The Vista April 15, 2008

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www. thevistaonline. corn The Student Voice of the Univ ersity of Central Oklahoma Since 1903

Preparing for the unthinkable by Jana Davis Ste' Writer

Almost a year after the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech University, one that left 33 dead and dozens injured, UCO held a mock school shooting in the Business Building on Sunday to promote safety and security on campus as part of the 2008 National Campus Security Summit. "We are training officers to respond to the worst-case scenario," said Bob Horn, agent in charge for the OSBI. The worst-case scenario, according to Horn, would be a school shooting. There were 10 to 15 firefighters, EMSA and a variety of officers coming from OSU, OU, OSBI, City of Edmond, UCO, ASU, as well as others that participated in the mock school shooting, Horn said. "All across Oklahoma," Horn said about the crisis response program, "everyone seems to be on the same page [with taking safety precautions]." At 3 p.m. there was a short briefing in Rm. 113 of the Business Building to talk about what to expect during the crisis scenario. "We are using real air soft guns," Horn said. There were two different groups of people for the training. Observers lined against the hallways of the Business Building with orange vests

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Officers participate in a rescue demonstration Sunday at the Business Building during the 2008 National Campus Security Summit held on campus. and goggles. Participants, including students, faculty and staff, either ran through the hallways, yelling for help or were injured victims.

"I'm a strong believer in training," Horn said. "[The scenario] is training to prevent situations like this from happening," said Holly

Henson, executive director of development for UCO and UCO Foundations. Horn said the training was also to help decrease the

amount of time it takes to resolve problems and rescue victims. "Part of the training is how to rescue people," Horn said.

During the briefing, two firefighters and four police officers showed what a res-

see MOCK, page 3

Bobb-Semple to lead UCOSA Say Anything rocks Bronchostock

by Vista photographer Brenda O'Brian

John Bobb-Semple speaks about his "Semple Solutions "campaign during the UCOSA Student Body Presidental Debates on Tuesday, April 8 in Constitution Hall.

Mon. through Thurs. at 5 p.m.

by Nelson Solomon

by Jordan Richison

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

In a record-breaking campus-wide vote, John Stephen Bobb-Semple was elected to succeed Jason Hines as UCO Student Body President. Kaela Davis was elected to succeed Cyndi Munson as Vice President. Current President Hines' effort to have UCOSA officially recommend to the administration that the Max Chambers Library's hours be extended to 2:00 a.m. from Sunday to Thun:lay was passed by a dramatic 1,200 votes. Student Organizations Coordinator Greg Parker would not reveal the difference in votes but said there was a huge increase in votes from last year to this year. "Last year, there were four presidential candidates and two vice presidential candidates and a total of 1,259 votes," he said. With only two candidates for each position this year, 414 more voters participated for a grand total of 1,676 voters who completed the voting survey through UCOnnect, Parker said. He noted that "this year's

see UCOSA, page 3

Popular L.A. rock band Say Anything performed in front of an estimated 700 people at UCO's second annual Bronchostock last Thursday at Hamilton Field house. Bronchostock, which was sponsored by the Student Programming Board, was supposed to be held at Plunkett Park, but due to the high winds the show was forced inside. Those in attendance had to wait a while for Say Anything as three opening bands preceded their performance. Eli Reed & The True Loves was the first group to take the stage and was followed Weatherbox and Manchester Orchestra. Manchester Orchestra, who are steadily building a strong reputation as a must-see live act, is becoming one of the more popular up and coining bands in the music industry thanks to their recent appearance on "The Late Show with David Letterman," as well as a critically acclaimed album. "You guys have been so by Vista photographer Brenda O'Brian incredibly awesome to us," said Manchester Orchestra Jake Turner of Say Anything performs during lead singer Andy Hull. Shortly after Manchester Bronchostock on Thursday, April 10 at Hamilton

see BAND, page 3

"Life without liberty is like a body without spirit." -Kahlil Gibran





April 15, 2008

Technical difficulties See you next time! Solutions will be available in Thursday's issue

Cartoon by Jared Aylor


Bittergate could hurt Obama

Compiled and photographed by Chris Albers and Nelson Solomon

"What's your secret weapon for luring the opposite sex?" "My sexy dance mOves."

