clinton won primaries in Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island, halting Obama's winning streak. Obama won in Vermont. Both Democrats insisted on Wednesday they had the best credentials to go head to head — or as Clinton put it "toe to toe" — against McCain. Asked on CBS's "The Early Show" whether she and Obama should be on the same ticket, Clinton said: "That may be where this is headed, but of course we have to decide who is on the top of ticket. I think the people of Ohio very • clearly said that it should be me." Obama, who had hoped to knock Clinton out of the race on Tuesday, said he would prevail despite facing a tenacious candidate who "just keeps on ticking." Clinton acknowledged the race was close and said it would come down to her credentials on national security and the economy. The two presidential contenders made the rounds of the morning network television news shows Wednesday, declaring only one, thing certain - that the campaign would go ori and that the next big showdown would occur

April 22 in Pennsylvania. McCain, whose grasp on the nomination once seemed a distant reach, was headed for the White House Wednesday to have lunch with President Bush and get his endorsement. Bitter rivals in the 2000 presidential primaries, the two have forged an uneasy relationship during Bush's administration and have clashed on issues such as campaign finance, tax cuts, global warming and defining torture.

Despite Clinton's victories Tuesday night, Obama came away with a large share of delegates, too, in counting that continued Wednesday. "We still have an insurmountable lead," Obama said. Clinton and Obama spent most of the past two weeks in Ohio and Texas in a bruising campaign, with the former first lady questioning his sincerity in opposing the North American Free Trade Agreement and darkly hinting he's not ready to be commander m chief in a crisis. Based on their current delegate counts, neither candidate can win enough delegates in the remaining primaries , and caucuses to secure the riomi= nation without the help of

nearly 800 party officials and top elected officials who also have a voice in the selection. On Wednesday, Clinton and her campaign clearly aimed their case at those so-called "superdelegates" — a strategy that could take the nomination fight all the way to the party's August national convention in Denver. "New questions are being raised, new challenges are being put to my opponent," she said. "Superdelegates are supposed to take all that information on board and they are supposed to be exercising the judgment that people would have exercised if this information and challenges had been available several months ago." She said voters are being drawn to her argument that she would be the better commander in chief, the best steward of the economy and that she can better confront McCain in the general election. Obama countered that on a key national security issue — the war in Iraq — "she got it wrong" by supporting Bush's call for authority to use of force. As for superdelegates, Obama said he expected them to rally around him. "I don't think it will necessarily go to the convention floor," he told reporters aboard his plane before taking off from San Antonio for Chicago. He also said he will challenge Clinton on her foreign policy credentials. "Was she negotiating treaties? Was she handling crises? The answer is no," he said. "She made a series of arguments on why she should be a superior candidate. I think it's. important to examine that argument." In Tuesday's four-state

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AP Photo

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y. acknowledges supporters during a primary night rally Tuesday, March 4, 2008, in Columbus, Ohio.

competition for delegates, Clinton picked up at least 115, to at least 88 for Obama. Nearly 170 more remained to be allocated for the night, 154 of them in the Texas primary and the caucuses that immediately followed. Obama had a lead in Texas caucuses before counting closed for the night Tuesday, to be resumed Wednesday. Obama had a total of 1,477 delegates, including separately chosen party and elected officials known as superdelegates, according to the Associated Press count. He

picked up three superdelegate endorsements Tuesday. Clinton had 1,391 delegates. It takes 2,025 to win the nomination. The count does not include delegates from Florida and Michigan, who were penalized by the Democratic Party for moving up their primaries ahead of a schedule set by the Democratic National Committee. None of the Democratic candidates campaigned in either state. But Clinton, who won the popular vote iii both state primaries, on Wednesday renewed her

call for Florida and Michigan to be counted in the nomination race. "It's a mistake for the Democratic Party to punish these two states," she said. "I don't see how a Democratic nominee goes forward alienating two of the most important states." McCain surpassed the 1,191 delegates needed to win his party's nomination against odds that seemed steep only a few months ago, and all but impossible last summer.


