The Vista March 9, 2006

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The Student Voice Since 1903 University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY, March 9, 2006

Students collect goods for deployed troops Students will spend spring break in Dallas handing out goods to outgoing troops by Alex Gambill Staff Writer Mass Communication students are holding a drive for the week of March 6 to collect goods for the United Services

Organization to support the armed forces. Dr. William Hickman's students, from the Mass Communications Department's public information methods class, will be accepting the goods from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Nigh University Center. The items needed should be pocket-sized items, such as travel wipes, phone cards, beef jerky and any other items troops can take into battle.

Tiffany Batdorf, public relations senior, said she and her classmates will be graded on a media kit they have to put together for the organization. She said the media kit is to help the USO in public relations. “The media kit we put together will have press releases for the United Services Organization,” said Stacy Lee, public relations junior. Lee said 10 students are working on the project, and

they’re making a documentary of everything they’ll be doing. Batdorf said the students working on the project will spend spring break in Dallas welcoming soldiers home from Iraq and providing the donated goods to outbound troops at the Dallas Fort Worth Airport. For more information, call Tiffany Batdorf at 269-2132. by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Alex Gambill can be reached at

Stacy Lee, right, public relations junior, donates a dollar for U.S. troops as Jessica Cody, broadcasting junior, works the booth in the Nigh University Center March 8.

Painting the town bronze and blue

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Paul Christensen, left, and Kevin Lahr, from TMI Coatings Inc., paint the UCO logo on the water tower at the corner of Ayers and Bauman March 7.

It's a little known fact:

Students hold fundraiser for Make A Wish

A celebration of Latin America

Professors enjoy spring break, too by Elizabeth Erwin Advertising Director

Some may think that UCO’s staff and faculty spend the entire spring break grading papers. On the contrary, more than you might think, don the hat of international tourist on spring break. So, while students are living it up on the beach, professors may be backpacking cross-country. Vista: What are your plans for spring break? Dr. Siegfried Heit, professor of humanities and director of the applied liberal arts program: Heit said he and Dr. Amy Carrell, UCO Fulbright advisers, are co-sponsoring a trip to Vienna, Austria. Several of their previous seven trips have been to Poland and Germany. Vienna is full of art galleries, music and is the home of Sigmund Freud. Among the stops will be two royal palaces and a visit to see the Vienna Choirboys rehearse. Heit was in the Army’s Civil Affairs branch the first time he was in Vienna.

“Vienna is a historic and impressive city. The city of a huge empire.” The trip is for college credit through Oklahoma State University-Extension, he siad. Jan Tuepker, executive office assistant, College of Educational and Professional Studies: “(I’m) going to Rome with some friends and family members.” She said she plans to sightsee at St. Peter’s Basilica and The Colosseum. Kevin Steiner, graduate assistant, Design Department: “I’m going to Dallas to see school friends from OSU,” Steiner said. Dr. Jamie Childs, humanities lecturer: “Spring break is a time I usually do research.” She plans to stay at home for the break with her daughter, who is a freshman at Vassar College in New York. “We will discuss our various research projects we will be pursuing together.”

Softball Storm UCO took five of eight in a string of softball games this week.

See Sports pg. 10

see SPRING BREAK, page 3

by Alex Gambill Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Marco Rodriguez, international business senior, explains the meaning of the flag of Venezuela, his home country, at the Celebration of Latin America March 7 at Pegasus Theater.

UCO’s Alpha Xi Delta sorority andTau Kappa Epsilon fraternity raised money for the Make a Wish Foundation with the help of comedian Steven Hofstetter March 6 in the Nigh University Center. Hofstetter has his own show on Sirius Satellite Radio and has performed more than 200 shows for universities. He also boasts he has more than 200,000 friends on Facebook. com. Lindsay Spradling, English senior, said her sorority started planning for the project in January. Jared Smith, human resources sophomore, said the benefit received donations from Sigma Kappa Epsilon and several local organizations. “It cost $500 for him to come. That is a fourth of his usual cost, because it’s for a

see COMEDY, page 3

A Healthy Dose

'Vagina Monologues'

Vista health columnist Callie A. Collins says talking to your older family members and your doctor can keep you better prepared for cancer prevention.

Vista Staff Writer Heather Warlick reviews the opening night performance of 'The Vagina Monologues.'

See Opinion pg. 2

See Entertainment pg. 6



March 9, 2006

theVista Editorial


Matt Cauthron, Editor in Chief Courtney Bryce, Managing Editor Trisha Evans, Copy Editor Ashley Romano, Copy Editor

Brett Deering, Photo Editor Midori Sasaki Travis Marak



Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

Nathan Winfrey, Senior Staff Writer Heather Warlick, Staff Writer Alex Gambill, Staff Writer Desiree Treeby, Staff Writer Mark Hall, Staff Writer

Cartoons/Illustrations Cary Stringfield



Nancy Brown

Kristen Limam, Sports Editor Teddy Burch, Sports Writer Harry Gatewood III, Sports Writer

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 9745549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.


Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

Adviser Mark Zimmerman


The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with by BrettofDeering a maximum 150 words, Vista Staff Writer and must include the author’s printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@

Cartoon by Cary Stringfield

Opinion: Health

With cancer, awareness is the first step to prevention

Callie A. Collins

Discussing cancer among family members and as a personal risk is perhaps easier now than ever, given varied treatment methods and fewer myths about the disease. The majority, however, would rather blush and ignore this month’s official health observance due to its private nature. March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and being able to talk about related symptoms with older family members and your doctor is the first step toward prevention. Embarrassment aside, it is a serious component of overall health worth investigating. According to

the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation, tumors of the colon, appendix, rectum and anus represent the third leading type of all cancers in American males and the fourth among women. Although 90 percent of all colon cancers are easily treated if detected early on, their prevalence is due in part to patient hesitation to mention telltale signs and symptoms. The colon comprises the first four to five feet of the large intestine, while the rectum includes the last four to fives inches. Digested food passes from the stomach through the colon to the small intestine and into the

rectum before being expelled as feces. Colorectal cancer is often associated with the growth of polyps, grape-like formations that can be present in any of the aforementioned areas. Polyps themselves are usually benign, but their timely removal can keep the illness from occurring or spreading to other areas of the body. Although you may think of colon health as something that involves home remedies and older relatives, herbal therapies ranging from green tea enemas to pressurized irrigation spa treatments are aimed at college students as weight loss methods and a way to rid the body of toxins. The same risks correlated with heavy laxative use, including subsequent problems defecating and electrolyte imbalance, have led such processes to be looked upon with caution by the American Medical Association, and they do not safeguard against can-

cers, tumors or polyps. Regular check-ups for colorectal cancers normally start around age 50, but patients with a family history of related disorders should mention it to their doctor and have a screen-

Being able to talk about




symptoms members

with and

your doctor is the

first step toward prevention.

ing by age 25. African Americans have the highest rate of diagnosis at a younger age than any other ethnic group, and prevention should start in the early 20s. People who develop polyps before age 30 are

likely to have seen their parents suffer with similar problems. Symptoms of polyps include frequent indigestion, cramps, vomiting, unexplained weight loss, rectal bleeding and extreme changes in bowel habits, such as unusual constipation or diarrhea. Lifestyle choices can significantly reduce your likeliness to suffer from colon cancer, daily habits that combat family history. A diet rich in fiber and folate, both of which are found in foods like fruits, crunchy vegetables, nuts and grains, particularly bran, as well as drinking plenty of water, cut your risk. While a multivitamin supports the adequate intake of folate, seek dietary sources of fiber rather than resorting to powdered supplements. Exercising at least 30 minutes three times a week, not smoking and avoiding excess alcohol are healthy behaviors directly associated with cutting cancer risk. Talking about unpleasant conditions involving anatomy the average patient

would rather not have to mention, even to veteran medical experts who’ve doubtlessly seen it all, is easier if you know your physician on a strictly professional level. Candid chats about bathroom habits or similar details may prove more difficult with someone considered a family friend or who has seen you for years. Visiting a separate physician or asking for a referral sometimes eases comfort levels in the clinic. Broaching the subject with parents or other family members is also an essential part of colorectal cancer prevention, and the following website can help initiate a conversation when you don’t know what to say. For more information about colon health and screening tests, visit

Callie A. Collins can be reached at


Compiled and photographed by Travis Marak & Midori Sasaki.