Jacob Kelley Geography — Junior

"I have no clue."

Aziz Nasser Business — Sophomore

"Humor. All girls love funny guys."

Kellan Parker English Education — Freshman

"My eyes. I make direct eye contact."

If you can get past all of his impressive rhetoric, good looks, catchy slogans and all the other stuff, it's plain to see that Obama is, in fact, an elitist. Here's what he said in San Francisco a few days ago, just in case you've been living under a rock — or in some small town in the Midwest: "You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years. And they fell through the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate, and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter. They cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." While all of this may be true, the timing of these statements isn't Obama-like at all. He is the candidate of the Starbucks crowd, the Toyota Prius crowd and all the other "smug" crowds out there, but right now isn't the time to start picking on the nerds, aka everyone living in between the coasts. Alienating "bitter" people

AP Photo

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., addresses the Alliance for American Manufacturing, Monday, April 14, 2008, during a campaign stop in Pittsburgh.

who love guns and free trade may give you something to talk about with geniuses like George Clooney or rNick Cannon behind the velvet ropes, but it could cost the junior Illinois senator come November. Obama is a good politician (not necessarily a good lead-

THE VISTA Dona Cherian Psychology — Graduate

"I ask, 'Have you seen my beach ball? It's this big and last time I saw it, it went that way."

Logan Watcher Graphic Design — Sophomore

"My pretty smile."

Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5548 • EDITORIAL


Andrew Knittle, Editor in Chief No Lupov, Managing Editor

Chris Albers, Photo Editor Brenda O'Brian



Justin Langston, Senior Staff Writer Nelson Solomon, Staff Writer Jana Davis, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo, Staff Writer Jordan Richison, Staff Writer Carrie Cronk, Staff Writer Megan Lee, Staff Writer Laura Hoffert, Staff Writer Josh Flowers, Staff Writer

Keith Mooney, Ad Director Garrett Johnson



SPORTS Jeff Massie

ADVISER Julie Clanton

Erin Marlett Nursing - Sophomore

DESIGN Steven Reckinger

er), but he is digging himself a bunch of holes. Some could pull him in a few months from now as he battles old man McCain. And after he doesn't do anything for the impoverished, "bitter," gunloving xenophobes populating the Midwest, those same holes could swallow him up

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the First copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

in 2012 as he tries to get reelected. Only time will tell if Bittergate will have longlasting consequences, but one thing is truer today than it was last month: Obama is now an elitist, whether he deserves to be called that or not.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209 or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ they istaon I .

April 15, 2008



from page 1 Orchestra's set, Say Anything took the stage to a chorus of cheers and shouts from the audience. One of the unique things about their live performance was the background and set design, which featured scenes of angry cartoon characters armed with weapons, going head-to-head with each other. The show began with "No Soul" from their new album "In Defense of the Genre." It was followed with their hit "Alive with the Glory of Love," a song featured in the popular NBC comedy "Scrubs." Following the song, lead singer Max Bemis talked about the windy conditions outside, joking that he was scared of Oklahoma because of the tornados. The band continued on by playing their new single "Shiksa (Girlfriend)" as well as a balance of crowd favorites like "Baby Girl, I'm A

UCOSA from page 1

election was the most student-run election that I've ever seen." He said the huge turnout was good "for awareness of UCOSA on campus." Parker credited the success of this year's campaign to the election commission, which was chaired by Jared Epling and included Courtney Campbell and Amanda Gamble. Parker also credited the

Blur," "About Falling," "We Killed It," and "Retarded in Love." Bemis had a connection from page 1 with the fans and created back and forth dialogue with cue would look like in the them throughout the show. event of a school shooting. After performing "Retarded Four officers huddled around the two firefighters, each officer with an air soft gun in "You guys have been so hand. incredibly awesome to us." "The goal for us is to just get her out," Jeff Ryan, Andy Hull an Edmond firefighter, said about the victim. The mock shooting had in Love," Bemis gave it up to one active shooter and was the crowd. limited to the first floor of the "This has been one of the building. Four victims lay best tours ever and you guys sporadically throughout the are one of the best crowds of hallways, pleading for help, the tour," Bemis said. while the trained officers and The band went on to play firefighters practiced rescue. a cover of the Smashing "Even if we save one life, Pumpkins' single "Stand it is worth it," Horn said. Inside Your Love," giving the After the scenario, a short 2000 hit a whole new look debriefing was held to disand feel. cuss questions and concerns. Overall, Say Anything Some questions depicted knows how to give a live what police officers on camperformance and a lot of that pus should carry as weapons can be credited to Bemis. His and why the officers and firecharismatic personality mixed fighters formed a huddle to with his energetic stage pres- rescue a victim. ence made for an entertaining "Four officers gives you show. 360 degree coverage," Horn explained. "You can do it with -

