The Vista April 14, 1994

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY April 14, 1994

The Student Voice Since 1903

Greeks hold tub push; Nigh Institute honors locals upset by actions 45th Infantry April 12 The Kappa SigmaFraternity and Sigma Kappa Sorority at the University of Central Oklahoma sponsored a charity bathtub push in order to raise money for the Edmond Hope Center Saturday. However, residents complained of a couple of members urinating in front of their yards. The event started at noon at the Kappa Sigma Fraternity House, and the destination was the Kappa Sigma house at Oklahoma City University.

Although close to their destination, the bathtub never made it to OCU because the axle broke on the bathtub; therefore, they stopped traveling, loaded up and came back to Edmond, said Mark McMahill, president of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. "As far as we're concerned, we accomplished what we set out to do," said McMahill. "The event was a success." As for complaints of members urinat♦ See BATHTUB, Page 7

By Jimmy Hyde Staff Writer

"Born at sea, baptized in blood, your fame shall never die. Your division is one of the best, if not the best division in the history of American Arms," said Gen. George S . Patton.. in reference to the 45th Infantry Division, World War II. On Tuesday, the Nigh Institute of State Government at the University of Central

Oklahoma celebrated the 50th anniversary of World War II with a salute to the 45th Infantry Division. The luncheon honoring the 45th Infantry Division was held in the Myriad Convention Center in Oklahoma City. Presen t in the celebration was Gov. David Walters who was presented with a 50th anniversary flag by the UCO Army ROTC. Walters was also presented with a stained glass window honoring the 45th Infantry Division. ♦ See

Honors, Page 7

Senate OKs proposals Remaining items to be acted on at last meeting of academic year By Roy Howe Staff Writer The University of Central Oklahoma's Faculty Senate, at its regular meeting April 7, OK'd a proposal recognizing faculty merit and another addressing the term lengths of departmental chairs. The senate also passed a resolution urging administrators to continue addressing the inequity in summer pay to faculty. A stack of additional proposals were also introduced for the senate to act on later this month at its last meeting for this academic year. During the meeting, UCO President George Nigh sent back for further study a proposal which would form a committee to oversee nominations to award merit-based credits to faculty members. These credits could be used by faculty members in exchange for equipment purchases. "I am remanding Faculty Senate Proposal 92/3-6 (Merit Credit Policy) in order to develop a workable policy and procedure for this new effort... " Nigh said. "I look forward to approving the fmal version." Nigh said that he is pleased with the concept of the proposal and that he feels it is a forward step towards faculty develop-

ment and the recognition of excellence in teaching, research and services. After rewording the recommendation, the senate immediately sent the proposal back to Nigh for his approval. If OK'd by Nigh, senate proposals are added to the Faculty Handbook. Also approved by the senate was a proposal calling for departmental chairs to carry a term of "four consecutive years." The senate's justification lies with a recent administrative decision to delay a departmental chair election for one year after a chairman took a one-year sabbatical. After returning, the chairman was allowed to resume the position as chair to complete the allotted four-year term. "This decision was made by the vice president of academic affairs and the college dean without any input from the department faculty," the proposal's justification reads. The senate also approved a resolution which shows their intent to support future summer salary increases. Faculty currently receive 85 percent of their spring/fall pay during the summer. This percentage was recently increased five percent. Nigh said in the future he hopes to raise faculty summer pay to the ♦ See SENATE, Page 4

Gourd dancer Perry Aunko dances at the FASA competition powwow. The powwow was held Saturday in the Hamilton Field House. (Photo by Mike Simons)

INSIDE TODAY Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 11 Comics 11

Allen reads UCO Artist-in-Residence Edward Allen presented a reading of his published short story.



A UCO student participates in the Medieval Fair that was held last weekend in Norman.



UCO's Lady Bronchos won the Nebraska-Omaha Softball Classic after losing their first game.

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