What are you doing for spring break? “Just going to be at home in Tulsa, and I'll be at the Midwest King and Upside concert Friday.”

“I'll be working doubles at a living center and a daycare.”

“Just stay at home and watch movies.”

“I'm going to California to spend a week at Monarch Beach and sightsee in L.A.”

Rebecca Smith

Tina Strader

Clint Glass

Charity Barnum

Psychology, freshman

Undecided, freshman

Business finance, junior

Experimental psychology, Grad student





ACCIDENTAL INJURY 10:47 a.m., March 2 A student reported falling down the stairs in the Business Administration Building. ALARM 11:58 p.m., March 4 A broken sprinkler head caused water damage to the north end of the University Commons. LARCENY 10:10 a.m., March 2 A tag was stolen off of a car in the parking lot east of the High Occupancy Vehicle lot.

from page 1

SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 12 p.m., March 3 DPS took a report of nonapproved posters being put up in the Nigh University Center. 2:53 a.m., March 4 DPS officers found two book bags and a CD player in the Music Building. TRAFFIC 1:18 a.m., March 3 DPS cited a driver of a car at Washington and Ayers for driving under suspension, no proof of insurance and improper equipment.

Dr. Bob Palmer, art professor: “I have a couple of mural projects over spring break. One at the Omniplex and one at Children’s Hospital.” Vista: What was your favorite spring break during your college years? Steiner: Steiner said he enjoyed going to art museums and walking around soaking up the culture on a spring break trip to New York during past spring breaks. “I went to some Broadway shows and nice restaurants.” Childs: Childs said she remembers one spring break in college when she visited the East Coast for the first time. “(I) saw the beaches at Cape Cod and saw friends at Harvard.” Palmer: “One spring break I went to old Mexico. We just kind of loaded up and headed out of the country.” Renee LaRochelle, adviser of the President's Leadership Council: LaRochelle said she went on a trip to England and Scotland when she was a sophomore at UCO. “I had never gone anywhere for spring break till

COMEDY from page 1 by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Comedian Steve Hofstetter signs autographs for Alpha Xi Delta sorority members Emory Beasly, left, childhood development sophomore, and Michelle Montgomery, undecided freshman, after his act March 6 in the Nigh University Center.

charity,” Spradling said. Spradling said the benefit raised about $500 from ticket sales for the Make a Wish Foundation.

March 9, 2006

then.” Mark Silcox, sabbatical replacement instructor for the Humanities and Philosophy Department: Silcox said he went to college in Toronto. “In Canada, you want to be around for spring break. You get two months of nice weather. (You) feel like you are cheating yourself if you leave.” Lane Perry, assistant to the executive vice president: “When I was a student here (at UCO), President Webb took a group to England and Scotland.”

lege.” “A perfect opportunity to learn outside of the classroom.” Childs: “We would die without them.” Vista: What is so magical about spring break? Childs: “Everyone needs the opportunity to catch up with projects at home or family. I think many people feel it is a due reward for hard work. It is impossible not to feel anticipation of that reward.” Palmer: “I love warm weather. (It’s) the first sign of spring.” Heit: “The weather is nice, the weather is changing. There is life again.” Silcox: Silcox said more people should stay at home and relax. He said many people come home from spring break more tired than when they left. Perry: “Spring break is one of those times where collegiate memories are made.” LaRochelle: “(The break) is a good breather. It gets you away. A guaranteed vacation.” Tuepker: “I think that everyone is tired and needs to get away and relax for a little bit.” “(Especially) a break from your routine.”

Vista: Should universities have spring breaks? Heit: “Starting the spring semester, we reach a low point, both for faculty and students.” “More learning takes place when you are more revived. It gives students time to catch up on research and papers.” Steiner: Steiner said the best part of spring break is not having to step foot on campus. “It allows students to feel relaxed the rest of the semester. I feel students need a break.” Palmer: “Students are mentally gone the week before and the week after, really, more like three weeks (off.)” Perry: “A quick departure Elizabeth Erwin can be reached at away from campus. (It is) part of the experience of col-

Hofstetter said he watches the news to come up with material, and he pays attention to what’s going on around him. “What’s funny to you is not always funny to other people. What’s poignant to you is not always poignant to other people,” Hofstetter said. “As a

general rule, if one out of 10 jokes work that is a high success rate.” Hofstetter also made jokes about religion and creationism versus evolution. “You know, the Bible was the most bought and sold literary work last year. That’s where are focus is in this coun-


CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS n The UCO Swing Dance Club offers free dance lessons from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. and dancing from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. every Thursday in Room 202 of the Nigh University Center. A partner and prior experience are not required. For more information, contact Dr. Billye Hansen at 974-2483. n Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity will host Dodge Ball Cancer at 12 p.m. March 26 in the Wellness Center. Proceeds will benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The cost is $30 for a six-member team. Forms are due by March 22. For more information, call Trevor Byrkit at 206-6726 or Jeremiah Esterline at 313-8536. n An informational meeting for criminal justice majors about paid internships will be held from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. March 30 in Room 211 of the Liberal Arts Building. For more information, call Kathryn Williams at 974-5546.

try,” Hofstetter said. “Number two was Harry Potter. So think about that, where the boy magician defeats the lord of the underworld, and that book sold slightly better than Harry Potter.” Alex Gambill can be reached at


9) 8) 7) 6) 5) 4)





March 9, 2006

UCO wheelchair basketball team raises thousands for program by Christina Purdom Staff Writer The UCO BlazeBronchos junior wheelchair basketball team beat the OKC Blazers 4228 in the sixth annual fund-raising basketball game. UCO hosted the event for the fourth time on March 7 at Hamilton Field House. The proceeds of the event

went to the BlazeBronchos basketball program. A silent auction began at 6 p.m., one hour prior to the game, and continued until halftime. Items auctioned were donated from local businesses and participants. “It went really well. We had a great turnout and raised a lot of good money,” said Shelly Ramsey, UCO Disabled Sports

and Events coordinator. Items auctioned included memorabilia autographed by Barry Switzer, the New Orleans /OKC Hornets, Kelvin Sampson, and Sherri Coale, pizza for 12 at Hideaway, handmade woodwork and weekend getaway packages. “We raised approximately $6,000,” said Kathy Thrash, treasurer of the Greater Oklahoma

