The Vista April 8, 2004

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Celebrating 100 Years American. Democracy *a


The Student Voice Since 1903



Vista kicks off voter registration drive Four thousand voter registration forms will be distributed across campus via The Vista April 8. As part of a new initiative to get 1,000 people registered to vote by Election Day, the forms will be included in every issue of the paper. "Putting the forms directly in front of students gives them no excuse for not being registered," Assistant Editor Caroline Duke said. "Even if only a handful of forms are returned and filled out, we will know that we have made a difference."

Drop-off boxes will be located in buildings around campus, and a booth will be set up at various times throughout the week. A booth will be set up between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. April 9, and at the same time April 15 and 16. Forms can also be dropped off in Room 107 of the Communications Building, or mailed to the Oklahoma State Election Board. For registration eligibility, refer to Section 10 of the form.

Deadlines draw near for student volunteers ■ To register for upcoming volunteer opportunities, call the Student Volunteer Center at 974-2621. by Caroline Duke Associate Editor Two events will be held next week to encourage student participation in volunteerism. The deadline for students to apply for the upcoming day of service, "The Big Event," is April 9. Four hundred students have signed up, but Student Volunteer Center Coordinator Veronica Alcarnon said her goal is for 450 students to volunteer. "We've already bought 450 T-shirts and boxed lunches," she said. Alcarnon said she must place every student with one of the 25 agencies that they will serve during the day of

Campus Announcements

service. 25 or 30. Student volunteers are also needed Dr. Joanne Necco said that letters for the American Democracy Project will be sent to professors excusing volregional conference April 14. unteers from class. Applications are due as soon as possiStudent volunteers will receive the ble and should be turned in before the new "I (Heart) UCO" T-shirts to wear 3 p.m. April 12 during the conferorientation, ♦ American Democracy Project ence. although stu- regional conference — April 14 The student voldents can apply ♦ "The Big Event" — April 17 unteer orientation is 3 up until the p.m. April 10 in conference. Room 341 of the Nigh University Alcarnon said that student volun- Center. teers are especially needed for the Applications for "The Big Event" hour-long student session at the con- are available on the UCONNECT ference, but volunteers are also needed Web site. throughout the day April 14. For more information, contact She said that about seven people Veronica Alcarnon at 974-2621 or have volunteered, but she really needs

Tulips bloom in front of Old North April 7.

Service with a Smile

Volunteers are still needed for

Special to The Vista

the April 25 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. Visit the Web site, , or call Ross Lampert at 478-3180 for more information.

■ The Iron-Man Wheelchair Race will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 12 by Broncho Lake. It is sponsored by Students for an Accessible Society.

■ Comedian Mitch Hedberg will be on campus 8:30 p.m. April 12 in the Grand Ballroom of the Nigh University Center. Admission for students is free with a student ID, and general admission is $5. Meant2B will provide after-party entertainment. Call 974-2363 for more information. The nomination form for the Herbert S. Dordick Award for Outstanding Mentor is available online. To nominate faculty or staff members at UCO, download the nomination form at The fourth annual International Pageant is at 7 p.m. April 9 in the Nigh University Center Constitution Hall. Tickets are $2 with ID and $5 without ID. 'Cheer team, pom squad and Buddy Broncho tryouts are April 15. Call 974-2363 for more information or application forms. The Wellness Center will be closed April 11. The annual Greek Stampede Run on campus starts at 11 a.m. April 17.

■An equipment orientation will be given at the Wellness Center at noon April 12 to give members an introduction to the facility's machines. The Major League Soccer exhibition game will start at 2 p.m. April 10 between Dallas Bum and the Kansas City Wizards. "Berm" seating tickets are $10 at the Bursar's Office.

Contests promote democracy campus-wide, nationwide

Photo by Justin'Avera

Earlene Baxter helps out a customer April 7 in the University Bookstore.

■ For 14 years, Earlene Baxter has shared her wisdom with student customers at the University Bookstore. Earlene also went to elementary school and high school at Old North. To overcome obstacles, Earlene said people In a corporate world where it is sometimes hard should "hang in there, and things will work out to find good customer service, rest assured knowing right. I believe God helped me, and he can help better than average service can be found here on . any of us." While others campus. Earlene's age are not Earlene Baxter, an Edmond native, has worked "Hang in physically able, at UCO's bookstore for about 14 years. Earlene is still driven "I enjoy it," she said. "I like talking to the stuthere, and to work. dents that come through." things will "I will be 70 on 'Earlene was born in Edmond, but she has travOct. 1 and will still be eled to many places nationwide and overseas. work out working," she said. "I "I traveled all over with my husband who was in right." think it's wonderful I the service," she said. can still be up here Through Earlene's travels and by overcoming working." — Earlene Baxter challenges, she has learned a lot about life, she said. Earlene said that She gives advice on love, careers and challenges making her house from lessons she has learned. payment is what dri"I used to stutter so bad that I couldn't say my yes her to work. name," she said. "After I got married, I stopped "But I would still want to work here at the bookbecause my husband made me feel like I was worth store even if I didn't have to pay off my house." something." She said that working at the bookstore has been Overcoming her stuttering was her biggest chal-' a big part of her life and she loves what she does. lenge, Earlene said. When she gets the chance, she likes to tell col"I started college here (at UCO) for one semester," but Earlene said her stuttering stopped her from going back. see Earlene, page 3

The deadline for two contests aimed at UCO students is April 15. The "Film Your Issue" contest and outdoor sculpture competition are designed to promote civic engagement on the UCO campus. The American Democracy Project at UCO is sponsoring the contests to promote its three tenets of character, civility and community. Students can film a 30second public service announcement focusing on any social issue, in the format of live action, animation or a combination of both. Entries will be judged on overall impact, originality, cinematic style, memorable content and delivery, and focused message. Entries containing pornography, libel and excessive obscenities will be voided. The contest is open to all currently enrolled UCO students. For more information on the contest, visit . The College of Arts, Media & Design, in conjunction, with the UCOADP, will sponsor the first outdoor sculpture competition for all current students and recent graduates. Five finalists will be granted $1,000 for sculpture materials. The five sculptures will be displayed on campus for one year, and then four will be returned to the artists. The university will purchase the fifth sculpture from the artist for $4,000 for permanent display on campus. To enter, students must submit an application, a written or drawn proposal for a sculpture, and a minimum of ten slides of original work completed in the last five years. The sculpture must also address the theme of "character, civility and community." For more information on the contest or application, contact Dr. Christopher Mark-wood, dean of the college, at 974-3770.

by Stephanie Johnson Staff Writer

April showers bring May flowers...

Photo by Justin Avera

Yuko Takeda, theatre arts senior, walks to class. Downpours made their way across the state April 7. Scattered thunderstorms and rainshowers are expected through the weekend.

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