The Vista March 27, 2008

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March 27, 2008 www. thevistaonline. corn The Student Voice of the University of Central Oklahoma Since 1903

Bronchos lose in double OT

Kern to speak in Nigh Center by Andrew Knittle Editor in Chief

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Students and staff react as the UCO Men's Basketball team loses to Augusta State yesterday in double overtime. The Bronchos reached the NCAA Division II Elite Eight before losing 106-104. by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer

The UCO Men's Basketball team finished their run in the NCAA national tournament with a 106-104 loss against Augusta State in a tense double overtime war of attrition on March 26 in Springfield, Mass. UCO managed to score more points on Augusta State in the first half than any other team this season and led for the majority of the game. Augusta State took an early lead at the start of the game, which was quickly quashed by UCO who took a short lead that would persist for the entire game. The first half was primarily a back and forth, with the Bronchos unable to get more than a 10point lead on the Jaguars.

As intermission crept up, UCO began to pull ahead slightly, but Augusta State began to creep ahead, closing within three points of the Bronchos. At the last second, forward Lance Harper dunks the ball in to bring the score to 43-38. After the break, UCO had a bit of trouble, with the Jaguars getting within two points of UCO. For the first seven and a half minutes, UCO couldn't break the 10-point barrier, but all of that changed when UCO took an 11-point lead with 13:20 remaining in the game, which was the largest deficit for the game at that time. UCO's lead continued to grow a bit, reaching an apex of 14 points over Augusta state. However, late in the

half, the Jaguars rallied back, pressing hard upon the Broncho's scant lead. In the last minute, Augusta state broke UCO's lead to a single point. While forward/ guard Sam Belt managed to make a two-pointer with 20 seconds remaining, the Jaguars managed to knock UCO's lead back to one and were able to force a foul out of the Bronchos. With two free throws, Augusta State scored one, but missed the other, forcing the game into overtime when regulation ended with an 83-83 stalemate. In the extra frame, Augusta State took their first lead since the beginning of the game, but the Bronchos, who took the lead with a pair of threes and pressed onwards, quickly

squashed it. For a bit, UCO led by five points, but the Jaguars began to pull ahead with the extra five minutes ending in another stalemate, this one 95-95. In the second overtime, Augusta State took control, leading UCO for the entire final minutes. While UCO was able to fight the entire time, getting within a single point of Augusta State's lead, the school's first trip to the Final Four was not in the Broncho's destiny for 2008. Seniors Belt, guard John Neal and guard Brian Walker each played their final collegiate games of their career. Head Coach Terry Evans was not available for comment as of press time, as he was leading his team in Springfield.

Rep. Sally Kern, now somewhat famous for her remarks about gays and the group's "agenda," will speak at 7 p.m. tonight in room 312 of the Nigh University Center, according to a release from the College Republicans here at UCO. During the lawmaker's visit Kern will spend time "setting the record straight on some of the untruths the Rep. Sally Kern media has been spreading and explaining the reasons for her remarks," the release stated. Some of Kern's contro- decades," she said. "I honestversial comments about gays, ly think it's the biggest threat which have seen her vilified our nation has, even more so in the press and made the leg- than terrorism or Islam." islator the target of thousands A former teacher, Kern of angry phone calls and e- also claimed in her speech mails, are as follows: that schools aren't focusing — "The homosexual agen- on "facts" so much as they're da is destroying this nation." trying to "indoctrinate" the — "Not everybody's life- state's children into believing style is equal, just like not all the gay lifestyle is an acceptreligions are equal." able one. —"It's not a lifestyle that's Kern's comments, made good for this nation." before a group of local repub— "According to God's licans, were secretly taped word, that is not the right kind and posted on YouTube where of lifestyle. It has deadly con- it has been viewed more sequences for those involved than a million times. The in it." Victory Fund, a Washington — "Gays are infiltrating D.C.-based group that procity councils." vides assistance to openly gay Kerns went on to say political candidates across the that homosexuals and those nation, uploaded the video on engaged in the lifestyle expe- YouTube on March 6. rience more suicides, illnesses In the release, which didn't and higher death rates. go out to all UCO students, it The Arkansas native also states that only conservatives made comments about the and/or College Republicans potential pitfalls a nation or would be allowed to enter. civilization could face if it The release also states that accepts gays and lesbians. "protestors will not be toler"Studies show that no soci- ated." ety that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few

Disability Awareness Faculty artist featured in statewide exhibit to begin next week by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer

by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

UCO will hold the sixth annual Disability Awareness Week March 31. The event is designed to educate and inform the community about the different barriers faced by people living with various disabilities. This year's DAW theme is "www.I'mAware.RU?." The event will feature various activities like free interactive challenges, health screenings and food each day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Broncho Lake. "We want to put students in the shoes of students with disabilities to further incline them with what having a disability is like," said Students for Accessible Society president Garret Johnson. Johnson said SAS is

Mon. through Thurs. at 5 p.m.

designed to help support other organizations and their needs dealing with disability services. "We want to work as a support group for students with disabilities. We want them to know if they have any problems they can come to us at anytime and we'll try and help them out any way we can," Johnson said. The learning disability challenges include an interactive blind maze on Monday. Participants will be blindfolded and will try and attempt to navigate through a maze filled with different barriers like trashcans and tables using only their other senses and a cane. Also on Monday, the Lions Mobile Health Unit will provide free screenings to the

see DAW, page 6

Photo Provided

The works of UCO Faculty artist Joseph Daun are featured at the Untitled Artspace, located at 1 NE 3rd St. in Oklahoma City.

"No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love. The only queer people are those who don't love anybody." -Rita Mae Brown

In memorial of Woody Caddis,

founder of UCO's photography program



What you will see are two types of desks that might seem odd at first, one that is able to tly and another that is gasoline-powered, but they are really reflections of artist and UCO professor Joseph Daun's work that is currently being featured in the Art 365 exhibition. Daun's work is featured along with six other artists from across the state at the Untitled ArtSpace, located at 1 NE 3rd St in Oklahoma City. "It's kind of like a portable office; it includes a computer with a monitor," he said, describing his gasoline-powered desk. Daun said "you can sit down on the bike and pedal and the wings on the desk actually go up and down."

see ARTIST, page 7


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CAMPUS QUOTES: Compiled and photographed by Chris Albers and Alex Gambill

"What did you do for Spring Break?" "I went to Eureka Springs and hiked around Lake Leatherwood."

Heather Latham Nutrition Senior

"I went to Texas. I learned how to play Guitar Hero."

Sarah Harkness Nutrition Senior

"I went to Dallas for Six Flags."

Ilona Fachira Finance Junior

"Nothing, I stayed home and slept."

Brahim Boubacar Computer Science Junior

"Stayed at home and relaxed."