Photo exhibit opens at NUC by Desiree Treeby Staff Writer

The art exhibit, “Festivals of Asia – Celebrating Little Hearts” by Oklahoma native, Jane Iverson, is on display at the Donna Nigh Gallery in the Nigh University Center through April 8. Her work features the children of Asian culture, including the countries China, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Japan and Laos. “It’s not something I’ve dealt with before,” Iverson said about putting together the festival theme exhibit focusing on children. The display relates to her first photo essay, “Celebrating Thai Style – Festivals of Thailand.” Her Celebrating Thai Style exhibit includes photos and artifacts placed in shadow boxes, using Asian silk for the background. She said silk is “indigenous to Asia,” and no one realizes the actual process that goes into making the cloth from Asian grown and raised silk worms. She is a photo and print journalist and film documentarian. “I mostly taught myself everything from video cameras, to SLRs (single lens reflex

cameras), to writing,” Iverson no declared winners, it’s just said. everyone celebrating the festiShe said during January val,” Iverson said. and February, she “takes a She said during the festival breather.” During her winter visitors are packed in between month breaks, Iverson likes to the lines of elephants. sharpen her skills by attending “During the festival, I workshops, short courses or climbed on a roof and was public learning events. astounded at the number of “It’s interesting that the people,” Iverson said. exhibit is back at UCO. I Iverson said that documenttook some broadcasting class- ing places around the world is es here,” she said. “It’s a full a very important tool to use in circle.” educating others about differHer journalism career began ent cultures. after moving from Edmond In Edmond, Iverson owned in 1994 to her current home a video production company in Bangkok, Thailand. There that documented mostly equesshe started writing and photo- trian events for more than 10 graphing for magazines, cov- years. At that time, she and ering Asian festivals. her two daughters were interShe said she continues liv- ested in horses. ing in Thailand because she “I filmed major horse shows finds the Asian culture fasci- in the Midwest and that kept nating. me busy,” she said. A popular photo of Currently, Iverson said she Iverson’s is from the Poorum is too busy with her exhibits to Festival in Kerella, India that get back to her original goal of has an attendance of more than writing children's books about 20,000 people. The photo is different cultures, which she is of four elephants that are in a planning after she slows down 15 elephant race dating back her gallery exhibitions. hundreds of years ago, Iverson For more information, call said. Zina Gelona at the UCO galA legend is that the elephant leries and museums at 974– competition started because 2432. the gods traveled to Kerella to Desiree Treeby can be reached at visit its sacred temple. “After the race there are

Start Looking...

Disabled Sports Association, co-sponsor of the event. The event also included a raffle. Tickets sold for $1 and prizes included a cooler filled with meat, and a $50 and $100 Wal-Mart gift certificate. The BlazeBronchos are coached by Margaret Kierl, who was recently invited to attend the 2006 Paralympics Games in Torino, Italy, based on her essay themed “What ability means to me.” Thrash said the money raised will support the junior basketball and track and field teams.

She said the Greater Oklahoma They will be competing in Disabled Sports Association the National Championships in supplies all the equipment for Omaha, Neb., in April. the teams. The five players from the “The money will help sup- OKC Blazers volunteered to port [the BlazeBronchos’] way participate in the event. to conference championship and “The Blazers always offer a tournaments,” Ramsey said. lot of entertainment [with] their The BlazeBronchos won antics,” Ramsey said. second place in the junior diviTickets were sold at the door sion of the Southwest Regional for $4 for adults and $2 for chilConference Championship dur- dren under 12 and was open to ing the week of Feb. 10. the public. “It was really exciting because they were competing against kids who were a lot Christina Purdom can be reached older than them,” Ramsey said. at

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Soniya S. Alam, left, finance senior, and Charmine Lewis, graphic design sophomore, view artwork at the 'Festivals of Asia -- Celebrating Little Hearts' March 2 at the Donna Nigh Gallery.

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March 9, 2006


Students face off in battle of Xs & Os in 'Madden Challenge' by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer The “Red Madden Challenge,” a statewide “Madden 2006” videogame tournament sponsored by Red Bull Energy Drink and EA Games, made its UCO stop March 7. The preliminary competition of the football game tournament pitted 13 UCO students against each other with hopes of advancing to the championship and a chance to win an Xbox 360 Premium System. “The top four from each school will get to play in a 16-match tournament April 2,” said Todd Schuster, University of Oklahoma campus representative for EA Sports. He said the location is yet to be determined. Adam Lake, a theater performance senior who prefers to play with the Carolina Panthers, said the tournament spans UCO,

OU, Oklahoma State University and the University of Tulsa. “I enjoy playing ‘Madden,’ it’s a great way to waste time,” Lake said. He said he has played “Madden” for about 10 hours a week since the 2006 version came out in August. Rawlyn Brown, management freshman, said he plays ‘Madden’ six or seven hours a week and prefers the Denver Broncos. Though he just started playing this year, he said he expected to do well. Tyler McNamara, psychology sophomore and president of the Psychology Club, said though he likes sports games, he doesn’t have much ‘Madden’ experience. “Today, I played maybe two games of ‘Madden,’ and I’ve never played it before,” McNamara said. “I’m a newbie.” Justin Vannest, elementary education junior, plays as the Broncos and said he’s been

playing “Madden” games for 16 years and had a good feeling about his chances in the tournament. “I can get in the top four. That’s being confident, too. Confidence pays off,” Vannest said. He said his strategy was to keep his players moving toward the end zone. “I’m a running team, man. I just run, run, run. It eats up the clock,” McNamara said. The eager contestants waited in Room 304 of the University Center for their turn to play on the four PlayStation 2 consoles hooked up to four 27-inch TVs. A white Red Bull banner and large beanbag chairs were placed around the room, as were tall Red Bull tables where contestants could guzzle the almost endless supply of the energy drink. The energy of the room wasn’t as frenzied as one might expect. Many of the gamers were already friends or roommates, and they sat around as if they were in their dorm rooms, sipping Red Bull and egging each other on. Bob Cooper, from Red Bull, said the preferable 16 showed up at the other schools, but the UCO contestants were here on time, were ready to go and knew what they were doing. He said people were lined up outside the room when he arrived

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Rawlyn Brown, left, business freshman, and Lonnell Alexander, finance junior, play "Madden Football 2006" March 7 at the Nigh University Center. an hour before registration. Lake said the team rosters and ratings in “Madden 2006” are normally updated to stay current. “If someone gets hurt in the NFL, you download current rosters, and they’ll be hurt in the game,” Lake said.

“Back in December, I went to Dallas for the national tournament,” Lake said. “I got to meet, I don’t know his real name, but he goes by ‘Pretty Boy.’” He said “Pretty Boy” went on to the championship in Hawaii, where ESPN turned the event into a reality TV show. He said the grand prize at the annual national tournament was $100,000 and two tickets to the Pro Bowl. “It’s the best entrepreneurship you can do,” Lake said. “Ten bucks and a chance at $100,000; it’s cake.” Lake made the top four and will be competing against the other twelve statewide finalists in the championship. “We all won a case of Red Bull, $10 gift certificate to GameStop and everyone who participated received an EA Tshirt,” Lake said. Vannest said he will be competing in the January 2007 national tournament in Dallas, and when asked if he would try his hand at the championship again, Lake said, “Oh hell yeah, I’ll be there next year.” The fourth and final preliminary tournament will be held at OU’s Norman Train Depot.

He said he was glad to find out they would be using a default roster where no one is hurt, because he thought it would give him an advantage. Lake said there are infamous “Madden” players that everyone Nathan Winfrey can be reached at knows about, though they’re often known by a nickname.