by Vista photographer Brenda O'Brian

Say Anything's Max Bemis performs during Bronchostock at Hamilton Field House.

candidates for the election's success. "All four candidates were awesome, and the debate was great," he said. "The crowd participation was also good." He said a clear distinction was visible between the two presidential candidates during the debate, and that "either one would be amazing as president." Bobb-Semple said the campaign process was rough, but that "now is where the real work begins." He congratulated Kaela Davis on winning the race for vice president and said he "looks forward to work-

ing with her to make UCO greater." He said he hopes there are no hard feelings between himself and his opponent Nate Burke. "I hope that I can call upon him to work together with UCOSA to bring his campaign goals to life," he said. He credited Burke for being a "great servant to UCO and [that] he still has so much to offer the university." Bobb-Semple acknowledged that there was a lot of opposition in the campaign, and that he hopes to "bring his opponents together into the fold to accomplish the mutual

goal of bettering UCO." Burke said in a Facebook note that even though he lost, he "does not want anyone else to be discouraged. We have a new president now, and I support him and respect his position. If you heard me talk at all during this campaign, then you know that my primary goal and greatest vision was to better the student experience; and regardless of titles and positions, I will never stop bleeding bronze and blue, striving to better UCO!" he said.


one, but your odds are higher of something happening." The question Horn wants officers to be able to answer in a real life situation is: How are they going to respond to the what-if scenarios? "My personal opinion is, if you are going to have law enforcement on campus, you better have them trained," Horn said. The training session brought House Bill 2513 into question by many participants. The Senate rejected the bill on Tuesday. It would have allowed certain military veterans and those with specialized firearm training to carry concealed weapons on campus. "Every group, that would have been affected negatively, have voiced opposition against it," said Jeff Harp, UCO director of public safety. "This is not what we need to do to make our campus safer." Harp said carrying concealed weapons only increases the risk of getting injured in the case of a school shooting. He said cops are looking for anyone with a gun in hand, suspect or not.

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Bob Horn, agent in charge for the OSBI, shows the media the type of weapons they would be using in the mock school shooting.

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April 15, 2008

Deadlines/Pricing DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $6/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for info.

Employment NEED P/T JOB? St. Elizabeth's afterschool program is looking for someone that loves children that could help with our program. Hourly pay commensurate with experience. Hours are 3-6PM, 5 days a week for summer & fall. Also, subs are needed for this time period. If interested call the CDC office at 340-1789.

TEMPORARY WAREHOUSE HELP NEEDED FOR SUMMER Must be able to lift 40Ibs. Hours are 8AM to 4:30PM M-F with some overtime and Saturdays. Pay starts at $8.50 hourly. Please apply at Thompson School Book, 39 NE 24th St., OKC. Ask for Ronnie.

PVT GRAPHIC DESIGNER Must be good with Photoshop & InDesign. Must be current with professional design and methods. Photography cropping and retouching is a plus. Apply Tues.-Fri. and Sat. til 2. Taylor Made Photography. 1130 W. 15th St., Edmond. 341-5088

FLYER DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED Flexible hours. $8.50 per hour. Apply at Pinnacle Fitness, 2137 NW 138th St. 748-4544.


Will work around class schedule. Must be neat, organized and friendly. Apply Tues.-Fri. and Sat. til 2. Taylor Made Photography, 1130 W. 15th St., Edmond. 341-5088.

PR CASHIER/ STOCKWORKER NEEDED Heavy lifting required. Must be 21. Apply in person: Edmond Wine Shop, 1520 S. Boulevard.

