University of Central Oklahoma
The Student Voice Since 1903
TUESDAY March 30, 1993
Committee drops charges Professor finds fax cheaper than stamp WASHINGTON (AP) — Sending a few pages by fax is faster and getting cheaper than using first-class mail, calculates a professor who has bounced tidings from one coast to another in time-and-cost studies. Richard B. McKenzie, a fan of the fax who teaches at the University of California's Graduate School of Management at Irvine, sent missives by fax between Irvine and Washington, D.C., to calculate the costs. He found that a single page can be faxed in 35 seconds and at a cost of 10 cents, at the lowest available night and weekend phone rates, or a maximum weekday daytime charge of 25 cents. Either beats the cost of a 29-cent first-class stamp.
By Tim Linville Staff Writer
A Special Task Review Committee of the University of Central Oklahoma's Student Senate rescinded 10 of the original 12 charges facing the Senate's Election Committee after last month's special vice presidential election. After reviewing the evidence from the Special Task Committee, the Special Task Review Committee (STRC) recommended, and the Senate accepted, that the election be declared null and void. The members of the Election Commit-
tee, except Lori Fox who resigned, were removed from that committee and received a formal written reprimand for irresponsibility in conducting the election and enforcing the election rules. Candidate Bobby Stem was disqualified from the election for posting multiple campaign posters in classrooms in the Liberal Arts Building. "Our committee had a lot more cooperation from those involved and we got to hear both sides of the issue," said Samuel C. Cannella, chair of the STRC. "We needed to show the student body that something was done. If integrity doesn't start at insti-
Advertising students set to compete By Kimberly Terry Student Writer
Students from the University of Central Oklahoma are among the entrants in
Citibank' s Third Annual College Advertising Awards competition. The 1993 awards program wil focus on student-created advertising campaigns promoting anew credit card that features a cause-related donation
Chinese prospecting for oil equipment
page 7
Although Citibank has sponsored the advertising competition for three years, this is the first year UCO has entered. Nine groups, each containing three students from Robert Midge's "Advertising Campaigns" class have entered the competition for the class project.
The Citibank competition will provide good advertising experience for the students, he added. The students will be competing with students from 57 other colleges for a grand prize of $5,000 and a summer career opportunity in marketing at Citibank MasterCard and Visa in New York. Matching grants are made to the colleges of the first, second and third-place winners.
Abortion bill to lift Bush-era restrictions
♦ See World Wrap,
based on consumer spending.
"Each year the class works on an ad project, but this is the first year that I know of that UCO entered Citibank's competition," Midge said.
BEIJING (AP) — China is preparing to order $200 million worth of oil prospecting and development equipment from U.S. companies, official news reports said today. The China Daily said a series of contracts and purchase agreements will be signed next week when Wang Tao, president of the Chinese National Petroleum Corp., visits the United States .
WASHINGTON (AP) — House approval of a bill to lift restrictions on abortion counseling offered an emotional preview of the bitter legislative fight yet to come over abortion. "This vote will mark the dawn of the abortion era," Rep. James Inhofe, R-Okla., declared Thursday before the House voted 273-149 to approve a bill authorizing spending for family planning clinics. First, the House beat back a Republican-led effort to require parental notification for young women seeking abortions. The bill writes into law President Clinton's lifting of the Bush administration's virtual ban on abortion counseling at federally supported clinics.
tutions of higher learning, where will it start?" The letters of reprimand the members of the election committee received are not part of a permanent record and will not follow the members past their student senate careers, said Cannella. "The members of the election committee were removed because we think it' s in the best interest of the student body to have new management for the upcoming general election," he added. The general election for Student Government Association president, vice president and spring senators will be held April 1-2.
This year's program challenges students to develop an advertsing campaign that consists of a television commercial, a print ad and a direct mail package. Advertising and direct mail components within the campaign are to be created to emphasize the cause supported by the card as well as the benefits of choosing to use a Citibank card when making purchases with a credit card. Each of the colleges taking part in the program will have a campus competition open to all undergraduate students regardless of their major.
Broncho basketball player Alex year last week. See related story Wright was named the NCAA on page 6. (Photo by Mike division ll national player of the Simons)
On April 5, UCO faculty will select one group as a finalist. This team will then advance to the national finals where a panel of marketing and advertising executives will select the winning team. Winners will be announced by Citibank MasterCard and Visa in May.