University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY March 13, 1.997
The Student Voice Since 1903
UCO student leaders review proposed hike in tuition By Patrice Patterson Staff Writer
ay Parmley, representative from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE), spoke to the Student Government Association (SGA) Monday about the proposed tuition increase. Last fiscal year, there was a record increase in appropriations for higher education in Oklahoma of $71 million. OSRHE is planning on receiving between $43 to $45 million new dollars for next year. This will be the first time ever to have a back-to-back record increase in Oklahoma, said Parmley. "Oklahoma's economy has never been stronger in 20 years, with new money continually coming in," said Parmley. Oklahoma Student Government Association has passed a bill to raise the tuition cap at all Oklahoma universities. It is a two—year proposal and UCO could see up to a 7-percent increase for the fiscal year 1998 and up to a 4-percent cap increase for fiscal year 1999, said Parmley. "This does not mean tuition,-will necessarily be raised this high," he said. OSRHE has developed a standard cost for classes, taking into consideration the cost of educational programs, to decide appropriations for each university. Not one university receives adequate funding, said Parmley. . Program funding is not based on current enrollment. "UCO's budget for this year is really based on
Junior city planners... UCO student Heather Weber shows a third grade student how to build a paper building. Weber, part of a Junior Achievement teaching team, teaches students in Ms. Javorsky's third grade class at John Ross Elementary school in Edmond, about how a city works. The students were taught about the business, residential and other elements of a city. During the second session, the third graders built paper buildings and set them up on a map of an imaginary city. (Staff photo by John Clanton)
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