Cartoon by Jared Aylor

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Well, I read a transcript of Ms. Kern's edifying diatribe against homosexuals, and I am astounded at the amount of scientific information contained therein. Who knew that homosexuals have a shorter lifespan than heteros? Somebody should tell that to Elton John and Senator Larry Craig. Also, apparently if a society embraces homosexuality, their moment in the sun will only be a few decades, according to some studies that Ms. Kern has perused in detail. I imagine that ancient Rome, Greece, Assyria, Babylon, the cultures of Canaan, and Hollywood were not included in these studies. And who would've thought that a gay teacher is far more dangerous than a crazed theocrat with a dirty bomb strapped to his chest in the middle of subway station? I always thought that all men were created equal, but according to Ms. Kern not all lifestyles are equal and certainly not all religions are equal. Which brings me to my next point: Islam. Yes, Islam is a threat to America. Not extremist Islamic terrorists, no sir. Islam itself. So we have homos and muslims, oh my, and we are screwed, no? And lastly, she talks about gay people infiltrating the political landscape. I mean, heterosexual people get elected, but gay people infiltrate. Dear close-minded transparent Sally Kern, I don't blame you for your bigoted views in the face of such collosal misinformation taking space in your brain. After all, I would not blame a person in a coma for wetting the bed, would I? Steven Joseph Rotolo As a gay Christian and a Republican from Iowa, I do appreciate seeing this article and I think you are right on. I don't think all Republicans and/or Oklahomans think the same as of Sally Kern. And its really put those people in their defense mode because she has also offended her voters, gay or straight. I am gay but :in the closet" and its people like her that scare me to death because hate crimes are so prevalent for homosexuals, among other races, religions, etc. But the suicide rate is higher among gay teenagers because of their fear of hate crimes and 40% of homophobia is stemmed from the church. As a "closeted gay" that is a Christian in a "red" county of Iowa, it is hard to go to church without thinking the congregation "knows" about my sexuality. I had so much stress riding on my shoulders last Sunday, I ended up leaving church in tears. Because I know people know. Its scary, yet I find my self a good person and I try so hard to treat others the way Jesus would. I don't understand why or how she came up with her "stats" but she is very much misinformed and perhaps deep down, shes afraid of her own sexuality... I've lost complete respect for her and with seeing no apology in the future, well, it will haunt her forever. Sad to say, but Sally, just do it and do it for the right reasons. Jesus loves me and Jesus loves you... do your reasearch lady! I'm not a terrorist, I am not associated with Islam and I sure am not trying to "influence" my lifestyle on my 6 year old God Daughter... she doesn't even know or care anyway, she loves me for who I am to her... her "Zsu Zsu" and that my friend, is

THE VISTA Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5548 • Editorial


Andrew Knittle, Editor in Chief No Lupov, Managing Editor Alex Gambill, Copy Editor

Chris Albers, Photo Editor Brenda O'Brian

Advertising Matt Garman Secondary Education Sophomore

"I did absolutely nothing and loved it."

News Justin Langston, Senior Staff Writer Nelson Solomon, Staff Writer Jana Davis, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo, Staff Writer Jordan Richison, Staff Writer Carrie Cronk, Staff Writer Megan Lee, Staff Writer Laura Hoffert, Staff Writer

Keith Mooney, Ad Director Garrett Johnson

Cartoonist Jared Aylor

Administrative Assistant Treca Berlemann

Sports Jeff Massie

Adviser Julie Clanton

Devione Harris Music Education Senior

Design Steven Reckinger

what matters to me, loving me for who I am. God Bless you Sally. Susan The name of Macadonia should not have anything wrong if there was not the known hidden history behind it and the different "historians" who have changed the real history and are still trying to do this. Read a comment that is going around among Greeks and other sincere honest groups. "for those that seek a name for " macedonia ". the name of the area before world war ii was vardarska. the name macedonia was given to them by their leader known as tito. a few notes for those who do not know. 1. alexander the great and his teacher aristotle spoke hellenic. not any slavic language. 2. the rnacedonian capital was pella. not skopje. 3. alexander's sister was called thessaloniki. not solun like the slav(e)s call it . 4. voukefalas was alexander's horse. not a zastava. so , vardarska it is and stop playing with the real macedonians. we've had enough with this joke." If I comment on that, I would have to say, why they don't choose one of the names that USA mediator Mr. Nimits proposed? why they are so persistent on something that is so much embarrassing to their neighbors Greeks who by the way run the 80% of their business and are so stubern? The mutually accepted solution as our Country and the UN are proposing is always the best for good neighbors. Peter Kikareas What exactly do you mean when you say that Macedonia was recognized as a sovereign country in 1992? Please get your facts straight. It was recognized as FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. It was never recognized as "Macedonia". Greece will not accept their constitutiinla name Republic of Macedonia (which Tito had the "idiotic" idea to establish back in the days of the USSR rule of Eastern Europe. The name of that region was not Macedonia before Tito. Hoe would you feel if some other country decides to name itself United States of America? Your suggestion for the Greeks to get over themselves is absurd. It shows ignorance of the history of the region and total disrespect for Greece's legitimate right to protect its territories from any future claims by FYROM to the region that is called Macedonia in Greece, that is the birthplace of Alexander the Great and all Macedon Kings. There is only one Macedonia and that is the Greek Macedonia! Greece has already used their veto to FYROM's application to become a NATO member. And, unless FYROM chenges their "tune" the will note become a mamber of NATO. So, I would say that the Skopian (FYROM) government and its nationals better get over themselves that is if they want to join NATO! It is that simple... End of the story. Natasha

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ .

March 27, 2008


FUBAR returns to campus Conference focuses on ethics by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

UCO theatre department is putting on the student written play F.U.B.A.R this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Pegasus Theater located in the Liberal Arts building. Admission is free for everyone. F.U.B.A.R, which stands for fed up beyond all recognition, is a dark comedy about the different crisis situations that face students all throughout their college career. F.U.B.A.R. public relations' co-chair Garret Howerton said the production is going to show different aspects of college life in a unique way. "It is going to shed light on the different stresses students

go through like drinking, suicide and eating disorder in a comedy format," Howerton said. He said the idea of the play is for students to have a good time and laugh about the different stuff they experience everyday. "We want students to experience their real life in a comedy nutshell of the trag-

edies students experience," Howerton said. F.U.B.A.R. public relations' co-chair Kristen Poe said the show is student led. She said it will not only feature theatre majors, but also feature students who major in various subjects across campus. Poe said the show would start off with UCO Mass Communication professor Kole Kleeman singing a song about alcoholism. The show is for mature audiences and is rated R because of the adult content and materials featured in the show. For more information, contact Susan Parks, College of Arts, Media & Design marketing and promotions coordinator, at (405) 974-3774.