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March 9, 2006

Play poses age-old question: What would your vagina do? by Heather Warlick Staff Writer

What would your vagina wear? What would it say? “It would wear Harry Winston diamonds,” “My vagina would do impressions of other vaginas,” were two of the many answers to these questions posed at The Vagina Monologues, March 6-8 in Constitution Hall. The cast was 16 UCO women from varied ethnicities, ages and backgrounds. The cast’s common goal was to further the work of the play’s author, Eve Ensler, to end violence toward women worldwide. The monologues are produced annually at colleges around the world, and proceeds help advance awareness for domestic violence, rape and other crimes against women through organizations like the Young Women’s Christian Association and The Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. More than 200 women -- as old as 79 and as young as six -- were interviewed for the monologues, and the result was a collection of pieces that are powerful, dramatic, sometimes hilariously funny and always moving. A great example, “Flood” is the bittersweet monologue of a 72-year-old woman who secretly yearns for Burt Reynolds. Carlye

Lawson Graham, theater arts senior, played the part skillfully with a very convincing Northeastern accent. “Down there? I haven’t been down there since 1953, and no, it had nothing to do with Eisenhower,” she said, relating an embarrassing sexual moment from her youth that has haunted her romantic dreams of Burt Reynolds. Katrina Jones, broadcasting major, told the story of a young woman attending a “Vagina Workshop,” where,

I would recommend the show to anyone who wants to better understand her own vagina or the vagina of someone they love. with the help of a hand held mirror, she discovers what she describes as the “ancient horizon of light and silence.” “It’s not only the doorbell to the house, but the house itself,” she said. Another monologue, “Because He Liked to Look At It,” played by Kate Richey, political science Ph.D. candidate,, is the story of a woman who hated her body until she met a man who worshiped it. “If we grew up in a culture that taught that fat

thighs are beautiful, we’d all be pounding down milk shakes and Crispy Crèmes, lying on our backs working on our thigh expanding,” she said. She especially hated her vagina. “I was one of those women who had looked at it but wished I hadn’t. “I began to pretend that there was something else between my legs,” she said. “I imagined furniture. . . or fancy pot-holders and beautiful place settings.” “My Angry Vagina” closed the first half of the show with a fantastic performance from Keri Lankford, originally written for Whoopi Goldberg. Mad at everything from tampons to thong panties, Lankford pleads her case. “Vaginas need comfort. Make something like that. Something to give them pleasure. No, of course they won’t do that,” Lankford said. “They hate to see a woman having pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure. I mean, make a nice pair of soft cotton underwear with a French tickler built in.” A layer of feminist humor balanced the underlying current of the show-- violence and the degradation of women. The monologues take a graphic look at rape in “My Vagina Was My Village,” the story of a young Asian woman in a war zone who endured gang rapes and torture, played by Lindsey Shook, communications

senior. “Say It, For The Comfort Women” is a poignant ensemble moment that sheds light on a subject which most Americans are not well-informed. This thought provoking piece illustrates the plight of the “Comfort Women” of the World War II era in Japan. These women were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese government during the war to satisfy the physical needs of its soldiers. Susan Riley’s monologue, “The Woman Who Loved To Make Vaginas Happy,” had a moaning sequence that puts Meg Ryan’s faked orgasm in “When Harry Met Sally” to shame. Another memorable character was the six year-old, played by Marcia Holden, who said that somewhere deep inside her vagina is a really smart brain. Amanda McNutt did a great job with her monologue, “Little Coochie Snorcher,” the story of her troubled childhood and lesbian experiences in her adolescence. My vagina enjoyed the Monologues thoroughly and would recommend the show to anyone who wants to better understand her own vagina or the vagina of someone they love. by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Heather Warlick can be reached at

Amanda McNutt, theater education and psychology junior, performs 'Little Coochie Snorcher' during 'The Vagina Monologues' March 7 in Constitution Hall.


March 9, 2006

video game review

A familiar face returns to your console in 'Prince of Persia' sequel by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer

Seventeen years after the first “Prince of Persia� borrowed from the story of Aladdin to create a swashbuckling video game epic, “Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones� was released, which follows the five sequels since the original and proves that the classics are still alive in an era of redundant sports games and mindless first-person shooters. With his first movie adaptation on the horizon, though lesser known than Mario, Link and Donkey Kong, the Prince has been with gamers since before the term existed, and now the seventh installment builds upon the old platformjumping adventure genre for an end result that hearkens back the very conception of video games, when heavilypixelated blips scooted across a side-scrolling screen while tinny mood music beeped and booped in the background. In “Two Thrones,� we find that the Prince has returned to his home of Babylon from his adventures on the Island of

Time to discover that it is under siege by an evil army. His passenger, Kaileena, Empress of Time, is injured when their boat is destroyed in the invasion. She is then kidnapped by the henchmen of the evil Vizier, and it is up to the Prince to traverse the burning rooftops of the ruined city to save her. The tired “damsel in distress� premise has been driven into the ground since Mario rescued Princess Peach from Donkey Kong in 1981, and that’s probably why Jordan Mechner, writer/director of this and the original “Prince of Persia,� decided to shake things up a bit by killing off the damsel about 30 minutes into the game. The death of Kaileena imbues the Vizier with extraordinary powers and somehow imprints an evil soul into the Prince, a Dark Prince who wars with our hero within his mind, which gives him good advice some of the time, but not always. As the “Twin Thrones� progresses, the Dark Prince’s influence grows, convincing the Prince to ignore his conscience and seek selfish revenge. “Two Thrones� features many additions to the series, such as the ability to take out enemies before they know you’re there with stealth and carefully-timed button-mash-

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Available for: PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo Gamecube, PC CD-ROM, PSP and Nintendo DS Vista Grade: B ing. Another major feature is the intermittent transformation into the Dark Prince, a smoky, charred version of the Prince with a deadly, chain-like weapon called a daggertail. The Dark Prince is a formidable dervish with a nasty attitude and unique skills, his only drawback being that he is perpetually dying. To keep alive while playing as the Dark Prince, you must find magical sand from inside boxes and the

bodies of your dead enemies. The sand is relatively plentiful even for the insatiable doppelganger, but it does add a sense of urgency that can become annoying while trying to execute perfectly timed acrobatic maneuvers. Another useful property of the magic sand is its ability to slow and reverse time, something that is particularly helpful while running along walls, leaping across rooftops and navigating temple booby traps that would make Indiana Jones tender his resignation. It also comes in handy during swordfights that don’t go exactly the way you want, especially since there is no way to refill you life meter while playing as the Prince, except at save points. If you’re quick enough, you can rewind a battle to a few seconds before the monster that just killed you crushed your head, and this time zig instead of zag. Most of the game is spent leaping across impossible distances, swinging from ledges and accomplishing various other gymnastic feats that would make Shannon Miller proud. Falls from anything but the lowest rooftops will result in instant, bone-crunching death. The enemies are slightly varied but grow monotonous. The horned, Minotaur-like guards and bird-masked archers that look like they stepped out of an ancient Egyptian scroll make up the bulk of the bestiary. Also look for sand-sucking devil dogs, creepy reptilian hominids and a smattering of other rare enemies, some invisible. The first time I halved a ghoul with a vertical slash I did a double take. It’s common for heads to fly off in this type


