University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY April 15, 1997
The Student Voice Since 1903
Legislators discuss higher education issues at the Capitol By Loree Schrank Student Writer
egislators and education leaders addressed higher education issues that could result in UCO students paying higher fees and tuition during the "Day at the Capitol," April 8. Educational funding, fees and tuition discussions all revolved around the same theme "more money." The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education want the state to allocate an additional $77.7 million for the 1998 fiscal year over the $636.2 million appropriated for the 1997 fiscal year. A $41 million chunk of the $77.7 million being asked for will be for institutional priorities including salary increases, new faculty positions and library acquisitions. Nigh Legislators believe there would be problems with the Regents receiving the amount of money being requested because they are one of several programs asking for funds from the same account. The main competition for funds comes from the Oklahoma State Corrections Department. Correctional facilities are in need of repairs and increased space. UCO President George Nigh suggested that the state should tap into the "Rainy Day" funds set aside for emergencies to meet the correctional department's one-time expense that would result in less competition for appropriated funds. _ Nigh said he considered the needs for the V See CAPITOL, Page 3
Making a mark... Connor Lisle looks on while his brother Jackson inspects his artwork at a carnival in the Home Economics Building. The carnival was held last Wednesday to insrease awareness of the Week of the Young Child. Children in the daycare center drew pictures on paper, which are currently being displayed in the halls of the Home Economics Building. UCO graduate student Lori Lindley organized the event. (Staff photo by John Clanton)
INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Sports 11 Around Campus 15 Campus Crime 15 Classifieds 16
PROPOSAL Harris responds to proposed tuition increases.
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