Ling to address opening by Carrie Cronk Staff Writer

On Monday, UCO students, faculty and staff will have an opportunity to listen to an internationally recognized journalist and former co-host of "The View." UCO's International Services Centre for Global Competency invited Lisa Ling to come speak as part of the opening celebration of the center. Dennis Dunham, ISCGC director said the center wanted to bring in a person who was internationally recognized and would speak about the value of global awareness. He said they chose Ling "because she's had such a wide variety of experiences." According to Ling's biography at www.kepplerspeakers,com, she has worked in television since she was 16 years old, when she hosted the

national teen magazine show "Scratch." Since then Ling has worked as a senior war correspondent, as a special correspondent for the Oprah show, has hosted the Oxygen Network series "Who Cares about Girls," and was the first woman to host National Geographic Explorer. On her own Web site,, Ling said, "I want to raise consciousness about issues and stories that don't always make the headlines. I believe that global awareness makes a person smarter and ultimately more human." Throughout her career she has traveled to over 24 countries covering issues such as the burning of brides of India, the Columbian drug wars, female suicide bombers and even a behind the scenes look at maximum security prisons in America.

Dunham said he hopes Ling's experiences in international travel will help "students realize the importance and the value of stepping out and becoming more connected globally," and will inspire them to look into educational opportunities for study tours, study abroad, and perhaps encourage them to enroll in foreign language courses. In addition to Ling, "Horseshoe Road" violinist Kyle Dillingham will also perform and discuss his international experiences. Dunham said Dillingham has traveled to approximately 30 countries performing his unique and eclectic style of music on the violin. . "He is the epitome in my mind of a globally competent young Oklahoman," Dunham said. "He has been transformed ... by the global world

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Dr. Frank M. Ochberg sits back while being introduced to speak March 13, at the Media Ethics for the 21st Century conference at the Nigh University Center Grand Ballroom. Dr. Ochberg is one of the nation's leading reseachers in Traumatic Stress Studies.

by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer

Dr. Frank Ochberg, founder of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma and an author of the original diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, highlighted the Media Ethics Conference held on March 13 and March 14 at UCO. The Department of Mass Communication hosted the conference and also featured Dr. Michael Bugeja, director of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa State University of Science and Technology. Ochberg focused on Oklahoma's role in the defining of PTSD, what the disorder actually is, what it means to be a first responder, and

Ochberg then explained how to cover trauma and tragthat The Oklahoman, after edy. He noted how the state's receiving the award, went on largest circulation newspa- to have a regional conference per, The Oklahoman, won the to address the issues relating Dart Award for Excellence to reporting about trauma and in Coverage of Trauma for victims. He said that "what came its work during the April 19, 1995 bombing in Oklahoma out of that was an outfit called the Dart Center for Journalism City. The Dart Awards recog- and Trauma." Ochberg stressed the need nize exemplary journalism on the impact of violence, crime, for journalists to work togethdisaster and other traumatic er and maintain the most basic events on individuals, fami- standards of journalism. "It takes a sense of the hislies or communities, accordtory of journalism to honor ing to . "That newspaper said, 'We the dignity of the field, to don't want to write about just work together to preserve what's dramatic, we want to journalistic values, and the tell the story about the people most important value is truth," who were affected,"' Ochberg Ochberg said. Discussing the history of said. He pointed out that the , the disorder, Ochberg said newspaper presented the ;, there was no diagnosis in the "human aspect of the story."

see LING, page 6

see ETHICS, page 6

Know a freshman or senior who is a true Broncho?

If so, nominate them for the

UCO Alumni Association's "Central Standout" Freshmen and Senior Awards

For more information and an on-line nomination form visit: Nominations due Thursday, April 3, 2008 Office of Alumni Relations (405) 974-2421

March 27, 2008

'Shutter:' another remake, another mediocre result by Laura Hoffert Staff Writer "Shutter" is a remake of a 2004 Thai movie of the same title. Like "The Ring" and "The Grudge," director Masayuki Ochiai doesn't supply the horrific thrills audiences expect. That's not meant to write the movie off, but instead redefine what's scary and why. The movie begins in Brooklyn, N.Y. at the wedding of Ben and Jane. When the couple returns to their apartment, Ben starts taking pictures of his new wife with one of the disposable cameras from the wedding. The camera is left at the apartment while they temporarily move to Japan for a new project Ben's shooting. The newlyweds have decided to spend their honeymoon in an isolated cabin in Japan, where Ben previously worked. While driving Jane becomes confused and asks her husband to check the map and see where she should go. While glancing between the map and the road she hits a young woman and their car spins off into a ditch, causing them to loose consciousness. The couple wakes up and searches for the girl while Ben complains about neck pain. The police tell them to go on to their cabin because no one has been submitted to the hospital and there isn't a body to be found. During the honeymoon Jane still battles with the thought of killing someone •while Ben tries to get her mind off of it by taking pictures together. However, Jane notices the photographs came back with mysterious white streaks, and

that the same oddities appear in Ben's expensive photo shoot. The movie moves slowly onward and Jane begins to think the streaks are actually a ghost after visiting a SpiritPhotography Magazine. Jane then believes it's the spirit of the girl she hit and pleads for Ben to go to a psychic with her so he can translate what the man thinks the streaks are. The psychic gets angry and obviously blames Ben for something but Jane, not knowing Japanese, follows her husband's advice and leaves. Just as in every other Americanized horror film, the pretty blonde girl decides to play detective all by herself. While doing so, she finds a picture of the girl from the crash, which was taken by Ben. Jane confronts her husband, he then starts to` eXiitain the girl's name was Megiiini and confesses they were in a short-term relationship. He goes on to tell her that he complained to his two friends, Bruno and Adam, and that they told her to leave him alone. The couple goes to search for Megumi and they find her decomposing body after she drank bottles of potassium cyanide. Meanwhile Bruno calls Ben to explain that Adam is in the hospital. All the while, Ben's neck is still causing him pain. Here's where the movie starts to get a bit lame. Adam invites a hostess he met over to his apartment to do some "modeling," while she poses he notices the same white streaks appearing in his camera's viewfinder. He hesitates then presses the shutter and

Like "The Ring" and "The Grudge," director Masayuki Ochiai doesn't supply the horrific thrills audiences expect. the glass from his viewfinder explodes into his eye and he is killed. After Ben and Jane hear about Adam's death, they begin to wonder why Bruno isn't at the hospital and they go to his apartment just in time to find shredded pictures of Megumi and to witness his suicide.