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March 6, 2008

OPEC refuses to put more oil on market

WELLNESS from page 1

by AP Writer VIENNA, Austria (AP) _ OPEC said Wednesday it will not put more oil on the global market despite near recordhigh prices for crude, blaming the U.S. for economic "mismanagement" it said was having a worldwide effect. The 13-nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said it opted to maintain current production levels because crude supplies are plentiful and demand is expected to weaken in the second quarter. OPEC President Chakib Khelil told reporters the global market is being affected by what he called "the mismanagement of the U.S. economy," and that America's problems were a key factor in the cartel's decision to hold off on any action. "If the prices are high, definitely they are not due to a lack of crude. They are due to what's happening in the U.S.," Khelil said. "There is sufficient supply. There's plenty of oil there." Khelil's comments came one day after President Bush lashed out at the organization. OPEC did pledge to maintain "constant vigilance" over the market. Oil hit an all-time, inflation-adjusted record of nearly $104 a barrel earlier this week, and it's been hovering around $100 a barrel for some time. Oil prices climbed back above $101 a barrel Wednesday after the OPEC announcement. Khelil said he and OPEC's secretary-general were authorized .to call an extraordinary meeting or hold phone consultations "at any time, depending on the pressures on the market" — an apparent gesture to ease global economic jitters. There had been some speculation that OPEC might actually cut production — a move that would drive prices even higher, along with profits for cartel members — but Khelil said a cut was not discussed at Wednesday's meeting. He said OPEC had no plans to meet again before its next scheduled conference in September. Earlier in the week, price hawks Venezuela and Iran had indicated they planned to push for less production. On Tuesday, OPEC was rebuked by Bush. "Understand the consequences of high energy prices," Bush said after meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan in the Oval Office. "I think it's a mistake to

also serves as the Leader in Residence for UCO's College of Education and Professional Studies, talked about how important it is for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. "Americans are victims of their own success. We have instant access to food and when you mix that with a lack of physical involvement people have, the two equal a bad combination," Crutcher said. Crutcher spoke earlier in the day with UCO administrative leaders to discuss collaborative efforts between "Strong & Healthy Oklahoma" and "Healthy


Campus UCO." The healthy campus initiative is designed to be a coalition of students, faculty, staff and community partners who work to promote a campus environment that supports the development and maintenance of a healthy body, mind and spirit for all members of the university community. The Wellness Center is located on the west side of campus by Wantland Stadium. It is open seven days a week and is free to UCO students with a valid student identification card. For more information about the Wellness Center and all the programs and activities visit their Web site at www. or call them at (405) 974-3101.

Chesney nets 11 CMA nominations by AP Writer

AP Photo

A man works through a dust storm Tuesday, March 4, 2008, on a new oil well being drilled in the Sakhir, Bahrain, desert. OPEC has virtually ruled out pumping more oil to ease record-high prices, oil ministers said Tuesday on the eve of a key meeting, contending supplies are ample and there's no compelling reason to flood the market with more. have your biggest customers' economies slowing down as a result of higher energy prices," he added. Khelil said crude stocks were well within their fiveyear average and the 13nation group was not inclined to either boost or reduce its current output of about 32 million barrels a day. OPEC satisfies roughly 40 percent of the world's demand for crude. OPEC said it "highlighted the economic slowdown in the U.S., which, together with the deepening credit crisis in financial markets, is increasing the downside risks for world economic growth and consequently demand for crude oil." Analysts had not expected any significant action Wednesday. "In truth, OPEC's decision not to pump more oil is a reflection that supply is relatively good," said Anthony Sabino, a professor of business at St. John's University in New York.




