The Vista March 11, 1997

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University of Central Oklahoma

THEVIsTA The Student Voice Since 1903

TUESDAY March 11, 1997

Student selected as representative to advisory board


Salute to Leadership... US Representative J.C. Watts speaks at the Salute to Public Service and Leadership conference Friday in the University Center Grand Ballroom. The John and Eleanor Kirkpatrick Student Leadership Award was given to UCO students for their contribution to student activities. (Staff photo by John Clanton)

or the first time, a UCO Student Government Association (SGA) member has been selected for the Student Advisory Board. Janet Nicholas, member of SGA and the Oklahoma Student Government Association (OSGA), was nominated to the board at OSGA's spring convention held at OU Feb. 28 through March 2. Members of the Advisory Board work on a weekly, sometimes daily, one—to—one basis with the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education on legislation affecting students, said Nicholas. "It is very important to have that connection to the Regents," she said. This is the only advisory board set up by state law, said Keith Weber, UCO president of SGA. One person is selected from OU, OSU, all private universities, and all junior colleges. Two candidates are selected from the six regional universities. For the past two years, Southeastern and Southwestern have been the regional universities with candidates chosen. "SGA now has a better opportunity to express their concern in the inequitably of funding of UCO- as well as other regional colleges," said Nicholas. UCO is the third largest university in the state, with the least funding allowed, said Nicholas. Keith Weber, Dale Archer, Kurt Gariss, and Nicholas made up this year's UCO delegation at the convention. Nicholas was chosen from that group to be UCO's applicant for the Advisory Board. Brian Evans, OSGA president from Southeastern University, was the other delegate selected for the board. Nicholas would like to see the seats on the Advisory Board rotated among the regional universities. "It is my goal to keep future student governments involved in both OSGA and the Student Advisory Board," she said. She plans to propose a statutory mandate to continue to have delegations from UCO attend these events. Nicholas will be sworn in to the Student Advisory Board in May, and will fill that seat for the next year. AD —By Patrice Patterson Staff Writer


INDEX Editorial 2 Letters 2 Sports 11 Around Campus 14 Classifieds 15

CONSTRUCTION Ongoing construction pre-empts relocation of offices.


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JOB FAIR Recruiters gather to offer advice to student job seekers.


PHOTOGRAPHY Six students win cash awards in two photography contests

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