Ben later tells Jane that Megumi's funeral will be in three days and after that they can leave to go back home to New York. The night before the funeral, they stay in a hotel and, of course, Megumi follows along. She does all sorts of eerie things, none of which are horrifying, she looks at him while he sleeps,

gets in bed with him, appears in the bathroom minor, uses his wife's hairbrush, all of which are extremely unsettling but bearable to watch. Megumi then kisses Ben with her really long, thin tongue, which slightly resembles a fruit-by-the-foot, which has collected some dust on it. Jane wakes up to see Ben gasping for air and tries to revive him. Megumi and Jane get into an awkward fight in the hotel curtains and it ends with Jane screaming, "He didn't love you." The ghost of Megumi disappears and Ben starts to breathe again. You would think it ends there, but no, it drags on for roughly 30 more minutes. They attend the funeral and go back to New York. While looking through the pictures Ben took on the disposable camera, Megumi is shown crawling closer and closer to Jane in every picture. Finally, it starts to get kind of scary and interesting. Jane notices Megumi crawling toward the closet where Ben keeps his equipment. She finds at the camera he used in Japan and takes out his memory card and inserts it into her Mac. She comes across pictures of Adam and Bruno holding a very frightened—looking Megumi. All the audience hears is the tapping and they see Jane's disgust intensify with each click. By the time Ben comes home Jane blatantly asks him what he did to her. Finally, Ben tells the truth, all the while rubbing his sore neck. Megumi and Ben were in a relationship, she was clingy and it got too be too much to handle. Adam had strong sleeping pills, which were slipped into Megumi's wine

during a dinner Ben planned for her. To make sure Megumi would leave Ben alone, the three friends decide to take compromising photos of her so if she tries to contact Ben again he could blackmail her with the pictures. Things got out of hand, and Adam and Bruno raped Megumi all the while, Ben takes pictures then walks away. Realizing Megumi was trying to warn her, Jane walks out on Ben leaving him to deal with Megumi's wrath. Grabbing his Polaroid camera Ben starts taking pictures of the apartment, trying to find Megumi and then throws the camera down in frustration. The camera spins away but points toward him and goes off, revealing the source of his neck pain is due to Megumi sitting on his shoulders and haunting him everywhere he went. Symbolically meaning the guilt of •allowing her to be raped by his friends has been weighing heavily on his shoulders. To get her away, he attaches a high-voltage photography light to his neck and tries to commit suicide. Although he lives through it, he is now in a mental institution. While slumped over with his neck to his chest, a nurse gives him an injection and while leaving the reflection from the door shows Megumi's ghost still lingering on Ben's shoulders. The final scene is worth seeing the entire movie for. That 30 seconds is probably the most disturbing cinematic image I've ever seen. My best friend guessed Megumi's real story as soon as that Adamcreep started to talk, but no one was prepared for the ending.




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March 27, 2008


Semple hopes to bring professionalism to position by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer

Professionalism is what matters to John Stephen Bobb-Semple, one of two candidates vying for the role of Student Body President. Bobb-Semple is a junior marketing student and a senior political science student. Bobb-Semple said by voting for him UCO gets "four years of hard-hitting professional student advocacy and also three years of experience at the state capitol, lobbying for money for the General Higher Education Fund." "Because I've sat on the Council of Student Affairs, met with university presidents from across the state, because I have a professional relationship with Chancellor [Glen] Johnson of the entire state system, because I have relationships with the state legislature and student body leaders from across the state, I bring a certain element of professionalism to this position," he said. "If I get elected president, my number one goal is to increase the amount of students who get to have influence and a voice into what we do as a school," he said. Originally from New Orleans, Bobb-Semple's leadership experience started in the home, where he had to take the role of a leader for his three siblings. "That transferred into having a really great relationship with my dad," he said. His first opportunity to lead came at the age of 15 in the form of the Youth Development Committee, which published a newspaper

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

John Stephen Bobb-Semple

"Because I have relationships with the state legislature and student body leaders from across the state, I bring a certain element of professionalism to this position." -John Stephen Bobb-Semple

addressing student concerns in the public school system. Through that committee, a teen homeless shelter was saved, and the graffiti in the

bathrooms was removed. Bobb-Semple got involved in student government early and was a secretary at his first college, Tulsa Community

College. ternity was to "learn how to "I worked in regards to actually work with other peorecruiting students to come ple where you can't control there and each opportunity everything." presented a challenge and it One of his great concerns required someone to come is that even though he's on take the lead and regardless a leadership scholarship and of my experience. I knew involved with a Greek fraterhow to work with people and nity and generally connected motivate and coordinate the to things at UCO, that there efforts of fellow students," are a lot of students who he said. aren't. He feels that his work "You've got 16,000 stuwith the Oklahoma Student dents on a campus that maybe Government Association is two to three thousand are actuhis greatest accomplishment ally represented," he said. as a leader. "My greatest accomplish"We helped to get a $500 ment to see that net expand million bond issue passed and to see an overall revthe first year I was involved, olution in the way we see which was huge, but then those students who aren't we had lost the support of involved and to reach them in our student base because they a way that they've never been didn't feel that they under- reached before," he said. stood us," he said. He said he wants to see After running for and what students think, ask becoming president, he what's important to them. He helped increase the number thinks some of the challenges of institutions in the organiza- at UCO can be addressed by tion from 12 to 27. engaging all students across "I look at that as my campus. greatest accomplishment "Vice President [Steve] because a lot of people said Kriedler and many of the it couldn't be done, a lot of folks on campus are really people had their own precon- interested in seeing someceived notions, and so I think thing happen," he said, disthrough my leadership and cussing the idea for a student my team's efforts, we were union on campus. able to unite 27 institutions to "However, the administrafight for higher education," tion has its own ideas on what he said. it wants to do regarding a Bobb-Semple said his student union, and until they weakest point as a leader has coordinate that and let stubeen the inability to lead from dents' voice into that, we're behind. just going to continue to col"I'll be so committed to lect information for that," he something, to seeing some- said. thing happen, that forget His campaign goals that there are folks I can work involve campus security and with; I don't have to be a the coming U.S. presidential maverick on my own," he election. said. Regarding campus safety, Bobb-Semple said part of Bobb-Semple wants to see a the reason he joined a fra- traffic light put at the inter-



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section of Bauman and Ayers to increase safety. "We want to increase the lighting on campus during night hours so that people can feel safe moving around late at night," he said. Regarding the approaching November elections, BobbSemple said he wants to see between now and then around 2,000 to 3,000 students registered to vote. In order to make his goals happen, Bobb-Semple wants to "create a survey and polling function in UCOSA." "It's a lofty goal to want to engage more students, but this is how we want to do it: have a UCOSA officer solely responsible for going to students constantly and finding out what's important," he said. "So when we're asking for an increase in student fees to get something built on campus or something like that, we want to be able to have a vehicle behind it and say 'we actually talked to students and they are represented here, he said. Bobb-Semple feels that if elected, "this experience will connect him to students to build relationships with students who are excited about their time at UCO." He made a comparison to how if a student attends Harvard University, they're known for receiving a "Harvard" education. His goal is that 20 years from now, students will be proud of receiving an "elite leadership university education from UCO."

