The Vista March 17, 1994

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY March 17, 1994

The Student Voice Since 1903

Equity officer to field questions on rights

Up, up and away!

Dimit discusses purpose on campus By Roy Howe Staff Writer Rick Dimit, now in his second year at the university as an equity officer, will answer questions at 2:40 today in the Seminole Room at the University Center regarding balanced hiring practices, evaluations, promotions, tenure and dismissals. Dimit explained his purpose at the university to the Faculty Senate last week where he fielded questions regarding students' testing rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and his role in faculty tenure complaints. "Unfortunately, in our society today, we are facing a lot of complaints and lawsuits," Dimit said. "I handle internal complaints primarily from two different agencies: The Department of Education and the Office of Civil Rights."

UCO student Jay Matthew Wullenwaber takes advantage of the wind to enjoy a bit of kite flying on Monday. (Photo by Ken Kappen)

He said these two agencies are vehicles that students use to process complaints. During his employment at the university, Dimit said he has dealt with three separate civil rights cases at the University of Central Oklahoma. "We have had the Office of Civil Rights

here on campus on three separate occasions," he said. Two cases involved complaints against faculty members and the other is an on-going gender equity investigation dealing with the mens' and womens' sports programs. Dimit investigates these matters internally and issues an opinion. Dimit said he also works with complaints by employees through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and to assist with issues that deal with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). "Part of my job is to work with the students who have disabilities and need to have accommodations in the classroom," he said. Faculty Senate member David B ass, with the College of Math and Science, told Dimit that he had recently approached UCO President George Nigh inquiring about guidelines for students qualifying for special needs in test taking. Bass said that he understood this to be a "gray area." Dimit said the question of reasonable accommodation and guidelines for students who qualify for ADA assistance is an area See

Dimit, Page 11

Prizes, booths mark 'Safe Spring Break Week;' encourages awareness about drinking, driving By Jennifer Palmer Staff writer

A smashed car, banners, booths and signs mark the presence of "Safe Spring Break Week" at the University of Central Oklahoma. The week of activities, which ends today, was organized to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving, said Jan Chapel, coordinator of counseling ser-

vices at UCO, and who helped to organize students could pick up "safe spring break" the event. memorabilia and enter in a drawing for a Activities were sponsored by the Boost Chevrolet Geo. Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the The booth will be in the Liberal Arts Health ofUniversity Students (BACCHUS) Building lobby today 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m., national and campus organizations, where students can still register for the Geo GAMMA (a peer education network), and and other prizes donated from local Edmond COSAFE, a UCO alcohol and drug abuse and Oklahoma City businesses. prevention program. Prizes will be available from local resA booth was set up in the University taurants, Wal-Mart, the Omniplex, OklaCenterMonday through Wednesday, where homa City Art Museum, Myriad Botanical

Gardens, Thompson' s, Pepsi and many others, said Chapel. The wrecked automobile was donated by Allied Auto Towing, and a banner reading "If You Must Drink and Drive, Drink CocaCola" hung across the smashed side of the vehicle. "It is a visual, so students can see what could happen to them," said Chapel. "We want everyone to have a safe spring break with no accidents, no deaths."

INSIDE TODAY Editorial 2 Viewpoints 2 World Wrap...13 Around Campus 15 Comics 15

Two Cents


Terris Two Cents is a column of wit and humor. This issue deals with spring break.

Baseball The UCO baseball team starts off strong i in a threegame sweep of NebraskaKearney.




Four new maned wolf pups were born recently at the OKC zoo. The pups are in the nursery.

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