The Vista March 9, 2004

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Vista wins Best in State The Vista was named "Best Newspaper in the State" in its division at a recent statewide journalism awards banquet in Oklahoma City. It was judged on layout, content, photography, graphics and advertising from November 2002 to December 2003 in the Society of Professional Journalists contest for newspapers under 7,000 circulation. "Everyone that contributed to the paper worked tirelessly, striving to create the best publication possible each week in and week out," said former editor Zach E. Nash. "It is an honor to be recognized for our contribution not only to UCO but also to Oklahoma journalism." Other awards by former staffers were: Nash, first place in feature layout for "The Venezuelan Crises," first place in editorial writing on Mr. Rogers' death, and second place in feature layout and honorable mention in page one design; Kristen Armstrong, honorable mention for best reporting portfolio; Michael Larson, honorable mention in education reporting. "I'm very pleased with the quality of the student newspaper, especially in its centennial year," said Dr. Terry M. Clark, chairman of the Journalism Department. "Our students and graduates are among the best in the country. This is a tribute to them."


Navarro crowned Miss Hispanic UCO

Photo by Justin Avera

Former Miss Hispanic UCO Adelita Alvarez-Dixon crowns Evie Navarro March 6.

■ Eight women competed for the crown in the fifth annual Miss Hispanic UCO Scholoarship Pageant.

Photo by Justin Avera

Sandra Manzo performs "La Negra," a Mexican folklore dance, in the talent portion of Miss Hispanic UCO March, 6 in Constitution Hall.

Evie Navarro, a sociology sophomore from Del City, vied against seven other contestants for the chance to be Miss Hispanic UCO 2004. Sociology sophomore Brenda Lenis from Oklahoma City was named first runnerup. Jennifer Rodriguez, a integrated marketing communications junior from Nicoma Park was named second runner-up.

Other contestants were Sandra Manzo, freshman kinesiology major, from Poteau, 01(14 Juana Ibarra, freshman international business major, from Tulsa; Marlene Canales, junior nursing major, from Clinton, Okla.; Daniela Calderon, junior sociology/human services major, from Edmond; and Alex Castellanos, sophomore speech/language pathology, from Enid, Okla.

Suites program sheds light on plights of oppressed ■

"Tunnel of Oppression" puts participants in the shoes of the oppressed and gives glimpse into the harsh realities of life.

by Sherrod Wall Staff Writer

Photo by Justin Avera

University of Oklahoma head football coach Bob Stoops talks about the importance of teamwork and leadership skills March 8 in Constitution Hall as part of Diversity Week.

UCOSA Minutes Monday, March 8

Suites Hall will display a "Tunnel of Oppression" March 9 at 8 p.m. in the Suites Food Court. "The point of the program is to take the partiCipants and put them in the shoes of a minority, a group that is commonly oppressed," said Mandy Whitten, Suites Hall director. Whitten said that the participants are taken and put in the middle of different types of situations that depict the hardships of women, the poor, homosexuals and bisexuals, and people of color. "The program will give participants a snapshot into what goes on and can be a pretty intense experience," she said. "It's supposed to be - to give people a shock value." Whitten said that the "media room" is one of the

most intense experiences in selves," he said. "It's very the program. Images, stories controversial, and it's just a and media footage in the way to find out what horrors room give information about are out there in life." Horn said other campuses hate crimes. "It deals with prejudices have set up Tunnels of and discriminations that Oppression And that people have that they don't Whitten used one for RA know they have or don't want training about two years ago. "Students come, and they to admit that they have," said Stephanie Cerny, first bring that baggage with floor resident advisor of them, and a lot of RAs just haven't been exposed to Suites Hall. Stephen Horn; RA for the that," Whitten said. "It was foutth floor supposed to put RAs in a place where some of Suites of the students could Hall, said "It's a way to find that the be." out what horrors The most imporexercise is are out there in tant part of the exer-, for people to relate to cise, she said, is at life." the end when particithe challenges that pants get together to others discuss their - Stephen Horn endure. It thoughts. is "an "People need to intense. look at life," he said. talk about it after going "It's a chance for people to through an experience like rake a look at these views and that," she said. • then take a look at them-

Senate Bill 04-202 was passed allowing for 2 more justices to be appointed to the judiciary committee making the total 5 instead of 7, including one chief justice and 6 justices.

ly completed by GCCA, was passed. Debate was called for this resolution before it was passed due to GCCA. ignoring amendments passed concerning budget cuts because they didn't have time to consider them into the budget. Representative Petty, Chair of GCCA debated for the resolution.

Joint Resolution 04-204, the 2004 budgets for student organizations and programs recent-

"We looked at not only at how much you asked for, but how many people were in your

"I Heart UCO" T-Shirts are on sale in the UCO bookstore for 7 dollars.

organization, how active your organization is on campus, and what you do to effect the campus as a whole," Petty said. "Reality number one is it's a new process we all had to learn because we had never done it this way before so of course its going to effec-t your budgets for which we apologize profusely," she said.

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