March 27, 2008

ETHICS from page 3 `60s when he was a resident at Stanford University or in the '70s when he was a member of the National Institute of Mental Health. "We didn't have clinics for it, we didn't have a name for it," he said. Leaders in psychiatry and psychology put together their experience and wisdom for the first time from working with women who had been battered or raped, according to Ochberg. "There wasn't a perfect overlap, but there was a common chord of experience and the first part that was common was that there was an inescapable echo of the event," he said. "They didn't want to have to think about it," he added. Victims in the first part tend to feel less than human, Ochberg said. And when the original horrific event keeps coming back to the victim, it qualifies as the first part of PTSD, Ochberg said. The second part of PTSD involves feeling numb and cut off, Ochberg said. Victims tend to avoid things that used to be a source of pleasure. "This makes a person make voluntarily separate themselves from someone else," he said. Ochberg said he thinks journalists help victims by writing stories about those who went through traumatic events. "We're not trivializing their experience, treating it as some kind of symbol, we're helping them communicate. I don't believe it's the journalist' • $q bu reactt Ochberg stressed the need for journalists to focus on the victims while doing their jobs. "We need to humanize as we keep the professional ethics of the field," he said. Ochberg then explained three levels of stories about victims and trauma. Act one stories simply tell that something horrific hap-

pened, without the need for embellishment, as the story speaks for itself. Act two stories focus on the victim or some human being who moves through the event and survives, and details the stages of trauma and recovery. Act three stories are the most disturbing of the types, and take generations to develop. An example would be stories about the Holocaust, Ochberg said. Presentations were also made by faculty in the department, including a discussion on victims and the media led by Drs. Kole Kleeman and William Hickman. Kleeman focused on the problem of "revictimization in both print and broadcast journalism." He referenced work by William Cote and Roger Simpson, who argue that "there is a tendency to emphasize the crime or the event rather than the punishment or outcomes, including the often forgotten victims of horrific events." He referenced two case studies, at-the-scene reporting at the Columbine High School shooting and the Matthew Shepard hate crime. "In both cases, revictimization is evident in the careless way these tragedies were reported and photographed," he said. Kleeman pointed out as an example that media coverage of the Columbine incident produced both fact and error. A major issue was the linkage of the shooters and the trench coat mafia, "which was wrong, but the phrase appealed to journalists and editors grasping for a quick explanation of the killings," Kleeman said. "Getting the death toll wrong. and explaining an__ event by an ineerrect catchphrase like 'trench coat mafia' is harmful to victims and their grieving families," he said. He argued the side effects of such careless reporting practices include the "incendiary remarks made by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) that `we don't need gun control, but we need God control" or Sen. Joseph Lieberman (IConn.) blaming the shootings on Marilyn Manson."

Woody Gaddis dies at 72 by No Lupov Managing Editor

Sitting in the photo lab in the Communication building with his right hand rubbing his forehead, Stephen Hughes, Photographic Coordinator, remembered Woody Gaddis as a passionate photographer with enormous experience. At the age of 72 the founder of UCO photography program died Monday of cancer in Edmond. Haskell, or Woody as he preferred to be called, started his career as a copy boy in the Tulsa Daily World in 1955 for $35 a week. After gaining experience as a photographer he worked for Hopkins Photography Company, which was largest in the state at the time. "He wasn't a theory professor," Hughes said. "Every project we had he did it with us." He was inducted into the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame in 2005. Woody's former students are very suc-

LING from page 3 and his music reflects it." Dunham said Dillingham has learned numerous cultural styles of music during his travels, including Arabic, Gypsy, French, Chinese and

'The Bank Job,' entertaining fare by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer The Brits can do crime movies with certain flair and charm that the rest of the world seems to lack. Maybe it's the charm of the hero speaking in a delightful cockney accent, or maybe London carries a bit of darkness and blue-collar hopelessness that lends itself to such an evocative style of crime drama. Whatever the reason, "the Bank Job" based on a reallife bank robbery from 1971, is just another one of those stylish and cool crime dramas from across the pond. "The Bank Job" starts when Princess Margaret is photographed having a romp down in the Caribbean. The photographer is Michael X, a Malcolm X wannabe who's really more of a gangster than political activist, and he's using the photographs to keep himself from the reach of the law, which he keeps in a private safe deposit box in an innocuous London bank. It doesn't hurt that most of Scotland Yard is as corrupt as the cops from Gotham City. MI-5, tired of putting up with Mr. X's crap decides it's going to get its hands on the pictures, but they can't. An up and comer in the ministry is brought in to handle the situation, and he enlists his mistress, Martine, who he freed from a drug bust, to round up a posse to steal the photos. She rounds up her childhood friend Terry and his gang, all of whom are from the poorer districts of London to make the score. From there, it's a pretty typical crime movie. There's a plucky cast of likeable aff-or whom are down onVieir luck and soineWliat benevolent, and they're all members of the standard robbing party: the old trickster, the gadget guy, the hot chick, the level headed leader and the two idiots. What's cool about the "Bank Job" is that the robbery, which is pretty intense in and of itself, is only about half the movie. The other half is trying to get away with the crime. In most crime movies, the heroes are so smart; they've already planned that step. This group of thieves is more concerned with getting the money and getting out of the poor streets of London than actually getting away with the crime. The thieves are convinced they'll get away Scott free, but since MI-5 knows exactly who's in on the robbery and where it's going to go, getting away is

JOB II*. "VIM Irtaigt* 00#414. **M1300,,,:44 Am, rt,4g oloaftrIsswA.. ,

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almost impossible. There are a lot of plot threads hors-a 4. mcfb. Am, few subploK 'Whileit's a lot to take in at first, the movie does an excellent job of balancing all of the different plots and tying them together. It's a good thing that all of the different subplots tie directly into the reason for the main plot even existing, something that's rare for movie writers to remember. Unfortunately, the movie is extremely formulaic. It's not really a bad thing, but the movie doesn't really try to break away from the standard crime drama mold. Granted, there's the whole part about getting away with the crime to begin with, but it's just the logical extension of this type of movie. There are also a few scenes that are plain superfluous. For instance, the scenes with Gale, the undercover MI-5 agent are so under developed,



cessful, Hughes said. "He wanted us to be ten times the photographer he was." "What I love about his teaching is his experience that he passed on to his students and his own love for photography. He always had his camera," said Mark Zimmerman, photography instructor. Gaddis retired from UCO in 2007. He had planned to freelance.


that, while important for the overall plot, seem to be added

for The movie also tries to force a love story between Martine and Terry, which comes off as stilted and forced. Terry spends the whole movie questioning how trustworthy Martine really is, and he still has no problem sleeping with her, even after he's figured that she's not completely on the level. This is made worse by the fact that the rest of the movie, both before and after the pair has sex, portrays Terry as completely in love with his wife. Indeed, the entire reason he gets involved with the robbery in the first place is to give her a better


life than she has. While the acting is good, its 7:wall as ,tlie,t4Miptftlid intittie, it simply hK ar ffie right notes and doesn't try to do anything new with them. While it's hard to fault such a good movie for not being ambitious enough, that's the main problem of "the Bank Job." It really could have been a bit more and it's not, which is really the major failing of the movie. It's good, and makes for an excellent popcorn movie, but it's not something with the depth of say "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels."




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Korean. Dillingham earned a degree in violin performance from Oklahoma City University, and at the age of 17 he played bluegrass music on the "Grand Ole Opry" in Nashville, Tenn. Ling and Dillingham will speak at 2 p.m. on Monday in Constitution Hall in the Nigh University Center.


