The Vista April 25, 1991

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Central State University

THURSDAY April 25, 1991

The Student Voice Since 1903

Faculty to take action against Justices to hear porn sting case WASHINGTON (AP)—The Supreme Court agreed this week to hear the appeal of a Nebraska farmer convicted of receiving governmentmailed "kid porn," setting up a key test of undercover sting operations. The justices said they will decide whether Keith Jacobson unlawfully was entrapped by Postal Service investigators who, posing as pornographers, repeatedly mailed him offers until he accepted one. Jacobson's lawyers said his rights were violated because he was targeted by the undercover investigation even though government agents had no reason to believe he had committed, or was likely to commit, a crime. Police found Jacobson's name on a San Diego pornography bookstore's mailing list in 1984. He had lawfully ordered two nudist magazines and a brochure from the store. Over the next 29 months, undercover postal inspectors repeatedly solicited Jacobson through the mail to buy illegal pornography. 'V

See WORLD WRAP, back page.

late fee fines By David Lobaugh Staff Writer

The Central State University faculty senate will vote today on a resolution asking administrators to rescind late payment penalties they plan to assess next fall. The resolution was written after senators and Dr. Herbert Giles, faculty senate president, received complaints about the new penalties, Giles said. "These new penalties were revealed when the 1991 fall schedule came out and some faculty members came to me in alarm about the delinquency charge," Giles said. Students have until Sept. 9 to pay their fees before they are assessed a $5 per credit hour penalty or a minimum late fee of $20. On Oct. 4, an additional $25 will be added to the Sept. 10 fees and on Oct. 25, $75 will be tacked on to the original penalty. There is currently a state statute that permits delinquincy charges up to 5 percent of the unpaid balance, but not to exceed $14, on delinquent outstanding balances. But CSU's plan calls for assessed penalties far beyond that. "Upon checking, I found out that it is legal for CSU or any state institution to charge whatever they want to on delinquencies, but it is not legal for any private company to make those charges. V See PENALTY, page 4.

Tim Morse's airbrush painting, "Woody Guthrie, 1940" is one of several exhibits that will be displayed at the Graduating Art Student Exhibition, April 28 through May 9 at Central State University Museum of Art. There will be a reception Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m.

Police arrest Traylor during party By Sam Powell Managing Editor

Keith Traylor

Former Central State University linebacker Keith Traylor took a detour through the Edmond Police station Saturday morning on his way to the National Football League's draft. Police reports show Traylor was arrested by Edmond Police early Saturday, when he allegedly

Disorderly conduct filed

"But heads and shoulders above the rest, both in size and in volume was this guy (Traylor)," he said. "I interfered with police efforts to "Police were breaking up the told him five or six times to just break up a fight at a party. party and telling people to go quiet down and go home. But he "He kept screaming obscenities home," he said. "But they had my wouldn't be quiet." and pushing and shoving," said car blocked in. When I told them Walker said he became conDoug Walker, one of two arresting to move their cars, I guess they corned that the situation might esofficers. "He kept saying how he didn't like my tone of voice. I calate when Traylor told him, would make millions Sunday should have just shut my mouth." "This ain't L.A." morning in the NFL draft." Officers were trying to calm "I think he was referring to the Traylor said he had nothing to hundreds of people in the parking do with the fight. V See TRAYLOR, page 4. lot, Walker said.

AIDS: behavior change reduces risk By Corina Ormsbee Student Writer "It's a big thing that we shouldn't give our kids condoms, but do we want them dead?" said 26-year-old Cindy Pettigrew who is infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Pettigrew, a resident of Oklahoma City, was infected with HIV by a blood transfusion in 1987. Doug, a 28-year-old Central State University junior, is 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 185 pounds and is infected with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Some faculty and students at CSU have not

Fourth of four parts

just been reading about Doug and Cindy's trials with HIV and AIDS, both Doug and Cindy have taken to the podium. They have lectured at Thatcher Hall, Murdaugh Hall and West Hall about their personal experiences with the assistance of Debra Porter, health care project director and AIDS education program director at the student health center.

"I have done a lot of speaking. And I've learned a lot about people. It's real strange that nobody seems to care. I know it's because of their fear of sexuality. And that they think AIDS is a gay disease," Cindy said. Doug said he believes some people have stereotyped people with AIDS. He said people he lectures to are surprised to see he looks just like them. "I feel good when I can help someone else understand the seriousness of this disease," Doug said. "I still date. She's educated (about AIDS) and we take safety measures. I have a virus, just like if you got a virus. There are V See AIDS/HIV, page 4.

INSIDE PEOPLE An inmate at the Lexington Correctional Center paid his dues, earning a master's degree through talkback TV courses.


SPORTS Christian Lillieroos captured his third-straight national table tennis doubles championship Saturday in Colorado Springs.


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