Campus Quotes
Texting While Driving
The Ramble
Setting Records
Students share their thoughts on Edmond bicycle safety. Page 2.
The University of Central Oklahoma’s Students in Free Enterprise is sponsoring a no texting while driving campaign. Page 3.
Ryan Croft sounds off on the things weighing heavy on his mind. Page 5.
Former UCO quarterback Justin Allgood sets career TD record in Arena Football. Page 8.
APR 13,2010
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S students voice since 1903.
What you should know in the face of tragedy
* Mining is considered to be one of the most dangerous occupations in America. According to AP, the mining explosion that occurred on April 5, in West Virginia is considered to be the worst mining disaster in the country since 1970, killing 29 men. The incident elevated mining deaths for 2010 from 2 to 31. The total amount of deaths for 2010 thus far is 32, since one mining worker in Illinois died after the Virginia explosion.
* The amount of workers killed due to mining nearly doubled in 2010 compared to the previous year. In 2009, 18 mining workers were killed in the U.S. According to the Department of labor, the rate of fatal injuries in the coal mining industry in 2006 was 49.5 per 100,000 workers, which was about twelve times the rate of private industry workers. * According to the National Mining Association (NMA), currently approximately 400,000 individuals work in mines throughout the U.S. mining and industries that support mining such as geological and environmental representatives account for nearly 1.5 million jobs.
* About 55,000 new miners will be needed in the next 5-10 years to meet the nations demand for natural resources and to replace miners who will retire. Also, at least 300 new mining engineering graduates will be needed to keep up with the industry’s projected growth.
* Oklahoma is among several states that employ residents to mine. According to the Oklahoma Mining commission, mining has contributed an estimated $2 billion from nearly 766 mines in the state. The mining industry employed more than 5,000 workers in the state.
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Demand for coal in the United States
* In Oklahoma, minerals extracted from the Earth includes: Coal, Lead, Zinc, Limestone, Granite, Sand and Gravel, Clay and Shale, Gypsum, iron ore, asphalt, copper, volcanic ash, Tripoli, salt, and bentonite, among other Natural Resources are mined in Oklahoma. The state also extracts minerals in liquid form including, natural gas, oil, iodine and helium. Mining in the state is regulated. According to Oklahoma laws, it is unlawful for a mine operator to not report a death or injury that occurs while mining.
Total demand for U.S. coal reached 1.12 billion tons in 2008. Half of U.S. electricity is generated from coal.
TOMORROW H 80° L 62°
9 out of every 10 tons of coal mind each year in the U.S. is used for domestic electricity generation. Each person in the U.S. uses 3.7 tons of coal annually.
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DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Civil War began this week 149 years ago when General P.G.T. Beauregard ordered the attack of Fort Sumter.
Coal is the most affordable source of power fuel per million Btu, historically averaging less than one-quarter the price of petroleum and natural gas. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Coal accounts for about 32 percent of U.S. total energy production and 23 percent of total energy consumption. Every American uses an average of 43,000 pounds of newly mined materials each year. A television requires 35 different minerals, and more than 30 minerals are needed to make a computer.
Julie Jones, left, and Cassie Jones, comfort each other during a vigil in Mullens, W.Va., Saturday, April 10, 2010, to commemorate the 29 miners who were killed in an explosion at Massey Energy Co.’s Upper Big Branch mine. They are family members of coal miner Dean Jones who was killed in the explosion. Dean Jones grew up in Mullens, Pa.