The Vista March 25, 2004

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Celebrating 100 Years American Democracy




UCOSA election deadline nears ■ Filing forms are due at 5 p.m. March 26. Perks include a $3,500 scholarship and a faculty parking permit. by Lauren Pulsinelli Staff Writer Those interested in running for president or vice president of the UCO student association, need to file as a candidate by 5 p.m. March 26. An election committee of three people was assembled to revise the rules for candidates. Kristin Van Nort, current vice president, was voted to be on the election committee by Senate Pro Tempore Amy Dunaway. "She has been through it all. She was there when the rules changed for online voting," Dunaway said. The other members of the election

Campus Announcements

committee are Kim Smith, elected by year. One change is that only two flyers current President Kate Thrift, and for candidates are allowed per bulletin Speaker of the House Joe Garvey, board. This was put in place so as not to appointed by himself. clutter the board for other student orgaVan Nort is allowed to be on the elec- nizations. tion committee since The entries placed in the she is not running for deposit box in the UCOSA re-election. office are open to view. As of • For filing forms, log on Technically, officers to UCONNECT and click Wednesday, there was one can run again and since the Leadership tab, or go entry for vice president and Kate Thrift is a junior, to Room 148 of the Nigh one entry for president. University Center. she could run again. "The more people that The House voted run, the better. We need an yesterday to approve the actual race and good voter rules proposed by the election commit- turnout," Dunaway said. tee. To qualify, students need a minimum Dunaway said that the rules are basi- 2.0 grade point average and they must cally the same as the online rules last follow the student code of conduct

by Lauren Pulsinelli Staff Writer The UCOSA election commission will hold elections nine days before the Constitution states elections are to be held. Constitutionally, the elections are to be held the second week in April. Any change in the constitution requires a student vote, but a student vote hasn't taken place.

■ Current students, incoming freshman and transfer students are encouraged to apply for the Fern Brown Memorial Scholarship. Application forms are available in the Office of Prospective Student Services/Scholarships, room 136 of the Nigh University Center. Applications are due April 1.

■ Free income tax help will be available from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Saturdays through April 13 in Room 347 of Thatcher Hall. For information on what to bring, contact Dr. Mary Sheets at or call 974-2834. ■ Nomination forms for student organization Sponsor of the Year arc now available for download at . The award will be presented April 15. Applications are being ■ accepted for participation in the 2004 "Speaking in Tongues" annual poetry event. The event will be from 7 to 9:30 p.m. March 31 at the UCO Jazz Lab. Call 974-5647 for more information.

•2.0 grade point average *Work 20 hours a week during fall and spring semesters • Follow Student Code of Conduct required for all student organizations For a complete listing of duties and responsibilities are located at: http://bronze.ucok.eduicampuslife/UCOSA.

"The problem this creates is less time for people to debate issues," said Nicholas Harrison, who is running for vice president. UCOSA President Kate Thrift said that the election committee did not realize the constitution rules. "I believe elections will be held April 14th as provided in the constitution," she said. Members of the UCOSA election committee were unavailable for comment.

Renovations to Wantland to add more amenities

■ If you would like to work with UCO Representatives on new student recruitment, attend college fairs, give tours of campus and visit your old school, then you should apply to become a member of the UCO Student Ambassadors. Applications are available in the Office of Prospective Student Services/Scholarships, room 136 • of the Nigh University Center. Deadline to apply is April 5. For more information, call 974-2727.

■ Students, staff and faculty will volunteer in the local community from noon to 4 p.m. Deadline to register is 5 p.m. April 9. For more information, call 974-2621 or email .

•Any classification

UCOSA election board overlooks regulations

Welcome, spring

■ Major League Soccer will hold its second exhibition game at UCO April 10. General admission tickets for the game between Dallas Burn and Kansas City Wizards are on sale at the Bursar's Office for $10. An exhibition game between UCO and ORU will be at 10 a.m. that same day.

