Celebrating 100 Years American Democracy oject
Campus Announcements
Washington named LA dean
■ Major League Soccer will hold its second exhibition game at UCO April 10. General admission tickets for the game between Dallas Burn and Kansas City Wizards are on sale at the Bursar's Office for $10. An exhibition game between UCO and ORU will be at 10 a.m. that same day. Current students, ■ incoming freshman and transfer students are encouraged to apply for the Fern Brown Memorial Scholarship. Application forms are available in the Office of Prospective Student Services/ Scholarships, room 136 of the Nigh University Center. Applications are due April 1.
Pamela Washington Dr. Pamela Washington, professor of English and associate dean of the University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts, has been named dean of the college effective July 1. Washington Will replace
outgoing UCO Liberal Arts Dean T.H. Baughman, whose resignation takes effect July 1. Baughman will then dedicate his time to teaching at UCO. "Dr. Washington has a passion for effective teaching and learning," said UCO Provost Don Betz. "Her leadership has already proven to be invaluable to our academic community, and we are very pleased that she will continue to provide that leadership as dean of the College of Liberal Arts." Washington received her bachelor's degree from Oklahoma State University in 1982. In 1985, she received her master's from OSU, and earner her doctoral degree
from the University of Southwestern Louisiana where she specialized in rhetoric and composition with emphasis in linguistics, technical writing, and early American and British Renaissance literature. Washington's teaching career, which began as a teaching assistant while studying at OSU, has been primarily devoted to courses in English, litera-
■ If you would like to work with UCO Representatives on new student recruitment, attend college fairs, give tours of campus and visit your old school, then you should apply to become a member of the UCO Student Ambassadors. Applications are available in the Office of Prospective Student Services/Scholarships, room 136 of the Nigh University Center. Deadline to apply is April 5. For more information, call 974-2727.
ture, linguistics and "[Washington's] rhetoric. She leadership has has been a member of the already proven to UCO faculty be invaluableto since 1989. our academic Washington community, and was named assistant dean we ae very to the UCO pleased that she College of will continue to Liberal Arts in 2001 and was provide that leadership as dean of appointed associate dean the College of in 2003. "I love to Liberal Arts." teach and truly enjoy the -Don Betz students at UCO Provost UCO," said Washington. "I will miss the classroom, but hope to teach at least one class a year." Washington has received many honors and awards during her career, including the
Graduates show art in "Candy Coated" show
■ The annual Liberal Arts symposium, "Passport to Knowledge," will be held April 14 in the Liberal Arts Building. Student organizations can bring representatives, do an exhibit or pass around material. For more information, call Linda McDonald at 974-5635 or email lmcdonald@ucok.edu . ■ The annual Sponsor Appreciation Dinner will be held at 6 p.m. April 15. Student admission is $3 and organization sponsors are free. The deadline to get tickets is April 9. Call 9742363 for more information. ■ Free income tax help will be available from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Saturdays through April 13 in Room 347 of Thatcher Hall. For information on what to bring, contact Dr. Mary Sheets at msheets@ucok.edu or call 974-2834. ■ The Students Association For Eternity (SAFE) will meet every Friday at 6 p.m. in the YChapel of Song. ■ The UCO Economics Club will meet and hold officer elections at 3:15 p.m. April 21 in Thatcher Hall, room 219. ■ The International Student Council will host the 4th Annual International Pageant at 7 p.m. April 9 in Constitution Hall. Tickets for the event will be available in the UC from April 1 through April 8. ■ Career Services and the Disney College Program Alumnni Association will host the Walt Disney World College Program Presentation and Intervies at 3 p.m. April 1 in the Education Building, room 115.
UCO Faculty Merit Award for Teaching in 2002 and 1998, and the AAUP Award for Innovative Teaching in 2001. Among her publications are "How to Annotate Your Text," published in the Red Dirt Reader in 2002, and "Language Attitudes in Acadiana," co-authored with Dr. Sherri Condon and published in The Louisiana English Journal in 1992. "I am very excited about the challenges of this new position," she said. "I am grateful to Dean Baughman for the opportunities he has given me over the years and hope to build on the very solid foundation he has put in place." Washington is married to Michael Washington and together they have five children. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Turner of Bartlesville.
Photo by Gavin Elliott
Migael Scherer reads from "Back Under Sail: Recovering the Spirit of Adventure" at a booksigning March 30 at Full Circle Books. Scherer spoke to journalism students this week on stereotypes in the media.
The University of Central Oklahoma Donna Nigh Gallery will open its exhibit "Candy Coated," featuring works by UCO graduates Alyson Atchison and Clint Stone along with UCO student Nick Bayer, with a reception from 5 until 7:30 p.m. April 8 at the fourth floor gallery, located in the Nigh University Center. The reception will include finger-foods, drinks and music from The Matt Stansberry Band. The exhibit features paintings, mixed media creations and more that express the artists' "candy coated" view of the world. Through their works, they explain that many of the world's "hard truths" are easier to accept if they are candy coated. Atchison received a bachelor's degree in art in 2000 and her master's in education from UCO in 2002. She is currently an adjunct instructor in UCO's Department of Art teaching Serigraphy. Along with running an
active art studio in the Paseo District, Atchison works full time at the Oklahoma City Arts Council as its director of the Community Arts Program and assists in the planning such events as the OKC Arts Festival and Opening Night. Clint Stone, a 1999 UCO graduate, currently works as an arts and science educator at the Omniplex. He also operates an art studio in Oklahoma City where he develops four exhibits a year. Nick Bayer will graduate this May from UCO with a degree in art. He is an accomplished muralist, having completed many "Mainstreet Murals" throughout Oklahoma as a part of Dr. Bob Palmer, UCO professor of arts, renowned mural team. For more information about the "Candy Coated" exhibit, call Zina Gelona, director of galleries and museums, at (405) 9742432.
Web site makes life easy for students by Chris Leonard Daily O'Collegian Oklahoma State University STILLWATER, Okla. - Life for a college student can be hectic and, quite simply, overwhelming. With so much to do and only four to five years to do it, students are sometimes pressed for time to get simple tasks completed. Does college life have to be so vicious? Is there a place where students can go to get everything done at once? Barrett Masso, CEO of ULife.com , and Andrew Clark, vice president of sales for ULife.com , said they believe
there is. ULife.com , Masso and Clark's brain child, is a multiservice Web site whose single priority is to serve college students' every need. The 'Web site is a nice mix between the hip college lifestyle and a well-organized professional setup, or, as Clark said, "If AOL and MTV had a baby." ULife.com provides the student with almost everything the college life requires. Finding a date, downloading software and creating resumes are all capable tasks through ULife.com . Buying and selling textbooks is always one of the more stressful duties of a college student.
Whether it is the price or the availability, something seems to always go wrong. But with ULife.com , this strenuous ordeal can be made a little easier. Students can buy and sell 'cooks to other students not only locally but also nationally. And that is the point of emphasis on ULife.com -- Students everywhere communicating and collaborating with one another. "The best thing about the site is you can do everything locally or nationally," Clark said. "Everyone and anyone in school." The Web site also provides artists, musicians and writers a
place to share their works and information. To put it simply, there is not much that ULife.com does not provide for college students. And for what their Web site does not provide, Clark and Masso implore students to give them feedback. "We want to hear from students," Clark said. "We want to know what they want." But even with all these capabilities, ULife.com still is trying to build its name recognition. "We want • to get the word out," Clark said.