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"What is driving oil prices up to the stratospheric level of over $100 per barrel is the U.S. economy, now undeniably in recession," he said. "It's not so much the price of oil is going up — it's that the value of the U.S. dollar, sad to say, is slumping." Oil shot up a dramatic 19 percent last month as the falling dollar prompted speculators and other investors to shift cash to crude and other commodities as a hedge. Among other reasons for the spike: tensions in the oilrich Middle East and Turkey's incursion into northern Iraq. Key cartel members said this week that prices in the $85 to $90 per barrel range would be optimal. Light, sweet crude for April delivery rose $2.02 to $101.54 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange by the afternoon in Europe. "The market listens to what they say. So when they do nothing, in the short-term there are still fears," said John

Hall, of John Hall Associates in London. OPEC; Hall said, isuvery, very nervous at the moment. By helping the price to rise, they have fueled inflation and they're fueling recession." But Stephen Schork, editor of The Schork Report, which keeps tabs on global energy markets and trends, said the cartel may not have had much choice. "If you're OPEC, you see ample supplies and questionable demand," he said. Schork gave OPEC credit for not pushing through a cut in output, which "would legitimize the bullish speculation we've seen since February" and risk sending oil to $120 a barrel or higher. The 13 OPEC members are Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Iraq is the only member not subject to the cartel's output quotas.


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Kenny Chesney received a leading 11 Academy of Country Music nominations Tuesday, including entertainer of the year and top male vocalist. Rodney Atkins followed with six nominations, including top male vocalist. Brad Paisley, Big & Rich and Sugarland all got four apiece. Chesney also is up for song and video of the year for "Don't Blink" and vocal event for "Find Out Who Your Friends Are" with Tracy Lawrence and Tim McGraw. Chesney received double nominations for artist and producer for "Shift Work". with George Strait, as well as for "Don't Blink" for single of the year and "Just Who I Am: Poets & Pirates" for album of the year. If Chesney gets entertainer of the year, the most coveted trophy, it would be his fourth straight win, tying him with Garth Brooks. "I just try to be the kinda artist I wanted to see when I was coming up," Chesney said. "To me, if you remember who you are, sing songs that speak to that and pay attention to the fans, that's all I can hope for. Seeing those people every night, I don't think I could do anything less." This year, for the first time, fans will choose the winner of the entertainer category, with voting to begin May 5 The show will be held in Las Vegas on May 18 and carried live on CBS at 8 p.m. EDT. Carrie Underwood and Paisley announced the nomi-

nations at the Country Music Hall of Fame. Atkins' nominations include song of the year and video of the year for "Watching You" and album of the year for "If You're Going through Hell," which he also co-produced. The singer, who has had four straight No. 1 singles, won best new male vocalist at last year's ACMs. "It's amazing to have your name mentioned with these guys like George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Brad Paisley. It's going to take awhile to sink in," Atkins remarked. "It's nice to be noticed, kind of like getting to step into the big leagues. It's what you always hope for." Paisley is nominated for male vocalist, album of the year for "5th Gear," video of the year for "Online," and entertainer of the year. "This is one of the days where you're glad you got up early," said Paisley, who read the list with Underwood on CBS' "The Early Show." He added that his confidence as an entertainer has grown in recent years as he's headlined tours and bolstered his stage shows. "I feel a little more comfortable and not as guilty" Paisley said of the entertainer nomination. "That doesn't mean that I feel that I deserve it, it just means I feel like I've earned a place." Miranda Lambert and Taylor Swift received three nominations apiece including album of the year, Lambert for "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" and Swift for "Taylor Swift." "I poured my heart into this album, and the great response makes it that much better," Lambert said.

