University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY March 31, 1994
The Student Voice Since 1903 O
Accident on campus injures 2 workers By Jennifer Palmer Staff Writer In a near-fatal accident, a 2,500-pound drum fell on two construction workers the
morning of March 21 as they worked to complete Phase II of the University of Central Oklahoma parking project. The two men were doing subcontracting work for BearCon, Inc., which was hired to help rebuild the parking lot south of the
Liberal Arts building, said Lt. Ed Forbes of the UCO police department. Edmond resident John Dahlgren, the construction company co-owner, and Larry Been of Guthrie were trapped when a safety mechanism pin on a hydraulic lift was stripped, causing the 2,500 pound drum to fall on top of them, said Chuck Dahlgren, John's brother and also a co-owner of BearCon Inc. "The accident broke every bone in his head but his lower jaw... He was in reconstructive surgery for over eight hours," said Chuck, "...and his jaw will be wired shut
for about five more weeks to heal." John was admitted Monday in critical condition to Edmond Memorial Regional Hospital, the Edmond Evening Sun reported last Tuesday. At the scene of the accident, the injured John Dahlgren "stood beside a nearby piece of machinery," as firefighters from the nearby firestation (just south of the parking lot on Second Street) and co-workers attempted to free B een, the Sun also reported. Been was taken to the Edmond hospital • See ACCIDENT, Page 13
Eight candidates for governor meet, give platforms at UCO secondary school in the state. He said he received his graduate degree in business from the University of Tulsa and has worked in every facet of business from engineering to financing to marketing. "Next to the American Indian," Lay said, "I'm as native as they come." Frank Keating, with plans to run on the Republican ticket, explained that he has acted as the Deputy Secretary on the General Council of Housing and Urban Development where he said he feels responsible for that agency's clean-up. "It is a fact that the next governor of Oklahoma is going to have to address very thorny, very sensitive issues of municipal finance in relationships between the state governments and municipalities," Keating said. "I feel very strongly that municipalities should have the maximum flexibility and discretion to handle their own affairs," he told city leaders. Keating was a member of the state House of Representatives and Senate. He said he is in the oil and gas business out of Tulsa, a former agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a former federal prosecuV See CANDIDATES, Page 11
By Roy Howe Staff Writer
Edmond firefighter recruits work on ladder exercises outside of Thatcher Hall as part of their training. The recruits, who are in the 11th week of training were on campus March 17. (Photo by Chris Smith)
In a forum designed to provide the state's mayors, council members and city managers insight into the their campaign platforms, eight gubernatorial candidates met Monday at the University Center where they addressed city leaders from across Oklahoma. Five republicans, two democrats and one candidate with the intention to run for the state's top position on an independent ticket explained to city leaders and the media their intentions as governor. Republican candidate Thomas Lay said that he will run his campaign on integrity. "I thought that the people of Oklahoma were looking for someone who could represent them—a person of character, integrity and proven leadership," he said. "I promise you, as governor of the state of Oklahoma, I will never embarrass you. You will never have to worry about what I was doing last night," Lay said. "I promise to bring back the honor that you want done for the governor's office." Lay, age 38, said he has lived in Oklahoma 33 years and attended primary and
Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap...8 Around Campus 15 Comics 15
Two Cents
Terri's Two Cents is a column of witand humor. This issue deals with children.
Fellowship UCO pro fessor Dr. Sherri
Massey recieves a teaching fellowship to Indiana University.
OUCO's - Bronchos earn a
record of 20-4, winning nine games in a row this season.