The Vista April 12, 1990

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EDITORIAL: Football coaches hired

1990HE April 12,T

Vol. 88, No. 48


Thursday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Forum erupts into clash of officials, candidates By Andrew Smith

Staff Writer A verbal attack Student Association President Joe Stehr launched against presidential candidate Randall Terrill resulted with a formal request for Stehr's reprimand in the senate meeting Monday. Sen. Jason Snow, another presidential candidate, said Stehr's attacks against Terrill offended several parties. "I was appalled and embarrassed by Stehr's actions," Snow said. "Stehr made a mockery of the forum, and he degraded the CSU student body and the office of SA president. "While serving as official timekeeper at the forum, he showed blatant disregard for SA presidential candidate Randal Terrill. He called Mr. Terrill a 'lying asshole'

on four occasions, and he also threatened Mr. Terrill with physical violence," Snow said. Snow brought the request for Stehr's reprimand to the senate floor in the form of a memorandum. In addition, formal grievances were filed by Terrill Friday. However, the election committee, appointed by vice presidential candidate David Slane, had not met before press time. "President Joe Stehr offended and embarrassed me as a Christian, CSU student, and Student Association senator," Snow said. "While serving as the official timekeeper, on several occasions, he (Stehr) verbally assaulted and threatened Randal Terrill. Joe is the leader of our student government and he should act as such." Stehr's remarks came after an emotional outburst from Robert York, president of the Tau Kappa

Attorney steps into new role as regent By Debbie Blossom

Staff Writer J.D. Helms, Oklahoma City attorney and board member of the State Regents for Higher Education, is ending a nine-year term May 16, but his work in Oklahoma education is not over yet. Helms has been appointed by Gov. Bellmon to the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges, and will finish the last two years of a nine-year term left vacant by Linda Grantham. "I'm looking forward to it," Helms said. "It will be quite a challenge; I want to really work at this." Helms said since he was with the higher regents for nine years, he is familiar with the problems of the six regional institutions the college regents govern. "This won't be the same situation like when I started with the higher regents; I didn't know anything," Helms said. "I had to learn everything as I went along."

Helms has been busy this past year as the higher regents traveled the state, reviewing all institutions of higher learning as part of a fouryear plan to revamp education in Oklahoma. Since he has just been appointed and doesn't officially start until June, Helms said he hasn't had much time to think about what he would like to accomplish once he becomes a college regent. "I think the board (college regents) needs to be re-organized; they have had some real problems," Helms said. "You can't sit back, you have to stay active and involved with the issues," Helms said, adding that with a nine-year term, this is what happens with some regents. But Helms said although he enjoyed working with the Regents for Higher Education, being a college regent would put him in a closer working situation to the campus and it's operations. "I think a lot of things can be done, and I'm looking forward to it," Helms said.

Epsilon fraternity: "I am not another puppet of Joe Stehr!" after claims of stacking the deck against Terrill during a question-andanswer session. Terry White, East Hall residence assistant, said prepared questions aimed toward Terrill were posed by a number of different Greek members. Statistically, out of 30 audience questions, 14 questions concerned Terrill's honesty, trustworthiness, and ability to serve as Student Association president. Please see FORUM on page 8.

Lake to give educational opportunity Prize winner! By Charleen McGuire Student Writer

A tentatively-planned Arcadia Lake nature park may aid Central State University students in fall 1991, said Judy Elwell, University Center activities director. With a budget of $10,000, the proposed nature center would be staffed with professionals in the biology and zoology fields, said Tom Bailey, assistant recreational supervisor at Arcadia Lake. Part of that budget will be used for a three-mile nature trail, seeding the shoreline to prevent erosion and attract water fowl, and the construction of feeding stations for wildlife, Bailey said. "We want to stress the scientific value of the lake," Elwell said. "There are nature trails, and someone could rarely go through the place without seeing some sort of wildlife. This spring, the Lake Arcadia Commission conducted a comparative analysis with other Oklahoma City lakes. Results revealed Lake Overholser is primarily a "party" lake Please see LAKE on page 8.

Dan Smith captures, from left, Jim Nicholas, Jamie Cargill and Becky Lucius in his prize-winning photograph. Smith, Photo Services director, won second place in Oklahoma Press Association photo competition last weekend. Related story on page 4.

Faculty move for full pay during summer By Ann Hamilton Staff Writer Central State University's Faculty Senate has proposed summer salaries be computed on 100 percent of a faculty member's regular salary for teaching a full load. The faculty has been paid at 80 percent of salary for the summer for many years. The proposal, approved by the senate April 5, was presented to CSU President Dr. Bill Lillard Tuesday afternoon, said Dr. Valerie Knotts, assistant home economics professor and faculty welfare committee chairwoman. Proposal 89-4 states "salary for faculty with doctorates or master's degrees should not be worth less

during the summer than during the regular term. "The faculty load in the summer is much more concentrated and intense for the same number of students and credit hours," according to the proposal. The proposal indicates the cost to the university to convert summer salaries to 100 percent would have been $297,540 this year. Dr. Clyde Jacob, vice president for academic affairs, had not yet received the proposal officially, although he and Dr. Herbert Giles, Faculty Senate president, have met to discuss it informally. "Many times we meet with senate members informally while they are drafting a proposal. We Please see FACULTY on page


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