The Vista March 7, 1996

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY March 7, 1996

The Student Voice Since 1903

AAUP lobbies state regents for more funds By Gayleen Langthorn Staff Writer


"UCO doesn't receive enough funding from the state," is a statement heard over and over again when faculty are denied raises, classes are cut or building maintenance is lacking. UCO leaders are lobbying the legislature this spring to change that statement. At an American Association of University Professors (AAUP) executive meeting Friday, faculty members brainstormed strategies to appeal to the higher regents for "a bigger piece of the pie." "We need a bigger pie for higher education, from all of the state money. Then hopefully we can get a larger piece of the pie for UCO," said Ed Cunliff, director of institutional research and planning for UCO. The money for higher education is allocated to the state regents for higher education and then they divvy it up, said Cunliff. Several years ago the regents devised a formula which advocated that student tuition provide an average percentage of the total cost of education and general expenses for the institution. UCO

students exceed that average percentage. "Their proportion of the total E&G (education and general expenditures) at UCO is well past the goal the regents set of 33 percent," Cunliff said. "All students throughout the state would contribute 33 percent (of the institution's costs). We're paying 38 percent—estimated," he said. And UCO students paying more than other students is not a new phenomenon.

Sharon Martin, director of budget for UCO, said that in 1988-89, UCO students were paying 30.3 percent of the total costs while the state average was 25.9 percent and the next highest was 26.7 percent. Higher education in Oklahoma receives less in state appropriations and tuition than other comparable universities across the nation. Oklahoma universities

UCO's search for business dean ruffles feathers with faulty ad wording By Mary Reinauer Staff Writer The classified ad that ran in The Sunday Oklahoman on Feb. 25 announced the search for the new dean of UCO's College of

Business Administration. But unfair requirements in the job description have prompted an eleventh hour revision, said Clyde Jacob, vice president for academic affairs. The ad took a space of only

1.25 by 1.7 inches to list requirements for the new dean. But that space, about twice the size of a postage stamp, managed to exclude all but one likely candidate from UCO, said V See DEAN, Page 5

receive an average of $4,455 per student, while the nationwide average is $7,850. That's 42 percent lower than the national average and it's dropping every year. During the 1993 fiscal year, the Oklahoma average was 34 percent lower than the national average. UCO is also under-funded in several other areas including: 'Teacher education program committee travel allocations (the funding in this area was $2,256 per committee in 1982 versus $857 per committee in 1995). 'Capital bonds funds for operational costs (this funding is based on projects funded by legislative bond issues, but UCO's current construction is funded by UCO bonds, therefore most improvements don't qualify for operational cost support from the legislature). 'Section 13 funding and section 13 offset funding (oil and gas revenues from every 13 section go to higher education) for UCO is lower than any other institution's. Additional institutions have been added to the Section 13 pool, so a Section 13 offset pool was added. UCO's per VSee AAUP, Page 5

T ra n s f e r


new student organization representing transfer students has been chartered for the first time at UCO. Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), an academic honors club for graduates or transfer students of two-year colleges, was started this semester. PTK will hold its first meeting at 7:30 p.m. March 12 in the University Center's Seminole Room. The meeting will focus on electing officers and approving the group's constitution. All PTK alumni are invited to attend. A)

INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Sports 6,7,8 Entertainment .. 10,11 Letters 14 Around Campus 15 Classifieds 16

SPORTS Kathy Wilkerson led the 43 Lady Bronchos softball team to shutout victories Tuesday.


TRANSVESTITE Meet Virginia Prince, an 83-year-old transvestite who spoke to UCO students Monday

ENTERTAINMENT The Vista's 1 0 John Clanton provides you with a complete Oscar ballot for 1995.

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