The Vista March 9, 1995

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY March 9, 1995

The Student Voice Since 1903

`Buffalo Soldiers' honored at UCO By Paul Eddy Staff writer February may have been Black History Month, but as those attending "Salute to the Spirit of the Buffalo Soldiers" found out, African American history is not something that can be packaged into a month and put away on the shelf the rest of the year. The ceremony began shortly after 7 p.m. March 6 in the UC University Center Ballroom. The program was a joint effort by Langston University and UCO with support provided by various multicultural, military and student organizations. An estimated crowd of over 300

filled the ballroom as Barry Lofton, coordinator of multicultural student services, began the evening by welcoming the audience. The keynote speech was given by Maj. Gen. Russell C. Davis, commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard. Davis began by filling in the history of the African American in the military history of the United States. "Throughout our history, African Americans have fought in every war," he said. There have been several times when the African American has had to fight for the right to fight, said Davis. VSee HONOR, Page 13

Scholarship established in memory of student

Christopher Williams

A memorial scholarship will be given in honor of late UCO student and Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) fraternity member, Christopher Samuel Williams. Last December, 24-year-old Williams was killed while cleaning his rifle. Williams struggled with finances when he went to UCO, said Britt Williams, Chris' father. He said the scholarship will give someone like Chris the chance to pursue an education. 'See ATO, Page 13

UCO student Janice Hull displays her Publishers Clearinghouse winning check for 31 cents. (Staff Photo by John Gilmore)

Student wins 'Publishers Clearinghouse' By Nicki Cormier Staff Writer Ed McMahon was nowhere in sight when Janice Hull opened the envelope proclaiming she was a third place winner in the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. "I have been getting these things through the mail for almost a year and the last one said I was a finalist," said Hull, who is a business graduate student at UCO. "My husband told me, 'Janice, I have this really good feeling that you're going to win this

time. Send it back. — "Well, lo and behold, I got this thing back that said, 'You're a winner! You're a winner! — "When I opened it, I saw it was a check and I thought, 'No... it can't be...,"' she said. As Hull began to open the check, she thought there was going to be some kind of a catch. "When I looked, I saw it was 31 cents. I laughed and said, 'Well this is cheaper than sending me a stamped addressed envelope. — Hull said she thought she would at least frame the check: "It will make a good conversation piece."

SGA president coordinates 'draining' of student fees on fountain By Leslie Wakulich Student Writer Three organizations on campus will spend $7,000 of student activity fees to fund the construction of a fountain at the corner of Second Street and University Drive—a move

that has been questioned by some students. President George Nigh gave $3,000 each to President's Leadership Council (PLC), Presidents' Club and Student Government Association (SGA) to spend on community service and education. Nigh said the money was set aside

from the administrative budget to support student activities. "A certain portion of the student activity fees is distributed by the president, he distributed them to us, and we could do \vith it what we wanted," said Ben Harris, SGA president and coordinator of this project.

"We (the clubs) decided to pool our money and focus on community service with the idea being that next year we will focus on education," said Harris. He said the fountain will benefit the entire community because it will be so visible. Y See FOUNTAIN, Page 13





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RECKLESS The UCO production 4 of the play will begin at 8 p.m. tonight in Mitchell Hall Theatre.




first-ever Lone Star Conference tournament during the weekend.

The UCO multicultural student career fair was held last week in the University Center.

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