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March 27, 2008

ARTIST from page 1 "Except you're not really getting anywhere," he said with a chuckle. The wingspan on the flying desk is 24 feet, Daun said. "All of my projects start with ideas that are self-referential," he said, explaining his process. Daun was chair of the art department when he was formulating these ideas. "I was struggling to do the best I could with all the administrative duties," he said. "You drive it [the desk] with a tiller and you have to push the tiller in the opposite direction of where you want

DAW from page 1 community for different ailments like diabetes, glaucoma, blood pressure, vision, hearing and bone density. On Tuesday, students can participate in the hearing challenge. The challenge will involve participants wearing sound-proof headphones while attempting to complete common tasks like purchasing a book from the bookstore and getting homework assignments using alternative communication methods. The DAW activities will conclude on Wednesday with the wheelchair challenge. In this challenge, participants

Director of DiverseWorks, based in Houston, TX. "She met with the artists four different times to talk about their work and to produce the work, and now this exhibit is a culmination of all that," Daun said. Daun said all the artists had to apply to be juried into the competition. Over 150 artists applied and went through a jurying process. "It's just a really great opportunity and really great for Oklahoma, and I hope that people can come out and enjoy the exhibit," he said. Daun said the exhibition will travel to different spaces in Tulsa, and then Iowa. Following that, components of it will then go to Houston. "By traveling out-ofstate, it's a way of promoting Oklahoma artists outside of Oklahoma," he said.


The other featured artists are Betsy Barnum from Edmond, Sarah Atlee from Norman, Ashley Griffith from Oklahoma City, and Liz Roth from Stillwater. A collaboration effort called "Live4This"features Darshan Phillips and Aaron Whisner from Tulsa. Daun graduated from Florida State University in 1990 with a Bachelor's in Fine Arts and earned a Master's in Fine Arts with an emphasis in photography and sculpture from the University of Texas San Antonio in 1994, according to an article in an OVAC publication, Art Focus Oklahoma. He recently stepped down as .chairman of the art department to concentrate more fully on his artwork and teaching.

to go, so you gotta freak out," he said. Daun compares that experience with being an administrator, when "you're trying to make good decisions, and make them really quickly, you're getting to that borderline of losing control." Daun said the other piece was more hopeful. "I think the flying desk was me trying to balance my life of being an administrator and an artist, in terms of being able to dream and to really be creative, it was really a challenge in that administrative atmosphere," he said. "Also, if you look at greater society, you see a competitive atmosphere; think of the motorized desk, you always need a faster computer than your friend has, there's that competition. Yet, all of that stuff is really kind of hallow,"

he said. Daun said he thinks the big thing is to "slow down a little and enjoy the gifts we're given every day; we should realize the value of the friends we have and the time that we spend with them." "Instead of competing and trying to fit this model of what other people say we should be, we should really try more to enjoy what we've been given," he said. Art 365 is a new exhibition created by the OVAC to give Oklahoma artists an opportunity to create innovative artwork in collaboration with a national curator, according to their Web site. The selected six artists each received a $10,000 honorarium. Daun said the idea behind the exhibition title is "art 365 days a year." "The further idea is to have

a more critical basis for artists exhibiting their artwork. It's important the curator work closely with artists," he said. Daun said this kind of exhibit is something Oklahoma's been lacking. "With a lot of exhibits, artists basically say 'here's my work,' whereas now there is a great emphasis from OVAC to explain the artwork," he said. Daun said he thinks this exhibition is really a big deal and noteworthy. "If you just look at the direct cost of the artists, that's almost $60,000 that just went to them. So this is a program that probably has a budget of close to $100,000, which is unheard of in Oklahoma in terms of contemporary art," he said. The guest curator is Diane Barber, Co-Executive

will attempt to maneuver a wheelchair through a maze, which will be set up to meet the minimum Americans Disability Act accessibility guidelines. Johnson said they want students to go through all of the events so they can realize exactly how it is to be disabled and what disabled students actually go through. DAW is also offering a $100 dollar gift to the sorority or fraternity who has the greatest participation during the week. Each sorority or fraternity member who participates can sign in under their sorority so they can get them participation points and the winning group will be based on the highest percentage calculation. The winning sorority or fraternity will be

informed the week of April 7. Organizers are hoping for a great turnout in hope that these disability experiences will lead to greater understanding. "Whether it is themselves, a parent, a brother or a sister, 90 percent of all college students will be affected by disabilities in the next 20 years," said Kimberly Fields, assistant director for UCO's Disability Support Services. All DAW events and activities are free and open to students. For attendance accommodations or for further information regarding participation and volunteering, visit www.ucok. edu/disability_support/dse . htm or call (405) 974-2516.

Jesus House offers haven for homeless, mentally ill

www.thevistaonline corn Photo by Jana Davis

Susan Young, a resident of the Jesus House, fulfills her duties as the front desk receptionist on Saturday, March 15 in Oklahoma City. by Jana Davis Staff Writer

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The student Development Transcript Graduating or looking for a great internship? Find out how the Student Development Transcript can highlight your time here at UCO by compiling all of your activities, community service, leadership and overall involvement on a single document!

Monday,. March 31st 12 Pint NUC 314 Hosted by: Greg Parker, Student Organizations Coordinator

It's 2 p.m. and faint snoring is the only sound in the room. Bunk beds comfortably fill the space as light pours into the side of the dorm room through the frosted windowpane. Still a few sleep on. The room smells of stale smoke and ketchup. Clothes hang neatly from the side of the made-up bunk beds. A man reclines on his bottom bunk with crossed legs. He stares intently at his handheld television set with headphones wrapped around his head. Outside the room, a man sleeps on the floor facing the white wall. His head and body lay underneath a blanket, with only his cheekbone touching the air. The officer walks out of the dorm room and around the sleeping man. This is home, but only to a few. The yellow-bricked Jesus House at 1335 West Sheridan in Oklahoma City sits tucked behind green shrubs and awnings, offering the possibility of a new home and a fresh future. In what used to be the Orchard Park Catholic

School, the Jesus House now serves the hungry and homeless, but not just anyone can live there. A mental illness is the main requirement to reside at the shelter, said Sergeant Beto Balderama, an officer at the Jesus House for the past eight years. Balderama stands confidently in the middle of the hallway. "People come and go, but there will be some that live here forever," Balderama says. Downstairs, a few residents sit in the hallways. Some read, talk or walk around. They do this day in and day out, Balderama says. "But, there are a lot of success stories, too," Balderama says. In another room, 50-yearold Susan Young lights up a cigarette and takes a puff. "We can smoke in here," she says as she takes another. She smiles, wraps her jacket more tightly around her body and crosses her legs. Concerned for the people around her, she moves the cigarette down by her leg. "You guys don't mind if I smoke, do you?" she asks the people around her politely. With permission granted, she

relaxes. Young has lived at the Jesus House for the past six months. She has been an alcoholic for 25 years and came to the Jesus House for help and support. "I'm eight months sober. I haven't had even the urge to drink," Young says. "I'm very grateful to be sober." Young works as the receptionist for the house, answering phones and greeting visitors. She said her success is due to the support of her friends and counseling at the Jesus House. Young has been a nurse for 28 years and, like so many others, is on the path to recovery. "We do feel like we're family," Young said. She mentioned that residents in the house never fight or bicker with each other. Like the Jesus House, Young said the only way to get better individually is by helping others. Used mattresses and blankets line the hallways and floor. No food is ever wasted; no extra bed is ever empty. "Everything is run by donations," Balderama said.

see HOUSE, page 9


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March 27, 2008 EDMOND PRESCHOOL Looking for full-time teacher & part-time teacher aide. Contact 205-4299.