P/T OR F/T GROUNDSKEEPER Local business needs help keeping gardens. Must be able to work on your own. Must enjoy working in flower beds and building landscape projects. NO MOWING. Apply Tues.-Fri. and Sat. til 2. Taylor Made Photography, 1130 W. 15th St., Edmond. 341-5088.

EDMOND FAMILY Seeks year-round in-home sitter for 2 and 4-year-old. Monday through Friday, 2-6PM. Our home is less that a 1/2 mile from UCO. References required. Position starts May 12, 2008. Please call 405-401-2943 and leave a message.

ST. ELIZABETH'S CDC Is looking for a F/T teacher with early childhood degree or working on their degree. We also need subsitute teachers that can help 3-4 or 5 days a week. Hours are anytime between 6AM-7PM. If interested please call CDC office at 340-1789.

NANNY NEEDED IN EDMOND For 2 boys, 11 & 6. Must be diligent, reliable, cheerful and like outdoor activities. Must also have car and be willing to do some housekeeping. Need refs and clean background and driving record. Flex schedule, but must be available 2:00-6:00 p.m., 20-35 hrs. Call 819-0503.

RECEPTIONIST/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Wanted part-time, 20-25 hrs. per week. Walking distance from campus. $8-10 per hr., DOE. Fax resume to 285-8915 or drop off at 1015 Waterwood Parkway, Building H1.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT Looking for responsible, dependable, part-time help. 25 hours per week, MF afternoons and weekends. Apply in person after 1pm at: Santa Fe Square Veterinary Clinic, 16309 N. Santa Fe, Ste. F, Edmond, OK 73013

FIRST COMMERCIAL BANK Has an immediate opening for a fulltime teller at our Edmond branch. If you are interested please fax a resume to (405) 844-9110, attn: Teressa. EOE. ZEN ASIAN DINING Now hiring servers & hostesses. Flexible hours. Call Leslie, 627-8795.

Looking for...

P/T PHARMACY CLERK Mornings required. Inquire at Clinic Pharmacy. 120 N. Bryant Ave., Edmond.

CHILDCARE HELP NEEDED Family looking for mature, responsible student to care for elementary age boys. Must be dependable, honest, with good driving record. Call Jill (405) 359-8353.


WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Male staff needed to work with individuals with developmental disabilities. Paid training. Must be 18+. Current DL. Pass OSBI. $7.75 to start. Please contact Panhandle Opps., 942-4822.

P/T LAWNCARE & RANCH HELP 8-10 Hrs. per week. (24-32 Hrs. per week during summer.) Email at

...then look no further!


TED'S CAFE ESCONDIDO Hiring Servers & Hosts Apply M-F 2-5. 801 E. Danforth, Edmond.

LOOKING FOR A NEW & FUN WORK ENVIRONMENT? Now hiring for all shifts. Hyatt Place. Send resumes to

SHOGUN'S STEAK HOUSE Hiring for wait staff, bussers, dish washers, host, bartender. Apply in person at Northpark Mall (NW 122nd & N. May) after 5:30pm. 749-0120.

RIVER OAKS GOLF CLUB Looking for a friendly, energetic person to fill weekday shifts or Saturday & Sunday shifts at the bar & grill. $8-10 per hr. Will train. Located 10 min. from UCO. Call Chris 771-5800 for appt.

PART-TIME POOL MANAGERS & LIFEGUARDS Positions for Summer '08. Good Pay. For info and to apply go online to

or Sale 3 BEDROOM, 3 BATH MOBILE HOME Already set up in park, 1 mile west of campus. $6,000. Contact: 878-0104 or 659-9225.

Services EDMOND LANGUAGE INSTITUTE Conveniently located on the UCO campus, offers English as a second language classes for international students/individuals. NOW FEATURING a specially designed program with: Strong emphasis in listening & speaking, Highly interactive classes, Comprehensive TOEFL program. Enjoy small classes and the campus facilities. Contact us at (405) 341-2125 or

EDMOND LANDSCAPES Is interviewing for full-time landscaping, irrigation and mowing positions. EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 417-5660.

SERVER POSITION Available @ Pearl's Lakeside. Apply within. 748-6113. TEACHER Needed immediately for Edmond Daycare. FJ/PT. Experience preferred, competitive wages. Apply in person @ 24 NW 146th. Call Camelot C.D.0 @ 749-2262

THE ATHLETE'S FOOT TECHNICAL SHOE STORE in North OKC is accepting applications for employment. 12-15 hrs. per week. Flexible hours & Saturdays. No retail experience needed. Call 848-3232.

CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP M - F 4:45AM - 9AM. Occasional weekend shift. Apply in person. Edmond YMCA.

DO YOU WANT MORE FOR YOUR CHILD THAN DAYCARE WHILE YOU ARE WORKING OR ATTENDING SCHOOL? Churchill Pre-School Academy's curriculum prepares your child for school. Estabished in 1986. Enrolling now for summer and fall. No enrollment fees. Located at 724 W. 15th St. Open 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., all year. Please call 341-4314


CITY OF EDMOND Summer positions @ Pelican Bay Aquatic Center: Asst. Pool Manager, Cashier & Cafe Managers, Cafe Staff/Cashiers, Lifeguard Staff, Water Safety Instructors, Golf Course, Arcadia Lake, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job Info line 359-4648 Apply at 100 E. First, Room 106

APARTMENT FOR RENT 1 Bd., Utilities/Cable & Internet included! Available May 1st, on Fifth Street. 830-3445. FURNISHED APT. W/UTILITIES PROVIDED FOR PERSON TO DO FARM/RANCH CHORES Must have experience with cattle, horses and yard care. Located 7 miles west of Edmond on Edmond Rd. (2nd/178th). Need a person for all year round. Call 341-8392 and leave name and number.

SENIOR SERVICES OF OKLA. Is looking for students to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1pm and 1:30 pm - 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Hannah McMahan.

DILLON PARK APARTMENTS Now pre-leasing for Summer& Fall. Free cable T.V., phone & high-speed internet. Call 285-5900 COLLEGE DISCOUNTS AVAIL. Spacious 1 & 2 bed units priced from $450.00-600.00. Limited availability. Call today to reserve your new home. (405) 341-8911.

UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Earn up to $150 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail establishments. Experience not required. Call 800-722-4791.

NEARLY NEW! Walking distance to UCO. 2Bd, 1Ba, pool, $540. Bring in ad for $100 off first month's rent. 340-8147.

IS NOW HIRING! apply online: or call (405) 749-0332 today!


Crossword 1


























Directions: Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Previous Solutions:

Technical difficulties See you next time!








52 56



53 57













Across 1. "Comme ci, comme Aa" 5. Unit of pressure 9. All right (Fr.) 13. City near Lake Tahoe 14. Fergie, formally 15. Kind of column 16. Idealized domain of imagination 19. Voters' problem 20. E-mail, e.g. 21. Morgue, for one 22. Have the for 24. Like some candles 26. "20/20" network 29. "Come again?" 31. Clod chopper 32. Rechecking 37. Taxonomic categories 38. " moment" 39. Highlander 41. Home appliance 46. Assn. 47. " Like It Hot" 48. Charge 49. Synthetic or natural compound 53. "No problem!" 55. " Maria" 56. Assayers' stuff


45 47









24 30













20 22









8 26




4 3






58. Region in southeast Europe 62. Myopia 65. European language 66. Water nymph 67. Collapsed 68. Increase, with "up" 69. Hate group 70. Sounds of reproof Down 1. Boat in "Jaws" 2. Food for sea urchins 3. Dwarf buffalo 4. Early life 5. cross 6. Tolkien creatures 7. Gathers leaves 8. Wheezing sounds 9. Newspaper div. 10. In pieces 11. Locale 12. Extra 14. Tool for reaping 17. Lateen-rigged sailing vessels 18. Ancient Greek theater 23. Native of Saxony 25. Whinny 26. Appear

27. Finely dressed 28. Hip joint 30. Flavors 33. Flip, in a way 34. Office papers 35. Babe in the woods 36. Characteristic carrier 40. Linda , Supergirl's alias 42. Members of Homo genus 43. Area for skating 44. Entertained 45. Wrapped up 49. Glazier's items 50. Blatant 51. Car dealer's offering 52. a la king? 54. Artist Max 57. One main branch of orthodox Islam 59. Bridges of Los Angeles County 60. " It Romantic?" 61. Says "When?" 63. Certain theater, for short 64. "The Joy Luck Club" author