of game, and those looking for scratched, but I sincerely hope decapitations won’t be disap- this is not indicative of everypointed here, but I’ve never one else’s copy. seen one where you can literalCollection of “Sand Credits� ly split someone down the cen- throughout the game unlocks art ter of their body, and the two galleries from “Two Thrones� halves slide apart, a yellow eye and previous games. A video still glowing in each. Also pos- gallery is also available once sible is the more standard hori- the game has been completed. zontal swipe, where you send The environmental graphics the torso flying in one direction are stunning, but the character and the legs in another. models looked blocky and outAnother selling feature of dated. Sound effects are spec“Two Thrones� is the oppor- tacular, and the Arabian-soundtunity to race evil minions in ing theme music sets the scene a chariot through the narrow well. Narration from Kaileena city streets of Babylon, crush- is informative but gets annoying ing enemies dumb enough to when you keep dying and have get in your way and forcing to hear the same bit ten times. those that ride up beside you The same goes for the apparto crash into open markets and ent inability to skip cinematics. sharp corners. Voice acting is above par, but Places you’ll visit on your the dialogue is not. There is a tour of sunny, historical Babylon lot of modern slang in use here, include temples, sewers, the and some dumb one-liners that famous Hanging Gardens (one I thought betrayed the tone of of the seven wonders of the the game. ancient world), a brothel and Available on PlayStation 2, the infamous Tower of Babel. Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC I don’t know if the disk CD-ROM, PSP and Nintendo I rented was defective, but I DS, “Prince of Persia: The Two experienced a lot of freeze-up Thrones� is a fun game, plain problems, way more than any and simple. It’s one that you game I’ve ever played in my will want to finish once you get life. It always unstuck itself the hang of it. The controls are eventually, but sometimes it tricky but intuitive, and even took five minutes, and for a though there are about a million while it was doing it about button combinations for specifonce a minute. That’s inexcus- ic attacks, mad button mashing able. Also, the sound seemed to and a hope for the best worked get hung up sometimes during just fine for me. the cinematics, and I would be hearing pieces of a conversation and sound effects from things that occurred a minute earlier. Again, I don’t know if my disk Nathan Winfrey can be reached at just had issues. It didn’t look

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March 9, 2006

Deadlines & Prices

DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $3/day for the first 25 words and $.12/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5916 for additional info.

Special Notices ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR ESL for Internat’l Students We offer a friendly environment with small classes of 4-10 students. Here you can prepare for university study, the TOEFL, and a successful career. LOW PRICE $960 Per 4 Week Term For more info 348-7602 ____________________ ENGLISH CLASSES Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE tutoring available *PREPARATION for TOEFL

Services DENTAL PLAN $11.95 per month single; $19.95 family. No deductibles, no claim forms. Includes Vision, RX and chiropractic plans. Affordable health and life plans also. Call Michelle at 340-4998. _____________________ RENTERS- Get $10,000 coverage for $17-$22 per month! Great auto rates for good students too. Call Michelle at 340-4998 for free quote. _____________________ EYE EXAM, FRAME & LENSES: 10% Off CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Exam, Fitting & 12 pr contacts: $210 CAMPUS OPTICAL 13 N University Dr Edmond, 341-3567 _____________________ DO YOU think you might be pregnant? Would you like a free confidential pregnancy test or just someone to talk to? Call Birth Choice of Edmond at 330-2111. _____________________ PREGNANT? SCARED? We’re here to help! Pregnancy testing, confidential consultation, ultrasound referral. Christian Services of Oklahoma, 478-3362.

Help Wanted CONSTRUCTION WORK Immediate openings PT/FT, no experience required. Hard work, good pay. Framing experience a PLUS. Edmond area, call 824-8954. ______________________ LIKE CARS? FASTLANES is now hiring lube techs. We fully train on all vehicle maintenance! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. Limited positions available. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. _____________________

NEED A JOB? Like to work in a cool atmosphere? Then swing by FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ____________________ ATTENTION: Business and Management majors. FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter is looking for individuals who have leadership skills. With new stores opening we are looking for people to grow with us. Good pay and possible health benefits. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ______________________ PART TIME help needed at local daycare 2:306:00pm. Must love kids. Please call 330-3077. ______________________ QUALITY individual needed to train for residential window cleaning. Must have resume, proof of enrollment, documented GPA of 3. or above, your own transportation, preferably a truck for hauling ladder. Potential earnings of $8-10/hr based on percentage plus mileage. Please call immediately: 340-3914. ______________________ POSITION OPEN for FT supervisors. We offer flexible scheduling, immediate advancement opportunities, retention bonus and a fun, secure work environment. Call Visionquest Marketing at 749-0332. ________________________ PT JOBS - SENIOR Services of Oklahoma is looking for students to fill PT positions. Several 9am-1pm shifts and 1:30-5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10/hr for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is preferred; we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up interview. Ask for Courtney Smith. _______________________ SHOGUN Steak House is taking applications for servers, bussers, dishwashers and hosts. Apply at 11900 N May Ave (S end of North Park Mall) after 5:30pm Sun thru Sat. _______________________ ***STUDENT WORK*** PT WORK-FT PAY Great Pay, Flexible Schedules Resume Builder, Scholarships Possible, Fun atmosphere Customer Sales/Service No Experience Needed Will Train. Call TODAY 405-751-1509 _______________________ CITY OF EDMOND Summer positions at Pelican Bay Aquatic Center: Lifeguard, Cafe & Cashier Staff, Water Safety Instructors. Golf Course, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job info line 359-4648 Apply at 100 E First, Rm 106 _______________________ THE OLIVE GARDEN at Quail Springs Mall is now hiring for servers, preferably for lunch shifts. Apply in person at 2639 W Memorial. ______________________ PEARL'S LAKESIDE has positions for FT and PT servers. Apply at 9201 E Lake Hefner, 748-6113. ______________________ KANG'S ASIAN BISTRO is now hiring server, hostess, delivery, bar. Apply at 2080 E 2nd St in Edmond. Call 285-8300. _______________________ ***STUDENTS*** PT WORK-FT PAY Flexible around class, all ages 18+, day/eve/ wknd, conditions apply, customer sales/service, 405-751-6018. ______________________ NEW HORIZONS Child Development Center is now hiring FT teachers and PT afternoon teachers. Call 752-0221 or apply at 3232 NW 150th. _______________________


THE ATHLETE'S FOOT in N OKC is now accepting applications for PT employees, 12-15 hrs/wk flexible, and Saturdays. No retail experience needed. Call 848-3232. ______________________ COMET CLEANERS needs help M-F 17pm. Apply at 1401 S Kelly in Edmond. _______________________ PART TIME help needed at bridal salon. Friday afternoons and all day Saturdays. For an appointment to interview, call 752-0029. _______________________ COLLEGE student wanted to telemarket evening hours. Good pay. Call 608-0875, X305, ask for Sheila. _______________________ NW OPTOMETRIST office seeks assistant. Flexible hours, must be available weekends and some evenings. Will train. Call 749-0220. ______________________ COMPUTER testing center in NW OKC is searching for an individual to work flexible hours proctoring and scheduling national board exams. Must have excellent customer service skills and basic computer skills. Approx 20-25 hrs/wk (possibly more in summertime). Extensive training is involved. Only applicants interested in long-term position will be considered. Fax resume to 405-810-9455. _______________________ PT TELLER - Seeking individual with previous teller or cash-handling experience. Excellent customer service skills required. Hrs are M-F 7:45am to 1pm and Saturday til noon. Apply in person at NBC Bank, 2800 NW Grand Blvd, OKC or fax resume to 405-810-1199. ______________________ EDMOND golf course is now hiring for snack bar and beverage cart help. Please call 340-4653. ______________________ BOOMTOWN Ballyards: The premier sports complex in Oklahoma, conveniently located in N OKC/Edmond is searching for energetic, reliable individuals to fill various openings for our upcoming seasons! Call 405-749-8696 or email to get in the game! _______________________ NEED A JOB? Computer Technician position - Student with AutoCAD experience, full time or part time. Close proximity to UCO campus. PEREZ ENGINEERING, 341-9651. _______________________ DAY & WEEKEND morning shift food prep positions available at new Edmond location at 3209 S Broadway, 3-4 hour shifts, Wednesday to Saturday. Work one day or all four, $7.50/ hr. Apply Tuesdays 9-5 at Pass Your Plate. ______________________ BLUE RIBBON Pet Boutique needs dog bather/brusher, Saturday mornings, approx. 9am-1pm. Please apply in person at 356 S Kelly. ______________________ RIVER OAKS Golf Club is now seeking help in the Bag Room, Golf Shop, Food & Beverage, and Golf Course maintenance. We are looking for individuals who are well groomed and responsible with reliable transportation. Please feel free to come by and fill out an application or call A.J. at 771-5800. We are located 1.5 mi E of I-35 on Hefner Rd, 2nd River Oaks entrance. Positions to be filled ASAP. ______________________ EMPLOYMENT opportunity: Kickingbird Tennis Ctr, desk staff. Will work a couple of evenings during the week and at least one weekend day/evening shift. Must be a tennis player (prefer someone who has been on a high school tennis team). Please call 348-3120 for details. ________________________ SCRAPBOOK store needs creative "scrapbooker" for PT retail sales. Call Val at 749-2266 10-6 Tues-Fri. _______________________ NORTHSIDE YMCA seeking responsible, mature staff for Membership and Fitness. Must be able to work afternoon and evening shifts, as well as weekends. Applicants for Fitness Staff need current CPR. Applications available at the North Side YMCA at 10000 N Pennsylvania Ave., OKC.