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March 6, 2008


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48. Common Market inits. 50. Bolshoi rival 53. Small volcanic island in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra 58. Excessive emphasis on 61. 1920's chief justice 62. Bent 63. "Eraserhead" star Jack 64. "I'm you!" 65. Bad marks 66. Excessive desire Down 1. "Ah, me!" 2. Attack 3. Shrek 4. Life-size display 5. Brings home 6. Ponzi scheme, e.g. 7. As a result 8. "Amen!" 9. Lizard, old-style 10. Prickly plant 11. "Cast Away" setting 12. C-worthy? 13. Bother 18. Black-and-white diving birds 19. Altercation 23. All over again

24. Didn't have enough 25. Poison plant 26. Grassy plain 27. Bit of high jinks 29. Heir's concern 30. Encumbrances 31. Baggy 32. Decree 33. Shops selling ready-toeat foods 38. Closed 41. Jack 42. Spanish fortresses built by the Moors 44. Portugal city known for port wine 45. Nay opposers 49. Squeezing (out) 50. Japanese stringed instrument 51. "Terrible" czar 52. Take as spoils 53. Top Tatar 54. Level, in London 55. Food sticker 56. " bitten, twice shy" 57. Ancient 59. Wharton degree 60. Photo

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JUSTIN LANGSTON They just never shut up, do they? In an election year, yes, it is customary to allow the traditional mudslinging and idiotic banter between the candidates that marks every election year, and of course, the press has to play softball during the debates so we can all get nice and pretty little sound bites to play over and over and over ad infinitum on the cable news networks. Then, we get the brain dead cable "news" shows where talking heads sit around a table and discuss what the New York Times, and other sources of actual news, reported about the candidates today. It's March, and I already hate all of it, and we've still got eight months left of this crap before it's finally over. Of course, this might be attributed to my normally misanthropic behavior, but it's already amazingly irritating, and based on who's still in the running, the actual campaign is going to get seriously nasty. No matter who's in the running, any sexism, ageism and racism left in America is definitely going to get dredged up from the darkest depths of the American psyche and be invoked like dark rituals

by the candidates so they can batter the crap out of each other with ad homonym

attacks, all so they can avoid dealing with real issues. It's just plain irritating, and we all let them do it. Apparently, no matter how often we say we had negative attack ads, we eat them up as a country. We may not believe that Obama is an Islamic extremist who will sell the country to the Taliban, but damned if we don't love watching his opponents subtly imply that he will. We know John McCain isn't a senile old bat, but, man, all of those implications that he's "not what he used to be" still get plenty of run. " It's not just campaign ads. The brain dead parrots on the

cable news networks pick up those ads, run them over and over and discuss them endlessly, speaking only about the surface, never bothering to truly explore the depths of these ads. Worse, they exacerbate the whole problem by not shutting up about it and asking the most inane questions about it. It's stupid and doesn't do anything to inform or educate the public. Yes, these people should be allowed to speak, but we shouldn't simply roll over and let them vomit rhetoric all over one another, then pick it up and run with it as if it were a real story. We need to actually press them on real issues and try to get them to actually talk. Or maybe not, if we do that, actual democracy might actually take place, and we can't have that.


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March 6, 2008

What's the point,? I encountered a life-changing human being. He inspired me to learn my passions and follow them completely. Mark Brennaman, a college instructor, motivational speaker and writer, shared his story last Tuesday and Thursday about his life-altering incident that he faced. In October of 1999, Brennaman was the victim of an unprovoked knife attack by a fellow tenant in his apartment building. He was stabbed three times, the last one nearly ending his life. But his story wasn't over. He struggled through the highs and lows of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder and his victorious outcome led me to examine and evaluate my own life. His passions in life are to teach students and help smokers become non-smokers. He is a survivor and more

passionate than ever. I wondered what I was passionate about. As students, some of us tend to wait until the last moment before taking charge and seizing our dreams. After Brennaman's attack, his perspective on life has changed. "I can't tell you how different life is. It's never ever going to be the same," he said. I was encouraged to find my passions and stick to them. We never know what tomorrow will bring. The same is true for relationships. He inspired me to not take any relationship that I have for granted. "Be careful with every relationship you have, because you; never know when that relationship could come to an abrupt end," Brennaman told the class. "Precious memories

are made in an instant and last forever." Brennaman didn't wait for tragedy to happen, it came to him. He didn't ask for it, but it happened. The more he spoke, the more I realized what wonderful opportunities we have to be passionate about something, anything. Of course, he said, he wishes it didn't happen, but then he thinks about how he wouldn't be where he is today if it didn't. "Anytime that you are exposed to a life and death situation, your life is changed," Brennaman said. "What a waste if I didn't try to pass some of this [knowledge] along." He taught me the point is to seize dreams and take hold of opportunities, take nothing for granted, because we never know what tomorrow will bring.