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April 15, 2008

'Big Event' proves a big success by Jordan Richison

Staff Writer

About 480 UCO students braved the chilly, windy weather last Saturday to lend a helping hand to the Oklahoma City metro during the third annual "Big Event." The festivities started off Saturday morning with a kickoff celebration at Plunkett Park as hundreds of wearyeyed students waited in line to see where they would be headed. Each volunteer was given a T-shirt and their group information at sign-in. They were also offered a free breakfast spread from Panera Bread. Chair Meredith Scott said "Big Event" is designed to give non-profit organizations a day of extra volunteers to help them with projects they may not be able to do during regular working hours. Following sign-in, Dr. Kathryn Gage, UCO vice-

president of Student Affairs, stood up on a table and spoke to the crowd. Gage said she was amazed with how many people showed up to volunteer. "Nobody has bigger hearts than Broncho nation. You're

The teams helped at various locations including the Oklahoma City Zoo, Feed the Children and Horse Feathers Equine Rescue. Another place people went to volunteer was the Boys and Girls Club of Oklahoma

the Boys and Girls Club. Junior Christina Barkley said this is her third year to volunteer for the "Big Event." She said volunteering at the Boys and Girls club this year was a lot more challenging than the years before. "I admit working at the Boys and Girls Club was harder than other sites I've done in the past, but I think the more challenging it is the more you learn," Barkley said. Barkley said the experience of helping others has always been a blessing. She said this year was even better because she got to work with some of her fellow Sigma Kappa sisters. "The group that I was with this year was awesome, everyone had great attitudes and worked efficiently," Barkley said. One of the biggest projects of the day was at the Horse Feathers Equine Rescue in Guthrie, where about 40 people helped build a new fence on the ranch for the horses to be placed in. In the three years "Big Event" has been on campus, the 480 volunteers is the largest number of participants they have ever had. Scott said a lot of credit for the volunteer turnout should be given to the campus organizations' huge push for volunteers, as well as the team leaders who helped with recruitment early on so they did not have to scramble for spots at the end. Overall, Scott thought this year's event went very well and is something everyone can look back on feel a sense of pride. "The 'Big Event' was a great success. We had a great turnout that worked hard and did what was needed. The volunteers should feel like they helped the community," Scott said.

"Nobody has bigger hearts than Broncho nation." Kathryn Gage

making a difference in the lives of people no matter what you're doing today," Gage said. Following a few warm-up exercises, the teams headed out to their assigned volunteer destination.

City. A team that consisted of some members of the Sigma Kappa sorority went to the site and helped out by cleaning the gym and picking up trash on the property. They also helped clean McKinley Park, which is located next to

Photo Services

A record 480 UCO students braved the chilly, windy weather on Saturday to lend a helping hand to the Oklahoma City metro during the third annual 'Big Event.'


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Japanese Knight compares cultures

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Members of Rendezvous add some theatrics to their dance number at Japanese Knight on Sunday night at Constitution Hall.

by Laura Hoffert Staff Writer

UCO held the third annual Japanese Knight April 13 at Constitution Hall in the Nigh University Center. The Japanese Student Association hosted the event to show the differences and similarities between American and Japanese culture. Japanese Knight was half performances and half play. Preston Cofield narrated the event in his quest to find a Japanese girl that he met at UCO. He boarded an imaginary plane from Oklahoma and traveled to Japan to find the girl, all the while experiencing Japanese culture. Cofield introduced various performances from traditional Bon Dancing to Japanese Pop, which is more commonly known as J-Pop. The JSA also showed more modern types of dancing like Nihon Buyou and Para Para. The organization had students perform songs from animecartoon shows "Sailor Moon" and "Pokernon," with choreographed dances to go along with the songs. One of the most crowdpleasing aspects of the night was the karate demonstration, during which Mai Harada, Shino Sasaki and Hiroko Ito displayed moves that would be used during combat. The group then moved into breaking boards. It started with one of the

members breaking a board:, with their foot. Following a roar of applause, the team took • turns breaking boards with' their fists and knees. Then Sasaki placed a board on two : cement blocks, and with one swift movement, broke the board with her head. The similarities between America and Japan were also :. shown. Rendezvous is a UCO dance group that started off : with a Japanese student dancing by the library alone. He drew an audience and more students from Japan joined him to perform in different genres such as Break, House, Lock, Hip-Hop and J877. Before the five-minute intermission a raffle was held. The prizes ranged from authentic Japanese stickers to coupons for medical care. Some audience members won T-shirts and others won finger puppets from Japan, which seemed to be a crowd favorite. Asuka Yamato and Akane Saito showed their passion for Flamenco dancing during the latter half of the night and showed that Japanese culture is open to global influences. The entire night was a celebration of culture, community and coming together to appreciate Japan and the students that enrich UCO and all of Oklahoma.