The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing.


5 2 7 5

2 6

3 1 4


9 8


9 4


3 2 5

1 6



7 2 1 Puzzle by Last week's solution

6 5 3 4 7 1 9 2 8

2 1 7 8 9 5 3 4 6

4 9 8 2 6 3 1 7 5

5 6 4 1 2 9 7 8 3

8 3 9 5 4 7 6 1 2

1 7 2 6 3 8 4 5 9

3 2 6 7 5 4 8 9 1

9 4 1 3 8 2 5 6 7

7 8 5 9 1 6 2 3 4

Puzzle by

WANTED: Youth Director, Guthrie First United Methodist Church, PT, Sunday and Special Events only. Salary commensurate with experience and education. Contact Rev. Charles R Rettig at 405-282-4297. ______________________ SALES ASSOCIATE MARK'S SHOE ROOM is looking for a personable PT sales person for afternoons and Saturdays. Learn sales and merchandising techniques from the best in the industry. Hours are flexible to meet students' schedules. Call Kristy to schedule interview at 341-3321. Come join our team! _____________________ GENERAL ASSISTANT position available with an established service-oriented company engaged in market research and development, 10-15 hrs/wk as available, Mon thru Fri. Must have own transportation. Hourly base pay plus mileage and extras. Excellent opportunity for entrepeneur-spirited person. Internet savvy a PLUS. Call 623-2857. _______________________ WE PAY up to $75 per online survey. _______________________ HELP NEEDED for house cleaning business. $8/ hr (cash), flexible hours, will work around school schedule. Call Sonya at 812-8054 or 752-0908. _____________________ EDMOND Shopping Ctr needs PT help for construction, clean-up and maintenance. Can be full time for summer. Call 330-2555. ______________________ HARKINS Theatres, Oklahoma's most exciting and luxurious new theatre concept in Bricktown, is now casting for PlayCenter staff! Must be at least 18, 6 months of previous childcare experience, enjoy interacting with children, excellent guest service skills and MS Office knowledge helpful. You will enjoy flexible schedules and FREE MOVIES! Submit your resume with salary history to: or fax to 480-443-0950. EOE ______________________ NEW HORIZONS Child Development Center is now seeking individuals to work as PT afternoon teachers. If you love children, we will train you! Come join our fun, friendly atmosphere and make work rewarding. Call us at 748-4424, or apply at 14300 N Western Avenue in Edmond. EOE ______________________ LAWN SERVICE $8-$10/HR Sharper Image Lawn Care is hiring for M/ W/F 2-5pm, T/TH/SAT 8am-5pm, 15-20 hours per week. Call Brandon at 314-9379. ______________________ BE A DELL Student Rep, earn $12/hr. Make your own hours and gain amazing experience for your resume! Position starts immediately. Go to: to apply. _______________________ PT/FT KENNEL technician needed immediately. Must love animals and have a good work ethic. Afternoons 4-7, weekends & holidays a must. Walk dogs, clean cat cages, general custodial and cleaning duties. 348-0808 Kathy. ______________________ PT HELP WANTED for fun and trendy childrens's store. Customer service skills are a must. Great experience for fashion merchandising majors, close to campus. Apply in person at 21 S Broadway in downtown Edmond. ______________________

PT TELLERS •Minimum 6 mos. cash handling experience in a retail environment required •Previous teller experience preferred •Exceptional customer service skills a must •Edmond M-F 9-3, 1 Sat/mo 7:45am-12:15pm •Memorial M-Th 3-6:45pm, Fri 11-6:45, Sat 7:45am-12:15pm •Downtown M-F 3:15-6:15pm, 3 Sats/mo 7:45am-12:15pm •Motorbank M-F 7am-1pm, Sats 7:45am12:15pm •Northwest M-F 2-6:45pm, Sats 7:45am-12:15pm Coppermark Bank offers a comprehensive benefit package and salary commensurate w/experience. Please stop by to complete an application and receive a brief interview. Coppermark Bank 4631 NW 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73127 Ph 945-8100 Fax 943-2732 EOE

For Rent KENNEDY PLACE APTS 1,2&3 Bedrooms Across from UCO 341-7911 or visit our website ________________ BRYANT GROVE APTS 1, 2&3 Bedrooms 20 S Bryant, Edmond 341-2161 __________________ ONE BEDROOM APT Gas and water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO. 1217 N Roosevelt, $340/mo plus deposit, 341-9651. ______________________ TOWNHOUSE for lease, 2 bed, 2 bath, kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer hookups, ceiling fans, lots of closet space. NO PETS! New building, 1 blk from UCO, 453 N Blackwelder, $650/mo, $500 dep. TENANT RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES, 1 year lease, 341-9651. ______________________ DILLON PARK APTS-N of the football field, furnished, all bills paid, 1015 Chowning. Call 285-5900. ______________________ THREE/FOUR bedroom house, 1400 s.f., 2 bath, all appliances plus washer & dryer, walk to UCO, $850/mo, $500/dep, 420 N Blvd, Edmond. Palmer Properties 341-7395, 208-2577 ______________________

LARGE 2 bed, 1 bath $525, dep $250, NO PETS, walk to UCO, 1012 Chartrand. ONE BED, one bath $375, dep $175, NO PETS, walk to UCO. FURNISHED apt, 1 or 2 bedrm, queen bed, dishes, TV, VCR, bedding, short term lease 3,6 or 12 mo, walk to UCO. ONE BED, one bath $375, deposit $200. No pets. Walk to UCO, 1012 Chartrand. Chowning Heights Apts 844-5100, 208-2577 ______________________ UNIVERSITY VILLAGE APARTMENTS Small 1 bedroom $350 Large 1 bedroom $375 2 bedrooms $450 Gas & Water Paid 330-3711 ____________________ APT FOR RENT _ block off campus. Female student, all bills paid (except phone & cable). Call Glen at 787-6880, C-5901086 or Linda at 340-7623, C-590-1087. ______________________ TWO BED, one bath at 325 Belmont, Edmond, $650/mo. Call 608-0875. ______________________ COME HOME to your newly remodeled duplex! New carpet, new full size washer/dryer, attached garage, separate study. Come home to Persimmon Ridge, 471-6145. ______________________ ONE BEDROOM apartment across from Old North. Washer, dryer, new appliances, $400/mo+$250 deposit, one year lease. Call 396-2013, leave message. _______________________ 1750 SF CONDO with 2-car garage for lease. Excellent location, non-smoking. Large beautiful living/kitchen/dining, 1 bed, 1 office, 2 baths, small backyard. Call 341-5030 or 209-0025. ______________________ 2 BED, 2 BATH duplex, 2-car garage, 701 NW 137th, available immediately. Call 265-1103.

