The Vista April 25, 1989

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April 25, 1989 Vol. 87, No. 50

Tuesday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Prof named To head post CSU's Owens third woman elected Chairman of math association By Mei Pong Staff Writer Dr. G. Kay Owens, dean of the College of Mathematics and Science was elected chairman of the OklahomaArkansas Section of the Mathematical Association of America during a meeting on April 1.

Religious Emphasis Week participants sit on blankets on Thatcher Lake Thursday during presentation of the movie "Jesus."(Photo by Stan Pollard, The Vista staff photographer)

Student receives award Hispanic scholarship granted to guidance counseling major By Salina Nik Idris Staff Writer A graduate student of Central State University was awarded the Oklahoma Hispanic Professional Association (OHPA) Scholarship for superior academic performances, leadership and community involvement on April 10 at the One Bell Central Building, said Rosalba Cashion, the recipient for the award and a graduate student at CSU. There were five scholarships awarded to students from the University of Oklahoma, one from Southern Nazarene University and one from CSU, said Pat Fennell, president of OHPA. The scholarship was established in 1986 for the purpose of enhancing education for the Hispanic Society, Fennell said. "What we do is to find uni-

versities that would match our funds for scholarships that would be given to Hispanic students," Fennell said. "We try to identify the students in various universities through financial aid, minority student groups or however they are listed in the university. Then we call the university and ask if they would like to match our funds," Fennell said. "So far there have been 12 scholarships awarded in the last three years. We gave one the first year, four the second year and seven this year," Fennell said. With the help of student Rebecca Gutierrez, Cashion is trying to establish a Hispanic Student Association at CSU, Cashion said. "We have not officially organized the club but we are in

the planning stage," she said. Cashion is majoring in guidance counseling and will be graduating at the end of this year. "It is an honor for me to have been one of the students selected, and I hope that soon I can be part of the effort of these programs that promote improvement and development of our society. I hope that programs like this can influence and encourage younger students to further their education," Cashion said. The scholarship given for CSU was presented by James Noley, director of Minority Student Affairs and Sherri Hancock, director of student financial aid at CSU, Cashion said. A banquet was given after the ceremony sponsored by Southwestern Bell, Cashion said.

"I was particularly interested in mathematics since a long time back," Owens cited as her reason for joining the Mathematical Association of America.

This year she became the fourth person from Central State University and the third woman to serve as a chairman in the organization's 51 years of history. "I am currently preparing for a trip to Boulder, Colo., where I will represent the sectional organization at a national meeting," Owens said. Next year she will try to hold a workshop in conjunction with the OklahomaArkansas Sectional meeting in Arkansas, she said.

KCSC to co-sponsor `Prairie Home' tour By Rick Taylor Student Writer Radio station KCSC-FM will co-sponsor "A Prairie Home Companion: The 3rd Annual Farewell Tour" at 8 p.m. May 30 at the Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City. The show, which is produced by Minnesota Public Radio, has been broadcast by KCSC-FM at certain intervals in the past and will again team up with Minnesota Public Radio in this presentation. The show will be presented in 13 cities this spring. "A Prairie Home Companion," which is hosted and created by Garrison Keillor, features such veteran performers as Robin and Linda Williams, and Kate MacKenzie (who together with Keillor

make up The Hopeful Gospel Quartet); composer-pianist Rich Dworsky; radio sound effects man, Tom Keith; and humor writer and actorcomedian Dan Rowles. Keillor, a native of Minnesota, began his early morning program on Minnesota Public Radio from station KSJR-FM in Collegeville, Minn., in 1968. In 1982 he took an extended leave of absence to write the book "A Prairie Home Companion." The radio show "A Prairie Home Companion" gained a national audience of 4 million and was carried on nearly 300 American Public Radio affiliate stations. KCSC staff said they are ex cited to have the opportunity to co-sponsor the show.

1,736 students to receive degrees at convocation Degrees will be conferred on 1,736 graduates when Central State University holds its spring convocation at 7:30 p.m. May 12 in Wantland Stadium. President Bill Lillard will grant 1,432 bachelor's degrees and 304 graduate degrees to the spring class of 1989. The College of Business Administration will have the largest number of graduates with 480, followed by the College of Education, 431; the College of Liberal Arts, 267; the College of Mathematics and

Science, 254; and the Graduate College, 304. Ceremonies will begin at 6:45 p.m. with the traditional march under Old North Tower. The class marshals will lead the procession to Wantland Stadium where the commencement exercises will begin. Graduating students wishing to participate in the march under Old North Tower should meet at 6:30 p.m. south of Old North Tower. Pictures may be taken there before the graduation exercises begin. The

march will begin promptly at 6:45 p.m.

and the College of Liberal Arts are to proceed to Broncho Field

rains. The student section will be reserved.

All other graduating students will meet south 'of Broncho Field House to form lines by college at 7 p.m. Signs with the name of each college will be in place.

House in the event of rain. Graduating students will be seated in folding chairs on the floor. Guests will sit in the stands.

Graduating students should notify guests of graduation plans in the event of inclement weather.

If it rains, the College of Education will hold ceremonies in Mitchell Hall with students sitting in the front rows. The College of Mathematics and Science will hold its graduation ceremonies in University Center Ballroom if it

President Lillard will host a President's Dinner for all members of the graduating class at 6:30 p.m. April 28 in University Center Ballroom. Students planning to attend should return their RSVP cards for themselves and their guests.

If an indoor graduation should be necessary, appropriate media announcements will be made. Graduating students in the Graduate College (all graduate degrees), the College of Business Administration

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