■ The annual Liberal Arts symposium, "Passport to Knowledge," will be held April, 14 in the Liberal Arts Building. Student organizations can bring representatives, do an exhibit or pass around material. For more information, call Linda McDonald at 974-5635 or email .

required by any student organization. Students can be of any classification. UCOSA officers are required to work 20 office hours a week during the fall and spring semesters. They receive a $3,500 scholarship and a faculty parking permit. All candidates must attend the candidate meeting at 5 p.m. March 26. Campaigning cannot begin until after the candidate meeting. The election will be held from 12:01 to 11:59 p.m. April 5 on UCONNECT. Filing forms are available on the Leadership Central tab of UCONNECT, and the UCOSA offices located in Room 148 of the Nigh University Center.

UCOSA Requirements

by Harry D. Gatewood III Student Writer

Photo by Justin Avera

Trees blossom around Old North this week. The first day of spring was March 20. Temperatures are expected to be in the 70s and 80s throughout the next week.

A $3 student facility fee approved by the student body last spring will allow further renovations on Wantland Stadium to begin May 1. Since the last upgrade of Wantland Stadium, UCO has had a 108-percent increase in fan turnout compared to two years ago. The renovations will be completed in two phases during the next 18 months. The first phase will include adding seating for approximately 12,000 people on both east and west sides. The second phase will be the building of a new press box as well as adding surrounding fencing, new concession stands and bathrooms. The renovations could draw many

events to UCO such as state football playoffs, championship games, concerts, Fourth of July celebrations and graduation ceremonies and Major League Soccer games. "This will make a strong and bold statement that UCO is a strong player in the vibrant and affluent Edmond Community, as well as help us contend in being the 'University of Choice' in Oklahoma by the turn of the decade," said Athletic Director Bill Farley said. Farley said he feels that modernized facilities will always be a catalyst in attracting top talent and, ultimately, in winning championships. "The University of Central Oklahoma will have the best stadium compared to all other stadiums in the Lone Star Conference by far," Farley said.

Province, Tapia take nationals ■ Seniors Cole Province and Jason Tapia claim individual titles in NC AA Division II national championships. by Micah Gamino Sports Writer Cole Province and Jason Tapia won individual titles to keep UCO's tradition of greatness on the mat alive, even as the team fell short of a third straight NCAA Division II national championship. "I am proud of our guys," said 22nd year head coach David James. "We performed well enough to win it. We actually scored more points than we did last year when we won it. We just came up a little bit short this time." It finally became official, Province succeeded in his quest to become just the 14th four-time national champion in collegiate wrestling history, and the third in NCAA Division II. The senior captured the 133-pound title with a 6-3 finals victory over San Francisco State's Donald Lockett while helping his team finish No. 3 in the national tournament March 13 in Mankato, Minn. "Cole was already in an elite group," James said. "We are obviously very proud of Cole. He is one of the finest competitors I've been around. There's not enough to be said about what he's done for this program." Province broke a scoreless tie with an escape two seconds into the second period against Lockett, then got a takedown 15 seconds later to

take a 3-0 lead. Lockett then followed with a reverse at 1:17, but Province quickly broke loose to make it 4-2. But Lockett managed to come back with an escape to stay alive at 4-3 early in the final period. A takedown in the final two seconds of the historic match clinched Province's fourth national title and 28th straight win to finish the season 36-

1. Province won 74 of the last 75 matches of his career and was taken down only five times in the past two seasons, a span of 72 matches. His only loss was to the NCAA Division I national champion out of Iowa State. Senior Jason Tapia, a transfer from Southern Colorado who qualified for nationals last year but did not place, recorded his 20th fall of the season in defeating Pittsburgh-Johnson's John Burda to capture the crown at 174. Tapia got a takedown at 2:36 to take a 2-0 early lead before Burda escaped at 2:21. Tapia then decided to get the nonsense over with and pin the guy at the 1:35 mark to cap a dominating tournament performance and finish out the season with a 33-6 overall record. "Jason wrestled a good tournament and he wasn't gonna be denied this year," James said. "When a guy has 20 falls out of 33 wins, you Photo Services

see Wrestling, page 4

Cole Province takes down his opponent at the NCAA Division II national tournament March 13.

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