Roommates LOOKING for female housemate. New home, Sonoma Lake, 15th & Penn, security system, 3car garage, $350/mo plus bill split plus deposit, clubhouse, pool. Contact Kathy at 550-7205.

For Sale

VERY NICE 8 ft. dining table and 5 chairs. $375 neg, call 340-6800 after 6pm to see. _______________________ FOR SALE: 1993 Honda Del Sol with VTEC engine. Beautiful, black, sporty vehicle, runs great. $4995. Call 340-4613 or 340-5620. ______________________ SPACIOUS mobile home, 18x80, 3 bed, 2 bath, wood floors throughout, close to campus. Take over equity, Oakridge Estates, 601 Vista Lane #159. Call 249-7303.


March 9, 2006


Associated Press briefings

SOFTBALL from page 10 tournament, we were beginning to get tired and it was showing by the fourth and fifth games of the tournament,” Honea said.

Game 5 Angelo State 11, UCO 8

In the second loss and a rematch against Angelo State, Jordan Akin, senior from Yukon, pitched five and one-third innings, allowing five hits and six runs suffering her first loss of the season. The Bronchos led the game 4-3 going into the bottom of the fourth inning, but the Rams were able to put together a seven-run, five-hit inning and take a 10-4 lead. The Bronchos scored four more runs but were unable to overcome the deficit and lost the game by three runs.

Game 6 St. Gregory's 2, UCO 1

In the final loss of the tournament, Blake pitched six innings and allowed five hits and two runs. The loss was Blake’s third of the season. The Bronchos were unable to get much offense started, managing only two hits and one run in 22 at-bats. “Some of the games we lost I feel that we could have won. The differences in winning and losing is sometimes one mistake on one play,” Honea said. “Overall, we got better because of this tournament.”

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Teddy Burch can be reached at

Junior pitcher Whitney Warrick loosens up her arm in practice March 6 at Broncho Field.

Softball Box Scores, March 7 (Game 2) UCO (5-4) AB Blackwell, RF 3 Tripp, CF 4 Stratton, 3B 4 Smith, SS 4 Roberts, C 2 Walden, 2B 3 Kauk, 1B 2 Warrick, DH 2 Campell, DH 1 Mitchell, LF 3 Morrell, P 0


R H RBI BB 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


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ER BB SO AB 2 3 3 25

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001 0 001 0

SWOSU(2-17) AB Beech, LF 3 Glidewell, SS 3 Hamilton, 3B 3 Clay, 2B 3 Berry, C 2 Keplinger, DH 2 Nash, 1B 3 Buccola, CF 2 Zukerman, PH 1 Miller, RF 3 Carpenter, P 0 Garrett, P 0 Totals 25 SWOSU Carpenter Garrett

R 4 2

R H RBI BB 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 2 3

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SO LOB 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 5

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BASEBALL AP—Barry Bonds used a vast array of performanceenhancing drugs, including steroids and human growth hormone, for at least five seasons beginning in 1998, according to a book written by two San Francisco Chronicle reporters. An excerpt from "Game of Shadows," which details the San Francisco slugger's extensive doping program, appears in the March 13 issue of Sports Illustrated. The 41-year-old Bonds, who testified before a California federal grand jury investigating steroid use by top athletes, has repeatedly denied using performance-enhancing drugs. Baseball did not ban performance-enhancing drugs until after the 2002 season, though there has long been suspicion that players took steroids to gain an edge. WASHINGTON (AP) —The District of Columbia Council voted to approve a contract for construction of the new Washington Nationals ballpark. The 9-4 vote came a day after Mayor Anthony A. Williams and other city officials signed a lease for the ballpark with Major League Baseball. The council also confirmed the stadium lease and a $611 million cap on city costs that were approved last month. The city hopes to unveil designs for the ballpark next week and groundbreaking for the stadium will be in late April, said Jack Evans, D-Ward 2. Evans predicted that the park would open on schedule for 2008, though likely without the finishing touches.

FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP)— Richard Hidalgo's brief career with the Baltimore Orioles ended before he played a single game for the team. Hidalgo signed a minor league contract on Feb. 26, reported two days later and spent four days in uniform before leaving the team Saturday to be with his ailing wife. He never returned, and the Orioles released the frustrated outfielder to allow him to pursue an opportunity in Japan. PRO FOOTBALL GRAPEVINE, Texas (AP) —The NFL was still without labor peace after team owners met for most of the day without reaching any agreements. Yet another deadline looms Wednesday, with owners trying to decide whether to accept the union's latest proposal. A decision on whether to extend the collective bargaining agreement was unlikely to come down until close to the latest deadline of 8 p.m. EST on Wednesday. Before making a deal with the union, the owners must resolve their own differences over expanded internal revenue sharing. If they don't get that straight, a CBA deal is unlikely. League spokesman Joe Browne said Tagliabue had agreed with Gene Upshaw, the executive director of the NFL Players Association, that the owners would have a decision no later than 8 p.m. EST Wednesday. That would come as the union, which is meeting in Hawaii, holds its executive board session.

HOCKEY VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP)—Former NHL player Steve Moore filed another lawsuit against Todd Bertuzzi for his on-ice hit two years ago. The lawsuit seeks general, special and punitive damages. Moore's parents, Jack and Anna, also are named in the lawsuit. They were watching the game on TV in their home in Thornhill, Ontario, and are asking for damages for shock and distress. The Vancouver Canucks and parent company Orca Bay also were named defendants. Bertuzzi pleaded guilty to assaulting Moore in Vancouver on March 8, 2004, after knocking him to the ice with a roundhouse punch. Moore, then with the Colorado Avalanche, was left with three fractured neck vertebrae, a concussion and other injuries. COLLEGE BASKETBALL ST. LOUIS (AP)—The Missouri Valley Conference barred certain cheerleading stunts during this week's women's basketball tournament, a precaution taken after a Southern Illinois cheerleader plunged 15 feet and landed on her head. Cheerleaders may not be launched or tossed and may not take part in formations higher than two levels during the tournament. Salukis cheerleader Kristi Yamaoka was left with a concussion and a cracked neck vertebra when she fell during a timeout in Sunday's MVC men's championship game.

RUN: UCO training team prepares marathon runners from page 10 and Health Studies. He said he believes that proper training and diet are an essential part of preparing for long-distance running. “This program was designed specifically for this team and this run,” Cone said. “The fact that we had 12 weeks is a little

difficult and means that runners are going to have to progress in distances rather quickly. We have a nutritionist coming to speak on the importance of loading your body with carbohydrates before a long run.” Each Wednesday at 3 p.m., training team members have an

optional time to meet up at the Wellness Center to run together, ask coaches questions and give and receive support. The training team also meets on Saturdays at 8 a.m. at Lake Hefner to join the Oklahoma City Running Club. Teddy Burch can be reached at


UPCOMING UCO HOME GAMES BASEBALL Friday, March 10 1 p.m. (DH) vs. Tarleton State

Saturday, March 11

SOFTBALL Saturday, March 11 1 p.m. (DH) vs. Southwestern Okla.

Monday, March 13

noon (DH) vs. Tarleton State

1 p.m. (DH) vs. College of Saint Mary

2:30 p.m. vs. Science and Arts of Okla.

noon (DH) vs. Truman State

Wednesday, March 22 Wednesday, March 15

TENNIS Saturday, March 18


noon (men and women) vs. Nebraska-Kearney

All-School Finals Women: 8 p.m. Men: 9 p.m. (Wellness Center)

THIS WEEK IN BRONCHO SPORTS LSC HONORS Women's Basketball Lizzie Brenner picked up Lone Star Conference North Division Freshman of the Year recognition. Brenner averaged 10.4 points, 4.8 rebounds and a team-high 1.6 steals a game this year. Junior forward Meghan Craig was named to the AllPhoto Services LSC North second team for Lizzie Brenner the second straight year after scoring a team-high 14.7 points and grabbing 5.0 rebounds per game.