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March 27, 2008

sweep, mop or pick up trash. Balderama says everyone must participate in order to stay at the house. from page 7 A resident lights up a cigarette in the no smoking area "Nothing is paid for by the behind Balderama. state or government." The officer makes his way hi the kitchen, frozen peppast the resident and continby Nelson Solomon peroni and sausage pizza sit ues through the hallway. Staff Writer on pans waiting to be cooked. "We wear a grey shirt. It's Meals are served on a regular not black. It's not white. You Nate Burke is inviting all basis. Brunch and dinner are have to be flexible." UCO students to P.L.U.G. served on weekends, while into the university as a part breakfast, lunch and dinner of his campaign theme and are served Monday through overall theme for fall 2008 Friday.. Any donated food is and spring 2009. "P.L.U.G. is participation, leadership, unity, and growth," he said. "Leadership was my ticket to college," Burke said, describing his experience sculpture competition. "This is a unique concept with leadership. by Jordan Richison Two of the more popu- that UCO students will enjoy "I wasn't going to be Staff Writer lar events the teams will be seeing come to life," Schwab able to go to college unless Greek Week, one of UCO's competing in are the "Hero said. I had some way, and I found longest running traditions, will Challenge" and "Spring Sing" Schwab said Greek Week out about leadership scholtake place March 31-April 3 Friday night. is not just for Greek mem- arships, and I'm [working] across campus. Hero Challenge is a three- bers, but it is for the entire here through the President's The annual competition is part challenge consisting UCO community as well. Leadership Council," he said a weeklong event designed of Guitar Hero, Superhero She said one of the easiest at an interview in the PLC to unite Greek students with Trivia, and Eating Challenge. ways they can get involved office. one another and their great- It will take place Monday is showing up to the differBurke said "that it all starter community at large. The night at 7:30 p.m. inside the ent shows and competitions ed back in high school; I was 16 Greek organizations are Will Rogers room located on throughout the week. that typical high school kid divided up and placed in four the third floor of the Nigh "Each of these events are that did all kinds of stuff, like teams and those teams will University Center. really fun for our audience Student Body President and compete against each other "Spring Sing" will be members and it shows how lots of other organizations." during the week. Friday at 7:30 in Hamilton much effort our students put "I loved doing all that, but "Greek Week is a time for Field House. The competi- into performing and making also a lot of it was in hopes of students to learn about the tion is the finale to Greek the week exciting for every- getting some kind of scholardifferent organizations on Week and it will feature a one," Schwab said. ship, because I wasn't getting campus and learn about how 15-20 minute song/dance/skit She said another way any funding from my partheir community can work of original composition. The non-Greek students can get ents," he said. Nake Burke together to make it unique," show is designed to entertain involved is by participating And coming to UCO said Jessica Schwab, assistant the audience and showcase the in the community events like brought those hopes to reality director of Greek Life and diverse talents of each team. donating blood at the blood for Burke. Burke said his campaign's student organizations. Schwab added that they drive or bringing non-per"I got here, I got into the goal is to "connect every stuSchwab said even though would also crown a Greek ishable food items for the PLC, I work for President the organizations are partici- God and Goddess during "Can'struction" competition Webb; it's just been leader- dent to their passion so that pating to win points through- `Spring Sing" to the two stu- to the Greek Life office on ship courses and experiences, they can plug into what our out the week, they are also dents who have served Greek the second floor of the Nigh and that's been the basis of university has to offer and then when they can do that, being paired with organiza- life in a greater capacity University Center. my collegiate career here," not only are they going to tions they might normally throughout the year. "Non-Greek students can he said. grow and be better, but the have the opportunity to work Other events she mentioned show their support to the Burke emphasized his love university as a whole will be with. included the "Can'struction" Greek community and the for student government, speAmong the different corn- competition on Thursday efforts of Greek students by cifically here at UCO because better because of that." The ultimate goal, for petitions the organizations April3._ She saitheach. _ _coming and donating "our student government is Burke, is that students "will will be participating in include would build one structure to the organizations they've very unique to our student a ropes course, penny wars, using nonperishable food chosen to recognize through body; it's made up of both graduate with more than just a diploma because they have step show, hypnotist, blood items that will later be donated these events," Schwab said. student organizations and a deeper connection to our drive, canned food drive and to the Edmond Hope Center. what they do for us." university; they built relation"I've been a part of that ships and found something since freshman year, and I've that they've been able to been in both the Senate and invest themselves into." 0,..ftftw the House of UCOSA," he And that benefits the unisaid. Monday, March 31 versity because "when you're Burke said his campaign connected on a deep level to '-‘440a.z ,, Faculty & Staff Appreciation "is based off the experiences the university, you stay conthat I've had and the uni- nected and don't drop out of 1 Breakfast versity as a whole, with a school or transfer to some 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. broad perspective of things other university, they stay • Delivered to UCO Buildings that I've done, like with the because they have a reason Student Programming Board to stay." Ropes Course and WinterGlow and PLC." Burke believes the issues 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. He said all those experi- at UCO will be addressed if UCO Campus Ropes Course ences "have changed my life everyone is plugged into their and my perspective on every- passion. "Hero Challenge" thing." "Some people are really 7:30 p.m. / NUC Will Rogers The whole campaign passionate about parking, or comes down to the phrase, other issues, so if they pur"P.L.U.G. into UCO." sue that and get plugged in, Tuesday, April 1 Burke thinks those char- they'll find different avenues acteristics are "essential ele- like UCOSA and make those Order of Omega Penny Wars I ments of a united successful things happen," he said. Wear Your Letters I Blood Drive I active student voice." When students go to the God and Goddess Voting "Most importantly, it's that polls on April 9, Burke wants overriding concept of plug- them to think about who is 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ging into what our univer- best for this position. Hypnotist sity has to ,offer. It involves "I believe with my whole investing yourself into some- heart that I'm best for this 7:30 p.m. I Constitution Hall thing bigger than yourself," position at this time because Wednesday, April 2 he said. I'm running for Student Body Burke said that means President for no other reason Order of Omega Penny Wars / Wear Your Letters I Blood Drive I something different for every than that I love UCO," he God and Goddess Voting student, but "it exists for each said. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. person." Burke said he "knows "We all have something the aspects of UCO and has Stepshow that we love, something we're ekperienced it for three years, 7:30 p.m. I Constitution Hall passionate about. It can be and he has invested himself in your major, it can be with wholeheartedly into every journalism or photography aspect of the campus since Thursday, April 3 or anything. Everybody has arriving." Canned Food Drive and Sculpture Competition something that they love Burke said he has the doing," he said. experience that "puts me in a 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. / NUC, 2nd Floor


stored in a warehouse behind the Jesus House until used or distributed. "Here lately it's been the best soup kitchen," Balderama says. Often times people from the Salvation Army will come over and eat, but the Jesus House's concern is for its residents first, he says. "But we're not going to throw anything away," Balderama says assuringly. All of the officers encourage residents to be involved at the house. Some clean up after meals, while others


