University of Central Oklahoma
The Student Voice Since 1903
Graduation dates set for May 13, 14 vies saw about 1,380 students participate with more than 2,100 eligible. Last summer's graduation exercises saw 384 students attend with 599 eligible and Separate graduation ceremonies for the this past fall's ceremonies were attended by university's four colleges are set to begin 625 of the 1,013 undergraduate and graduFriday, May 13 and Saturday, May 14 in the ate students who were eligible to receive Hamilton Field House. As of last Monday, their degrees. 1,110 students had applied to receive their May said that approximately 60 percent diplomas this semester and more are exto 70 percent of the students who are elipected. gible to attend the graduation ceremonies Last spring was the first time for the actually show. University of Central Oklahoma to conduct Students planning to attend the ceremoseparate ceremonies for each college. nies will spend less "We did this than two hours per as a service to ceremony—more In previous years we had spring the students to time for the larger allow a more and summer ceremonies, but until college and less for personalized, last year, never a fall. the others. college - foSpring 1993 comcused cermencement ceremo-Terry May, assistant vice emony," said nies totaled about six president for academic affairs Terry May, ashours for the four sistant vice colleges combined. president for academic affairs. The College of Education's commenceSeparating the ceremonies by college ment lasted one hour and 56 minutes. The also helps with physical constraints where College of Business and the College of the numbers of graduates increase and the Liberal Arts both totaled one hour and 24 size of the field house does not, May said. minutes and the College of Mathematics Also new are three commencement cerand Science saw a commencement which emonies per year. lasted one hour and 12 minutes. "In previous years we had spring and "This was without rushing anything," summer ceremonies, but until last year, May said. "It all went very well and was never a fall. All of this at a time where many tightly organized and executed," he said. universities are cutting back to one cornMay said that a few new features have mencement a year," May said. "Again, this reflects our service for the students." 'V See GRADUATION, Page 10 Spring 1993's commencement ceremoBy Roy Howe Staff Writer
Jeana Carter and Angi Stepp study a sculpture called "From Two Others" by Shannon Sutherland at the opening reception of the UCO at IA0 show. The show, featuring UCO artists, is being held at the Individual Artists of Oklahoma Gallery through March 25. (Photo by Chris Smith)
Food Court to be built in University Center By Jennifer Palmer Staff writer
University of Central Oklahoma students will no longer need to "run for the border" to indulge themselves in fast-food luxury, as plans to build a food court on campus are set. "This will be one of a kind, one-stop
shopping right here. Nobody in the state of Oklahoma will have a room like this," said A.K. Rahman, director of Auxiliary services at UCO. "The Food Court" will include fast-food chains like Burger King, Taco Bell, ChickFil-A, Dunkin' Donuts, ICBY Yogurt, Subway, and Java Coast (a gourmet coffee shop) and will be located in the University Center, Rahman said. "There will also be a national-brand pizza
shop, but we are still deciding which one," he said. The Court will provide extra campus employment, hiring many part-time workers. Oklahoma State University's food court employees are 90 percent OSU students, and Rahman plans on similar results at UCO. "We would like all positions open to go to UCO students, so students can serve students," said Rahman.
Along with employment, the Court will boost the UCO economy from rent paid by the restaurants. In order to make room for the businesses, the 89'er Cafeteria and Oklahoma Room will be remodeled, said Rahman. The Oklahoma Room will house Student Services like Financial Aid and the postal service, and the 89'er Cafeteria will be used See FOOD COURT, Page 10
INSIDE TODAY Editorial 2 Letters to the Editor 2 World Wrap...6 Around Campus Comics 11
Inauguration The African Student's Association becomes inaugurated as an organization on campus.
Two cents
UCO's baseball team wins two and loses two at state festival.
Terri's column is a column of wit and insight. This issue deals with nicotine.