The Vista April 14, 1987

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Lady netters win God does speak 3 6


Vol. 85, No. 48 April 14, 1987


Music professor to 8


Tuesday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Photographic Services: Darrin Presley

Local civil defense boss gives tips From staff reports


Photographic Services: Darrin Presley

T-Shirts and shorts dominated the campus last week as temperatures soared into the 70s. Above: Kevin Ivory and Tonda Swindail chat while taking a walk in the sunshine. Right: Several students (left to right: Terri Bell, Robyn keneda, Dede Ablah, Christine Livergood, Jon Josey and Mitch Nelson) watched the football team go through spring drills at the stadium.

Tornado time is here again, and students should be made of available shelters and precautions they can take. Edmond's Civil Defense Director, David Van Nostrand, said there is no guaranteed safe place during a tornado, but there are several things persons can do to defend themselves. "The most important thing," Van Nostrand said, "is not to run outside to see what's happening when the sirens go off. If you hear a siren, that means you're are in immediate danger, and shelter should be sought right then." Van Nostrand also said people

1987.88 budget unveiled By Samantha Spencer The 1987-88 proposed Student Association budget was presented by Jeff Shilling, Student Association president, at yesterday's meeting. Resolution 86-224 was also passed providing for a community awareness fair to be held on campus. Shilling also announced the appointment of one senator, Jeff Morrow. The resolution providing for a community awareness fair passed with a vote of: 12 for; none against and two abstaining. The student senate referred to the continuum commitee a resolution calling for the annual remuneration of $200 for the SA president and $150 to the SA vice-president be allocated from the student activities budget. The SA budget calls for $70,249, almost four times the proposed budget for 86-87, which was $18,710. "I feel this is indicative of what is in the best interest of the student body. It is indicative of the desires expressed in the student survey. Students want more say in where the student activity funds go," said Shilling. The survey indicated the majority of students would like to see less money invested in athletics and more into campus activities. That is the reason for the proposed $26,000 in the budget for Campus organizations, Shilling added. This should allow the organizations to use more of the student activity

funds for activities, through senate approval. The proposed SA budget asks for $4,475 in supplies, $2,874 in travel expenses and $250 in postage. The bulk of requested funds are in contract allocations; $55,415. Student wages, printing costs and Campus Work Study Programs account for the rest of the requests. The $26,000 for campus organizations is part of the contract allocations. Also included in this category are dance and movie costs, special events such as Homecoming and $11,000 for national speakers. Shilling is requesting $1,825 for a student secretary in the SA office for 15 hours a week, not in CWSP. One increase was in the area of supplies; $600 for copying costs, and $3,125 for food services and other expenses, such as awards for faculty. The major increase from the 86-87 budget is the $35,415 increase in contracts. The largest contributors to this increase is the allocations for campus organizations and national speakers. The only reduction is in the president's expenses contingency. Shilling said because this is a more detailed budget, there should be less need for the fund. The Student Association also made plans in the budget to purchase $3,700 of space in The Vista for their updates instead of the newsletters being used now.

should know what to do if they are away from shelter, and provided a pamphlet giving advice to people in special circumstances. The pamphlet said while shopping, shelter should be sought in a solidly built building, not one with a wide free-span roof. An interior hallway on a lower floor should be sought in an office building. In open country, persons should move away from the tornado's path at right angles. If there is not enough time to move out of the path, persons should lie flat in a ditch, ravine or culvert. Most importantly, the persons should not stay in their cars.

A 1982 memo from the Student Services Office lists the following areas as storm shelters: Art building basement, Science building basement, Old North basement and Thatcher Hall basement. The memo also lists first floor areas designated as acceptable shelters, as long as windows are avoided: Administration building, Art building, Business building, Communications building, East Hall, Health and Physical Education building and the Liberal Arts building. Also listed are Thatcher Hall, West Hall and the new Business building.

Student Association Proposed Budget 1987-88 Supply/copy Food Services Other Supplies Travel Communication Contracts Activities Conference fees Projects/unforseen exp. Speakers Advertisement Updates in The Vista

$1,800 1,850 825 2,874 250 55,415 10,140 2,340 1,700 12,000 535 3,700

Campus Organizations


Student Wages Print Shop CWSP Matching CWSP Federal

1,825 3,000 482 1,928


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