shares Bush's stance on many issues, such as the war in Iraq, but holds his own on how they might be managed. Many other countries in the world have recently had elections or are preparing for one. France is still watching its newly elected president Nicolas Sarkozy, as he finally gave in and married his girlfriend. Kenya is struggling to sort out the conflict that has flared since its elections in December. Analysts are still confused about what really happened in Pakistan .-•(was. it. an election if it was rigged? Was it rigged? If so how much?). And Russia is gearing to have Dmitry Medvedev take over from Vladimir Putin. What is really interesting in all these elections is the new crop of music that takes over with increasing political fervor. Mushan-af has inspired quite a few critical songs and Kenyans have political lyrics emerging with the beat of their traditional music. Obama and Clinton still have music being churned out to propel the beat of their campaigns. Medvedev, a big fan of Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, is already being called a rocker for president. Who knows, perhaps one day our world leaders might surprise us and opt for rock concerts and free-styling wars instead of ones that involve guns and ammunition.




What a race for the presidential primaries! So, Hillary Clinton is back, rejuvenated and Obama is trying to emphasize that he still has the lead in delegates. John McCain, on the other hand, is struggling to gain attention with his clear candidacy as the Republican nominee. The question of a woman or a black man being the president of the United States never foresaw a cutthroat competition or the emergence of two such strong candidates. Every time you think one Democrat has the lead, the tables are turned. The suspense of the outcome of these presidential primaries is better than many Hollywood thrillers released this year. Overshadowed by the

Democratic shakeup, John McCain appeared with President Bush soon after winning his party's candidacy. Bush's own term as president is fraying at its end and debates flew about

"The question of a woman or a black man being the president of the United States never foresaw • a cutthroat competition or the emergence of two such strong candidates." whether this was good or bad for McCain's image. McCain

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12 SPORTS September 18, 2007

Baseball splits weekend series with ECU by Justin Langston Sports Writer The UCO baseball' team played four games against East Central Oklahoma this past weekend, hosting the team at Broncho Field on Friday and Sunday, and traveling to Ada to play against the Tigers on Saturday. UCO won the first two games, taking a 91 win on Friday and a 14-2 on the first Saturday game. However, the Bronchos lost 11-10 on the second game Saturday and lost 13-14 on Sunday. "We just didn't get it done this weekend," Head Coach • Wendell Simmons told Broncho Sports on Sunday. "The team didn't perform on the field, at the plate or on the mound and East Central made us pay for that. We have to get some things straightened up pretty quickly before we play a tough opponent like Texas A&M-Kingsville." On Friday, East Central made the first run of the game in the top of the first, but UCO responded with three runs in the bottom of the same inning. On defense, UCO shut down East Central completely after the initial score, with pitcher Dean McIntyre serving on the mound for the entire game allowing only five hits on his watch. McIntyre threw three strikeouts against the 31 he faced at bat. Offensively, UCO continued to dominate, scoring three runs in the fifth, two in the second and a final in the seventh. Rolling into Ada on

