The Vista April 18, 1989

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THE April 18, 1989 Vol. 87, No. 48


Tuesday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

CSU Foundation records seized OSBI serves warrant, official says he's shocked By Valli Covert Editor in chief

Spring Fling, sponsored by the College of Business and various clubs within the college, kicked off with two and five kilometer runs which started at University Center and ended at Hafer Park in Edmond last Friday. Proceeds from the event will be used to finish the courtyard by the Business Building. (Photo by The Vista staff photographer, Stan Pollard)

Hikes still not authorized beyond '91

Tuition-freeze bill shelved By Laurel Anquoe Student Writer

The legislative bill freezing tuition costs for state colleges and universities in Oklahoma has been referred back to the House Rules Committee and will not come up for a vote this legislative session, said House Majority Floor Leader Guy Davis, author of the bill. The act proposed to suspend authority for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to modify tuition and fee costs for a period of at least one year. Davis said he wrote HB 1575 be-

cause he was concerned that so many tuition increases would make a college education much less accessible to students. He also said he introduced the bill as political leverage to "get the regents' attention" so they would modify their allocation formula that has been consistently favorable to the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University. These universities until now had received over 80 percent of the money allocated to higher education by the legislature.

In exchange for the regents' revision of their allocation formula to make more money available to the other state colleges and universities, Davis said, "I agreed to sit on my bill and not push it." With or without the bill the regents are not authorized by the legislature to raise tuition costs beyond the academic year 1990-91, Davis said. More funds will also be allocated to the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant to alleviate the burden of increased tuition, Davis said.

A CSU Foundation, Inc. official expressed shock over the seizure of foundation records April 6 by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. The search warrant stated the records were "for evidence of the crime of diversion of state funds," and cover the time period from July 1, 1986 through May 30, 1988. Lowell Thompson, foundation director, said the foundation's board of directors had voted two times to allow the authorities access to the records in order to clear up any concern authorities might have with regard to the foundation and an investigative audit of Central State University. Thompson said he was shocked the OSBI had gotten a search warrant. Since the foundation is a private agency, it did not have to voluntarily turn over the records nor allow officials to look at them, Thompson said. OSBI spokesperson Paul Renfrow said four full-time agents have been assigned as a task force to investigate irregularities the state auditor and inspector's office found during an investigative audit of CSU for fiscal year ending June 30 1987. The audit indicates game receipts were diverted from university accounts into the private foundation. The university and foundation have since been divorced from each other. ,

The task force found foundation officials were less than cooperative, Renfrow said, and a search warrant was needed for the records because the OSBI needed actual control of the documents so no alterations could be made. However, Thompson said officials were notified they could look at any records and if needed copies could be made. A letter dated April 4, which was signed by acting Executive Director William G. Hauser and Thompson and sent to State Auditor and Inspector Clifton Scott, said the foundation "would like to cooperate as much as possible in your current investigation." The letter also stated the foundation would let the requesting agency have control of the records, but wanted a letter from that agency to indicate how long they would be kept, which department was requesting them, and a reason the originals were needed. Scott did verify receipt of the letter but refused further comment by order of the attorney general's office. Renfrow said the OSBI "has only scratched the surface" of the criminal investigation segment of the audit and therefore it is not known how long any items which have been seized will be kept. Hauser declined comment when contacted Thursday. University officials, Renfrow

Please see OSBI on page 8.

Education society collecting for campus park By Bryan Warren Graduates, students and friends come members because of high reStudent Writer of CSU who wish to contribute will cords and an exhibited professional

The Central State University have their names placed in the Cen- attitude that would enable them to chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is taking tennial Donors Book. Newman grow in the field of education. Perdonations to build Honor Park, a said they had contacted several sonal attitudes toward life and Victorian garden and fountain west foundations and would "like to teaching are also considered. of Old North Tower, said KDP have one donor's name on the Selections are made regardless of Counselor, Earl Newman. fountain." sex, religion or race. The park will cost approxiDonations can be sent to Dr. Earl mately $60,000, of which $3,000 Newman, Room 306C in Old North Kappa Delta Pi recently initiated has been pledged, and will contain Tower ,or Dr. Kenneth Elsner dean 93 honor students in education and , lamps, Victorian benches similar to elected new officers for 1989-90. of the College of Education, Room those in front of the Business New officers are: Janice Parrish, 308C in Old North Tower. Building, and a large fountain. Two president; Barbara Dooley, vice Deta l Pi, Pi which hi h h has a president; Lisa Laidlaw, secretary; bronze statues of children will be in Kappa the fountain facing Old North chapter in every state and Canada, Clyde Foster, reporter; Sundae is an international honor society Knutsen, historian; Phyllis Jarrett, Tower. which emphasizes education, bet Newman said Old North Tower treasurer; and Rochelle Converse, hoarsp l hi and greater KDP acthe oldest building of higher edu- ter scholarship past president. cation in Oklahoma, and someday a tivity. The societies function is to Kappa Delta Pi raised money fog parkway will run in front of Mitch- honor and encourage excellence in the organ in University Center 10 ell Hall, Old North Tower and the education. years ago. library. Individuals are invited to be-

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