The Vista March 15, 1994

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' University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY March 15, 1994

The Student Voice Since 1903

No Faculty Senate proposals passed by Nigh By Roy Howe Staff Writer

Seven proposals which passed through last year's Faculty Senate were returned to the body at its regular meeting Thursday by university President George Nigh who dis-

approved of five and remanded two back for further study. After senate approval, the proposals are forwarded to Nigh for his OK, where they then become university policy. Four of the five proposals denied by Nigh were out of the senate's Faculty Welfare

and Development committee, chaired by biology professor Bill Radke. Radke expressed his disappointment regarding the denied proposals with an analogy of a football team that experiences victories, but can't win the Superbowl. He said that this should concern the faculty. "I think this is maybe a concern the faculty and we (senate) need to be thinking about," he said. The proposals disapproved by Nigh in-

elude one modifying the definition of fulltime voting faculty for department chairpersons. This proposal outlines procedures for the selection of chairpersons and who may vote. Through a letter to the senate, Nigh said he was disapproving of this proposal for two reasons: "I see no reason to exclude from participation anyone who is up for V See FACULTY, Page 3

UCO offers direct calling card service for faculty, staff hours. This led to opening the system to faculty and staff, said Elston. "Staff were not invited to use the system The University of Central Oklahoma now until I was sure that it had the capacity to offers the direct credit card calling system handle the number of calls. I didn' t want to that has been used by students for the past overload it," said Elston. "I've provided a lot of capability to the students and then three years to faculty and staff. adapted that capability to the faculty and The direct-call system was installed in order to take the load of outgoing credit staff in the eight years that I've been here." Approximately 980 students who live in card calls off of the operators who are the dorms use the system. The apartment needed to handle the majority of incoming complexes are not included on the system calls to the university, said Harold Elston, except for the faculty apartments across campus telephone and telecommunications from the School of Business, said Elston. manager. Rates for the credit card calls are based "The operators just don't have time to on the AT&T calling rate, said Elston. handle large numbers of operator-assisted "AT&T is the standard by which most calls," said Elston. long distance carriers set their rates," said The "Communicall" system has been on Elston. campus for about three years. The system Unfortunately, "proprietary" calling was originally installed for the students, but cards like the cards now issued by AT&T is now available to staff and faculty, said do not work with the Corrununicall system, Elston. said Elston. The direct credit card call service was not "If the pin number on the card looks like offered to staff because there were cona phone number, it will probably work. If cerns that the system might be overloaded not, it probably won't," said Elston. by the number of outgoing calls. It was later determined that the majority of stuV See COMMUNICALL, Page 3 dents' calls were made during the evening By Anthony Tompkins Staff Writer

Sigma Tau Gamma member, Brian Petree, works on a snowman outside a member's house. The snowman was close to seven-feet tall and was built on Wednesday after a six -inch snow fall hit Edmond. (Photo by Mike Simons)

INSIDE TODAY Editorial 2 Letters to the Editor 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 11 Comics 11

Dancers The Dancer's Masterpiece" will be presented by the Kaleidoscope Dancers.




Wrestling Head Coach David James heads the title-winning UCO team

Art celebration of Indian Heritage Week, special art is being shown at UCO.

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