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April 15, 2008

Softball extends streak to 14 Cheerleading squad wins national championship by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer

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UCO Softball swept East Central over the weekend in Ada in a pair of close games. The team has now won 14 games in a row. by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer

The UCO softball team traveled to Ada this weekend to take on East Central in a doubleheader, defeating the Tigers on their home turf with a pair of close wins; 5-4 in the first game and 5-3 in the second. Pair of victories extends the Bronchos' current winning streak to 14. "We didn't play particularly well, but we found a way to win and that's what counted," head coach Genny Stidham told Broncho Sports. "Meagan and Jodi came up with some big hits at the end of each game when we really needed them." In the first game, UCO took the lead with a run in the first inning, but East Central took over in the bottom of the third. UCO came back to tie in the top of the fourth, and both teams fought for another run in the next few innings, but both teams were

shut down. UCO scored three runs in the top of the seventh and gave up two runs to the Tigers in the bottom half, but were still able to walk away with the victory despite having just 5 hits for the entire game. Alli Blake pitched for the entire game, giving up 11 hits and allowing four runs. Of the 33 she faced off against, she struck out five. In the second game, things didn't fare so well early on for the Bronchos. UCO scored a single run in the top of the first inning, but East Central took the lead in the bottom half. The Tigers held the lead for the second inning, but UCO took back the game with a pair of runs in the top of the third. UCO held onto that one run advantage for two innings before East Central tied up the game in the bottom of the sixth. In the top of the seventh, UCO went home with the win with two more runs.

Brittany Zimmerman was on the mound for .2 innings, where she faced four women at bat, gave up two hits and allowed two earned runs. She struck out one person she faced off against. Hillary Brandt was brought in for 5.1 innings where she faced 20 at bat, giving up five hits, but allowing only one run. She struck out eight women who crossed her path. Molly Shivers served for a single inning, facing three at bat, allowing no hits and striking out two. On Tuesday, UCO travels to Lawton to face Cameron in a doubleheader. This weekend, Cameron will come to UCO for another doubleheader. After this weekend, UCO has only one more week of regular season games, with a home game against Southeastern Oklahoma on April 22 and an away game, also against Southeastern Oklahoma, in Durant on April 26.

UCO's cheerleading squads are looking forward to establishing themselves as a cheer power after the large coed squad became national champions at this year's National Cheerleading Association Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship, which took place April 10-11 in Daytona Beach, Fla. The large coed squad competed against Division I schools, such as the University of Maryland and the United States Air Force Academy. "The large squad had a tough time getting to first place, but in the end they had a perfect routine and won it," said David Owens, coach of the squad.

UCO's small coed squad fell behind primary rival Hawaii Pacific University to take second place in the Division II competition. "Our small coed squad did the best they've ever done, even though they had slight problems," Owens said. Cheer co-captain Jessica Stiles said this was the "closest point-wise we've ever been to Hawaii." Stiles said she is "excited for next year" because the small coed squad came so close to winning. "This was the best we've ever performed, especially with this being the toughest routine we've ever done and the time we had," she said. The UCO Dance squad took ninth place in their com-

petition. "For the dance squad to place in the top 10 with a total of 26 teams is amazing. I think they did really, really well," Owens said. After this year's results, Stiles is excited for the corning year. "I think we did a really good job this year, and I can only imagine what's going to happen next year," she said. Stiles said the application process is underway for those interested in joining the squad next year. "The applications are available in the Student Life office or on their Web site and are due on May 2. The actual tryouts will be from May 9 to May 11," she said.

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Large Coed Cheer squad poses for a victory photo on April 11, after becoming national champions at the National Cheerleading Association Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship in Daytona Beach, Florida.

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