University of , Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY April 6, 1993
The Student Voice Since 1903
Graduation day nears By Terri King
Employment falls despite predictions WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation's jobless rate held at 7.0 percent in March as job gains in the previous month disappeared and only a few service industries such as health care managed to add employment, the government reported last week. The Labor Department said its survey of business payrolls showed that employment in March fell by 22,000 from the month before. Private economists had generally expected the report to show an increase in the range of 100.000 to 150,000 jobs.
Clinton seeks funds for international population groups WASHINGTON (AP) — In another reversal of Reagan-Bush abortion policies, President Clinton will allow federal funding for international population control groups that provide or pay for abortions, administration officials say. Two State Department officials said Wednesday that the administration's fiscal 1994 budget would include money for the International Planned Parenthood Federation, whose activities abroad include distribution of contraceptives and abortion counseling.
Traveler arrested after drunken tantrum forces early landing ATHENS, Greece (AP) — An airline passenger who threw a tantrum when denied more cocktails tried to open one of the plane's doors while it was flying at 10,000 feet Friday, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing. Michael Sommer, 25, of Leipzig, Germany, had been drinking heavily during the Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Athens and began throwing food trays when refused another drink, a court spokesman said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Sommer was charged with disturbing the safety of an airliner. If convicted, he could face ajail term of up to 20 years.
Student Writer
The University Center Bookstore will offer the option of souvenir caps and gowns for graduation at the University of Central Oklahoma this spring. Souvenir graduation gowns are made from slightly thinner material and would be kept by the students. Paul Mengwasser, assistant manager of the bookstore, said this is the first year souvenir caps and gowns have been offered at UCO, and that this option is in line with what many other universities are doing. The cost of souvenir caps and gowns is $12.50, and master's hoods are an additional $10, said Dudley Ryan, vice president for student services and dean of students. Traditional cap and gown rental is covered by the $25 graduation fee, which also
covers the processing fee of paperwork for commencement, printing of diplomas and diploma covers, Ryan said. The dates for picking up rental gowns are April 26-30, and can be picked up anytime at the bookstore. The cost of Mortar board tassles is $3.50, and year charms are $2. The bookstore also offers several price options for graduation announcements. Personalized announcements will carry the graduate's name and degree title and will range in price from $39.99 for 30 cards, including thank-you notes, to $62.99 for a package of 50 cards, including thank-you notes. The traditional announcements, which do not carry the graduate's name and degree title, range in price from $7.50 for a package of 10, to $57.99 for a package of
International students have choices
50, said Mengwasser. This year, for the first time, there will be four separate commencement ceremonies for the different colleges. Ryan said that the subject of the graduation ceremonies has been a topic of discussion at the university for six or seven years. Many different options have been considered. Commencement for the College of Education will be at 7 p.m. May 7 at Hamilton Fieldhouse, formerly Broncho Fieldhouse. Commencement for the College of Business Administration will be at 10 a.m. May 8. Commencement for the College of Liberal Arts will be at 1p.m. May 8, followed by the College of Math and Science commencement at 4p.m. May 8. For more information about graduation, contant Ken Young, director of degree certification and veterans affairs at Ext. 2392 or Ryan at Ext. 2363.
By Michele Soh Staff Writer
Graduating college students have so many choices to make. Graduating International students from the University of Central Oklahoma have and even harder decision to make— go back to their home country or stay in the United States to study or work. An option to choose is Practical Training. "It is an opportunity to work full-time for a year in the area of your major," explained Jalal Daneshfar of the UCO International Office. Daneshfar added that graduating students on a study visa are eligible for this program They have until June 2 to apply, said Daneshfar. With a transcript in hand, the first step is obtaining a recommendation letter from the Dean of one's college. Then, with a valid passport, a current I20 immigration form and the letter, go to the International Office which will write an official recommendation letter to the Immigration Office. Next, students must submit their paperwork to the Immigration Office in downtown Oklahoma City and arrange for an interview. See International page 6
Graduation Ceremonies Graduation ceremonies will be held in the Hamilton (Broncho) Fieldhouse.
College of Education — May 7 at 7 p.m. Business Administration — May 8 at 10 a.m. Liberal Arts — May 8 at 1 p.m.
6/ Math and Science — May 8 at 4 p.m.