Men's Basketball Junior forward Anthony Brown was named LSC North Division Newcomer of the Year and a first-team pick on the All-LSC North team. Brown came to UCO this year from Northern Oklahoma College and led the team in scoring (17.1) and rebounding (7.2). He shot 66.2 percent from the Photo Services field to lead the LSC. Senior guard Jason Greene Anthony Brown was selected Co-Defensive Player of the Year, sharing the honor with Brandon Smith of Cameron and Jason Stampley of Southeastern Oklahoma. Sophomore guard Sam Belt picked up second-team honors, averaging 11.6 points and 6.7 rebounds per game with a team-leading 61 3-pointers. Senior forward Joe Kennerly received an honorable mention, averaging 12.9 points and 6.3 rebounds per game for the Bronchos.

WRESTLING Fourth-ranked UCO will compete in the national wrestling tournament March 10-11 in Findlay, Ohio.

MEN'S BASKETBALL The Bronchos, the No. 7 seed in the South Central region, will meet second-seeded Tarleton State in a first-round game at 2:30 p.m. March 11 in Bolivar, Mo. Semifinals will be held March 12, and the finals will be held March 14. The winners of the eight regional tournaments will advance to the Elite Eight, held March 22-25 in Springfield, Mass.

MEN'S GOLF UCO won the CrawfordWade Invitational March 7 in Pottsboro, Texas. The Bronchos shot a 30-under 834 total, including a 21-under-par 267 second round. UCO also had the top four finishers, led by senior Todd Dayton, who shot a course-record 62 in the second round and finished at 14-under 202.


UCO wins five in busy softball week by Teddy Burch Sports Writer The UCO softball team won two games, 3-1 and 4-2 against Southwestern Oklahoma March 7 in Weatherford. The two victories boost the Bronchos’ overall record to 54. In the first win, Alli Blake, sophomore from Oklahoma City, pitched seven innings and allowed eight hits but only one run. The win was the third of the season for Blake and brings her overall record to 3-3. The Bronchos managed six hits, three runs and three RBIs. Angela Stratton led the Bronchos with two hits, one run and one RBI. “I don’t think that we played to our capability, I think that we had a few too many mistakes,” said head coach Genny Honea. “If you can go on the road and get two victories and not play your best ball, we’ll take that every time.” In the second victory, Cody Morrell, junior from Mustang, pitched seven innings and allowed just five hits and two runs. The win was the first of the season for Morrell. The Bronchos got two runs in the first inning and one in the second to open up a 3-1 lead. Solid pitching and good defense helped the Bronchos win the game by two runs. “Both pitchers did an excellent job of keeping the ball down low and hard to hit,” Honea said. “The wind was blowing extremely hard, and in those kind of conditions, a popfly ball could have easily turned into a home-run.”

UCO Softball Classic

The Bronchos won three and lost three in the UCO Softball Classic March 3-5 in Mustang. The Bronchos beat Angelo State (4-2), Oklahoma Baptist

(6-2) and Tarleton State (8-0). The Bronchos lost to Oklahoma City (4-3), Angelo State (11-8) and St. Gregory’s (2-1).

Game 1 UCO 4, Angelo State 2

In the win against Angelo State, Megan Campbell, sophomore from Broken Arrow, pitched four innings and allowed two hits and zero runs. The win was the first of the season for Campbell. Angela Stratton’s single into right field scored two RBIs and the three-run inning gave the Bronchos enough runs to win the game.

Game 2 UCO 6, Okla. Baptist 2

In the win against OBU, Morrell and Blake combined to pitch seven innings. The two allowed seven hits but only two runs. Blake pitched four of the seven innings and got her first win of the season. “I think that we did a good job on offense once we got runners into scoring position,” Morrell said. “On defense we did a good job of helping out our pitching.” Rachel Smith, sophomore form Marlow, had two hits, one run and two RBIs including a home run over center field in the fourth inning. The home run began the comeback, and the Bronchos scored two runs in the fifth inning and one more in the sixth to win the game. “We did really well as a team when we began the tournament,” Smith said. “When we can pitch, hit and field together as a team, we can be pretty good.” The win was the 200th career victory for Honea.

Game 3 UCO 8, Tarleton 0

In the shutout against Tarleton State, Blake pitched five innings and allowed five hits but gave up zero runs. The

Todd Dayton

TENNIS The UCO men (5-2) won 8-1 against Southeastern Oklahoma State while the women (0-5) lost to SOSU 6-3 March 7 in Durant.

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

UCO shortstop Rachel Smith, sophomore, practices outs at third base March 6 at Broncho Field. win against Tarleton State was Blake’s second win of the year. Danielle Blackwell, senior from Sand Springs, had three runs and two hits in three atbats. Emilee Bounds, sophomore from Yukon, hit a home run over left field in the first inning and scored three RBIs. The four-run first inning sparked the Broncho offense, and they built an 8-0 lead by the end of the fifth inning.

Game 4 OKC Univ. 4, UCO 3

In the first loss of the UCO Softball Classic, the Bronchos

allowed Oklahoma City nine hits, four runs and four RBIs. The win gave Oklahoma City an overall record of 11-1. Blake pitched two and two-thirds innings and suffered her second loss of the season. The Bronchos had three runs in the fifth inning to tie the game at 3-3 but gave up a run in the seventh and lost the game by one run. “I don’t like to try and make excuses, but I feel that since we were limited in the playing that we had done coming into this

See SOFTBALL, page 9

Athletes prepare for Memorial Marathon by Teddy Burch Sports Writer Athletes in the UCO Marathon training team are preparing for a full or half marathon run April 30 at the sixth annual OKC Memorial Marathon. The UCO training team consists of 30 students and four faculty/staff. “This is the first year the program has been implemented on campus, and we are very excited about the student interest,” said Danielle Dill, assistant director of Programs and Services at UCO. “We hope to expand the program in the future and to take interested runners to marathons outside the state, like the Disney World Marathon in Florida or The Boston Marathon in Massachusetts.” A full marathon is a 26.2 mile run, while a half run is 13.1 miles. “The main purpose of the program was to bring together people that love to run or love the challenge of training for a marathon. In addition, we want to build camaraderie and support over the 12-week training program,” Dill said. Cody Motley, junior biology major, is preparing for the half marathon.

“The most important thing about training is to pace yourself so you avoid injury,” Motley said. “We began this program in early January, and we have the run at the end of April, so we are cutting the timeline short, but I think we are within the right timeframe.” Motley is also in a training program for a triathlon in early June. The event is in El Reno and consists of a 1500-meter swim, a 24-mile bicycle ride and a six-mile run. “I am excited about both events,” Motley said. “I am preparing for a half marathon, because I am not sure that I would have enough time to physically recover from a full run, as well as, I want to be competitive,.There are some really good runners preparing for this event.” The OKC Memorial Marathon also has a relay marathon, a 5K walk and a children’s marathon. A pasta dinner will be held the night before the event at the downtown pavilion, which overlooks the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum. Trey Cone is the running by Vista photographer Travis Marak coach and a faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology Kristina Moskal, marketing junior, and Patrick Funkhouser, undecided freshman, members of the UCO Marathon training team, See RUN, page 9 train for the OKC Memorial Marathon. t un co t ID d s i d en pte % d 10 Stu Acce h t s i n w tio na o D

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