The Vista April 24, 1997

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University of Central Oklahoma

The Student Voice Since 1903

Legal proceedings continue to block radio tower construction By Joanna Hafey Staff Writer Legal action continues in a suit against Oklahoma City, affecting KCSC's construction of a new radio tower. The hearing of John Powell Walker Trust vs. The City of Oklahoma City has been set for July 21, said Brad Ferguson, general manager of KCSC. Walker owns land adjacent to the tower site and has appealed the permission the city gave the station, said Ferguson. Walker claims the permission does not comply with city ordinances. In a January interview with The Vista, Walker said there is an ordinance in place 'for the protection of land owners. He said it is a safety risk because the tower will be so high, if it fell, it

would land on his property. He also said it would affect the economic value of his land. Ferguson said KCSC would reap benefits such as a clearer signal and greater coverage. The new tower would be twice as high as it is now. The station cannot get a building permit until the issue is cleared up, said Ferguson. The tower was originally scheduled to be put up last September at 1501 NE 101st St. in Oklahoma City. The FAA has dedicated the land in that area as an antenna farm, said Ferguson. There are already other antennas on the land. The new tower is being funded by a grant from the Department of Commerce and donations. Ferguson said other than delays, the lawsuit is not costing KCSC any money.

April 24, 1997




CO's Department of Theatre Arts will explore racisni'whea,tlley ._„ present William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Thursday through Satufday in Mitchell ,, Hall. The Merchant of Venice, a dark comedy is set in 16th century Venice. This play empl - a0zes the constant battle between the elite society of Belmont and the anti-Semitic characteref--. Shylock. Shylock, played by Steve Martin, is a resentful Jewish man who is bent on seeking revenge for past wrongs. Previous plays have cast him as an evil antagonist. Dr. Roberta Sloan, chair of the department of theatre arts, is directing the play. The main cast of the play includes Renee Krapff who plays Portia, Rob Gallavan as Bassanio, James Tyra asAntonio, Allen Brawner as Gratiano and Alison Crane as Nerissa. The actors are UCO students except for Steve Martin and James Tyra, who are community actors for the Oklahoma City Theatre. Performances begin at 8 p.m. today through April 26, and 2 p.m. April 27. Tickets are priced at $8 for adults, $3 for senior citizens, and $2 for students. Admission is free for UCO students with a valid ID. For more information on tickets and reservations, contact the Mitchell Hall Box Office at 341-2980, Ext. 2513 from 1:30 to 5 p.m. weekdays.


—By Yvonne Yong/ Student Writer

UCO student Rob Gallavan portrays Bassanio at the dress rehearsal for the UCO Theater Department's production of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. The play will be performed at Mitchell Hall today through April 27. (Staff photo by John Clanton)

Regents seek student feedback on tuition hike at open meeting Oklahoma public universities and colleges face a proposed tuition increase. This will be the topic for discussion during a public hearing 10 a.m. April 29 at the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, State Capitol Complex in Oklahoma City. State Regents will use the hearing as a time to hear comments and questions on the proposal requesting a 9 percent tuition limit for 1997-98 and a 5 percent tuition limit for 1998-99. Individuals wishing to speak and express their thoughts must _contact the Regents' Office at 524-9120 prior to the meeting. Individuals may also e-mail their comments to or write Tuition and Fee Proposal, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, State Capital Complex, 500 Education Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. —By Kendra Sauer/Student Writer

INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Sports 10,11 Entertainment 12 Around Campus 18 Classifieds 19

TEACHING UCO professor teaches education majors about exceptional children.

SPORTS Dax Johnston returns from injury in time for LSC Championships.


FEATURE The death of a UCO student leaves family and friends wondering 'What if?"


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