Saturday, UCO's streak continued when UCO took a lead with a run in the top of the first, and continued to score two unanswered runs in both third and sixth innings. After UCO scored three runs in the top of the seventh, East Central finally got on the board with a single run. UCO responded by scoring five runs in the top of the eighth and shutting down the Tiger's offense in the bottom of the same inning. UCO scored once more in the ninth. On defense, Clint Straka served as pitcher for seven innings, allowing seven hits and earning five strikeouts against the 28 men faced at bat. Tyler Bishop served for a single inning, allowing no hits and earning a single strikeout against three men at bat. Lance Phillips stood on the mount for one inning, giving up no hits and earning one strikeout against the five men he faced at bat, The next game, starting immediately after the first, saw East Central finally take the lead. UCO opened up the first inning with a single run, which East Central responded with by scoring two runs. In the second inning, UCO scored three runs to take back the lead, and East Central responded by scoring 4. UCO tied in the third by scoring two runs, and took the lead in top of the fourth with another pair of runs, but East Central tied the game back up in the bottom of the fourth. UCO took back the lead for the top of the fifth, but East Central responded with

by Vista Photographer Alex Gambill

Broncho first baseman Breck Draper attempts to tag an East Central runner Friday, Feb. 29 at Broncho Field. UCO won 9-1. a trio of runs. UCO scored once more in the seventh, but was never able to pull out the victory against East Central. In the final game, East Central took an early lead, scoring two unanswered runs in the first inning, and another run in the second. UCO finally got on the board with a pair of runs in the bottom of the second and tied up the

game with a trio of runs in the bottom of the third to respond to the pair East Central scored in the top of the same inning. East Central went quiet offensively for the next two innings, with UCO scoring three in the fourth and one in the fifth. In the sixth, East Central roared back, scoring seven runs and retaking the lead. UCO scored only one

Weather messes with UCO golfers by Jordan Richison Copy Editor The UCO Men's Golf team couldn't build on momentum they sustained with their season opening tournament win as winter weather conditions shortened play Monday. The weather caused a cancellation of the final round Tuesday at the Texas A&M Commerce Crawford/Wade Invitational in Pottsboro, Texas. The tournament's cancellation left UCO fourth in the final standings and UCO sophomore Colby Shrum finished the tournament as the

individual champion. According to , wind gusts over 30 miles an hour and temperatures below freezing cut Monday's scheduled 36-hole day to a single 18-hole round. An overnight storm that dumped three inches of snow forced tournament officials to cancel the last round and made Monday's results final. Shrum posted a one-underpar 71 at the Tanglewood Golf Resort and ended up winning his second tournament by two shots over Southeastern Oklahoma's Brad Aycock.

The Southeastern Savage Storm earned the team title with a 304, finishing three shots ahead of Southwestern Oklahoma. West Texas A&M was third in the 17-team tournament at 308, while UCO and. St. Edward's tied for fourth at 313, Cooper Barrick was the only other UCO player to break 80 with a 79, while Brent Cole shot 81, Chance Tatum 82 and Baer Anneshansley 86. "Obviously we would have liked to have played the entire 54 holes, but it just wasn't possible," UCO Head

Coach Dax Johnson said. Johnson said he was amazed by how well Shrum played despite having to deal with the blustery winter conditions. "Colby's round was probably the second-best one I've seen at UCO behind a 62 that Todd Dayton shot a couple of years ago," Johnson said. The Bronchos shouldn't have to worry about winter weather next week, as they will travel to San Juan Capistrano, Calif. to play in the Southern California Intercollegiate.

run that inning, allowing East Central to remain on top, but only by a single run. For the next two innings, East Central went quiet, and UCO took advantage of that, scoring one in the seventh and two in the eighth, giving UCO a one run advantage. East Central came back, taking the lead in the top of the ninth and shutting down

UCO in the bottom. On Thursday, UCO will host Dakota Wesleyan at 3 p.m. Over the weekend, the Bronchos will host two doubleheaders against Texas A&M-Kingsville, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The game on Saturday starts at noon and the one on Sunday begin at 1 p.m.

by Vista photographe Alex Gambi

The UCO Golf team saw its second tournament interreputed by weather at the Texas A&M Commerce/ Wade Invitational in Pottsboro, Texas.

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