Burke invites students to P.L.U.G. into university

Greek Week starts March 31


e 11

by Vista photographer Brenda OBrian

position that I think prepares me best and I'm proud of that. I know I can take this position somewhere that it's never been before." Getting the opinions of the student is important, and he referenced the student body president from two years ago, Michael Goodman, who during his year found out what was important to students through surveys and related that to school officials. Burke said he wants to see an increase in public relations about UCOSA to the general body of UCO, "so they know what it is we do and how they can be part of that." When it comes to the hot issues such as guns on campus or a tobacco-free campus, Burke "wouldn't push for any direction, but I would push for everyone to let their voice be heard." "For example, I know that a lot of people have strong feelings about the smoking issue, and I respect that," he said. Burke said he thinks those who are concerned about such issues should get involved in the process. He said in order to improve community relations, he would like to see more community-friendly events. Burke feels that his greatest experience in leadership was being a founder and director for the first annual Broncho Showcase. "This was so great because I got to see something go from start to finish. It started as an idea that I really wanted to happen," he said. Now the event will be an annual tradition at the university every fall. Burke is a junior interpersonal communications student and plans to be a performance consultant.

Friday, April 4 Spring Sing 7:30 p.m. I Wantland Gym

vistaittedia@yahoo.coni 405/914-5918

10 March 27, 2008


Evans dominates, wins Golf team hosts, wins tourney second straight title by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

by Jeff Massie Sports Writer Collegiate wrestling is a unique sport. There's no professional level to dream about, you can see the end coming and it is inevitable. The pinnacle of the sport is a national championship, and you only get four chances. To even qualify for the national tournament you have to place at Regionals. For most people, their careers end with a loss. That was not the case for Kyle Evans. Evans earned his second consecutive national championship on March 15 and has recently been one of the most dominant grapplers in the storied history of UCO. The win didn't come easily. The narrow 3-2 decision that secured a national championship was never a sure thing. "I honestly didn't realize I had won until the ref blew the whistle and I looked at the clock. I was somewhat relieved and sad it was over since it was my last match ever," Evans said. It was the exclamation mark on an outstanding career that started four years ago when he beat out an AllAmerican to earn his starting spot. Evans is an Edmond product, he graduated from Edmond North High School where he earned a state championship his senior year. In his freshman year at UCO, after taking the starting spot, he went on to place sixth at Nationals. It would be the lowest finish of his career. After proving his merit in his inaugural year he upped his worth during his sophomore campaign. In this year he finished runner-up in the nation and took his place as an anchor in the Broncho lineup. Somebody you expect to win and are shocked when he doesn't. There were no shocks the following year. As a junior it was perfection — 39-0. He won his first national championship and cemented his place in the already rich UCO lore. The following year he suffered a couple of defeats early in the season and was held out of action during parts of the season due to injury. Not detoured by the setbacks

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Kyle Evans won his second consecutive national championship March 15. he continued to roll, all the way to a second national title. Going into the final period the score was tied at two. Evans was on bottom and needed to make something happen to come away with the win. With just 15 seconds ticking off the clock he got away from the clutches of his opponent. He fought him off and even almost managed another takedown as time got short. It only takes one to win, and that's what he got with a 3-2 score. It's been quite a career. One people can look back on and remember. When the team steps back on the mat next year, it's going to be with a new look. Losing such a weapon is hard to replace. If you question his dominance, check the stats. He holds a career record of 125-20 and has won 32 of those by either fall or tech fall. He's manhandled opponents both on his feet and down on the mat. He possesses a 287-46 edge in takedowns and an imposing 134-8 differential in near falls. It's a strange feeling when

a career comes to a close, and it can be hard to know what comes next. He's a general studies major and is considering a career as a teacher where maybe he can get into coaching. "I feel truly blessed to have been a part of such a tradition rich program and I have loved every minute of it and wouldn't have changed a thing," Evans said. "It's an unbelievable feeling [winning a national title] that's hard to describe, but it's a lifetime of work finally paying off. It's really amazing." Overall the team finished sixth and Nebraska-Kearney earned the top spot. The Bronchos had one other competitor place. Sophomore heavyweight Dustin Finn battled through his bracket but came up just short in the final match, losing 4-1. Finn also plays on UCO's football team, and perhaps we can look for an undefeated junior campaign with a pair of national titles if Evans' career is foreshadowing anything.

The UCO Golf team claimed it's second tournament title of the spring thanks to two birdies from Zach Cleland and Brent Cole on the first playoff hole Tuesday afternoon at the UCO/ KickingBird Classic. The Bronchos were tied with Midwestern State with a team score of 870 at the conclusion of 54 holes. The playoff started with all five players from each squad teeing off for one additional hole. The birdie efforts from Cleland and Cole were just enough to fend off the Mustangs, as UCO was able to finish its own tournament with a victory and a number of accolades. Colby Shrum finished as the individual medalist, firing a final day two-under par 68 to complete the 54-hole tournament with a one-over par total of 211. Baer Aneshansley, playing for UCO's "B" squad capped an impressive tournament with a two-under 68 to place second and Chance Tatum notched a third-place showing, carding rounds of 71-67-76. "This was a hard-fought victory and we really had to battle a number of great teams to earn this win," said UCO Head Coach Dax Johnson Johnson said this title was a total team effort. "All five players contribut-

Photo by Alex Gambill

Sophomore Dax Clark hits the ball on the fairway on the first hole Monday, March 24 at the KickingBird Classic. UCO finished first with 870. ed throughout the tournament and we played some great golf over the final 36 holes. We have one more tournament before we begin preparing for the postseason and hopefully this victory will give us some

confidence heading into the most important part of the season," Johnson said. UCO will conclude the regular season at the Grand Canyon Invitational on March 31 in Goodyear, Ariz.

Photo by Alex Gambill

Ashley Geter runs to third base March 11 in the' first game of a doubleheader against Midwestern State at Broncho Field. The Bronchos won 5-3 but lost 3-6 in the second game.

Photo by Alex Gambill

Emilee Bounds hits the ball March 11 in the first game of a doubleheader against Midwestern State at Broncho Field. The Bronchos won 5-3 but lost 3-6 in the second game.

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