April 13, 1982
Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Vol. 80, No. 51
CSU places sixth on regent budget CSU was budgeted $663,218 in 1981-82 student activity funds by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, according to a regent study released in March. Among the categories listed, CSU was budgeted $10,461 for student organizations; $28,711 for student entertainment programs; $32,386 for student educational programs; $37,700 for the student yearbook; $283,657 for athletic tickets and events; $257,603 for scholarships; and $12,700 for other expenses. In total, state system institutions have budgeted $7,461,218 for the 1981-82 academic year.. The study includes actual income and expenditues of student activity funds in 1979-80 and 1980-81 budget of $6,887,409. The student activity funds for
1981-82 ranged from the high of $1.5 million at the University of Oklahoma and $1,216,480 at Oklahoma State University, to the low of $16,520 at the Oklahoma College of Osteopathic medicine and Surgery and $9,525 at Sayre Junior College. CSU, with her $663,218, ranked sixth on the list, falling behind OU, OSU and their branch colleges. According to the regent's report, expenditures were grouped under the following categories: administrative salaries and benefits; student organizations; student entertainment programs; student educational programs; student newspaper; student health service; scholarships; bonded debt service; and other expenditures.
Vista photo by Harry Tonemah
Members of the Gilberton Construction Company have begun work on the new math and computer science building located south of Howell Hall. The projected completion date for the $900,000 facility is Sept. 1, according to administrative vice president Alvin Alcorn.
Campus responds to needs By Patricia Uselton
"Oklahoma should be very proud of the quality of higher education offered in the state," said Dr. James Perry, dean of the School of Business at CSU. "We might be more casual, more relaxed about the opportunities here because an education is so affordable," "Our students, on the average, are older, serious-minded, selfsupporting individuals," said Dr. Lucille Patton, dean of the School of Special Arts and Sciences. "For most of our students, education is a relevant thing. The majority are commuters and Central State is responsive to the needs of business and industry and the individual needs of the student.'" Both Drs. Perry and Patton are members of the Council of Academic Deans, an organization
created to study, recommend and implement scholastic policy. The vice-president of academic affairs, the collegiate library director and the academic deans are appointed to this council. "The dean's job is manyfaceted," according to Dr. Perry. "The primary responsibility is to provide leadership. That is, to merge their sources, both human and capital, that are assigned to your unit, so as to achieve the objectives of the university." One strong influence on CSU academic policy is Oklahoma City's rapid growth in industrialization and commerce. "We're in a good area," said Dr. David Hart, dean of the School of Math and Sciences. "As industries grow, companies send their employees to CSU for further study. On the other side of
the coin, we are heavily recruited." Another benefit of being close to a large, urban city is the surprisingly large number of CSU students who are older than the traditional college student. One beneficiary of this movement is the graduate program, which has tripled its enrollment in the last ten years. Dr. Bill Fisher, dean of the Graduate School, believes the age shift, which has produced an average age of 27, is a result of the changing job market. Nearly a fourth of CSU's fall `81 enrollment of 12,004 is in the graduate program. Since its beginning in 1955, the program has expanded to include twenty degrees with over eighty degree options. Dr. Frank Finney, dean of the School of Liberal Arts, explained
Pierce fund goal extended The Terry Pierce Fund Drive has raised the $12,000 it set as a goal, and response has been so overwhelming, committee members have extended the amount to $17,000, according to Dr. Lewis Irving, fund drive chairman. "We have contacted Tulsa Rehab and they informed us of
some equipment that is needed to support the three main pieces," said Irving, "Also, two of the main pieces have come out with additional instruments that will provide greater services. Rehab felt Terry needed them." The response to the fund drive has been great, according to Irving.
In this issue. . g
International students take note...page 3 CSU attends journalism conference...page 4 ROTC "wars" at Ft. Sill...page 5 Father/son team ready for May...page 6 Komalty named All-American...page 7 Track team outstanding...page 8
"The response we have received has been so complete from every aspect, from the community and the university, we raised the money in a much shorter time. We found out we didn't need any more activities," he said, adding that the committee had four more events planned to raise funds. The first plan had been to cancel the activities, but when members contacted Tulsa, they discovered they could do a little more for Pierce. The events planned for this month include a free beer bust at the Charter Room, slated for April 18 a tennis tournament set for this weekend an Edmond High School fund raising attempt and a watermellon feed and dance set for April 22. The fund drive will continue until April 22.
the advantages of a liberal arts education. "Currently, the name of the game of life seems to be swift and constant change. The philosophy behind the liberal arts program is that it insures the kind of flexibility which is needed to adjust to these unsettling changes," he said. Invariably, there is a certain kind of rigidity that accompanies vocational specialization, according to Finney. This high level of specialization becomes apparent once the employee reaches the level of decision making or when interacting with others in the business world. The liberal arts program tries to parry this with the variety of intellectual skills needed to succeed in the modern business world. "I am a firm believer in the fact that the cornerstone of a good university is it liberal arts program," Dr. Perry agreed. Computer Science enrollment has increased 42 percent over last year, said Dr. Hart, who feels the growing use of computers in homes and in the business community will increase the demand for specialists. "Many students with bachelor's and even advanced degrees are returning for a second degree in Computer Science. It seems that growth in Computer Science will continue for at least ten years," said Dr. Hart. Solar technology, engineering, and astronomy are all expanding fields in the Science department. The increased interest in gerontology had focused more emphasis on the health Sciences and the biology department. Also, Dr. Patton has reason to boast about her School of Special Arts and Sciences. There are three new degrees "just running away with themselves," she said, bachelor's in fashion merchandising and in-
dustrial safety and the master's of science in progressonal home economics services. Students come from all over the United States to work toward a bachelor's degree in funeral service at CSU. Thanks to Oklahoma's booming economy, teachers have received substantical gains in salaries during the last two years. Dr. Dale Mullins, dean of the School of Education, feels this is the result of "a legislature that is highly supportive of pay increases and improving the quality of Oklahoma education. "There's been a decline of interest in teaching in the last five years, primarily because of job opportunities," Dr. Mullins said. "However, I predict a turnover in this in the next ten years." "Presently, there are some areas of the job market that are saturated; however, there is an immediate demand of speech education, physical science and industrial arts teachers," said Dr. Mullins. `We are a nation with high technology, which requires better training and better education," said Dr. Fisher. "The bachelor's degree is still very valid and desirable in business. However, we have 3,000 students continuing beyond a bachelor's, compared to 1,000 ten years ago." The bottom line on whether an education is relevant lies with the student, and yet universities historically are the centers of growth and inspiration. Perhaps Central State, with its personal, one-to-one approach to instruction, will motivate students beyond mere rote learning. "I would be personally saddened if our programs were overly vocational and not a part of the traditional university program," said Dr. Perry. "Most of all, I hope that we are aiding people to be better thinkers."