University of Central Oklahoma
THEVIsTA The Student Voice Since 1903
March 6, 1997
Meeting slated to address tuition fees, technology By Patrice Patterson Staff Writer
representative from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) will discuss their guidelines for technology on campus and a proposed tuition increase at Monday's Student Government Association (SGA) meeting. Jay Parmley will be stating the role OSRHE sees technology playing in college education in Oklahoma, including OneNet, the statewide video conferencing capability, said Keith Weber, SGA president. Parmley will also discuss a bill the Oklahoma Student Government Association passed this weekend proposing a tuition increase and the possible effect of that increase on students, said Weber. "Over the next two years it is possible that tuition could increase, at the most, 11 percent, but realistically it will be somewhere around 8 percent," said Weber. Students are invited to attend the meeting at 12:45 p.m. Monday in the University Center. Those interested in attending can call SGA in advance at 341-2980, Ext. 3337.
The white shadow... A group of UCO students play basketball at one of the new basketball courts. The courts are located south of the dorms and are open to the public. (Staff photo by John Clanton)
Publication of student directory halted due to concerns
oncerns about student privacy and the accuracy of student records may stop the presses on UCO's student directory. After at least a seven—year absence, the Student Government Association (SGA) last year created and distributed a directory listing the names, phone numbers and addresses of UCO students. However, the complaints and concerns of faculty and students have delayed the release of this year's directory. Many of the complaints were from
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faculty trying to reach students at an incorrect listing, said Dr. Dudley Ryan, vice president of student services. Students are encouraged to keep their student records updated with current address information, said Ryan. The privacy concerns were brought to the attention of Sheridan McCafrey, general council for the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act authorizes the university to publish a student directory including the
FEATURE Novelist Carolyn Wheat reveals her diversified career background.
student's name, address and phone number, said McCafrey. Ben Harris, speaker of SGA, and also the person responsible for the student directory's return, agrees. "Student government is not the bad guy," he said. "The university handbook states that this is public information." Harris would like to see the directory return next year, and thinks it is a service for the university. In future years the decision to publish a
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student directory should be a student senate issue, said McCafrey. "Students who don't want their personal information published in a student directory should specifically request the information not be published," said McCafrey. A form requesting the information be withheld is available to students at the admissions counter.
AROUND TOWN Check out what's happening in the metro area this weekend.
—By Patrice Patterson Staff Writer