University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY April 21, 1994
The Student Voice Since 1903
Groundbreaking ceremonies Friday groundbreaking, north of the University Center, will take place. Here, state dignitaries will join UCO President, George Nigh, to break ground. Scheduled to attend include Gov. Mote than 20 sites are identified to cel- David Walters; Oklahoma City ebrate the University of Central Oklahoma's Mayor, Ron Norick; Edmond Mayor, multimillion dollar Master Plan Randel Shadid; Guthrie Mayor, Robgroundbreaking ceremony tomorrow. Each ert Dewart and Mayor Bill Hoag location will have its own theme, and all are from Jones. scheduled to begin at the same time. Entertainment is scheduled in front The locations picked to celebrate are of the Home Economics Building sites where the university's $52 million and includes the UCO Jazz Ensemble expansions and renovations will occur. and the National Cowboy Hall of With Fame Square timelines Dancers. A local pinned down to These seperate ceremotalk radio program the minute, nies will be short, but fun. is also scheduled to people are broadcast live from asked to listen -George Nigh, UCO the event. to the campus president Nigh said he radio station, hoped everyone FM 90.1 KCSC, to ensure simultaneous groundbreakings at would attend the ceremonies and celebrations. the sites. "These seperate ceremonies will The 22 campus-wide mini -celebrations be short, but fun," he said. "I enare open to everyone and scheduled for courage faculty, staff and students to 11:35 a.m. Classes usually ending at 11:30 a.m. will participate at whatever sight you conclude five minutes early, allowing stu- want to appropriately select." dents time to find a celebration area. Students, faculty, staff and visiAs a reminder, campus police will sound tors are encouraged to wear western their sirens at 11:25 a.m. Then, after the and pioneer clothing for the events individual observances, classes scheduled and due to an anticipated large numto begin at 11:40 a.m. will start five minutes ber of people, event coordinators late. say considerations for parking should Plans call for members of the university's be taken. • Faculty Senate, Student Senate and the The university' s Master Plan calls Master Plan's architects, HTB Inc., to have for classroom building expansions, a representative at each of the renovations and additional equipgroundbreaking sites. ment. This includes parking, lightAt 11:45, free barbecue lunch and entering, landscaping and safety. More tainment will begin north of the University than 900 parking spaces were creCenter at Thatcher Lake. At noon, the festivities continue with a ated under the plan last August. The plan includes an expansion to reenactment of the state's 1889 Great Land the University Center, a new multiRun where Edmond fourth and fifth graders will pull wagons across the lawn at Thatcher purpose classroom and office buildLake after the firing of a rifle by the state's ing and the expansion of Howell Hall. 4th and 5th Cavalry. Then, at 12:30 p.m., a unified YSee related story, Page 7
By Roy Howe Staff Writer
Housing B rancho IIl
El Safety Education
or Hamilton Field House
West Hall
East Hall Centre/ Plant
Education Murdaugh Hall
1:1 Police
Married U Housing
Central Cafeteria
Health 1--1 Center
Communication Business
Old North Ullard
Home Economics
Thatcher Hal Evans Hal
Industrial Arts
Mitchell Hal
University Center
Health & P.E.Wantland `vagur a Howell Hall
1212 Performing Arts Auditorium Math & Computer Science
1) New Laboratory building 2) Howell Hall renovations 3) Mitchell Hall renovations 4) Communications Building renovations 5) Art Building-New Museum 6) Parking Lots 7) Central Park, pond, amphitheater, arboretum 8) Central Plant
9) Sidewalk, Lighting, landscaping 10) Education Classroom Building 11) Industrial Technology renovation 12) Max Chambers Library renovations 13) Max Chambers Library additions
14) Business building renovations 15) Thatcher Hall, English Languageinstitute, Assessment Center 16) UC renovations 17) Nigh Institute 18)Boren Archival Library 19) KCSC at new UC 20) Athletic Complex 21-22) Edmond Chamber, Economic Building, ADA
INSIDE TODAY Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 11 Comics 11
Award UCO professor Dr. Siegfried Heit receives an award from the Federal Republic of Germany.
Workers prepare to remove asbestos from
Howell Hall in preparation for construction.
UCO's Bronchos ended a threegame losing streak by winning five games in a row.